changeset 44:409a22968d5e default

Add unit tests
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Tue, 06 Dec 2011 18:42:11 +0100
parents bc767aaa99a8
children a59cdb8aaf31
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testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_update.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_bsubmit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_char.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_copy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_created.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_creator.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_display.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_eq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_get.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_getlowerFreq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_getupperFreq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_index.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_isprop.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_loadobj.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_ne.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_parfrac.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_rebuild.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_resp.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_save.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_setIunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_setName.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_setOunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_string.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_submit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_type.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_update.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_copy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_loadobj.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_pest.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setChain.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setChi2.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setCorr.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setCov.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setDof.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setDy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setModels.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setNames.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setPdf.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setY.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setYunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_append.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_bsubmit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_char.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_combine.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_copy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_display.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_eq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_find.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_get.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_isparam.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_isprop.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_loadobj.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_ne.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_nparams.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_parse.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_plist.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_plist2cmds.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_pset.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_remove.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_save.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_setName.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_string.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_submit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_update.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/test_pzm.fil testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_bsubmit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_char.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_copy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_created.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_creator.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_display.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_eq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_get.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_getlowerFreq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_getupperFreq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_index.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_isprop.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_loadobj.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_mrdivide.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_mtimes.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_ne.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_pzmodel.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_rdivide.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_rebuild.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_resp.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_save.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_setDelay.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_setIunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_setName.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_setOunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_simplify.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_string.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_submit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_times.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_tomfir.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_tomiir.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_type.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_update.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_bsubmit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_char.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_copy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_created.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_creator.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_display.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_eq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_get.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_getlowerFreq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_getupperFreq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_index.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_isprop.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_loadobj.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_ne.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_rational.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_rebuild.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_resp.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_save.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_setIunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_setName.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_setOunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_string.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_submit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_type.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_update.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_addAliases.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_addParameters.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_clearAliases.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_copy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_loadobj.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setAliases.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setParameters.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setParams.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setTrans.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setValues.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setXunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setXvals.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setXvar.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setYunits.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_smodel.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/reference_files/make_bode_references.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_addParameters.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_copy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_loadobj.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_model_DFACS.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_model_IFO.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_ssm.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_datenum.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_double.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_format.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_minus.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_parse.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_plus.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_string.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_time.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_timeformat.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_timezone.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_bsubmit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_char.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_copy.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_created.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_creator.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_display.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_eq.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_get.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_index.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_isprop.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_loadobj.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_ne.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_rebuild.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_save.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_setEndT.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_setName.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_setStartT.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_string.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_submit.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_timespan.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_type.m testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_update.m testing/utp_1.1/write_utp_document.m
diffstat 525 files changed, 230117 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/buildxml.rb	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+require 'ostruct'
+require 'unittest'
+require 'rexml/document'
+include REXML
+options =
+options.outfile = ""
+options.infile = ""
+options.version = "unknown"
+if ARGV[1]==nil then
+  puts "Usage: buildxml.rb <inputfile> <outputfile>"
+  exit
+  options.infile = ARGV[0]
+  options.outfile = ARGV[1]
+class UnitTestProcessor  
+  attr_accessor :ut
+  def initialize
+    @ut =
+    @results = []
+  end
+  def result=(newResult)
+    testvalues = newResult.split(",")
+    @ut.path = getPath(testvalues)
+    @ut.title = getTitle(testvalues)
+    @ut.code = getCode(testvalues)
+    result =
+    result.syntax = testvalues[1]
+    result.algorithm = testvalues[2]
+ =[4].to_i)
+    result.number = testvalues[3].to_i
+    @ut.results << result
+  end
+  # generates the path out of the test name
+  def getPath(testvalues)
+    parts = testvalues[0].split("_")
+    folder = parts[1]
+    parts.pop
+    filename = parts.join("_") + ".m"
+    "utps/" + folder + "/" + filename
+  end
+  # generates the title out of the test name
+  def getTitle(testvalues)
+    parts = testvalues[0].split("_")
+    parts.pop
+    parts.shift
+    #parts[0].upcase!
+    parts.join(" ")
+  end
+  # generates the title out of the test name
+  def getCode(testvalues)
+    parts = testvalues[0].split("_")
+    parts.pop
+    parts.join("_")
+  end
+  def parseFile
+    begin
+      if !File.exists? @ut.path then
+        return
+      end
+      inFile =
+      currentTest =
+      while line = inFile.readline.chomp
+        # TODO: strip HTML-Tags
+        # remove trailing spaces
+        line.rstrip!
+        if line.match /[%]+[ ]+UTP_[0-9]+/ then
+          currentTest =
+          parts = line.split("_")
+          currentTest.number = parts[1].to_i
+        end
+        if line.match(/[%]+[ ]+END[ ]+UTP_[0-9]+/) and currentTest.number > 0 then
+          @ut.tests << currentTest
+        end
+        if line.match "</MethodDescription>" then writeTo = "none" end
+        if line.match "</SyntaxDescription>" then writeTo = "none" end
+        if line.match "</TestDescription>" then writeTo = "none" end
+        if line.match "</AlgoDescription>" then writeTo = "none" end
+        if line.match "</SyntaxCode>" then writeTo = "none" end
+        if line.match "</AlgoCode>" then writeTo = "none" end
+        case writeTo
+          when "none" then
+            a = 1
+          when "algoCode" then
+            currentTest.algoCode += line + "\n"
+          when "algoDescription" then
+            currentTest.algoDescription += removeComment line
+          when "syntaxCode" then
+            currentTest.syntaxCode += line + "\n"
+          when "syntaxDescription" then
+            currentTest.syntaxDescription += removeComment line
+          when "methodDescription" then
+            @ut.methodDescription += removeComment line
+          when "testDescription" then
+            currentTest.testDescription += removeComment line
+        end
+        if line.match "<MethodDescription>" then writeTo = "methodDescription" end
+        if line.match "<SyntaxDescription>" then writeTo = "syntaxDescription" end
+        if line.match "<TestDescription>" then writeTo = "testDescription" end
+        if line.match "<AlgoDescription>" then writeTo = "algoDescription" end
+        if line.match "<SyntaxCode>" then writeTo = "syntaxCode" end
+        if line.match "<AlgoCode>" then writeTo = "algoCode" end
+      end
+    rescue EOFError
+      inFile.close
+    end
+  end
+  # The analysis of a single line of the .m file
+  def removeComment(line)
+    line.strip!
+    while line.match /^%/
+      # not elegant, but works in every realistic case (cut off at 100000 chars)
+      line = line[1,100000]
+      line.strip!
+    end
+    if line.length>0 then
+      line = line + "<br />"
+    end
+    line
+  end
+  # Merge Results and Test for easier access
+  def mergeTestsAndResults
+    @ut.tests.each do |t|
+      @ut.results.each do |r|
+        if t.number == r.number then
+ =
+          t.syntaxResult = r.syntax.to_i
+          t.algoResult = r.algorithm.to_i
+          if t.syntaxResult==0 or t.algoResult==0 then
+            @ut.tainted = true
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+infile =, 'r');
+outfile =, 'w');
+tests = []
+  while line = infile.readline.chomp
+    testvalues = line.split(",")
+    parts = testvalues[0].split("_")
+    parts.pop
+    tests << parts.join("_")
+  end
+rescue EOFError
+  infile.close
+tests = tests.uniq
+# For testing: tests fet only for the first test
+#tests = []
+#tests << "utp_ao_join_fsdata"
+utps = []
+puts "Collecting data ..."
+tests.each do |t|
+  inFile =, 'r')
+  utp =
+  begin
+    while line = inFile.readline.chomp
+      if line.match t then
+        utp.result = line
+      end
+    end
+  rescue EOFError
+    inFile.close
+  end
+  utps << utp
+unittests = []
+utps.each do |u|
+  puts "Parsing file " + i.to_s + " of " + utps.length.to_s + " (" + u.ut.path + ") ..."
+  i += 1
+  u.parseFile
+  u.mergeTestsAndResults
+  unittests << u.ut
+#if(options.outfile HERE MATCHES DAT) then
+  Marshal.dump(unittests, outfile)
+#elseif(optione.outfile. HERE MATCHES XML then
+#  doc =
+#  root ="Report")
+#  root.add_attribute 'date',
+#  root.add_attribute 'version', options.version
+#  unittests.each do |u|
+#    testEl ="
+#  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/display_utp_results.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+% DISPLAY_UTP_RESULTS displays the results structure to the terminal.
+% M Hewitson 07-08-08
+% $Id: display_utp_results.m,v 1.7 2010/07/14 10:18:40 hewitson Exp $
+function display_utp_results(results)
+  disp(print_utp_results(results));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/document_utp_results.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+% Given a set of results from utp_run, this function attaches additional
+% documentation for each unit test.
+function newResults = document_utp_results(results)
+  for kk=1:numel(results)
+    fprintf(1, '+ %d documenting %s/%s/%s\n', kk, results(kk).class, results(kk).method, results(kk).num);
+    newResults(kk) = readUTP(results(kk));
+  end
+function result = readUTP(result)
+  filename = result.file;
+  utpFcn   = result.utp;
+  % parse the utp fcn
+  parts = regexp(utpFcn, filesep, 'split');
+  utp = parts{end};
+  if strcmp(utp, 'xx')
+    % the utp failed to run
+    result.doc.desc = '';
+    result.doc.syntax = '';
+    result.doc.syntaxCode = '';
+    result.doc.algo = '';
+    result.doc.algoCode = '';
+    return;
+  end
+  fd = fopen(filename);
+  if fd < 0
+    warning('Failed to open %s', filename);
+  end
+  fulltxt = {};
+  while ~feof(fd)
+    fulltxt = [fulltxt {fgetl(fd)}];
+  end
+  fclose(fd);
+  % parse the txt for this test only
+  % 1) find the utp_XX
+  % 2) backtrack to find <TestDescription>
+  % 3) read forward to get the end of the fcn (count even closing end's)
+  res = regexp(fulltxt, ['result\s*=\s*' utp]);
+  fcnLine = find(~cellfun('isempty', res));
+  % backtrack to look for the test description start
+  line = findLine(fulltxt, '<TestDescription>', fcnLine, true);
+  % parse out the test description
+  result.doc.desc = parseSection(fulltxt(line:end), utp, '<TestDescription>', '</TestDescription>', result.class, result.method, true, true);
+  % parse out the syntax test
+  result.doc.syntax = parseSection(fulltxt(line:end), utp, '<SyntaxDescription>', '</SyntaxDescription>', result.class, result.method, true, true);
+  % parse out syntax code
+  result.doc.syntaxCode = parseSection(fulltxt(line:end), utp, '<SyntaxCode>', '</SyntaxCode>', result.class, result.method, false, false);
+  % parse out the algorithm test
+  result.doc.algo = parseSection(fulltxt(line:end), utp, '<AlgoDescription>', '</AlgoDescription>', result.class, result.method, true, true);
+  % parse out algorithm code
+  result.doc.algoCode = parseSection(fulltxt(line:end), utp, '<AlgoCode>', '</AlgoCode>', result.class, result.method, false, false);
+function line = findLine(lines, tag, startLine, backwards)
+  % backtrack to look for the test description start
+  line = startLine;
+  if backwards
+    while line > 0      
+      try
+      if strfind(lines{line}, tag)
+        break;
+      end
+      catch
+        lines
+        line
+        tag
+      end
+      line = line - 1;
+    end
+  else
+    while line <= numel(lines)      
+      if strfind(lines{line}, tag)
+        break;
+      end      
+      line = line + 1;
+    end
+  end
+function desc = parseSection(lines, utp, startTag, endTag, class, method, stripComments, trimLines)
+  % go forward capturing the description until we hit end of the
+  % description
+  line = 1;
+  desc = '';
+  foundStart = false;
+  while line < numel(lines)
+    if strfind(lines{line}, startTag)
+      foundStart = true;
+    end
+    if foundStart
+      lineTxt = lines{line};
+      if stripComments
+        lineTxt = strrep(lineTxt, '%', '');
+      end
+      lineTxt = regexprep(lineTxt, ['%*\s*' startTag], '');
+      lineTxt = regexprep(lineTxt, ['%*\s*' endTag], '');
+      lineTxt = strrep(lineTxt, '<METHOD>', ['[' class '/' method ']']);
+      if trimLines
+        lineTxt = strtrim(lineTxt);
+      end
+      desc = [desc sprintf('%s\n', lineTxt)];
+    end
+    if strfind(lines{line}, endTag)
+      break;
+    end
+    line = line + 1;
+  end
+  desc = strtrim(desc);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generate_report.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+% GERERATE_REPORT reads all unit test and generates a report.
+%   + Format UTP table by hand - not using \utp
+%   + move code block to tables in appendix with same numbering as UTP tables
+%   + add pdf link in UTP table to code block
+%   + keep code indentation from m-file
+%   + wrap strings using utils.prog.wrapstring (or similar) - add ... 
+function report = generate_report()
+  setappdata(0, 'ltpda_verbose_level', -1);
+  pdfFilename = 'report/report.pdf';
+  texFilename = 'report/ltpda_report_template.html';
+  repFilename = 'report/report.html';
+  load resultsave.mat results
+  % results = utp_run('utp_ao_log10');
+  disp(results(1).a);
+  disp(results(1).s);
+  disp(results(1).fcn);
+  disp(results(1).num);
+  disp(results(1).date);
+  inFile = fopen(texFilename, 'r');
+  methodDescription = '';
+  testDescription = '';
+  syntaxDescription = '';
+  algoDescription = '';
+  syntaxCode = '';
+  algoCode = '';
+  writeDirectly = true;
+  outputTex = '';
+  % Get the rest:
+  while ~feof(inFile)
+    line = fgetl(inFile);
+    if strfind(line, '<!-- Report /-->')
+      writeDirectly = false;
+      preTests = outputTex;
+      outputTex = '';
+    end
+    if strfind(line, '<!-- EndReport /-->')
+      writeDirectly = true;
+    end
+    if strfind(line, '<!-- MethodDescription /-->')
+      methodDescription = '';
+      while isempty(strfind(line, '<!-- EndMethodDescription /-->'))
+        methodDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', methodDescription, line);
+        line = fgetl(inFile);
+      end
+      methodDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', methodDescription, line);
+    end
+    if strfind(line, '<!-- TestDescription /-->')
+      testDescription = '';
+      while isempty(strfind(line, '<!-- EndTestDescription /-->'))
+        testDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', testDescription, line);
+        line = fgetl(inFile);
+      end
+      testDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', testDescription, line);
+    end
+    if strfind(line, '<!-- SyntaxDescription /-->')
+      syntaxDescription = '';
+      while isempty(strfind(line, '<!-- EndSyntaxDescription /-->'))
+        syntaxDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', syntaxDescription, line);
+        line = fgetl(inFile);
+      end
+      syntaxDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', syntaxDescription, line);
+    end
+    if strfind(line, '<!-- AlgoDescription /-->')
+      algoDescription = '';
+      while isempty(strfind(line, '<!-- EndAlgoDescription /-->'))
+        algoDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', algoDescription, line);
+        line = fgetl(inFile);
+      end
+      algoDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', algoDescription, line);
+    end
+    if strfind(line, '<!-- SyntaxCode /-->')
+      syntaxCode = '';
+      while isempty(strfind(line, '<!-- EndSyntaxCode /-->'))
+        syntaxCode = sprintf('%s%s\n', syntaxCode, line);
+        line = fgetl(inFile);
+      end
+      syntaxCode = sprintf('%s%s\n', syntaxCode, line);
+    end
+    if strfind(line, '<!-- AlgoCode /-->')
+      algoCode = '';
+      while isempty(strfind(line, '<!-- EndAlgoCode /-->'))
+        algoCode = sprintf('%s%s\n', algoCode, line);
+        line = fgetl(inFile);
+      end
+      algoCode = sprintf('%s%s\n', algoCode, line);
+    end
+    if writeDirectly
+      outputTex = sprintf('%s%s\n', outputTex, line);
+    end
+  end
+  postTests = outputTex;
+  fclose(inFile);
+  % All vars are ready, now read test files:
+  outFile = fopen(repFilename, 'wt');
+  filenames = {};
+  filenames{end+1} = 's';
+  for i=1:length(results)
+    positions = strfind(results(i).fcn, '_');
+    lastUnderscore = positions(length(positions)) -1;
+    if ~strcmp(filenames{end}, sscanf(results(i).fcn, '%c', lastUnderscore))
+      filenames{end+1} = sscanf(results(i).fcn, '%c', lastUnderscore);
+    end
+  end
+  % Print the intro
+  fprintf(outFile, '%s', preTests);
+  temp = '';
+  for i=2:length(filenames)
+    filename = ['utps/ao/' filenames{i} '.m'];
+    if exist(filename, 'file')
+      utpRead = fopen(filename);
+      headerNumber = 1;
+      % Get header:
+      if ~feof(utpRead), header = fgetl(utpRead); end
+      header = remComment(header);
+      header = escTex(header);
+      % Get rest:
+      while ~feof(utpRead)
+        line = fgetl(utpRead);
+        line = strtrim(line);
+        % if strfind(line, 'function result')
+        if strfind(line, '<MethodDescription>')
+          line = fgetl(utpRead);
+          utpMethodDescription = '';
+          while isempty(strfind(line, '</MethodDescription>'))
+            utpMethodDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', utpMethodDescription, line);
+            line = remComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          end
+          temp = strrep(methodDescription, '%%%CONTENT%%%', utpMethodDescription);
+          temp = strrep(temp, '%%%HEADER%%%', strrep(filenames{i}, '_', ' '));
+          fprintf(outFile, '%s', temp);
+        end
+        if strfind(line, '<TestDescription>')
+          line = fgetl(utpRead);
+          utpTestDescription = '';
+          while isempty(strfind(line, '</TestDescription>'))
+            utpTestDescription = sprintf('%s%s\n', utpTestDescription, line);
+            line = remComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          end
+          temp = strrep(testDescription, '%%%CONTENT%%%', utpTestDescription);
+          temp = strrep(temp, '%%%HEADER%%%', sprintf('%s %2g', strrep(filenames{i}, '_', ' '), headerNumber));
+          fprintf(outFile, '%s', temp);
+        end
+        if strfind(line, '<SyntaxDescription>')
+          line = remComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          utpSyntaxDescription = '';
+          while isempty(strfind(line, '</SyntaxDescription>'))
+            if ~strcmp(strtrim(line), '')
+              utpSyntaxDescription = sprintf('%s%s <br />\n', utpSyntaxDescription, line);
+            end
+            line = remComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          end
+          fprintf(outFile, '%s', strrep(syntaxDescription, '%%%CONTENT%%%', utpSyntaxDescription));
+        end
+        if strfind(line, '<AlgoDescription>')
+          line = remComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          utpAlgoDescription = '';
+          while isempty(strfind(line, '</AlgoDescription>'))
+            if ~strcmp(strtrim(line), '')
+              utpAlgoDescription = sprintf('%s%s <br />\n', utpAlgoDescription, line);
+            end
+            line = remComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          end
+          fprintf(outFile, '%s', strrep(algoDescription, '%%%CONTENT%%%', utpAlgoDescription));
+        end
+        if strfind(line, '<SyntaxCode>')
+          line = escComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          % Get number of spaces before string
+          utpSyntaxCode = '';
+          while isempty(strfind(line, '</SyntaxCode>'))
+            utpSyntaxCode = sprintf('%s%s\n', utpSyntaxCode, line);
+            line = escComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          end
+          fprintf(outFile, '%s', strrep(syntaxCode, '%%%CONTENT%%%', utpSyntaxCode));
+        end
+        if strfind(line, '<AlgoCode>')
+          line = escComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          utpAlgoCode = '';
+          while isempty(strfind(line, '</AlgoCode>'))
+            utpAlgoCode = sprintf('%s%s\n', utpAlgoCode, line);
+            line = escComment(fgetl(utpRead));
+          end
+          fprintf(outFile, '%s', strrep(algoCode, '%%%CONTENT%%%', utpAlgoCode));
+          headerNumber = headerNumber + 1;
+        end
+      end
+      fclose(utpRead);
+    end
+  end
+  % Print the outro
+  fprintf(outFile, '%s', postTests);
+  fclose(outFile);
+  report = '';
+function newString = remComment(string)
+  pos = strfind(string, '%');
+  newString = strtrim(string(pos+1:length(string)));
+function newString = escComment(string)
+  string = strrep(string, '%', '\%');
+  % string = strtrim(string);
+  newString = sprintf('%s<br />', string);
+function newString = escTex(string)
+  string = strrep(string, '\', '\\');
+  string = strrep(string, '%', '\%');
+  string = strrep(string, '_', '\_');
+  string = strrep(string, '^', '\^');
+  newString = string;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/check_aop_data_object.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% DESCRIPTION: Generic check for a arithmetic operator unit test which
+%              checks the datatype for a single inputs.
+% CALL:        atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1, in2, out);
+% VERSION:     $Id: check_aop_data_object.m,v 1.2 2010/09/23 18:17:54 ingo Exp $
+function atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  d1 =;
+  d2 =;
+  if any(strcmpi(func2str(fcn), {'or', 'and', 'xor'}))
+    atest = isa(, 'cdata');
+  else
+    if isa(d1, 'data2D') && isa(d2, 'data2D')
+      if numel(d1.y) > 1
+        dout = d1;
+      elseif numel(d2.y) > 1
+        dout = d2;
+      else
+        dout = d1;
+      end
+    elseif isa(d1, 'data2D') && isa(d2, 'cdata')
+      dout = d1;
+    elseif isa(d1, 'cdata') && isa(d2, 'data2D')
+      dout = d2;
+    else
+      dout = d1;
+    end
+    atest = isa(, class(dout));
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/check_aop_errors.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% DESCRIPTION: Generic check for a arithmetic operator unit test which
+%              checks the y-errors for a single inputs.
+% CALL:        atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1, in2, out);
+% VERSION:     $Id: check_aop_errors.m,v 1.2 2010/09/21 16:50:14 ingo Exp $
+function atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  if ~isempty(in1.dy) || ~isempty(in2.dy)
+    din1 = in1.dy;
+    din2 = in2.dy;
+    if isempty(din1)
+      din1 = zeros(size(in1.y));
+    end
+    if isempty(din2)
+      din2 = zeros(size(in2.y));
+    end
+    switch func2str(fcn)
+      case {'plus', 'minus'}
+        dy = sqrt(din1.^2 + din2.^2);
+      case {'times', 'mtimes'}
+        dy = sqrt( (din1./in1.y).^2 + (din2./in2.y).^2 ) .* abs(in1.y.*in2.y);
+      case {'rdivide', 'mrdivide'}
+        dy = sqrt( (din1./in1.y).^2 + (din2./in2.y).^2 ) .* abs(in1.y./in2.y);
+      otherwise
+        dy = [];
+    end
+  else
+    dy = [];
+  end
+  atest = isequal(out.dy, dy);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/check_aop_history.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+% DESCRIPTION: Generic check for a arithmetic operator unit test which
+%              checks the history for a single inputs.
+% CALL:        atest = check_aop_history(fcn, in1, in2, out);
+% VERSION:     $Id: check_aop_history.m,v 1.4 2010/09/24 16:18:16 ingo Exp $
+function atest = check_aop_history(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  % Check the last history step
+  for ii = 1:numel(out)
+    if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, func2str(fcn)), atest = false; end
+  end
+  doCheck = round(rand(1,1)*10);
+  doCheck = 1;
+  % Check the rebuild only in 10 percent of the unit test. I do this to
+  % speedup the tests.
+  if doCheck == 1
+    try
+      ple = plist('Exceptions', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'methodInvars', 'version'});
+      % Rebuild the output object
+      mout = rebuild(copy(out,1));
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      for ii=1:numel(mout)
+        if ~eq(mout(ii), out(ii), ple), atest = false; end
+        if atest == 0
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/check_aop_units.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+% DESCRIPTION: Generic check for a arithmetic operator unit test which
+%              checks the y-units for a single inputs.
+% CALL:        atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1, in2, out);
+% VERSION:     $Id: check_aop_units.m,v 1.3 2010/09/23 18:19:21 ingo Exp $
+function atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  if utils.helper.ismember(func2str(fcn), {'plus', 'minus'})
+    % return the first non-empty
+    if ~isempty(
+      uo =;
+    else
+      uo =;
+    end
+  elseif utils.helper.ismember(func2str(fcn), {'or', 'and', 'xor'})
+    uo = unit();
+  else
+    % For other operators we need to apply the operator
+    uo = fcn(,;
+  end
+  atest = eq(uo, out.yunits);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/check_axis_sets.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+function atest = check_axis_sets(io)
+  atest = true;
+  % SET 'None'
+  if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+  if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+  % Check all Sets
+  if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '1D')), atest = false; end
+  if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '2D')), atest = false; end
+  if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '3D')), atest = false; end
+  if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+  % SET '1D'
+  % Check key
+  if ~io(3).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+  if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+  if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+  % Check default value
+  if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+  if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+  if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+  % Check options
+  if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'y'}), atest = false; end
+  if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+  if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+  % SET '2D'
+  % Check key
+  if ~io(4).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+  if ~io(4).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+  if ~io(4).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+  % Check default value
+  if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+  if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+  if ~isEmptyChar(io(4).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+  % Check options
+  if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'xy'}), atest = false; end
+  if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+  if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+  % SET '3D'
+  % Check key
+  if ~io(5).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+  if ~io(5).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+  if ~io(5).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+  % Check default value
+  if ~isequal(io(5).plists.find('axis'), 'z'), atest = false; end
+  if ~isEmptyDouble(io(5).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+  if ~isEmptyChar(io(5).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+  % Check options
+  if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'z', 'xyz'}), atest = false; end
+  if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+  if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_02.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method works with a vector of objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+% $Id: utp_02.m,v 1.3 2010/07/27 07:13:59 hewitson Exp $
+function result = utp_02(method, vec, algo, pli, ple3)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method works for a vector of objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isempty(pli)
+      out = feval(method, vec);
+    else
+      out = feval(method, vec, pli);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+  % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+    if ~isequal(size(out), size(vec)), atest = false; end
+    % Check each output against the correct value
+    for kk=1:numel(out)
+      % extra tests for constructors
+      if utils.helper.ismember(method, utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(vec(kk), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(vec(kk).hist, out(kk).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(kk).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(vec(kk), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; end
+      else
+        atest = algo(vec(kk), out(kk), pli);
+        if ~atest
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_02
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_03.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method works with a matrix of objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_03(method, mat, algo, pli, ple3)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method works for a matrix of objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isempty(pli)
+      out = feval(method, mat);
+    else
+      out = feval(method, mat, pli);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+  % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+    if ~isequal(size(out), size(mat)), atest = false; end
+    % Check each output against the correct value
+    for kk=1:numel(out)
+      % extra tests for constructors
+      if utils.helper.ismember(method, utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(mat(kk), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(mat(kk).hist, out(kk).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(kk).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(mat(kk), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; end
+      else
+        atest = algo(mat(kk), out(kk), pli);
+        if ~atest
+          break;
+        end        
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_02
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_04.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method works with a list of objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_04(method, obj1, obj2, obj3, algo, pli, ple3)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method works for a list of objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isempty(pli)
+      out = feval(method, obj1, obj2, obj3);
+    else
+      out = feval(method, obj1, obj2, obj3, pli);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+  % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    obj_in = [obj1 obj2 obj3];
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+    if ~isequal(size(out), size(obj_in)), atest = false; end
+    % Check each output against the correct value
+    for kk=1:numel(obj_in)
+      % extra tests for constructors
+      if utils.helper.ismember(method, utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(obj_in(kk), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(obj_in(kk).hist, out(kk).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(kk).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(obj_in(kk), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; end
+      else
+        atest = algo(obj_in(kk), out(kk), pli);
+        if ~atest
+          break;
+        end  
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_02
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_05.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_05(method, obj1, obj2, obj3, algo, pli, ple3)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the <METHOD> method works with a mix of different arrays of
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isempty(pli)
+      out = feval(method, obj1, obj2, obj3);
+    else
+      out = feval(method, obj1, obj2, obj3, pli);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+  % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    obj_in = [reshape(obj1, 1, []) reshape(obj2, 1, []) reshape(obj3, 1, [])];
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+    if ~isequal(size(out), size(obj_in)), atest = false; end
+    % Check each output against the correct value
+    for kk=1:numel(obj_in)
+      % extra tests for constructors
+      if utils.helper.ismember(method, utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(obj_in(kk), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(obj_in(kk).hist, out(kk).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(kk).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(obj_in(kk), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; end
+      else
+        atest = algo(obj_in(kk), out(kk), pli);
+        if ~atest
+          break;
+        end 
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_02
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_06.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method properly applies history.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_06(method, obj1, pli, epl)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the result of applying the <METHOD> method can be processed back.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isempty(pli)
+      out  = feval(method, obj1);
+    else
+      out  = feval(method, obj1, pli);
+    end
+    mout = rebuild(out);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+  %    '<METHOD>'.
+  % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, method), atest = false; end
+    % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+    if ~eq(mout, out, epl), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_06
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_07.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method can modify the input AO.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_07(method, obj1, ipl, ple1)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method can modify the input object by calling with no
+  % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+  % notation (with a equal sign).
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    obj_modi = copy(obj1,1);
+    obj_eq   = copy(obj1,1);
+    cmd = sprintf('out = obj_eq.%s(ipl);', method);
+    eval(cmd);
+    cmd = sprintf('obj_modi.%s(ipl);', method);
+    eval(cmd);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+  % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+  % 3) Check that the modified input is the <METHOD> value of the copy
+  % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+    if eq(out, obj_eq, ple1), atest = false; end
+    % Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+    if ~eq(obj_eq, obj1, ple1), atest = false; end
+    switch class(obj1)
+      case 'ao'
+        if isempty(ipl) || isempty(find(ipl, 'neval'))
+        % Check that the modified input is correct
+        if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+        end
+        % Check that out and obj_modi are the same
+        if ~eq(out, obj_modi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      otherwise
+        warning('!!! test is undefined for class %s', class(obj_modi));
+        atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_07
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_08.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Test that the <METHOD> method uses the plist to get the axis.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_08(method, obj1, ple1)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method uses the plist to get the axis.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+    ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+    plxy = plist('axis', 'XY');
+    out1 = feval(method, obj1, plx);
+    out2 = feval(method, obj1, ply);
+    out3 = feval(method, obj1, plxy);
+    mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+    mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+    mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to the x-axis
+  % 2) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to the y-axis
+  % 3) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to both axes
+  % 4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check each output against the correct values
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    % Check the re-built objects
+    if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_08
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_09.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Test the shape of the data in AOs.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_09(method, obj1, obj2)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+  % input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if iscolumnvector(obj1) == iscolumnvector(obj2)
+      warning('!!! Incorrect inputs. Give a column and a row vector.');
+      stest = false;
+    else
+      out1 = feval(method, obj1);
+      out2 = feval(method, obj2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the shape of the output data
+    atest = false;
+    if iscolumnvector(out1) && iscolumnvector(obj1)
+      atest = true;
+    end
+    if isrowvector(out1) && isrowvector(obj1)
+      atest = true;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_09
+function res = iscolumnvector(obj)
+  if size(, 1)>=1 && size(,2)==1
+    res = true;
+  else
+    res = false;
+  end
+function res = isrowvector(obj)
+  if size(, 2)>=1 && size(,1)==1
+    res = true;
+  else
+    res = false;
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_10.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Check that the <METHOD> method pass back the output objects to a list of
+% output variables or to a single variable.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_10(method, obj1, obj2, ple2)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+  % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    [o1, o2] = feval(method, obj1, obj2);
+    o3  = feval(method, obj1, obj2);
+    mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+    mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+    mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the number of outputs
+    if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+    if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+    if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+    % Check the rebuilding of the object
+    if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_108.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Test that the <METHOD> method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+% intended to test methods like ao/mean and ao/std which return different
+% data types depending on which axis is selected.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_108(method, obj1, ple1)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method uses the plist to get the axis.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+    ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+    plxy = plist('axis', 'XY');
+    out1 = feval(method, obj1, plx);
+    out2 = feval(method, obj1, ply);
+    out3 = feval(method, obj1, plxy);
+    mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+    mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+    mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to the x-axis
+  % 2) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to the y-axis
+  % 3) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to both axes
+  % 4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check each output against the correct values
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    % Check the re-built objects
+    if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_108
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_11.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Check that the <METHOD> method pass back the output objects to a list of
+% output variables or to a single variable.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_11(method, obj1, ple1, varargin)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+  % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  if ~isempty(varargin)
+    pli = varargin{1};
+  else
+    pli = [];
+  end
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    obj1 = obj1.setPlotinfo(plist('color', 'r'));
+    if isempty(pli)
+      o1 = feval(method, obj1);
+    else
+      o1 = feval(method, obj1, pli);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if ~eq(obj1(1).plotinfo, o1(1).plotinfo, ple1), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_30
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_12.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Check that the errors are cleared for this method.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_12(method, obj1, ple1, varargin)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+  % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  if ~isempty(varargin)
+    pli = varargin{1};
+  else
+    pli = [];
+  end
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isa(, 'data2D')
+      obj1 = obj1.setDx(obj1.x);
+    end
+    obj1 = obj1.setDy(obj1.y);
+    if isempty(pli)
+      o1 = feval(method, obj1);
+    else
+      o1 = feval(method, obj1, pli);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the output has no error fields
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % check which axis the method was applied to, if any
+    ax = o1.hist.plistUsed.find('axis');
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if any('X'==upper(ax)) && ~isempty(o1.dx), atest = false; end
+    if any('Y'==upper(ax)) && ~isempty(o1.dy), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_12
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_208.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Test that the <METHOD> method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+% intended to test methods like ao/max and ao/min which only allow 'x' and
+% 'y' choices.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_208(method, obj1, ple1)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method uses the plist to get the axis.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+    ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+    out1 = feval(method, obj1, plx);
+    out2 = feval(method, obj1, ply);
+    mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+    mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to the x-axis
+  % 2) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to the y-axis
+  % 3) Check that the <METHOD> method applies to both axes
+  % 4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check each output against the correct values
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(feval(method,,, atest = false; end
+    % Check the re-built objects
+    if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_208
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_60.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+% MAT-file constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_60(cl, obj1, ple1)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+  % MAT-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  msg = '';
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    filename = 'obj.mat';
+    ss = feval(cl, obj1);
+    save(ss, filename);
+    out  = feval(cl, filename);
+    mout = rebuild(out);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    msg = err.message;
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+  %    object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check that the saved and loaded objects are the same
+    if ~eq(out, ss)
+      msg = ['The saved and loaded objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Check the rebuilt object
+    if ~eq(mout, out, ple1)
+      msg = ['The original and rebuilt objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    delete(filename);
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_61.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+% XML-file constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_61(cl, obj1, ple2)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+  % XML-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  msg = '';
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    filename = 'obj.xml';
+    amat = feval(cl, obj1);
+    save(amat, filename);
+    out  = feval(cl, filename);
+    mout = rebuild(out);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    msg = err.message;
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+  %    object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    if ~eq(out, amat)
+      msg = ['The original and rebuilt objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Check the rebuilt object
+    for kk = 1:numel(out)
+      if ~eq(mout(kk), out(kk), ple2)
+        msg = ['The original and rebuilt objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    delete(filename);
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_62.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_62(cl, obj1, obj2, ple2)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  msg = '';
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    ssys1         = utils.prog.rstruct(obj1);
+    ssys1.hist    = utils.prog.rstruct(obj1.hist);
+    out1 = feval(cl, utils.prog.rstruct(obj2));
+    out2 = feval(cl, ssys1);
+    mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+    mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+   msg = err.message;
+   disp(err.message)
+   stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+  %    corresponds to the class name.
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check that the output is a ssm object
+    if ~isa(out1,cl), atest = false; end
+    if ~isa(out2,cl), atest = false; end
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName') 
+      msg = 'The last step in the history is not ''setName''';
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName')
+      msg = 'The last step in the history is not ''setName''';
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Check the rebuilt object
+    if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2)
+      msg = ['The original and rebuilt objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2)
+      msg = ['The original and rebuilt objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_62
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_63.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the pzmodel constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_63(cl, ple1)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the pzmodel constructor.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    ps  = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+    zs  =  pz(50);
+    pzm = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz^2'), unit('V^2'));
+    out = feval(cl, pzm);
+    mout = rebuild(out);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+  %    corresponds to the class name.
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check that the output is the correct class of object
+    if ~isa(out,cl), atest = false; end
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, cl), atest = false; end
+    if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+    % Check the rebuilt object
+    if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_63
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_64.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+% plist(filename) constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_64(cl, obj1, ple1, ple2)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+  % plist(filename) constructor.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  msg = '';
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    filename1 = 'obj.xml';
+    filename2 = 'obj.mat';
+    f1 = feval(cl, obj1);
+    save(f1, filename1);
+    save(f1, filename2);
+    out1 = feval(cl, plist('filename', filename1));
+    out2 = feval(cl, plist('filename', filename2));
+    rout1 = out1.rebuild;
+    rout2 = out2.rebuild;
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    msg = err.message;
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % The load doesn't have two additionally history steps (save + load)
+    if ~eq(out1, f1, ple1)
+      msg = ['The history of the objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    if ~eq(out2, f1, ple1)
+      msg = ['The history of the objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Rebuild object and check the result
+    if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple2)
+      msg = ['The original and rebuilt objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple2)
+      msg = ['The original and rebuilt objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % delete test file
+    delete(filename1)
+    delete(filename2)
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_64
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_65.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_65(cl, obj1, ple3)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  msg = '';
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    pl = plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, ...
+               'database', utpGetDatabase, ...
+               'username', utpGetUsername, ...
+               'password', utpGetPassword, ...
+               'experiment title', 'utp_65: submit objects', ...
+               'experiment description', 'utp_65: test submission', ...
+               'analysis description', 'no analysis', ...
+               'no dialog',    true, ...
+               'use selector', false);
+    ids = submit(obj1, pl);
+    out  = feval(cl, plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, ...
+      'database', utpGetDatabase, ...
+      'username', utpGetUsername, ...
+      'password', utpGetPassword, ...
+      'id', ids));
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    msg = err.message;
+    disp(err.message)
+    % Close connection
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+  %    the class name.
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    for kk = 1:numel(out)
+      if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, cl)
+        msg = ['The last step in the history is not ''' cl ''''];
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    end
+    % Check data values
+    if ~eq(out, obj1, ple3)
+      msg = ['The values in the objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Check the history
+    if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, obj1.hist)
+      msg = ['The history of the objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Rebuild the retrieved object
+%     rout = rebuild(out);
+%     if ~eq(rout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_65
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_66.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the construuctor properly works with the plist(pzmodel)
+% constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_66(cl, ple1)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the constructor properly works with the plist(pzmodel)
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    ps   = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+    zs   = pz(50);
+    pzm  = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz'), unit('V'));
+    pl   = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10);
+    out   = feval(cl, pl);
+    rout = rebuild(out);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+  %    'ssm'.
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, cl), atest = false; end
+    % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+    % It must be the history of the pole/zero model (here 'pzmodel')
+    if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+    % Rebuild object and check the result
+    if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_66
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_67.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+% pole/zero model + plist object constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_67(cl, ple1)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+  % pole/zero model + plist object constructor.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    ps  = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+    zs  = pz(50);
+    pzm = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz'), unit('V'));
+    out = feval(cl, pzm, plist('fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10));
+    rout = rebuild(out);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+  %    class name.
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, cl), atest = false; end
+    % Check values
+    % Rebuild object and check the result
+    if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_67
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_68.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_68(cl, obj1, ple3)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  msg = '';
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>    
+    pl = plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, ...
+               'database', utpGetDatabase, ...
+               'username', utpGetUsername, ...
+               'password', utpGetPassword, ...
+               'experiment title', 'utp_68: submit objects', ...
+               'experiment description', 'utp_68: test submission', ...
+               'analysis description', 'no analysis', ...
+               'no dialog',    true, ...
+               'use selector', false);
+    [ids] = submit(obj1, pl);
+    out  = feval(cl, plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, ...
+      'database', utpGetDatabase, ...
+      'username', utpGetUsername, ...
+      'password', utpGetPassword, ...
+      'id', ids));
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    msg = err.message;
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+  %    class name.
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, cl)
+      msg = ['The last step in the history is not ''' cl ''''];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Check data values
+    if ~eq(out,obj1, ple3)
+      msg = ['The values in the objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Check the history except the additional 'submit' + 'retrieve' steps
+    if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, obj1.hist)
+      msg = ['The history of the objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_68
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_69.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_69(cl, n, m, ple)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    tt1 = eval(sprintf('%s.initObjectWithSize(%d,%d)', cl, n, m));
+    % non copy-case
+    out1 = copy(tt1, 0);
+    out1.setName('new name');
+    % copy-case
+    tt2 = eval(sprintf('%s.initObjectWithSize(%d,%d)', cl, n, m));
+    out2 = copy(tt2, 1);
+    out2.setName('new name');
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % It must be a copy of the handle -> The changes to the output appears to
+    % the input
+    if ~eq(out1, tt1), atest = false; end
+    % This is a 'real' copy -> The changes to the output doesn't appear to
+    % the input
+    if eq(out2, tt2), atest = false; end
+    % The output must be the same as the other output except the changed
+    % property
+    if ~eq(out1, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_69
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_70.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+% plist(<plist-object>) constructor.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_70(cl, obj1, ple2)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    % Store the object
+    filename = sprintf('%s.xml', cl);
+    save(obj1, filename);
+    pl  = plist('filename', filename);
+    out1  = feval(cl, plist('plist', pl));
+    out2  = feval(cl, plist('plist', plist())); % empty plist
+    rout1 = rebuild(out1);
+    rout2 = rebuild(out2);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check that the constructor pass the inner plist to the same constructor
+    if ~eq(out1, obj1), atest = false; end
+    % The second output must be an empty object.
+    if ~eq(out2, feval(cl), ple2), atest = false; end
+    % Rebuild object and check the result
+    if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    delete(filename);
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_70
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_901.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful name.
+% </TestDescription>
+% $Id: utp_901.m,v 1.3 2010/07/27 07:37:28 hewitson Exp $
+function result = utp_901(cl, model_name, pl)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful name.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    pl  = combine(pl, plist('built-in', model_name));
+    mdl = feval(cl, pl);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    msg = [err.message ' - ' err.stack(1).name ' - line ' num2str(err.stack(1).line)];
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the name of the object is not empty and not equal to 'none'
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    msg = '';
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % check the model produces an object of the correct class
+    if ~isa(mdl, cl)
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model produced by %s is not a %s model', model_name, cl);
+    end
+    % check the name
+    if strcmpi(, 'none')
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model %s gives an object with the name ''none''', model_name);
+    end
+    % check empty
+    if isempty(
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model %s gives an object with an empty name', model_name);
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_901
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_902.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful description.
+% </TestDescription>
+% $Id: utp_902.m,v 1.3 2010/07/27 07:37:28 hewitson Exp $
+function result = utp_902(cl, model_name, pl)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful description.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    pl  = combine(pl, plist('built-in', model_name));
+    mdl = feval(cl, pl);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    msg = [err.message ' - ' err.stack(1).name ' - line ' num2str(err.stack(1).line)];
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the description of the object is not empty and not equal to 'none'
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    msg = '';
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % check we have an ssm model
+    if ~isa(mdl, 'ssm'), atest = false; end
+    % check description is not empty
+    if isempty(mdl.description)
+      atest = false; 
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_901
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_903.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the model <MODEL> responds to 'DIM' configuration key.
+% </TestDescription>
+% $Id: utp_903.m,v 1.4 2010/07/27 07:37:28 hewitson Exp $
+function result = utp_903(cl, model_name, pl)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the model <MODEL> responds to 'DIM' configuration key.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    pl  = combine(pl, plist('built-in', model_name, 'DIM', 1));
+    mdl1 = feval(cl, pl);
+    pl.pset('DIM', 2)
+    mdl2 = feval(cl, pl);
+    pl.pset('DIM', 3)
+    mdl3 = feval(cl, pl);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    msg = [err.message ' - ' err.stack(1).name ' - line ' num2str(err.stack(1).line)];
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the model builds with DIM==1
+  % 2) Check that the model builds with DIM==2
+  % 3) Check that the model builds with DIM==3
+  % 4) Check that the 3 models are different
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    msg = '';
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % check we have a model of the correct class
+    if ~isa(mdl1, cl)
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model produced by %s is not a %s model', model_name, cl);
+    end
+    if ~isa(mdl2, cl)
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model produced by %s is not a %s model', model_name, cl);
+    end
+    if ~isa(mdl3, cl)
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model produced by %s is not a %s model', model_name, cl);
+    end
+    % check models are different by looking at the states
+    if ~isempty(mdl1.states) && ~isempty(mdl2.states)
+      if isequal(size(mdl1.states.ports), size(mdl2.states.ports))
+        atest = false; 
+        msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=1 and DIM=2 has the same number of states.', model_name);
+      end    
+    end
+    if ~isempty(mdl1.states) && ~isempty(mdl3.states)
+      if isequal(size(mdl1.states.ports), size(mdl3.states.ports))
+        atest = false; 
+        msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=1 and DIM=3 has the same number of states.', model_name);
+      end
+    end
+    if ~isempty(mdl2.states) && ~isempty(mdl3.states)
+      if isequal(size(mdl2.states.ports), size(mdl3.states.ports))
+        atest = false; 
+        msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=2 and DIM=3 has the same number of states.', model_name);
+      end
+    end
+    % check models are different by looking at the input sizes
+    if ~isempty(mdl1.inputsizes) && ~isempty(mdl2.inputsizes)
+      if isequal(mdl1.inputsizes, mdl2.inputsizes)
+        atest = false; 
+        msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=1 and DIM=2 has the same input sizes.', model_name);
+      end    
+    end
+    if ~isempty(mdl1.inputsizes) && ~isempty(mdl3.inputsizes)
+      if isequal(mdl1.inputsizes, mdl3.inputsizes)
+        atest = false; 
+        msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=1 and DIM=3 has the same input sizes.', model_name);
+      end    
+    end
+    if ~isempty(mdl2.inputsizes) && ~isempty(mdl3.inputsizes)
+      if isequal(mdl2.inputsizes, mdl3.inputsizes)
+        atest = false; 
+        msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=2 and DIM=3 has the same input sizes.', model_name);
+      end    
+    end
+    % check the history plist contains the correct value for 'DIM'
+    if mdl1.hist.plistUsed.find('DIM') ~= 1
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=1 has the wrong DIM value in the history.', model_name);
+    end
+    if mdl2.hist.plistUsed.find('DIM') ~= 2
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=2 has the wrong DIM value in the history.', model_name);
+    end
+    if mdl3.hist.plistUsed.find('DIM') ~= 3
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('The model %s with DIM=3 has the wrong DIM value in the history.', model_name);
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dd = dbstack;
+  mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);  
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_901
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_920.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Test that bode works on this model.
+% </TestDescription>
+% $Id: utp_920.m,v 1.2 2010/07/27 07:37:28 hewitson Exp $
+function result = utp_920(cl, model_name, pl)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that bode works on this model.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    pl   = combine(pl, plist('built-in', model_name));
+    mdl  = feval(cl, pl);
+    outs = bode(mdl);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    msg = [err.message ' - ' err.stack(1).name ' - line ' num2str(err.stack(1).line)];
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Test that bode produces the correct number of AOs.
+  % 2) Compare each output AO against validated outputs.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    msg = '';
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the correct number of outputs
+    if numel(outs) ~= (sum(mdl.inputsizes) * sum(mdl.outputsizes))
+      atest = false;
+      msg = sprintf('bode produced the wrong number of outputs for model %s', model_name);
+    end
+    % Load references
+    refs = ao(sprintf('utps/%s/reference_files/ref_bode_%s.mat', cl, model_name));
+    for kk=1:numel(refs)
+      ref = refs(kk);
+      out = outs(kk);
+      if ~isequal(ref.y, out.y)
+        atest = false;
+        msg = sprintf('bode resp for %s element %d [%s] doesn''t match the reference', model_name, kk,;
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+end % END UTP_920
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_genericAnyShape.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method works with any shape of objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_genericAnyShape(method, objs, args, algo)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method works for any shape of objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isempty(args)
+      out = feval(method, objs);
+    else
+      if iscell(args)
+        out = feval(method, objs, args{:});
+      else
+        out = feval(method, objs, args);
+      end
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+  % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+  % 3) Rebuild the object
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % 1. Check we have the correct number of outputs
+    if ~isequal(size(out), size(objs)), atest = false; end
+    % 2. Check each output against the correct value
+    for kk=1:numel(out)
+      atest = algo(objs, out, kk, args);
+      if ~atest
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+    % 3. Check that we can rebuild the data
+    r = out.rebuild();
+    for ii = 1:numel(out)
+      if ~eq(r(ii),out(ii), 'UUID', 'proctime', 'methodInvars'), atest = false; end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  stack = dbstack;
+  if numel(objs) > 1
+    stack(1).name = sprintf('%s %dx%d', stack(1).name, size(objs));
+  end
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, stack, ['utp_' class(objs) '_' method]);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_genericAnyShapeInternal.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the internal call of general setter method works with any
+% shape of objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(method, objs, values, algo)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the internal call of a general setter method works with any
+  % shape of objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    out = testCallerIsMethod(str2func(method), objs, values);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+  % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+    if ~isequal(size(out), size(objs)), atest = false; end
+    % Check each output against the correct value
+    for kk=1:numel(out)
+      atest = algo(objs, out, kk, values);
+      if ~atest
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  stack = dbstack;
+  if numel(objs) > 1    
+    stack(1).name = sprintf('%s %dx%d', stack(1).name, size(objs));
+  end
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, stack, ['utp_' class(objs) '_' method]);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_genericHistory.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method properly applies history.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_genericHistory(method, obj, args, ple)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the result of applying the <METHOD> method can be processed
+  % back.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isempty(args)
+      out  = feval(method, obj);
+    else
+      if iscell(args)
+        out  = feval(method, obj, args{:});
+      else
+        out  = feval(method, obj, args);
+      end
+    end
+    mout = rebuild(out);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+  %    '<METHOD>'.
+  % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+    if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, method), atest = false; end
+    % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+    if ~eq(mout, out, ple), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, ['utp_' class(obj) '_' method]);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_genericList.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method works for a list of objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_genericList(method, obj1, obj2, obj3, args, algo)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the <METHOD> method works for a list of objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if isempty(args)
+      out = feval(method, obj1, obj2, obj3);
+    else
+      if iscell(args)
+        out = feval(method, obj1, obj2, obj3, args{:});
+      else
+        out = feval(method, obj1, obj2, obj3, args);
+      end
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+  % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  objIn = [reshape(obj1, 1, []) reshape(obj2, 1, []) reshape(obj3, 1, [])];
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+    if ~isequal(size(out), size(objIn)), atest = false; end
+    % Check each output against the correct value
+    for kk=1:numel(out)
+      atest = algo(objIn, out, kk, args);
+      if ~atest
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  stack = dbstack;
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, stack, ['utp_' class(obj1) '_' method]);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_genericModify.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the <METHOD> method can modify the input AO.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_genericModify(method, obj, args, algo, ple)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the <METHOD> method can modify the input object by calling
+  % with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+  % function notation (with a equal sign).
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    obj_modi = copy(obj,1);
+    obj_eq   = copy(obj,1);
+    if iscell(args)
+      out = feval(method, obj_eq, args{:});
+      feval(method, obj_modi, args{:});
+    else
+      out = feval(method, obj_eq, args);
+      feval(method, obj_modi, args);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+  % 2) Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+  % 3) Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+  % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check that obj_modi is changed
+    atest = algo(obj, obj_modi, 1, args);
+    % Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+    if eq(out, obj_eq, ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+    if ~eq(obj_eq, obj, ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that out and obj_modi are the same
+    if ~eq(out, obj_modi, ple), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, ['utp_' class(obj) '_' method]);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_genericOutput.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Check that the <METHOD> method pass back the output objects to a list of
+% output variables or to a single variable.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_genericOutput(method, obj1, obj2, args, algo, ple)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+  % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    if iscell(args)
+      [o1, o2] = feval(method, obj1, obj2, args{:});
+      o3  = feval(method, obj1, obj2, args{:});
+    else
+      [o1, o2] = feval(method, obj1, obj2, args);
+      o3  = feval(method, obj1, obj2, args);
+    end
+    mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+    mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+    mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+  % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % Check the outputs
+    t1 = algo(obj1, o1, 1, args);
+    t2 = algo(obj2, o2, 1, args);
+    t3 = algo(obj1, o3(1), 1, args);
+    t4 = algo(obj2, o3(2), 1, args);
+    atest =  t1 && t2 && t3 && t4;
+    % Check the number of outputs
+    if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+    if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+    if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+    % Check the rebuilding of the object
+    if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, ['utp_' class(obj1) '_' method]);
+end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_genericSet_minfo.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+% UTP_GENERICSET_MINFO a set of UTPs for a general setter method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_genericSet_minfo.m,v 1.1 2010/02/08 19:26:41 ingo Exp $
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_genericSet_minfo(method, objs, prop, algoTests)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+  % individually.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    % Call for no sets
+    io(1) = eval([class(objs) '.getInfo(''' method ''', ''None'')']);
+    % Call for all sets
+    io(2) = eval([class(objs) '.getInfo(''' method ''')']);
+    % Call for each set
+    for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+      io(kk+2) = eval([class(objs) '.getInfo(''' method ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+  % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % check we have minfo objects
+    if isa(io, 'minfo')
+      %%% SET 'None'
+      if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+      if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+      %%% Check all Sets
+      if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+      if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+      %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+      if io(3).plists.nparams < 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check key
+      if ~io(3).plists.isparam(prop), atest = false; end
+      % Check default value
+      if ~algoTests(io(3).plists.find(prop)), atest = false; end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, ['utp_' class(objs) '_' method]);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_core.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the arithmetic operator method works with two inputs.
+% </TestDescription>
+% $Id: utp_generic_aop_core.m,v 1.4 2011/04/27 08:55:35 hewitson Exp $
+function result = utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, ruleName, dataDescription, a, b, checkFcns)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the arithmetic operator method works with two inputs.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    o = fcn(a,b);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that all input function handles pass
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true; 
+  msg = '';
+  if stest
+    try
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii=1:numel(checkFcns)
+        checkFcn = checkFcns{ii};
+        atest = checkFcn(fcn, a, b, o);
+        if atest == 0
+          msg = func2str(checkFcn);
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      msg = func2str(checkFcn);
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dbs = dbstack;
+  aCl = class(a(1).data);
+  bCl = class(b(1).data);
+  % drop this core function from the stack - it's not useful
+  dbs(1) = [];
+  % Add the data description so we can parse it out later
+  dbs(1).name = [dbs(1).name sprintf('(%s)', dataDescription)];
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbs, mfilename, msg);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_negative_core.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the arithmetic operator method doesn't work with this two
+% inputs. The test pass if the function throw an error.
+% </TestDescription>
+% $Id: utp_generic_aop_negative_core.m,v 1.2 2011/04/27 13:38:07 hewitson Exp $
+function result = utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, ruleName, dataDescription, a, b)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % tests that the arithmetic operator method doesn't work with this two
+  % inputs. the test pass if the function throw an error.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    o = fcn(a,b);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = false;
+  catch err
+    stest = true;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Not necessary
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if ~stest
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dbs = dbstack;
+  aCl = class(a(1).data);
+  bCl = class(b(1).data);
+  % drop this core function from the stack - it's not useful
+  dbs(1) = [];
+  % Add the data description so we can parse it out later
+  dbs(1).name = [dbs(1).name sprintf('(%s)', dataDescription)];
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbs, mfilename);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_negative_tests.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_negative_tests(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  % Define check functions
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test some negative cases.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata <-> fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'negative test', 'fsdata and tsdata', a_fs, b_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'negative test', 'tsdata and fsdata', a_ts, b_fs)];
+  % AO with no data field
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'negative test', 'AO no data and tsdata', [a_ts, ao(), b_ts], b_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'negative test', 'tsdata and AO no data', b_ts, [a_ts, ao(), b_ts])];
+%   % fsdata wrong fs
+%   a = a_fs.setFs(8);
+%   b = b_fs.setFs(9);
+%   result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'negative test', a, b)];
+  % tsdata wrong fs
+  a = a_ts.setFs(8);
+  b = b_ts.setFs(9);
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'negative test', 'different fs in tsdata', a, b)];
+  % plus, minus wrong x-units
+  if any(strcmpi(func2str(fcn), {'plus', 'minus'}))
+    a = a_ts.setXunits('m');
+    b = b_ts.setXunits('Hz');
+    result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'negative test', 'different x units in tsdata', a, b)];
+  end
+  % fsdata wrong x-base
+  a = a_fs.setX(1:12);
+  b = b_fs.setX(2:13);
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'negative test', 'different x values in fsdata', a, b)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+  % only one input
+  try
+    o = fcn(a_ts);
+    stest = false;
+  catch
+    stest = true;
+  end
+  dbs = dbstack;
+  dbs(1).name = sprintf('%s(negative test)', mfilename);
+  result = [result utp_prepare_result(stest, stest, dbs, mfilename)];
+  % modifier call
+  try
+    fcn(a_ts);
+    stest = false;
+  catch
+    stest = true;
+  end
+  dbs = dbstack;
+  dbs(1).name = sprintf('%s(negative test)', mfilename);
+  result = [result utp_prepare_result(stest, stest, dbs, mfilename)];
+end % END UTP_negative_tests
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule1.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule1(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x, randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  % Define check functions
+  checkFcns = {...
+    @checkDataObjectRule1, ...
+    @checkValuesRule1,     ...
+    @checkErrorsRule1,     ...
+    @checkUnitsRule1,      ...
+    @check_aop_history};
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  result = [];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'tsdata and tsdata', a_ts, b_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'fsdata and fsdata', a_fs, b_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'xydata and xydata', a_xy, b_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'cdata and cdata', a_c, b_c, checkFcns)];
+  % tsdata + (xydata or cdata)
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'tsdata and cdata', b_ts, b_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'tsdata and xydata', b_ts, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'cdata and tsdata', a_c, b_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'xydata and tsdata', b_xy, a_ts, checkFcns)];
+  % fsdata + (xydata or cdata)
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'fsdata and cdata', b_fs, b_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'fsdata and xydata', b_fs, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'cdata and fsdata', a_c, b_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'xydata and fsdata', b_xy, a_fs, checkFcns)];
+  % xydata + cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'xydata and cdata', b_xy, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule1', 'cdata and xydata', b_c, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule1
+%                      Define here the checking functions                     %
+%%%%%%%%%%   Data object test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkDataObjectRule1(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1, in2, out);
+%%%%%%%%%%   Value test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkValuesRule1(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  if ~isequal(fcn(,,
+    atest = false;
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Errors test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkErrorsRule1(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1, in2, out);
+%%%%%%%%%%   Units test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkUnitsRule1(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1, in2, out);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule10.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule10(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  M_NP_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  H_NP_ts = [copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  M_NP_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  H_NP_fs = [copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  M_NP_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  H_NP_xy = [copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  M_NP_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  H_NP_c = [copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  checkFcns = {...
+    @checkDataObjectRule10, ...
+    @checkValuesRule10,     ...
+    @checkErrorsRule10,     ...
+    @checkUnitsRule10,      ...
+    @check_aop_history};
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata', M_NP_ts, H_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata', H_NP_ts, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP tsdata and NxP xydata', M_NP_ts, H_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP xydata and NxP tsdata', H_NP_xy, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP tsdata and NxP cdata', M_NP_ts, H_NP_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP cdata and NxP tsdata', H_NP_c, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata', M_NP_fs, H_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata', H_NP_fs, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP fsdata and NxP xydata', M_NP_fs, H_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP xydata and NxP fsdata', H_NP_xy, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP fsdata and NxP cdata', M_NP_fs, H_NP_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP cdata and NxP fsdata', H_NP_c, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP xydata and NxP xydata', M_NP_xy, H_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP xydata and NxP xydata', H_NP_xy, M_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP xydata and NxP cdata', M_NP_xy, H_NP_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP cdata and NxP xydata', H_NP_c, M_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP cdata and NxP cdata', M_NP_c, H_NP_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule10', 'NxP cdata and NxP cdata', H_NP_c, M_NP_c, checkFcns)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule10
+%                      Define here the checking functions                     %
+%%%%%%%%%%   Data object test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkDataObjectRule10(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  for ii = 1:size(in1,1)
+    atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1(ii), in2(ii), out(ii));
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Value test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkValuesRule10(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:size(in1,1)
+    if ~isequal(fcn(in1(ii).data.getY, in2(ii).data.getY), out(ii).data.getY)
+      atest = false;
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Errors test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkErrorsRule10(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:size(in1,1)
+    atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1(ii), in2(ii), out(ii));
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Units test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkUnitsRule10(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:size(in1,1)
+    atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1(ii), in2(ii), out(ii));
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule11.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 11.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule11(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 11 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  c_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  c_ts.setDx(7);
+  c_ts.setDy(9);
+  c_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  c_ts.setName();
+  V_N_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1), copy(c_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  c_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  c_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  c_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  c_fs.setName();
+  V_N_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1), copy(c_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  c_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  c_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  c_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  c_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  c_xy.setName();
+  V_N_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1), copy(c_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  c_c = ao(111:122);
+  c_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  c_c.setName();
+  V_N_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1), copy(c_c, 1)];
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that for more than two inputs the result will be as if the
+  % commands are nested. For example: plus(a, b, c) == plus(plus(a, b), c)
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    %tsdata
+    o_ts1 = fcn(a_ts, b_ts, c_ts);
+    o_ts2 = fcn(fcn(a_ts, b_ts), c_ts);
+    o_ts3 = fcn(a_ts, V_N_ts, c_ts);
+    o_ts4 = fcn(fcn(a_ts, V_N_ts), c_ts);
+    %fsdata
+    o_fs1 = fcn(a_fs, b_fs, c_fs);
+    o_fs2 = fcn(fcn(a_fs, b_fs), c_fs);
+    o_fs3 = fcn(a_fs, V_N_fs, c_fs);
+    o_fs4 = fcn(fcn(a_fs, V_N_fs), c_fs);
+    %xydata
+    o_xy1 = fcn(a_xy, b_xy, c_xy);
+    o_xy2 = fcn(fcn(a_xy, b_xy), c_xy);
+    o_xy3 = fcn(a_xy, V_N_xy, c_xy);
+    o_xy4 = fcn(fcn(a_xy, V_N_xy), c_xy);
+    %cdata
+    o_c1 = fcn(a_c, b_c, c_c);
+    o_c2 = fcn(fcn(a_c, b_c), c_c);
+    o_c3 = fcn(a_c, V_N_c, c_c);
+    o_c4 = fcn(fcn(a_c, V_N_c), c_c);
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that for more than two inputs the result will be as if the
+  %    commands are nested.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    try
+      ple = plist('Exceptions', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID'});
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(o_ts1, o_ts2, ple), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o_ts3, o_ts4, ple), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o_fs1, o_fs2, ple), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o_fs3, o_fs4, ple), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o_xy1, o_xy2, ple), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o_xy3, o_xy4, ple), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o_c1, o_c2, ple), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o_c3, o_c4, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  dbs = dbstack;
+  %   dbs(1).name = sprintf('%s/%s (%s/%s)', func2str(fcn), ruleName, aCl(1:end-4), bCl(1:end-4));
+  dbs(1).name = sprintf('%s/rule11', func2str(fcn));
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbs, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_rule11
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule2.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule2(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+%   a_ts = ao(1:12,randn(12,1), 12.1);
+%   a_ts.setDx(ones(12,1)*1.1);
+%   a_ts.setDy((1:12)*2.2);
+%   a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+%   a_ts.setName();
+%   b_ts = ao(1:12,randn(12,1), 12.1);
+%   b_ts.setDx(7);
+%   b_ts.setDy(9);
+%   b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+%   b_ts.setName();
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x, ones(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x, ones(n,1)*5, fs);
+  b_ts.setName();
+  c_ts = ao(x, ones(n,1)*13, fs);
+  c_ts.setName();
+  V_N_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1), copy(c_ts, 1)];
+  V_M_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:12, 'yvals', abs(randn(12,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(12,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:12)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:12, 'yvals', abs(randn(12,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  V_N_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  V_M_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:12, 'yvals', abs(randn(12,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(12,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:12)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:12, 'yvals', abs(randn(12,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  V_N_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  V_M_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  V_M_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  checkFcns = {...
+    @checkDataObjectRule2, ...
+    @checkValuesRule2,     ...
+    @checkErrorsRule2,     ...
+    @checkUnitsRule2,      ...
+    @check_aop_history};
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single tsdata and vector tsdata', b_ts, V_N_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector tsdata and single tsdata', V_M_ts, a_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single xydata and vector tsdata', b_xy, V_N_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector tsdata and single xydata', V_M_ts, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single cdata and vector tsdata', b_c, V_N_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector tsdata and single cdata', V_M_ts, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single fsdata and vector fsdata', b_fs, V_N_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector fsdata and single fsdata', V_M_fs, a_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single xydata and vector fsdata', b_xy, V_N_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector fsdata and single xydata', V_M_fs, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single cdata and vector fsdata', b_c, V_N_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector fsdata and single cdata', V_M_fs, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single xydata and vector xydata', b_xy, V_N_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector xydata and single xydata', V_M_xy, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single cdata and vector xydata', b_c, V_N_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector xydata and single cdata', V_M_xy, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'vector cdata and single cdata', V_M_c, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule2', 'single cdata and vector cdata', b_c, V_M_c, checkFcns)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule2
+%                      Define here the checking functions                     %
+%%%%%%%%%%   Data object test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkDataObjectRule2(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  for ii = 1:max(numel(in1), numel(in2))
+    if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+      atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1(ii), in2, out(ii));
+    else
+      atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1, in2(ii), out(ii));
+    end
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Value test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkValuesRule2(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:max(numel(in1), numel(in2))
+    if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+      if ~isequal(fcn(in1(ii).data.getY,, out(ii).data.getY), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(fcn(, in2(ii).data.getY), out(ii).data.getY), atest = false; end
+    end
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Errors test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkErrorsRule2(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:max(numel(in1), numel(in2))
+    if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+      atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1(ii), in2, out(ii));
+    else
+      atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1, in2(ii), out(ii));
+    end
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Units test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkUnitsRule2(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:max(numel(in1), numel(in2))
+    if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+      atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1(ii), in2, out(ii));
+    else
+      atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1, in2(ii), out(ii));
+    end
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule3.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule3(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  V_N_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1)];
+  V_M_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  V_N_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  V_M_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  V_N_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  V_M_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  V_N_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1)];
+  V_M_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector tsdata and vector tsdata', V_M_ts, V_N_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector tsdata and vector tsdata', V_N_ts, V_M_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector tsdata and vector xydata', V_N_ts, V_M_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector xydata and vector tsdata', V_N_xy, V_M_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector tsdata and vector cdata', V_N_ts, V_M_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector cdata and vector tsdata', V_N_c, V_M_ts)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector fsdata and vector fsdata', V_M_fs, V_N_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector fsdata and vector fsdata', V_N_fs, V_M_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector fsdata and vector xydata', V_N_fs, V_M_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector xydata and vector fsdata', V_N_xy, V_M_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector fsdata and vector cdata', V_N_fs, V_M_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector cdata and vector fsdata', V_N_c, V_M_fs)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector xydata and vector xydata', V_M_xy, V_N_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector xydata and vector xydata', V_N_xy, V_M_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector xydata and vector cdata', V_N_xy, V_M_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector cdata and vector xydata', V_N_c, V_M_xy)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector cdata and vector cdata', V_M_c, V_N_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule3', 'vector cdata and vector cdata', V_N_c, V_M_c)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule4.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule4(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  V_N_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1)];
+  U_N_ts = [copy(b_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1); copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  V_M_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1); copy(a_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1)];
+  U_M_ts = [copy(b_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  V_N_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  U_N_fs = [copy(b_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1); copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  V_M_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1); copy(a_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  U_M_fs = [copy(b_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  V_N_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  U_N_xy = [copy(b_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1); copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  V_M_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1); copy(a_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  U_M_xy = [copy(b_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  V_N_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1)];
+  U_N_c = [copy(b_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1); copy(a_c, 1)];
+  V_M_c = [copy(a_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1); copy(a_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1)];
+  U_M_c = [copy(b_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  checkFcns = {...
+    @checkDataObjectRule4, ...
+    @checkValuesRule4,     ...
+    @checkErrorsRule4,     ...
+    @checkUnitsRule4,      ...
+    @check_aop_history};
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector tsdata and vector tsdata', U_N_ts, V_N_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector tsdata and vector tsdata', V_M_ts, U_M_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector tsdata and vector xydata', V_M_ts, U_M_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector cdata and vector tsdata', U_M_c, V_M_ts, checkFcns)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector fsdata and vector fsdata', U_N_fs, V_N_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector fsdata and vector fsdata', V_M_fs, U_M_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector fsdata and vector xydata', V_M_fs, U_M_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector cdata and vector fsdata', U_M_c, V_M_fs, checkFcns)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector xydata and vector xydata', U_N_xy, V_N_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector xydata and vector xydata', V_M_xy, U_M_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector cdata and vector xydata', V_M_c, U_M_xy, checkFcns)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule4', 'vector cdata and vector cdata', V_N_c, U_N_c, checkFcns)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule4
+%                      Define here the checking functions                     %
+%%%%%%%%%%   Data object test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkDataObjectRule4(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  for ii = 1:numel(in1)
+    atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1(ii), in2(ii), out(ii));
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Value test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkValuesRule4(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:numel(in1)
+    if ~isequal(fcn(in1(ii).data.getY, in2(ii).data.getY), out(ii).data.getY)
+      atest = false;
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Errors test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkErrorsRule4(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:numel(in1)
+    atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1(ii), in2(ii), out(ii));
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Units test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkUnitsRule4(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:numel(in1)
+    atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1(ii), in2(ii), out(ii));
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule5.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule5(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  M_NP_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  M_NP_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  M_NP_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  M_NP_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  checkFcns = {...
+    @checkDataObjectRule5, ...
+    @checkValuesRule5,     ...
+    @checkErrorsRule5,     ...
+    @checkUnitsRule5,      ...
+    @check_aop_history};
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP tsdata and single tsdata', M_NP_ts, a_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single tsdata and NxP tsdata', b_ts, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP tsdata and single xydata', M_NP_ts, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single xydata and NxP tsdata', b_xy, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP tsdata and single cdata', M_NP_ts, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single cdata and NxP tsdata', b_c, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP fsdata and single fsdata', M_NP_fs, a_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single fsdata and NxP fsdata', b_fs, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP fsdata and single xydata', M_NP_fs, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single xydata and NxP fsdata', b_xy, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP fsdata and single cdata', M_NP_fs, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single cdata and NxP fsdata', b_c, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP xydata and single xydata', M_NP_xy, a_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single xydata and NxP xydata', b_xy, M_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP xydata and single cdata', M_NP_xy, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single cdata and NxP xydata', b_c, M_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'NxP cdata and single cdata', M_NP_c, a_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule5', 'single cdata and NxP cdata', b_c, M_NP_c, checkFcns)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule2
+%                      Define here the checking functions                     %
+%%%%%%%%%%   Data object test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkDataObjectRule5(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  for ii = 1:max(numel(in1), numel(in2))
+    if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+      atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1(ii), in2, out(ii));
+    else
+      atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1, in2(ii), out(ii));
+    end
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Value test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkValuesRule5(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:max(numel(in1), numel(in2))
+    if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+      if ~isequal(fcn(in1(ii).data.getY,, out(ii).data.getY), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(fcn(, in2(ii).data.getY), out(ii).data.getY), atest = false; end
+    end
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Errors test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkErrorsRule5(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:max(numel(in1), numel(in2))
+    if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+      atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1(ii), in2, out(ii));
+    else
+      atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1, in2(ii), out(ii));
+    end
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Units test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkUnitsRule5(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for ii = 1:max(numel(in1), numel(in2))
+    if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+      atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1(ii), in2, out(ii));
+    else
+      atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1, in2(ii), out(ii));
+    end
+    if atest == 0
+      break;
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule6.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule6(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  V_N_ts  = [copy(a_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1)];
+  M_NP_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:12, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  V_N_fs  = [copy(a_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  M_NP_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  V_N_xy  = [copy(a_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  M_NP_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  V_N_c  = [copy(a_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1)];
+  M_NP_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  checkFcns = {...
+    @checkDataObjectRule6, ...
+    @checkValuesRule6,     ...
+    @checkErrorsRule6,     ...
+    @checkUnitsRule6,      ...
+    @check_aop_history};
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP tsdata and vector tsdata', M_NP_ts, V_N_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector tsdata and NxP tsdata', V_N_ts, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP tsdata and vector xydata', M_NP_ts, V_N_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector xydata and NxP tsdata', V_N_xy, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP tsdata and vector cdata', M_NP_ts, V_N_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector cdata and NxP tsdata', V_N_c, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP fsdata and vector fsdata', M_NP_fs, V_N_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector fsdata and NxP fsdata', V_N_fs, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP fsdata and vector xydata', M_NP_fs, V_N_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector xydata and NxP fsdata', V_N_xy, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP fsdata and vector cdata', M_NP_fs, V_N_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector cdata and NxP fsdata', V_N_c, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP xydata and vector xydata', M_NP_xy, V_N_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector xydata and NxP xydata', V_N_xy, M_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP xydata and vector cdata', M_NP_xy, V_N_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector cdata and NxP xydata', V_N_c, M_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'NxP cdata and vector cdata', M_NP_c, V_N_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule6', 'vector cdata and NxP cdata', V_N_c, M_NP_c, checkFcns)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule6
+%                      Define here the checking functions                     %
+%%%%%%%%%%   Data object test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkDataObjectRule6(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  for nn = 1:size(in1,1)
+    for pp = 1:size(in1,2)
+      if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+        atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1(nn,pp), in2(nn), out(nn,pp));
+      else
+        atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1(nn), in2(nn,pp), out(nn,pp));
+      end
+      if atest == 0
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Value test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkValuesRule6(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for nn = 1:size(in1,1)
+    for pp = 1:size(in1,2)
+      if isMatrix(in1) && isVector(in2)
+        if ~isequal(fcn(in1(nn,pp).data.getY, in2(nn).data.getY), out(nn,pp).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      else
+        if ~isequal(fcn(in1(nn).data.getY, in2(nn,pp).data.getY), out(nn,pp).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      end
+      if atest == 0
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Errors test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkErrorsRule6(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for nn = 1:size(in1,1)
+    for pp = 1:size(in1,2)
+      if isMatrix(in1) && isVector(in2)
+        atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1(nn,pp), in2(nn), out(nn,pp));
+      else
+        atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1(nn), in2(nn,pp), out(nn,pp));
+      end
+      if atest == 0
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Units test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkUnitsRule6(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for nn = 1:size(in1,1)
+    for pp = 1:size(in1,2)
+      if isMatrix(in1) && isVector(in2)
+        atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1(nn,pp), in2(nn), out(nn,pp));
+      else
+        atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1(nn), in2(nn,pp), out(nn,pp));
+      end
+      if atest == 0
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function [a1, a2] = findMatrix(in1, in2)
+  if numel(in1) > numel(in2)
+    a1 = in1;
+    a2 = in2;
+  else
+    a1 = in2;
+    a2 = in1;
+  end
+function res = isMatrix(a)
+  res = all(size(a) > 1);
+function res = isVector(a)
+  res = any(size(a) > 1) && any(size(a) == 1);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule7.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule7(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  V_P_ts  = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1)];
+  M_NP_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  V_P_fs  = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  M_NP_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  V_P_xy  = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  M_NP_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  V_P_c  = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1)];
+  M_NP_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  checkFcns = {...
+    @checkDataObjectRule7, ...
+    @checkValuesRule7,     ...
+    @checkErrorsRule7,     ...
+    @checkUnitsRule7,      ...
+    @check_aop_history};
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP tsdata and vector tsdata', M_NP_ts, V_P_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector tsdata and NxP tsdata', V_P_ts, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP tsdata and vector xydata', M_NP_ts, V_P_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector xydata and NxP tsdata', V_P_xy, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP tsdata and vector cdata', M_NP_ts, V_P_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector cdata and NxP tsdata', V_P_c, M_NP_ts, checkFcns)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP fsdata and vector fsdata', M_NP_fs, V_P_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector fsdata and NxP fsdata', V_P_fs, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP fsdata and vector xydata', M_NP_fs, V_P_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector xydata and NxP fsdata', V_P_xy, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP fsdata and vector cdata', M_NP_fs, V_P_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector cdata and NxP fsdata', V_P_c, M_NP_fs, checkFcns)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP xydata and vector xydata', M_NP_xy, V_P_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector xydata and NxP xydata', V_P_xy, M_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP xydata and vector cdata', M_NP_xy, V_P_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector cdata and NxP xydata', V_P_c, M_NP_xy, checkFcns)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'NxP cdata and vector cdata', M_NP_c, V_P_c, checkFcns)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_core(fcn, 'rule7', 'vector cdata and NxP cdata', V_P_c, M_NP_c, checkFcns)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule7
+%                      Define here the checking functions                     %
+%%%%%%%%%%   Data object test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkDataObjectRule7(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  for nn = 1:size(in1,1)
+    for pp = 1:size(in1,2)
+      if isMatrix(in1) && isVector(in2)
+        atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1(nn,pp), in2(pp), out(nn,pp));
+      else
+        atest = check_aop_data_object(fcn, in1(pp), in2(nn,pp), out(nn,pp));
+      end
+      if atest == 0
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Value test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkValuesRule7(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for nn = 1:size(in1,1)
+    for pp = 1:size(in1,2)
+      if isMatrix(in1) && isVector(in2)
+        if ~isequal(fcn(in1(nn,pp).data.getY, in2(pp).data.getY), out(nn,pp).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      else
+        if ~isequal(fcn(in1(pp).data.getY, in2(nn,pp).data.getY), out(nn,pp).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      end
+      if atest == 0
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Errors test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkErrorsRule7(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for nn = 1:size(in1,1)
+    for pp = 1:size(in1,2)
+      if isMatrix(in1) && isVector(in2)
+        atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1(nn,pp), in2(pp), out(nn,pp));
+      else
+        atest = check_aop_errors(fcn, in1(pp), in2(nn,pp), out(nn,pp));
+      end
+      if atest == 0
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+%%%%%%%%%%   Units test   %%%%%%%%%%
+function atest = checkUnitsRule7(fcn, in1, in2, out)
+  atest = true;
+  for nn = 1:size(in1,1)
+    for pp = 1:size(in1,2)
+      if isMatrix(in1) && isVector(in2)
+        atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1(nn,pp), in2(pp), out(nn,pp));
+      else
+        atest = check_aop_units(fcn, in1(pp), in2(nn,pp), out(nn,pp));
+      end
+      if atest == 0
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+function res = isMatrix(a)
+  res = all(size(a) > 1);
+function res = isVector(a)
+  res = any(size(a) > 1) && any(size(a) == 1);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule8.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule8(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  V_Q_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1)];
+  M_NP_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  V_Q_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1)];
+  M_NP_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  V_Q_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1)];
+  M_NP_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  V_Q_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1)];
+  M_NP_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP tsdata and vector tsdata', M_NP_ts, V_Q_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector tsdata and NxP tsdata', V_Q_ts, M_NP_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP tsdata and vector xydata', M_NP_ts, V_Q_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector xydata and NxP tsdata', V_Q_xy, M_NP_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP tsdata and vector cdata', M_NP_ts, V_Q_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector cdata and NxP tsdata', V_Q_c, M_NP_ts)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP fsdata and vector fsdata', M_NP_fs, V_Q_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector fsdata and NxP fsdata', V_Q_fs, M_NP_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP fsdata and vector xydata', M_NP_fs, V_Q_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector xydata and NxP fsdata', V_Q_xy, M_NP_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP fsdata and vector cdata', M_NP_fs, V_Q_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector cdata and NxP fsdata', V_Q_c, M_NP_fs)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP xydata and vector xydata', M_NP_xy, V_Q_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector xydata and NxP xydata', V_Q_xy, M_NP_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP xydata and vector cdata', M_NP_xy, V_Q_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector cdata and NxP xydata', V_Q_c, M_NP_xy)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'NxP cdata and vector cdata', M_NP_c, V_Q_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule8', 'vector cdata and NxP cdata', V_Q_c, M_NP_c)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/generic_utps/utp_generic_aop_rule9.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_generic_aop_rule9(fcn)
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+  % fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  % Test AOs
+  % tsdata
+  n = 12;
+  fs = 12.1;
+  x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+  a_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  a_ts.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_ts.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_ts.setName();
+  b_ts = ao(x,randn(n,1), fs);
+  b_ts.setDx(7);
+  b_ts.setDy(9);
+  b_ts.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  b_ts.setName();
+  H_NQ_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  M_NP_ts = [copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(b_ts, 1); copy(b_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1), copy(a_ts, 1)];
+  % fsdata
+  a_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  a_fs.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_fs.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_fs.setName();
+  b_fs = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  b_fs.setDx(7);
+  b_fs.setDy(9);
+  b_fs.setName();
+  H_NQ_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  M_NP_fs = [copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(b_fs, 1); copy(b_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1), copy(a_fs, 1)];
+  % xydata
+  a_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  a_xy.setDx(ones(n,1)*1.1);
+  a_xy.setDy((1:n)*2.2);
+  a_xy.setYunits('Hz^(-1/2) V^2');
+  a_xy.setName();
+  b_xy = ao(plist('xvals', 1:n, 'yvals', abs(randn(n,1)), 'type', 'xydata'));
+  b_xy.setDx(7);
+  b_xy.setDy(9);
+  b_xy.setName();
+  H_NQ_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  M_NP_xy = [copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(b_xy, 1); copy(b_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1), copy(a_xy, 1)];
+  % cdata
+  a_c = ao(8);
+  a_c.setDy(2);
+  a_c.setName();
+  b_c = ao(111:122);
+  b_c.setDy((111:122)/100);
+  b_c.setName();
+  H_NQ_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  M_NP_c = [copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(b_c, 1); copy(b_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1), copy(a_c, 1)];
+  % Define check functions
+  result = [];
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+  %
+  % 1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+  % 2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+  % 3) Check the error propagation.
+  % 4) Check the units of the output object.
+  % 5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % tsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP tsdata and NxQ tsdata', M_NP_ts, H_NQ_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ tsdata and NxP tsdata', H_NQ_ts, M_NP_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP tsdata and NxQ xydata', M_NP_ts, H_NQ_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ xydata and NxP tsdata', H_NQ_xy, M_NP_ts)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP tsdata and NxQ cdata', M_NP_ts, H_NQ_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ cdata and NxP tsdata', H_NQ_c, M_NP_ts)];
+  % fsdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP fsdata and NxQ fsdata', M_NP_fs, H_NQ_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ fsdata and NxP fsdata', H_NQ_fs, M_NP_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP fsdata and NxQ xydata', M_NP_fs, H_NQ_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ xydata and NxP fsdata', H_NQ_xy, M_NP_fs)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP fsdata and NxQ cdata', M_NP_fs, H_NQ_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ cdata and NxP fsdata', H_NQ_c, M_NP_fs)];
+  % xydata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP xydata and NxQ xydata', M_NP_xy, H_NQ_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ xydata and NxP xydata', H_NQ_xy, M_NP_xy)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP xydata and NxQ cdata', M_NP_xy, H_NQ_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ cdata and NxP xydata', H_NQ_c, M_NP_xy)];
+  % cdata
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxP cdata and NxQ cdata', M_NP_c, H_NQ_c)];
+  result = [result utp_generic_aop_negative_core(fcn, 'rule9', 'NxQ cdata and NxP cdata', H_NQ_c, M_NP_c)];
+  % </AlgoCode>
+end % END UTP_rule3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/ltpda_report_template.tex	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt, pdftex]{book}
+\usepackage{graphicx, color}
+\usepackage{times, calc,fancyhdr}
+% with this we ensure that the chapter and section 
+% headings are in lowercase. 
+\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}} 
+% delete current setting for header and footer 
+% make space for the rule 
+	\fancyhead{} % get rid of headers on plain pages 
+  \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % and the line 
+\usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, %
+           , linkcolor=blue, citecolor=magenta, urlcolor=cyan,]{hyperref}
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+% \setlength{\textwidth}{15.8cm}
+% \setlength{\hoffset}{-1in}
+%\headsep = 22pt
+\parskip = 5mm
+\parindent = 0.0mm
+  /Title      (LTPDA User Manual)
+  /Author     (Martin R Hewitson)
+  /Keywords   (LTPDA,LTP,LISA)
+\title{LTPDA User Manual}
+\author{M Hewitson}
+	$Id: ltpda_report_template.tex,v 1.1 2008/08/13 14:05:21 gerrit Exp $
+% <Report>
+% <MethodDescription>
+% </MethodDescription>
+% <TestDescription>
+% </TestDescription>
+% <SyntaxDescription>
+<<CONTENT>> &
+% </SyntaxDescription>
+% <SyntaxCode>
+<<CONTENT>> \\
+% </SyntaxCode>
+% <AlgoDescription>
+<<CONTENT>> &
+% </AlgoDescription>
+% <AlgoCode>
+% </AlgoCode>
+% </Report>
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/print_utp_results.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+% PRINT_UTP_RESULTS prints the results structure to a string.
+% M Hewitson 07-08-08
+% $Id: print_utp_results.m,v 1.5 2011/04/17 05:42:54 hewitson Exp $
+function res = print_utp_results(results)
+  DISP_ALL         = false;
+  DISP_RUNTIME     = true;
+  ntests  = numel(results);
+  apassed = sum([results(:).a]);
+  spassed = sum([results(:).s]);
+  res = '';
+  if DISP_ALL
+    res = [res sprintf('\n\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------           SUMMARY           -------------\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('UTP name                           | Syntax | Algorithm\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+    for aa=1:ntests
+      str = dispRes(results(aa).fcn, results(aa).s, results(aa).a, results(aa).msg);
+      res = [res str];
+    end
+    res = [res sprintf('\n\n')];
+  end
+    runtime = [0 results(:).runtime];
+    d       = diff(runtime);
+    [sorted, idx]  = sort(d);
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------           RUNTIME           -------------\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('UTP name                           | Runtime           \n')];
+    res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+    for ll = 0:min(DISP_RUNTIME_NUM, length(idx)-1);
+      currentIdx = idx(end-ll);
+      str = dispRes(results(currentIdx).fcn, sorted(end-ll), '', '');
+      res = [res str];
+    end
+    res = [res sprintf('\n\n')];
+  end
+  res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+  res = [res sprintf('-------------           FAILURES           ------------\n')];
+  res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+  res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+  res = [res sprintf('UTP name                           | Syntax | Algorithm\n')];
+  res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];  
+  for jj=1:ntests
+    if results(jj).a==0 || results(jj).s==0
+      str = dispRes(results(jj).fcn, results(jj).s, results(jj).a, results(jj).msg);
+      res = [res str];
+    end
+  end
+  res = [res sprintf('-------------------------------------------------------\n')];
+  res = [res sprintf('\n\n')];
+  % Summary
+  res = [res sprintf('------------------------------------\n')];
+  res = [res sprintf('Total # tests:  %d\n', ntests)];
+  res = [res sprintf('S tests failed: %d\n', ntests - spassed)];
+  res = [res sprintf('A tests failed: %d\n', ntests - apassed)];
+  res = [res sprintf('------------------------------------\n')];
+function str = dispRes(fcn, s, a, msg)
+  if numel(fcn) > 35
+    fcn = [fcn(1:31), ' ...'];
+  end
+  str = sprintf('%-36s%s  %s %s\n', fcn, res2str(s), res2str(a), msg);
+function str = res2str(a)
+  if islogical(a)
+    if (a)
+      str = '  pass  ';
+    else
+      str = '--fail--';
+    end
+  elseif isnumeric(a)
+    str = sprintf('%8.2f seconds', a);
+  elseif ischar(a)
+    str = a;
+  else
+    str = '';
+  end
Binary file testing/utp_1.1/report/AEI_small.png has changed
Binary file testing/utp_1.1/report/LisaPF-logo.jpg has changed
Binary file testing/utp_1.1/report/LisaPF-logo_klein.jpg has changed
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+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/report/include/macros.tex	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\newcommand{\martin}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{\textit{Martin: #1}}}
+\newcommand{\anneke}[1]{\textcolor{red}{\textit{Anneke: #1}}}
+\newcommand{\q}[1]{\lq #1'}
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+% UTP
+% Algorithmic UTP
+        \multicolumn{3}{@{}p{\textwidth}@{}}{\textbf{\utpfcn\_\padzeroes[3]\decimal{utpcount}} \stepcounter{utpcount}} \\
+        \hline
+        \textbf{S} & \textbf{Call}  \newline #2 &  #3 \\
+        \hline
+        \textbf{A} & \textbf{Check} \newline #4 &  #5 \\
+        \hline
+	\hline
+	\textbf{ST\_\hspace{-0.13cm}\padzeroes[3]\decimal{stpcount}}\stepcounter{stpcount} & #1 \\ \hline
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+<title>LTPDA UTP report</title>
+<img src="LisaPF-logo_klein.jpg" align="right" width="" height="" alt="LISA logo" />
+<div class="maxplanck"><img src="AEI_small.png" align="left" width="120" height="136" alt="MPI logo" />Max Planck Institute for<br />Graviational Physics<br />(Albert Einstein Institute)</div>
+<hr />
+<h1>LTPDA UTP report</h1>
+<tr><td><b>Prepared by:</b></td><td>Martin Hewitson &amp; Ingo Diepholz</td></tr>
+<tr><td><b>Checked by:</b></td> <td></td></tr>
+<tr><td><b>Date:</b></td>       <td>%%%DATE%%%</td></tr>
+<p>This document and all parts of it are confidential. Any distribution is prohibited without
+written authorisation from AEI.</p>
+<!-- Report /-->
+<!-- MethodDescription /-->
+<p class="methoddesc">%%%CONTENT%%%</p>
+<!-- EndMethodDescription /-->
+<!-- TestDescription /-->
+<p class="testdesc">%%%CONTENT%%%</p>
+<!-- EndTestDescription /-->
+<!-- SyntaxDescription /-->
+<table class="utptable">
+<tr><td class="desc"><b>Method description:</b></td><td class="desc">%%%CONTENT%%%</td></tr>
+<!-- EndSyntaxDescription /-->
+<!-- SyntaxCode /-->
+<tr><td class="desc" colspan="2">%%%CONTENT%%%</td></tr>
+<!-- EndSyntaxCode /-->
+<!-- AlgoDescription /-->
+<tr><td class="desc"><b>Algorithm description:</b></td><td class="desc">%%%CONTENT%%%</td></tr>
+<!-- EndAlgoDescription /-->
+<!-- AlgoCode /-->
+<tr><td class="desc" colspan="2">%%%CONTENT%%%</td></tr>
+<!-- EndAlgoCode /-->
+<!-- EndReport /-->
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/report/ltpda_report_template.tex	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
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+	\textsc{Max-Planck-Institute for\\ Gravitational Physics\\
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+	LTPDA Unit Test Plan \\
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+		\begin{tabular}{p{4cm}p{9.5cm}}
+		\hline
+		prepared by     & Martin Hewitson \& Ingo Diepholz \\
+		checked by      &  \\
+		Issue           & 1 \\
+		Revision        & 1 \\
+		Status          & draft \\
+		Number of pages & \pageref{LastPage}  \\
+		date of issue   & \documentdate \\
+		approved by     & \\
+		\hline
+		\end{tabular}
+	}
+\textbf{This document and all parts of it are confidential. Any distribution is prohibited without written authorisation from AEI.}
+\section{Distribution List}
+\hline \rowcolor[gray]{0.9} Name & Company/ Institute\\
+\hline M. Hewitson  &  AEI Hannover\\
+\hline I. Diepholz  &  AEI Hannover\\
+% <Report>
+% <MethodDescription>
+% </MethodDescription>
+% <TestDescription>
+% </TestDescription>
+% <SyntaxDescription>
+Syntax test \hfill n/a
+% </SyntaxDescription>
+% <SyntaxCode>
+% </SyntaxCode>
+% <AlgoDescription>
+Algorithm test \hfill n/a
+% </AlgoDescription>
+% <AlgoCode>
+% </AlgoCode>
+% </Report>
\ No newline at end of file
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+%%   the great listings package.
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+%%   Example of use:  \usepackage[numbered,framed]{mcode}
+%%   in your document preamble.
+%%   Note: inside code blocks you can 'escape' to LaTeX math mode
+%%   by using § YOUR LATEX CODE §, which is especially useful in
+%%   comments...
+%%   Another feature of the listings package is that you can re-
+%%   place certain strings by LaTeX strings; this is used for
+%%   some relation symbols, see below...
+%%   Mat Odijk pointed this out, you may include entire m-files
+%%   using the command \lstinputlisting{YOUR-FILE.m}. Thanks for
+%%   the tip!
+%%   Feel free to edit things, and refer to the listings package 
+%%   documentation for more infos.
+%%   If you have any questions, feel free to ask:
+%%   Usolved problem:  long lines of code that are wrapped with
+%%   '...', and things thereafter being comments.....
+%%   but i'm working on it ;-)
+%%   Author: Florian Knorn,
+%%   Version history:
+%%      1.2  --  Added \lstset{showstringspaces=false}
+%%      1.1  --  Added \mcode command and [final] option
+%%      1.0  --  Release
+\typeout{Package: `mcode' \fileversion\space <\filedate>}
+% for bw-option
+\ifbw\typeout{mcode: settings optimized for printing!}
+\else\typeout{mcode: settings optimized for display!}\fi
+% numbered option
+% final option
+% for framed option
+\DeclareOption*{% default
+	\PackageWarning{mcode}{Unknown option `\CurrentOption' !}%
+% with this command, you can typeset syntax highlighted mcode ``inline'',
+% for example when you talk about \mcode{for}--loops ...
+% check if color command exists
+	\RequirePackage{color}%
+% check if listings has been loaded
+	\iffinal
+		\RequirePackage[final]{listings}
+	\else
+		\RequirePackage{listings}
+	\fi
+% check if textcomp has been loaded (this package is needed 
+% for upright quotes '' (instead of typographic ones `´)...
+	\RequirePackage{textcomp}%
+%          C O N F I G S  ---  C U S T O M I Z E   H E R E                         %
+% define the wanted font for all highlightings here
+% now let's define our own version of matlab highlighting
+	alsoletter={...},%
+	morekeywords={% 											% keywords
+	break,case,catch,continue,elseif,else,end,for,function,global,%
+	if,otherwise,persistent,return,switch,try,while,...},%
+	comment=[l]\%,% 											% comments
+	morecomment=[l]...,% 									% comments
+	morestring=[m]',%   										% strings 
+\ifbw % use font formating and gray 'colors'
+	\lstset{language=matlabfloz,							% use our version of highlighting
+		keywordstyle=\bfseries, 							% keywords in bold
+		commentstyle=\color[gray]{0.6}\itshape,		% comments light gray and italic
+		stringstyle=\color[gray]{0.5} 					% strings darker gray
+	}
+\else% notbw => use colors : )
+	\lstset{language=matlabfloz,							% use our version of highlighting
+		keywordstyle=\color[rgb]{0,0,1},					% keywords
+		commentstyle=\color[rgb]{0.133,0.545,0.133},	% comments
+		stringstyle=\color[rgb]{0.627,0.126,0.941}	% strings
+	}	
+	basicstyle={\lstbasicfont\footnotesize},        % use font and smaller size
+	showstringspaces=false,								% do not emphasize spaces in strings
+	tabsize=4,													% number of spaces of a TAB
+	mathescape=true,escapechar=§,							% escape to latex with §...§
+	upquote=true,												% upright quotes
+	aboveskip={1.5\baselineskip},							% a bit of space above
+	columns=fixed,												% nice spacing
+	%
+	% the following is for replacing some matlab relations like >= or ~=
+	% by the corresponding LaTeX symbols, which are much easier to read ...
+	literate=%
+		{~}{{$\neg$}}1 %				\neg
+		{<=}{{\tiny$\leq$}}1 %		\leq
+		{>=}{{\tiny$\geq$}}1 %		\geq
+		{~=}{{\tiny$\neq$}}1 %		\neq
+		{delta}{{\tiny$\Delta$}}1% \Delta
+\ifnumbered% numbered option
+	\lstset{%
+	numbersep=3mm, numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny,	% number style
+	}
+\ifframed%   framed option
+	\lstset{%
+		frame=single, 											% frame
+	}
+	\ifnumbered%
+		\lstset{%
+			framexleftmargin=6mm, xleftmargin=6mm		% tweak margins
+		}
+	\fi
+%% End of file `mcode.sty'.
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/save_report.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% SAVE_REPORT runs all unit test and saves the result to a readable file
+%   + Format UTP table by hand - not using \utp
+%   + move code block to tables in appendix with same numbering as UTP tables
+%   + add pdf link in UTP table to code block
+%   + keep code indentation from m-file
+%   + wrap strings using utils.prog.wrapstring (or similar) - add ... 
+function save_report()
+  % config
+  csv_filename = 'report/report.csv'; % path to temporary csv file
+  end_filename = 'report/utp_%TIME%.xml'; %where the report goes to
+  ruby = '/usr/bin/ruby'; %path to ruby
+  rb_file = 'buildxml.rb'; %path to buildxml.rb
+  % input data (loaded from file)
+  result = load('result.mat');
+  result = result.s;
+  % input data (test run)
+  % result = utp_run();
+  % output
+  outFile = fopen(csv_filename, 'w');
+  for i=1:length(result)
+    line = sprintf('%s, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f\n', result(i).fcn, result(i).a, result(i).s, result(i).num, result(i).date.utc_epoch_milli);
+    fprintf(outFile, '%s', line);
+  end
+  fclose(outFile);
+  system(sprintf('%s %s "%s"', ruby, rb_file, end_filename));
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/search_results.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+function out = search_results(results, utp_name)
+  out = [];
+  for kk=1:numel(results)
+    r = results(kk);
+    name = ['utp_' r.class '_' r.method '_' r.num];
+    if strcmpi(name, utp_name)
+      kk
+      out = r;
+    end
+  end
Binary file testing/utp_1.1/unit_test_doc/AEI_small.png has changed
Binary file testing/utp_1.1/unit_test_doc/UTN_complete_logo.jpg has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/unit_test_doc/introduction.tex	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+This document captures the results of the unit test run on LTPDA. The
+development cycle of LTPDA uses an automated test-rig which runs every night
+using a fresh build of the toolbox. The test-rig runs a series of different
+tests, including the unit tests presented in this report. 
+The LTPDA unit tests are gathered according to the object class and method within
+that class. For each unit test, there is a syntax test (to check that the method
+can be run) and an algorithm test (to check that the method does the correct thing).
+The test tables presented in this document are structured as follows:
+  \item Column 1 contains the test name or number, together with any sub-name or
+  \item Column 2 contains the general description of the test.
+  \item Column 3, row 1 contains the description of the syntax test.
+  \item Column 3, row 2 contains the description of the algorithm test.
+  \item Column 4, row 1 contains the result of the syntax test (pass or fail).
+  \item Column 4, row 2 contains the result of the algorithm test (pass or fail).
+This report refers to version 2.4 of the LTPDA toolbox.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/unit_test_doc/results.tex	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27479 @@
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/abs} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/abs] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/abs] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/abs] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/abs] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/abs] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/abs] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/abs] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/abs] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/abs] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/abs] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/abs] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/abs] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/abs] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/abs] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/abs] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/abs] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/abs] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/abs] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/abs] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/abs] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/abs] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/abs.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/acos} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/acos] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/acos] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/acos] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/acos] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/acos] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/acos] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/acos] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/acos] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/acos] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/acos] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/acos] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/acos] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/acos] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/acos] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/acos] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/acos] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/acos] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/acos] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/acos] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/acos] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/acos] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/acos.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/and} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP cdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{and } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (fsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (AO no data and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and AO no data)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different fs in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x values in fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/and.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/angle} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/angle] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/angle] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/angle] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/angle] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/angle] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/angle] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/angle] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/angle] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/angle] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/angle] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/angle] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/angle] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/angle] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/angle] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/angle] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/angle] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/angle] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/angle] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/angle] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/angle] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/angle] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/angle.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/ao} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ao] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ao] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ao] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ao] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ao] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ao] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ao] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/ao] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ao] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/ao] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the
+ASCII-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out1' and 'ouit2' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the complex
+ASCII-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the read data are correct
+3) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as in 'out1..5' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the vals constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(fcn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(vals) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(x/y-vals) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(tsfcn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(fsfcn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out1' and 'out2' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(win) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to 'ao'.
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(waveform) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out\_...'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{23 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(polynomial) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{25 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(pzmodel) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{26 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the data-object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+'ao'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{28 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the x-vector, y-vector constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{29 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the filename +
+plist constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{30 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the filename +
+plist constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check the read data
+3) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{31 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the filename + plist constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{60 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{61 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{62 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{64 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{65 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.} & Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{66 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the construuctor properly works with the plist(pzmodel)
+constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly works with the plist(pzmodel)
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{67 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+pole/zero model + plist object constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+pole/zero model + plist object constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{68 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/ao.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/asin} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/asin] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/asin] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/asin] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/asin] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/asin] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/asin] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/asin] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/asin] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/asin] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/asin] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/asin] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/asin] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/asin] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/asin] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/asin] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/asin] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/asin] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/asin] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/asin] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/asin] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/asin] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/asin.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/atan} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/atan] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/atan] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/atan] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/atan] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/atan] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/atan] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/atan] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/atan] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/atan] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/atan] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/atan] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/atan] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/atan] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/atan] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/atan] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/atan] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/atan] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/atan] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/atan] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/atan] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/atan] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/atan.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/atan2} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the atan2 method works only with two AOs as input..} & Tests that the atan2 method works only with two AOs as input.. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the atan2 method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the atan2 method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the atan2 method can not be used as a modifier method.} & Tests that the atan2 method can not be used as a modifier method. The
+command should fail. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/atan2.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/average} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the average method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Tests that the average method works with a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the outputs have exactly one AO
+2) Check that the outputs have the correct data.
+3) Check the rebuilt objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the average method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the average method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the outputs have exactly one AO
+2) Check that the outputs have the correct data.
+3) Check the rebuilt objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the average method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the average method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the outputs have exactly one AO
+2) Check that the outputs have the correct data.
+3) Check the rebuilt objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the average method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the average method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+2) Check that the output have the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/average] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/average] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the average method cannot modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call.} & Test that the average method cannot modify the input AO by calling with
+no output & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the average method keeps the data shape of the input
+object. The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with
+column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the average method works with a single AO as input.} & Tests that the average method works with a single AO as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the outputs have exactly one AO
+2) Check that the outputs have the correct data.
+3) Check the rebuilt objects & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/average.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf bin/data} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [bin/data] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [bin/data] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [bin/data] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [bin/data] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [bin/data] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [bin/data] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [bin/data] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [bin/data] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [bin/data] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [bin/data] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [bin/data] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [bin/data] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [bin/data] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [bin/data] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [bin/data] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) rebinning of the PSD data
+2) rebinning of the LPSD data
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Rebinning the data & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (rebinned PSD yunits) equals (input PSD yunits)
+2) Check that (rebinned PSD xunits) equals (input PSD xunits)
+3) Check that (rebinned LPSD yunits) equals (input LPSD yunits)
+4) Check that (rebinned LPSD xunits) equals (input LPSD xunits) & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) rebinning of the PSD data
+2) rebinning of the LPSD data
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Rebinning the data & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (rebinned PSD yunits) equals (input PSD yunits)
+2) Check that (rebinned PSD xunits) equals (input PSD xunits)
+3) Check that (rebinned LPSD yunits) equals (input LPSD yunits)
+4) Check that (rebinned LPSD xunits) equals (input LPSD xunits) & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) rebinning of the PSD data
+2) rebinning of the LPSD data
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Rebinning the data & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (rebinned PSD yunits) equals (input PSD yunits)
+2) Check that (rebinned PSD xunits) equals (input PSD xunits)
+3) Check that (rebinned LPSD yunits) equals (input LPSD yunits)
+4) Check that (rebinned LPSD xunits) equals (input LPSD xunits) & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) rebinning of the PSD data
+2) rebinning of the LPSD data} & 1) Rebinning the data & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) rebinning of the PSD data
+2) rebinning of the LPSD data} & 1) Rebinning the data & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for bin/data.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/cat} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cat] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/cat] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cat] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/cat] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cat] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/cat] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cat] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/cat] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The cat method doesn't apply history.} & The cat method doesn't apply history. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The cat method can not be used as a modifer method.} & The cat method can not be used as a modifer method. In this case
+throws the method an error. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/cat.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method properly applies history.} & The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/cohere} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cohere method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the cohere method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the cohere method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the cohere method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cohere method works with a list of AOs as input (only
+two objects).} & Test that the cohere method works for a list of AOs as input. (only
+two objects) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the cohere method doesn't work with an input of matrices
+and vectors and single AOs.} & Test that the cohere method doesn't work with an input of matrices
+and vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cohere method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the cohere method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cohere method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the cohere method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the plus method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the cohere method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & This test is not longer necessary because the cohere method pass back
+always only one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cohere method agrees with MATLAB's mscohere when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying cohere works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's mscohere.
+2) Check that the shape of the output data is equal to the input data & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/cohere] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) complex coherence of the white noise series
+4) compare C(x,y) with conj(C(y,x))
+5) compare C(x,x) and C(y,y) with 1} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) complex coherence of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that C(x,y) equals conj(C(y,x))
+2) Check that C(x,x) equals 1
+2) Check that C(y,y) equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) magnitude-squared coherence of the white noise series
+4) compare C(x,y) with C(y,x)
+5) compare C(x,x) and C(y,y) with 1} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) magnitude-squared coherence of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that C(x,y) equals C(y,x)
+1) Check that C(x,x) equals 1
+1) Check that C(y,y) equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) complex coherence of the combination of white noise series
+4) compare C(x,y) with 1} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) complex coherence of the combination of noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the complex coherence equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) magnitude-squared coherence of the combination of white noise series
+4) compare C(x,y) with 1} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) magnitude-squared coherence of the combination of noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the magnitude-squared coherence equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) magnitude-squared coherence M of the combination of white noise series
+4) complex coherence C of the combination of white noise series
+5) compare abs(C)\^2 with M} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) magnitude-squared coherence of the combination of noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the magnitude-squared coherence equals the square
+modulus of the complex coherence & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) complex coherence of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) complex cohere of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (complex coherence yunits) equals [1]
+2) Check that (complex coherence xunits) equals [Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) magnitude-squared coherence of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) magnitude-squared cohere of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (magnitude-squared coherence yunits) equals [1]
+2) Check that (magnitude-squared coherence xunits) equals [Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that differently sized data sets are treated properly} & Test that applying cohere works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that cohere used the length of the shortest ao. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that applying a single window the coherence is 1} & Test that applying cohere works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the calculated cohere is 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+3) check the effective number of averages} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+averages & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated navs are identical to those requested & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{22 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run cohere again, with the nfft used
+6) compare the calculated objects} & 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run cohere again, with the nfft used & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated objects C1 and C2 are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{23 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run cohere again, with the nfft used
+6) compare navs, nfft, coheres} & 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run cohere again, with the nfft used
+6) run cohere again, with conflicting parameters, and verify it uses
+nfft rather than navs & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated objects C1 and C2 are identical
+2) Check that C3 used different values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{24 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cohere method agrees with MATLAB's mscohere when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying cohere works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's mscohere.
+2) Check that the shape of the output data is equal to the input data & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{25 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) complex coherence of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) complex cohere of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (complex coherence yunits) equals [1]
+2) Check that (complex coherence xunits) equals [Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{26 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) complex coherence of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) complex cohere of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (complex coherence yunits) equals [1]
+2) Check that (complex coherence xunits) equals [Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{30 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of special cases:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) the same noise series
+3) cohere of the white noise series
+4) compares the output to unity} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+the same data as 1) and 2)
+4) cohere of the series & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated cohere equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/cohere.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/complex} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the complex method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the complex method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that the output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the complex method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the complex method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that the output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the complex method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the complex method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/complex] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/complex] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the complex method keeps the data shape of the first input object.
+the input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/complex] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/complex.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/compute} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the complex method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the complex method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the compute method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the compute method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 2.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the compute method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the compute method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 2.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the compute method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the compute method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 2.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the compute method applies no history.} & Test that the result of applying the compute method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' is not
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/compute] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/compute.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/conj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/conj] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/conj] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/conj] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/conj] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/conj] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/conj] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/conj] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/conj] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/conj] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/conj] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/conj] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/conj] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/conj] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/conj] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/conj] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/conj] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/conj] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/conj] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/conj] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/conj] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/conj] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/conj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/conv} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the conv method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the conv method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the conv method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the conv method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the conv method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the conv method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the conv method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the conv method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the conv method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the conv method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The conv method can not modify the input AO.} & The conv method throws an error if it is uesed as a modifier. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/conv] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/conv.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/convert} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the convert method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the convert method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the convert method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the convert method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the convert method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the convert method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the convert method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input.} & Tests that the convert method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the convert method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the convert method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the convert method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the convert method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the convert value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the convert method can modify the input object depending
+to the plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the convert method aplpiesthe different actions
+4) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out[1..6]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the convert method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the convert method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/convert] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/convert.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/cos} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cos] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/cos] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cos] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/cos] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cos] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/cos] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cos] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/cos] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cos] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/cos] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/cos] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/cos] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/cos] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/cos] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/cos] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/cos] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/cos] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/cos] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/cos] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/cos] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/cos] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/cos.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/cov} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cov method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the cov method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cov method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the cov method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cov method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the cov method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cov method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the cov method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cov method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the cov method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The cov method can not modify the input AO.} & The cov method can not modify the input AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/cov] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/cov.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/cpsd} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cpsd method works with a vector of AOs as input. (only
+with two objects in the vector)} & Test that the cpsd method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cpsd method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the cpsd method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cpsd method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the cpsd method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cpsd method doesn't work with a mix of different shaped
+AOs as input.} & Test that the cpsd method doesn't work with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cpsd method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the cpsd method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cpsd method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the cpsd method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the cpsd method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the cpsd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & This test is not longer necessary because the cpsd method pass back
+always only one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the cpsd method agrees with MATLAB's cpsd when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying cpsd works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's cpsd. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/cpsd] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) CPSD of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) CPSD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated CPSD yunits) equals
+input\_1 units*input\_2 units/Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) CPSD of the white noise series
+Comparison with PSD:
+4) compares the off-diagonal terms to check they are complex-conjugated
+5) compares the diagonal terms with PSD of the individual noise} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) CPSD of the white noise
+6) PSD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that CPSD(x,y) equals conj(CPSD(y,x))
+2) Check that CPSD(x,x) equals PSD(x)
+3) Check that CPSD(y,y) equals PSD(y) & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{24 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that differently sized data sets are treated properly} & Test that applying cpsd works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that cpsd used the length of the shortest ao. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{25 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) CPSD of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) CPSD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated CPSD yunits) equals
+input\_1 units*input\_2 units/Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{51 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+3) check the effective number of averages} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+averages & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated navs are identical to those requested & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{52 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run cpsd again, with the nfft used
+6) compare the calculated objects} & 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run cpsd again, with the nfft used & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated objects C1 and C2 are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{53 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run cpsd again, with the nfft used
+6) compare navs, nfft, psds} & 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run cpsd again, with the nfft used
+6) run cpsd again, with conflicting parameters, and verify it uses
+nfft rather than navs & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated objects C1 and C2 are identical
+2) Check that C3 used different values & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/cpsd.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/created} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the created method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the created method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the created method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in input.
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input.} & Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in input.
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+even for an empty input object.} & Test that the created method with an empty AO & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/created.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/creator} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the creator method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the creator method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a list of AOs as input.} & The creator method doesn't work for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+AOs as input.} & The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+are in the history.} & Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+'third' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.} & Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+used in connection with a matrix/vector of AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/creator.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/ctranspose} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ctranspose] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ctranspose] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ctranspose] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ctranspose] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ctranspose] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ctranspose] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ctranspose] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/ctranspose] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ctranspose] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/ctranspose] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ctranspose method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the ctranspose method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is ctranspose(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the abs method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/ctranspose] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/ctranspose] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/ctranspose.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/delay} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/delay] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/delay] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/delay] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/delay] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/delay] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/delay] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/delay] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/delay] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/delay] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/delay] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/delay] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/delay] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/delay] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/delay] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/delay] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/delay] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/delay.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/demux} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the demux method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the demux method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Negative test.
+Check that the demux method throwns an error for too few output
+variables.} & Check that the demux method throwns an error for too few output
+variables. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Negative test.
+Check that the demux method throwns an error for too many output
+variables.} & Check that the demux method throwns an error for too few output
+variables. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/demux.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/det} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the det method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the det method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the det method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the det method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the det method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the det method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the det method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the det method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the det method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the det method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the det method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the det method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is det(at4). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the det method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the det method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the det method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the det method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the det method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the det method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/det] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/det.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/detrend} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/detrend] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/detrend] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/detrend] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/detrend] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/detrend] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/detrend] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/detrend] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/detrend] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/detrend] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/detrend] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/detrend] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/detrend] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/detrend] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/detrend] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/detrend] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/detrend] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/detrend.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/dft} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/dft] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/dft] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/dft] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/dft] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/dft] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/dft] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/dft] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/dft] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/dft] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/dft] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/dft] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/dft] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/dft] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/dft] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/dft] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/dft] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/dft.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/diag} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the diag method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the diag method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the diag method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the diag method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the diag method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the diag method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the diag method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the diag method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the diag method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the diag method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the diag method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the diag method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is diag(at4). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the diag method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the svd method applies with different options.
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the diag method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the diag method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/diag] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/diag.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/diff} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/diff] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/diff] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/diff] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/diff] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/diff] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/diff] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/diff] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/diff] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/diff] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/diff] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/diff] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/diff] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/diff] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/diff] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/diff] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/diff] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test the computation of derivative using a 2nd order & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the diff method uses the 2nd order derivative.
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test the computation of derivative using a 2nd order with a parabolic fit & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the diff method uses the 2nd order derivative with a
+parabolic fit
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test the 5 point derivative. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the diff method uses the 5 point derivative.
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/diff.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method properly applies history.} & The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/dopplercorr} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dopplercorr method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the dopplercorr method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dopplercorr method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the dopplercorr method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dopplercorr method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the dopplercorr method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dopplercorr method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the dopplercorr method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dopplercorr method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the dopplercorr method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the dopplercorr method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/dopplercorr] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/dopplercorr.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/downsample} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the downsample method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the downsample method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the downsample method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the downsample method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the downsample method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the downsample method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the downsample method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the downsample method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the downsample method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the downsample method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the downsample method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the downsample method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is downsample(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the downsample method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the downsample method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the downsample method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test the downsample method with a factor and an offset. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the downsample method with an offset and a factor
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/downsample] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/downsample.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/dropduplicates} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dropduplicates method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the dropduplicates method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dropduplicates method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the dropduplicates method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dropduplicates method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the dropduplicates method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dropduplicates method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the dropduplicates method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dropduplicates method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the dropduplicates method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dropduplicates method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the dropduplicates method can modify the input AO by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is dropduplicates(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dropduplicates method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the dropduplicates method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the dropduplicates method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test the dropduplicates method with different tolerances. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the different tolerances
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/dropduplicates] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/dropduplicates.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/dsmean} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dsmean method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the dsmean method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dsmean method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the dsmean method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dsmean method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the dsmean method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dsmean method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the dsmean method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dsmean method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the dsmean method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dsmean method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the dsmean method can modify the input AO by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is dsmean(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the dsmean method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the dsmean method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the dsmean method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/dsmean] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/dsmean.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/eig} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eig method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the eig method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eig method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the eig method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eig method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the eig method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eig method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the eig method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eig method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the eig method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eig method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the eig method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is eig(at4). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the eig method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the svd method applies with different options.
+2) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..2]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the eig method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the eig method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/eig] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/eig.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/eq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a vector of AOs as input. Test the
+positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a matrix of AOs as input. Test the
+positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a list of AOs as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of AOs as input. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of AOs as input. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method properly applies history.} & The eq method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'plotinfo'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 't0'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'x'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'y'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'xunits'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'yunits'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'fs'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'description'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/eq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/exp} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/exp] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/exp] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/exp] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/exp] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/exp] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/exp] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/exp] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/exp] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/exp] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/exp] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/exp] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/exp] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/exp] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/exp] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/exp] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/exp] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/exp] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/exp] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/exp] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/exp] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/exp] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/exp.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/export} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the export method works with non complex data in the AO.} & Tests that the export method works with non complex data in the AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the file exist.
+2) Check that the read data is the same as the saved data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the export method works with complex data in the AO.} & Tests that the export method works with complex data in the AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the file exist.
+2) Check that the read data is the same as the saved data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the export method works with a plist which contains the filename.} & Tests that the export method works with a plist which contains the
+filename. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the file exist.
+2) Check that the read data is the same as the saved data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/export.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/fft} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/fft] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/fft] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/fft] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/fft] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/fft] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/fft] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/fft] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/fft] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/fft] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/fft] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/fft] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/fft] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/fft] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/fft] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/fft] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/fft] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fft method agrees with MATLAB's fft when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying fft works on a single AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's fft. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fft method works with different data types. The testing of
+tsdata types are done before.} & Test that the applying fft works on cdata and xydata. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fft method works with a plist which constains the key/value
+pair 'type'/'two'.} & Test that the applying fft works with a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/fft.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/fftfilt} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fftfilt method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the fftfilt method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fftfilt method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the fftfilt method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fftfilt method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the fftfilt method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fftfilt method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the fftfilt method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fftfilt method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the fftfilt method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2)  Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fftfilt method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the fftfilt method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at2' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is fftfilt(at2). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fftfilt method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the fftfilt method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the fftfilt method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/fftfilt.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/filtSubtract} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtSubtract method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the filtSubtract method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtSubtract method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the filtSubtract method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtSubtract method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the filtSubtract method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtSubtract method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+DOES NOT APPLY TO THIS METHOD} & Test that the filtSubtract method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtSubtract method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the filtSubtract method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtSubtract method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/filtSubtract.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/filter} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the filter method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the output-filter & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the filter method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the output-filter & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the filter method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the filter method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the filter method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the filter method can modify the input AO by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is filter(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the filter method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method with a iir filter which have a different sample
+rate as the input object.} & Test that the filter method can change the sample rate of the filter and
+that the filter-object is returned. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a iir filter. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method with a fir filter.} & Test that the filter method with a fir filter. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a fir filter. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/filter] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the filter method with an AO and fsdata-object and an iir filter.} & Test that the result of the filter method is the product of the AO and the
+response of the filter. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+3) Check the units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method works with a bank of parallel filters.} & Test that the filter method works for bank of parallel filters. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number of elements in 'input'
+2) Check that output AO contains the correct number of data.
+3) Check that output AO contains the correct data.
+4) Check that histout is properly assigned & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filter method works with a bank of serial filters.} & Test that the filter method works for bank of serial filters. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number of elements in 'input'
+2) Check that output AO contains the correct number of data.
+3) Check that output AO contains the correct data.
+4) Check that histout is properly assigned & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the filter method with an AO of fsdata-object and a bank of iir
+parallel filter.} & Test that the result of the filter method is the product of the AO and the
+response of the parallel filter bank. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+3) Check the units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the filter method with an AO of fsdata-object and a bank of iir
+serial filter.} & Test that the result of the filter method is the product of the AO and the
+response of the serial filter bank. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+3) Check the units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the filter method with an AO and fsdata-object and an mfir filter.} & Test that the result of the filter method is the product of the AO and the
+response of the filter. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a fir filter.
+3) Check the units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the filter method works with a filter embedded into a matrix
+and input in a plist} & Test that the filter method works with a filter embedded into a
+matrix & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the output-filter & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the filter method works with a filter embedded into a matrix
+and input as a second input} & Test that the filter method works with a filter embedded into a
+matrix & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the output-filter & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the filter method does not works with a N-dim matrix of
+filters input in a plist.} & Test that the filter method does not works with a N-dim matrix of
+filters input in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the filter method does not works with a N-dim matrix of
+filters input as a second object} & Test that the filter method does not works with a N-dim matrix of
+filters input in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to do. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/filter.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/filtfilt} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the filtfilt method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the output-filter & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the filtfilt method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the output-filter & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the filtfilt method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the filtfilt method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the filtfilt method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the filtfilt method can modify the input AO by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is filtfilt(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the filtfilt method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method with a iir filter which have a different sample
+rate as the input object.} & Test that the filtfilt method can change the sample rate of the filter and
+that the filtfilt-object is returned. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a iir filtfilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the filtfilt method with a fir filter.} & Test that the filtfilt method with a fir filter. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a fir filter. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/filtfilt] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the filtfilt method with an AO and fsdata-object and an iir filter.} & Test that the result of the filtfilt method is the product of the AO and the
+response of the filter. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+3) Check the units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the filtfilt method with an AO and fsdata-object and an iir filter.} & Test that the result of the filtfilt method is the product of the AO and the
+response of the filter. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that the second output is a fir filter.
+3) Check the units & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/filtfilt.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/find} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the find method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the find method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the find method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the find method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the find method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the find method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the find method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the find method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the find method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the find method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the find method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the find method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the abs value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the find method works with different queries to the x-/y-
+axis.} & Test that the find method works with different queries to the x-/y-
+axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the find method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the find method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/find] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the find method works with AOs which have cdata.} & Test that the find method works with AOs which have cdata. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the find method works with a plist which contains different
+queries to the x-/y- axis.} & Test that the find method works with a plist which contains different
+queries to the x-/y- axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/find.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/firwhiten} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the firwhiten method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the firwhiten method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of elements in 'out'
+2) Check the number of filters (outf) and noise-floor estimates (outxx)
+3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the firwhiten method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the firwhiten method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of elements in 'out'
+2) Check the number of filters (outf) and noise-floor estimates (outxx)
+3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the firwhiten method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the firwhiten method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of elements in 'out'
+2) Check the number of filters (outf) and noise-floor estimates (outxx)
+3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the firwhiten method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the firwhiten method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of elements in 'out'
+2) Check the number of filters (outf) and noise-floor estimates (outxx)
+3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the firwhiten method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the firwhiten method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the firwhiten method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the firwhiten method can modify the input AO by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is firwhiten(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the firwhiten method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the firwhiten method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the firwhiten method with a complex plist.} & Test that the result of applying the firwhiten method with a complex plist
+can be processed back to a m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output data
+2) Check the output filter
+3) Check the noise-floor estimates
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the spectral falttening capability of firwhiten method.} & Test that the application of the firwhiten method enhances the
+spectral flatness of input data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Calculate PSD of input and whitened data
+2) Compare relative spectral flatness coefficients & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/firwhiten] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the errors are cleared for this method.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output has no error fields & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/firwhiten.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/fixfs} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the fixfs method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as
+the number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the fixfs method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as
+the number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the fixfs method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as
+the number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the fixfs method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. Additionally define a 'fs' in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that 't0' and 'fs' are correct. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the fixfs method can be processed back
+to an m-file. Additionally define a 'fs' in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2)  Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the fixfs method can modify the input AO by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is fixfs(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the fixfs method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the fixfs method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method works with a list of AOs as input and different
+'t0' and 'fs' for the inputs.} & Test that the fixfs method works for a list of AOs as input and different
+'t0' and 'fs' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as
+the number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that each output contains the correct frequency and start time. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/fixfs] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method works with the method 'samples'.} & Test that the fixfs method works for the method 'samples'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that each output contains the correct frequency and start time. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method works with antialising filter.} & Test that the fixfs method works for the antialising filters iir and fir. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that each output contains the correct frequency and start time. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fixfs method works with an AO with non evenly sampled data.} & Test that the fixfs method works for an AO with non evenly samples data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+2) Check that each output contains the correct frequency and start time. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/fixfs.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/fs} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fs method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & The fs method doesn't work with a vector of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fs method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & The fs method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fs method works with a list of AOs as input.} & The fs method doesn't work with a list of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fs method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as input.} & The fs method can only return the fs value of one AO. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fs method properly applies history.} & The fs method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the fs method works for AOs with different data objects.} & Test that the fs method returns the fs value for AOs with cdata,
+fsdata, tsdata and xydata objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/fs.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/ge} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ge method compare an AO with scalar value} & Test that the ge method works with relational operators and the function
+command. Use for this AOs with different data objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+command are the same.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ge method compare an AO with one other AO} & Test that the ge method works with relational operators and the function
+command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+Remark that both AOs must have the same size. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+command are the same.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/ge.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/get} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the ao class.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property. Do this for all properties of the AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the get method works with a plist.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property which is defined in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the ao class.} & Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+one AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/get.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/gt} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the gt method compare an AO with scalar value} & Test that the gt method works with relational operators and the function
+command. Use for this AOs with different data objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+command are the same.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the gt method compare an AO with one other AO} & Test that the gt method works with relational operators and the function
+command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+Remark that both AOs must have the same size. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+command are the same.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/gt.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/heterodyne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the heterodyne method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the heterodyne method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the heterodyne method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the heterodyne method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the heterodyne method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the heterodyne method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the heterodyne method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the heterodyne method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the heterodyne method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the heterodyne method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2)  Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the heterodyne method functionality.} & Build reference signal, mixed signal and heterodyne the 2nd to obtain the first
+Downsample is set to 'no' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Test that we can recover the initial signal after heterodyne up to
+a numerical error given by tol & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the heterodyne method functionality.} & Build reference signal, mixed signal and heterodyne the 2nd to obtain the first
+Downsample is set to 'yes' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Test that we can recover the initial signal after heterodyne up to
+a numerical error given by tol & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/heterodyne] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/heterodyne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/hist} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the hist method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the hist method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the hist method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the hist method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the hist method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the hist method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the hist method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the hist method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the hist method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the hist method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the hist method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the hist method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. Remark that the command at1.hist() doesn't call the histogram
+method because an AO have a property with the name 'hist'. Thus the
+command at1.hist returns the value in the property hist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is hist(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the hist method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the hist method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the hist method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test the hist method with a factor and an offset. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the hist method with defined number of bins
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/hist] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test the hist method with a factor and an offset. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the hist method with set of bin centers
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/hist.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/ifft} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the ifft method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the ifft method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the ifft method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the ifft method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the ifft method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2)  Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the ifft method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at2' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is ifft(at2). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the ifft method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the ifft method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method agrees with MATLAB's ifft when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying ifft works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's ifft. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/ifft] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ifft method agrees with MATLAB's ifft when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying ifft works on a single AO with 'nonsymmetric'
+option. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's ifft. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/ifft.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/imag} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the imag method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the imag method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the imag method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the imag method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the imag method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the imag method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the imag method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the imag method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the imag method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the imag method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the imag method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the imag method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is imag(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the imag method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the imag method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the imag method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the imag method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the imag method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the imag method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/imag] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/imag.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/index} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the index method works for a vector of AOs as input. The
+following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the index method works for a matrix of AOs as input. The
+following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+[ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a list of AOs as input.} & The index method doesn't work for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of index have an additional history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+to 'index'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.} & Tests that the index method works for the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the index method can be controled with a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.} & Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/index] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/index.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/integrate} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the integrate method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the integrate method works for a vector of AOs as input. Use for
+this test the trapezoidal method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the integrate method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the integrate method works for a matrix of AOs as input. Use for
+this test the Trapezoidal method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the integrate method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the integrate method works for a list of AOs as input. Use for
+this test the trapezoidal. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the integrate method works with a mix of integrateerent shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the integrate method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. Use for this test the trapezoidal. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the integrate method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the integrate method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the integrate method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the integrate method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. Use for this test the trapezoidal. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now integrateerent.
+2) Check that 'ain' is integrate(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the integrate method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the integrate method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the integrate method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test the trapezoidal. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the integrate method uses the trapezoidal method.
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/integrate] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/integrate.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/interp} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interp method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the interp method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interp method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the interp method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interp method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the interp method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interp method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the interp method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interp method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the interp method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interp method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the interp method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is interp(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interp method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the interp method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the interp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interp method can different interpolations.} & Test that the interp method can all of MATLAB interpolates methods.
+'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation
+'linear'  - Linear interpolation
+'spline'  - Cubic spline interpolation (see UTPs above)
+'pchip'   - Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the different interpolations
+2) Check that the re-built objects are the same as 'out1..3'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/interp] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/interp.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/interpmissing} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interpmissing method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the interpmissing method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51 & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interpmissing method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the interpmissing method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51 & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interpmissing method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the interpmissing method works for a list of AOs as input.
+Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51 & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interpmissing method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the interpmissing method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51 & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interpmissing method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the interpmissing method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interpmissing method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the interpmissing method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign).
+Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51 & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is interpmissing(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the interpmissing method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the interpmissing method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the interpmissing method can change the tolerance for finding
+missing samples.} & Test that the interpmissing method works with a plist which changes the
+tolerance. Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51 with the width of 40
+and 60 & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/interpmissing] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/interpmissing.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/inv} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the inv method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the inv method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the inv method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the inv method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the inv method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the inv method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the inv method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the inv method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the inv method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the inv method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the inv method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the inv method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is inv(at4). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the inv method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the inv method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the inv method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the inv method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built objects are the same as 'out1..3'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the inv method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the inv method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/inv] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/inv.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/isprop} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.} & The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to
+apply history. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works for each property.} & Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+'data', 'mfile', 'mfilename', 'mdlfile', 'mdlfilename', 'procinfo',
+'plotinfo', 'description', 'hist', 'name' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the negatice case and the not function command.} & Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+methods of the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/isprop.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf join/fsdata} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the join method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the join method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the join method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the join method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the join method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the join method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is joined
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the join method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [join/fsdata] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for join/fsdata.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf join/tsdata} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the join method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the join method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the join method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the join method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the join method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the join method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the join method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is joined
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the join method fills the gaps with zeros.} & Test that the join method fills the gaps with zeros. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the join method filled the gaps with zero
+2) Check that the re-built objects are the same as out[1..2] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the join method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the x-values.} & Test the x-values. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the x-values for the case where we 'zerofill' or not.
+2) Compare the outputs to see that switching the order did not matter,
+because if the different t0 of the data, that get sorted anyways. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [join/tsdata] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for join/tsdata.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/lcohere} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcohere method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the lcohere method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcohere method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the lcohere method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to do & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcohere method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the lcohere method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcohere method doesn't work with a mix of different
+shaped AOs as input.} & Test that the lcohere method doesn't work with an input of matrices
+and vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcohere method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the lcohere method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcohere method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the lcohere method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the plus method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the lcohere method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & This test is not longer necessary because the cohere method pass back
+always only one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/lcohere] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) complex lcoherence of the white noise series
+4) compare C(x,y) with conj(C(y,x))
+5) compare C(x,x) and C(y,y) with 1} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) complex log-scale coherence of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that C(x,y) equals conj(C(y,x))
+2) Check that C(x,x) equals 1
+2) Check that C(y,y) equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the white noise series
+4) compare C(x,y) with C(y,x)
+5) compare C(x,x) and C(y,y) with 1} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that C(x,y) equals C(y,x)
+1) Check that C(x,x) equals 1
+1) Check that C(y,y) equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) complex log-scale coherence of the combination of white noise series
+4) compare C(x,y) with 1} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) complex log-scale coherence of the combination of noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the complex coherence equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the combination of white noise series
+4) compare C(x,y) with 1} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the combination of noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the magnitude-squared coherence equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence M of the combination of white noise series
+4) complex log-scale coherence C of the combination of white noise series
+5) compare abs(C)\^2 with M} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the combination of noise
+6) complex log-scale coherence of the combination of noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the magnitude-squared coherence equals the square
+modulus of the complex coherence & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) complex cohere of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) complex cohere of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (complex coherence yunits) equals [1]
+2) Check that (complex coherence xunits) equals [Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) magnitude-squared cohere of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) magnitude-squared cohere of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (magnitude-squared coherence yunits) equals [1]
+2) Check that (magnitude-squared coherence xunits) equals [Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{30 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of special cases:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) the same noise series
+3) lcohere of the white noise series
+4) compares the output to unity} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+the same data as 1) and 2)
+4) lcohere of the series & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated lcohere equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/lcohere.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/lcpsd} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcpsd method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the lcpsd method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcpsd method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the lcpsd method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcpsd method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the lcpsd method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcpsd method doesn't work with a mix of different shaped
+AOs as input.} & Test that the lcpsd method doesn't work with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcpsd method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the lcpsd method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lcpsd method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the lcpsd method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the plus method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the lcpsd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & This test is not longer necessary because the cohere method pass back
+always only one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/lcpsd] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that differently sized data sets are treated properly} & Test that applying lcpsd works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that lcpsd used the length of the shortest ao. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) LCPSD of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) LCPSD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated LCPSD yunits) equals
+input\_1 units*input\_2 units/Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) LCPSD of the white noise series
+Comparison with LPSD:
+4) compares the off-diagonal terms to check they are complex-conjugated
+5) compares the diagonal terms with PSD of the individual noise} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) LCPSD of the white noise
+6) LPSD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that LCPSD(x,x) equals LPSD(x)
+2) Check that LCPSD(y,y) equals LPSD(y)
+3) Check that LCPSD(x,y) equals conj(LCPSD(y,x)) & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/lcpsd.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/le} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the le method compare an AO with scalar value} & Test that the le method works with relational operators and the function
+command. Use for this AOs with different data objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+command are the same.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the le method compare an AO with one other AO} & Test that the le method works with relational operators and the function
+command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+Remark that both AOs must have the same size. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+command are the same.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/le.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/len} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the len method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the len method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the len method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the len method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the len method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the len method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the len method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the len method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the len method properly applies history.} & The len method doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to test
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/len.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/linSubtract} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the linSubtract method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the linSubtract method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the linSubtract method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the linSubtract method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the linSubtract method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the linSubtract method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the linSubtract method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the linSubtract method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the linSubtract method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the linSubtract method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the linSubtract method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/linSubtract] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/linSubtract.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/lincom} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lincom method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the lincom method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+2) Check that the output AO contains the correct units
+3) Check that the output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lincom method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the lincom method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that the output AO contains the correct units
+3) Check that the output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lincom method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the lincom method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lincom method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the lincom method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the plus method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/lincom] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lincom method works with a vector of AOs as input + a pest object.} & Test that the lincom method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+2) Check that the output AO contains the correct units
+3) Check that the output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lincom method works with a list of AOs as input + a pest object.} & Test that the lincom method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that the output AO contains the correct units
+3) Check that the output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/lincom.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/ln} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ln] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ln] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ln] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ln] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ln] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/ln] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ln] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/ln] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ln] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/ln] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/ln] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/ln] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/ln] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/ln] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/ln] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/ln] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/ln.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/log} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/log] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/log] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/log] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/log] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/log] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/log] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/log] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/log] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/log] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/log] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/log.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/log10} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log10] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/log10] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log10] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/log10] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log10] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/log10] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log10] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/log10] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log10] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/log10] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/log10] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/log10] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/log10] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/log10] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/log10] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/log10] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/log10.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/lpsd} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lpsd method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the lpsd method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lpsd method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the lpsd method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lpsd method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the lpsd method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lpsd method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the lpsd method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lpsd method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the lpsd method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the lpsd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lpsd method agrees with MATLAB's pwelch if the frequency
+resolution of the latter is changed to match those used in lpsd} & Test that the applying psd works on a single AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the DFT equations (eq. (3) and (4) in [1]) are fulfilled.
+2) Check that we get the same outputs for each frequency bin when
+computing the psd using matlab's fft with the frequency resolution
+values retrieved by lpsd (and already tested in (1))
+[1] G. Heinzel, lpsd revisited: ltf, S2-AEI-TN-3052 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/lpsd] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) LPSD of the white noise
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) LPSD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated LPSD yunits) equals (input units)\^2 / Hz
+2) Check that (calculated LPSD xunits) equals Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) LASD of the white noise
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) LASD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated LASD yunits) equals (input units) / Hz\^(1/2)
+2) Check that (calculated LASD xunits) equals Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) LPS of the white noise
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) LPS of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated LPS yunits) equals (input units)\^2
+2) Check that (calculated LPS xunits) equals Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from uniform distribution, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) LAS of the white noise
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) LAS of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated LAS yunits) equals (input units)
+2) Check that (calculated LAS xunits) equals Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{41 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (Rectangular)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (Rectangular type)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{42 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (BH92)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (BH92 type)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, BH92 window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, BH92 window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{43 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (Hamming)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (Hamming type)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hamming window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hamming window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{44 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (Hanning)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (Hanning type)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hanning window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hanning window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{45 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (Bartlett)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (Bartlett type)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Bartlett window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Bartlett window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{46 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (Nuttall3)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (Nuttall3 type)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall3 window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall3 window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{47 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (Kaiser, psll = 150)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (Kaiser type, psll = 150)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{48 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (Kaiser, psll = default)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (Kaiser type, psll = default)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{49 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (Nuttall4)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (Nuttall4 type)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall4 window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall4 window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{50 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) lpsd passing the window name (SFT3F)
+3) lpsd passing the window object (SFT3F type)
+4) compares the two psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, SFT3F window (name)
+4) Estimate the psd without detrending, SFT3F window (object)
+5) Compare results & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/lpsd.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/lscov} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lscov method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the lscov method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the data type of the output
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lscov method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the lscov method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the data type of the output
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lscov method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the lscov method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the data type of the output
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lscov method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the lscov method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The lscov method can not be used as a modifer method.} & The lscov method can not be used as a modifer method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the lscov method uses weights for the fit.} & Check that the lscov method uses weights for the fit. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output data
+2) Check the yunits
+3) Check that 'out1' and 'out2' have the same data
+4) Check that 'out3' and 'out4' have the same data
+5) Check the re-built objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/lscov] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/lscov.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/lt} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lt method compare an AO with scalar value} & Test that the lt method works with relational operators and the function
+command. Use for this AOs with different data objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+command are the same.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the lt method compare an AO with one other AO} & Test that the lt method works with relational operators and the function
+command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+Remark that both AOs must have the same size. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+command are the same.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/lt.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/ltfe} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ltfe method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the ltfe method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ltfe method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the ltfe method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ltfe method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the ltfe method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ltfe method doesn't work with a mix of different shaped
+AOs as input.} & Test that the ltfe method doesn't work with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ltfe method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the ltfe method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ltfe method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the ltfe method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the ltfe method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the ltfe method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & This test is not longer necessary because the ltfe method pass back
+always only one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/ltfe] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) Ltfe of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) Ltfe of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated ltfe yunits) equals [1/Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{30 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of special cases:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) the same noise series
+3) ltfe of the white noise series
+4) compares the output to unity} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+the same data as 1) and 2)
+4) ltfe of the series & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated ltfe equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/ltfe.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/max} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/max] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/max] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/max] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/max] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/max] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/max] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/max] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/max] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/max] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/max] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/max] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/max] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/max] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{208 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/max] method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+intended to test methods like ao/max and ao/min which only allow 'x' and
+'y' choices.} & Test that the [ao/max] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/max] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/max] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/max] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/max] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/max] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/max] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/max.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/mcmc} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the metropolis2D method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the metropolis2D method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the metropolis2D method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the metropolis2D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the metropolis2D method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the metropolis2D method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'm' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'm'.
+EQUAL STATISTICALLY & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the metropolis2D method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/mcmc.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/md5} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the md5 method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the md5 method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' are the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the md5 method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the md5 method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' are the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the md5 method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the md5 method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' are the same as in the input
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the md5 method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the md5 method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' are the same as in the input
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the md5 method retruns for one input a string and not a cell
+of a string} & Special case for one input because in this case retruns md5 a string
+and not a cell. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a string
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/md5.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/mean} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mean] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/mean] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mean] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/mean] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mean] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/mean] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mean] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/mean] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mean] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/mean] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mean] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/mean] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/mean] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{108 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/mean] method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+intended to test methods like ao/mean and ao/std which return different
+data types depending on which axis is selected.} & Test that the [ao/mean] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/mean] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/mean] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/mean] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/mean] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/mean] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/mean] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/mean.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/median} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/median] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/median] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/median] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/median] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/median] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/median] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/median] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/median] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/median] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/median] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/median] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/median] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/median] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{108 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/median] method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+intended to test methods like ao/mean and ao/std which return different
+data types depending on which axis is selected.} & Test that the [ao/median] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/median] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/median] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/median] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/median] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/median] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/median] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/median.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/min} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/min] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/min] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/min] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/min] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/min] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/min] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/min] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/min] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/min] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/min] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/min] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/min] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/min] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{208 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/min] method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+intended to test methods like ao/max and ao/min which only allow 'x' and
+'y' choices.} & Test that the [ao/min] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/min] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/min] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/min] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/min] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/min] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/min] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/min.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/minus} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP cdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minus } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (fsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (AO no data and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and AO no data)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different fs in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x units in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x values in fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/minus.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/mode} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mode] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/mode] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mode] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/mode] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mode] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/mode] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mode] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/mode] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mode] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/mode] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/mode] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/mode] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/mode] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{108 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/mode] method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+intended to test methods like ao/mean and ao/std which return different
+data types depending on which axis is selected.} & Test that the [ao/mode] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/mode] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/mode] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/mode] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/mode] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/mode] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/mode] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/mode.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/mpower} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mpower method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the mpower method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the y-units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mpower method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the mpower method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mpower method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the mpower method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the y-units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mpower method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the mpower method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mpower method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the mpower method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' and 'out2' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built objects are the same objectd as 'out1' and 'out2'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mpower method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the mpower method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is mpower(at4). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the mpower method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothinf to check & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/mpower.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/mrdivide} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP cdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rdivide } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (fsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (AO no data and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and AO no data)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different fs in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x values in fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/mrdivide.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/mtimes} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mtimes method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the mtimes method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the y-units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mtimes method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the mtimes method can be processed back
+with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mtimes method can not be used as a modifier method.} & Tests that the mtimes method can not be used as a modifier method. The
+command should fail. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the mtimes method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the method with all data objects.} & Test that the mtimes method works with cdata-, fsdata-, tsdata-, and xydata
+objects & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+2) Check that re-building of output is the same as the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/mtimes.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/ne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a vector of AOs as input. Test the
+positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a matrix of AOs as input. Test the
+positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a list of AOs as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of AOs as input. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of AOs as input. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method properly applies history.} & The ne method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list.
+The function ao/ne use the function ao/eq so it is not necessary to check
+all possibilities of the exception list.} & Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because aa is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/ne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/noisegen1D} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen1D method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the noisegen1D method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'av'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen1D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the noisegen1D method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen1D method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the noisegen1D method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen1D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the noisegen1D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen1D method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the noisegen1D method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen1D method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the noisegen1D method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is changed & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the noisegen1D method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the noisegen1D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen1D method properly applies history for set filter.} & Test that the result of applying the noisegen1D method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen1D method can modify the input AO for set 'filter'.} & Test that the noisegen1D method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the noisegen1D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/noisegen1D.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/noisegen2D} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen2D method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the noisegen2D method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'acv2'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen2D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the noisegen2D method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen2D method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the noisegen2D method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen2D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the whiten1D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen2D method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the noisegen2D method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The noisegen2D method can not modify the input AO.} & The noisegen2D method can not modify the input AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the noisegen2D method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be a couple AO with row data and a couple AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the noisegen2D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the noisegen2D method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the noisegen2D method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/noisegen2D.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/norm} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the norm method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the norm method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the norm method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the norm method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the norm method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the norm method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the norm method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the norm method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the norm method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the norm method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the norm method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the norm method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is norm(at4). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the norm method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the norm method applies with different options
+2) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..4]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the norm method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/norm.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/offset} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the offset method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the offset method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the offset method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the offset method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the offset method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the offset method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the offset method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the offset method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the offset method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the offset method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the offset method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the offset method can modify the input AO by calling with
+no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified have an offset of 3
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the offset method uses the offset in a plist.} & Test that the offset method uses the offset in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the offset uses the offset in the plist
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the offset method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the offset method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/offset] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/offset.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/or} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP cdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{or } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (fsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (AO no data and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and AO no data)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different fs in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x values in fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/or.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/phase} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/phase] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/phase] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/phase] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/phase] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/phase] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/phase] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/phase] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/phase] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/phase] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/phase] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/phase] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/phase] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/phase] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/phase] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/phase] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/phase] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/phase.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/plus} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP cdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{plus } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (fsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (AO no data and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and AO no data)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different fs in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x units in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x values in fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/plus.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/polyfit} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the polyfit method fails with with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the polyfit method works with a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects in the version with
+single output
+2) Check we have the correct number of elements in the output objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the polyfit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the polyfit method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the polyfit method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the polyfit method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects in the version with
+single output
+2) Check we have the correct number of elements in the output objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the polyfit method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the polyfit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the polyfit method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the polyfit method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the polyfit method cannot modify the input AO.} & Test that the polyfit method cannot modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the polyfit method handles units correctly.} & Tests that the polyfit method handles units correctly. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the units in both cases are yunits/(xunits)\^(j) & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ao/polyfit method agrees with MATLAB's polyfit when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that applying polyfit works on a single AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's polyfit. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/polyfit.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/power} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the power method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the power method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the power method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the power method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the power method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the power method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check the y-units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the power method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the power method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the power method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the power method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the power method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the power method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is power(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the power method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the method with all data objects.} & Test that the power method works with cdata-, fsdata-, tsdata-, and xydata
+objects & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+2) Check that re-building of output is the same as the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/power.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/psd} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the psd method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the psd method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the psd method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the psd method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the psd method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the psd method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the psd method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the psd method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the psd method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the psd method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the psd method agrees with MATLAB's pwelch, within some tolerance,
+when configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying psd works on a single AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's pwelch within tolerance. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the psd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the psd method agrees with MATLAB's pwelch when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying psd works on a single AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's pwelch. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the psd method agrees with MATLAB's pwelch when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that the applying psd works on a single AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's pwelch. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/psd] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) psd of the white noise
+4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy" with fixed parameters:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) psd of the white noise
+4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy" with fixed parameters:
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) psd of the white noise
+4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy" with fixed parameters:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) psd of the white noise
+4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy" with fixed parameters:
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) psd of the white noise
+4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) PSD of the white noise
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) PSD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated PSD yunits) equals (input units)\^2 / Hz
+2) Check that (calculated PSD xunits) equals Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) ASD of the white noise
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) ASD of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated ASD yunits) equals (input units) / Hz\^(1/2)
+2) Check that (calculated ASD xunits) equals Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) PS of the white noise
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) PS of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated PS yunits) equals (input units)\^2
+2) Check that (calculated PS xunits) equals Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from uniform distribution, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) AS of the white noise
+3) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) AS of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated AS yunits) equals (input units)
+2) Check that (calculated AS xunits) equals Hz & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Welch window and no detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{22 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Welch window and mean detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{23 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Welch window and linear detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{24 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Hanning window and no detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{25 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Hanning window and mean detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{26 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Hanning window and linear detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{27 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Hamming window and no detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{28 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Hamming window and mean detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{29 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Hamming window and linear detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{30 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+BH92 window and no detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{31 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+BH92 window and mean detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{32 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+BH92 window and linear detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{33 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Kaiser200 window and no detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{34 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Kaiser200 window and mean detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{35 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+Kaiser200 window and linear detrend
+4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level} & 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+individual segments
+4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{38 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) add a given trend of order n
+4) psd of the noise, with proper detrending
+5) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Add a trend
+4) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{39 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) add a given trend of order n
+4) psd of the noise, with proper detrending
+5) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Add a trend
+4) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{40 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) add a given trend of order n
+4) psd of the noise, with proper detrending
+5) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Add a trend
+4) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{41 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{42 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, BH92 window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, BH92 window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{43 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Hamming window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hamming window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{44 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Hanning window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hanning window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{45 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Bartlett window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Bartlett window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{46 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Nuttall3 window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall3 window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{47 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Kaiser psll = random window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser psll = random window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{48 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Kaiser psll = default window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser psll = default window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{49 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Nuttall4 window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall4 window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{50 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the effect of windowing:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, SFT3F window
+3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+5) compares the to psds} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd without detrending, SFT3F window
+4) Manually apply window to the data
+5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10\^12 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{51 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+3) check the effective number of averages} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+averages & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated navs are identical to those requested & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{52 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run psd again, with the nfft used
+6) compare the calculated objects} & 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run psd again, with the nfft used & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated objects S1 and S2 are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{53 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run psd again, with the nfft used
+6) compare navs, nfft, psds} & 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run psd again, with the nfft used
+6) run psd again, with conflicting parameters, and verify it uses
+nfft rather than navs & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated objects S1 and S2 are identical
+2) Check that S3 used different values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{54 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests "conservation of energy":
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+3) psd of the white noise
+4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{60 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the 'basic' call:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, defualt detrending, default window, no averaging} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd with default detrending, default window, no averaging & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{61 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the 'basic' call:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, defualt detrending, default window, no averaging} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd with default detrending, default window, no averaging & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{62 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the 'basic' call:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, defualt detrending, default window, no averaging} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd with default detrending, default window, no averaging & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{63 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the 'basic' call:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) psd of the noise, defualt detrending, default window, no averaging} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+3) Estimate the psd with default detrending, default window, no averaging & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/psd.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/rdivide} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP cdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rdivide } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (fsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (AO no data and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and AO no data)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different fs in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x values in fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/rdivide.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/real} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the real method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the real method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the real method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the real method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the real method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the real method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the real method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the real method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the real method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the real method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the real method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the real method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is real(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the real method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the real method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the real method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the real method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the real method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the real method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/real] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/real.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/rebuild} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of AO objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of AO objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of AO objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a list of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped AO objects
+as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AO objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.} & The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/rebuild] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/rebuild.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/resample} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resample method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the resample method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resample method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the resample method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resample method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the resample method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resample method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the resample method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resample method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the resample method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resample method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the resample method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is resample(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the resample method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resample method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/resample] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/resample.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/rms} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rms method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the rms method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rms method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the rms method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rms method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the rms method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rms method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the rms method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rms method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the rms method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rms method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the rms method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is rms(at1).
+3) Check the algorithm & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the rms method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rms method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/rms] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/rms.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/round} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/round] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/round] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/round] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/round] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/round] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/round] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/round] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/round] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/round] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/round] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/round] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/round] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/round] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/round] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/round] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/round] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/round] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/round] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/round] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/round] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/round] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/round.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/sDomainFit} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sDomainFit method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the sDomainFit method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'av'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sDomainFit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the sDomainFit method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'am'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sDomainFit method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the sDomainFit method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sDomainFit method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the sDomainFit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sDomainFit method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the sDomainFit method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{sDomainFit cannot modify the input AO.} & Test that the sDomainFit method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the sDomainFit method pass back the output objects to a
+single variable correctly.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sDomainFit method return the correct coefficients} & Test that the sDomainFit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that output contains the correct coefficients. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/sDomainFit.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/save} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the save method works for a vector of AOs as input. Test both
+formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects except
+the the history because the load-constructor adds one history step.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same except the history
+properties 'methodInfo', 'plistUsed' and 'proctime'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the save method works for a matrix of AOs as input. Test both
+formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects except
+the the history because the load-constructor adds one history step.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same except the history
+properties 'methodInfo', 'plistUsed' and 'proctime'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the save method works for a list of AOs as input. Test both
+formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in the list
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects except
+the the history because the load-constructor adds one history step.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same except the history
+properties 'methodInfo', 'plistUsed' and 'proctime'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that save doesn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the read object is the same as the stored object.
+save + load doesn't add history.
+3) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with the modify command.} & Test that the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method applies the history.
+2) Check the output against the input except the history.
+3) Check the history of the output against the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with an AO with complex data.} & Save an AO with complex fsdata object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with an AO which is created from a pole/zero model} & Save an AO which is created from a pzmodel. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with a complex plist which builds the AO} & Save an AO which is created from a complex plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/save.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/scale} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/scale] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/scale] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/scale] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/scale] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/scale] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/scale] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/scale] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/scale] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/scale] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/scale] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/scale] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/scale] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/scale] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/scale] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/scale] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/scale] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/scale.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/search} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the search method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the search method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' are the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2'
+3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the search method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the search method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' are the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2'
+3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the search method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the search method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' are the same as the input
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2'
+3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the search method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the search method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' are the same as the input
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2'
+3) Check that 'out3' doesn't contain an AO
+4) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the search method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the search method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the modifier call for the search method doesn't work.} & Tests that the modifier call for the search method doesn't work. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the search method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/search.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/select} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the select method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the select method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the select method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the select method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the select method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the select method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the select method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input.} & Test that the select method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the select method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the select method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the select method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the select method can modify the input AO by calling with
+no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the selected value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the select method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the select method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the select method uses the plist to select the samples.} & Test that the select method uses the plist to select the samples. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the select method uses the samples in the plist
+2) Check that the select method uses the samples in the plist and input
+3) Check that the select method uses the samples in the plist and input
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/select] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the select method also select the 'dx' and 'dy' values.} & Test that the select method also select the 'dx' and 'dy' values. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the select method updates the t0.} & Test that the select method updates the t0. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/select.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setDescription} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDescription method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setDescription method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDescription method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setDescription method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDescription method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setDescription method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDescription method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setDescription method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDescription method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setDescription method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDescription method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setDescription method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct description field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDescription method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setDescription method can modify the property 'description'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct description field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setDescription method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setDescription] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setDescription.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setFs} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setFs method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setFs method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setFs method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setFs method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setFs method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setFs method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setFs method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setFs method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setFs method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setFs method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setFs method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setFs method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct fs field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setFs method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setFs method can modify the property 'fs'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct fs field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setFs method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setFs] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setFs.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setName} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setName method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setName] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setName.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setPlotinfo} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setPlotinfo method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setPlotinfo method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setPlotinfo method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setPlotinfo method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setPlotinfo method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setPlotinfo method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setPlotinfo method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setPlotinfo method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setPlotinfo method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setPlotinfo method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setPlotinfo method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setPlotinfo method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct plotinfo field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setPlotinfo method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setPlotinfo method can modify the property 'plotinfo'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct plotinfo field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setPlotinfo method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setPlotinfo.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setT0} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setT0 method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setT0 method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setT0 method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setT0 method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setT0 method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setT0 method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setT0 method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setT0 method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setT0 method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setT0 method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setT0 method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setT0 method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct t0 field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setT0 method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setT0 method can modify the property 't0'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct t0 field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setT0 method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setT0] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setT0.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setX} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setX method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setX method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setX method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setX method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setX method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setX method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setX method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setX method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setX method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setX method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setX method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setX method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct 'x' field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setX method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setX method can modify the property 'x'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct x field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setX method keeps the shape of the data.} & Test that the setX method keeps the shape of the data. Independent of the
+input & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setX method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setX] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setX.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setXY} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXY method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setXY method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXY method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setXY method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXY method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setXY method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXY method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setXY method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXY method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setXY method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXY method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setXY method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct 'x' and 'y' field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXY method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setXY method can modify the property 'x' and 'y'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct x and y fields
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXY method keeps the shape of the data.} & Test that the setXY method keeps the shape of the data. Independent of the
+input & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setXY method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setXY] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setXY.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setXunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setXunits method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setXunits method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXunits method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setXunits method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setXunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setXunits method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXunits method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setXunits method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct xunits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setXunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setXunits method can modify the property 'xunits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct xunits field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setXunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setXunits] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setXunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setY} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setY method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setY method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setY method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setY method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setY method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setY method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setY method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setY method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setY method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setY method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setY method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setY method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct 'y' field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setY method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setY method can modify the property 'y'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct y field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setY method keeps the shape of the data.} & Test that the setY method keeps the shape of the data. Independent of the
+input & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setY method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setY] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setY.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/setYunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setYunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the setYunits method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setYunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the setYunits method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setYunits method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the setYunits method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setYunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the setYunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setYunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setYunits method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setYunits method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the setYunits method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct yunits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setYunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setYunits method can modify the property 'yunits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct yunits field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setYunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/setYunits] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/setYunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/sign} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sign] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sign] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sign] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sign] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sign] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sign] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sign] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/sign] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sign] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/sign] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sign] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/sign] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/sign] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/sign] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sign] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sign] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/sign.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/simplifyYunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplifyYunits method works with a vector of AOs as
+input.} & Test that the simplifyYunits method works for a vector of AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplifyYunits method works with a matrix of AOs as
+input.} & Test that the simplifyYunits method works for a matrix of AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplifyYunits method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the simplifyYunits method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplifyYunits method works with a mix of different
+shaped AOs as input.} & Test that the simplifyYunits method works with an input of matrices
+and vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplifyYunits method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the simplifyYunits method can be
+processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplifyYunits method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the simplifyYunits method can modify the input AO by
+calling with no output and that the method doesn't change the input
+of the function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input simplifies the y-units of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the simplifyYunits method pass back the output objects to a
+list of output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the simplifyYunits works for different complex y-units.} & Test that the simplifyYunits works for different complex y-units. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the correct data
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the simplifyYunits works with a exception list.} & Test that the simplifyYunits works with a exception list. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the correct data
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..2]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/simplifyYunits] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the simplifyYunits doesn't apply the prefixes to the data.} & Test that the simplifyYunits doesn't apply the prefixes to the data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the correct data
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..2]'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/simplifyYunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/sin} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sin] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sin] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sin] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sin] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sin] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sin] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sin] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/sin] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sin] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/sin] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sin] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/sin] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/sin] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/sin] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/sin] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/sin] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/sin] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/sin] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/sin] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sin] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sin] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/sin.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/smoother} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the smoother method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the smoother method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the smoother method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the smoother method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the smoother method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the smoother method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the smoother method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the smoother method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the smoother method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the smoother method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the smoother method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the smoother method can modify the input AO by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is smoother(at5). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the smoother method keeps the data shape of the input object.} & Test that the smoother method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the smoother method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/smoother] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/smoother.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/sort} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sort method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the sort method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sort method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the sort method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sort method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the sort method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sort method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the sort method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sort method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the sort method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sort method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the sort method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the sort value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the sort method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the sort method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the sort method uses the plist to sort on the x- or y- axis} & Test that the sort method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the sort method applies to the y-axis in ascend direction
+2) Check that the sort method applies to the y-axis in descend direction
+3) Check that the sort method applies to the x-axis in ascend direction
+4) Check that the sort method applies to the x-axis in descend direction
+5) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..4]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sort] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/sort.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/spectrogram} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the spectrogram method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the spectrogram method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the spectrogram method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the spectrogram method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the spectrogram method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the spectrogram method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the spectrogram method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the spectrogram method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the spectrogram method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the spectrogram method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/spectrogram] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/spectrogram.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf split/chunks} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the split method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the split method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The split method can not modify the input AO.} & The split method can not modify the input AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothind to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the split method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method accepts both key-words 'N' and 'chunks'.} & Check that the split method accepts both key-words 'N' and 'chunks'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [split/chunks] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works also split 'dx' and 'dy'.} & Tests that the split method works also split 'dx' and 'dy'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method ignores the samples which doesn't fit.} & Check that the split method ignores the samples which doesn't fit.
+Use for this test the key-word 'match' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.} & Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the outputs
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for split/chunks.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf split/interval} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the split method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'avec' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'amat' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'amat' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'amat' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the split method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The split method can not modify the input AO.} & The split method can not modify the input AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothind to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the split method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method can handle AO which have a collaped x-axis.} & Check that the split method can handle AO which have a collaped x-axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of outputs
+2) Check the output
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [split/interval] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method uses the key-words: start\_time and duration} & Check that the split method uses the key-words: start\_time and
+duration & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of outputs
+2) Check the output
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method uses the key-words: timespan} & Check that the split method uses the key-words: timespan & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of outputs
+2) Check the output
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method uses the key-words: start\_time and end\_time} & Check that the split method uses the key-words: start\_time and end\_time & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of outputs
+2) Check the output
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+Check that the interval can be passed via two time objects.} & Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+Check that the interval can be passed via two time objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the outputs
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+Check that the interval can be passed via two time strings.} & Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+Check that the interval can be passed via two time strings. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+Check that the interval can be passed via one timespan object.} & Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+Check that the interval can be passed via one timespan object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+Check that the interval can be passed via one timespan object.} & Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+Check that the interval can be passed via one timespan object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for split/interval.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf split/samples} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the split method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'atmat' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the split method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The split method can not modify the input AO.} & The split method can not modify the input AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothind to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the split method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the split method also splits the 'dx' and 'dy' values.} & Test that the split method also splits the 'dx' and 'dy' values. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [split/samples] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.} & Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the outputs
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for split/samples.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf times/frequ} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the split method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the split method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the split method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{The split method can not modify the input AO.} & The split method can not modify the input AO. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothind to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the split method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method interprets a negative end interval as a
+indicates count from end and a zero for the and interval as the end of
+the vector.} & Check this behavior for time-series data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [times/frequ] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.} & Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method also split 'dx' and 'dy'.} & Check that the split method also split 'dx' and 'dy' if this values
+have the same length of the y-values. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method interprets a negative end interval as a
+indicates count from end and a zero for the and interval as the end of
+the vector.} & Check this behavior for frequency-series data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+3) Check that the output have the same 'fs', 'enbw', 'navs', 'xunits'
+and 'yunits' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the interval can be passed via an array of double.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.} & Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+Check that the interval can be passed via an array of double.
+Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the outputs
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the split method works with time intervals which doesn'
+match the sample frequency.} & Check that the split method works with time intervals which doesn'
+match the sample frequency. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the outputs
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for times/frequ.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/sqrt} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sqrt] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sqrt] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sqrt] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sqrt] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sqrt] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sqrt] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sqrt] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/sqrt] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sqrt] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/sqrt] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sqrt] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/sqrt] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/sqrt] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/sqrt] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/sqrt] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/sqrt] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/sqrt] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/sqrt] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/sqrt] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sqrt] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sqrt] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/sqrt.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/std} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/std] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/std] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/std] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/std] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/std] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/std] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/std] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/std] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/std] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/std] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/std] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/std] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/std] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{108 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/std] method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+intended to test methods like ao/mean and ao/std which return different
+data types depending on which axis is selected.} & Test that the [ao/std] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/std] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/std] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/std] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/std] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/std] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/std] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/std.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a vector of AO objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a vector of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a matrix of AO objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a matrix of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a list of AO objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a list of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped AO objects
+as input.} & Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AO objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method properly applies history.} & The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method doesn't work if the AO object have more
+than one history step.} & The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+one history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/sum} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sum] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sum] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sum] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sum] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sum] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/sum] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sum] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/sum] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sum] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/sum] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/sum] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/sum] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/sum] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{108 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/sum] method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+intended to test methods like ao/mean and ao/std which return different
+data types depending on which axis is selected.} & Test that the [ao/sum] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/sum] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/sum] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/sum] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/sum] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sum] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/sum] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/sum.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/sumjoin} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sumjoin method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the sumjoin method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+3) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sumjoin method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the sumjoin method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+2) Check that the output have the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sumjoin method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the sumjoin method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+2) Check that the output have the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sumjoin method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the sumjoin method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+2) Check that the output have the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sumjoin method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the sumjoin method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the sumjoin method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the sumjoin method can modify the input AO by calling with
+no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input have the new data
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the sumjoin method keeps the data shape of the input
+object. The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with
+column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/sumjoin.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/svd} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the svd method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the svd method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the svd method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the svd method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the svd method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the svd method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the svd method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the svd method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the svd method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the svd method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the svd method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the svd method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is svd(at4). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the svd method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the svd method applies with different options.
+2) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..2]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the svd method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the svd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/svd.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/t0} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the t0 method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & The t0 method doesn't work with a vector of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the t0 method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & The t0 method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the t0 method works with a list of AOs as input.} & The t0 method doesn't work with a list of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the t0 method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & The t0 method can only return the t0 value of one AO. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the t0 method properly applies history.} & The t0 method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the t0 method works for AOs with different data objects.} & Test that the t0 method returns the t0 value for AOs with cdata,
+fsdata, tsdata and xydata objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/t0.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/tan} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/tan] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/tan] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/tan] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/tan] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/tan] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/tan] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/tan] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/tan] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/tan] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/tan] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/tan] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/tan] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/tan] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/tan] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/tan] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/tan] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/tan] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/tan] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/tan] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/tan] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/tan] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/tan.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/tfe} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tfe method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the tfe method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tfe method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the tfe method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tfe method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the tfe method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tfe method doesn't work with a mix of different shaped
+AOs as input.} & Test that the tfe method doesn't work with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tfe method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the tfe method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.} & Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the plus method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the tfe method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & This test is not longer necessary because the tfe method pass back
+always only one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tfe method agrees with MATLAB's tfestimate when
+configured to use the same parameters.} & Test that applying tfe works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's tfestimate. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/tfe] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that differently sized data sets are treated properly} & Test that applying tfe works on two AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that tfe used the length of the shortest ao. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) tfe of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) tfe of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated tfe yunits) equals [1/Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) tfe of the 2 series, without detrending, random window, set number of
+3) check the effective number of averages} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) tfe of the 2 series, without detrending, random window, set number of
+averages & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated navs are identical to those requested & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{22 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) tfe of the time series, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run tfe again, with the nfft used
+6) compare the calculated objects} & 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) tfe of the time series, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run tfe again, with the nfft used & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated objects T1 and T2 are identical & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{23 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) tfe of the time series, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run tfe again, with the nfft used
+6) compare navs, nfft, tfes} & 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+2) tfe of the time series, without detrending, random window, random navs
+3) get the number of averages
+4) get the nfft used
+5) run tfe again, with the nfft used
+6) run tfe again, with conflicting parameters, and verify it uses
+nfft rather than navs & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated objects T1 and T2 are identical
+2) Check that T3 used different values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{25 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of units:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+3) tfe of the white noise series
+4) compares the units of the input and output} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+4) Assign a random unit
+5) tfe of the white noise & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that (calculated tfe yunits) equals [1/Hz] & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{30 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests handling of special cases:
+1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+2) the same noise series
+3) tfe of the white noise series
+4) compares the output to unity} & 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+white noise from normal distribution + offset
+2) Assign a random unit
+3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+the same data as 1) and 2)
+4) tfe of the series & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that calculated tfe equals 1 & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/tfe.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/times} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (tsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (fsdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (xydata and cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule1 (cdata and xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 1 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test element-wise operator rule1 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (vector cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule2 (single cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 2 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule2 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule3 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 3 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule3 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule4 (vector cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 4 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule4 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP tsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP fsdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP xydata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (NxP cdata and single cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule5 (single cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 5 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule5 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule6 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 6 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule6 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule7 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 7 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule7 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP tsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP fsdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP xydata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (NxP cdata and vector cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule8 (vector cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 8 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule8 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP tsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP fsdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP xydata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxP cdata and NxQ cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule9 (NxQ cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 9 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule9 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP tsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP fsdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP xydata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP xydata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{rule10 (NxP cdata and NxP cdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10.} & Tests the arithmetic operators rule 10 for each data type: xydata,
+fsdata, tsdata, cdata and useful combinations. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test  element-wise operator rule10 as in S2-AEI-TN-3059.
+1) Check the data type of the resulting object.
+2) Check the resulting object contains the correct values.
+3) Check the error propagation.
+4) Check the units of the output object.
+5) Check the resulting object can be rebuilt. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{times } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (fsdata and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (AO no data and tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (tsdata and AO no data)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different fs in tsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (different x values in fsdata)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{tests (negative test)} & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed.} & Tests all arithmetic operations which are not allowed. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Here we test some negative cases. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/times.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/timeshift} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timeshift method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the timeshift method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timeshift method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the timeshift method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timeshift method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the timeshift method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timeshift method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the timeshift method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timeshift method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the timeshift method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timeshift method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the timeshift method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is timeshift(at1).
+3) Check the algorithm & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the timeshift method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the timeshift method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/timeshift] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/timeshift.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/transpose} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/transpose] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/transpose] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/transpose] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/transpose] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/transpose] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/transpose] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/transpose] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/transpose] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/transpose] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/transpose] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the transpose method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the transpose method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is transpose(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the abs method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/transpose] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/transpose] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/transpose.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/type} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a vector of AO objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a vector of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a matrix of AO objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a matrix of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a list of AO objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a list of AO objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped AO objects
+as input.} & Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AO objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method properly applies history.} & The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/type.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/uminus} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/uminus] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/uminus] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/uminus] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/uminus] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/uminus] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/uminus] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/uminus] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/uminus] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/uminus] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/uminus] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/uminus] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/uminus] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/uminus] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/uminus] method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the [ao/uminus] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/uminus] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/uminus] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/uminus] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/uminus] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/uminus] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/uminus] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/uminus.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/unwrap} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the unwrap method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the unwrap method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+2) Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the unwrap method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the unwrap method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+2) Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the unwrap method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the unwrap method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the
+2) Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the unwrap method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input.} & Tests that the unwrap method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the
+2) Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the unwrap method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the unwrap method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the unwrap method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the unwrap method can modify the input AO by calling with
+no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the unwraped value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the unwrap method uses the plist to get the axis.} & Test that the unwrap method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the unwrap method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the unwrap method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the unwrap method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the unwrap method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the unwrap method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/unwrap] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/unwrap.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/upsample} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the upsample method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the upsample method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the upsample method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the upsample method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the upsample method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the upsample method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the upsample method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the upsample method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the upsample method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the upsample method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the upsample method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the upsample method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is upsample(at1).
+3) Check the algorithm & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the upsample method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the upsample method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/upsample] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/upsample.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/var} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/var] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/var] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/var] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/var] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/var] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ao/var] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/var] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ao/var] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/var] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ao/var] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ao/var] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [ao/var] method can modify the input object by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the [ao/var] value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{108 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the [ao/var] method uses the plist to get the axis. This is
+intended to test methods like ao/mean and ao/std which return different
+data types depending on which axis is selected.} & Test that the [ao/var] method uses the plist to get the axis. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the [ao/var] method applies to the x-axis
+2) Check that the [ao/var] method applies to the y-axis
+3) Check that the [ao/var] method applies to both axes
+4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the data in AOs.} & Test that the [ao/var] method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO data must be an array with row data and/or column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/var] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/var] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/var.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/whiten1D} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten1D method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the whiten1D method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that each output AO contains empty yunits & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten1D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the whiten1D method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that each output AO contains empty yunits & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten1D method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the whiten1D method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that each output AO contains empty yunits & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten1D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the whiten1D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that each output AO contains empty yunits & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten1D method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the whiten1D method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten1D method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the whiten1D method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is whiten1D(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the whiten1D method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+2) Check that the output AOs have empty yunits & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the whiten1D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the whiten1D method is capable to increase spectral flatness
+in case of no model input} & Generate a fixed series of noise data, apply a filter to colour data
+and run the method with a certain number of parameters. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output spectrum is flatter than input colored
+2) Check that the output AOs have empty yunits & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the whiten1D method is capable to increase spectral flatness
+when a model is input} & Generate a fixed series of noise data, apply a filter to colour data
+and run the method with a certain number of parameters. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output spectrum is flatter than input colored
+spectrum & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/whiten1D.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/whiten2D} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten2D method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the whiten2D method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'acv2'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten2D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the whiten2D method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten2D method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the whiten2D method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten2D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the whiten1D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten2D method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the whiten2D method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the whiten2D method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the whiten2D method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the whiten2D method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the noisegen2D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/whiten2D.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/x} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the x method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & The x method doesn't work with a vector of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the x method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & The x method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the x method works with a list of AOs as input.} & The x method doesn't work with a list of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the x method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & The x method can only return the x values of one AO. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the x method properly applies history.} & The x method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the x method works for AOs with different data objects.} & Test that the x method returns the x values for AOs with cdata, fsdata,
+tsdata and xydata objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the x method returns the x values of the data object} & Test that the x method returns the x values in a column vector independent
+form the shape of the values in the data object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'x1' and 'x2' are column vectors. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/x.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/xcorr} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xcorr method works with a vector with 2 AOs as input.} & Test that the xcorr method works for a vector with 2 AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the numbers of outputs is 1
+2) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that the units are properly handled & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xcorr method does not work with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the xcorr method does not work with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xcorr method works with a list of 2 AOs as input.} & Tests that the xcorr method works with a list of 2 AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the numbers of outputs is 1
+2) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+3) Check that the units are properly handled & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xcorr method does not work with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input.} & Tests that the xcorr method does not work with a mix of different shaped AOs
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xcorr method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the xcorr method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the xcorr method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+In this case the first AO defines the data shape. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the xcorr method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.
+Does not make sense anymore, given the structure double input -> single output} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+Additionaly check that the units are handled properly.
+Additionaly check that the symmetry is preserved. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+3) Check that the units are handled properly.
+4) Check that the symmetry is preserved. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the xcorr method re-sample all input AOs to the highest
+frequency.} & Check that the xcorr method re-sample all input AOs to the highest
+frequency. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the first AO is resampled to '200'
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the xcorr method truncate all input AOs to the same length.} & Check that the xcorr method truncate all input AOs to the same length. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the second AO is truncated to 10 seconds
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/xcorr] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the xcorr uses different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags]
+Check that the xcorr accepts different scales options
+Check that the xcorr handles units properly} & 1) Check that the xcorr uses different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags]
+2) Check that the xcorr accepts different scales options & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have the range [-maxlags:maxlags]
+2) Check that the output have correct units & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the xcorr uses different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags]} & Check that the xcorr uses different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have the range [-maxlags:maxlags] & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/xcorr.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/xunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Tests that the xunits method works with a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the xunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xunits method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the xunits method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the xunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xunits method properly applies history.} & The xunits method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the xunits method works for AOs with different data objects.} & Test that the xunits method returns the xunits values for AOs with fsdata,
+tsdata and xydata objects, and empty units for AOs with cdata. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/xunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/y} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the y method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & The y method doesn't work with a vector of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the y method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & The y method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the y method works with a list of AOs as input.} & The y method doesn't work with a list of AOs. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the y method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & The y method can only return the y values of one AO. Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the y method properly applies history.} & The y method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the y method works for AOs with different data objects.} & Test that the y method returns the y values for AOs with cdata, fsdata,
+tsdata and xydata objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the y method returns the y values of the data object} & Test that the y method returns the y values in a column vector independent
+form the shape of the values in the data object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'y1' and 'y2' are column vectors. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/y.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/yunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the yunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Tests that the yunits method works with a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the yunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Tests that the yunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the yunits method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Tests that the yunits method works with a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the yunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Tests that the yunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the yunits method properly applies history.} & The yunits method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the yunits method works for AOs with different data objects.} & Test that the yunits method returns the yunits values for AOs with cdata,
+fsdata, tsdata and xydata objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/yunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/zDomainFit} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zDomainFit method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the zDomainFit method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'av'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zDomainFit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the zDomainFit method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'am'
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zDomainFit method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the zDomainFit method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zDomainFit method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the zDomainFit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zDomainFit method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the zDomainFit method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{zDomainFit cannot modify the input AO.} & Test that the sDomainFit method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to do. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the zDomainFit method pass back the output objects to a
+single variable correctly.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zDomainFit method return the correct coefficients} & Test that the zDomainFit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that output contains the correct coefficients. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/zDomainFit.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ao/zeropad} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zeropad method works with a vector of AOs as input.} & Test that the zeropad method works for a vector of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zeropad method works with a matrix of AOs as input.} & Test that the zeropad method works for a matrix of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zeropad method works with a list of AOs as input.} & Test that the zeropad method works for a list of AOs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zeropad method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+input.} & Test that the zeropad method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single AOs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zeropad method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the zeropad method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the zeropad method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the zeropad method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' is zeropad(at1). & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check the data shape of the output against the input.} & Test that the zeropad method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the zeropad method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [ao/zeropad] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ao/zeropad.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf collection/collection} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [collection/collection] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [collection/collection] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [collection/collection] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [collection/collection] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [collection/collection] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [collection/collection] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [collection/collection] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [collection/collection] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [collection/collection] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [collection/collection] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the collection method properly applies history to the
+constructor with different numbers of inputs.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the collection constructor with different inputs.} & Tests the collection constructor with different inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{60 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{61 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{62 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{64 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{65 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.} & Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{68 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{70 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+plist(<plist-object>) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for collection/collection.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf collection/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for collection/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf collection/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for collection/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf filterbank/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for filterbank/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf filterbank/filterbank} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [filterbank/filterbank] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [filterbank/filterbank] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [filterbank/filterbank] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [filterbank/filterbank] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [filterbank/filterbank] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [filterbank/filterbank] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [filterbank/filterbank] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [filterbank/filterbank] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [filterbank/filterbank] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [filterbank/filterbank] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{60 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{61 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{62 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{64 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{65 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.} & Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{68 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for filterbank/filterbank.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf filterbank/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for filterbank/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of MATRIX objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of MATRIX objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least the character set
+(char-method) of all inner object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of MATRIX objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of MATRIX objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least the character set
+(char-method) of all inner object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of MATRIX objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of MATRIX objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least the character set
+(char-method) of all inner object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped MATRIX
+objects as input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MATRIX objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least the character set
+(char-method) of all inner object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method properly applies history.} & The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/ctranspose} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ctranspose method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.} & Test that the ctranspose method works for a vector of MATRICES as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mav'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ctranspose method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.} & Test that the ctranspose method works for a matrix of MATRICES as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mam'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ctranspose method works with a list of MATRICES as input.} & Test that the ctranspose method works for a list of MATRICES as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ctranspose method works with a mix of different shaped
+MATRICES as input.} & Test that the ctranspose method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single MATRICES. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ctranspose method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the ctranspose method can be
+processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ctranspose method can modify the input MATRIX.} & Test that the ctranspose method can modify the input MATRIX by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the ctranspose value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ctranspose method accepts plist as an input.} & Tests that the ctranspose method accepts plist as an input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the correct data
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [matrix/ctranspose] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/ctranspose.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of MATRIX objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of MATRIX objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of MATRIX objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of MATRIX objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of MATRIX objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of MATRIX objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+MATRIX objects as input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single MATRIX objects as. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method properly applies history.} & The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+to check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/matrix} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/matrix] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [matrix/matrix] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/matrix] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [matrix/matrix] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/matrix] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [matrix/matrix] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/matrix] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [matrix/matrix] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/matrix] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [matrix/matrix] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the matrix method properly applies history to the
+constructor with different numbers of inputs.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{60 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{61 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{62 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{64 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{65 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.} & Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{68 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{70 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+plist(<plist-object>) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/matrix.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/ncols} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ncols method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.} & The ncols method doesn't work with a vector of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ncols method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.} & The ncols method doesn't work with a matrix of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ncols method works with a list of MATRICES as input.} & The ncols method doesn't work with a list of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ncols method works with a mix of different shaped
+MATRICES as input.} & The ncols method can only return the ncols values of one MATRIX.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ncols method properly applies history.} & The ncols method doesn't change the MATRIX, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ncols method returns the number of columns of the inner
+objects.} & Tests that the ncols method returns the number of columns of the inner
+objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that n1 and n2 are correct. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/ncols.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/nrows} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nrows method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.} & The nrows method doesn't work with a vector of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nrows method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.} & The nrows method doesn't work with a matrix of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nrows method works with a list of MATRICES as input.} & The nrows method doesn't work with a list of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nrows method works with a mix of different shaped
+MATRICES as input.} & The nrows method can only return the nrows values of one MATRIX.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nrows method properly applies history.} & The nrows method doesn't change the MATRIX, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nrows method returns the number of columns of the inner
+objects.} & Tests that the nrows method returns the number of columns of the inner
+objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that n1 and n2 are correct. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/nrows.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/osize} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the osize method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.} & The osize method doesn't work with a vector of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the osize method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.} & The osize method doesn't work with a matrix of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the osize method works with a list of MATRICES as input.} & The osize method doesn't work with a list of MATRICES.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the osize method works with a mix of different shaped
+MATRICES as input.} & The osize method can only return the osize values of one MATRIX.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the osize method properly applies history.} & The osize method doesn't change the MATRIX, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the osize method returns the number of columns of the inner
+objects.} & Tests that the osize method returns the number of columns of the inner
+objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that n1 and n2 are correct. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/osize.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/setObjs} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/setObjs] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [matrix/setObjs] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/setObjs] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [matrix/setObjs] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/setObjs] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [matrix/setObjs] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/setObjs] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [matrix/setObjs] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [matrix/setObjs] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [matrix/setObjs] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setObjs method can modify the input MATRIX.} & Test that the setObjs method can modify the input MATRIX by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the setObjs value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setObjs method can set the property without a plist.} & Test that the setObjs method can modify the property 'objs'
+without a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' has the correct objs field
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setObjs method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [matrix/setObjs] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/setObjs.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf matrix/transpose} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the transpose method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.} & Test that the transpose method works for a vector of MATRICES as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mav'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the transpose method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.} & Test that the transpose method works for a matrix of MATRICES as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mam'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the transpose method works with a list of MATRICES as input.} & Test that the transpose method works for a list of MATRICES as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the transpose method works with a mix of different shaped
+MATRICES as input.} & Test that the transpose method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single MATRICES. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the transpose method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the transpose method can be
+processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the transpose method can modify the input MATRIX.} & Test that the transpose method can modify the input MATRIX by calling
+with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the transpose value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the transpose method accepts plist as an input.} & Tests that the transpose method accepts plist as an input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the correct data
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [matrix/transpose] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the same plotinfo plist & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for matrix/transpose.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method properly applies history.} & The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/created} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a vector of MFIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a vector of MFIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a list of MFIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+even for an empty input object.} & Test that the created method with an empty 'MFIR object & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/created.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/creator} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a vector of MFIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a vector of MFIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+input.} & The creator method doesn't work for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+MFIR objects as input.} & The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+are in the history.} & Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+'third' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.} & Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+used in connection with a matrix/vector of MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/creator.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects as. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method properly applies history.} & The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/eq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method properly applies history.} & The eq method doesn't change the MFIR object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because fir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'histout'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because fir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because fir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because fir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/eq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/get} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the mfir class.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property. Do this for all properties of the MFIR object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the get method works with a plist.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property which is defined in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the mfir class.} & Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+one MFIR object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/get.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/index} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a vector of MFIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a vector of MFIR objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+[ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+input.} & The index method doesn't work for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of index have an additional history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+to 'index'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.} & Tests that the index method works for the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the index method can be controled with a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.} & Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/index.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/isprop} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.} & The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to
+apply history. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works for each property.} & Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+'gd', 'ntaps', 'fs', 'infile', 'a', 'histout',
+'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist', 'name' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the negative case and the not function command.} & Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+methods of the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/isprop.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/mfir} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the mfir method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output MFIRs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output MFIR is a copy of the input MFIR.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the mfir method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output MFIRs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output MFIR is a copy of the input MFIR.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the mfir method works with a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output MFIR is a copy of the input MFIR.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method works with a mix of different shaped MFIRs as
+input.} & Test that the mfir method works with a mix of different shaped MFIRs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output MFIR is a copy of the input MFIR.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the mfir method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the copy constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+Test the constructor with a different number of inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter function
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'mfir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'mfir'.
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the AO constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+the default values (method = 'frequency-sampling'). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'mfir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the struct constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'mfir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the pzmodel constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'mfir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(conn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(type) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(pzmodel) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(<plist-object>) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the a constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the plist(AO) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+the method 'frequency-sampling'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'mfir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the plist(AO) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+the method 'least-squares'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) At the moment throws this method an error. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the plist(AO) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+the method 'Parks-McClellan'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) At the moment throws this method an error. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{22 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the AO + plist constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+the method 'frequency-sampling'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'mfir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{23 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-running the 'test.m' file produces the same object
+as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{24 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+pole/zero model + plist object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{25 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+a + fs object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/mfir.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/ne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method properly applies history.} & The ne method doesn't change the MFIR object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list.
+The function mfir/ne use the function mfir/eq so it is not necessary to check
+all possibilities of the exception list.} & Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because fir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/ne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/rebuild} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.} & The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/rebuild.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/redesign} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the redesign method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+To keep this UTP simple use for the vector only one filter object. The
+different filters will be tested in an other UTP. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firvec'
+2) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the redesign method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+To keep this UTP simple use for the matrix only one filter object. The
+different filters will be tested in an other UTP. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firmat'
+2) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the redesign method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+To keep this UTP simple use for the list only one filter object. The
+different filters will be tested in an other UTP. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method works with a mix of different shaped
+MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the redesign method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects.
+To keep this UTP simple use for the vector only one filter object. The
+different filters will be tested in an other UTP. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the redesign method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method redesigns a standard filter type.} & Tests that the redesign method redesigns a standard filter type. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method redesigns a pzmodel filter type.} & Tests that the redesign method redesigns a pzmodel filter type. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/redesign.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/resp} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+3) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firmat'
+3) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firmat'
+3) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. Test the method with an output and with no
+output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firmat'
+3) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.} & Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the response diagram. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+input f vector. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.} & Call the method with different method to pass an AO in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method the response of a serial filter bank.} & Check that the resp method the response of a serial filter bank. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method the response of a parallel filter bank.} & Check that the resp method the response of a parallel filter bank. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/resp.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/save} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'firv'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'firm'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in the list
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output MFIR object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with the modify command.} & Use the save method with the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method applies the history.
+2) Check the output against the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with standard MFIR objects.} & Save all standard MFIR objects with both extensions. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with MFIR object which is created from a pole/zero model} & Save MFIR object which is created from a pzmodel. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with MFIR object which is created from an analysis
+model.} & Save MFIR object which is created from an analysis model. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/save.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/setHistout} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the histout has the correct values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the histout has the correct values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the histout has the correct values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+objects as input.} & The setHistout method is not designed for this call, for that reason must
+this call fail. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the histout has the correct values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setHistout method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method can modify the input MFIR object.} & Test that the setHistout method can modify the input MFIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'firhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct histout field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setHistout method can modify the property 'histout'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct histout field
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/setHistout.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/setIunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input MFIR object.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the input MFIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'firhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/setIunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/setName} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can modify the input MFIR object.} & Test that the setName method can modify the input MFIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'firhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/setName.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/setOunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input MFIR object.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the input MFIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'firhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/setOunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method properly applies history.} & The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method doesn't work if the MFIR object have more
+than one history step.} & The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+one history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf mfir/type} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a list of MFIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MFIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method properly applies history.} & The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for mfir/type.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method properly applies history.} & The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/created} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a list of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+even for an empty input object.} & Test that the created method with an empty 'MIIR object & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/created.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/creator} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+input.} & The creator method doesn't work for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+MIIR objects as input.} & The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+are in the history.} & Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+'third' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.} & Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+used in connection with a matrix/vector of MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/creator.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single MIIR objects as. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method properly applies history.} & The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+to check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/eq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method properly applies history.} & The eq method doesn't change the MIIR object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because iir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'histin'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because iir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'histout'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because iir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because iir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because iir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/eq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/get} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the miir class.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property. Do this for all properties of the MIIR object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the get method works with a plist.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property which is defined in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the miir class.} & Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+one MIIR object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/get.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/index} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+[ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+input.} & The index method doesn't work for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of index have an additional history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+to 'index'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.} & Tests that the index method works for the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the index method can be controled with a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.} & Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/index.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/isprop} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a list of MIIR objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.} & The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary
+to apply history. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works for each property.} & Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+'b', 'histin', 'ntaps', 'fs', 'infile', 'a', 'histout',
+'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist', 'name' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the negative case and the not function command.} & Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+methods of the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/isprop.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/miir} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the miir method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output MIIRs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output MIIR is a copy of the input MIIR.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the miir method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output MIIRs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output MIIR is a copy of the input MIIR.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the miir method works with a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output MIIR is a copy of the input MIIR.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method works with a mix of different shaped MIIRs as
+input.} & Test that the miir method works with a mix of different shaped MIIRs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output MIIR is a copy of the input MIIR.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the miir method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the copy constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+Test the constructor with a different number of inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter function
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the read
+FIL-file constructor.} & Read the FIL file which is created from LISO.
+Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'miir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the struct constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'miir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the parfrac constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'miir'.
+2) Check the correct number of outputs.
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the pzmodel constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'miir'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(conn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(type) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(pzmodel) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(parfrac) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+plist(<plist-object>) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the a,b constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+pole/zero model + plist object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{22 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+partial fraction model + plist object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{23 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{24 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+a + b + fs object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/miir.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/ne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method properly applies history.} & The ne method doesn't change the MIIR object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list.
+The function miir/ne use the function miir/eq so it is not necessary to check
+all possibilities of the exception list.} & Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because iir is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/ne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/rebuild} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.} & The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/rebuild.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/redesign} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the redesign method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+To keep this UTP simple use for the vector only one filter object. The
+different filters will be tested in an other UTP. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirvec'
+2) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the redesign method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+To keep this UTP simple use for the matrix only one filter object. The
+different filters will be tested in an other UTP. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirmat'
+2) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the redesign method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+To keep this UTP simple use for the list only one filter object. The
+different filters will be tested in an other UTP. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method works with a mix of different shaped
+MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the redesign method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects.
+To keep this UTP simple use for the vector only one filter object. The
+different filters will be tested in an other UTP. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the redesign method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method redesigns a standard filter type.} & Tests that the redesign method redesigns a standard filter type. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method redesigns a pzmodel filter type.} & Tests that the redesign method redesigns a pzmodel filter type. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the redesign method redesigns a parfrac filter type.} & Tests that the redesign method redesigns a parfrac filter type. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/redesign.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/resp} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+3) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirmat'
+3) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirmat'
+3) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. Test the method with an output and with no
+output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirmat'
+3) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.} & Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the response diagram. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+input f vector. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.} & Call the method with different method to pass an AO in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method the response of a serial filter bank.} & Check that the resp method the response of a serial filter bank. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method the response of a parallel filter bank.} & Check that the resp method the response of a parallel filter bank. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/resp.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/save} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'iirv'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'iirm'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in the list
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output MIIR object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with the modify command.} & Use the save method with the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+2) Check the output against the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with standard MIIR objects.} & Save all standard MIIR objects with both extensions. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with MIIR object which is created from a pole/zero model} & Save MIIR object which is created from a pzmodel. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/save.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/setHistin} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistin method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & The setHistin method is not designed for vectors, for that reason must
+this call fail. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistin method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & The setHistin method is not designed for matrices, for that reason must
+this call fail. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistin method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & The setHistin method is not designed for input lists, for that reason must
+this call fail. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistin method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+objects as input.} & The setHistin method is not designed for this call, for that reason must
+this call fail. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistin method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setHistin method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistin method can modify the input MIIR object.} & Test that the setHistin method can modify the input MIIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct histin field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistin method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setHistin method can modify the property 'histin'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct histin field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/setHistin.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/setHistout} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the histout has the correct values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the histout has the correct values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the histout has the correct values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+objects as input.} & The setHistout method is not designed for this call, for that reason must
+this call fail. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the histout has the correct values & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setHistout method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method can modify the input MIIR object.} & Test that the setHistout method can modify the input MIIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct histout field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setHistout method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setHistout method can modify the property 'histout'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct histout field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/setHistout.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/setIunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input MIIR object.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the input MIIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/setIunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/setName} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can modify the input MIIR object.} & Test that the setName method can modify the input MIIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/setName.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/setOunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input MIIR object.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the input MIIR object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/setOunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method properly applies history.} & The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method doesn't work if the MIIR object have more
+than one history step.} & The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+one history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf miir/type} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a list of MIIR objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+as input.} & Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single MIIR objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method properly applies history.} & The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for miir/type.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC objects
+as input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method properly applies history.} & The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/created} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+even for an empty input object.} & Test that the created method with an empty 'PARFRAC object & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/created.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/creator} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & The creator method doesn't work for a list of PARFRAC objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+are in the history.} & Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+'third' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.} & Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+used in connection with a matrix/vector of PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/creator.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PARFRAC objects as. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method properly applies history.} & The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+to check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/eq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC objects
+as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method properly applies history.} & The eq method doesn't change the PARFRAC object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception
+list with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option
+'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+to the exception list because 'pa' is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because 'pa' is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception
+list with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option
+'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+to the exception list because 'pa' is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/eq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/get} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the parfrac class.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property. Do this for all properties of the PARFRAC object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the get method works with a plist.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property which is defined in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the parfrac class.} & Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+one PARFRAC object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/get.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/getlowerFreq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getlowerFreq method of the parfrac class.} & Test that the getlowerFreq returns the lowest frequence of the pole
+in the parfrac object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getlowerFreq method of the parfrac class.} & Test that the getlowerFreq throws an error if the input are more than
+one parfrac. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/getlowerFreq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/getupperFreq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getupperFreq method of the parfrac class.} & Test that the getupperFreq returns the lowest frequence of the pole
+in the parfrac object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getupperFreq method of the parfrac class.} & Test that the getupperFreq throws an error if the input are more than
+one parfrac. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/getupperFreq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/index} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+[ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & The index method doesn't work for a list of PARFRAC objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of index have an additional history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+to 'index'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.} & Tests that the index method works for the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the index method can be controled with a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.} & Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/index.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/isprop} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.} & The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary
+to apply history. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works for each property.} & Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+'res', 'poles', 'pmul', 'dir', 'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist',
+'name' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the negative case and the not function command.} & Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and
+for methods of the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/isprop.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/ne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC
+objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method properly applies history.} & The ne method doesn't change the PARFRAC object, thus will no history
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list.
+The function parfrac/ne use the function parfrac/eq so it is not
+necessary to check all possibilities of the exception list.} & Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option
+'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+to the exception list because pf is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/ne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/parfrac} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the parfrac method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output PARFRACs is the same as the
+input shape.
+2) Check that each output PARFRAC is a copy of the input PARFRAC.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the parfrac method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output PARFRACs is the same as the
+input shape.
+2) Check that each output PARFRAC is a copy of the input PARFRAC.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the parfrac method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output PARFRAC is a copy of the input PARFRAC.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRACs as input.} & Test that the parfrac method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRACs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output PARFRAC is a copy of the input PARFRAC.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the parfrac method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the copy
+constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+Test the constructor with a different number of inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method properly doesn't apply history to the
+struct constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'parfrac'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the rational
+constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the pzmodel
+constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+plist(conn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+plist(res || poles || dir) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+plist(pzmodel) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+plist(parfrac) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+plist(<plist-object>) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+res + poles + direct terms object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+res + poles + direct terms + name object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{22 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+res + poles + direct terms + name + iunits + ounits object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/parfrac.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/rebuild} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.} & The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+to check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/rebuild.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/resp} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the resp method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+(a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+3) Check that each output PARFRAC contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+(a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+3) Check that each output PARFRAC contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Tests that the resp method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+(a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rain'
+3) Check that each output PARFRAC contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input. Test the method with an output and with no
+output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rain'
+3) Check that each output PARFRAC contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.} & Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the response diagram. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+input f vector. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.} & Call the method with different method to pass an AO in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the
+response.} & Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute
+the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/resp.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/save} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+same as in 'pfv'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the save method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+same as in 'pfm'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+same as in the list
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC
+objects as input.} & Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PARFRAC objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output PARFRAC object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with the modify command.} & Use the save method with the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+2) Check the output against the input.
+3) Check the history of the output against the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with different complex PARFRAC objects} & Test the save method with different complex PARFRAC objects & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/save.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/setIunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects
+as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be
+processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input PARFRAC object.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the input PARFRAC object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pf3' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list
+of output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/setIunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/setName} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the setName method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the setName method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the setName method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed
+back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can modify the input PARFRAC object.} & Test that the setName method can modify the input PARFRAC object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pf3' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/setName.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/setOunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects
+as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be
+processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input PARFRAC object.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the input PARFRAC object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pf3' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list
+of output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/setOunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the string method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the string method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the string method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped
+PARFRAC objects as input.} & Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method properly applies history.} & The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method doesn't work if the PARFRAC object have
+more than one history step.} & The method string throws an error because the input object have more
+than one history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf parfrac/type} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the type method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the type method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input.} & Test that the type method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC
+objects as input.} & Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PARFRAC objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method properly applies history.} & The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for parfrac/type.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/pest} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/pest] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [pest/pest] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/pest] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [pest/pest] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/pest] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [pest/pest] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/pest] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/pest] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/pest] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/pest] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{60 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{61 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{62 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{64 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{65 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.} & Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{68 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/pest.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setChain} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChain] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setChain] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChain] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setChain] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChain] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setChain] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChain] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setChain] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChain] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setChain] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setChain] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setChain.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setChi2} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChi2] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setChi2] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChi2] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setChi2] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChi2] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setChi2] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChi2] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setChi2] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setChi2] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setChi2] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setChi2] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setChi2.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setCorr} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCorr] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setCorr] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCorr] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setCorr] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCorr] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setCorr] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCorr] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setCorr] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCorr] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setCorr] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setCorr] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setCorr.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setCov} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCov] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setCov] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCov] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setCov] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCov] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setCov] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCov] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setCov] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setCov] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setCov] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setCov] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setCov.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setDof} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDof] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setDof] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDof] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setDof] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDof] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setDof] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDof] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setDof] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDof] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setDof] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setDof] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setDof.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setDy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDy] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setDy] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDy] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setDy] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDy] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setDy] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDy] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setDy] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setDy] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setDy] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setDy] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setDy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setModels} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setModels] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setModels] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setModels] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setModels] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setModels] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setModels] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setModels] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setModels] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setModels] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setModels] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setModels] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setModels.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setNames} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setNames] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setNames] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setNames] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setNames] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setNames] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setNames] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setNames] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setNames] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setNames] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setNames] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setNames] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setNames.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setPdf} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setPdf] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setPdf] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setPdf] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setPdf] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setPdf] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setPdf] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setPdf] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setPdf] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setPdf] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setPdf] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setPdf] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setPdf.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setY} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setY] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setY] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setY] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setY] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setY] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setY] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setY] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setY] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setY] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setY] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setY] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setY.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pest/setYunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShapeInternal } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [pest/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setYunits] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [pest/setYunits] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [pest/setYunits] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [pest/setYunits] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [pest/setYunits] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pest/setYunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/append} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the append method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the append method appends all input PLIST objects to one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the append method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the append method appends all input PLIST objects to one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the append method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the append method appends all input PLIST objects to one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the append method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+objects as input.} & Test that the append method appends all input PLIST objects to one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the append method applies the modify command} & Test that the append method can modify the input PLIST by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pl1' and 'plin' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' append the key/value pair. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the append method with different input variants for the key/value pair.} & Test that the append method accepts plists-objects, param-objects or
+direct key/value pairs as an input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the append method appends the key always in capital letter} & Test that the append method appends the key always in capital letter & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the key is in capital letters & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the append method in a negative case.} & The append method throwns an error if a user tries to append a key
+which already exist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the negative case doesn't change the input object. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/append.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+as input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/combine} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the combine method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the combine method combines all input PLIST objects to one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the combine method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the combine method combines all input PLIST objects to one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the combine method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the combine method combines all input PLIST objects to one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the combine method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+objects as input.} & Test that the combine method combines all input PLIST objects to one object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the combine method applies the modify command} & Test that the combine method can modify the input PLIST by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pl1' and 'plin' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' combine the key/value pair. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the combine method doen't overwrite existing keys.} & Duplicate parameters which are given priority in the order in which
+they appear in the input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have all key/value pairs in the order they
+appear. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/combine.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PLIST objects as. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/eq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. It is necessary to add
+'created' to the exception list because pl is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/eq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/find} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the find method applies the modify command.} & Test that it is possible to use modify command and show that this
+method ignoring case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that out1..3 have all the same object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the find method accepts a plist.} & Test that the find method take the 'key' from a 'search' plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have the correct value. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the find method returns an empty array if the 'key' doesn't
+exist in the PLIST.} & Test the find method returns an empty array if the 'key' doesn't
+exist in the PLIST. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is an empty array. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/find.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/get} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the plist class.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property. Do this for all properties of the PLIST object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the get method works with a plist.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property which is defined in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the plist class.} & Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+one PLIST object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/get.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/isparam} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isparam method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Tests that the isparam method works with a vector of PLIST objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have the same size as the input.
+2) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isparam method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as
+input.} & Tests that the isparam method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have the same size as the input.
+2) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isparam method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+input.} & Tests that the isparam method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have the same size as the input.
+2) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isparam method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+objects as input.} & Tests that the isparam method works with a mix of different shaped
+PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have the same size as the input.
+2) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isparam method applies the modify command} & Test that the isparam method can used in the modifier form. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test that plin doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the isparam method with a positiv match.} & Test the isparam method with different input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/isparam.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/isprop} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'plv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'plm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a list of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works for each property.} & Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+'params', 'created', 'creator', 'name' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the negative case and the not function command.} & Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+methods of the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/isprop.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/ne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method properly applies history.} & The ne method doesn't change the PLIST object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list.
+The function plist/ne use the function plist/eq so it is not necessary to check
+all possibilities of the exception list.} & Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. It is necessary to add
+'created' to the exception list because pl is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/ne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/nparams} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nparams method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the nparams method returns the number of PARAM objects in
+the PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs is the same as the number of
+input PLIST objects.
+2) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nparams method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the nparams method returns the number of PARAM objects in
+the PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs is the same as the number of
+input PLIST objects.
+2) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nparams method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the nparams method returns the number of PARAM objects in
+the PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs is the same as the number of
+input PLIST objects.
+2) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nparams method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+objects as input.} & Test that the nparams method returns the number of PARAM objects in
+the PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of outputs is the same as the number of
+input PLIST objects.
+2) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the nparams method applies the modify command} & Test that the nparams method can used in the modifier style. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/nparams.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/parse} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parse method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & The parse method is an internal method and it doesn't work for vector
+of PLIST objects as an input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parse method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & The parse method is an internal method and it doesn't work for matrix
+of PLIST objects as an input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parse method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & The parse method is an internal method and it doesn't work for list
+of PLIST objects as an input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parse method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+objects as input.} & The parse method is an internal method and it doesn't work for
+different shaped PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parse method with non-dependent elements.} & Test that the parse method can convert non-dependent elements. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the right number of parameter in out.
+2) Check that the correct values are converted. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the parse method with dependent elements.} & Test that the parse method can convert dependent elements. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the right number of parameter in out.
+2) Check that the correct values are converted. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that upper/lower case doesn't matter in the parse method.} & Tests that upper/lower case doesn't matter in the parse method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the right number of parameter in out.
+2) Check that the correct values are converted. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/parse.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/plist} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the plist method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output PLISTs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output PLIST is a copy of the input PLIST. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the plist method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output PLISTs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output PLIST is a copy of the input PLIST. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the plist method works with a list of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output PLIST is a copy of the input PLIST. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist method works with a mix of different shaped PLISTs as
+input.} & Test that the plist method works with a mix of different shaped PLISTs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output PLIST is a copy of the input PLIST. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the MAT-file constructor.} & Tests the MAT-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the saved object is the same as the loaded object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the XML-file constructor.} & Tests the XML-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the saved object is the same as the loaded object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist method for a struct as an input.} & Tests that the plist method for a struct as an input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 2) Check the built object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the param constructor.} & Tests the param constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the input parameter objects & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the plist(filename) constructor.} & Tests the plist(filename) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the plist(conn) constructor.} & Tests the plist(conn) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the retrieved object against the submitted object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the conn+Id constructor.} & Tests the conn+Id constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the retrieved object against the submitted object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the key/value constructor} & Tests the key/value constructor & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the right number of parameter in the PLIST object
+2) Check the parameter in the PLIST object
+3) Check that the key is in capital letter. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/plist.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/plist2cmds} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist2cmds method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & The plist2cmds method doesn't works for a vector of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist2cmds method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & The plist2cmds method doesn't works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist2cmds method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & The plist2cmds method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist2cmds method works with a mix of different shaped
+PLIST objects as input.} & The plist2cmds method doesn't works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the plist2cmds method accepts different objects for the 'val' property.} & Create a plist with all possible objects for the 'val' property. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable plist2cmds & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/plist2cmds.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/pset} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pset method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the pset method set or add a key/value pair to all PLIST
+objects in the vector. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains the new key/value pair. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pset method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the pset method set or add a key/value pair to all PLIST
+objects in the matrix. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains the new key/value pair. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pset method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the pset method set or add a key/value pair to all PLIST
+objects in the input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains the new key/value pair. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pset method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+objects as input.} & Test that the pset method set or add a key/value pair to all PLIST
+objects in the input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+2) Check that the output PLIST contains the new key/value pair. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pset method applies the modify command} & Test that the pset method can modify the input PLIST by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'pleq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'plmo' and 'out' are the same.
+3) Check that 'out' and 'plmo' have the new key/value pair
+4) Check that pleq don't have the new key/value pair & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the pset method works for different input variants for the key/value
+pair.} & Test that the pset method accepts param-objects or direct key/value
+pairs as an input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output have all key/value pairs. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the pset method in the setting and appending case.} & Create an example where the pset method set a key to a new value and
+an example where pset append the new key/value pair & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the number of parametes in the output.
+2) Check the new key/value pair & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the pset method sets the key always in capital letter} & Test that the pset method sets the key always in capital letter & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the key is in capital letters & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/pset.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/remove} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the remove method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the remove method remove the 'key' from all PLIST objects
+in the vector. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+2) Check that the output PLIST doesn't contains the key. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the remove method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the remove method remove the 'key' from all PLIST objects
+in the matrix. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+2) Check that the output PLIST doesn't contains the key. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the remove method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the remove method remove the 'key' from all PLIST objects
+of the input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+2) Check that the output PLIST doesn't contains the key. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the remove method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+objects as input.} & Test that the remove method remove the 'key' from all PLIST objects
+of the input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+2) Check that the output PLIST doesn't contains the key. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the remove method applies the modify command} & Test that the remove method can modify the input PLIST by calling with no
+output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'pleq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'plmo' and 'out' are the same.
+3) Check that 'out' and 'plmo' don't have the key
+4) Check that pleq doesn't have the key & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the remove method that it removes the parameter which is defined
+as an index or as a key} & Test the remove method that it removes the parameter which is defined
+as an index or as a key & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the remove method in a negative case that the key is not in the
+paramter list.} & The remove method doesn't throwns an error if the key doesn't exist
+in the parameter list. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/remove.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/save} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'plv'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'plm'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in the list
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+as input.} & Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PLIST objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output PLIST object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with the modify command.} & Use the save method with the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input PLIST object.
+2) Check the output against the input except. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/save.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/setName} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'plv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'plm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a list of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can modify the input PLIST object.} & Test that the setName method can modify the input PLIST object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pl2' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/setName.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf plist/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a list of PLIST objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+as input.} & Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PLIST objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method doesn't work if the PLIST object have more
+than one history step.} & The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+one history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method accepts different objects for the 'val' property.} & Create a plist with all possible objects for the 'val' property. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for plist/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+as input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method properly applies history.} & The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/created} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+even for an empty input object.} & Test that the created method with an empty 'PZMODEL object & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/created.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/creator} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & The creator method doesn't work for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODEL objects as input.} & The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+are in the history.} & Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+'third' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.} & Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+used in connection with a matrix/vector of PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/creator.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects as. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method properly applies history.} & The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/eq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method properly applies history.} & The eq method doesn't change the PZMODEL object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because pzm is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because pzm is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because pzm is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/eq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/get} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the pzmodel class.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property. Do this for all properties of the PZMODEL object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the get method works with a plist.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property which is defined in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the pzmodel class.} & Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+one PZMODEL object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/get.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/getlowerFreq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getlowerFreq method of the pzmodel class.} & Test that the getlowerFreq returns the lowest frequence of the lowest
+pole or zero in the model. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getlowerFreq method of the pzmodel class.} & Test that the getlowerFreq throws an error if the input are more than one
+pzmodel. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/getlowerFreq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/getupperFreq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getupperFreq method of the pzmodel class.} & Test that the getupperFreq returns the lowest frequence of the lowest
+pole or zero in the model. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getupperFreq method of the pzmodel class.} & Test that the getupperFreq throws an error if the input are more than one
+pzmodel. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/getupperFreq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/index} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+[ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & The index method doesn't work for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of index have an additional history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+to 'index'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.} & Tests that the index method works for the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the index method can be controled with a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.} & Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/index.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/isprop} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.} & The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to
+apply history. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works for each property.} & Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+'gain', 'poles', 'zeros', 'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist',
+'name' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the negative case and the not function command.} & Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+methods of the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/isprop.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/mrdivide} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mrdivide method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.} & Test that the mrdivide method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mrdivide method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the rdivie method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mrdivide method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the mrdivide method works with a list of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mrdivide method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the mrdivide method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output
+5) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mrdivide method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the mrdivide method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the mrdivide method only divide PZMODELs with the same output
+units.} & Check that the mrdivide method only divide PZMODELs with the same
+output units. Check also the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the I-/O-units & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/mrdivide.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/mtimes} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mtimes method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.} & Test that the mtimes method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mtimes method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the mtimes method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mtimes method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the mtimes method works with a list of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mtimes method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the mtimes method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output
+5) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the mtimes method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the mtimes method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the mtimes method only multiply PZMODELs with the same output
+units.} & Check that the mtimes method only multiply PZMODELs with the same
+output units. Check also the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the I-/O-units & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/mtimes.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/ne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method properly applies history.} & The ne method doesn't change the PZMODEL object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list.
+The function pzmodel/ne use the function pzmodel/eq so it is not necessary to check
+all possibilities of the exception list.} & Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because pzm is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/ne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/pzmodel} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the pzmodel method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output PZMODELs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL is a copy of the input PZMODEL.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the pzmodel method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output PZMODELs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL is a copy of the input PZMODEL.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the pzmodel method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL is a copy of the input PZMODEL.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODELs as
+input.} & Test that the pzmodel method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODELs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL is a copy of the input PZMODEL.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the pzmodel method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the copy constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+Test the constructor with a different number of inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter function
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the read
+FIL-file constructor.} & Read the FIL file which is created from LISO.
+Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'pzmodel'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the struct constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'pzmodel'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel from a constant properly applies history.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'pzmodel'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the rational constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'pzmodel'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+plist(conn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+plist(rational) constructor} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check the algorithm
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+plist(gain|poles|zeros) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+plist(<plist-object>) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+gain + poles + zeros constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+gain + poles + zeros + name constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{22 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+gain + poles + zeros + iunits + ounits constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/pzmodel.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/rdivide} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rdivide method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.} & Test that the rdivide method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rdivide method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the rdivie method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rdivide method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the rdivide method works with a list of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rdivide method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the rdivide method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output
+5) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rdivide method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the rdivide method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rdivide method only divide PZMODELs with the same output
+units.} & Check that the rdivide method only divide PZMODELs with the same
+output units. Check also the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the I-/O-units & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/rdivide.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/rebuild} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.} & The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/rebuild.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/resp} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+3) Check that each output PZMODEL contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzmat'
+3) Check that each output PZMODEL contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the pzmat method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzmat'
+3) Check that each output PZMODEL contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+objects as input.} & Test that the resp method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. Test the method with an output and with no
+output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzmat'
+3) Check that each output PZMODEL contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.} & Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the response diagram. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+input f vector. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.} & Call the method with different method to pass an AO in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/resp.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/save} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in the list
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+as input.} & Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with the modify command.} & Use the save method with the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+2) Check the output against the input.
+3) Check the history of the output against the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with common PZMODEL objects.} & Save all common PZMODEL objects with both extensions. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/save.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/setDelay} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDelay method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setDelay method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDelay method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setDelay method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDelay method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setDelay method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDelay method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+objects as input.} & Test that the setDelay method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDelay method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setDelay method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDelay method can modify the input PZMODEL object.} & Test that the setDelay method can modify the input PZMODEL object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pz5' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct delay field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setDelay method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setDelay method can modify the property 'delay'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct delay field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setDelay method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/setDelay.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/setIunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input PZMODEL object.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the input PZMODEL object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pz5' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/setIunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/setName} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can modify the input PZMODEL object.} & Test that the setName method can modify the input PZMODEL object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pz5' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/setName.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/setOunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input PZMODEL object.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the input PZMODEL object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'pz5' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/setOunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/simplify} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplify method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.} & Test that the simplify method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check the poles of the output
+3) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplify method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the simplify method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check the poles of the output
+3) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplify method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the simplify method works with a list of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input
+2) Check the poles of the output
+3) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplify method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the simplify method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input
+2) Check the poles of the output
+3) Check the zeros of the output
+4) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplify method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the simplify method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the simplify method can modify the input PZMODEL.} & Test that the simplify method can modify the input PZMODEL by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+3) Check that the modified input is the simplified value of the copy
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the simplify method cancle poles/zeros at different
+positions.} & Check that the simplify method cancle poles/zeros at different
+positions. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the poles and peros of the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/simplify.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+as input.} & Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method properly applies history.} & The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method doesn't work if the PZMODEL object have more
+than one history step.} & The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+one history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/times} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the times method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.} & Test that the times method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the times method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the times method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the times method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the times method works with a list of PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the times method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input.} & Tests that the times method works with a mix of different shaped
+PZMODELs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+2) Check the gain of the output
+3) Check the poles of the output
+4) Check the zeros of the output
+5) Check the rebuilt object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the times method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the times method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the times method only multiply PZMODELs with the same output
+units.} & Check that the times method only multiply PZMODELs with the same
+output units. Check also the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the I-/O-units & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/times.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/tomfir} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomfir method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the tomfir method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomfir method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the tomfir method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomfir method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the tomfir method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomfir method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the tomfir method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomfir method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the tomfir method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomfir method can modify the input PZMODEL object.} & Test that the tomfir method can not modify the input PZMODEL object .
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the tomfir method use the different values in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the tomfir method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/tomfir.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/tomiir} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomiir method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the tomiir method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomiir method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the tomiir method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomiir method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the tomiir method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomiir method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects as
+input.} & Test that the tomiir method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomiir method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the tomiir method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the tomiir method can modify the input PZMODEL object.} & Test that the tomiir method can not modify the input PZMODEL object .
+The method must throw an error for the modifier call. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the tomiir method use the different values in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check the re-built object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the tomiir method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+method to get the a and b of the iir object.} & Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method
+indirect with the tomiir method. Test with complex pole/zero pairs.
+This UTP define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+complex pole/zero pair.
+It uses the following code:
+function [a,b] = utp\_cpz2ab(pf, pq, zf, zq, fs)
+wp = pf*2*pi;
+wp2 = wp\^2;
+wz = zf*2*pi;
+wz2 = wz\^2;
+k = 4*fs*fs + 2*wp*fs/pq + wp2;
+a(1) = (4*fs*fs + 2*wz*fs/zq + wz2)/k;
+a(2) = (2*wz2 - 8*fs*fs)/k;
+a(3) = (4*fs*fs - 2*wz*fs/zq + wz2)/k;
+b(1) = 1;
+b(2) = (2*wp2 - 8*fs*fs)/k;
+b(3) = (wp2 + 4*fs*fs - 2*wp*fs/pq)/k;
+g = sum(a) / sum(b);
+a = a / g;
+end & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+method to get the a and b of the iir object.} & Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method indirect
+with the tomiir method. Test with complex poles.
+This UTPs define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+complex pole. It uses the following code:
+function [a,b] = utp\_cp2iir(pf, pq, fs)
+w0  = pf*2*pi;
+w02 = w0\^2;
+k    = (pq*w02 + 4*pq*fs*fs + 2*w0*fs) / (pq*w02);
+b(1) =  1;
+b(2) = (2*w02-8*fs*fs) / (k*w02);
+b(3) = (pq*w02 + 4*pq*fs*fs - 2*w0*fs) / (k*pq*w02);
+a(1) =  1/k;
+a(2) = -2/k;
+a(3) = -1/k;
+a    =  a*-2;
+end & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+method to get the a and b of the iir object.} & Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method indirect
+with the tomiir method. Test with complex zeros.
+This UTPs define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+complex zero. It uses the following code:
+function [a,b] = utp\_cz2iir(zf, zq, fs)
+w0  = zf*2*pi;
+w02 = w0\^2;
+a(1) = (-zq*w02/2 - 2*zq*fs*fs - w0*fs) / (zq*w02);
+a(2) = (-w02+4*fs*fs) / w02;
+a(3) = (-zq*w02/2 - 2*zq*fs*fs + w0*fs) / (zq*w02);
+b(1) =  1;
+b(2) = -2;
+b(3) = -1;
+end & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+method to get the a and b of the iir object.} & Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method indirect
+with the tomiir method. Test with real poles.
+This UTPs define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+real pole. It uses the following code:
+function [a,b] = utp\_rp2iir(pf, fs)
+w0 = pf*2*pi;
+a(1) = w0 / (2*fs + w0);
+a(2) = a(1);
+b(1) = 1;
+b(2) = (w0-2*fs) / (w0+2*fs);
+end & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+method to get the a and b of the iir object.} & Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method indirect
+with the tomiir method. Test with real zeros.
+This UTPs define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+real zero. It uses the following code:
+function [a,b] = utp\_rp2iir(zf, fs)
+w0 = zf*2*pi;
+a(1) = (2*fs + w0) / w0;
+a(2) = (-2*fs + w0) / w0;
+b(1) = 1;
+b(2) = 1;
+end & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/tomiir.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf pzmodel/type} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+as input.} & Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single PZMODEL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method properly applies history.} & The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for pzmodel/type.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method properly applies history.} & The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/created} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+even for an empty input object.} & Test that the created method with an empty 'RATIONAL object & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/created.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/creator} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & The creator method doesn't work for a list of RATIONAL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+are in the history.} & Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+'third' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.} & Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+used in connection with a matrix/vector of RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/creator.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single RATIONAL objects as. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method properly applies history.} & The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+to check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/eq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method properly applies history.} & The eq method doesn't change the RATIONAL object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception
+list with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option
+'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+to the exception list because 'pa' is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because 'pa' is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception
+list with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option
+'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+to the exception list because 'pa' is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/eq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/get} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the rational class.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property. Do this for all properties of the RATIONAL object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the get method works with a plist.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property which is defined in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the rational class.} & Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+one RATIONAL object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/get.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/getlowerFreq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getlowerFreq method of the rational class.} & Test that the getlowerFreq returns the lowest frequence of the pole
+in the rational object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getlowerFreq method of the rational class.} & Test that the getlowerFreq throws an error if the input are more than
+one rational. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/getlowerFreq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/getupperFreq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getupperFreq method of the rational class.} & Test that the getupperFreq returns the lowest frequence in the
+rational object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the getupperFreq method of the rational class.} & Test that the getupperFreq throws an error if the input are more than
+one rational. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/getupperFreq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/index} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+[ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & The index method doesn't work for a list of RATIONAL objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of index have an additional history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+to 'index'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.} & Tests that the index method works for the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the index method can be controled with a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.} & Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/index.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/isprop} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.} & The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary
+to apply history. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works for each property.} & Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+'num', 'den', 'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist', 'name' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the negative case and the not function command.} & Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and
+for methods of the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/isprop.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/ne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL
+objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method properly applies history.} & The ne method doesn't change the RATIONAL object, thus will no history
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list.
+The function rational/ne use the function rational/eq so it is not
+necessary to check all possibilities of the exception list.} & Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option
+'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+to the exception list because ra is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/ne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/rational} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the rational method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output RATIONALs is the same as the
+input shape.
+2) Check that each output RATIONAL is a copy of the input RATIONAL.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the rational method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output RATIONALs is the same as the
+input shape.
+2) Check that each output RATIONAL is a copy of the input RATIONAL.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the rational method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output RATIONAL is a copy of the input RATIONAL.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONALs as input.} & Test that the rational method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONALs as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output RATIONAL is a copy of the input RATIONAL.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the rational method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the copy
+constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+Test the constructor with a different number of inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method properly doesn't apply history to the
+struct constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'rational'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the parfrac
+constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the pzmodel
+constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the last two entries in the history of 'out'
+doesn't corresponds to 'rational' and 'save'
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{14 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+plist(conn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+plist(den || num) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+plist(pzmodel) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+plist(rational) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{18 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+plist(<plist-object>) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{19 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{20 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+num + den object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{21 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+num + den + name object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{22 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+num + den + name + iunits + ounits object constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/rational.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/rebuild} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.} & The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+to check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/rebuild.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/resp} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the resp method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+(a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+3) Check that each output RATIONAL contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+(a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+3) Check that each output RATIONAL contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Tests that the resp method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+(a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rain'
+3) Check that each output RATIONAL contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input. Test the method with an output and with no
+output (a diagram must appear) & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rain'
+3) Check that each output RATIONAL contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the resp method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.} & Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the response diagram. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the shape of the output.} & Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+input f vector. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.} & Call the method with different method to pass an AO in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the
+response.} & Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute
+the response.} & Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/resp.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/save} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+same as in 'rav'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the save method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+same as in 'ram'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+same as in the list
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL
+objects as input.} & Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single RATIONAL objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output RATIONAL object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with the modify command.} & Use the save method with the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+2) Check the output against the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the save method with different complex RATIONAL objects} & Test the save method with different complex RATIONAL objects & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/save.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/setIunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the setIunits method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be
+processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input RATIONAL object.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the input RATIONAL object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ra3' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list
+of output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/setIunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/setName} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the setName method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed
+back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds
+to 'setName'.
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can modify the input RATIONAL object.} & Test that the setName method can modify the input RATIONAL object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ra3' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list
+of output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/setName.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/setOunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the setOunits method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be
+processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input RATIONAL object.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the input RATIONAL object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ra3' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list
+of output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/setOunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the string method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the string method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the string method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped
+RATIONAL objects as input.} & Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method properly applies history.} & The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method doesn't work if the RATIONAL object have
+more than one history step.} & The method string throws an error because the input object have more
+than one history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf rational/type} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the type method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the type method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input.} & Test that the type method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL
+objects as input.} & Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single RATIONAL objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method properly applies history.} & The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for rational/type.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/addAliases} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addAliases] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/addAliases] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addAliases] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/addAliases] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addAliases] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/addAliases] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/addAliases] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/addAliases.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/addParameters} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/addParameters] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/addParameters] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/addParameters] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/addParameters] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/addParameters.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/clearAliases} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/clearAliases] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/clearAliases] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/clearAliases] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/clearAliases] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/clearAliases] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/clearAliases] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/clearAliases] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/clearAliases] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/clearAliases] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/clearAliases.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setAliases} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setAliases] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setAliases] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setAliases] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setAliases] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setAliases] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setAliases] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setAliases] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setAliases.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setParameters} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setParameters] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setParameters] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParameters] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setParameters] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setParameters.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setParams} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works with any shape of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method works for any shape of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data.
+3) Rebuild the object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setParams] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setParams] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setParams] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setParams] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setParams.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setTrans} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setTrans] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setTrans] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setTrans] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setTrans] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setTrans] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setTrans] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setTrans] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setTrans] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setTrans] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setTrans.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setValues} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setValues] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setValues] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setValues] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setValues] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setValues] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setValues] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setValues] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setValues] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setValues] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setValues.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setXunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXunits] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setXunits] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXunits] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setXunits] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXunits] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setXunits] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXunits] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setXunits] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setXunits] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setXunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setXvals} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXvals] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setXvals] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXvals] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setXvals] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXvals] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setXvals] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXvals] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setXvals] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setXvals] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setXvals.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setXvar} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXvar] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setXvar] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXvar] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setXvar] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXvar] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setXvar] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setXvar] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setXvar] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setXvar] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setXvar.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/setYunits} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{minfo } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this a general setter method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericAnyShape } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{} &  & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericList } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/setYunits] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'objs'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericHistory } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setYunits] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/setYunits] method can be processed
+back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericModify } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/setYunits] method can modify the input AO.} & Test that the [smodel/setYunits] method can modify the input object by calling
+with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+function notation (with a equal sign). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the modified input is changed by the method
+2) Check that 'out' and 'obj\_eq' are now different.
+3) Check that 'obj\_eq' is not changed
+4) Check that out and amodi are the same & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{genericOutput } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the [smodel/setYunits] method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/setYunits.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf smodel/smodel} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/smodel] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/smodel] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/smodel] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/smodel] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/smodel] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [smodel/smodel] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/smodel] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [smodel/smodel] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [smodel/smodel] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [smodel/smodel] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the smodel can read older MAT files which have different
+values in 'xvals'} & Tests that the smodel can read older MAT files which have different
+values in 'xvals'
+The smodel object was created with the commands:
+s = smodel('A.*(t >= toff)');
+s.setParams({'A','toff'}, {5,300});
+s.setName('Step at toff');
+s.setDescription('Step function of amplitude A at time toff');
+s.setXunits('Hz\^1/2 km\^2');
+s.setYunits('s\^2 m\^-1');
+s.setAliasValues(8); & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the objects are quite the same
+2) Check that 'xvals' is a cell-array with the numbers from 1 to 1000 & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{60 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{61 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{62 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{64 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{65 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.} & Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{68 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for smodel/smodel.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ssm/addParameters} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/addParameters] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ssm/addParameters] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/addParameters] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ssm/addParameters] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/addParameters] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ssm/addParameters] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/addParameters] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ssm/addParameters] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/addParameters] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ssm/addParameters] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/addParameters] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ssm/addParameters] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ssm/addParameters.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ssm/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ssm/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ssm/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ssm/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf model/DFACS} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful name.} & Test that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful name. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the name of the object is not empty and not equal to 'none' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{902 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful description.} & Test that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful description. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the description of the object is not empty and not equal to 'none' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{903 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the model <MODEL> responds to 'DIM' configuration key.} & Test that the model <MODEL> responds to 'DIM' configuration key. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the model builds with DIM==1
+2) Check that the model builds with DIM==2
+3) Check that the model builds with DIM==3
+4) Check that the 3 models are different & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for model/DFACS.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf model/IFO} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful name.} & Test that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful name. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the name of the object is not empty and not equal to 'none' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{902 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful description.} & Test that the model <MODEL> has a meaningful description. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the description of the object is not empty and not equal to 'none' & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{903 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the model <MODEL> responds to 'DIM' configuration key.} & Test that the model <MODEL> responds to 'DIM' configuration key. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the model builds with DIM==1
+2) Check that the model builds with DIM==2
+3) Check that the model builds with DIM==3
+4) Check that the 3 models are different & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for model/IFO.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf ssm/ssm} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/ssm] method works with a vector of objects as input.} & Test that the [ssm/ssm] method works for a vector of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'vec'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/ssm] method works with a matrix of objects as input.} & Test that the [ssm/ssm] method works for a matrix of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/ssm] method works with a list of objects as input.} & Test that the [ssm/ssm] method works for a list of objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/ssm] method works with a mix of different arrays of objects as input.} & Tests that the [ssm/ssm] method works with a mix of different arrays of
+objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mat'
+2) Check that each output object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the [ssm/ssm] method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the [ssm/ssm] method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{60 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor method doesn't apply history to the read
+MAT-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{61 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{62 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history in the struct constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{63 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the pzmodel constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the pzmodel constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{64 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Tests that the contructor properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{65 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved.} & Tests that the contructed object can be submitted and retrieved. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+the class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{66 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the construuctor properly works with the plist(pzmodel)
+constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly works with the plist(pzmodel)
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{67 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+pole/zero model + plist object constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the
+pole/zero model + plist object constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{68 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Tests that the constructor properly applies history to the conn+Id
+constructor. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+class name.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for ssm/ssm.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/datenum} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the 'datenum' method.} & Create a time object and use datenum to produce a serial date number. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check that the returned value is the same as the one you get when
+using time/format with the same format string when converted using
+MATLAB's datestr() function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the 'datenum' method.} & Create a time object and use datenum to produce a serial date number. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check that the returned value is the same as the one you get when
+using time/format with the same format string when converted using
+MATLAB's datestr() function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{903 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests 'double' method.} & Set the time-zone to PST and create a time object and use datenum to
+produce a serial date number. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check that the returned value is the same as the one you get when
+using time/format with the same format string when converted using
+MATLAB's datestr() function. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/datenum.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/double} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests 'double' method.} & Use the double() method on single time objects and vectors of time
+objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check that double returns the expected numerical values for each
+case. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/double.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/format} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests 'format' static method.} & Use the static format method to produce a number of time strings in
+different formats and for different time-zones. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check that the returned strings match the expected strings. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/format.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/minus} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object minus operator.} & Compute the difference between time objects and doubles. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting time objects have the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/minus.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/parse} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests 'parse' static method with time string only.} & Use parse() to parse different time strings with different time-zones
+set. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting millsecond values are the expected ones. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{902 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests 'parse' static method with time and format strings.} & Use parse() to parse different time strings with different time-zones
+set. The time-string format is specified as a second input argument. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting millsecond values are the expected ones. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{903 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests 'parse' static method with time string and numeric format.} & Use parse() to parse different time strings using the supported
+MATLAB numeric time formats. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting millsecond values against the result of parsing
+a time string. (See time/parse utp\_902.) & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{904 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests 'parse' static method with time string containing timezone information.} & Use parse() to parse different time strings which contain the
+time-zone. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting millisecond value is the expected one. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{905 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests 'parse' static method with time string and timezone specification.} & Use parse() to parse different time strings when passing the
+time-zone as the third argument. The second argument (the format) is
+left empty. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting millisecond value is the expected one. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/parse.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/plus} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{101 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object plus operator.} & Compute the sum of time objects and doubles. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting time objects have the correct values. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/plus.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the output of the 'string' method can be used to recreate the time object.} & Use string to convert a time object to a string. Use eval on the
+result to recreate a time object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the recreated time object matches the original. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/time} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor without arguments. Should return the current time.} & Call the time() constructor with no inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & No test can be done here since we don't know the time when the
+constructor is called. We could check that the resulting time is >
+0, but that's not so useful. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{902 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor from numeric value.} & Call the time() constructor with a numeric input (number of seconds
+since epoch). & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the time object has the expected millisecond value. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{903 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor from string.} & Call the time() constructor with different time-string inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the time objects have the expected millisecond values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{904 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor from a cell array of strings.} & Call the time() constructor with cell-array of time-strings. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the time objects have the expected millisecond values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{905 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor from plist with 'time' parameter.} & Call the time() constructor with plist input. Check a plist with a
+numeric value and a plist with a time-string. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the time objects have the expected millisecond values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{906 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor from plist with 'milliseconds' parameter} & Call the time() constructor with plist input using the 'millisecond'
+key. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the time object has the expected millisecond value. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{907 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor from plist with more parameters.} & Call the time() constructor with plist input containing the time
+string and the time-zone.
+key. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the time objects have the expected millisecond values. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{908 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor from structure.} & Call the time() constructor with an input structure obtained from
+calling struct() on a time object.
+key. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the original and reconstructed time objects have the same
+millisecond value. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{909 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests time object constructor from string and time format.} & Call the time() constructor with an input time string and time format
+string. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting time object has the expected millisecond value. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/time.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/timeformat} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the method really returns what is in the user preferences.} & Check that the timeformat method runs without error. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check that the returned value is the same as the one set in the
+user preferences. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{902 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Change user preferences and do it again.} & Set the time string format in the preferences and check that the
+timeformat method runs without error. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check that the returned value is the same as the one set in the
+user preferences. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{903 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Change user preferences and do it again.} & Set the time string format in the preferences and check that the
+timeformat method runs without error. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check that the returned value is the same as the one set in the
+user preferences. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/timeformat.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf time/timezone} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{901 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the method really returns what is in the user preferences.} & Call the static timezone method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting timezone object against the one in the user
+preferences. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{902 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Change user preferences and do it again.} & Set the timezone in the preferences then call the static timezone method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting timezone object against the one in the user
+preferences. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{903 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Change user preferences and do it again.} & Set the timezone in the preferences then call the static timezone method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & Check the resulting timezone object against the one in the user
+preferences. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for time/timezone.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/char} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each start time & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each start time & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the char method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each start time & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+as input.} & Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each start time & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the char method properly applies history.} & The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/char.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/copy} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{69 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the copy method works with a single object as an input.} & Test the positive (copy-case) and the negative (non copy-case) case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a 'real' copy or only a copy of the handle & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/copy.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/created} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & Test that the created method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+vectors and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+even for an empty input object.} & Test that the created method with an empty 'TIMESPAN object & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/created.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/creator} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & Test that the creator method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & The creator method doesn't work for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+TIMESPAN objects as input.} & The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method properly applies history} & This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+to the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to check. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.} & Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the single object
+2) Check the matrix object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+are in the history.} & Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+'third' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.} & Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+used in connection with a matrix/vector of TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/creator.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/display} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the display method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects as. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the display method properly applies history.} & The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+check the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/display.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/eq} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the eq method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the eq function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+as input.} & The eq method doesn't works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the eq method properly applies history.} & The eq method doesn't change the TIMESPAN object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because ts is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'endt'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because ts is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list.
+With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+with properties where a public set method exist.} & Test the eq method with the exception 'startT'. Use the option 'internal'
+to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because ts is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/eq.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/get} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the timespan class.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property. Do this for all properties of the TIMESPAN object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the get method works with a plist.} & Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+property which is defined in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the correct value of the output & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests the get method of the timespan class.} & Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+one TIMESPAN object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/get.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/index} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & Test that the index method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+input. The following indexing should work:
+I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+[ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)] & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+input.} & The index method doesn't work for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Nothing to test. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of index have an additional history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+to 'index'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.} & Tests that the index method works for the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the index method can be controled with a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.} & Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+2) Check that the index method selects the correct object & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/index.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/isprop} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.} & The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to
+apply history. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the isprop method works for each property.} & Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+startT', 'endT', 'timeformat', 'timezone', 'interval'
+'hist' and 'name' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the negative case and the not function command.} & Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+methods of the object. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/isprop.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/loadobj} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/loadobj.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/ne} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the ne method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Test the positive and the negative case. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output of the ne function. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+as input.} & The ne method doesn't works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the ne method properly applies history.} & The ne method doesn't change the TIMESPAN object, thus will no history added.
+Nothing to do & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list.
+The function timespan/ne use the function timespan/eq so it is not
+necessary to check all possibilities of the exception list.} & Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+list because ts is created at an other time. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.} & Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/ne.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/rebuild} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+as input.} & Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.} & The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/rebuild.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/save} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'tsv'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in 'tsm'
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the save method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+as in the list
+2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same except. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+as input.} & Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output TIMESPAN object contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml' & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the save method works with the modify command.} & Use the save method with the modifier command. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+2) Check the output against the input.
+3) Check the history of the output against the input. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Control the method with a plist.} & Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/save.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/setEndT} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setEndT method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setEndT method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setEndT method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setEndT method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setEndT method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setEndT method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setEndT method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN
+objects as input.} & Test that the setEndT method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setEndT method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setEndT method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setEndT method can modify the input TIMESPAN object.} & Test that the setEndT method can modify the input TIMESPAN object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ts5' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setEndT method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setEndT method can modify the property 'endT'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setEndT method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setEndT method accept different inputs.} & Test that the setEndT method accept input of double, char and
+time-objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/setEndT.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/setName} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN
+objects as input.} & Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can modify the input TIMESPAN object.} & Test that the setName method can modify the input TIMESPAN object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ts5' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/setName.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/setStartT} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setStartT method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setStartT method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setStartT method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setStartT method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setStartT method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the setStartT method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setStartT method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN
+objects as input.} & Test that the setStartT method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+2) Check that each output contains the correct data. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setStartT method properly applies history and that the
+option 'internal' suppresses the history.} & Test that the result of applying the setStartT method can be processed back
+to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setStartT method can modify the input TIMESPAN object.} & Test that the setStartT method can modify the input TIMESPAN object
+by calling with no output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ts5' and 'ain' are now different.
+2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the setStartT method can set the property with a plist.} & Test that the setStartT method can modify the property 'startT'
+with a value in a plist. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setStartT method pass back the output objects to a list of
+output variables or to a single variable.} & Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Check that the setStartT method accept different inputs.} & Test that the setStartT method accept input of double, char and
+time-objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the output
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/setStartT.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/string} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the string method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+as input.} & Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+2) Check the correct number of rout
+3) Check the rebuild objects. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method properly applies history.} & The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the string method doesn't work if the TIMESPAN object have more
+than one history step.} & The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+one history step. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/string.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/timespan} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{00 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan constructor does what is supposed to do.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the timespan method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output TIMESPANs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output TIMESPAN is a copy of the input TIMESPAN.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the timespan method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the shape of the output TIMESPANs is the same as the input shape.
+2) Check that each output TIMESPAN is a copy of the input TIMESPAN.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the timespan method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output TIMESPAN is a copy of the input TIMESPAN.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPANs as
+input.} & Test that the timespan method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPANs as
+input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+number in the input.
+2) Check that each output TIMESPAN is a copy of the input TIMESPAN.
+3) Check that the copy have an additional history step. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method properly applies history.} & Test that the result of applying the timespan method can be processed back. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{07 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the copy constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+Test the constructor with a different number of inputs. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter function
+3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{08 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the read
+MAT-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{09 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the read
+XML-file constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{10 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the struct constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+corresponds to 'timespan'.
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{11 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the
+plist(filename) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+2) Check that the last two entries in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+'timespan' and 'save'
+3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{12 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to the
+plist(conn) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{13 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to the
+plist(type) constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{15 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to
+the start + end time constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{16 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{17 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to
+the start + end time + format constructor.} & Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'. & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/timespan.}
+\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \hline
+{\bf timespan/type} &&& \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{01 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.} & Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+individually. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{02 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{03 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{04 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.} & Test that the type method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{05 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+as input.} & Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+and single TIMESPAN objects. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    & 1) Check the rebuilt output. & pass \\ \hline
+ \multirow{2}{3cm}{06 } & \multirow{2}{5cm}{Tests that the type method properly applies history.} & The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+the history. Nothing to do. & pass \\ \cline{3-4}
+        &    &  & pass \\ \hline
+\caption{Unit tests for timespan/type.}
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+	approved by & \\
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+\textbf{This document and all parts of it are confidential. Any distribution is prohibited without
+written authorisation from AEI and UNITN.}
+\section*{Distribution List}
+\hline \rowcolor[gray]{0.9} Name & Company/ Institute\\ \hline
+												 &  AEI Hannover\\ 
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/unittest.rb	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+class SubTest
+  attr_accessor :testDescription, :syntaxDescription, :algoDescription, :syntaxCode, :algoCode, :number, :syntaxResult, :algoResult, :date
+  def initialize
+    @number = 0
+    @testDescription = ""
+    @syntaxDescription = ""
+    @algoDescription = ""
+    @syntaxCode = ""
+    @algoCode = ""
+    @syntaxResult = -1
+    @algoResult = -1
+  end
+class UnitTest
+  attr_accessor :methodDescription, :tests, :results, :path, :title, :code, :tainted
+  def initialize
+    @methodDescription = ""
+    @tests = []
+    @results = []
+    @tainted = false
+    @path = ""
+    @title = ""
+    @code = ""
+  end
+class Result
+  attr_accessor :syntax, :algorithm, :date, :number
+  def initialize
+    @syntax = -1
+    @algorithm = -1
+    @date =
+    @number = 0
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_ao_metropolis1D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+% UTP_AO_METROPOLIS2D a set of UTPs for the ao/metropolis2D method
+% M Nofrarias 06-07-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_metropolis1D.m,v 1.1 2009/08/06 17:06:18 miquel Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% METROPOLIS2D samples a probability distribution for a SISO problem using a 
+% Metropolis/Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_metropolis2D(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'metropolis2D';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    S11 = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))'));
+    S22 = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))'));
+    S12 = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', '1e-2*randn(size(t))'));
+    S21 = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', '1e-2*randn(size(t))'));
+    noise = [S11 S12 S21 S22];
+    in(1) = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*1*t)'));
+    in(2) = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*0.1*t)'));
+    out(1) = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', '10 + sin(2*pi*1*t)'));
+    out(2) = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', '200 + sin(2*pi*0.1*t)'));
+    % Test smodels
+    st1 = smodel('a + t'); 
+    st1.setXvar('f');
+    st1.setParams('a',10);
+    st1.setXvar('t');
+    st1.setXvals(in(1).x);
+    st2 = smodel('b + t'); 
+    st2.setXvar('f');
+    st2.setParams('b',10);
+    st2.setXvar('t');
+    st2.setXvals(in(1).x);
+    st = [st1 st2];
+    % define plist
+     pl = plist('param',{'a','b'},...
+       'sigma',[1 10],...
+       'N',2,...
+       'range',{[5 15],[180 220]},...
+       'x0',[10 200]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    %
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the metropolis2D method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [in(1) in(2) out(1) out(2) noise(1) noise(2) noise(3) noise(4)];
+      st = [st1 st2];
+      m  = metropolis2D(avec,st,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(m) ~= numel(in), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the metropolis2D method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat = [in(1); in(2); out(1); out(2); noise(1); noise(2); noise(3); noise(4)];
+      st = [st1; st2];
+      m  = metropolis2D(amat,st,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(m) ~= numel(in), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the metropolis2D method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      m = metropolis2D(in(1),in(2),out(1),out(2),noise(1),noise(2),noise(3),noise(4),st1,st2,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(m) ~= numel(in), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the metropolis2D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      m = metropolis2D([in(1),in(2),out(1)],out(2),noise,st1,st2,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(m) ~= numel(in), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the metropolis2D method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      m  = metropolis2D(in,out,noise,st,pl);
+      mm = rebuild(m);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'm' corresponds to
+    %    'metropolis2D'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'm'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(m(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'metropolis2D'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+%       if ~eq(mm(1), m(1), ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+       % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(in(1));
+      % modify ain
+      ain.metropolis2D(in,out,noise,model,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_random_unit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% GET_RANDOM_UNIT returns a random unit object, with random unit and random
+% prefix (if the unit is different from '')
+% CALL:   u = get_test_ples
+% OUTPUTS: u  - a unit object with random unit and prefix
+% VERSION: $Id: get_random_unit.m,v 1.2 2010/05/05 04:21:52 mauro Exp $
+function u = get_random_unit(varargin)
+  unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+  prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+  u = cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1));
+  pref = true;
+  if nargin
+    switch varargin{1}
+      case {'nopref', 'noprefix', 'no_pref', 'no_prefix'}
+        pref = false;
+      otherwise
+    end
+  end
+  % Add a prefix only if the unit is different from ''
+  if pref && ~isempty(u) && ~strcmpi(u, '')
+    u = unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) u]);
+  else
+    u = unit(u);
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_csd_ao_noisegen2D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+% test csd for ao/noisegen2D
+% DESCRIPTION: Output a model for mdc1 cross spectral density
+% CALL:
+%       [TF,CSD] = get_test_csd_ao_noisegen2D(pl)
+% PARAMETERS: 'fs'      -  Sampling frequency
+%             'f1'      -  the start frequency
+%             'f2'      -  the stop frequency
+%             'nf'      -  number of evaluation points
+%             'scale'   - spacing of frequencies: 'lin' or 'log'
+%         or
+%             'f'       -  a vector of frequency values or an AO
+%                          whereby the x-axis is taken for the frequency values
+%              CSD     -  a 2x2 matrix of analysis objects containing CSD
+%                       models
+%              TF      -  a 2x2 matrix of analysis objects containing TF
+%                       models
+% M-FILE INFO: Get information about this methods by calling
+%              >> ao.getInfo('get_test_csd_ao_noisegen2D')
+%              Get information about a specified set-plist by calling:
+%              >> ao.getInfo('get_test_csd_ao_noisegen2D', 'none')  
+% VERSION:     $Id: get_test_csd_ao_noisegen2D.m,v 1.4 2011/03/24 19:37:53 ingo Exp $
+% HISTORY:     22-12-2008 L Ferraioli
+%                 Creation
+function varargout = get_test_csd_ao_noisegen2D(varargin)
+  % Check if this is a call for parameters
+  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+    return
+  end
+  import utils.const.*
+  utils.helper.msg(msg.MNAME, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+  % Collect input variable names
+  in_names = cell(size(varargin));
+  for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
+  % Collect all AOs and plists
+  [as, ao_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ao', in_names);
+  pl              = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist', in_names);
+  % Get frequency vector
+  f = find(pl, 'f');
+  if isa(f, 'ao') && (isa(, 'fsdata') || isa(, 'xydata'))
+    f =;
+  end
+  % Get sampling frequency
+  fs = find(pl, 'fs');
+  if isempty(f)
+    % Compute from frequency range
+    f1 = find(pl, 'f1');
+    f2 = find(pl, 'f2');
+    ndata = find(pl, 'nf');
+    scale = find(pl, 'scale');
+    switch scale
+      case 'lin'
+        f   = linspace(f1, f2, ndata);
+      case 'log'
+        f = logspace(log10(f1), log10(f2), ndata);
+    end
+  end
+  % Models response calculation
+  tf11 = calcTF11(f,fs);
+  tf12 = calcTF12(f,fs);
+  tf21 = calcTF21(f,fs);
+  tf22 = calcTF22(f,fs);
+  % CSD calculation
+  csd11 = tf11.*conj(tf11)+tf12.*conj(tf12);
+  csd12 = tf11.*conj(tf21)+tf12.*conj(tf22);
+  csd22 = tf22.*conj(tf22)+tf21.*conj(tf21);
+  csd21 = conj(csd12);
+  csd11.setName('CSD11');
+  csd12.setName('CSD12');
+  csd21.setName('CSD21');
+  csd22.setName('CSD22');
+  % Output data
+  if nargout == 1
+    varargout{1} = [csd11 csd12;csd21 csd22];
+  elseif nargout == 2
+    varargout{1} = [csd11 csd12;csd21 csd22];
+    varargout{2} = [tf11 tf12;tf21 tf22];
+  end
+% Get Info Object
+function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+    sets = {};
+    pls   = [];
+  elseif nargin == 1&& ~isempty(varargin{1}) && ischar(varargin{1})
+    sets{1} = varargin{1};
+    pls = getDefaultPlist(sets{1});
+  else
+    sets = {'List', 'Range'};
+    pls = [];
+    for kk=1:numel(sets)
+      pls = [pls getDefaultPlist(sets{kk})];
+    end
+  end
+  % Build info object
+  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'ao', '', utils.const.categories.mdc01, '$Id: get_test_csd_ao_noisegen2D.m,v 1.4 2011/03/24 19:37:53 ingo Exp $', sets, pls);
+  ii.setModifier(false);
+% Get Default Plist
+function plo = getDefaultPlist(set)
+  switch set
+    case 'List'
+      plo = plist('fs', 10, 'f', []);
+    case 'Range'
+      plo = plist('fs', 10, 'f1', -1, 'f2', -1, 'nf', 1000, 'scale', 'log');
+    otherwise
+      error('### Unknown set [%s] for a default list.', set);
+  end
+function tf11 = calcTF11(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano TF11 coefficients
+  dRes11 = [2.44554138162509e-011 - 1.79482547894083e-011i;
+  2.44554138162509e-011 + 1.79482547894083e-011i;
+  2.66402334803101e-009 +  1.1025122049153e-009i;
+  2.66402334803101e-009 -  1.1025122049153e-009i;
+  -7.3560293387644e-009;
+  -1.82811618589835e-009 - 1.21803627800855e-009i;
+  -1.82811618589835e-009 + 1.21803627800855e-009i;
+  1.16258677367555e-009;
+  1.65216557639319e-016;                         
+  -1.78092396888606e-016;
+  -2.80420398962379e-017;
+  9.21305973049041e-013 - 8.24686706827269e-014i;
+  9.21305973049041e-013 + 8.24686706827269e-014i;
+  5.10730060739905e-010 - 3.76571756625722e-011i;
+  5.10730060739905e-010 + 3.76571756625722e-011i;
+  3.45893698149735e-009;
+  3.98139182134446e-014 - 8.25503935419059e-014i;
+  3.98139182134446e-014 + 8.25503935419059e-014i;
+  -1.40595719147164e-011];
+  dPoles11 = [0.843464045655194 - 0.0959986292915475i;
+  0.843464045655194 + 0.0959986292915475i;
+  0.953187595424927 - 0.0190043625473383i;
+  0.953187595424927 + 0.0190043625473383i;
+  0.967176277937188;
+  0.995012027005247 - 0.00268322602801729i;
+  0.995012027005247 + 0.00268322602801729i;
+  0.996564761885673;
+  0.999999366165445;
+  0.999981722418555;
+  0.999921882627659;
+  0.999624431675213 - 0.000813407848742761i;
+  0.999624431675213 + 0.000813407848742761i;
+  0.997312006278751 - 0.00265611346834941i;
+  0.997312006278751 + 0.00265611346834941i;
+  0.990516544257531;
+  0.477796923118318 - 0.311064085401834i;
+  0.477796923118318 + 0.311064085401834i;
+  0];
+  dDTerms11 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes11;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles11;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms11;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf11 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf11 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf11, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf11.setName('TF11');
+function tf12 = calcTF12(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano TF12
+  dRes12 = [1.44258422208796e-017 + 7.07359428613009e-019i;
+  1.44258422208796e-017 - 7.07359428613009e-019i;
+  -3.4918408053655e-021 - 1.05662874569329e-021i;
+  -3.4918408053655e-021 + 1.05662874569329e-021i;
+  -7.61773292876976e-021;
+  4.84357724603939e-020 + 2.38824204294595e-019i;
+  4.84357724603939e-020 - 2.38824204294595e-019i;
+  -4.07088520945753e-020 - 2.31474543846105e-019i;
+  -4.07088520945753e-020 + 2.31474543846105e-019i;
+  8.73316588658882e-023;
+  -5.21840635377469e-020;
+  1.8461911504859e-023;                         
+  5.20105247464461e-020;
+  -4.68960092394415e-022;
+  -1.44261407664171e-017 +  6.8922564526833e-019i;
+  -1.44261407664171e-017 -  6.8922564526833e-019i;
+  3.13688133935426e-022];
+  dPoles12 = [0.477546340377332 -     0.310830571032376i;
+            0.477546340377332 +     0.310830571032376i;
+             0.99790715414307 -    0.0028490561287024i;
+             0.99790715414307 +    0.0028490561287024i;
+            0.998014205354671                         ;
+            0.999585354543332 -  0.000780408757425194i;
+            0.999585354543332 +  0.000780408757425194i;
+             0.99966003029931 -  0.000830944038363768i;
+             0.99966003029931 +  0.000830944038363768i;
+            0.999962770401331                         ;
+            0.999981881865521                         ;
+            0.999999365763457                         ;
+            0.999981706320212                         ;
+             0.99992421574188                         ;
+            0.477898460791003 +     0.311001926610074i;
+            0.477898460791003 -     0.311001926610074i;
+                            0];
+  dDTerms12 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes12;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles12;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms12;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf12 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf12 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf12, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf12.setName('TF12');
+function tf21 = calcTF21(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano Tf21
+  dRes21 = [-1.80035241582968e-016 + 1.99543917791863e-015i;
+       -1.80035241582968e-016 - 1.99543917791863e-015i;
+       -1.85590889333759e-013 - 1.23844418827409e-014i;
+       -1.85590889333759e-013 + 1.23844418827409e-014i;
+        5.03656596876842e-013                         ;
+       -2.62470963499904e-013 + 2.30024232938878e-012i;
+       -2.62470963499904e-013 - 2.30024232938878e-012i;
+       -9.83780507870955e-018                         ;
+        3.40426735130194e-021                         ;
+        9.78322351492755e-018                         ;
+       -1.65010934542937e-020                         ;
+        2.60918565203438e-015 +  1.0546609464659e-015i;
+        2.60918565203438e-015 -  1.0546609464659e-015i;
+        3.18105585405455e-014 + 2.48839990780042e-013i;
+        3.18105585405455e-014 - 2.48839990780042e-013i;
+        3.23021641947666e-013                         ;
+        4.81265000078114e-016 - 3.18269170053848e-017i;
+        4.81265000078114e-016 + 3.18269170053848e-017i;
+        5.16260024128201e-018];
+  dPoles21 = [0.872004077421604 -     0.110344282822693i;
+            0.872004077421604 +     0.110344282822693i;
+            0.956884129232757 -    0.0225532091775074i;
+            0.956884129232757 +    0.0225532091775074i;
+            0.966514825697177                         ;
+            0.995140550419744 -  0.000755127639524413i;
+            0.995140550419744 +  0.000755127639524413i;
+            0.999981802194393                         ;
+             0.99999936576546                         ;
+            0.999981722418555                         ;
+            0.999921882627659                         ;
+            0.999624431675213 +  0.000813407848742761i;
+            0.999624431675213 -  0.000813407848742761i;
+            0.997312006278751 +   0.00265611346834941i;
+            0.997312006278751 -   0.00265611346834941i;
+            0.990516544257531                         ;
+            0.477796923118318 +     0.311064085401834i;
+            0.477796923118318 -     0.311064085401834i;
+                            0];
+  dDTerms21 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes21;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles21;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms21;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf21 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf21 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf21, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf21.setName('TF21');
+function tf22 = calcTF22(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano Tf22
+  dRes22 = [1.1284521501259e-014;
+       -3.72133611555879e-014 - 2.08232683444075e-014i;
+       -3.72133611555879e-014 + 2.08232683444075e-014i;
+        9.84930639106637e-014 - 1.46640810672565e-013i;
+        9.84930639106637e-014 + 1.46640810672565e-013i;
+        2.51323684013671e-014                         ;
+       -5.64078525288305e-014                         ;
+       -1.62476406586366e-014                         ;
+       -1.08424815979566e-011 + 8.32328079357669e-012i;
+       -1.08424815979566e-011 - 8.32328079357669e-012i;
+        2.41831559776112e-011];
+  dPoles22 = [0.988511243978897;
+            0.997305870640646 +   0.00211760900132725i;
+            0.997305870640646 -   0.00211760900132725i;
+            0.999626453270255 +    0.0008125673525946i;
+            0.999626453270255 -    0.0008125673525946i;
+            0.999999366366222                         ;
+            0.999981706320212                         ;
+             0.99992421574188                         ;
+            0.477898460791003 -     0.311001926610074i;
+            0.477898460791003 +     0.311001926610074i;
+                            0];
+  dDTerms22 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes22;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles22;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms22;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf22 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf22 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf22, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf22.setName('TF22');
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_obj_ao_noisegen1D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+% test csd for ao/noisegen1D
+% DESCRIPTION: Output a model for mdc1 cross spectral density
+% CALL:
+%       [PSD,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,av,am,plstd] = get_test_obj_ao_noisegen1D()
+%              CSD     -  a 2x2 matrix of analysis objects containing CSD
+%                       models
+%              TF      -  a 2x2 matrix of analysis objects containing TF
+%                       models
+%              a#      -  are white noise aos
+%              av      -  a vector of wn aos
+%              am      -  a matrix of wn aos
+%              plst    -  a standard plist to call noisegen2D
+function [PSD,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,av,am,plstd,plstd2] = get_test_obj_ao_noisegen1D()
+  nsecs = 100;
+  fs = 10; % Hz
+  f = logspace(-6,log10(fs/2),100).'; % vector of frequencies Hz
+  % Models response calculation
+  tf11 = calcTF11(f,fs);
+  tf12 = calcTF12(f,fs);
+  % PSD calculation
+  PSD = tf11.*conj(tf11)+tf12.*conj(tf12);
+  PSD.setName('PSD');
+  % Building test objects
+  a1 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'yunits', 'm'));
+  a2 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+  a3 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'yunits', 'V'));
+  a4 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'yunits', ''));
+  a5 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)).''', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'yunits', 'fm s^-2'));
+  av = [a1 a2 a3];
+  am = [a1 a2; a3 a4];
+  a1.setName;
+  a2.setName;
+  a3.setName;
+  a4.setName;
+  a5.setName;
+  % building standard plist
+  plstd = plist(...
+      'model', PSD, ...
+      'MaxIter', 60, ...
+      'PoleType', 2, ...
+      'MinOrder', 15, ...
+      'MaxOrder', 45, ...
+      'Weights', 3, ...
+      'Plot', false,...
+      'Disp', false,...
+      'MSEVARTOL', 0.1,...
+      'FITTOL', 0.01);
+    plstd2 = plist(...
+      'fs', fs, ...
+      'Iunits', '', ...
+      'Ounits', 'm', ...
+      'MaxIter', 60, ...
+      'PoleType', 2, ...
+      'MinOrder', 15, ...
+      'MaxOrder', 45, ...
+      'Weights', 3, ...
+      'Plot', false,...
+      'Disp', false,...
+      'MSEVARTOL', 0.1,...
+      'FITTOL', 0.01);
+function tf11 = calcTF11(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano TF11 coefficients
+  dRes11 = [2.44554138162509e-011 - 1.79482547894083e-011i;
+  2.44554138162509e-011 + 1.79482547894083e-011i;
+  2.66402334803101e-009 +  1.1025122049153e-009i;
+  2.66402334803101e-009 -  1.1025122049153e-009i;
+  -7.3560293387644e-009;
+  -1.82811618589835e-009 - 1.21803627800855e-009i;
+  -1.82811618589835e-009 + 1.21803627800855e-009i;
+  1.16258677367555e-009;
+  1.65216557639319e-016;                         
+  -1.78092396888606e-016;
+  -2.80420398962379e-017;
+  9.21305973049041e-013 - 8.24686706827269e-014i;
+  9.21305973049041e-013 + 8.24686706827269e-014i;
+  5.10730060739905e-010 - 3.76571756625722e-011i;
+  5.10730060739905e-010 + 3.76571756625722e-011i;
+  3.45893698149735e-009;
+  3.98139182134446e-014 - 8.25503935419059e-014i;
+  3.98139182134446e-014 + 8.25503935419059e-014i;
+  -1.40595719147164e-011];
+  dPoles11 = [0.843464045655194 - 0.0959986292915475i;
+  0.843464045655194 + 0.0959986292915475i;
+  0.953187595424927 - 0.0190043625473383i;
+  0.953187595424927 + 0.0190043625473383i;
+  0.967176277937188;
+  0.995012027005247 - 0.00268322602801729i;
+  0.995012027005247 + 0.00268322602801729i;
+  0.996564761885673;
+  0.999999366165445;
+  0.999981722418555;
+  0.999921882627659;
+  0.999624431675213 - 0.000813407848742761i;
+  0.999624431675213 + 0.000813407848742761i;
+  0.997312006278751 - 0.00265611346834941i;
+  0.997312006278751 + 0.00265611346834941i;
+  0.990516544257531;
+  0.477796923118318 - 0.311064085401834i;
+  0.477796923118318 + 0.311064085401834i;
+  0];
+  dDTerms11 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes11;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles11;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms11;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf11 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf11 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf11, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf11.setName('TF11');
+function tf12 = calcTF12(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano TF12
+  dRes12 = [1.44258422208796e-017 + 7.07359428613009e-019i;
+  1.44258422208796e-017 - 7.07359428613009e-019i;
+  -3.4918408053655e-021 - 1.05662874569329e-021i;
+  -3.4918408053655e-021 + 1.05662874569329e-021i;
+  -7.61773292876976e-021;
+  4.84357724603939e-020 + 2.38824204294595e-019i;
+  4.84357724603939e-020 - 2.38824204294595e-019i;
+  -4.07088520945753e-020 - 2.31474543846105e-019i;
+  -4.07088520945753e-020 + 2.31474543846105e-019i;
+  8.73316588658882e-023;
+  -5.21840635377469e-020;
+  1.8461911504859e-023;                         
+  5.20105247464461e-020;
+  -4.68960092394415e-022;
+  -1.44261407664171e-017 +  6.8922564526833e-019i;
+  -1.44261407664171e-017 -  6.8922564526833e-019i;
+  3.13688133935426e-022];
+  dPoles12 = [0.477546340377332 -     0.310830571032376i;
+            0.477546340377332 +     0.310830571032376i;
+             0.99790715414307 -    0.0028490561287024i;
+             0.99790715414307 +    0.0028490561287024i;
+            0.998014205354671                         ;
+            0.999585354543332 -  0.000780408757425194i;
+            0.999585354543332 +  0.000780408757425194i;
+             0.99966003029931 -  0.000830944038363768i;
+             0.99966003029931 +  0.000830944038363768i;
+            0.999962770401331                         ;
+            0.999981881865521                         ;
+            0.999999365763457                         ;
+            0.999981706320212                         ;
+             0.99992421574188                         ;
+            0.477898460791003 +     0.311001926610074i;
+            0.477898460791003 -     0.311001926610074i;
+                            0];
+  dDTerms12 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes12;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles12;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms12;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf12 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf12 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf12, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf12.setName('TF12');
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_obj_ao_noisegen2D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+% test csd for ao/noisegen2D
+% DESCRIPTION: Output a model for mdc1 cross spectral density
+% CALL:
+%       [CSD,TF,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,av,am,plstd] = get_test_obj_ao_noisegen2D()
+%              CSD     -  a 2x2 matrix of analysis objects containing CSD
+%                       models
+%              TF      -  a 2x2 matrix of analysis objects containing TF
+%                       models
+%              a#      -  are white noise aos
+%              av      -  a vector of wn aos
+%              am      -  a matrix of wn aos
+%              plst    -  a standard plist to call noisegen2D
+function [CSD,TF,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,av,am,plstd,plstd2] = get_test_obj_ao_noisegen2D()
+  nsecs = 100;
+  fs = 10; % Hz
+  f = logspace(-6,log10(fs/2),100).'; % vector of frequencies Hz
+  % Models response calculation
+  tf11 = calcTF11(f,fs);
+  tf12 = calcTF12(f,fs);
+  tf21 = calcTF21(f,fs);
+  tf22 = calcTF22(f,fs);
+  % CSD calculation
+  csd11 = tf11.*conj(tf11)+tf12.*conj(tf12);
+  csd12 = tf11.*conj(tf21)+tf12.*conj(tf22);
+  csd22 = tf22.*conj(tf22)+tf21.*conj(tf21);
+  csd21 = conj(csd12);
+  csd11.setName('CSD11');
+  csd12.setName('CSD12');
+  csd21.setName('CSD21');
+  csd22.setName('CSD22');
+  CSD = [csd11 csd12;csd21 csd22];
+  TF = [tf11 tf12;tf21 tf22];
+  % Building test objects
+  a1 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'yunits', 'm'));
+  a2 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+  a3 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'yunits', 'm'));
+  a4 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'yunits', ''));
+  a5 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)).''', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'fm s^-2'));
+  a6 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)).''', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'V^2'));
+  av = [a1 a2 a3];
+  am = [a1 a2; a3 a4];
+  a1.setName;
+  a2.setName;
+  a3.setName;
+  a4.setName;
+  a5.setName;
+  a6.setName;
+  % building standard plist
+  plstd = plist(...
+        'csd11', CSD(1,1), ...
+        'csd12', CSD(1,2), ...
+        'csd21', CSD(2,1), ...
+        'csd22', CSD(2,2), ...
+        'MaxIter', 60, ...
+        'PoleType', 2, ...
+        'MinOrder', 15, ...
+        'MaxOrder', 45, ...
+        'Weights', 3, ...
+        'Plot', false,...
+        'FITTOL', 0.1,...
+        'MSEVARTOL', 0.1,...
+        'UseSym', 0,...
+        'Disp', false);
+   plstd2 = plist(...
+        'fs', fs, ...
+        'Iunits', '', ...
+        'Ounits', 'm', ...
+        'MaxIter', 60, ...
+        'PoleType', 2, ...
+        'MinOrder', 15, ...
+        'MaxOrder', 45, ...
+        'Weights', 3, ...
+        'Plot', false,...
+        'FITTOL', 0.1,...
+        'MSEVARTOL', 0.1,...
+        'UseSym', 0,...
+        'Disp', false);
+function tf11 = calcTF11(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano TF11 coefficients
+  dRes11 = [2.44554138162509e-011 - 1.79482547894083e-011i;
+  2.44554138162509e-011 + 1.79482547894083e-011i;
+  2.66402334803101e-009 +  1.1025122049153e-009i;
+  2.66402334803101e-009 -  1.1025122049153e-009i;
+  -7.3560293387644e-009;
+  -1.82811618589835e-009 - 1.21803627800855e-009i;
+  -1.82811618589835e-009 + 1.21803627800855e-009i;
+  1.16258677367555e-009;
+  1.65216557639319e-016;                         
+  -1.78092396888606e-016;
+  -2.80420398962379e-017;
+  9.21305973049041e-013 - 8.24686706827269e-014i;
+  9.21305973049041e-013 + 8.24686706827269e-014i;
+  5.10730060739905e-010 - 3.76571756625722e-011i;
+  5.10730060739905e-010 + 3.76571756625722e-011i;
+  3.45893698149735e-009;
+  3.98139182134446e-014 - 8.25503935419059e-014i;
+  3.98139182134446e-014 + 8.25503935419059e-014i;
+  -1.40595719147164e-011];
+  dPoles11 = [0.843464045655194 - 0.0959986292915475i;
+  0.843464045655194 + 0.0959986292915475i;
+  0.953187595424927 - 0.0190043625473383i;
+  0.953187595424927 + 0.0190043625473383i;
+  0.967176277937188;
+  0.995012027005247 - 0.00268322602801729i;
+  0.995012027005247 + 0.00268322602801729i;
+  0.996564761885673;
+  0.999999366165445;
+  0.999981722418555;
+  0.999921882627659;
+  0.999624431675213 - 0.000813407848742761i;
+  0.999624431675213 + 0.000813407848742761i;
+  0.997312006278751 - 0.00265611346834941i;
+  0.997312006278751 + 0.00265611346834941i;
+  0.990516544257531;
+  0.477796923118318 - 0.311064085401834i;
+  0.477796923118318 + 0.311064085401834i;
+  0];
+  dDTerms11 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes11;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles11;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms11;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf11 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf11 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf11, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf11.setName('TF11');
+function tf12 = calcTF12(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano TF12
+  dRes12 = [1.44258422208796e-017 + 7.07359428613009e-019i;
+  1.44258422208796e-017 - 7.07359428613009e-019i;
+  -3.4918408053655e-021 - 1.05662874569329e-021i;
+  -3.4918408053655e-021 + 1.05662874569329e-021i;
+  -7.61773292876976e-021;
+  4.84357724603939e-020 + 2.38824204294595e-019i;
+  4.84357724603939e-020 - 2.38824204294595e-019i;
+  -4.07088520945753e-020 - 2.31474543846105e-019i;
+  -4.07088520945753e-020 + 2.31474543846105e-019i;
+  8.73316588658882e-023;
+  -5.21840635377469e-020;
+  1.8461911504859e-023;                         
+  5.20105247464461e-020;
+  -4.68960092394415e-022;
+  -1.44261407664171e-017 +  6.8922564526833e-019i;
+  -1.44261407664171e-017 -  6.8922564526833e-019i;
+  3.13688133935426e-022];
+  dPoles12 = [0.477546340377332 -     0.310830571032376i;
+            0.477546340377332 +     0.310830571032376i;
+             0.99790715414307 -    0.0028490561287024i;
+             0.99790715414307 +    0.0028490561287024i;
+            0.998014205354671                         ;
+            0.999585354543332 -  0.000780408757425194i;
+            0.999585354543332 +  0.000780408757425194i;
+             0.99966003029931 -  0.000830944038363768i;
+             0.99966003029931 +  0.000830944038363768i;
+            0.999962770401331                         ;
+            0.999981881865521                         ;
+            0.999999365763457                         ;
+            0.999981706320212                         ;
+             0.99992421574188                         ;
+            0.477898460791003 +     0.311001926610074i;
+            0.477898460791003 -     0.311001926610074i;
+                            0];
+  dDTerms12 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes12;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles12;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms12;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf12 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf12 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf12, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf12.setName('TF12');
+function tf21 = calcTF21(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano Tf21
+  dRes21 = [-1.80035241582968e-016 + 1.99543917791863e-015i;
+       -1.80035241582968e-016 - 1.99543917791863e-015i;
+       -1.85590889333759e-013 - 1.23844418827409e-014i;
+       -1.85590889333759e-013 + 1.23844418827409e-014i;
+        5.03656596876842e-013                         ;
+       -2.62470963499904e-013 + 2.30024232938878e-012i;
+       -2.62470963499904e-013 - 2.30024232938878e-012i;
+       -9.83780507870955e-018                         ;
+        3.40426735130194e-021                         ;
+        9.78322351492755e-018                         ;
+       -1.65010934542937e-020                         ;
+        2.60918565203438e-015 +  1.0546609464659e-015i;
+        2.60918565203438e-015 -  1.0546609464659e-015i;
+        3.18105585405455e-014 + 2.48839990780042e-013i;
+        3.18105585405455e-014 - 2.48839990780042e-013i;
+        3.23021641947666e-013                         ;
+        4.81265000078114e-016 - 3.18269170053848e-017i;
+        4.81265000078114e-016 + 3.18269170053848e-017i;
+        5.16260024128201e-018];
+  dPoles21 = [0.872004077421604 -     0.110344282822693i;
+            0.872004077421604 +     0.110344282822693i;
+            0.956884129232757 -    0.0225532091775074i;
+            0.956884129232757 +    0.0225532091775074i;
+            0.966514825697177                         ;
+            0.995140550419744 -  0.000755127639524413i;
+            0.995140550419744 +  0.000755127639524413i;
+            0.999981802194393                         ;
+             0.99999936576546                         ;
+            0.999981722418555                         ;
+            0.999921882627659                         ;
+            0.999624431675213 +  0.000813407848742761i;
+            0.999624431675213 -  0.000813407848742761i;
+            0.997312006278751 +   0.00265611346834941i;
+            0.997312006278751 -   0.00265611346834941i;
+            0.990516544257531                         ;
+            0.477796923118318 +     0.311064085401834i;
+            0.477796923118318 -     0.311064085401834i;
+                            0];
+  dDTerms21 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes21;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles21;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms21;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf21 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf21 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf21, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf21.setName('TF21');
+function tf22 = calcTF22(f,fs)
+  % Model Stefano Tf22
+  dRes22 = [1.1284521501259e-014;
+       -3.72133611555879e-014 - 2.08232683444075e-014i;
+       -3.72133611555879e-014 + 2.08232683444075e-014i;
+        9.84930639106637e-014 - 1.46640810672565e-013i;
+        9.84930639106637e-014 + 1.46640810672565e-013i;
+        2.51323684013671e-014                         ;
+       -5.64078525288305e-014                         ;
+       -1.62476406586366e-014                         ;
+       -1.08424815979566e-011 + 8.32328079357669e-012i;
+       -1.08424815979566e-011 - 8.32328079357669e-012i;
+        2.41831559776112e-011];
+  dPoles22 = [0.988511243978897;
+            0.997305870640646 +   0.00211760900132725i;
+            0.997305870640646 -   0.00211760900132725i;
+            0.999626453270255 +    0.0008125673525946i;
+            0.999626453270255 -    0.0008125673525946i;
+            0.999999366366222                         ;
+            0.999981706320212                         ;
+             0.99992421574188                         ;
+            0.477898460791003 -     0.311001926610074i;
+            0.477898460791003 +     0.311001926610074i;
+                            0];
+  dDTerms22 = 0;
+  % response calculation
+  pfparams.type = 'disc';
+  pfparams.freq = f;
+  pfparams.fs = fs;
+  pfparams.res = dRes22;
+  pfparams.pol = dPoles22;
+  pfparams.dterm = dDTerms22;
+  pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+  mtf22 = pfr.resp;
+  % building AOs
+  tf22 = ao(plist('xvals', f, 'yvals', mtf22, 'fs', fs, 'type', 'fsdata'));
+  % name for this object
+  tf22.setName('TF22');
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_obj_ao_whiten2D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+% test objects for ao/whiten2D
+% DESCRIPTION: Output colored noise data and a model for mdc1 cross spectral density
+% CALL:
+%       [CSD,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,av,am] = get_test_obj_ao_whiten2D()
+%              CSD     -  a 2x2 matrix of analysis objects containing CSD
+%                       models
+%              a#      -  are colored noise time series AOs
+%              av      -  is a vector of 3 AOs
+%              am      -  is a 2x2 matrix of AOs
+% M-FILE INFO: Get information about this methods by calling
+%              >> ao.getInfo('get_test_obj_ao_whiten2D')
+%              Get information about a specified set-plist by calling:
+%              >> ao.getInfo('get_test_obj_ao_whiten2D', 'none')  
+% VERSION:     $Id: get_test_obj_ao_whiten2D.m,v 1.2 2009/02/19 17:34:18 luigi Exp $
+% HISTORY:     18-02-2009 L Ferraioli
+%                 Creation
+function [CSD,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,av,am,plstd] = get_test_obj_ao_whiten2D()
+  % getting CSD and TF
+  [CSD,TF,aw1,aw2,aw3,aw4,aw5,aw6,awv,awm,plstdng] = get_test_obj_ao_noisegen2D();
+  % Generating test objects
+  [a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6] = noisegen2D(aw1,aw2,aw3,aw4,aw5,aw6,plstdng);
+  % setting name
+  a1.setName;
+  a2.setName;
+  a3.setName;
+  a4.setName;
+  a5.setName;
+  a6.setName;
+  % Building vectors
+  av = [a1 a2 a3];
+  am = [a1 a3;a2 a4];
+  fs = CSD(1,1).fs;
+  % standrd plist for ao/whiten2D
+  plstd = plist(...
+    'csd11', CSD(1,1), ...
+    'csd12', CSD(1,2), ...
+    'csd21', CSD(2,1), ...
+    'csd22', CSD(2,2), ...
+    'MaxIter', 70, ...
+    'PoleType', 2, ...
+    'MinOrder', 24, ...
+    'MaxOrder', 35, ...
+    'Weights', 2, ...
+    'Plot', false,...
+    'FitTolerance', 1,...
+    'RMSEVar', 5,...
+    'UseSym', 0,...
+    'Disp', false);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_ao.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_AO returns a set of AOs suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL:   [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao();
+%         at1   - a tsdata AO containing 2 seconds of a 1.23Hz sine wave sampled at 10Hz.
+%         at2   - an fsdata AO containing 1000 samples of white noise
+%         at3   - an xydata AO containing 100 data samples
+%         at4   - a cdata AO containing a 3x3 matrix
+%         at5   - a tsdata AO containing 30s of noise at 10Hz           (data-vector = row vector)
+%         at6   - a tsdata AO containing 30s of different noise at 10Hz (data-vector = column vector)
+%         atvec - a vector of AOs containing [at1 at3 at3]
+%         atmat - a matrix of AOs containing [at1 at2 at3; at4 at5 at6]
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_ao.m,v 1.8 2011/04/01 08:07:25 mauro Exp $
+function [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao
+  %% Single AO containing a sine wave
+  fs  = 10;
+  pl1 = plist();
+  pl1.append('fs', fs);
+  pl1.append('nsecs', 30);
+  pl1.append('waveform', 'sine wave');
+  pl1.append('f', 1.23);
+  pl1.append('phi', 30);
+  at1 = ao(pl1);
+  % Single AO containing an xydata object
+  x = 1:100;
+  y = exp(x.^.5/2);
+  at3 = ao(x,y, plist('type', 'xydata'));
+  %% Single AO with a matrix
+  at4 = ao([1 -2 3; 4  5 -6; -7 8  9]);
+  %% Single AO with 30s of noise
+  at5 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'nsecs', 30, 'fs', fs));
+  at5.setDy(at5.y*.1);
+  %% Single AO with 30s of noise
+  at6 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)).''', 'nsecs', 30, 'fs', fs));
+  %% Single AO containing some fsdata
+  at2 = psd(at5);
+  at2.setDy(at2.y*.1);
+  %% Set AOs yunits
+  % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+  unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+  % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+  % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+  unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+  prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+  % Set units by choosing a random prefix and a random unit
+  at1.setYunits(...
+    unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+  at2.setYunits(...
+    unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+  at3.setYunits(...
+    unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+  at4.setYunits(...
+    unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+  at5.setYunits(...
+    unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+  at6.setYunits(...
+    unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+  %% Vector of AOs
+  atvec = [at2 at5 at6];
+  %% Matrix of AOs
+  atmat = [at1 at2 at3; at4 at5 at6];
+  %% Set AO names.
+  %  Don't remove the setting of the AO names and it must be at the last position.
+  at1.setName;
+  at2.setName;
+  at3.setName;
+  at4.setName;
+  at5.setName;
+  at6.setName;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_matrix.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_MATRIX returns a set of MATRIX objects suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL:     [ma1,ma2,ma3,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix
+%           ma1  - matrix object with 2x3 AOs
+%           ma2  - matrix object with 3x2 AOs
+%           ma3  - matrix object with Filters (iir)
+%           ma4  - matrix object with Pole/Zero models
+%           mav  - [ma1, ma2, ma3];
+%           mam  - [ma1, ma2, ma3; ma1 ma2 ma3];
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_matrix.m,v 1.1 2009/08/04 18:38:11 ingo Exp $
+function [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix
+  %% empty matrix object
+  a1 = ao(1:10, randn(10,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+  a2 = ao(1:10, randn(10,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+  a3 = ao(1:10, randn(10,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+  a4 = ao(1:10, randn(10,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+  a5 = ao(1:10, randn(10,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+  a6 = ao(1:10, randn(10,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));  
+  ma1 = matrix([a1, a2, a3; a4 a5 a6]);
+  ma1.setName();
+  %% matrix object only with poles
+  ma2 = matrix(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, plist('shape', [3 2]));
+  ma2.setName();
+  %% matrix object with I-/O- units
+  iir1 = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'order', 3));
+  iir2 = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'order', 3));
+  iir3 = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'order', 3));
+  ma3 = matrix(iir1, [iir2 iir3], [iir1 iir2 iir3], plist('shape', [2 3]));
+  ma3.setName();
+  %% matrix object with I-/O- units
+  pzm1 = pzmodel(1, 1, 1);
+  pzm2 = pzmodel(1, {1 3}, 1);
+  pzm3 = pzmodel(1, [1 3], 1);
+  pzm4 = pzmodel(1, 1, {1 4});
+  ma4 = matrix([pzm1, pzm2; pzm3, pzm4]);
+  ma4.setName();
+  %% matrix vector
+  mav = [ma1, ma2, ma3];
+  %% matrix matrix
+  mam = [ma1, ma2, ma3; ma4 ma1 ma2];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_mfir.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_MFIR returns a set of MFIR objects suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL: [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir
+%       [fir1,fir2,fir3,fir4,fir5,fir6,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir
+%           firhp  - FIR highpass filter
+%           firlp  - FIR lowpass filter
+%           firbp  - FIR bandpass filter
+%           firbr  - FIR bandreject filter
+%           firpzm - FIR object created from a pole/zero model
+%           firao  - FIR object created from an analysis object
+%           firv   - [firhp firlp firbr firao];
+%           firm   - [firhp firpzm firbp; firlp firbr firao];
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_mfir.m,v 1.5 2009/01/27 16:29:14 ingo Exp $
+function [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir
+  %% FIR highpass filter
+  firhp = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+  firhp.setName();
+  %% FIR lowpass filter
+  firlp = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+  firlp.setName();
+  %% FIR bandpass filter
+  firbp = mfir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+  firbp.setName();
+  %% FIR bandreject filter
+  firbr = mfir(plist('type', 'bandreject', 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+  firbr.setName();
+  %% FIR created from pole/zero model
+  pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50));
+  pl = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+  firpzm = mfir(pl);
+  firpzm.setName();
+  %% FIR created from AO
+  a1 = ao(plist('fsfcn', '1./(50+f)', 'f', linspace(0, 500, 1000)));
+  a1.setFs(1000);
+  pl = plist('ao', a1);
+  firao = mfir(pl);
+  firao.setName();
+  %% FIR vector
+  firv = [firhp firlp firbr firao];
+  %% FIR matrix
+  firm = [firhp firpzm firbp; firlp firbr firao];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_miir.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_MIIR returns a set of MIIR objects suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL: [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir
+%       [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir
+%           iirhp  - IIR highpass filter
+%           iirlp  - IIR lowpass filter
+%           iirbp  - IIR bandpass filter
+%           iirbr  - IIR bandreject filter
+%           iirpzm - IIR from pzmodel
+%           iirab  - IIR from a,b
+%           iirv   - [iirhp iirlp iirbr iirpzm]
+%           iirm   - [iirab iirbr iirbp; iirlp iirpzm iirhp]
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_miir.m,v 1.3 2009/01/27 16:29:14 ingo Exp $
+function [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir
+  %% IIR highpass filter
+  iirhp = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+  iirhp.setName();
+  %% IIR lowpass filter
+  iirlp = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+  iirlp.setName();
+  %% IIR bandpass filter
+  iirbp = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+  iirbp.setName();
+  %% IIR bandreject filter
+  iirbr = miir(plist('type', 'bandreject', 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+  iirbr.setName();
+  %% IIR created from pole/zero model
+  pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50));
+  pzm.setName();
+  pl = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+  iirpzm = miir(pl);
+  iirpzm.setName();
+  %% IIR created from a and b
+  a  = [0.5 -0.01];
+  b  = [1 0.1];
+  fs = 1;
+  iirab = miir(a,b,fs);
+  iirab.setName();
+  %% IIR vector
+  iirv = [iirhp iirlp iirbr iirpzm];
+  %% IIR matrix
+  iirm = [iirab iirbr iirbp; iirlp iirpzm iirhp];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_parfrac.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_PARFRAC returns a set of PARFRAC objects suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL:     [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac
+%           pf1  - parfrac object without direct term
+%           pf2  - parfrac object with direct term
+%           pf3  - parfrac object with I-/O- units
+%           pfv  - [pf1, pf2, pf3];
+%           pfm  - [pf1, pf2, pf3; pf1 pf2 pf3];
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_parfrac.m,v 1.3 2011/04/04 13:35:56 ingo Exp $
+function [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac
+  %% empty parfrac object
+  pf1 = parfrac([1 2], [4, 6+2i]);
+  pf1.setName();
+  %% parfrac object only with poles
+  pf2 = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2]);
+  pf2.setName();
+  %% parfrac object with I-/O- units
+  pf3 = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+  pf3.setName();
+  %% PARFRAC vector
+  pfv = [pf1, pf2, pf3];
+  %% PARFRAC matrix
+  pfm = [pf1, pf2, pf3; pf1 pf2 pf3];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_plist.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_PLIST returns a set of PLIST objects suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL:     [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist
+%           pl1  - An empty plist
+%           pl2  - A plist (simple)
+%           pl3  - A plist (complex)
+%           pl4  - A plist (objects)
+%           plv  - [pl2 pl3 pl4]
+%           plm  - [pl4 pl3 pl2; pl1 pl4 pl3]
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_plist.m,v 1.2 2009/01/27 16:29:14 ingo Exp $
+function [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist
+  %% PL1
+  pl1 = plist();
+  pl1.setName();
+  %% PL2
+  pl2 = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+  pl2.setName();
+  %% PL3
+  c  = 'string';
+  n  = 123+5i;
+  l  = true;
+  sy = sym('symbol');
+  t  = time('14:00:00');
+  s  = struct('a', c, 'b', n, 'c', l, 'd', sy, 'time', t);
+  ce = {'asd', [1 2 3; 4 5i 6], [true false], [sym('a'); sym('B')], s};
+  pl3 = plist('char', c, 'number', n, 'logical', l, 'symbolic', sy, 'struct', s, 'cell', ce);
+  pl3.setName();
+  %% PL4
+  win = specwin('Kaiser', 5, 20);
+  a1  = ao(plist('xvals', '1:10', 'yvals', 'randn(10,1)'));
+  t1  = time(123456);
+  iir = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+  pl4 = plist('spec', win, 'time', t1, 'ao', a1, 'miir', iir);
+  pl4.setName();
+  %% PLV
+  plv = [pl2 pl3 pl4];
+  %% PLM
+  plm = [pl4 pl3 pl2; pl1 pl4 pl3];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_pzmodel.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_PZMODEL returns a set of PZMODEL objects suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL: [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel
+%           pz1  - A pzmodel with no zeros
+%           pz2  - A pzmodel with no poles
+%           pz3  - A pzmodel with both poles and zeros
+%           pz4  - An empty pzmodel
+%           pzv  - [pz1 pz2 pz3]
+%           pzm  - [pz1 pz2 pz3; pz2 pz3 pz1];
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_pzmodel.m,v 1.4 2009/01/08 16:43:30 ingo Exp $
+function [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel
+  %% PZ1
+  pz1 = pzmodel(1, pz(1), []);
+  pz1.setName();
+  %% PZ2
+  pz2 = pzmodel(1, [], pz(1));
+  pz2.setName();
+  %% PZ3
+  pz3 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(1,2)], pz(10));
+  pz3.setName();
+  %% PZ4
+  pz4 = pzmodel();
+  pz4.setName();
+  %% PZ5
+  pz5 = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1+2i)], pz(10), unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+  pz5.setName();
+  %% PZV
+  pzv = [pz1 pz2 pz3];
+  %% PZM
+  pzm = [pz1 pz2 pz3; pz4 pz5 pz1];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_rational.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_RATIONAL returns a set of RATIONAL objects suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL:     [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational
+%           ra1  - rational object without direct term
+%           ra2  - rational object with direct term
+%           ra3  - rational object with I-/O- units
+%           rav  - [ra1, ra2, ra3];
+%           ram  - [ra1, ra2, ra3; ra1 ra2 ra3];
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_rational.m,v 1.1 2009/02/08 16:37:26 ingo Exp $
+function [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational
+  %% rational object from pzmodel
+  pzm = pzmodel(12, {2, [3 5], 7}, {1+2i 5});
+  ra1 = rational(pzm);
+  ra1.setName();
+  %% rational object from parfrac object
+  pf  = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2]);
+  ra2 = rational(pf);
+  ra2.setName();
+  %% rational object (num, den, name, iunits, ounits)
+  ra3 = rational([1 2 3], [4 5 6 7], 'my rational', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+  ra3.setName();
+  %% rational vector
+  rav = [ra1, ra2, ra3];
+  %% rational matrix
+  ram = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ra1 ra2 ra3];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_ssm.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_SSM returns a set of SSMs suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL:   [sys1,sys2] = get_test_objects_ao();
+%         sys1   - a numerical dampened mass-spring system  
+%         sys2   - a symbolic dampened mass-spring system  
+% A Grynagier 25-02-09
+% $Id: get_test_objects_ssm.m,v 1.3 2010/12/22 16:08:32 ingo Exp $
+function [sys1 sys2] = get_test_objects_ssm
+  sys1 = ssm(plist('built-in', 'LPF'));
+  sys2 = ssm(plist('built-in', 'DIST_TM', 'SYMBOLIC PARAMS', 'ALL'));
+  %% SetSSM names.
+  %  Don't remove the setting of the SSM names and it must be at the last position.
+  sys1.setName;
+  sys2.setName;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_objects_timespan.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+% GET_TEST_OBJECTS_TIMESPAN returns a set of TIMESPAN objects suitable for many of the UTPs
+% CALL:     [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan
+%           ts1  - An empty timespan
+%           ts2  - A timespan
+%           ts3  - A timespan
+%           ts4  - A timespan 
+%           ts5  - A timespan
+%           ts6  - A timespan
+%           tsv  - [ts6 ts2 ts5]
+%           tsm  - [ts1 ts2 ts3; ts4 ts5 ts6];
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: get_test_objects_timespan.m,v 1.3 2009/08/03 18:34:11 ingo Exp $
+function [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan
+  %% TS1
+  ts1 = timespan();
+  ts1.setName();
+  %% TS2
+  ts2 = timespan(1000, 10000);
+  ts2.setName();
+  %% TS3
+  ts3 = timespan('2008-08-08 12:00:00', '2008-08-08 13:00:00');
+  ts3.setName();
+  %% TS4
+  ts4 = timespan(time(10), time(100));
+  ts4.setName();
+  %% TS5
+  pl = plist('timezone', 'PST', 'timeformat', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'startT', time(1234), 'endT', time(12345));
+  ts5 = timespan(pl);
+  ts5.setName();
+  %% TS6
+  ts6 = timespan(10, time(100), 'HH:MM:SS');
+  ts6.setName();
+  %% TSV
+  tsv = [ts6 ts2 ts5];
+  %% TSM
+  tsm = [ts1 ts2 ts3; ts4 ts5 ts6];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/get_test_ples.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+% GET_TEST_PLES returns parameter lists with exception for the equal method
+% CALL:    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples
+% OUTPUTS: ple1 - created, proctime, UUID, param/desc, version
+%          ple2 - created, proctime, UUID, param/desc, name, methodInvars,
+%                 version
+%          ple3 - history, created, UUID, param/desc, name, version
+%          ple4 - identical to ple1
+%          ple5 - identical to ple1
+%          ple6 - identical to ple1
+% VERSION: $Id: get_test_ples.m,v 1.7 2010/06/07 16:41:47 ingo Exp $
+function [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples()
+  %% ple1
+  ple1 = plist('Exceptions', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'version'});
+  % Possible reasons for this exceptions:
+  %
+  % 'created'   : The rebuid method creates the new object at a different
+  %               time.
+  % 'proctime'  : The rebuid method creates the new object at a different
+  %               time.
+  % 'UUID'      : The rebuild method creates a new object with a new UUID
+  % 'param/desc': The rebuild method doesn't rebuild the description of a
+  %               parameter. Even the possible options are not rebuilt. The
+  %               rebuild method rebuilds only the used key/value pair.
+  %
+  %% ple2
+  ple2 = plist('Exceptions', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'methodInvars', 'version'});
+  % Possible reasons for this exceptions (see above):
+  %
+  % 'name'        : Sometimes adds a method the variable name to the name
+  %                 of an object. But the rebuild method uses its own
+  %                 created variable names.
+  % 'methodInvars': The history adds always the variable names of the input
+  %                 object or a name which represents the variable name.
+  %                 Our rebuild method create its own variable names.
+  %% ple3
+  ple3 = plist('Exceptions', {'history', 'created', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'version'});
+  % 'version' in some cases, like whenever the constructor goes through a
+  %           from* file, then the version can be different than the
+  %           constructor version so after the copy constructor the version
+  %           is different.
+  %% ple4
+  ple4 = plist('Exceptions', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'methodInvars', 'version', 'plistUsed'});
+  % Possible reasons for this exceptions (see above):
+  %
+  % 'plistUsed':    Some methods put the variable name as a key/value pair
+  %                 to the history plist. For example:
+  %                 'name'/'fir((1./smoother(ASD(a4642512))))'
+  %% ple5
+  ple5 = ple1;
+  %% ple6
+  ple6 = ple1;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/isEmptyCell.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+% ISEMPTYCHAR returns true if the input is an empty char cell.
+% CALL:    res = isEmptyChar(val)
+% OUTPUTS: true, flase
+% VERSION: $Id: isEmptyCell.m,v 1.1 2011/04/11 19:42:27 ingo Exp $
+function res = isEmptyCell(val)
+  res = iscell(val) && isempty(val);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/isEmptyChar.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+% ISEMPTYCHAR returns true if the input is an empty char ''.
+% CALL:    res = isEmptyChar(val)
+% OUTPUTS: true, flase
+% VERSION: $Id: isEmptyChar.m,v 1.1 2009/07/20 15:13:38 ingo Exp $
+function res = isEmptyChar(val)
+  res = ischar(val) && isempty(val);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/isEmptyDouble.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+% ISEMPTYDOUBLE returns true if the input is an empty double [].
+% CALL:    res = isEmptyDouble(val)
+% OUTPUTS: true, flase
+% VERSION: $Id: isEmptyDouble.m,v 1.1 2009/07/20 15:13:38 ingo Exp $
+function res = isEmptyDouble(val)
+  res = isnumeric(val) && isempty(val);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/utpCloseConnection.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% UTPCLOSECONNECTION closes the connection.
+% CALL:        utpGetConnection(conn)
+% VERSION:     $Id: utpCloseConnection.m,v 1.2 2009/09/20 15:38:53 ingo Exp $
+function utpCloseConnection(conn)
+  if isa(conn, 'database')
+    % MATLAB connection
+    if isconnection(conn)
+      close(conn);
+    end
+  elseif isa(conn, 'mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection')
+    % java connection
+    conn.closeConnection();
+  else
+    error('### Unknown connection [%s]. Can not close the connection', class(conn));
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/utpGetConnection.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% UTPGETCONNECTION returns the connection for the repository tests.
+% DESCRIPTION: UTPGETCONNECTION returns the connection for the repository
+%              tests.
+% CALL:        conn = utpGetConnection()
+% VERSION:     $Id: utpGetConnection.m,v 1.1 2009/09/19 15:27:52 ingo Exp $
+function conn = utpGetConnection()
+%   % MATLAB connection
+%   conn = utils.mysql.connect(utpGetHostname, utpGetDatabase, utpGetUsername, utpGetPassword);
+  % java connection
+  conn = utils.jmysql.connect(utpGetHostname, utpGetDatabase, utpGetUsername, utpGetPassword);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/utpGetConnectionPlist.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% UTPGETCONNECTIONPLIST returns the connection plist for the repository tests.
+% DESCRIPTION: UTPGETCONNECTION returns the connection plist for the
+%              repository tests.
+% CALL:        conn = utpGetConnectionPlist()
+% VERSION:     $Id: utpGetConnectionPlist.m,v 1.2 2010/02/01 18:42:38 ingo Exp $
+function connPl = utpGetConnectionPlist()
+  % java connection
+  rm = LTPDARepositoryManager();
+  rm.newConnection(utpGetHostname, utpGetDatabase, utpGetUsername, utpGetPassword);
+  connPl = plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, 'database', utpGetDatabase, 'username', utpGetUsername);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/utpGetDatabase.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% UTPGETDATABASE returns the database for the repository tests.
+% DESCRIPTION: UTPGETDATABASE returns the database for the repository
+%              tests.
+% CALL:        database = utpGetDatabase()
+% VERSION:     $Id: utpGetDatabase.m,v 1.1 2009/09/19 15:27:53 ingo Exp $
+function database = utpGetDatabase()
+%   database = 'an other db name';
+  database = 'ltpda_test';
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/utpGetHostname.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% UTPGETHOSTNAME returns the hostname for the repository tests.
+% DESCRIPTION: UTPGETHOSTNAME returns the hostname for the repository
+%              tests.
+% CALL:        hostname = utpGetHostname()
+% VERSION:     $Id: utpGetHostname.m,v 1.1 2009/09/19 15:27:53 ingo Exp $
+function hostname = utpGetHostname()
+%   hostname = 'localhost';
+  hostname = '';
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/utpGetPassword.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% UTPGETPASSWORD returns the password for the repository tests.
+% DESCRIPTION: UTPGETPASSWORD returns the password for the repository
+%              tests.
+% CALL:        password = utpGetPassword()
+% VERSION:     $Id: utpGetPassword.m,v 1.4 2010/07/26 16:43:37 hewitson Exp $
+function password = utpGetPassword()
+  password = getappdata(0, 'LTPDARepoPassword');
+  if isempty(password)
+    password = 'a1b2c3d4';
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/utpGetUsername.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% UTPGETUSERNAME returns the username for the repository tests.
+% DESCRIPTION: UTPGETUSERNAME returns the username for the repository
+%              tests.
+% CALL:        username = utpGetUsername()
+% VERSION:     $Id: utpGetUsername.m,v 1.3 2010/07/14 12:38:49 hewitson Exp $
+function username = utpGetUsername()
+  username = getappdata(0, 'LTPDARepoUsername');
+  if isempty(username)
+    username = 'tester';
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_fcns/utp_prepare_result.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+% UTP_PREPARE_RESULT prepares a result structure from the inputs
+% M Hewitson 07-11-07
+% $Id: utp_prepare_result.m,v 1.13 2011/04/27 09:03:02 hewitson Exp $
+function result = utp_prepare_result(a, s, stack, call, varargin)
+  result.a       = 0;
+  result.s       = 0;
+  result.fcn     = '?';
+  result.num     = '?';
+    = time;
+  result.runtime = toc();
+  result.msg     = '?';
+  result.method  = '?';
+  result.class   = '?';
+  result.file    = '?';
+  if numel(stack)>1
+    % look for utp_run
+    idx = -1;
+    for kk=1:numel(stack)
+      if strcmp(stack(kk).name, 'utp_run')
+        idx = kk;
+        break;
+      end
+    end
+    if idx>0
+      call = stack(idx-1).name;
+    end
+  end
+  % parse out utp number
+  parts = regexp(stack(1).name, '_', 'split');
+  parts = regexp(parts{end}, '(\w+)(\(.*\))*', 'tokens');
+  utpnum = parts{1}{1};
+  result.a       = a;
+  result.s       = s;
+  result.fcn     = sprintf('%s_%s', call, utpnum);
+  result.num     = utpnum;
+  result.subnum  = parts{1}{2};
+  result.msg     = '';
+  parts = regexp(call, '_', 'split');
+  result.method  = parts{end};
+  result.class   = parts{end-1};
+  result.utp     = strrep(stack(1).name, result.subnum, '');
+  if ismember('file', fieldnames(stack(1)))
+    result.file    = stack(1).file;
+  else
+    result.file = '';
+  end
+  if a
+    as = 'Pass';
+  else
+    as = 'Fail';
+  end
+  if s
+    ss = 'Pass';
+  else
+    ss = 'Fail';
+  end
+  if numel(varargin) >= 1
+    result.msg = varargin{1};
+    fprintf('  %-27s  |  %s  |  %s  | %s\n', result.num, ss, as, varargin{1});
+  else
+    fprintf('  %-27s  |  %s  |  %s\n', result.num, ss, as);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_run.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+% UTP_RUN  Runs the UTP tests found in the 'utps' directory. If no output
+% argument is specified a results report is generated and printed to screen,
+% otherwise the results are returned.
+%   >> % run all the tests in the 'utps' directory
+%   >> utp_run();
+%   >> % run the UTPs with the given names
+%   >> utp_run('utp_classname_fcn1', 'utp_classname_fcn2', ...);
+%   >> % run a reduced set of UTPs operating on the listed classes
+%   >> utp_run('classname1', 'classname2', ...);
+%   >> utp_run();
+%   >> utp_run('utp_ao_ao');
+%   >> utp_run('utp_ao_ao', 'utp_ao_abs');
+%   >> utp_run('ao', 'tsdata', 'fsdata');
+%   >> utp_run('ao', 'tsdata', 'fsdata', pl);
+%  pl keys
+%     'tests'         - cell array of strings above
+%     'no repository' - true/false
+%     'skip tests'    - cell array of tests to skip
+%     'skip classes'  - cell array of classes to skip
+% $Id: utp_run.m,v 1.20 2010/08/09 16:38:49 ingo Exp $
+function varargout = utp_run(varargin)
+  % save current path
+  oldpath = path();
+  [pl, dummy, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist');
+  % Make sure that pl is a PLIST
+  pl = combine(plist(), pl);
+  skipClasses  = pl.find('skip classes', '');
+  skipTests    = pl.find('skip tests', '');
+  tests        = pl.find('tests', '');
+  noRepository = pl.find('no repository', false);
+  if ~isempty(rest) && ~isempty(tests)
+    tests = [reshape(cellstr(tests), 1, []), reshape(rest, 1, [])];
+  elseif ~isempty(tests)
+    tests = cellstr(tests);
+  elseif ~isempty(rest)
+    tests = rest;
+  end
+  try
+    % add support functions and UTPs folders to path
+    utppath = fileparts(which('utp_run'));
+    addpath(genpath(utppath));
+    % list of the classes for which we have UTPs
+    classes = {};
+    % cell array to hold UTP function names to run
+    utps = {};
+    % check for input arguments
+    if numel(tests) > 0
+      % check if input argument is a list of UTP function names
+      if all(strncmp(tests, 'utp_', 4))
+        % add the given UTPs to the list of test functions to run
+        for kk = 1:numel(tests)
+          uname = tests{kk};
+          % check if the given UTPs exist
+          if exist(uname, 'file') == 2
+            utps = addUtpTest(utps, tests(kk));
+          else
+            error('### test ''%s'' not found\n', uname);
+          end
+        end
+      else
+        % assume input argument is a list of classes
+        for kk = 1:numel(tests)
+          cname = tests{kk};          
+          % check if it exists
+          if exist(fullfile(utppath, 'utps', cname), 'dir')
+            classes = [classes {cname}];
+          else
+            error('### test class ''%s'' not found\n', cname);
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      % list of all the classes we have UTPs for
+      d = dir(fullfile(utppath, 'utps'));
+      for kk = 1:numel(d)
+        if ~d(kk).isdir
+          continue;
+        end
+        if d(kk).name(1) == '.'
+          continue;
+        end
+        if strcmp(d(kk).name, 'CVS')
+          continue;
+        end
+        % Skip classes
+        if utils.helper.ismember(d(kk).name, skipClasses)
+          continue;
+        end
+        classes = [classes {d(kk).name}];
+      end
+    end
+    % add to the UPTs function name list the UTPs for each class in the list
+    for kk = 1:numel(classes)
+      mfiles = dir(fullfile(utppath, 'utps', classes{kk}));
+      % identify all UTP functions
+      for jj=1:length(mfiles)
+        [pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(mfiles(jj).name);
+        if ~strcmp(ext, '.m')
+          continue;
+        end
+        try
+          utps = addUtpTest(utps, name);
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    % number of collected UTPs to run
+    fprintf('%d UTPs to run\n', numel(utps));
+    % initialize timer to measure UTPs execution time
+    tic();
+    % call each UTP function and collect the results
+    results = [];
+    for jj=1:length(utps)
+      try
+        results = [results eval(utps{jj})];
+      catch ex
+        % report the error failure in running the UTP
+ = 'xx';
+        message = ['exception: ' ex.message];
+        results = [results utp_prepare_result(false, false, stack, utps{jj}, message)];
+        % show error on console
+        fprintf(2, ['\n' ex.getReport()]);
+        fprintf(1, '\n');
+      end
+    end
+    % set output
+    if nargout == 1
+      varargout{1} = results;
+    else
+      display_utp_results(results)
+    end
+  catch ex
+    % restore original path
+    path(oldpath);
+    rethrow(ex);
+  end
+  % restore original path
+  path(oldpath);
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  %
+  % FUNCTION:    addUtpTest
+  %
+  % DESCRIPTION: Local method which adds an UTP to the UTP list if it pass
+  %              all conditions.
+  %
+  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+  function utpsLocal = addUtpTest(utpsLocal, utpIn)
+    utpIn = cellstr(utpIn);
+    % Check if the UTP name is a UTP
+    if feval(utpIn{1}, 'isutp')
+      addUTP = true;
+      % Skip the UTPs if it needs a repository.
+      if noRepository && feval(utpIn{1}, 'needs repository') == 2
+        addUTP = false;
+      end
+      % Skip the UTPs if it is in the skil list.
+      if utils.helper.ismember(utpIn{1}, skipTests)
+        addUTP = false;
+      end
+      if addUTP
+        utpsLocal = [utpsLocal utpIn];
+      end
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_template.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+% UTP_TEMPLATE a set of unit tests for FOO.
+% Joe Blogs 28-07-10
+% $Id: utp_template.m,v 1.5 2010/07/28 04:11:07 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The method FOO for the class Boing does bouncy things with data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_template(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'Boing';
+    model   = 'foo';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running Unit Tests for ' class '/' model]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01()];  % check FOO does something useful
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the method <FOO> does something useful.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  %
+  % $Id: utp_template.m,v 1.5 2010/07/28 04:11:07 hewitson Exp $
+  %
+  function result = utp_01(varargin)
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the method <FOO> does something useful.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Here we just check that a suitable call to the method can be made.
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      msg = [err.message ' - ' err.stack(1).name ' - line ' num2str(err.stack(1).line)];
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the object is pink when embarrassed
+    % 2) Check that the data are nice and shiny
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      msg = '';
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Here we perform detailed checks on the content of the objects or
+      % outputs produced during the syntax check
+      if somethingBad
+        atest = false;
+        msg = 'Oooh something bad happened here';
+      end
+      if somethingElseBad
+        atest = false;
+        msg = 'Wow something else bad happened here';
+      end      
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    dd = dbstack;
+    mfilename = dd(2).file(1:end-2);
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+  end % END UTP_XX
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_test_files/loadAllFiles.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+matfiles = utils.prog.filescan('.', '.mat');
+xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan('.', '.xml');
+currentVer = '';
+currentCl  = '';
+for j=1:numel(matfiles)
+  fn = matfiles{j};
+  [path, name, ext, ver] = fileparts(fn);
+  [cl, rest] = strtok(name, '_');
+  [v, rest] = strtok(rest, '_');
+  if ~strcmp(v, currentVer) || ~strcmp(cl, currentCl)
+    currentCl  = cl;
+    currentVer = v;
+    fprintf('%%%% Loading MAT files of class: %s and version: %s\n', cl, currentVer);
+  end
+  try
+    warning('off', 'MATLAB:unknownElementsNowStruc');
+    obj = feval(cl, fn);
+    warning('on', 'MATLAB:unknownElementsNowStruc');
+  catch err
+    fprintf(2, '----- Loading %s failed. ', fn);
+    fprintf(2, '%s\n', err.message);
+  end
+currentVer = '';
+currentCl  = '';
+for j=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+  fn = xmlfiles{j};
+  [path, name, ext, ver] = fileparts(fn);
+  [cl, rest] = strtok(name, '_');
+  [v, rest] = strtok(rest, '_');
+  if ~strcmp(v, currentVer) || ~strcmp(cl, currentCl)
+    currentCl  = cl;
+    currentVer = v;
+    fprintf('%%%% Loading XML files of class: %s and version: %s\n', cl, currentVer);
+  end
+  try
+    obj = feval(cl, fn);
+  catch err
+    fprintf(2, '----- Loading %s failed. ', fn);
+    fprintf(2, '%s\n', err.message)
+  end
+disp('%%%% Done.');
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utp_test_files/makeTestFiles.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+% MAKETESTFILES builds a set of test files for the current LTPDA version.
+% M Hewitson 09-09-08
+% $Id: makeTestFiles.m,v 1.8 2010/05/12 15:55:19 ingo Exp $
+function makeTestFiles()
+  mkPlist();
+  mkAO();
+  mkRational();
+  mkParfrac();
+  mkPzmodel();
+  mkMiir();
+  mkMfir();
+  mkTimespan();
+  mkSSM();
+  mkCollection();
+  mkMatrix;
+  mkSmodel;
+  mkPest;
+  mkFilterbank;
+function mkPlist()
+  pl1 = plist();
+  pl2 = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+  pl3 = plist('char', 'string', ...
+    'number', 123, ...
+    'logical', true, ...
+    'cell', {'asd', [1 2 3; 4 5 6], [true false], 'asd'});
+  pl4 = plist('spec', specwin('kaiser', 5, 20), ...
+    'time', time(123456), ...
+    'ao', ao(1:10, randn(10,1)), ...
+    'miir', miir(plist('type', 'lowpass')));
+  plvec = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+  plmat = [pl1, pl2, pl3; pl4, pl1, pl2];
+  writeFiles([pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4], plvec, plmat);
+%% AO
+function mkAO()
+  % tsdata ao
+  aots = ao(plist('fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10, ...
+    'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*1.4*t) + 0.1*randn(size(t))', ...
+    't0', time('1980-12-01 12:43:12')));
+  aots.setName();
+  % fsdata ao
+  aofs = aots.psd;
+  aofs.setName();
+  % xydata ao
+  aoxy = ao(xydata(1:10,1:10));
+  aoxy.setName();
+  % cdata ao
+  aoc = ao(magic(3));
+  aoc.setName();
+  plvec = [aots, aofs, aoxy];
+  plmat = [aots, aofs, aoxy; aots, aoc, ao()];
+  writeFiles([aots, aofs, aoxy, aoc], plvec, plmat);
+%% Pzmodel
+function mkPzmodel()
+  pzm1 = pzmodel(1, pz(1), []);
+  pzm1.setName();
+  pzm2 = pzmodel(1, [], pz(1));
+  pzm2.setName();
+  pzm3 = pzmodel(1, 1, 10);
+  pzm3.setName();
+  pzm4 = pzmodel();
+  pzm4.setName();
+  pzm5 = pzmodel(2, 10, {1, [1 1]});
+  pzm5.setName();
+  pzmvec = [pzm1, pzm2, pzm3];
+  pzmmat = [pzm1, pzm2, pzm3; pzm4, pzm5, pzm5];
+  writeFiles([pzm1, pzm2, pzm3, pzm4, pzm5], pzmvec, pzmmat);
+%% MFIR
+function mkMfir()
+  fir1 = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+  fir1.setName();
+  fir2 = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+  fir2.setName();
+  fir3 = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fc', .1, 'gain', 1, 'fs', 1, 'order', 64, 'WIN', specwin('Hanning', 65)));
+  fir3.setName();
+  pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50));
+  pl = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+  fir4 = mfir(pl);
+  fir4.setName();
+  a1 = ao(plist('fsfcn', '1./(50+f)', 'f', linspace(0, 500, 1000)));
+  a1.setFs(1000);
+  pl = plist('ao', a1);
+  fir5 = mfir(pl);
+  fir5.setName();
+  firvec = [fir1, fir2, fir3];
+  firmat = [fir1, fir2, fir3; fir4, fir5, fir5];
+  writeFiles([fir1, fir2, fir3, fir4, fir5], firvec, firmat);
+%% MIIR
+function mkMiir()
+  iir1 = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+  iir1.setName();
+  iir2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+  iir2.setName();
+  iir3 = miir(plist('type', 'bandreject', 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+  iir3.setName();
+  pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50));
+  pzm.setName();
+  pl = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+  iir4 = miir(pl);
+  iir4.setName();
+  a  = [0.5 -0.01];
+  b  = [1 0.1];
+  fs = 1;
+  iir5 = miir(a,b,fs);
+  iir5.setName();
+  iirvec = [iir1, iir2, iir3];
+  iirmat = [iir1, iir2, iir3; iir4, iir5, iir5];
+  writeFiles([iir1, iir2, iir3, iir4, iir5], iirvec, iirmat);
+%% SSM
+function mkSSM
+  try
+    s1 = ssm();
+    s2 = ssm(plist('built-in', 'SMD'));
+    s3 = ssm(plist('built-in', 'HARMONIC_OSC_1D'));
+    sVec = [s1, s2, s3];
+    sMat = [s1, s2, s3; s2, s1, s2];
+    writeFiles([s1 s2 s3], sVec, sMat);
+  catch
+    warning('!!! Don''t know how to build this SSM object.');
+  end
+function mkTimespan()
+  ts1 = timespan();
+  ts1.setName();
+  ts2 = timespan('2008-08-08 12:00:00', '2008-08-08 13:00:00');
+  ts2.setName();
+  ts3 = timespan(time(10), time(100));
+  ts3.setName();
+  ts4 = timespan(time(0) ,'14:00:00'); % timespan
+  ts4.setName();
+  pl = plist('timezone', 'GMT+06','start', time(1234),'end', time(12345));
+  ts5 = timespan(pl);
+  ts5.setName();
+  tsvec = [ts4, ts2, ts5];
+  tsmat = [ts1, ts2, ts5; ts4, ts3, ts2];
+  writeFiles([ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5], tsvec, tsmat)
+function mkParfrac()
+  pf1 = parfrac();
+  pf1.setName();
+  pf2 = parfrac([1 2], {4, 6+2i}, []);
+  pf2.setName();
+  pf3 = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2]);
+  pf3.setName();
+  pf4 = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+  pf4.setName();
+  pzm = pzmodel(1, pz(1), [pz(1,2), pz(1+2i)]);
+  pl  = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'name', 'new name', 'iunits', 'm^3', 'ounits', 'Hz');
+  pf5 = parfrac(pl);
+  pf5.setName();
+  pfvec = [pf4, pf2, pf5];
+  pfmat = [pf1, pf2, pf5; pf4, pf3, pf2];
+  writeFiles([pf1, pf2, pf3, pf4, pf5], pfvec, pfmat)
+function mkRational()
+  ra1 = rational();
+  ra1.setName();
+  ra2 = rational([1 2], [4, 6], 'my rational');
+  ra2.setName();
+  ra3 = rational([1 2 -3], [6 -7 1 -5], 'my par rat', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+  ra3.setName();
+  pzm = pzmodel(1, pz(1), [pz(1,2), pz(1+2i)]);
+  pl  = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'name', 'new name', 'iunits', 'm^3', 'ounits', 'Hz');
+  ra4 = rational(pl);
+  ra4.setName();
+  ravec = [ra4, ra3, ra2];
+  ramat = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ra4, ra3, ra2];
+  writeFiles([ra1, ra2, ra3, ra4], ravec, ramat)
+function mkCollection()
+  coll1 = collection();
+  coll1.setName();
+  coll2 = collection(rational([1 2], [4, 6], 'my rational'), ao(magic(8)), mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass')));
+  coll2.setName();
+  coll3 = collection(ao(1:51, randn(1,51) + 1.1i, 12.3), pzmodel(1, pz(1), [pz(1,2), pz(1+2i)]));
+  coll3.setName();
+  coll3.setPlotinfo(plist('color', 'black'));
+  collVec = [coll1, coll2, coll3];
+  collMat = [coll3, coll1, coll2; coll2 coll3, coll1];
+  writeFiles([coll1, coll2, coll3], collVec, collMat)
+function mkMatrix()
+  m1 = matrix();
+  m1.setName();
+  m2 = matrix([ao(1), ao(2) ao(3); ao(4), ao(5), ao(6)]);
+  m2.setName();
+  m3 = matrix(ao(1), ao(2), ao(3));
+  m3.setName();
+  m3.setPlotinfo(plist('color', 'black'));
+  mVec = [m1, m2, m3];
+  mMat = [m3, m1, m2; m2 m3, m1];
+  writeFiles([m1, m2, m3], mVec, mMat)
+function mkSmodel()
+  model1 = smodel();
+  model1.setName();
+  model2 = smodel('C1*X1  + C2*X2 + C3*X3');
+  model2.setParams('C1', 1.00447715161685);
+  model2.setParams('C2', 2.06131342419899);
+  model2.setParams('C3', 3.03410245878967);
+  model2.setXvals(randn(1,100));
+  %   model2.setXvar({'X1', 'X2', 'X3'});
+  model2.setXvar('X1');
+  model2.setXunits(unit('T', 'm', 'C'));
+  model2.setYunits('m');
+  model2.setPlotinfo(plist('color', 'black'));
+  model2.setName();
+  modelVec = [model1, model2];
+  modelMat = [model1, model1 model2; model1 model2, model1];
+  writeFiles([model1, model2], modelVec, modelMat)
+%% PEST
+function mkPest()
+  model = smodel('C1*X1  + C2*X2 + C3*X3');
+  model.setParams('C1', 1.00447715161685);
+  model.setParams('C2', 2.06131342419899);
+  model.setParams('C3', 3.03410245878967);
+  %   model.setXvar({'X1', 'X2', 'X3'});
+  model.setXvar('X1');
+  model.setXunits(unit('T', 'm', 'C'));
+  model.setYunits('m');
+  model.setName();
+  pest1 = pest([1;2.06;3.03], {'C1', 'C2', 'C3'}, [0.0917;0.089;0.0957], [0.00841 -0.000604 0.000455;-0.000604 0.00791 -0.000246;0.000455 -0.000246 0.00916]);
+  pest1.setYunits(unit('[m T^(-1)]','[m m^(-1)]','[m C^(-1)]'));
+  pest1.setModels(model);
+  pest1.setName();
+  pest2 = pest();
+  pest2.setName();
+  pestVec = [pest1, pest2];
+  pestMat = [pest1, pest1 pest2; pest1 pest2, pest1];
+  writeFiles([pest1, pest2], pestVec, pestMat)
+function mkFilterbank()
+  a1 = ao(plist('fsfcn', '1./(50+f)', 'f', linspace(0, 500, 1000)));
+  a1.setFs(1000);
+  pl = plist('ao', a1);
+  f1 = mfir(pl);
+  f2 = mfir(plist('Type', 'lowpass'));
+  f3 = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fc', .1, 'gain', 1, 'fs', 1, 'order', 64, 'WIN', specwin('Hanning', 65)));
+  pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50));
+  pzm.setName();
+  pl = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+  f4 = miir(pl);
+  f5 = miir();
+  f6 = miir(plist('type', 'bandreject', 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+  fb1 = filterbank();
+  fb1.setName();
+  fb2 = filterbank([f1, f2, f3], 'serial');
+  fb2.setPlotinfo(plist('color', 'black'));
+  fb2.setName();
+  fb3 = filterbank(f4, f5, f6);
+  fbVec = [fb1, fb2, fb3];
+  fbMat = [fb1, fb3 fb2; fb1 fb2, fb3];
+  writeFiles([fb1, fb2, fb3], fbVec, fbMat)
+%% Write Function
+function writeFiles(objs, obj_vec, obj_mat)
+  % class
+  cln = class(objs);
+  % Get the toolbox version
+  tbxver = getappdata(0, 'ltpda_version');
+  % get only the version string without the MATLAB version
+  tbxver = strtok(tbxver);
+  % remove the points between the subversions
+  tbxver = strrep(tbxver, '.', '');
+  %%%%%%%%%%   Save single objects   %%%%%%%%%%
+  for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+    % Create filename
+    filename = sprintf('%s_%s_%d', cln, tbxver, ii);
+    % Save XML
+    save(objs(ii), [filename '.xml']);
+    if ~strcmp(tbxver, '191')
+      % Save MAT
+      save(objs(ii), [filename '.mat']);
+    end
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%   Save vector of object   %%%%%%%%%%
+  % Create filename
+  filename = sprintf('%s_%s_vec', cln, tbxver);
+  % Save XML
+  save(obj_vec, [filename '.xml']);
+  if ~strcmp(tbxver, '191')
+    % Save MAT
+    save(obj_vec, [filename '.mat']);
+  end
+  %%%%%%%%%%   Save matrix of object   %%%%%%%%%%
+  % Create filename
+  filename = sprintf('%s_%s_mat', cln, tbxver);
+  % Save XML
+  save(obj_mat, [filename '.xml']);
+  if ~strcmp(tbxver, '191')
+    % Save MAT
+    save(obj_mat, [filename '.mat']);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/reference_files/create_ref_psd.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+% CREATE_REF_PSD creates a reference psd
+% M Nofrarias 20-01-09
+% $Id: create_ref_psd.m,v 1.2 2009/02/13 14:31:05 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The method uses computes the psd of known white noise using MATLAB's
+% pwelch
+% </MethodDescription>
+function create_ref_psd()
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % analyzes reference object: 10 s at 1000 Hz, sigma = 1
+  a = ao('ref_whitenoise_10s_1000Hz.xml');
+  Nfft = 2*;
+  win  = specwin('Hanning', Nfft);
+  [pxx, f] = pwelch(,, Nfft*win.rov/100, Nfft,;
+  out = [f pxx];
+  save('ref_psd_10s_1000Hz.txt','out','-ascii','-double');
+  % analyzes reference object: 3600 s at 1 Hz, sigma = 3e-4
+  a = ao('ref_whitenoise_3600s_1Hz.xml');
+  Nfft = 1000;
+  win  = specwin('BH92', Nfft);
+  [pxx, f] = pwelch(,, Nfft*win.rov/100, Nfft,;
+  out = [f pxx];
+  save('ref_psd_3600s_1Hz.txt','out','-ascii','-double');
+  % analyzes reference object: 100000 s at 0.1 Hz, sigma = 4e-12
+  a = ao('ref_whitenoise_100000s_100mHz.xml');
+  Nfft = *;
+  psll = 100;
+  win  = specwin('Kaiser', Nfft, psll);
+  [pxx, f] = pwelch(,, Nfft*win.rov/100, Nfft,;
+  out = [f pxx];
+  save('ref_psd_100000s_100mHz.txt','out','-ascii','-double');
+  % </AlgoCode>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/reference_files/create_ref_whitenoise.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+% CREATE_REF_WHITENOISE creates a set of known white noise time series to
+% be used in UTP testing
+% M Nofrarias 20-01-09
+% $Id: create_ref_whitenoise.m,v 1.5 2010/05/06 07:29:42 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The method uses the 'whitenoise' AO model to create white noise using
+% always the same seed for the noise generator.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function create_ref_whitenoise()
+  % <AlgoCode>
+  % creates 10 s at 1000 Hz, sigma = 1
+  pl = plist(...
+    'sigma',1,...
+    'nsecs',10,...
+    'fs',1000);
+  a = ao(plist('built-in', 'whitenoise'),pl);
+  % save xml file
+  save(a,'ref_whitenoise_10s_1000Hz.xml');
+  % creates 3600 s at 1 Hz, sigma = 3e-8
+  pl = plist(...
+    'sigma',3e-8,...
+    'nsecs',3600,...
+    'fs',1);
+  a = ao(plist('built-in', 'whitenoise'),pl);
+  % save xml file
+  save(a,'ref_whitenoise_3600s_1Hz.xml');
+  % creates 100000 s at 0.1 Hz, sigma = 4e-12
+  pl = plist(...
+    'sigma',4e-12,...
+    'nsecs',100000,...
+    'fs',0.1);
+  a = ao(plist('built-in', 'whitenoise'),pl);
+  % save xml file
+  save(a,'ref_whitenoise_100000s_100mHz.xml');
+  % creates 2e4 s at 10 Hz, sigma = 5e-6
+  pl = plist(...
+    'sigma', 5e-6,...
+    'nsecs', 2e3,...
+    'fs', 10);
+  a = ao(plist('built-in', 'whitenoise'),pl);
+  % save xml file
+  save(a,'ref_whitenoise_20000s_10Hz.xml');
+  % creates 2e5 s at 10 Hz, sigma = 5e-6
+  pl = plist(...
+    'sigma', 5e-6,...
+    'nsecs', 2e3,...
+    'fs', 10);
+  a = ao(plist('built-in', 'whitenoise'),pl);
+  % save xml file
+  save(a,'ref_whitenoise_200000s_10Hz.xml');
+  % </AlgoCode>
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_abs.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+% UTP_AO_ABS a set of UTPs for the ao/abs method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_abs.m,v 1.30 2011/04/17 09:11:10 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The abs method of the ao class computes the absolute value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_abs(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'abs';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(abs(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_acos.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+% UTP_AO_ACOS a set of UTPs for the ao/acos method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_acos.m,v 1.15 2011/04/17 09:50:21 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The acos method of the ao class computes the inverse cosine of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_acos(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'acos';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(acos(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_and.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% UTP_AO_AND a set of UTPs for the ao/and method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_and.m,v 1.1 2010/09/23 19:48:49 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The AND method of the ao class performs a logical AND of the y data of
+% the two inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_and(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'and';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp('****  Running UTPs for ao/and');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];                       % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule1(@and)];   % Rule 1
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule2(@and)];   % Rule 2
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule3(@and)];   % Rule 3
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule4(@and)];   % Rule 4
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule5(@and)];   % Rule 5
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule6(@and)];   % Rule 6
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule7(@and)];   % Rule 7
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule8(@and)];   % Rule 8
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule9(@and)];   % Rule 9
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule10(@and)];  % Rule 10
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule11(@and)];  % Rule 11
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_negative_tests(@and)]; % Negative tests
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_angle.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+% UTP_AO_ANGLE a set of UTPs for the ao/angle method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_angle.m,v 1.10 2011/04/17 09:50:12 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The angle method of the ao class returns the phase angles, in radians, of
+% a matrix with complex elements.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_angle(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'angle';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    plts = plist('fs', '1', 'nsecs', 30, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)) + randn(size(t))*i');
+    plfs = plist('f', '1:30', 'fsfcn', 'randn(size(f)) + randn(size(f))*i');
+    plxy = plist('x', '1:30', 'xyfcn', 'randn(size(x)) + randn(size(x))*i');
+    at1 = ao(plts);
+    at2 = ao(plfs);
+    at3 = ao(plxy);
+    at4 = ao([1 -3+5i +5; 3-1i .5 -7]);
+    at5 = ao(plist('fs', '1', 'nsecs', 30, 'tsfcn', 'transpose(randn(size(t)) + randn(size(t))*i)'));
+    atvec = [at1, at2, at3, at4];
+    atmat = [at1, at2, at3; at3, at2, at1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at1, at5)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(angle(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_ao.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1964 @@
+% UTP_AO_AO a set of UTPs for the ao/ao method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_ao.m,v 1.73 2011/08/15 10:44:51 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ao method of the ao class constructs AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_ao(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'ao';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Define THRESHOLD for computing error
+    TOL = 1e-14;
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, [], [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, [], [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, [], [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, [], [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    % Old format
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test history is working with ASCII file constructor
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test history is working with complex ASCII file constructor
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test history is working with vals constructor
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test history is working with plist(fcn) constructor
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test history is working with plist(vals) constructor
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test history is working with plist(x/y-vals) constructor
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test history is working with plist(tsfcn) constructor
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test history is working with plist(fsfcn) constructor
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test history is working with plist(win) constructor
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test history is working with plist(waveform) constructor
+    results = [results utp_23];    % Test history is working with plist(polynomial) constructor
+    results = [results utp_25];    % Test history is working with specwin constructor
+    results = [results utp_26];    % Test history is working with data-objects constructor
+    results = [results utp_28];    % Test history is working with x-vector, y-vector constructor
+    results = [results utp_29];    % Test history is working with filename + plist constructor
+    results = [results utp_30];    % Test history is working with filename + plist constructor
+    results = [results utp_31];    % Test history is working with filename + plist constructor
+    % constructor specific tests
+    results = [results utp_60(class, at3, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_61(class, at1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_62(class, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+%     results = [results utp_63(class, ple1)];    % Test history is working with pzmodel-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_64(class, at1, ple1, ple2)]; % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_65(class, at1, ple3)]; % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_66(class, ple1)];  % Test history is working with plist(pzmodel) constructor
+    results = [results utp_67(class, ple1)];  % Test history is working with pzmodel + plist constructor
+    results = [results utp_68(class, at1, ple3)];  % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    msg = '';
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      msg = err.message;
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; msg = 'Sets ''None'' isn''t empty.'; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; msg = 'First plist for all sets isn''t empty.'; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 21, atest = false; msg = 'Number of sets is wrong'; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''Default'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From MAT File'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From XML File'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Repository'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in model')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Built-in Model'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT Data File')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From MAT Data File'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From ASCII File')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From ASCII File'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Complex ASCII File')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Complex ASCII File'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Function')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Function'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Values')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Values'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XY Values')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From XY Values''';end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Time-series Function')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Time-series Function'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XY Function')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From XY Function'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Frequency-series Function')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Frequency-series Function'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Window')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Window'''; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Waveform')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Waveform''';end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Polynomial')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Polynomial''';end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Pzmodel')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Pzmodel''';end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From smodel')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From smodel''';end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From pest')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From pest''';end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Parameter')), atest = false; msg = 'Sets array does not contain ''From Parameter'''; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; msg = 'Number of plists does not match number of sets'; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        pn = 3;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 3);
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 1);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 1);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 7);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in model'
+        pn = 7;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 1);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('built-in'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT Data File'
+        pn = 8;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 9);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('columns'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('columns')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), 's'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('description'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        % not sure how to test this
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'tsdata', 'fsdata', 'xydata', 'cdata'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('columns'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {'s'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From ASCII File'
+        pn = 9;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 14);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('columns'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('comment_char'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('maxlines'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('robust'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('delimiter'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('name'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('columns')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('xunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(double(time(io(pn).plists.find('t0'))), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('comment_char')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('maxlines')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('robust'), 'no'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('delimiter'), ''), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('description'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        % not sure how to test this
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'tsdata', 'fsdata', 'xydata', 'cdata'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('columns'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('comment_char'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxlines'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('robust'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('delimiter'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'), {'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Complex ASCII File'
+        pn = 10;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 11);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('complex_type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('columns'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('comment_char'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(io(pn).plists.find('complex_type'), 'real/imag'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'fsdata'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('columns'), [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), 'Hz'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('comment_char')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('complex_type'), { 'real/imag', 'abs/deg', 'dB/deg', 'abs/rad', 'dB/rad'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'tsdata', 'fsdata', 'xydata', 'cdata'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('columns'), {[1 2 3]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {'Hz'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('comment_char'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Function'
+        pn = 11;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 5);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fcn'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('fcn')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fcn'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Values'
+        pn = 12;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 6);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('vals'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('n'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('vals')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('n'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('vals'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('n'), {[1]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XY Values'
+        pn = 13;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 11);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('toffset'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xvals'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yvals'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('type'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(double(time(io(pn).plists.find('t0'))), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('toffset'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('xvals')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('yvals')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('xunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('t0'), '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'', 'tsdata', 'fsdata', 'xydata', 'cdata'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xvals'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yvals'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'), {'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Time-series Function'
+        pn = 14;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 9);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('tsfcn'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nsecs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('tsfcn'), 't'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('nsecs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(double(time(io(pn).plists.find('t0'))), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), 's'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('tsfcn'), {'t'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nsecs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'), {'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {'s'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XY Function'
+        pn = 15;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 7);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xyfcn'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('x'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xyfcn'), 'x'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('x')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('yunits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xyfcn'), {'x'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('x'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Frequency-series Function'
+        pn = 16;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 11);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fsfcn'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('f1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('f2'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fsfcn'), 'f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('f1'), 1e-9), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('f2'), 10000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('nf'), 1e3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('scale'), 'log'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('f')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), 'Hz'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fsfcn'), {'f'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('f1'), {1e-9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('f2'), {1e4}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nf'), {1e3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'lin', 'log'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {'Hz'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Window'
+        pn = 17;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 8);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('length'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('levelorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~strcmpi(io(pn).plists.find('win'), char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow)), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('yunits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Waveform'
+        pn = 18;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 22);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('waveform'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('a'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('phi'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('toff'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('gaps'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('sigma'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('f0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('f1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('bw'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('duty'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('width'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nsecs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('waveform'), 'sine wave'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('f'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('phi'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('toff'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('gaps')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'Normal'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('sigma'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('f0'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('f1')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('t1')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('bw')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('duty'), 50), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('width'), 0.5), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('nsecs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(double(time(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'))), 0), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), 's'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('yunits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('waveform'), {'sine wave', 'noise', 'chirp', 'gaussian pulse', 'square wave', 'sawtooth'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('a'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('phi'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('toff'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('gaps'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'Normal', 'Uniform'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('sigma'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('f0'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('f1'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t1'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('bw'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('duty'), {50}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('width'), {0.5}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nsecs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'), {'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {'s'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Polynomial'
+        pn = 19;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 13);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('polyval'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nsecs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('x'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('polyval')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('nsecs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('t0'), '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('t')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('x')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('f')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'tsdata'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), 's'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('polyval'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nsecs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'), {'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('x'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'tsdata', 'fsdata', 'xydata', 'cdata'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {'s'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Pzmodel'
+        pn = 20;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 9);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nsecs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('pzmodel'), pzmodel(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('nsecs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('t0'), '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), 's'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nsecs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'), {'1970-01-01 00:00:00.000'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {'s'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From smodel'
+        pn = 21;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 7);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('model'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('x'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('model'), smodel(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xunits'), 's'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('x')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'tsdata'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {'s'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('x'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'tsdata', 'fsdata', 'xydata', 'cdata'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From pest'        
+        pn = 22;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 5);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('pest'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('parameter'), atest = false; end                
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('pest'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('parameter'), ''), atest = false; end                
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('pest'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('parameter'), {''}), atest = false; end        
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Parameter'
+        pn = 23;
+        [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(io, pn, 5);
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('parameter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('key'), atest = false; end                
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('parameter')), atest = false; end                
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('key')), atest = false; end                
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('parameter'), {''}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('key'), {''}), atest = false; end        
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  % check parameter number
+  function [atest, msg] = checkParamNumber(sets, setNum, paramNum)
+    atest = true;
+    msg = '';
+    if sets(setNum).plists.nparams ~= paramNum
+      atest = false; 
+      msg = sprintf('Set %d plist does not have %d parameters', setNum, paramNum); 
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the
+  % ASCII-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs    = 5;
+      Nsecs = 2;
+      t     = linspace(0, Nsecs-1/fs, Nsecs*fs);
+      x     = randn(1,Nsecs*fs) + 2*sin(2*pi*45.*t);
+      out   = [t;x].';
+      %---- Save data as ascii file
+      name = 'data';
+      filename1 = sprintf('%s.txt', name);
+      save(filename1, 'out', '-ASCII', '-DOUBLE', '-TABS');
+      filename2 = sprintf('%s.dat', name);
+      save(filename2, 'out', '-ASCII', '-DOUBLE', '-TABS');
+      out1 = ao(filename1);
+      out2 = ao(filename2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out1' and 'ouit2'
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the data-object is a cdata-object
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that output contains the right values
+      if ~isequal(, out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, out), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1);
+      delete(filename2);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the complex
+  % ASCII-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1:123, randn(123,1)+randn(123,1)*1i, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      filename1 = 'complex1.txt';
+      filename2 = 'complex2.txt';
+      filename3 = 'complex3.txt';
+      filename4 = 'complex4.txt';
+      filename5 = 'complex5.txt';
+      %---- Save: f, real, imag
+      export1 = [a1.x real(a1.y) imag(a1.y)];
+      save(filename1, 'export1', '-ASCII', '-DOUBLE', '-TABS');
+      %---- Save: f, abs, deg
+      export2 = [a1.x abs(a1.y) (180/pi) * (angle(a1.y))];
+      save(filename2, 'export2', '-ASCII', '-DOUBLE', '-TABS');
+      %---- Save: f, abs, rad
+      export3 = [a1.x abs(a1.y) angle(a1.y)];
+      save(filename3, 'export3', '-ASCII', '-DOUBLE', '-TABS');
+      %---- Save: f, dB, deg
+      export4 = [a1.x 20.*log10(abs(a1.y)) (180/pi) * (angle(a1.y))];
+      save(filename4, 'export4', '-ASCII', '-DOUBLE', '-TABS');
+      %---- Save: f, dB, rad
+      export5 = [a1.x angle(a1.y) 20.*log10(abs(a1.y)) angle(a1.y) 20.*log10(abs(a1.y)) angle(a1.y) 20.*log10(abs(a1.y))];
+      save(filename5, 'export5', '-ASCII', '-DOUBLE', '-TABS');
+      out1 = ao(filename1, plist('complex_type', 'real/imag'));
+      out2 = ao(filename2, plist('complex_type', 'abs/deg'));
+      out3 = ao(filename3, plist('complex_type', 'abs/rad'));
+      out4 = ao(filename4, plist('complex_type', 'dB/deg'));
+      out5 = ao(filename5, plist('complex_type', 'dB/rad', 'columns', [1 7 4]));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the read data are correct
+    % 3) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as in 'out1..5'
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out4.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out5.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that output contains the correct values
+      % 'out1' -> f, real, imag
+      if ~isequal(out1.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out1.y - a1.y) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      % 'out2' -> f, abs, deg
+      if ~isequal(out2.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out2.y - a1.y) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      % 'out3' -> f, abs, rad
+      if ~isequal(out3.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out3.y - a1.y) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      % 'out4' -> f, dB, deg
+      if ~isequal(out4.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out4.y - a1.y) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      % 'out5' -> f, dB, rad
+      if ~isequal(out5.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out5.y - a1.y) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout5, out5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1);
+      delete(filename2);
+      delete(filename3);
+      delete(filename4);
+      delete(filename5);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the vals constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3 4 5; 1 2 3 4 5];
+      out  = ao(vals);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(fcn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fcn = 'complex(randn(100,1), randn(100,1))';
+      out = ao(plist('fcn', fcn));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values of the AO
+      if isreal(, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(vals) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3 4 5; 6 7 8 9 0];
+      out  = ao(plist('vals', vals));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values of the AO
+      if ~eq(, vals), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(x/y-vals) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      xvals = 0:99;
+      yvals = randn(100,1);
+      out  = ao(plist('xvals', xvals, 'yvals', yvals));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values of the AO
+      if ~eq(, xvals'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(, yvals),  atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(tsfcn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      tsfcn = 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))';
+      out  = ao(plist('tsfcn', tsfcn, 'nsecs', 10, 'fs', 12.3));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(fsfcn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fsfcn1 = '1e-15.*(1e-3./f.^2 + 1e-10./f.^4)';
+      fsfcn2 = '1./f.^2';
+      out1 = ao(plist('fsfcn', fsfcn1, 'nf', 100));
+      out2 = ao(plist('fsfcn', fsfcn2, 'nf', 100, 'scale', 'lin'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out1' and 'out2'
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(win) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    msg = '';
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      win  = specwin('Hamming', 10);
+      out1  = ao(plist('win', win));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      out2  = ao(plist('win', 'Kaiser', 'length', 53, 'psll', 75));
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      msg = err.message;
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to 'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; msg = 'last history step is not an ao constructor'; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; msg = 'last history step is not an ao constructor'; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~isequal(',, atest = false; msg = 'Window values are different when rebuilt'; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; msg = '1st rebuilt object is different'; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; msg = '2nd rebuilt object is different'; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(waveform) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 10;
+      % Sine wave
+      pl_sin = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'waveform', 'sine wave' , 'phi', 30, 'f', 1.23);
+      % Noise normal
+      pl_noise_norm = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'waveform', 'noise' , 'type', 'Normal');
+      % Noise uniform
+      pl_noise_uni = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'waveform', 'noise' , 'type', 'Uniform');
+      % Chirp
+      pl_chirp = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'waveform', 'chirp' , 'f0', 1, 'f1', 50, 't1', 100);
+      % Gaussian pulse
+      pl_gauss = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'waveform', 'Gaussian pulse' , 'f0', 10, 'bw', 100);
+      % Square wave
+      pl_square = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'waveform', 'Square wave' , 'f', 1, 'duty', 50);
+      % Sawtooth
+      pl_saw = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'waveform', 'Sawtooth' , 'width', 0.5, 'f', 1);
+      out_sin    = ao(pl_sin);
+      out_nn     = ao(pl_noise_norm);
+      out_nu     = ao(pl_noise_uni);
+      out_chirp  = ao(pl_chirp);
+      out_gauss  = ao(pl_gauss);
+      out_square = ao(pl_square);
+      out_saw    = ao(pl_saw);
+      mout_sin    = rebuild(out_sin);
+      mout_nn     = rebuild(out_nn);
+      mout_nu     = rebuild(out_nu);
+      mout_chirp  = rebuild(out_chirp);
+      mout_gauss  = rebuild(out_gauss);
+      mout_square = rebuild(out_square);
+      mout_saw    = rebuild(out_saw);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out_...'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out_sin.hist.methodInfo.mname,    'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_nn.hist.methodInfo.mname,     'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_nu.hist.methodInfo.mname,     'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_chirp.hist.methodInfo.mname,  'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_gauss.hist.methodInfo.mname,  'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_square.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_saw.hist.methodInfo.mname,    'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout_sin, out_sin,       ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout_nn, out_nn,         ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout_nu, out_nu,         ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout_chirp, out_chirp,   ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout_gauss, out_gauss,   ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout_square, out_square, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout_saw, out_saw,       ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_23
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(polynomial) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_23
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs    = 10;
+      Nsecs = 20;
+      coeffs = ao([2 0 1]);
+      out1  = ao(plist('polyval', coeffs, 'fs', fs, 'Nsecs', Nsecs));
+      out2  = ao(plist('polyval', coeffs.y, 'fs', fs, 'Nsecs', Nsecs));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      t = [0 : 1/fs : Nsecs-1/fs].';
+      y = polyval(coeffs.y,t);
+      if ~isequal(, y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, t), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, t), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_23
+  %% UTP_25
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the plist(specwin) constructor.
+  % Tests that the ao method properly uses the specwin values.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_25
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = true;
+    atest = true;
+    msg = '';
+    % Test Kaiser window
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      win  = specwin('kaiser', randi(1000, 1), 10);
+      out  = ao(win);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      msg = err.message;
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the object contains the same data as the window.
+    % 3) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), msg = 'last history step is not the ao constructor'; atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~isequal(',, msg = 'window values are different in the resulting ao'; atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), msg = ['the rebuilt object is not the same as the original: ' lastwarn]; atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+    % Test standard windows
+    for kk = 1:numel(win_list)-2
+      try
+        % <SyntaxCode>
+        win  = specwin(win_list{kk}, randi(1000, 1));
+        out  = ao(win);
+        mout = rebuild(out);
+        % </SyntaxCode>
+      catch err
+        disp(err.message)
+        msg = err.message;
+        stest = false;
+      end
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      %
+      % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+      %    'ao'.
+      % 2) Check that the object contains the same data as the window.
+      % 3) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+      %
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      if stest
+        % <AlgoCode>
+        % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+        if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), msg = 'last history step is not the ao constructor'; atest = false; end
+        % Check data values
+        if ~isequal(',, msg = 'window values are different in the resulting ao'; atest = false; end
+        % Check the rebuilt object
+        if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), msg = ['the rebuilt object is not the same as the original: ' lastwarn]; atest = false; end
+        % </AlgoCode>
+      else
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+  end % END UTP_25
+  %% UTP_26
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the data-object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_26
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      y = randn(100,1);
+      m = randn(3,2);
+      out1 = ao(cdata(m));
+      out2 = ao(fsdata(y));
+      out3 = ao(tsdata(y));
+      out4 = ao(xydata(y));
+      out5 = ao(xyzdata);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out4.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out5.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'fsdata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'tsdata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'xydata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'xyzdata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(, m), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(, y), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(, y), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(, y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_26
+  %% UTP_28
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the x-vector, y-vector constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_28
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x = 0:99;
+      y = randn(100,1);
+      out  = ao(x, y);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(, x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(, y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_28
+  %% UTP_29
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the filename +
+  % plist constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_29
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      %---- Make test file
+      fs    = 10;
+      Nsecs = 10;
+      t     = linspace(0, Nsecs-1/fs, Nsecs*fs);
+      x1    = randn(1,Nsecs*fs) + 2*sin(2*pi*45.*t);
+      x2    = randn(1,Nsecs*fs) + 2*sin(2*pi*45.*t);
+      %---- Save data as ascii file
+      filename = 'data.txt';
+      fd = fopen(filename, 'w+');
+      % write header
+      fprintf(fd, '// A comment that should be read appropriately.\n');
+      fprintf(fd, '// \n');
+      fprintf(fd, '// M Hewitson\n');
+      % write data
+      for j=1:length(t)
+        fprintf(fd, '%.17g\t%.17g\t%.17g\n', t(j), x1(j), x2(j));
+      end
+      % close file
+      fclose(fd);
+      desc   = 'ao from filename';
+      xunits = 's';
+      yunits = 'V';
+      pl = plist(...
+        'description', desc,...
+        'type', 'tsdata', ...
+        'xunits', xunits, ...
+        'yunits', yunits, ...
+        'columns', [1 2 1 3], ...
+        'comment_char', '//');
+      out  = ao(filename, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~isa(out(1).data, 'tsdata'),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out(2).data, 'tsdata'),  atest = false; end
+      if  any(abs(out(1).data.getX - t.') > TOL),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(1).data.getY, x1.'), atest = false; end
+      if  any(abs(out(2).data.getX - t.') > TOL),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).data.getY, x2.'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_29
+  %% UTP_30
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the filename +
+  % plist constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_30
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      %---- Make test file
+      fs    = 10;
+      Nsecs = 10;
+      t     = linspace(0, Nsecs-1/fs, Nsecs*fs);
+      x1    = .1*randn(1,Nsecs*fs) + 2*sin(2*pi*45.*t) + randn(1,Nsecs*fs)*1i;
+      x2    = .1*randn(1,Nsecs*fs) + 2*sin(2*pi*45.*t) + randn(1,Nsecs*fs)*1i;
+      %---- Save data as ascii file
+      filename = 'complex.txt';
+      fd = fopen(filename, 'w+');
+      % write header
+      fprintf(fd, '// A comment that should be read appropriately.\n');
+      fprintf(fd, '// \n');
+      fprintf(fd, '// M Hewitson\n');
+      % write data
+      for j=1:length(t)
+        %---- Save: f, abs, rad, abs, rad
+        fprintf(fd, '%.17g\t%.17g\t%.17g\t%.17g\t%.17g\n', t(j), abs(x1(j)), angle(x1(j)), abs(x2(j)), angle(x2(j)));
+      end
+      % close file
+      fclose(fd);
+      desc   = 'ao from complex data';
+      xunits = 'Hz';
+      yunits = 'V';
+      pl = plist(...
+        'complex_type', 'abs/rad', ...
+        'columns', [1 2 3 1 4 5], ...
+        'type', 'xydata', ...
+        'description', desc,...
+        'xunits', xunits, ...
+        'yunits', yunits, ...
+        'comment_char', '//');
+      out  = ao(filename, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check the read data
+    % 3) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~isa(out(1).data, 'xydata'),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out(2).data, 'xydata'),  atest = false; end
+      % 'out(1)' -> f, abs, rad
+      if ~isequal(out(1).x, t.'), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out(1).y - x1.') > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(1).yunits, unit(yunits)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(1).xunits, unit(xunits)), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).description, desc), atest = false; end
+      % 'out(2)' -> f, abs, rad
+      if ~isequal(out(2).x, t.'), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out(2).y - x2.') > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).yunits, unit(yunits)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).xunits, unit(xunits)), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).description, desc), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_30
+  %% UTP_31
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao method properly applies history to the filename + plist constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_31
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs    = 10;
+      Nsecs = 10;
+      t0    = time('2008-02-15 14:00:00');
+      col   = [2 3];
+      x1    = randn(1,Nsecs*fs);
+      x2    = randn(1,Nsecs*fs);
+      x3    = randn(1,Nsecs*fs);
+      %---- Save data as ascii file
+      filename = 'data.txt';
+      fd = fopen(filename, 'w+');
+      % write header
+      fprintf(fd, '%% A comment that should be read appropriately.\n');
+      fprintf(fd, '%% \n');
+      fprintf(fd, '%% M Hewitson\n');
+      % write data
+      for j=1:length(x1)
+        fprintf(fd, '%.17g\t%.17g\t%.17g\n', x1(j), x2(j), x3(j));
+      end
+      % close file
+      fclose(fd);
+      % Build plist
+      desc   = 'ao from filename';
+      xunits = 's';
+      yunits = {'V', 'V^2'};
+      pl = plist(...
+        'description', desc,...
+        'type', 'tsdata', ...
+        'xunits', xunits, ...
+        'yunits', yunits, ...
+        'columns', col, ...
+        'fs', fs, ...
+        't0', {t0, t0+20}, ...
+        'comment_char', '%');
+      out  = ao(filename, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ao'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~isa(out(1).data, 'tsdata'),             atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out(2).data, 'tsdata'),             atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(1).data.getY, x2.'),        atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).data.getY, x3.'),        atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(unit(xunits),    out(1).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(unit(yunits{1}), out(1).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(unit(xunits),    out(2).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(unit(yunits{2}), out(2).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(1).data.t0, t0, ple1),      atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).data.t0, t0 + 20, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~out(1).data.fs == fs,                   atest = false; end
+      if ~out(2).data.fs == fs,                   atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename)
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_31
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_asin.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+% UTP_AO_ASIN a set of UTPs for the ao/asin method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_asin.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 09:50:21 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The asin method of the ao class computes the inverse sine of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_asin(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'asin';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(asin(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_atan.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+% UTP_AO_ATAN a set of UTPs for the ao/atan method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_atan.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 09:50:21 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The atan method of the ao class computes the inverse tangent of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_atan(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'atan';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(atan(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end  
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_atan2.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+% UTP_AO_ATAN2 a set of UTPs for the ao/atan2 method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_atan2.m,v 1.3 2009/07/20 15:14:11 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The atan2 method of the ao class computes the the four quadrant
+% arctangent of the real parts of the elements of X and Y.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_atan2(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'atan2';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    at1 = ao(1:30, randn(30,1), 1);
+    at2 = ao(1:30, randn(30,1), 1);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Test the modify call works
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the atan2 method works only with two AOs as input..
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the atan2 method works only with two AOs as input..
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = atan2(at1, at2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      if ~isequal(out.y, atan2(at1.y, at2.y)), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the atan2 method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the atan2 method can be processed
+    % back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = atan2(at1,at2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'atan2'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'atan2'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the atan2 method can not be used as a modifier method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the atan2 method can not be used as a modifier method. The
+    % command should fail.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.atan2(at2);
+      amodi.atan2(at2);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_average.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+% UTP_AO_AVERAGE a set of UTPs for the ao/average method
+% M Hueller 24-02-1
+% $Id: utp_ao_average.m,v 1.2 2011/04/17 15:46:21 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The average method of the ao class averages aos point-by-point
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_average(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'average';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Set the same y-units for the test AOs
+    at1.setYunits('uHz');
+    at2.setYunits('uHz');
+    at3.setYunits('uHz');
+    at4.setYunits('uHz');
+    at5.setYunits('uHz');
+    at6.setYunits('uHz');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, at5, ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call does not work
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test with single input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the average method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the average method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      u = unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]);
+      % tsdata: settings
+      fs = 3;
+      ts_pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10, 'yunits', u);
+      ts_a1 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a2 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a3 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a1.setT0('14:00:00');
+      ts_a2.setT0('14:00:05');
+      ts_a3.setT0('14:00:10');
+      % tsdata: call the method with a vector of inputs
+      ts_out = average([ts_a1, ts_a2, ts_a3]);
+      % fsdata: settings
+      fs_pl = plist('fsfcn', '1./f.^2', 'scale', 'lin', 'nf', 100, 'yunits', u);
+      fs_a1 = ao(fs_pl);
+      fs_a2 = 2*ao(fs_pl);
+      % tsdata: call the method with a vector of inputs
+      fs_out = average([fs_a1, fs_a2]);
+      % xydata: settings
+      xy_pl = plist('X', [1:50,52:2:100,110:10:1000], 'xyfcn', 'log(x)', 'yunits', u);
+      xy_a1 = ao(xy_pl);
+      xy_a2 = ao(xy_pl.pset('xyfcn', 'log10(x)'));
+      xy_a3 = ao(xy_pl.pset('xyfcn', 'exp(-x)'));
+      % xydata: call the method with a vector of inputs
+      xy_out = average([xy_a1, xy_a2, xy_a3]);
+      % cdata: settings
+      c_pl = plist('yunits', u);
+      c_a1 = ao([1 2 3], c_pl);
+      c_a2 = ao([4 3 2], c_pl);
+      c_a3 = ao([7 4 9], c_pl);
+      c_a4 = ao([-4 -1 2], c_pl);
+      % cdata: call the method with a vector of inputs
+      c_out = average([c_a1, c_a2, c_a3, c_a4]);
+      % Rebuild the objects
+      ts_mout = rebuild(ts_out);
+      fs_mout = rebuild(fs_out);
+      xy_mout = rebuild(xy_out);
+      c_mout  = rebuild(c_out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the outputs have exactly one AO
+    % 2) Check that the outputs have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the rebuilt objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exactly one AO
+      if numel(ts_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(fs_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(xy_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(c_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(ts_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(fs_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(xy_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(c_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: x
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.x, ts_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.x, fs_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.x, xy_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: t0
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.t0, ts_a1.t0), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: y
+      ts_data_in = [ts_a1.y ts_a2.y ts_a3.y];
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.y, mean(ts_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      fs_data_in = [fs_a1.y fs_a2.y];
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.y, mean(fs_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      xy_data_in = [xy_a1.y xy_a2.y xy_a3.y];
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.y, mean(xy_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      c_data_in = [c_a1.y c_a2.y c_a3.y c_a4.y];
+      if ~isequal(c_out.y, mean(c_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: dy
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.dy, std(ts_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.dy, std(fs_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.dy, std(xy_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.dy, std(c_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(4)), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: xunits
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.xunits, ts_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.xunits, fs_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.xunits, xy_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: yunits
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.yunits, ts_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.yunits, fs_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.yunits, xy_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.yunits, c_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(ts_out, ts_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(fs_out, fs_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(xy_out, xy_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(c_out, c_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the average method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the average method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      u = unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]);
+      % tsdata: settings
+      fs = 3;
+      ts_pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10, 'yunits', u);
+      ts_a1 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a2 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a3 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a1.setT0('14:00:00');
+      ts_a2.setT0('14:00:05');
+      ts_a3.setT0('14:00:10');
+      % tsdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      ts_out = average([ts_a1, ts_a2, ts_a3; ts_a1, ts_a2, ts_a3]);
+      % tsdata: settings
+      fs_pl = plist('fsfcn', '1./f.^2', 'scale', 'lin', 'nf', 100, 'yunits', u);
+      fs_a1 = ao(fs_pl);
+      fs_a2 = 2*ao(fs_pl);
+      % fsdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      fs_out = average([fs_a1, fs_a2; fs_a1, fs_a2]);
+      % xydata: settings
+      xy_pl = plist('X', [1:50,52:2:100,110:10:1000], 'xyfcn', 'log(x)', 'yunits', u);
+      xy_a1 = ao(xy_pl);
+      xy_a2 = ao(xy_pl.pset('xyfcn', 'log10(x)'));
+      xy_a3 = ao(xy_pl.pset('xyfcn', 'exp(-x)'));
+      % xydata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      xy_out = average([xy_a1, xy_a2, xy_a3; xy_a1, xy_a2, xy_a3]);
+      % cdata: settings
+      c_pl = plist('yunits', u);
+      c_a1 = ao([1 2 3], c_pl);
+      c_a2 = ao([4 3 2], c_pl);
+      c_a3 = ao([7 4 9], c_pl);
+      c_a4 = ao([-4 -1 2], c_pl);
+      % cdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      c_out = average([c_a1, c_a2, c_a3, c_a4; c_a1, c_a2, c_a3, c_a4]);
+      % Rebuild the objects
+      ts_mout = rebuild(ts_out);
+      fs_mout = rebuild(fs_out);
+      xy_mout = rebuild(xy_out);
+      c_mout  = rebuild(c_out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the outputs have exactly one AO
+    % 2) Check that the outputs have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the rebuilt objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-15;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exactly one AO
+      if numel(ts_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(fs_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(xy_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(c_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(ts_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(fs_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(xy_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(c_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: x
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.x, ts_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.x, fs_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.x, xy_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: t0
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.t0, ts_a1.t0), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: y
+      ts_data_in = [ts_a1.y ts_a2.y ts_a3.y ts_a1.y ts_a2.y ts_a3.y];
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.y, mean(ts_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      fs_data_in = [fs_a1.y fs_a2.y fs_a1.y fs_a2.y];
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.y, mean(fs_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      xy_data_in = [xy_a1.y xy_a2.y xy_a3.y xy_a1.y xy_a2.y xy_a3.y];
+      if any(abs(xy_out.y -  mean(xy_data_in, 2)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      c_data_in = [c_a1.y c_a2.y c_a3.y c_a4.y c_a1.y c_a2.y c_a3.y c_a4.y];
+      if ~isequal(c_out.y, mean(c_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: dy
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.dy, std(ts_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(6)), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(fs_out.dy - std(fs_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(4)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(xy_out.dy - std(xy_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(6)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.dy, std(c_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(8)), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: xunits
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.xunits, ts_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.xunits, fs_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.xunits, xy_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: yunits
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.yunits, ts_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.yunits, fs_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.yunits, xy_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.yunits, c_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(ts_out, ts_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(fs_out, fs_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(xy_out, xy_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(c_out, c_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the average method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the average method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      u = unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]);
+      % tsdata: settings
+      fs = 3;
+      ts_pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10, 'yunits', u);
+      ts_a1 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a2 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a3 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a1.setT0('14:00:00');
+      ts_a2.setT0('14:00:05');
+      ts_a3.setT0('14:00:10');
+      % tsdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      ts_out = average(ts_a1, ts_a2, ts_a3);
+      % fsdata: settings
+      fs_pl = plist('fsfcn', '1./f.^2', 'scale', 'lin', 'nf', 100, 'yunits', u);
+      fs_a1 = ao(fs_pl);
+      fs_a2 = 2*ao(fs_pl);
+      % fsdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      fs_out = average(fs_a1, fs_a2);
+      % xydata: settings
+      xy_pl = plist('X', [1:50,52:2:100,110:10:1000], 'xyfcn', 'log(x)', 'yunits', u);
+      xy_a1 = ao(xy_pl);
+      xy_a2 = ao(xy_pl.pset('xyfcn', 'log10(x)'));
+      xy_a3 = ao(xy_pl.pset('xyfcn', 'exp(-x)'));
+      % xydata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      xy_out = average(xy_a1, xy_a2, xy_a3);
+      % cdata: settings
+      c_pl = plist('yunits', u);
+      c_a1 = ao([1 2 3], c_pl);
+      c_a2 = ao([4 3 2], c_pl);
+      c_a3 = ao([7 4 9], c_pl);
+      c_a4 = ao([-4 -1 2], c_pl);
+      % cdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      c_out = average(c_a1, c_a2, c_a3, c_a4);
+      % Rebuild the objects
+      ts_mout = rebuild(ts_out);
+      fs_mout = rebuild(fs_out);
+      xy_mout = rebuild(xy_out);
+      c_mout  = rebuild(c_out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the outputs have exactly one AO
+    % 2) Check that the outputs have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the rebuilt objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exactly one AO
+      if numel(ts_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(fs_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(xy_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(c_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(ts_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(fs_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(xy_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(c_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: x
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.x, ts_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.x, fs_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.x, xy_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: t0
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.t0, ts_a1.t0), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: y
+      ts_data_in = [ts_a1.y ts_a2.y ts_a3.y];
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.y, mean(ts_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      fs_data_in = [fs_a1.y fs_a2.y];
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.y, mean(fs_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      xy_data_in = [xy_a1.y xy_a2.y xy_a3.y];
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.y, mean(xy_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      c_data_in = [c_a1.y c_a2.y c_a3.y c_a4.y];
+      if ~isequal(c_out.y, mean(c_data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: dy
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.dy, std(ts_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.dy, std(fs_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.dy, std(xy_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.dy, std(c_data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(4)), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: xunits
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.xunits, ts_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.xunits, fs_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.xunits, xy_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: yunits
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.yunits, ts_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.yunits, fs_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.yunits, xy_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.yunits, c_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(ts_out, ts_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(fs_out, fs_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(xy_out, xy_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(c_out, c_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the average method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the average method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = .3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 300, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', .1);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a3 = ao(pl);
+      a4 = ao(pl);
+      a5 = ao(pl);
+      a6 = ao(pl);
+      a1.setT0('14:00:20');
+      a2.setT0('14:01:40');
+      a3.setT0('14:02:00');
+      a4.setT0('14:00:00');
+      a5.setT0('14:01:20');
+      a6.setT0('14:00:40');
+      out = average(a1, [a2, a3; a4, a5], [a6;a1]);
+      % Rebuild the object
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, reshape([a2, a3; a4, a5], 1, []), a6, a1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exact one AO
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: x
+      if ~isequal(out.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: t0
+      if ~isequal(out.t0, a1.t0), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: y
+      data_in = [aoin(:).y];
+      if ~isequal(out.y, mean(data_in, 2)), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: dy
+      if ~isequal(out.dy, std(data_in, 0, 2)/sqrt(7)), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: xunits
+      if ~isequal(out.xunits, a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: yunits
+      if ~isequal(out.yunits, a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the average method cannot modify the input AO.
+  % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the average method cannot modify the input AO by calling with
+    % no output
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % prepare one ao to work with
+      fs = 3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      % modify a1
+      a1.average(a2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the average method keeps the data shape of the input
+    % object. The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with
+    % column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = a2.';
+      a1.setT0('14:00:05');
+      a2.setT0('14:00:00');
+      out1 = average(a1, a2);
+      out2 = average(a2, a1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data: y values
+      if ~=', atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data: y uncertanties
+      if ~=', atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the average method works with a single AO as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the average method works with a single AO as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      u = unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]);
+      % tsdata: settings
+      fs = 3;
+      ts_pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10, 'yunits', u);
+      ts_a1 = ao(ts_pl);
+      ts_a1.setT0('14:00:00');
+      % tsdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      ts_out = average(ts_a1);
+      % fsdata: settings
+      fs_pl = plist('fsfcn', '1./f.^2', 'scale', 'lin', 'nf', 100, 'yunits', u);
+      fs_a1 = ao(fs_pl);
+      % fsdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      fs_out = average(fs_a1);
+      % xydata: settings
+      xy_pl = plist('X', [1:50,52:2:100,110:10:1000], 'xyfcn', 'log(x)', 'yunits', u);
+      xy_a1 = ao(xy_pl);
+      % xydata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      xy_out = average(xy_a1);
+      % cdata: settings
+      c_pl = plist('yunits', u);
+      c_a1 = ao([1 2 3], c_pl);
+      % cdata: call the method with a list of inputs
+      c_out = average(c_a1);
+      % Rebuild the objects
+      ts_mout = rebuild(ts_out);
+      fs_mout = rebuild(fs_out);
+      xy_mout = rebuild(xy_out);
+      c_mout  = rebuild(c_out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the outputs have exactly one AO
+    % 2) Check that the outputs have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the rebuilt objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exactly one AO
+      if numel(ts_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(fs_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(xy_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(c_out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(ts_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(fs_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(xy_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(c_out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: x
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.x, ts_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.x, fs_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.x, xy_a1.x), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: t0
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.t0, ts_a1.t0), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: y
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.y, ts_a1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.y, fs_a1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.y, xy_a1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.y, c_a1.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: dy
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.dy, ts_a1.dy), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.dy, fs_a1.dy), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.dy, xy_a1.dy), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.dy, c_a1.dy), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: xunits
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.xunits, ts_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.xunits, fs_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.xunits, xy_a1.xunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data: yunits
+      if ~isequal(ts_out.yunits, ts_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(fs_out.yunits, fs_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xy_out.yunits, xy_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(c_out.yunits, c_a1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(ts_out, ts_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(fs_out, fs_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(xy_out, xy_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(c_out, c_mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_bin_data.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+% UTP_AO_BIN_DATA a set of UTPs for the ao/bin_data method
+% M Hueller 06-08-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_bin_data.m,v 1.9 2011/05/10 16:48:35 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bin_data method of the ao class rebins aos data, on
+% logarithmic scale, linear scale, or arbitrarly chosen
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_bin_data(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'bin_data';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Prepare once some test data
+    [a, S_lin,S_log] = prepare_test_data;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, plist('neval',true), ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling & parameter support
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test units handling & parameter support
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test units handling & parameter support
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test vector with bins support
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test ao with bins support
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('xscale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('resolution'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('xvals'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('range'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('inherit_dy'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'MEAN'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('xscale'), 'LOG'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('resolution'), 10), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('xvals'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('weights'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('range'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('inherit_dy'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'MEAN', 'MEDIAN', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'RMS', 'WMEAN'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('xscale'), {'LOG', 'LIN'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('resolution'), {10}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('xvals'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('range'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('inherit_dy'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) rebinning of the PSD data
+  % 2) rebinning of the LPSD data
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Rebinning the data
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Rebin the data
+      % Use resolution and x
+      resolution = utils.math.randelement([1 2 5 10],1);
+      bin_scale = utils.math.randelement({'LOG','LOG'},1);
+      bin_scale = bin_scale{:};
+      pl_bin = plist(...
+        'resolution', resolution, ...
+        'x_scale', bin_scale);
+      b_lin = S_lin.bin_data(pl_bin);
+      b_log = S_log.bin_data(pl_bin);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (rebinned PSD yunits) equals (input PSD yunits)
+    % 2) Check that (rebinned PSD xunits) equals (input PSD xunits)
+    % 3) Check that (rebinned LPSD yunits) equals (input LPSD yunits)
+    % 4) Check that (rebinned LPSD xunits) equals (input LPSD xunits)
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S_lin.yunits, b_lin.yunits) || ne(S_lin.xunits, b_lin.xunits)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      if ne(S_log.yunits, b_log.yunits) || ne(S_log.xunits, b_log.xunits)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) rebinning of the PSD data
+  % 2) rebinning of the LPSD data
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Rebinning the data
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Rebin the data
+      % Use resolution and x
+      resolution = utils.math.randelement([1 2 5 10],1);      
+      pl_bin = plist(...
+        'resolution', resolution);
+      b_lin = S_lin.bin_data(pl_bin);
+      b_log = S_log.bin_data(pl_bin);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (rebinned PSD yunits) equals (input PSD yunits)
+    % 2) Check that (rebinned PSD xunits) equals (input PSD xunits)
+    % 3) Check that (rebinned LPSD yunits) equals (input LPSD yunits)
+    % 4) Check that (rebinned LPSD xunits) equals (input LPSD xunits)
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S_lin.yunits, b_lin.yunits) || ne(S_lin.xunits, b_lin.xunits)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      if ne(S_log.yunits, b_log.yunits) || ne(S_log.xunits, b_log.xunits)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) rebinning of the PSD data
+  % 2) rebinning of the LPSD data
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Rebinning the data
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Rebin the data
+      % Use resolution and x      
+      bin_scale = utils.math.randelement({'LOG','LOG'},1);
+      bin_scale = bin_scale{:};
+      pl_bin = plist(...        
+        'x_scale', bin_scale);
+      b_lin = S_lin.bin_data(pl_bin);
+      b_log = S_log.bin_data(pl_bin);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (rebinned PSD yunits) equals (input PSD yunits)
+    % 2) Check that (rebinned PSD xunits) equals (input PSD xunits)
+    % 3) Check that (rebinned LPSD yunits) equals (input LPSD yunits)
+    % 4) Check that (rebinned LPSD xunits) equals (input LPSD xunits)
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S_lin.yunits, b_lin.yunits) || ne(S_lin.xunits, b_lin.xunits)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      if ne(S_log.yunits, b_log.yunits) || ne(S_log.xunits, b_log.xunits)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) rebinning of the PSD data
+  % 2) rebinning of the LPSD data  
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Rebinning the data
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Rebin the data
+      % Use vector of x values      
+      n_bins = 25;
+      x_vals_lin = linspace(min(S_lin.x), max(S_lin.x), n_bins);
+      x_vals_log = logspace(min(S_lin.x), max(S_lin.x), n_bins);      
+      pl_bin_lin = plist(...        
+        'x_vals', x_vals_lin);
+      pl_bin_log = plist(...        
+        'x_vals', x_vals_log);
+      b_lin_lin = S_lin.bin_data(pl_bin_lin);
+      b_log_lin = S_log.bin_data(pl_bin_lin);
+      b_lin_log = S_lin.bin_data(pl_bin_log);
+      b_log_log = S_log.bin_data(pl_bin_log);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) rebinning of the PSD data
+  % 2) rebinning of the LPSD data
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Rebinning the data
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Rebin the data
+      % Use vector of x values      
+      n_bins = 25;
+      x_vals_lin = ao(linspace(min(S_lin.x), max(S_lin.x), n_bins), randn(n_bins,1), ...
+        plist('type', 'xydata', 'xunits', S_lin.xunits));
+      x_vals_log = ao(logspace(min(S_lin.x), max(S_lin.x), n_bins), randn(n_bins,1), ...
+        plist('type', 'xydata', 'xunits', S_lin.xunits));   
+      pl_bin_lin = plist(...        
+        'x_vals', x_vals_lin);
+      pl_bin_log = plist(...        
+        'x_vals', x_vals_log);
+      b_lin_lin = S_lin.bin_data(pl_bin_lin);
+      b_log_lin = S_log.bin_data(pl_bin_lin);
+      b_lin_log = S_lin.bin_data(pl_bin_log);
+      b_log_log = S_log.bin_data(pl_bin_log);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% Local helper functions
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)
+    atest = true;
+    if numel( < numel(
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    if isa(, 'data2D')
+      if numel( < numel(
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  %% FUnction to prepare test data
+  function [a, S_lin, S_log] = prepare_test_data
+    % Build time-series test data
+    fs = 1;
+    nsecs = 86400;
+    sigma_distr = 4.69e-12;
+    mu_distr = -5.11e-14;
+    % White noise
+    type = 'Normal';
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+    a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+    a = a_n + a_const;
+    % Set units and prefix from those supported
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+    % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+    unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+    prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+    a.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    % Evaluate the PSD and LPSD of the time-series data
+    win = specwin('BH92');
+    olap = win.rov;
+    detrend = 0;
+    n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+    scale = 'PSD';
+    pl_psd = plist('Win', win, 'olap', olap, ...
+      'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'scale', scale);
+    S_lin = a.psd(pl_psd);
+    S_log = a.lpsd(pl_psd);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_bsubmit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+% UTP_AO_BSUBMIT a set of UTPs for the ao/bsubmit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_bsubmit.m,v 1.15 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the ao class submits a collection of objects in
+% binary form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_bsubmit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'bsubmit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    connPl = utpGetConnectionPlist();
+    rm     = LTPDARepositoryManager();
+    conn   = rm.getConnection(connPl);
+    try
+      experiment_title       = 'utp_ao_bsubmit: submit ao';
+      experiment_description = 'utp_ao_bsubmit: description';
+      analysis_description   = '<utp_ao_bsubmit>';
+      quantity               = 'none';
+      keywords               = 'none';
+      reference_ids          = '';
+      additional_comments    = 'none';
+      additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plSinfo = plist(...
+        'experiment_title',       experiment_title, ...
+        'experiment_description', experiment_description, ...
+        'analysis_description',   analysis_description, ...
+        'quantity',               quantity, ...
+        'keywords',               keywords, ...
+        'reference_ids',          reference_ids, ...
+        'additional_comments',    additional_comments, ...
+        'additional_authors',     additional_authors);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the bsubmit method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(atvec, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(atvec, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(atvec, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(atvec, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(atmat, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(atmat, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(atmat))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(atmat, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(atmat))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(atmat, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(atmat))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of AOs as input. Use
+    % for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = smodel('a');
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(at1, pl, iir, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of AOs as input. Use
+    % for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl, atmat, iir, atvec, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(atmat) + numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(atmat) + numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, atmat(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, atmat(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, atmat(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, atmat(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, atmat(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, atmat(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  atvec(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, atvec(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, atvec(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, atmat(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, atmat(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, atmat(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{4}, atmat(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{5}, atmat(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{6}, atmat(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{8},  atvec(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{9}, atvec(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{10}, atvec(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the bsubmit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(at1, at2, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, at2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, at2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_cat.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+% UTP_AO_CAT a set of UTPs for the ao/cat method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_cat.m,v 1.3 2009/08/07 10:05:38 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The cat method of the ao class concatenate AOs into a row vector.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_cat(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'cat';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works not
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The cat method doesn't apply history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The cat method doesn't apply history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The cat method can not be used as a modifer method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The cat method can not be used as a modifer method. In this case
+    % throws the method an error.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out =;
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+% UTP_AO_CHAR a set of UTPs for the ao/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_char.m,v 1.3 2009/07/20 15:14:11 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the ao class converts the objects into one character string
+% which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(atvec)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, atvec(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(atmat)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, atmat(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,at2,at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, aoin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, aoin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_cohere.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2323 @@
+% UTP_AO_COHERE a set of UTPs for the ao/cohere method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_cohere.m,v 1.44 2011/07/22 12:29:58 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The cohere method of the ao class computes the coherence between two
+% time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_cohere(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'cohere';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Get default window from the preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input          (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input          (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input            (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test the basic usage against MATLAB mscohere
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test basic symmetry properties of cohere (C)
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test basic symmetry properties of cohere (MS)
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test basic symmetry properties of cohere (C)
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test basic symmetry properties of cohere (MS)
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test basic relationship (MS) <-> (C)
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling: complex cohere
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test units handling: magnitude-squared cohere
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test data lengths
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test with single window
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test number of averages: requested/obtained
+    results = [results utp_22];    % Test number of averages: correct number
+    results = [results utp_23];    % Test number of averages: syntax
+    results = [results utp_24];    % Test the basic usage against MATLAB mscohere
+    results = [results utp_25];    % Test Kaiser win and olap: (C)
+    results = [results utp_26];    % Test Kaiser win and olap: (MS)
+    results = [results utp_30];    % Special cases: same input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 9, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('nfft'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('navs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('nfft'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('type'), 'C'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('navs'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('nfft'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'C', 'MS'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('navs'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cohere method works with a vector of AOs as input. (only
+  % with two objects in the vector)
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cohere method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5];
+      out  = cohere(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      TOL = 1e-13;
+      % Get shortest vector
+      lmin = min([length(at1.y), length(at5.y), length(at6.y)]);
+      % Set Nfft
+      Nfft = lmin;
+      % Get default window
+      if strcmpi(defaultWinType, 'kaiser')
+        win  = specwin(defaultWinType, Nfft, find(ao.getInfo('cohere').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win  = specwin(defaultWinType, Nfft);
+      end
+      % Compute magnitude squared coherence estimate with MATLAB
+      % out: at1->at5
+      [cxy, f] = mscohere(at1.y(1:lmin), at5.y(1:lmin),, Nfft/2, Nfft, at1.fs);
+      if any(abs(out.y-cxy > TOL)), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out.x-f   > TOL)), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the cohere method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cohere method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at2;at5 at6];
+      out  = cohere(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cohere method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cohere method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = cohere(at1,at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      TOL = 1e-13;
+      % Get shortest vector
+      lmin = min([length(at1.y), length(at5.y)]);
+      % Set Nfft
+      Nfft = lmin;
+      % Get default window
+      if strcmpi(defaultWinType, 'kaiser')
+        win  = specwin(defaultWinType, Nfft, find(ao.getInfo('cohere').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win  = specwin(defaultWinType, Nfft);
+      end
+      % Compute magnitude squared coherence estimate with MATLAB
+      % out: at1->at5
+      [cxy, f] = mscohere(at1.y(1:lmin), at5.y(1:lmin),, Nfft/2, Nfft, at1.fs);
+      if any(abs(out.y-cxy > TOL)), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(out.x-f   > TOL)),   atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the cohere method doesn't work with an input of matrices
+  % and vectors and single AOs.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cohere method doesn't work with an input of matrices
+    % and vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = cohere([at5 at6], [at5 at1; at6 at1], at6);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cohere method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the cohere method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = cohere(at5,at6);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'cohere'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'cohere'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cohere method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cohere method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      ain.cohere(at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cohere method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = cohere(at5, at6);
+      out2 = cohere(at6, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the cohere method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This test is not longer necessary because the cohere method pass back
+    % always only one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cohere method agrees with MATLAB's mscohere when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying cohere works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 1000;
+      pl = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl); a2 = ao(pl);
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [50 250]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % make some cross-power
+      a4 = a1f+a2; a4.setName;
+      % Compute coherence
+      Nfft = 2*fs;
+      win  = specwin('Hanning', Nfft);
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win.type, 'order', -1, 'type', 'MS');
+      out = cohere(a4,a1,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's mscohere.
+    % 2) Check that the shape of the output data is equal to the input data
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute coherence using MATLAB's cohere
+      [cxy, f] = mscohere(a4.y, a1.y,, Nfft/2, Nfft, a1.fs);
+      if ne(cxy(:), out.y), atest = false; end
+      if ne(f,      out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the data shape
+      if size(a4.y,1) == 1
+        if size(out.y,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      else
+        if size(out.y,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) complex coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compare C(x,y) with conj(C(y,x))
+  % 5) compare C(x,x) and C(y,y) with 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) complex coherence of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n1 + a_const + a_wave;
+      a_2 = a_n2 + a_wave;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C12 = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C21 = cohere(a_2, a_1, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C21_cc = conj(C21);
+      C11 = cohere(a_1, a_1, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C22 = cohere(a_2, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that C(x,y) equals conj(C(y,x))
+    % 2) Check that C(x,x) equals 1
+    % 2) Check that C(y,y) equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(,, 'dy') || ...
+          ~isequal(C11.y, ones(size(C11.y))) || ...
+          ~isequal(C22.y, ones(size(C22.y)))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) magnitude-squared coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compare C(x,y) with C(y,x)
+  % 5) compare C(x,x) and C(y,y) with 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) magnitude-squared coherence of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n1 + a_const + a_wave;
+      a_2 = a_n2 + a_wave;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the magnitude-squared coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'MS';
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C12 = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C21 = cohere(a_2, a_1, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C11 = cohere(a_1, a_1, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C22 = cohere(a_2, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that C(x,y) equals C(y,x)
+    % 1) Check that C(x,x) equals 1
+    % 1) Check that C(y,y) equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ~isequal(, || ...
+          ~isequal(C11.y, ones(size(C11.y))) ...
+          || ~isequal(C22.y, ones(size(C22.y)))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      if atest == false
+        fs
+        nsecs
+        sigma_distr
+        mu_distr
+        f
+        A
+        phi
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) complex coherence of the combination of white noise series
+  % 4) compare C(x,y) with 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) complex coherence of the combination of noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      % Sinusoidal signal
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n + a_wave;
+      % Linear combination (totally correlated time series)
+      a_2 = a_1 + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the complex coherence equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if any(abs((C.y - 1)) > TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) magnitude-squared coherence of the combination of white noise series
+  % 4) compare C(x,y) with 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) magnitude-squared coherence of the combination of noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      % Sinusoidal signal
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n + a_wave;
+      % Linear combination (totally correlated time series)
+      a_2 = a_1 + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'MS';
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the magnitude-squared coherence equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(C.y, ones(size(C.y)))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) magnitude-squared coherence M of the combination of white noise series
+  % 4) complex coherence C of the combination of white noise series
+  % 5) compare abs(C)^2 with M
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) magnitude-squared coherence of the combination of noise
+    % 6) complex coherence of the combination of noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      % Sinusoidal signal
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n + a_wave;
+      % Linear combination (totally correlated time series)
+      a_2 = a_1 + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      M = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', 'MS'));
+      C = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', 'C'));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the magnitude-squared coherence equals the square
+    % modulus of the complex coherence
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      if any(abs(M.y - abs(C.y).^2) > TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) complex coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) complex cohere of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the coherence of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (complex coherence yunits) equals [1]
+    % 2) Check that (complex coherence xunits) equals [Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(C.yunits, unit('')) || ~eq(C.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) magnitude-squared coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) magnitude-squared cohere of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the coherence of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'MS';
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend,'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (magnitude-squared coherence yunits) equals [1]
+    % 2) Check that (magnitude-squared coherence xunits) equals [Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(C.yunits, unit('')) || ~eq(C.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that differently sized data sets are treated properly
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying cohere works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = [10000:1:20000];
+      fs    = 1;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      a2 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      len_1 = a1.len;
+      len_2 = a2.len;
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [.050 .25]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % Compute cohere
+      Nfft = -1;
+      win  = 'Hanning';
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win, 'order', -1);
+      out = cohere(a2,a1f,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that cohere used the length of the shortest ao.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compare the nfft with the length of the input data
+      if out.x(2) ~= 1/min(len_1,len_2)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that applying a single window the coherence is 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying cohere works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = [10000:100:20000];
+      fs    = 1;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      a2 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [.050 .25]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % Compute cohere
+      Nfft = -1;
+      win  = 'Hanning';
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win, 'order', -1);
+      out_c = cohere(a2, a1f, pl.pset('type', 'C'));
+      out_ms = cohere(a2, a1f, pl.pset('type', 'MS'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the calculated cohere is 1
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compare the calculated cohere with 1
+      if any(abs(abs(out_c.y) - 1) > TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      if any(abs(abs(out_ms.y) - 1) > TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+  %   averages
+  % 3) check the effective number of averages
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+    %   averages
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [2000:1000:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Constant signal
+      a_c = ao(trend_0);
+      % Total signals
+      a1 = a_n1 + a_c;
+      a2 = a_n2 + a_c;
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the white noise time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      switch win_type
+        case 'Kaiser'
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+        otherwise
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      navs = utils.math.randelement([1:100],1);
+      % Evaluates the coherence asking for the number of averages
+      C = cohere(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type, 'navs', navs));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated navs are identical to those requested
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the navs written in the output object with the requested one
+      if ne(navs,
+        if ne(find(C.hist.plistUsed, 'navs'),
+          atest = false;
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_22
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+  % 3) get the number of averages
+  % 4) get the nfft used
+  % 5) run cohere again, with the nfft used
+  % 6) compare the calculated objects
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_22
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+    %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+    % 2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+    % 3) get the number of averages
+    % 4) get the nfft used
+    % 5) run cohere again, with the nfft used
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [20 100 1000:1000:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Uniform';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Constant signal
+      a_c = ao(trend_0);
+      % Total signals
+      a1 = a_n1 + a_c;
+      a2 = a_n2 + a_c;
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the white noise time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      switch win_type
+        case 'Kaiser'
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+        otherwise
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'MS';
+      navs = fix(utils.math.randelement(logspace(0,log10(max(0,a1.len/10)),50),1));
+      % Calculates the coherence asking for the number of averages
+      C1 = cohere(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', -1, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type, ...
+        'navs', navs));
+      % Calculates the coherence asking for the number of points just evaluated
+      C2 = cohere(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', find(C1.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft'), 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated objects C1 and C2 are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the output objects
+      if ne(C1,C2,ple3)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_22
+  %% UTP_23
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+  % 3) get the number of averages
+  % 4) get the nfft used
+  % 5) run cohere again, with the nfft used
+  % 6) compare navs, nfft, coheres
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_23
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+    %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+    % 2) cohere of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+    % 3) get the number of averages
+    % 4) get the nfft used
+    % 5) run cohere again, with the nfft used
+    % 6) run cohere again, with conflicting parameters, and verify it uses
+    %     nfft rather than navs
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [1000:1000:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Constant signal
+      a_c = ao(trend_0);
+      % Total signals
+      a1 = a_n1 + a_c;
+      a2 = a_n2 + a_c;
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the white noise time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      switch win_type
+        case 'Kaiser'
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+        otherwise
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      navs = fix(utils.math.randelement(logspace(0,log10(max(a1.len/10,0)),50),1));
+      % Calculates the coherence asking for the number of averages
+      C1 = cohere(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', -1, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type, ...
+        'navs', navs));
+      npts_2 = find(C1.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft');
+      % Calculates the coherence asking for the number of points
+      C2 = cohere(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', npts_2, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      npts_3 = fix(npts_2/2);
+      % Calculates the coherence asking for the number of points AND the window length
+      C3 = cohere(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', npts_3, ...
+        'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type, ...
+        'navs', navs));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated objects C1 and C2 are identical
+    % 2) Check that C3 used different values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the navs written in the output object with the requested one
+      if  ne(C1,C2,ple3) || ...
+          ne(find(C3.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft'), npts_3) || eq(, navs)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_23
+  %% UTP_24
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cohere method agrees with MATLAB's mscohere when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_24
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying cohere works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 1000;
+      pl = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl); a2 = ao(pl);
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [50 250]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % make some cross-power
+      a4 = a1f+a2; a4.setName;
+      % Create the transpose of a4 to check the output data shape
+      a4 = a4.';
+      % Compute coherence
+      Nfft = 2*fs;
+      % Use different windows size as Nfft
+      win  = specwin('Hanning', 1000);
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win.type, 'order', 0, 'type', 'MS');
+      out = cohere(a4,a1,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's mscohere.
+    % 2) Check that the shape of the output data is equal to the input data
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      TOL = 1e-12;
+      % Redesign the window
+      win = specwin('Hanning', Nfft);
+      % Compute coherence using MATLAB's cohere
+      [cxy, f] = mscohere(a4.y, a1.y,, Nfft/2, Nfft, a1.fs);
+      if  any(abs(cxy(4:end)-out.y(4:end))>TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ne(f,      out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the data shape
+      if size(a4.y,1) == 1
+        if size(out.y,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      else
+        if size(out.y,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_24
+  %% UTP_25
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) complex coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_25
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) complex cohere of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the coherence of the time-series data
+      win = 'Kaiser';
+      psll = utils.math.randelement([10:10:200], 1);
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win, 'psll', psll, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (complex coherence yunits) equals [1]
+    % 2) Check that (complex coherence xunits) equals [Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(C.yunits, unit('')) || ~eq(C.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_25
+  %% UTP_26
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) complex coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_26
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) complex cohere of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the coherence of the time-series data
+      win = 'Kaiser';
+      psll = utils.math.randelement([10:10:200], 1);
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win, 'psll', psll, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (complex coherence yunits) equals [1]
+    % 2) Check that (complex coherence xunits) equals [Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(C.yunits, unit('')) || ~eq(C.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_26
+  %% UTP_30
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of special cases:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) the same noise series
+  % 3) cohere of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the output to unity
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_30
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   the same data as 1) and 2)
+    % 4) cohere of the series
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Build the second object as a copy of the first
+      a_2 = a_1;
+      % Evaluate the cohere of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      C = cohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type, 'olap', olap));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated cohere equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if sum(ne(C.y, 1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_30
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_complex.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+% UTP_AO_COMPLEX a set of UTPs for the ao/complex method
+% M Hewitson 07-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_complex.m,v 1.9 2011/04/17 15:46:21 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The complex method of the ao class takes two input AOs and produces a
+% single AO containing complex data made from the two input y vectors.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_complex(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'complex';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Set the same y-units for the test AOs
+    at1.setYunits('mm');
+    at2.setYunits('mm');
+    at3.setYunits('mm');
+    at4.setYunits('mm');
+    at5.setYunits('mm');
+    at6.setYunits('mm');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, [at1 at1], [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the complex method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the complex method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need two inputs of the same length
+      out = complex([at5 at6]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output contains complex data made from at1
+      if ~isequal(complex(,,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the complex method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the complex method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = complex(at5, at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output contains complex data made from at1
+      if ~isequal(complex(,,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the complex method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the complex method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = complex(at5, at6);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'complex'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'complex'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the complex method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the complex method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      a5 = ao(at5);
+      a6 = ao(at6);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = a5.complex(a6);
+      a5.complex(a6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the complex method keeps the data shape of the first input object.
+    % the input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = complex(at5, at6);
+      out2 = complex(at6, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_compute.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+% UTP_AO_COMPUTE a set of UTPs for the ao/compute method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_compute.m,v 1.7 2010/06/07 16:43:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The compute method of the ao class applies the user-specified
+% calculations to the input AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_compute(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'compute';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('operations'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('operations'), 'a'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('operations'), {'a'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the complex method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the complex method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = compute([at1 at1], 'a(1)./a(2)');
+      stest = true;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the expected operations
+      if ne(out, at1./at1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the compute method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the compute method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a = [at1 at1 at5; at1 at6 at4];
+      out = compute(a, {'1.23 + a(1,3)./a(2,2)', 'log10(a(2,1))'});
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 2.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the expected operations
+      if ne(out(1), 1.23 + a(1,3)./a(2,2), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out(2), log10(a(2,1)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the compute method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the compute method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = compute(at1, at1, plist('Operations', {'a(1)./a(2)', 'a(1)-a(2)'}));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 2.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the expected operations
+      if ne(out(1), at1./at1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out(2), at1-at1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the compute method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the compute method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = compute(at1,[at3 at1],at2,[at1 at2; at1 at3], plist('Operations', {'a(1)./a(3)', 'a(5)-a(6)'}));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 2.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the expected operations
+      if ne(out(1), at1./at1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out(2), at1-at1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the compute method applies no history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the compute method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = compute(at1, [at2 at1], plist('Operations', 'a(1)./a(3)'));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' is not
+    %    'compute'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'compute'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_confint.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+% UTP_AO_CONFINT a set of UTPs for the ao/confint method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_confint.m,v 1.2 2011/05/22 21:35:42 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The confint method of the ao class computes the confidence intervals for spectral estimate.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_confint(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    addpath(fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), 'reference_files'))
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'confint';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % reference psd for rebuild
+    rsp = psd(at5);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % reference confs
+    rconf = [5.7 16.0];
+    % reference ao for dof test
+    plrefdata = plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 1024, ...
+           'tsfcn',  'randn(size(t))');
+    refdata = ao(plrefdata);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test against reference data
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   Default PList
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('DataLength'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Conf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dof'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'psd'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('DataLength'), paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Conf'), 95), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('dof'), paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'psd','lpsd','mscohere','mslcohere'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('DataLength'), {paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Conf'), {95}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dof'), {paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE}), atest = false; end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the confint method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the confint method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      out  = confint(rsp);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'confint'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'confint'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the confint method provides correct values for spectra
+  % confidence intervals.
+  % Reference on D B Percival and A T Walden, Spectral Analysis for
+  % Physical Applications, pg. 299
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying psd works on a single AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      plsp = plist('win','BH92','order',1,'navs',1);
+      axx = psd(refdata,plsp);
+      plconf = plist('method','psd',...
+        'DataLength',numel(refdata.y),...
+        'Conf',95);
+      cf = confint(axx,plconf);
+      llcf = 10*log10(cf.objs{1}.y);
+      laxx = 10*log10(axx.y);
+      lucf = 10*log10(cf.objs{2}.y);
+      dcf = [(laxx-llcf) (lucf-laxx)];
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the reference values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 0.01;
+    if stest
+      for jj=1:size(dcf,1)
+        if any((abs(dcf(jj,:) - rconf) ./ rconf) >= TOL)
+          atest = false;
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the confint method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the confint method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa1  = at5.psd;
+      aa2  = at6.psd;
+      out1obj = confint(aa1);
+      out1_1 = out1obj.getObjectAtIndex(1);
+      out1_2 = out1obj.getObjectAtIndex(2);
+      out1_3 = out1obj.getObjectAtIndex(3);
+      out2obj = confint(aa2);
+      out2_1 = out2obj.getObjectAtIndex(1);
+      out2_2 = out2obj.getObjectAtIndex(2);
+      out2_3 = out2obj.getObjectAtIndex(3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_conj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+% UTP_AO_CONJ a set of UTPs for the ao/conj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_conj.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 09:50:21 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The conj method of the ao class computes the complex conjugate value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_conj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'conj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(conj(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_conv.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+% UTP_AO_CONV a set of UTPs for the ao/conv method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_conv.m,v 1.5 2009/09/20 16:51:33 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The conv method of the ao class computes the convolution of the y-data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_conv(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'conv';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    atmat = [at1,at2,at3;at1,at2,at3];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the conv method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the conv method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = conv(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the convolution of all y-data
+      res = atvec(1).y;
+      for kk=2:numel(atvec)
+        res = conv(res, atvec(kk).y);
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, res), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the conv method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the conv method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = conv(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the convolution of all y-data
+      res = atmat(1).y;
+      for kk=2:numel(atmat)
+        res = conv(res, atmat(kk).y);
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, res), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the conv method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the conv method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = conv(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [at1,at2,at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the convolution of all y-data
+      res = aoin(1).y;
+      for kk=2:numel(aoin)
+        res = conv(res, aoin(kk).y);
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, res), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the conv method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the conv method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = conv(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the convolution of all y-data
+      res = aoin(1).y;
+      for kk=2:numel(aoin)
+        res = conv(res, aoin(kk).y);
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, res), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the conv method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the conv method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = conv(at1, at2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'conv'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'conv'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The conv method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The conv method throws an error if it is uesed as a modifier.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.conv(at2);
+      amodi.conv(at2);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_convert.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,845 @@
+% UTP_AO_CONVERT a set of UTPs for the ao/convert method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_convert.m,v 1.10 2011/08/22 04:52:37 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The convert method of the ao class perform various conversions on the AO.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_convert(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'convert';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    plts = plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'nsecs', 10, 'fs', 1.12);
+    plfs = plist('f', '1:30', 'fsfcn', 'randn(size(f))');
+    plxy = plist('x', '1:30', 'xyfcn', 'randn(size(x))');
+    at1 = ao(plts);
+    at2 = ao(plfs);
+    at3 = ao(plxy);
+    at4 = ao([1 -3+5i +5 3-1i .5 -7]);
+    atvec = [at1, at2, at3, at4];
+    atmat = [at1, at2, at3; at4, at3, at2];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('action'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('action')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('action'), {'', 's to Hz', 'Hz to s', 'to cdata', 'to tsdata', 'to fsdata', 'to xydata'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the convert method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the convert method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = atvec.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      out1 = convert(aa, 'Hz to s');
+      aa = atvec.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      out2 = convert(aa, 's to Hz');
+      out3 = convert(atvec, 'to cdata');
+      out4 = convert(atvec, 'to tsdata');
+      out5 = convert(atvec, 'to fsdata');
+      out6 = convert(atvec, 'to xydata');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out3), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out4), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out5), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out6), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out1' have the correct y units.
+      u_ref = unit('s^-2 s^1/2 mm ks^-1');
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).yunits, u_ref), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out2' have the correct y units.
+      u_ref = unit('kV Hz^-2 mm Hz^1/2 kHz^-1');
+      for kk=1:numel(out2)
+        if ~eq(out2(kk).yunits, u_ref), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out3' have the correct data (cdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out3)
+        if ~isa(out3(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out3(kk).y, atvec(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out4' have the correct data (tsdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out4)
+        if ~isa(out4(kk).data, 'tsdata'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isa(atvec(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~all(abs(out4(kk).x-atvec(kk).x) < TOL), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out4(kk).y, atvec(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out5' have the correct data (fsdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out5)
+        if ~isa(out5(kk).data, 'fsdata'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isa(atvec(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~isequal(out5(kk).x , atvec(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out5(kk).y, atvec(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out6' have the correct data (xydata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out6)
+        if ~isa(out6(kk).data, 'xydata'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isa(atvec(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~isequal(out6(kk).x , atvec(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out6(kk).y, atvec(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the convert method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the convert method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = atmat.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      out1 = convert(aa, 'Hz to s');
+      aa = atmat.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      out2 = convert(aa, 's to Hz');
+      out3 = convert(atmat, 'to cdata');
+      out4 = convert(atmat, 'to tsdata');
+      out5 = convert(atmat, 'to fsdata');
+      out6 = convert(atmat, 'to xydata');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out3), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out4), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out5), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out6), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out1' have the correct y units.
+      u_ref = unit('s^-2 s^1/2 mm ks^-1');
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).yunits, u_ref), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out2' have the correct y units.
+      u_ref = unit('kV Hz^-2 mm Hz^1/2 kHz^-1');
+      for kk=1:numel(out2)
+        if ~eq(out2(kk).yunits, u_ref), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out3' have the correct data (cdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out3)
+        if ~isa(out3(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isequal(out3(kk).y, atmat(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out4' have the correct data (tsdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out4)
+        if ~isa(out4(kk).data, 'tsdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(atmat(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~all(abs(out4(kk).x - atmat(kk).x) < TOL), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out4(kk).y, atmat(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out5' have the correct data (fsdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out5)
+        if ~isa(out5(kk).data, 'fsdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(atmat(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~isequal(out5(kk).x , atmat(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out5(kk).y, atmat(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out6' have the correct data (xydata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out6)
+        if ~isa(out6(kk).data, 'xydata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(atmat(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~isequal(out6(kk).x , atmat(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out6(kk).y, atmat(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the convert method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the convert method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = at1.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      a2 = at2.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      a3 = at3.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      out1 = convert(a1, a2, a3, 'Hz to s');
+      a1 = at1.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      a2 = at2.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      a3 = at3.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      out2 = convert(a1, a2, a3, 's to Hz');
+      out3 = convert(at1, at2, at3, 'to cdata');
+      out4 = convert(at1, at2, at3, 'to tsdata');
+      out5 = convert(at1, at2, at3, 'to fsdata');
+      out6 = convert(at1, at2, at3, 'to xydata');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, at3];
+    TOL   = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out3), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out4), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out5), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out6), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out1' have the correct y units.
+      u_ref = unit('s^-2 s^1/2 mm ks^-1');
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).yunits, u_ref), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out2' have the correct y units.
+      u_ref = unit('kV Hz^-2 mm Hz^1/2 kHz^-1');
+      for kk=1:numel(out2)
+        if ~eq(out2(kk).yunits, u_ref), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out3' have the correct data (cdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out3)
+        if ~isa(out3(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isequal(out3(kk).y, aoin(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out4' have the correct data (tsdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out4)
+        if ~isa(out4(kk).data, 'tsdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~all(abs(out4(kk).x - aoin(kk).x) < TOL), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out4(kk).y, aoin(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out5' have the correct data (fsdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out5)
+        if ~isa(out5(kk).data, 'fsdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~isequal(out5(kk).x , aoin(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out5(kk).y, aoin(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out6' have the correct data (xydata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out6)
+        if ~isa(out6(kk).data, 'xydata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~isequal(out6(kk).x , aoin(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out6(kk).y, aoin(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the convert method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the convert method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = at1.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      a2 = at2.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      a3 = at3.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      aa = atmat.setYunits('Hz^2 Hz^-1/2 mm mHz');
+      out1 = convert(a1, a2, aa, a3, 'Hz to s');
+      a1 = at1.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      a2 = at2.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      a3 = at3.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      aa = atmat.setYunits('kV s^2 mm s^-1/2 ms');
+      out2 = convert(a1, a2, aa, a3, 's to Hz');
+      out3 = convert(at1, at2, atmat, at3, 'to cdata');
+      out4 = convert(at1, at2, atmat, at3, 'to tsdata');
+      out5 = convert(at1, at2, atmat, at3, 'to fsdata');
+      out6 = convert(at1, at2, atmat, at3, 'to xydata');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, reshape(atmat, 1, []), at3];
+    TOL   = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out3), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out4), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out5), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out6), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out1' have the correct y units.
+      u_ref = unit('s^-2 s^1/2 mm ks^-1');
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).yunits, u_ref), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out2' have the correct y units.
+      u_ref = unit('kV Hz^-2 mm Hz^1/2 kHz^-1');
+      for kk=1:numel(out2)
+        if ~eq(out2(kk).yunits, u_ref), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out3' have the correct data (cdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out3)
+        if ~isa(out3(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isequal(out3(kk).y, aoin(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out4' have the correct data (tsdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out4)
+        if ~isa(out4(kk).data, 'tsdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~all(abs(out4(kk).x - aoin(kk).x) < TOL), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out4(kk).y, aoin(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out5' have the correct data (fsdata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out5)
+        if ~isa(out5(kk).data, 'fsdata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~isequal(out5(kk).x , aoin(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out5(kk).y, aoin(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out6' have the correct data (xydata)
+      for kk=1:numel(out6)
+        if ~isa(out6(kk).data, 'xydata'), atest = flase; end
+        if ~isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if ~isequal(out6(kk).x , aoin(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out6(kk).y, aoin(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the convert method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the convert method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = convert(at1, 'to fsdata');
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'convert'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'convert'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the convert method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the convert method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.convert('to xydata');
+      amodi.convert('to xydata');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the convert value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the converted object of the copy
+      if ~isa(, 'xydata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the convert method can modify the input object depending
+    % to the plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('action', 'Hz to s');
+      pl2 = plist('action', 's to Hz');
+      pl3 = plist('action', 'to tsdata');
+      pl4 = plist('action', 'to fsdata');
+      pl5 = plist('action', 'to cdata');
+      pl6 = plist('action', 'to xydata');
+      aa = ao(at1);
+      aa.setYunits('Hz');
+      out1 = convert(aa, pl1);
+      aa = ao(at1);
+      aa.setYunits('s');
+      out2 = convert(aa, pl2);
+      out3 = convert(at1, pl3);
+      out4 = convert(at1, pl4);
+      out5 = convert(at1, pl5);
+      out6 = convert(at1, pl6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      mout6 = rebuild(out6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the convert method aplpiesthe different actions
+    % 4) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out[1..6]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output
+      if ~eq(out1.yunits, unit('s^-1')),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.yunits, unit('Hz^-1')), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'tsdata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.y, at1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'fsdata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.y, at1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5.y, at1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'xydata'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out6.y, at1.y), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test[1..3].m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout5, out5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout6, out6, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the convert method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aocol = ao(at1);
+      aorow = at1.';
+      out1 = convert(aocol, 'to fsdata');
+      out2 = convert(aorow, 'to fsdata');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the convert method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = convert(at1, at2, 'to cdata');
+      o3  = convert(at1, at2, 'to cdata');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% UTP_AO_COPY a set of UTPs for the ao/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_copy.m,v 1.3 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the ao class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_cos.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_COS a set of UTPs for the ao/cos method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_cos.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 09:50:21 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The cos method of the ao class computes the cosine of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_cos(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'cos';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(cos(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_cov.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+% UTP_AO_COV a set of UTPs for the ao/cov method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_cov.m,v 1.4 2009/08/07 10:05:39 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The cov method of the ao class computes estimate covariance of data
+% streams.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_cov(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'cov';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    plts = plist('fs', '1', 'nsecs', 30, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+    plfs = plist('f', '1:30', 'fsfcn', 'randn(size(f))');
+    plxy = plist('x', '1:30', 'xyfcn', 'randn(size(x))');
+    at1 = ao(plts);
+    at1.setYunits('Hz^2');
+    at2 = ao(plfs);
+    at2.setYunits('Hz^-1');
+    at3 = ao(plxy);
+    at3.setYunits('km');
+    atvec = [at1, at2, at3];
+    atmat = [at1, at2, at3; at3, at2, at1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cov method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cov method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = cov(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data / units
+      res = [];
+      u   = unit();
+      for kk=1:numel(atvec)
+        res = [res atvec(kk).y];
+        u   = u * atvec(kk).yunits;
+      end
+      if ~eq(u, out.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cov(res), out.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cov method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cov method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = cov(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data / units
+      res = [];
+      u   = unit();
+      for kk=1:numel(atmat)
+        res = [res atmat(kk).y];
+        u   = u * atmat(kk).yunits;
+      end
+      if ~eq(u, out.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cov(res), out.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cov method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the cov method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = cov(at1, at2, at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data / units
+      res = [];
+      u   = unit();
+      for kk=1:numel(aoin)
+        res = [res aoin(kk).y];
+        u   = u * aoin(kk).yunits;
+      end
+      if ~eq(u, out.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cov(res), out.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cov method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the cov method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = cov(at1, atmat, at2, atvec, at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one Ao with cdata.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape(atmat, 1, []), at2, reshape(atvec, 1, []), at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      % Check output data / units
+      res = [];
+      u   = unit();
+      for kk=1:numel(aoin)
+        res = [res aoin(kk).y];
+        u   = u * aoin(kk).yunits;
+      end
+      if ~eq(u, out.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cov(res), out.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cov method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the cov method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = cov(at1, at2, at3);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'cov'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'cov'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The cov method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The cov method can not modify the input AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.cov();
+      amodi.abs();
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_cpsd.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1291 @@
+% UTP_AO_CPSD a set of UTPs for the ao/cpsd method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_cpsd.m,v 1.43 2011/07/22 11:51:46 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The cpsd method of the ao class computes the cross-spectral density between two
+% time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_cpsd(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'cpsd';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Get default window from the preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input          (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input          (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input            (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test against MATLAB's cpsd()
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling: CPSD
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Comparison with PSD
+    results = [results utp_24];    % Test data lengths
+    results = [results utp_25];    % Test Kaiser win and olap: CPSD
+    results = [results utp_51];    % Test number of averages: requested/obtained
+    results = [results utp_52];    % Test number of averages: correct number
+    results = [results utp_53];    % Test number of averages: syntax
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 8, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('nfft'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('navs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('nfft'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('navs'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('nfft'), {-1}), atest = false; disp('1'); end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false;disp('2'); end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; disp('3');end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false;disp('4'); end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('navs'), {-1}), atest = false;disp('5'); end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false;disp('6'); end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false;disp('6'); end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false;disp('7'); end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cpsd method works with a vector of AOs as input. (only
+  % with two objects in the vector)
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cpsd method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5];
+      out  = cpsd(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cpsd method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cpsd method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = cpsd(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cpsd method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cpsd method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = cpsd(at1,at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cpsd method doesn't work with a mix of different shaped
+  % AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cpsd method doesn't work with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = cpsd([at5 at6],[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cpsd method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the cpsd method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = cpsd(at5,at6);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'cpsd'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'cpsd'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cpsd method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cpsd method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      ain.cpsd(at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the cpsd method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = cpsd(at5, at6);
+      out2 = cpsd(at6, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the cpsd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This test is not longer necessary because the cpsd method pass back
+    % always only one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the cpsd method agrees with MATLAB's cpsd when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying cpsd works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 1000;
+      pl = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl); a2 = ao(pl);
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [50 250]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % make some cross-power
+      a4 = a1f+a2; a4.setName;
+      % Compute cpsd
+      Nfft = 2*fs;
+      win  = specwin('Hanning', Nfft);
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win.type, 'order', -1);
+      out = cpsd(a4,a1,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's cpsd.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute cpsd using MATLAB's cpsd
+      [cxy, f] = cpsd(,,, Nfft/2, Nfft,;
+      if ~utils.math.isequal(cxy(:), || ~utils.math.isequal(f,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) CPSD of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) CPSD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      [a_1, a_2, spec, spec1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated CPSD yunits) equals
+    % input_1 units*input_2 units/Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    u = simplifyYunits(a_1.* a_2, plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions', 'Hz'));
+    if stest
+      if ne(spec.Cxy.yunits, u.yunits * unit('Hz^-1')) || ne(spec.Cxy.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      if ne(spec.Cyx.yunits, u.yunits * unit('Hz^-1')) || ne(spec.Cyx.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) CPSD of the white noise series
+  %
+  % Comparison with PSD:
+  % 4) compares the off-diagonal terms to check they are complex-conjugated
+  % 5) compares the diagonal terms with PSD of the individual noise
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) CPSD of the white noise
+    % 6) PSD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      [a_1, a_2, spec, spec2] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that CPSD(x,y) equals conj(CPSD(y,x))
+    % 2) Check that CPSD(x,x) equals PSD(x)
+    % 3) Check that CPSD(y,y) equals PSD(y)
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(spec.Cxy.y, conj(spec.Cyx.y)), atest = false; end
+      if ne(spec.Cxy.x, spec.Cyx.x), atest = false; end
+      if ne(,, atest = false; end
+      if ne(,, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_24
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that differently sized data sets are treated properly
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_24
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying cpsd works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = [10000:1:20000];
+      fs    = 1;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      a2 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      len_1 = a1.len;
+      len_2 = a2.len;
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [.050 .25]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % Compute cpsd
+      Nfft = -1;
+      win  = 'Hanning';
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win, 'order', -1);
+      out = cpsd(a2,a1f,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that cpsd used the length of the shortest ao.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compare the nfft with the length of the input data
+      if out.x(2) ~= 1/min(len_1,len_2)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_24
+  %% UTP_25
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) CPSD of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_25
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) CPSD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the cpsd of the time-series data, using Kaiser window
+      % Psll and olap are not set
+      win = ('Kaiser');
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      C = cpsd(a_1, a_2, plist('Win', win, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated CPSD yunits) equals
+    %input_1 units*input_2 units/Hz
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    u = simplifyYunits(a_1.* a_2, plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions', 'Hz'));
+    if stest
+      if ne(C.yunits,  u.yunits * unit('Hz^-1')) || ne(C.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_25
+  %% UTP_51
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+  %   averages
+  % 3) check the effective number of averages
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_51
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+    %   averages
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      % Evaluate the cpsd of the white noise time-series data
+      [a_1, a_2, C1, C2, navs] = prepare_analyze_noise_navs(noise_type, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated navs are identical to those requested
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(navs,
+        if ne(find(C1.hist.plistUsed, 'navs'),
+          atest = false;
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_51
+  %% UTP_52
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+  % 3) get the number of averages
+  % 4) get the nfft used
+  % 5) run cpsd again, with the nfft used
+  % 6) compare the calculated objects
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_52
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+    %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+    % 2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+    % 3) get the number of averages
+    % 4) get the nfft used
+    % 5) run cpsd again, with the nfft used
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      % Evaluate the cpsd of the white noise time-series data
+      [a_1, a_2, C1, C2, navs] = prepare_analyze_noise_navs(noise_type, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated objects C1 and C2 are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the output objects
+      if ne(C1, C2, ple3)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_52
+  %% UTP_53
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+  % 3) get the number of averages
+  % 4) get the nfft used
+  % 5) run cpsd again, with the nfft used
+  % 6) compare navs, nfft, psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_53
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+    %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+    % 2) cpsd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+    % 3) get the number of averages
+    % 4) get the nfft used
+    % 5) run cpsd again, with the nfft used
+    % 6) run cpsd again, with conflicting parameters, and verify it uses
+    %     nfft rather than navs
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      % Evaluate the cpsd of the white noise time-series data
+      [a_1, a_2, C1, C2, navs] = prepare_analyze_noise_navs(noise_type, plist);
+      npts_3 = fix(find(C1.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft')/2);
+      % Calculates the cpsd asking for the number of points AND the window length
+      pl_spec = C1.hist.plistUsed;
+      pl_spec.pset('Nfft', npts_3, 'navs', navs);
+      C3 = cpsd(a_1, a_2, pl_spec);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated objects C1 and C2 are identical
+    % 2) Check that C3 used different values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the navs written in the output object with the requested one
+      if  ne(C1,C2,ple3) || ...
+          ne(find(C3.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft'), npts_3) || eq(, navs)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_53
+  %% Helper function for window call construction
+  function [a_1, a_2, spec1, spec2] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, pli)
+    % Array of parameters to pick from
+    fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+    nsecs_list =          [20 100 1000:1000:10000]';
+    sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    % Build time-series test data
+    % Picks the values at random from the list
+    fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+    nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+    sigma_distr_1 = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+    sigma_distr_2 = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+    trend_0_1 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+    trend_0_2 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+    % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+    % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+    unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+    prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+    % White noise
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(trend_0_1);
+    % Total signal
+    a_1 = a_n + a_c;
+    % White noise
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(trend_0_2);
+    % Total signal
+    a_2 = a_n + a_c;
+    % Set units
+    a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    % Evaluate the cpsd of the white noise time-series data
+    olap = 0;
+    detrend_order = 0;
+    switch lower(win_type)
+      case 'kaiser'
+        psll = find(pli, 'psll');
+        if isempty(psll)
+          psll = find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll');
+        end
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'psll', psll, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+      case 'levelledhanning'
+        levelCoef = find(pli, 'levelCoef');
+        if isempty(levelCoef)
+          levelCoef = 1;
+        end
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'levelCoef', levelCoef, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+      otherwise
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+    end
+    if find(pli, 'win_obj')
+      % Calls the cpsd applying the detrend and window internally
+      % (passig window object)
+ = pl_spec;
+      spec2.Cxy = cpsd(a_1, a_2,;
+      spec2.Cyx = cpsd(a_2, a_1,;
+      spec2.Cxx = cpsd(a_1, a_1,;
+      spec2.Cyy = cpsd(a_2, a_2,;
+      spec2.S_1 = simplifyYunits(psd(a_1,, ...
+        plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions','Hz'));
+      spec2.S_2 = simplifyYunits(psd(a_2,, ...
+        plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions','Hz'));
+    else
+      spec2 = struct;
+    end
+    % Calls the cpsd applying the detrend and window internally
+    % (passig window name)
+ = pl_spec.pset('Win', win_type);
+    spec1.Cxy = cpsd(a_1, a_2,;
+    spec1.Cyx = cpsd(a_2, a_1,;
+    spec1.Cxx = cpsd(a_1, a_1,;
+    spec1.Cyy = cpsd(a_2, a_2,;
+    spec1.S_1 = simplifyYunits(psd(a_1,, ...
+      plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions','Hz'));
+    spec1.S_2 = simplifyYunits(psd(a_2,, ...
+      plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions','Hz'));
+  end
+  %% Helper function for window call construction, navs option
+  function [a_1, a_2, C1, C2, navs] = prepare_analyze_noise_navs(noise_type, pli)
+    % Array of parameters to pick from
+    fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+    nsecs_list =          [2000:1000:10000]';
+    sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    % Build time-series test data
+    % Picks the values at random from the list
+    fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+    nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+    sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+    trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+    % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+    % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+    unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+    prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+    % White noise
+    a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+    a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(trend_0);
+    % Total signals
+    a_1 = a_n1 + a_c;
+    a_2 = a_n2 + a_c;
+    % Set units
+    a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    % Evaluate the cpsd of the white noise time-series data
+    olap = 0;
+    detrend_order = 0;
+    n_pts = -1;
+    navs = fix(utils.math.randelement(logspace(0,log10(max(0,a_1.len/10)),50),1));
+    % Evaluate the cpsd of the white noise time-series data
+    % Window
+    win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+    win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+    win_type = win_type{1};
+    switch lower(win_type)
+      case 'kaiser'
+        psll =  utils.math.randelement([0:10:200],1);
+        if psll == 0
+          psll = find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll');
+        end
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'psll', psll, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+      otherwise
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+    end
+    % Calls cpsd asking for the number of averages
+    pl_spec.pset('Nfft', n_pts, 'navs', navs);
+    C1 = cpsd(a_1, a_2, pl_spec);
+    % Calls cpsd asking for the number of points just evaluated
+    pl_spec.pset('Nfft', find(C1.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft'));
+    pl_spec.remove('navs');
+    C2 = cpsd(a_1, a_2, pl_spec);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_created.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+% UTP_AO_CREATED a set of UTPs for the ao/created method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_created.m,v 1.3 2009/07/27 19:28:58 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The created method of the ao returns a time object of the last
+% modification. For this uses the created method the 'proctime' property of
+% the last history step and computs from this value a timeobject.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_created(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'created';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AO objects
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test empty object
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= atvec(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= atmat(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if out(1).utc_epoch_milli ~= at1.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(2).utc_epoch_milli ~= at2.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(3).utc_epoch_milli ~= at3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= aoin(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = at3.created;
+      out2 = atmat.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the single object
+      if out1.utc_epoch_milli ~= at3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if out2(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= atmat(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+  % even for an empty input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method with an empty AO
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1  = ao();
+      out = a1.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      if isnan(out.utc_epoch_milli), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_creator.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+% UTP_AO_CREATED a set of UTPs for the ao/creator method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_creator.m,v 1.4 2009/07/28 13:17:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The creator method of the ao extract the creator(s)/modifier from
+% the  history. Depending to the input parameter returns this method all
+% creator/modifier or only the last creator/modifier.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_creator(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'creator';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with different creator/modifier
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test negative case for the option 'all'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(at1,at2,at3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = at3.creator;
+      out2 = atmat.creator;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      % Check the single object
+      if ~strcmp(out1, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      % For a single object must be the the output a char string
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~strcmp(out2{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+  % are in the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+    % plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+    % 'third'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Read object with different modifier
+      at  = ao('test_ao_diff_creator.xml');
+      out1 = at.creator;
+      out2 = at.creator('all');
+      out3 = at.creator(plist('option', 'all'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+    % 2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+    % used in connection with a matrix/vector of AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat.creator('all');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_ctranspose.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+% UTP_AO_CTRANSPOSE a set of UTPs for the ao/ctranspose method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_ctranspose.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 15:43:13 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ctranspose method of the ao class computes the complex transpose value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_ctranspose(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'ctranspose';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06('transpose', at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(ctranspose(,, atest = false; end
+  end  
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('complex'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('complex'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('complex'),   {false, true}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ctranspose method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ctranspose method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.ctranspose();
+      ain.ctranspose();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is ctranspose(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that ctranspose modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that ctranspose doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the ctranspose value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(ctranspose(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ctranspose method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+      ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+      plxy = plist('axis', 'XY');
+      out1 = ctranspose(at1, plx);
+      out2 = ctranspose(at1, ply);
+      out3 = ctranspose(at1, plxy);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the ctranspose method applies to both axes
+    % 2) Check that the ctranspose method applies to both axes
+    % 3) Check that the ctranspose method applies to both axes
+    % 4) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same as 'out[1..3]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the complex transpose value of the input
+      if ~isequal(',, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(',, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(',, atest = false; end
+      % Check rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the abs method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = abs(at5);
+      out2 = abs(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_delay.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+% UTP_AO_DELAY a set of UTPs for the ao/delay method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_delay.m,v 1.10 2009/09/20 16:51:33 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The delay method of the ao class delays time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_delay(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'delay';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    atvec = [at1 at5 at6];
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+    pli = plist('N', 10, 'neval', true);
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at5, at6, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at5, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    N = pli.find('N');
+    if ~isequal( [zeros(N,1);], out.y ), atest = false; end
+  end  
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('n'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('n'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'zero'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('n'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'zero'}), atest = false; end
+        % </AlgoCode>
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_demux.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+% UTP_AO_DEMUX a set of UTPs for the ao/demux method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_demux.m,v 1.2 2009/07/20 16:50:08 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The demux method of the ao class splits the input vector of AOs into a
+% number of output AOs. This is a very simple method thus most of standard
+% test are not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_demux(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'demux';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Test with non complex data
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Negative test: Too few outputs
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test: Too many outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the demux method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the demux method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Singme AO as input
+      o1 = demux(at1);
+      % Vector of AOs as input
+      [ov1,ov2,ov3] = demux(atvec);
+      % Matrix of AOs as input
+      [om1,om2,om3,om4,om5,om6] = demux(atmat);
+      % List of AOs as input
+      [ol1,ol2,ol3] = demux(at1, at2, at3);
+      % List mixed AOs as input
+      [os1,os2,os3,os4] = demux(at1, atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check single object
+      if ~eq(o1, at1), atest = false; end
+      % Check vector object
+      if ~eq(ov1, atvec(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ov2, atvec(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ov3, atvec(3)), atest = false; end
+      % Check matrix object
+      if ~eq(om1, atmat(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(om2, atmat(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(om3, atmat(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(om4, atmat(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(om5, atmat(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(om6, atmat(6)), atest = false; end
+      % Check list object
+      if ~eq(ol1, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ol2, at2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ol3, at3), atest = false; end
+      % Check mixed object
+      if ~eq(os1, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(os2, atvec(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(os3, atvec(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(os4, atvec(3)), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Negative test.
+  % Check that the demux method throwns an error for too few output
+  % variables.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the demux method throwns an error for too few output
+    % variables.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      o1 = demux(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Negative test.
+  % Check that the demux method throwns an error for too many output
+  % variables.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the demux method throwns an error for too few output
+    % variables.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1,o2,o3,o4,o5] = demux(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_det.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+% UTP_AO_DET a set of UTPs for the ao/det method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_det.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 10:10:20 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The det method of the ao class computes the determinant of the square matrix in y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_det(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'det';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at4, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at4, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the det method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the det method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atvec = [at4, at4, at4];
+      out = det(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the determinant of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(det(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the det method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the det method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4 at4; at4 at4 at4];
+      out = det(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the determinant of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(det(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the det method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the det method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = det(at4, at4, at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the determinant of the input
+      if ~isequal(det(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(det(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(det(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the det method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the det method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4; at4 at4];
+      atvec = [at4 at4];
+      out = det(at4,atvec,at4,atmat,at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(det(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(det(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(det(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~isequal(det(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(det(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the det method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the det method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = det(at4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'det'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'det'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the det method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the det method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at4 to work with
+      ain = ao(at4);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.det();
+      ain.det();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is det(at4).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that det modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at4), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that det doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the det value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(det(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the det method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+      out = det(at4, ply);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the det method applies to the x-axis
+    % 2) Check that the det method applies to the y-axis
+    % 3) Check that the det method applies to both axes
+    % 4) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..3]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the determinant of the input
+      if ~isequal(det(,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the det method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = det(at4);
+      out2 = det(at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(det(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(det(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the det method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at4_10 = at4+10;
+      [o1, o2] = det(at4, at4_10);
+      o3  = det(at4, at4_10);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_detrend.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+% UTP_AO_DETREND a set of UTPs for the ao/detrend method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_detrend.m,v 1.13 2010/09/20 21:14:06 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The detrend method of the ao class detrends time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_detrend(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'detrend';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    atvec = [at1 at5 at6];
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+    pli = plist('order', 10, 'neval', true);
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at5, at6, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at5, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at4, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    N = pli.find('order');
+    [y, a] = ltpda_polyreg(in.y, N);
+    if  any(abs(y-out.y)>TOL) , atest = false; end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('M-FILE ONLY'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('M-FILE ONLY'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('M-FILE ONLY'), {false true}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+%   %% UTP_02
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the detrend method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_02
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the detrend method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       N     = 3;
+%       avec  = [at1 at5 at6];
+%       out   = detrend(avec, plist('N', N));
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+%     %    number in the input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     TOL   = 1e-14;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the correctness of the algorithm
+%       for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+%         [y, a] = ltpda_polyreg(avec(kk).y, N);
+%         if  any(abs(y-out(kk).y)>TOL) , atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_02
+%   %% UTP_03
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the detrend method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_03
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the detrend method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       N     = 3;
+%       amat  = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+%       out   = detrend(amat, plist('N', N));
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+%     %    number in the input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     TOL   = 1e-14;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the correctness of the algorithm
+%       for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+%         [y, a] = ltpda_polyreg(amat(kk).y, N);
+%         if  any(abs(y-out(kk).y)>TOL) , atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_03
+%   %% UTP_04
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the detrend method works with a list of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_04
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the detrend method works for a list of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       N     = 3;
+%       out   = detrend(at1,at5,at6, plist('N', N));
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+%     %    number in the input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+%     atest = true;
+%     TOL   = 1e-14;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+%       % Check the correctness of the algorithm
+%       for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+%         [y, a] = ltpda_polyreg(aoin(kk).y, N);
+%         if  any(abs(y-out(kk).y)>TOL) , atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_04
+%   %% UTP_05
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the detrend method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+%   % input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_05
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the detrend method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+%     % and single AOs.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       N     = 3;
+%       out   = detrend(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6, plist('N', N));
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+%     %    input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     aoin = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+%     atest = true;
+%     TOL   = 1e-14;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+%       % Check the correctness of the algorithm
+%       for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+%         [y, a] = ltpda_polyreg(aoin(kk).y, N);
+%         if  any(abs(y-out(kk).y)>TOL) , atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_05
+%   %% UTP_06
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the detrend method properly applies history.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_06
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the result of applying the detrend method can be processed back
+%     % to an m-file.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out = detrend(at5,plist('N', 3));
+%       mout = rebuild(out);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+%     %    'detrend'.
+%     % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+%       if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'detrend'), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the re-built object
+%       if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_06
+%   %% UTP_07
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the detrend method can modify the input AO.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_07
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the detrend method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+%     % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+%     % notation (with a equal sign).
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       % copy at1 to work with
+%       ain = ao(at1);
+%       % modify ain
+%       N    = 10;
+%       pl   = plist('N', N);
+%       aout = ain.detrend(pl);
+%       ain.detrend(pl);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+%     % 2) Check that 'ain' is detrend(at1).
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     TOL   = 1e-14;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check that detrend modified the input by comparing to the copy
+%       if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % Check that detrend doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+%       if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % Check that the modified input is the detrend value of the copy
+%       [y, a] = ltpda_polyreg(at1.y, N);
+%       if  any(abs(y-ain.y)>TOL) , atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_07
+%   %% UTP_08
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Control the method with a plist.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_08
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the detrend method can use the MATLAB methods polyfit and polyval
+%     % to compute the trend.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       N   = 3;
+%       pl  = plist('N', N, 'M-FILE ONLY', 'YES');
+%       out = detrend(at1, pl);
+%       mout = rebuild(out);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the detrend method uses the MATLAB methods
+%     % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       x     = at1.y;
+%       order = N;
+%       t     = [1:length(x)].';
+%       % fit polynomial
+%       p = polyfit(t, x, order);
+%       % make polynomial series
+%       py = polyval(p, t);
+%       % detrend
+%       y = x - py;
+%       % Check each output against the trend of the input
+%       if ~isequal(y, out.y), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the re-built object
+%       if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_08
+%   %% UTP_09
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the detrend method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_09
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the detrend method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+%     % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       pl   = plist('N', 3);
+%       out1 = detrend(at5, pl);
+%       out2 = detrend(at6, pl);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the shape of the output data
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_09
+%   %% UTP_10
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Check that the detrend method pass back the output objects to a list of
+%   % output variables or to a single variable.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_10
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+%     % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       pl   = plist('N', 3);
+%       [o1, o2] = detrend(at5, at6, pl);
+%       o3  = detrend(at5, at6, pl);
+%       mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+%       mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+%       mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+%     % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the number of outputs
+%       if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+%       % Check the rebuilding of the object
+%       if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_dft.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+% UTP_AO_DFT a set of UTPs for the ao/dft method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_dft.m,v 1.13 2009/09/20 16:51:33 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The dft method of the ao class computes the discrete fourier transform of
+% time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_dft(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'dft';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    atvec = [at1 at5 at6];
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+    pli = plist('f', 3, 'neval', true);
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at5, at6, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at5, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    % Compute DFT
+    f = pli.find('f');
+    fs   =;
+    N    = length(in.y);
+    J    = -2*pi*1i.*[0:N-1]/fs;
+    dfts = zeros(size(f));
+    for ss = 1:length(f)
+      dfts(ss) = exp(f(ss)*J)*in.y;
+    end
+    if ~isequal(in.fs, out.fs), atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(f,           out.x),  atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(dfts,        out.y),  atest = false; end
+  end      
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('f'), -1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_diag.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+% UTP_AO_DIAG a set of UTPs for the ao/diag method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_diag.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 10:09:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The diag method of the ao class computes the diagonals of a matrix in y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_diag(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'diag';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at4, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at4, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = true;
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '1D')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '2D')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '3D')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET '1D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('option'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'y'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        % SET '2D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('option'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'xy'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        % SET '3D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.find('axis'), 'z'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(5).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.find('option'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'z', 'xyz'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {0}), atest = false; end      
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the diag method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the diag method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atvec = [at4, at4, at4];
+      out = diag(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the diagonals of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(diag(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the diag method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the diag method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4 at4; at4 at4 at4];
+      out = diag(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the diagonals of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(diag(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the diag method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the diag method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = diag(at4, at4, at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the diagonals of the input
+      if ~isequal(diag(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(diag(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(diag(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the diag method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the diag method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4; at4 at4];
+      atvec = [at4 at4];
+      out = diag(at4,atvec,at4,atmat,at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(diag(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(diag(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(diag(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~isequal(diag(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(diag(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the diag method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the diag method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = diag(at4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'diag'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'diag'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the diag method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the diag method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at4 to work with
+      ain = ao(at4);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.diag();
+      ain.diag();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is diag(at4).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that diag modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at4), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that diag doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the diag value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(diag(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the diag method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl0 = plist('option', 0);
+      pl1 = plist('option', 1);
+      pl2 = plist('option', 2);
+      out1 = diag(at4, pl0);
+      out2 = diag(at4, pl1);
+      out3 = diag(at4, pl2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the svd method applies with different options.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the diagonals of the input
+      if ~isequal(diag(, 0),, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(diag(, 1),, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(diag(, 2),, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the diag method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = diag(at4);
+      out2 = diag(at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(diag(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(diag(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the diag method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at4_10 = at4+10;
+      [o1, o2] = diag(at4, at4_10);
+      o3  = diag(at4, at4_10);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_diff.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+% UTP_AO_DIFF a set of UTPs for the ao/diff method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_diff.m,v 1.14 2009/09/20 16:51:33 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The diff method of the ao class computes the derivative of the input data
+% using different methods.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_diff(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'diff';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    atvec = [at1 at5 at6];
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+    pli = plist('method', '3point', 'neval', true);
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at5, at6, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at5, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with plist: method = 'ORDER2'
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test with plist: method = 'ORDER2SMOOTH'
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test with plist: method = '5POINT'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    % 3 point derivative
+    x  =;
+    dx = diff(x);
+    y  =;
+    z  = zeros(size(y));
+    z(2:end-1) = (y(3:end)-y(1:end-2)) ./ (dx(2:end)+dx(1:end-1));
+    z(1)       = (y(2)-y(1)) ./ (dx(1));
+    z(end)     = 2*z(end-1)-z(end-2);
+    if ~isequal(out.y, z), atest = false; end
+  end      
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('coeff'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), '2POINT'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('f0'), '1/Nsecs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 'ZERO'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('coeff')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'2POINT', '3POINT', '5POINT', 'ORDER2', 'ORDER2SMOOTH', 'FILTER', 'FPS'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f0'), {'1/Nsecs'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {'ZERO', 'FIRST', 'SECOND'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('coeff'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the computation of derivative using a 2nd order
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = plist('method', 'ORDER2');
+      out  = diff(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the diff method uses the 2nd order derivative.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute derivative using a 2nd order
+      x  =;
+      dx = diff(x);
+      y  =;
+      z  = zeros(size(y));
+      m  = length(y);
+      % y'(x1)
+      z(1) = (1/dx(1)+1/dx(2))*(y(2)-y(1))+...
+        dx(1)/(dx(1)*dx(2)+dx(2)^2)*(y(1)-y(3));
+      % y'(xm)
+      z(m) = (1/dx(m-2)+1/dx(m-1))*(y(m)-y(m-1))+...
+        dx(m-1)/(dx(m-1)*dx(m-2)+dx(m-2)^2)*(y(m-2)-y(m));
+      % y'(xi) (i>1 & i<m)
+      dx1 = repmat(dx(1:m-2),1,1);
+      dx2 = repmat(dx(2:m-1),1,1);
+      y1 = y(1:m-2); y2 = y(2:m-1); y3 = y(3:m);
+      z(2:m-1) = 1./(dx1.*dx2.*(dx1+dx2)).*...
+        (-dx2.^2.*y1+(dx2.^2-dx1.^2).*y2+dx1.^2.*y3);
+      % Check the 2nd oder derivative
+      if ~isequal(out.y, z), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the computation of derivative using a 2nd order with a parabolic fit
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('method', 'ORDER2SMOOTH');
+      out = diff(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the diff method uses the 2nd order derivative with a
+    %    parabolic fit
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute derivative using a 2nd order with a parabolic fit
+      x  =;
+      y  =;
+      dx = diff(x);
+      m  = length(y);
+      h = mean(dx);
+      z = zeros(size(y));
+      % y'(x1)
+      z(1) = sum(y(1:5).*[-54; 13; 40; 27; -26])/70/h;
+      % y'(x2)
+      z(2) = sum(y(1:5).*[-34; 3; 20; 17; -6])/70/h;
+      % y'(x{m-1})
+      z(m-1) = sum(y(end-4:end).*[6; -17; -20; -3; 34])/70/h;
+      % y'(xm)
+      z(m) = sum(y(end-4:end).*[26; -27; -40; -13; 54])/70/h;
+      % y'(xi) (i>2 & i<(N-1))
+      Dc = [2 1 0 -1 -2];
+      tmp = convn(Dc,y)/10/h;
+      z(3:m-2) = tmp(5:m);
+      % Check the 2nd oder derivative
+      if ~isequal(out.y, z), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the 5 point derivative.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = plist('method', '5POINT');
+      out  = diff(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the diff method uses the 5 point derivative.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute 5 point derivative
+      x  =;
+      dx = diff(x);
+      y  =;
+      z  = zeros(size(y));
+      z(1)       = (y(2)-y(1)) ./ (dx(1));
+      z(2)       = (y(3)-y(1))./(dx(2)+dx(1));
+      z(3:end-2) = (-y(5:end) + 8.*y(4:end-1) - 8.*y(2:end-3) + y(1:end-4)) ./ (3.*(x(5:end)-x(1:end-4)));
+      z(end-1)   = 2*z(end-2)-z(end-3);
+      z(end)     = 2*z(end-1)-z(end-2);
+      % Check the 5 point derivative
+      if ~isequal(out.y, z), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+% UTP_AO_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the ao/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_display.m,v 1.3 2009/07/20 16:50:08 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the ao class prints defined values of an AO.
+% MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is not terminated
+% by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atvec
+      out = display(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(atvec)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, atvec(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat
+      out = display(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(atmat)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, atmat(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at1,at2,at3
+      out = display(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,at2,at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, aoin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, aoin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_dopplercorr.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+% UTP_AO_DOPPLERCORR a set of UTPs for the ao/dopplercorr method
+% M Nofrarias 13-02-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_dopplercorr.m,v 1.6 2009/08/28 13:13:53 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The dopplercorr method corrects OPD data from the Doppler effect
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_dopplercorr(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'dopplercorr';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    pli = plist('bin', 1);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, pli)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    %
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('bin'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('bin'), 50), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('bin'), {50}), atest = false; end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dopplercorr method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dopplercorr method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      pl = plist('bin',1);
+      out  = dopplercorr(avec,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dopplercorr method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dopplercorr method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      pl = plist('bin',1);
+      out  = dopplercorr(amat,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dopplercorr method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dopplercorr method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl = plist('bin',1);
+      out = dopplercorr(at1,at5,at6,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dopplercorr method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dopplercorr method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl = plist('bin',1);
+      out = dopplercorr(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dopplercorr method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the dopplercorr method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl = plist('bin',1);
+      out  = dopplercorr(at5,pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'dopplercorr'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'dopplercorr'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the dopplercorr method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('bin',1);
+      [o1, o2] = dopplercorr(at5, at6,pl);
+      o3  = dopplercorr(at5, at6,pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_downsample.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+% UTP_AO_DOWNSAMPLE a set of UTPs for the ao/downsample method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_downsample.m,v 1.14 2009/09/20 16:51:33 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The downsample method of the ao class downsamples time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_downsample(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'downsample';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with plist: 'offset' and 'factor'
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('factor'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('offset'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('factor'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('offset'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('factor'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('offset'), {0}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the downsample method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the downsample method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      factor = 2;
+      avec   = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out    = downsample(avec, plist('Factor', factor));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the downsampling
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        samples = 1:factor:length(avec(kk).y);
+        if ~isequal(avec(kk).data.getY(samples), out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if any(abs(avec(kk).data.getX(samples)-out(kk).x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the downsample method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the downsample method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      factor = 3;
+      amat   = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out    = downsample(amat, plist('Factor', factor));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-6;
+    atest = true;
+    warning('### This UTP have very high tolerance');
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the downsampling
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        samples = 1:factor:length(amat(kk).y);
+        if ~isequal(amat(kk).data.getY(samples), out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if any(abs(amat(kk).data.getX(samples)-out(kk).x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the downsample method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the downsample method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      factor = 2;
+      out    = downsample(at1,at5,at6, plist('Factor', factor));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the downsampling
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        samples = 1:factor:length(aoin(kk).y);
+        if ~isequal(aoin(kk).data.getY(samples), out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if any(abs(aoin(kk).data.getX(samples)-out(kk).x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the downsample method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the downsample method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      factor = 2;
+      out = downsample(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6, plist('Factor', factor));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check the downsampling
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        samples = 1:factor:length(aoin(kk).y);
+        if ~isequal(aoin(kk).data.getY(samples), out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if any(abs(aoin(kk).data.getX(samples)-out(kk).x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the downsample method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the downsample method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = downsample(at5,plist('Factor', 2));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'downsample'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'downsample'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the downsample method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the downsample method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      factor = 5;
+      pl     = plist('factor', factor);
+      aout   = ain.downsample(pl);
+      ain.downsample(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is downsample(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that downsample modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that downsample doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the downsample of the copy
+      samples = 1:factor:length(at1.y);
+      if ~isequal(, ain.y), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(>TOL), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the downsample method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the downsample method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      factor = 3;
+      pl     = plist('factor', factor);
+      out1   = downsample(at5, pl);
+      out2   = downsample(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the downsample method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      factor = 3;
+      pl     = plist('factor', factor);
+      [o1, o2] = downsample(at5, at6, pl);
+      o3  = downsample(at5, at6, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the downsample method with a factor and an offset.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      factor = 3;
+      offset = 30;
+      pl  = plist('factor', factor, 'offset', offset);
+      out  = downsample(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the downsample method with an offset and a factor
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-6;
+    warning('### This UTP have very high tolerance');
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      samples = offset+1:factor:length(;
+      if ~isequal(, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Add the t0 offset to the input AO
+      at5_x =;
+      out_x = out.x;
+      at5_x = at5_x - (out.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at5.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+      if any(abs(at5_x-out_x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      %  Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_dropduplicates.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+% UTP_AO_DROPDUPLICATES a set of UTPs for the ao/dropduplicates method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_dropduplicates.m,v 1.10 2009/08/07 10:05:39 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The dropduplicates method of the ao class drops duplicate samples from AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_dropduplicates(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'dropduplicates';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with different tolerances.
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('tol'), .005), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('tol'), {.005}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dropduplicates method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dropduplicates method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x    = 1:100;
+      x    = sort([x x+1e-4]);
+      y    = randn(length(x),1);
+      at1  = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'type', 'tsdata'));
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = dropduplicates(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        x = avec(kk).x;
+        y = avec(kk).y;
+        d = abs(diff(x));
+        idx = find(d<5e-3);
+        x(idx) = [];
+        y(idx) = [];
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dropduplicates method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dropduplicates method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x    = 1:100;
+      x    = sort([x x+1e-4]);
+      y    = randn(length(x),1);
+      at1  = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'type', 'tsdata'));
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = dropduplicates(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        x = amat(kk).x;
+        y = amat(kk).y;
+        d = abs(diff(x));
+        idx = find(d<5e-3);
+        x(idx) = [];
+        y(idx) = [];
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dropduplicates method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dropduplicates method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x    = 1:100;
+      x    = sort([x x+1e-4]);
+      y    = randn(length(x),1);
+      at1  = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'type', 'tsdata'));
+      out = dropduplicates(at1,at5,at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        x = aoin(kk).x;
+        y = aoin(kk).y;
+        d = abs(diff(x));
+        idx = find(d<5e-3);
+        x(idx) = [];
+        y(idx) = [];
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dropduplicates method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dropduplicates method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x    = 1:100;
+      x    = sort([x x+1e-4]);
+      y    = randn(length(x),1);
+      at1  = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'type', 'tsdata'));
+      out = dropduplicates(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        x = aoin(kk).x;
+        y = aoin(kk).y;
+        d = abs(diff(x));
+        idx = find(d<5e-3);
+        x(idx) = [];
+        y(idx) = [];
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dropduplicates method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the dropduplicates method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = dropduplicates(at5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'dropduplicates'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'dropduplicates'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dropduplicates method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dropduplicates method can modify the input AO by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      x    = 1:100;
+      x    = sort([x x+1e-4]);
+      y    = randn(length(x),1);
+      at1  = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'type', 'tsdata'));
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout   = ain.dropduplicates();
+      ain.dropduplicates();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is dropduplicates(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that dropduplicates modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that dropduplicates doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the dropduplicates of the copy
+      x = at1.x;
+      y = at1.y;
+      d = abs(diff(x));
+      idx = find(d<5e-3);
+      x(idx) = [];
+      y(idx) = [];
+      if ~isequal(ain.x, x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ain.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dropduplicates method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dropduplicates method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x    = 1:100;
+      x    = sort([x x+1e-4]);
+      y    = randn(length(x),1);
+      at5  = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'type', 'tsdata'));
+      at6  = at5.';
+      out1 = dropduplicates(at5);
+      out2 = dropduplicates(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the dropduplicates method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x    = 1:100;
+      x    = sort([x x+1e-4]);
+      y    = randn(length(x),1);
+      at5  = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'type', 'tsdata'));
+      at6  = at5.';
+      [o1, o2] = dropduplicates(at5, at6);
+      o3  = dropduplicates(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the dropduplicates method with different tolerances.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x    = 1:100;
+      x    = sort([x x+.01]);
+      y    = randn(length(x),1);
+      at1  = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'type', 'tsdata'));
+      tol1 = 0.1;
+      tol2 = 0.001;
+      pl1  = plist('tol', tol1);
+      pl2  = plist('tol', tol2);
+      out1 = dropduplicates(at1, pl1);
+      out2 = dropduplicates(at1, pl2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the different tolerances
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The sensitivity of 'tol' is high enough to remove data points
+      if eq(at1, out1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % The sensitivity of 'tol' is NOT high enough to remove data points
+      % This means that input and output objectsare the same except the history
+      if ~eq(at1, out2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_dsmean.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+% UTP_AO_DSMEAN a set of UTPs for the ao/dsmean method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_dsmean.m,v 1.11 2009/09/20 16:51:33 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The dsmean method of the ao class performs downsampling by taking the
+% mean of every N samples of a time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_dsmean(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'dsmean';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fsout'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fsout'), 10), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fsout'), {10}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dsmean method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dsmean method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fsout = 3;
+      avec  = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out   = dsmean(avec, plist('fsout', fsout));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        dsf = round(avec(kk).data.fs/fsout);
+        n = floor(length(avec(kk).data.y) / dsf);
+        y = avec(kk).data.getY(1:n*dsf);
+        y = mean(reshape(y, dsf, length(y)/dsf)).';
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % Check t0
+        t0 = avec(kk).data.t0 + dsf/(2*avec(kk).data.fs);
+        if ~eq(out(kk).t0, t0), atest = false; end
+        % Check fs
+        if ~eq(out(kk).fs, fsout), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dsmean method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dsmean method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fsout = 3;
+      amat  = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out   = dsmean(amat, plist('fsout', fsout));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        dsf = round(amat(kk).data.fs/fsout);
+        n = floor(length(amat(kk).data.y) / dsf);
+        y = amat(kk).data.getY(1:n*dsf);
+        y = mean(reshape(y, dsf, length(y)/dsf)).';
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % Check t0
+        t0 = amat(kk).data.t0 + dsf/(2*amat(kk).data.fs);
+        if ~eq(out(kk).t0, t0), atest = false; end
+        % Check fs
+        if ~eq(out(kk).fs, fsout), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dsmean method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dsmean method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fsout = 3;
+      out   = dsmean(at1,at5,at6, plist('fsout', fsout));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        dsf = round(aoin(kk).data.fs/fsout);
+        n = floor(length(aoin(kk).data.y) / dsf);
+        y = aoin(kk).data.getY(1:n*dsf);
+        y = mean(reshape(y, dsf, length(y)/dsf)).';
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % Check t0
+        t0 = aoin(kk).data.t0 + dsf/(2*aoin(kk).data.fs);
+        if ~eq(out(kk).t0, t0), atest = false; end
+        % Check fs
+        if ~eq(out(kk).fs, fsout), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dsmean method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dsmean method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fsout = 2;
+      out   = dsmean(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6, plist('fsout', fsout));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        dsf = round(aoin(kk).data.fs/fsout);
+        n = floor(length(aoin(kk).data.y) / dsf);
+        y = aoin(kk).data.getY(1:n*dsf);
+        y = mean(reshape(y, dsf, length(y)/dsf)).';
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % Check t0
+        t0 = aoin(kk).data.t0 + dsf/(2*aoin(kk).data.fs);
+        if ~eq(out(kk).t0, t0), atest = false; end
+        % Check fs
+        if ~eq(out(kk).fs, fsout), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dsmean method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the dsmean method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = dsmean(at5,plist('fsout', 2));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'dsmean'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'dsmean'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dsmean method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dsmean method can modify the input AO by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      fsout = 3;
+      pl    = plist('fsout', fsout);
+      ain   = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout   = ain.dsmean(pl);
+      ain.dsmean(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is dsmean(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that dsmean modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that dsmean doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the dsmean of the copy
+      dsf = round(;
+      n = floor(length( / dsf);
+      y =*dsf);
+      y = mean(reshape(y, dsf, length(y)/dsf)).';
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(ain.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % Check t0
+      t0 = + dsf/(2*;
+      if ~eq(ain.t0, t0), atest = false; end
+      % Check fs
+      if ~eq(ain.fs, fsout), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the dsmean method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the dsmean method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fsout = 4;
+      pl    = plist('fsout', fsout);
+      out1  = dsmean(at5, pl);
+      out2  = dsmean(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the dsmean method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = dsmean(at5, at6);
+      o3  = dsmean(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_ecdf.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+% UTP_AO_ECDF a set of UTPs for the ao/ecdf method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_ecdf.m,v 1.1 2011/07/08 13:13:59 luigi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ifft method of the ao class computes the inverse fast fourier
+% transform of time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_ecdf(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'ecdf';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call does not work
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ecdf method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ecdf method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at5 at5];
+      out1  = ecdf(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ecdf method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ecdf method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at5 at5 at5; at5 at5 at5];
+      out1  = ecdf(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ecdf method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ecdf method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = ecdf(at5, at5, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ecdf method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ecdf method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = ecdf(at5,[at6 at6],at5,[at5 at5; at5 at5],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+%     aoin  = [at1, reshape([at1 at1], 1, []), at1, reshape([at1 at1; at1 at1], 1, []), at1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ecdf method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the ecdf method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = ecdf(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ecdf'.
+    % 2) % Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ecdf'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out1(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ecdf'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ecdf method cannot modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ecdf method cannot modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at2 to work with
+      ain1 = ao(at5);
+      % modify ain
+      ain1.ecdf;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the ecdf method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o11, o12] = ecdf(at5, at6);
+      no1  = ecdf(at5, at6);
+      mout11 = rebuild(o11);
+      mout12 = rebuild(o12);
+      moutn1 = rebuild(no1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o11) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o12) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(no1) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o11, mout11, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o12, mout12, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(no1, moutn1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_eig.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+% UTP_AO_EIG a set of UTPs for the ao/eig method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_eig.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 10:09:29 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eig method of the ao class computes the eigenvalues of a square matrix in y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_eig(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'eig';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at4, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = true;
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '1D')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '2D')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '3D')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET '1D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'y'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {'', 'nobalance'}), atest = false; end
+        % SET '2D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(4).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'xy'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {'', 'nobalance'}), atest = false; end
+        % SET '3D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.find('axis'), 'z'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(5).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(5).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'z', 'xyz'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {'', 'nobalance'}), atest = false; end     
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eig method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eig method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atvec = [at4, at4, at4];
+      out = eig(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the eigenvalues of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(eig(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eig method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eig method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4 at4; at4 at4 at4];
+      out = eig(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the eigenvalues of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(eig(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eig method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eig method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = eig(at4, at4, at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the eigenvalues of the input
+      if ~isequal(eig(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(eig(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(eig(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eig method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eig method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4; at4 at4];
+      atvec = [at4 at4];
+      out = eig(at4,atvec,at4,atmat,at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(eig(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(eig(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(eig(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~isequal(eig(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(eig(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eig method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the eig method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = eig(at4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'eig'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'eig'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eig method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eig method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at4 to work with
+      ain = ao(at4);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.eig();
+      ain.eig();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is eig(at4).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that eig modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at4), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that eig doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the eig value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(eig(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eig method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      op1 = 'nobalance';
+      op2 = [9 8 7; 6 5 4; 3 2 1];
+      pl0 = plist('option', op1);
+      pl1 = plist('option', op2);
+      out1 = eig(at4, pl0);
+      out2 = eig(at4, pl1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the svd method applies with different options.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..2]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the eigenvalues of the input
+      if ~isequal(eig(, op1),, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(eig(, op2),, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eig method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = eig(at4);
+      out2 = eig(at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(eig(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(eig(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the eig method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at4_10 = at4+10;
+      [o1, o2] = eig(at4, at4_10);
+      o3  = eig(at4, at4_10);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_eq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+% UTP_AO_EQ a set of UTPs for the ao/eq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_eq.m,v 1.11 2011/04/19 18:14:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eq() method of the ao class ao1 == ao2 compares each element of an
+% analysis object with the corresponding element of an second analysis object
+% and returns a logical 1 (true) where ao1 and ao2 are equal,
+% or logical 0 (false) where they are not equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_eq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'eq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with the exception list 'plotinfo'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with the exception list 't0'
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with the exception list 'x'
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test with the exception list 'y'
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with the exception list 'xunits'
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with the exception list 'yunits'
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test with the exception list 'fs'
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test with the exception list 'description'
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Exceptions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tol'), eps(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Exceptions'),   {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tol'),    {eps(1)}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a vector of AOs as input. Test the
+    % positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = at1.setName('my name');
+      avec1 = [at4, at3, at2, at1];
+      avec2 = [at4, at3, at2, aa];
+      out1 = eq(avec1, avec1);
+      out2 = eq(avec1, avec2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a matrix of AOs as input. Test the
+    % positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = at1.setName('my name');
+      amat1 = [at4, at3, at1, at1, at2, at4];
+      amat2 = [at4, at3, aa;  at1, at2, at4];
+      out1 = eq(amat1, amat1);
+      out2 = eq(amat1, amat2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of AOs as input. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of AOs as input. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, at1, 'my name');
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'name');
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'ao/name');
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'plotinfo'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setPlotinfo, at1, plist('line', 'k'));
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'plotinfo');
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'ao/plotinfo');
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 't0'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setT0, at1, time(123));
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 't0');
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'tsdata/t0');
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'x'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setX, at1, randn(300,1));
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'x');
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'tsdata/x');
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'y'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setY, at1, randn(300,1));
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'y');
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'tsdata/y');
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'xunits'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setXunits, at1, 'Hz s^-2/3');
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'xunits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'tsdata/xunits');
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'yunits'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setYunits, at1, 'Hz s^-2/3');
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at1, {'yunits', 'hist'});
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at1, {'tsdata/yunits', 'hist'});
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'fs'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setFs, at2, 123.123);
+      out1 = eq(aa, at2);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at2, 'fs');
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at2, 'fsdata/fs');
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at2.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'description'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setDescription, at1, 'my description');
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'description');
+      out3 = eqLocal(aa, at1, 'ao/description');
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, at1, 'my name');
+      pl = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = eq(aa, at1);
+      out2 = eq(aa, at1, pl);
+      out3 = eq(aa, at1, pl);
+      out4 = eq(aa.hist, at1.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  function res = eqLocal(obj1, obj2, ex)    
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e cellstr(ex)]);
+      res = eq(obj1, obj2, ple);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_exp.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_EXP a set of UTPs for the ao/exp method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_exp.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 10:48:51 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The exp method of the ao class computes the exponential of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_exp(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'exp';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(exp(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end      
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_export.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+% UTP_AO_EXPORT a set of UTPs for the ao/export method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_export.m,v 1.4 2011/04/18 16:57:44 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The export method of the ao class export an analysis object data to a
+% text file. This is a very simple method which accepts only one parfrac as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_export(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'export';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Test with non complex data
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Test with complex data
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List with plist(filename)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('complex format'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('complex format'), 'realimag'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('complex format'), {'absdeg', 'realimag', 'absrad'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the export method works with non complex data in the AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the export method works with non complex data in the AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plts = plist('fs', '1', 'nsecs', 30, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      plfs = plist('f', '1:30', 'fsfcn', 'randn(size(f))');
+      plxy = plist('x', '1:30', 'xyfcn', 'randn(size(x))');
+      fn1 = ('at1.txt');
+      fn2 = ('at2.txt');
+      fn3 = ('at3.txt');
+      at1 = ao(plts);
+      at2 = ao(plfs);
+      at3 = ao(plxy);
+      export(at1, fn1);
+      export(at2, fn2);
+      export(at3, fn3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the file exist.
+    % 2) Check that the read data is the same as the saved data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the file exist
+      if exist(fn1, 'file') ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if exist(fn2, 'file') ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if exist(fn3, 'file') ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the read data is the same as the saved data
+      a1 = ao(fn1, plist('type', 'tsdata', 'columns', [1 2]));
+      a2 = ao(fn2, plist('type', 'fsdata', 'columns', [1 2]));
+      a3 = ao(fn3, plist('type', 'xydata', 'columns', [1 2]));
+      if ~isequal(at1.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at1.y, a1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at2.x, a2.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at2.y, a2.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at3.x, a3.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at3.y, a3.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(fn1);
+      delete(fn2);
+      delete(fn3);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the export method works with complex data in the AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the export method works with complex data in the AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plts = plist('fs', '1', 'nsecs', 30, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)) + randn(size(t))*i');
+      plfs = plist('f', '1:30', 'fsfcn', 'randn(size(f)) + randn(size(f))*i');
+      plxy = plist('x', '1:30', 'xyfcn', 'randn(size(x)) + randn(size(x))*i');
+      fn1 = ('at1.txt');
+      fn2 = ('at2.txt');
+      fn3 = ('at3.txt');
+      at1 = ao(plts);
+      at2 = ao(plfs);
+      at3 = ao(plxy);
+      export(at1, fn1);
+      export(at2, fn2);
+      export(at3, fn3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the file exist.
+    % 2) Check that the read data is the same as the saved data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the file exist
+      if exist(fn1, 'file') ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if exist(fn2, 'file') ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if exist(fn3, 'file') ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the read data is the same as the saved data
+      a1r = ao(fn1, plist('type', 'tsdata', 'columns', [1 2]));
+      a1c = ao(fn1, plist('type', 'tsdata', 'columns', [1 3]));
+      a2r = ao(fn2, plist('type', 'fsdata', 'columns', [1 2]));
+      a2c = ao(fn2, plist('type', 'fsdata', 'columns', [1 3]));
+      a3r = ao(fn3, plist('type', 'xydata', 'columns', [1 2]));
+      a3c = ao(fn3, plist('type', 'xydata', 'columns', [1 3]));
+      a1 = complex(a1r, a1c);
+      a2 = complex(a2r, a2c);
+      a3 = complex(a3r, a3c);
+      if ~isequal(at1.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at1.y, a1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at2.x, a2.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at2.y, a2.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at3.x, a3.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at3.y, a3.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(fn1);
+      delete(fn2);
+      delete(fn3);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the export method works with a plist which contains the filename.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the export method works with a plist which contains the
+    % filename.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plts = plist('fs', '1', 'nsecs', 30, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)) + randn(size(t))*i');
+      plfs = plist('f', '1:30', 'fsfcn', 'randn(size(f))');
+      fn1 = ('at1.txt');
+      fn2 = ('at2.txt');
+      at1 = ao(plts);
+      at2 = ao(plfs);
+      export(at1, plist('filename', fn1));
+      export(at2, plist('filename', fn2));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the file exist.
+    % 2) Check that the read data is the same as the saved data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the file exist
+      if exist(fn1, 'file') ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if exist(fn2, 'file') ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the read data is the same as the saved data
+      a1r = ao(fn1, plist('type', 'tsdata', 'columns', [1 2]));
+      a1c = ao(fn1, plist('type', 'tsdata', 'columns', [1 3]));
+      a2 = ao(fn2, plist('type', 'fsdata', 'columns', [1 2]));
+      a1 = complex(a1r, a1c);
+      if ~isequal(at1.x, a1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at1.y, a1.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at2.x, a2.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at2.y, a2.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(fn1);
+      delete(fn2);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_fft.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+% UTP_AO_FFT a set of UTPs for the ao/fft method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_fft.m,v 1.13 2011/02/04 11:08:54 luigi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The fft method of the ao class computes the fast fourier transform of
+% time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_fft(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'fft';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    atvec = [at1 at5 at6];
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at5, at6, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, plist('neval', true), ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at5, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test against MATLAB's fft
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with different data types
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test with plist: 'type' = 'two'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    fs     =;
+    fmin   = 0;
+    nfft   = length(in.y);
+    ft     = fft(in.y);
+    ft   = ft(1:nfft/2+1);
+    f    = linspace(fmin, fs/2, length(ft)).';
+    % Check y-axis
+    if ~isequal(out.y, ft), atest = false; end
+    % Check x-axis
+    if ~isequal(out.x, f), atest = false; end
+    % Check fs
+    if ~isequal(out.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+    % Check units
+    if ~eq(out.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(out.yunits, in.yunits), atest = false; end
+  end       
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('type'), 'one'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'plain', 'one', 'two'}), atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('scale'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), paramValue.FALSE_TRUE{2}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fft method agrees with MATLAB's fft when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying fft works on a single AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 1000;
+      pl = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      % Compute fft
+      out = fft(a1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's fft.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute fft using MATLAB's fft
+      % ao/fft returns only one-sided fft (0-Nyquist)
+      yxx = fft(;
+      if ~isequal(yxx(1:length(yxx)/2+1),, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fft method works with different data types. The testing of
+  % tsdata types are done before.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying fft works on cdata and xydata.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Compute fft
+      out3 = fft(at3);
+      out4 = fft(at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute fft for cdata and xydata
+      fs   = 2+length(at3.y);
+      nfft = length(at3.y);
+      ft   = fft(at3.y);
+      ft   = ft(1:nfft/2+1);
+      f    = (0:floor(nfft/2)).*fs./nfft;
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(out3.y, ft), atest = false; end
+      % Check x-axis
+      if ~isequal(out3.x, f.'), atest = false; end
+      % Check fs
+      if ~isequal(out3.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      % Check units
+      if ~eq(out3.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.yunits, at3.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fft method works with a plist which constains the key/value
+  % pair 'type'/'two'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying fft works with a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('type', 'two');
+      % Compute fft
+      out  = fft(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute fft for cdata and xydata
+      fs   =;
+      nfft = length(at5.y);
+      ft     = fft(;
+      ft   = fftshift(ft);
+      f = fftshift([0:floor(nfft/2)-1 -floor(nfft/2):-1].*fs./nfft);
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(out.y, ft), atest = false; end
+      % Check x-axis
+      if ~isequal(out.x, f.'), atest = false; end
+      % Check fs
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      % Check units
+      if ~eq(out.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, at5.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_fftfilt.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+% UTP_AO_FFTFILT a set of UTPs for the ao/fftfilt method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_fftfilt.m,v 1.9 2011/05/28 05:38:23 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ifft method of the ao class computes the inverse fast fourier
+% transform of time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_fftfilt(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'fftfilt';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Test filter objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % NOTE: smodel filtering will be tested as soon as standard test
+    % objects will be added
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Npad'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Initial Conditions'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filter'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Npad'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Initial Conditions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filter'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Npad'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Initial Conditions'), {{}}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fftfilt method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fftfilt method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at1];
+      out1  = fftfilt(avec, redesign(iirlp, at1.fs));
+      out2  = fftfilt(avec, redesign(firlp, at1.fs));
+      out3  = fftfilt(avec, ra1);
+      out4  = fftfilt(avec, pz1);
+      out5  = fftfilt(avec, pf1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out4) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fftfilt method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fftfilt method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at1 at1; at1 at1 at1];
+      out1  = fftfilt(amat, redesign(iirlp, at1.fs));
+      out2  = fftfilt(amat, redesign(firlp, at1.fs));
+      out3  = fftfilt(amat, ra1);
+      out4  = fftfilt(amat, pz1);
+      out5  = fftfilt(amat, pf1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out4) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fftfilt method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fftfilt method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = fftfilt(at1, at1, at1, redesign(iirlp, at1.fs));
+      out2  = fftfilt(at1, at1, at1, redesign(firlp, at1.fs));
+      out3  = fftfilt(at1, at1, at1, ra1);
+      out4  = fftfilt(at1, at1, at1, pz1);
+      out5  = fftfilt(at1, at1, at1, pf1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+%     aoin  = [at1, at1, at1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out4) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fftfilt method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fftfilt method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = fftfilt(at1,[at1 at1],at1,[at1 at1; at1 at1],at1, redesign(iirlp, at1.fs));
+      out2  = fftfilt(at1,[at1 at1],at1,[at1 at1; at1 at1],at1, redesign(firlp, at1.fs));
+      out3  = fftfilt(at1,[at1 at1],at1,[at1 at1; at1 at1],at1, ra1);
+      out4  = fftfilt(at1,[at1 at1],at1,[at1 at1; at1 at1],at1, pz1);
+      out5  = fftfilt(at1,[at1 at1],at1,[at1 at1; at1 at1],at1, pf1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+%     aoin  = [at1, reshape([at1 at1], 1, []), at1, reshape([at1 at1; at1 at1], 1, []), at1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out4) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fftfilt method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the fftfilt method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = fftfilt(at1, redesign(iirlp, at1.fs));
+      out2  = fftfilt(at1, redesign(firlp, at1.fs));
+      out3  = fftfilt(at1, ra1);
+      out4  = fftfilt(at1, pz1);
+      out5  = fftfilt(at1, pf1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'fftfilt'.
+    % 2) % Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'fftfilt'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'fftfilt'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'fftfilt'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out4.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'fftfilt'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out5.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'fftfilt'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout5, out5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fftfilt method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fftfilt method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at2 to work with
+      ain1 = ao(at5);
+      ain2 = ao(at5);
+      ain3 = ao(at5);
+      ain4 = ao(at5);
+      ain5 = ao(at5);
+      % modify ain
+      out1  = fftfilt(ain1, redesign(iirlp, ain1.fs));
+      out2  = fftfilt(ain2, redesign(firlp, ain2.fs));
+      out3  = fftfilt(ain3, ra1);
+      out4  = fftfilt(ain4, pz1);
+      out5  = fftfilt(ain5, pf1);
+      ain1.fftfilt(redesign(iirlp, ain1.fs));
+      ain2.fftfilt(redesign(firlp, ain2.fs));
+      ain3.fftfilt(ra1);
+      ain4.fftfilt(pz1);
+      ain5.fftfilt(pf1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at2' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is fftfilt(at2).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that fftfilt modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at5), ain1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if eq(ao(at5), ain2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if eq(ao(at5), ain3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if eq(ao(at5), ain4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if eq(ao(at5), ain5, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that fftfilt doesn't modified the input for the function
+      % notation
+      if ~eq(out1, ain1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, ain2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, ain3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, ain4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, ain5, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fftfilt method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fftfilt method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out11 = fftfilt(at5, redesign(iirlp, at5.fs));
+      out12 = fftfilt(at6, redesign(iirlp, at6.fs));
+      out21 = fftfilt(at5, redesign(firlp, at5.fs));
+      out22 = fftfilt(at6, redesign(firlp, at6.fs));
+      out31 = fftfilt(at5, ra1);
+      out32 = fftfilt(at6, ra1);
+      out41 = fftfilt(at5, pz1);
+      out42 = fftfilt(at6, pz1);
+      out51 = fftfilt(at5, pf1);
+      out52 = fftfilt(at6, pf1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the fftfilt method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o11, o12] = fftfilt(at5, at6, redesign(iirlp, 10));
+      no1  = fftfilt(at5, at6, redesign(iirlp, 10));
+      mout11 = rebuild(o11);
+      mout12 = rebuild(o12);
+      moutn1 = rebuild(no1);
+      [o21, o22] = fftfilt(at5, at6, redesign(firlp, 10));
+      no2  = fftfilt(at5, at6, redesign(firlp, 10));
+      mout21 = rebuild(o21);
+      mout22 = rebuild(o22);
+      moutn2 = rebuild(no2);
+      [o31, o32] = fftfilt(at5, at6, ra1);
+      no3  = fftfilt(at5, at6, ra1);
+      mout31 = rebuild(o31);
+      mout32 = rebuild(o32);
+      moutn3 = rebuild(no3);
+      [o41, o42] = fftfilt(at5, at6, pz1);
+      no4  = fftfilt(at5, at6, pz1);
+      mout41 = rebuild(o41);
+      mout42 = rebuild(o42);
+      moutn4 = rebuild(no4);
+      [o51, o52] = fftfilt(at5, at6, pf1);
+      no5  = fftfilt(at5, at6, pf1);
+      mout51 = rebuild(o51);
+      mout52 = rebuild(o52);
+      moutn5 = rebuild(no5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o11) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o12) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(no1) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o11, mout11, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o12, mout12, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(no1, moutn1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o21) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o22) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(no2) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o21, mout21, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o22, mout22, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(no2, moutn2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o31) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o32) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(no3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o31, mout31, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o32, mout32, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(no3, moutn3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o41) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o42) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(no4) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o41, mout41, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o42, mout42, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(no4, moutn4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o51) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o52) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(no5) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o51, mout51, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o52, mout52, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(no5, moutn5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_filtSubtract.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+% UTP_AO_FILTSUBTRACT a set of UTPs for the ao/filtSubtract method
+% M Nofrarias 05-07-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_filtSubtract.m,v 1.3 2011/04/17 15:46:21 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% FILTSUBTRACT subtracts a frequency dependent noise contribution from an
+% input ao.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_filtSubtract(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'filtSubtract';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    at1.setYunits('Hz');
+    at2.setYunits('Hz');
+    at3.setYunits('Hz');
+    at4.setYunits('Hz');
+    at5.setYunits('Hz');
+    at6.setYunits('Hz');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    %
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtSubtract method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtSubtract method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [at1 at5];
+      fs = at1.fs;
+      out  = filtSubtract(avec);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtSubtract method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtSubtract method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat = [at1; at5];
+      out  = filtSubtract(amat);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtSubtract method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtSubtract method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      out = filtSubtract(at1,at5);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtSubtract method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtSubtract method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+%       out = filtSubtract(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6,pl);
+     stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtSubtract method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the filtSubtract method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      out  = filtSubtract(at1,at5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'filtSubtract'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'filtSubtract'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtSubtract method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+       % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      ain.filtSubtract(at1,at5,at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_filter.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1374 @@
+% UTP_AO_FILTER a set of UTPs for the ao/filter method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_filter.m,v 1.25 2011/04/19 18:14:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The filter method of the ao class filters time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_filter(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'filter';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    pli = plist('filter', miir(plist('type', 'lowpass')));
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with miir filter and different fs
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with mfir filter
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, pli)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with fsdata + miir filter
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with parallel filter bank
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test with serial filter bank
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test with fsdata and parallel filter bank
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test with fsdata and serial filter bank
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test with fsdata + mfir filter
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test with tsdata + 1D matrix in a plist
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test with tsdata + 1D matrix as second input
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test with tsdata + 2D matrix in a plist (test it do not work)
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test with tsdata + 2D matrix as second input (test it do not work)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('gdoff'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('bank'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('initialize'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filter')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('gdoff'), 'no'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('bank'), 'parallel'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('initialize'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filter'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('gdoff'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'), {'parallel', 'serial'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('initialize'), {false true}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      avec   = [at5 at6];
+      out    = filter(avec, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest  = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the output-filter
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        % don't init the history of the filter
+        [y, Zf] = filter(fobj.a, fobj.b, avec(kk).y, fobj.histout);
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, avec(kk).data.yunits.*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+        % check the output filter in ao.procinfo
+        fout = find(out(kk).procinfo, 'Filter');
+        if ~isa(fout, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(fout.histout, Zf), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      amat   = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out    = filter(amat, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest  = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the output-filter
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        % Don't init the history of the filter
+        [y, Zf] = filter(fobj.a, fobj.b, amat(kk).y, fobj.histout);
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, amat(kk).data.yunits.*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+        % Check filter
+        fout = find(out(kk).procinfo, 'Filter');
+        if ~isa(fout, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(fout.histout, Zf), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      out    = filter(at1,at5,at6,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest  = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        % Don't init the history of the filter
+        [y, Zf] = filter(fobj.a, fobj.b, aoin(kk).y, fobj.histout);
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, aoin(kk).data.yunits.*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      out    = filter(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest  = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        % Don't init the history of the filter
+        [y, Zf] = filter(fobj.a, fobj.b, aoin(kk).y, fobj.histout);
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, aoin(kk).data.yunits.*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the filter method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      out    = filter(at5,pl);
+      mout   = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'filter'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'filter'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method can modify the input AO by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain   = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout   = ain.filter(pl);
+      ain.filter(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is filter(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that filter modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that filter doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the filter of the copy
+      % Don't init the history of the filter
+      [y, Zf] = filter(fobj.a, fobj.b, at1.y, fobj.histout);
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(ain.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+      if ~eq(ain.yunits,*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      out1   = filter(at5, pl);
+      out2   = filter(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method with a iir filter which have a different sample
+  % rate as the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method can change the sample rate of the filter and
+    % that the filter-object is returned.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobjin = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 3, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobjin);
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at1.filter(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      fobj = fobjin.redesign(at1.fs);
+      [y, Zf] = filter(fobj.a, fobj.b, at1.y, fobj.histout);
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+      if ~eq(out.yunits,*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(outf.fs, out.fs), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method with a fir filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method with a fir filter.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at5.filter(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a fir filter.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      [y, Zf] = filter(fobj.a, 1, at5.y, fobj.histout);
+      gd = floor(;
+      x  = at5.x;
+      x  = x(1:end-gd);
+      y  = y(1+gd:end);
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % Check x-axis
+      if any(abs(out.x-x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+      if ~eq(out.yunits,*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the filter method with an AO and fsdata-object and an iir filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of the filter method is the product of the AO and the
+    % response of the filter.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj   = redesign(fobj, at2.fs);
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at2.filter(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+    % 3) Check the units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      r = resp(fobj, plist('f', at2));
+      a = at2.*r;
+      if ~isequal(a.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(a.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check units
+      if ~eq(out.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, at2.yunits.*r.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method works with a bank of parallel filters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method works for bank of parallel filters.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj1   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', 10,'fc', 0.1, 'order', 2, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj2   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10,'fc', 1, 'order', 3, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj = [fobj1 fobj2];
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj, 'bank', 'parallel', 'initialize', true);
+      [out, filtout] = filter(at1,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest  = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    % number of elements in 'input'
+    % 2) Check that output AO contains the correct number of data.
+    % 3) Check that output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 4) Check that histout is properly assigned
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = copy(at1,1);
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of elements in outputs
+      if length(out.y) ~= length(aoin.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      % filtering separately
+      y = zeros(length(aoin.y),numel(fobj));
+      Zf = cell(numel(fobj),1);
+      for kk = 1:numel(fobj)
+        zi = utils.math.iirinit(fobj(kk).a,fobj(kk).b);
+        testCallerIsMethod(@setHistout, fobj(kk), zi*aoin.y(1));
+        [yt, Zft] = filter(fobj(kk).a, fobj(kk).b, aoin.y, fobj(kk).histout);
+        if ~isequal(size(yt),size(y(kk)))
+          y(:,kk) = yt.';
+        else
+          y(:,kk) = yt;
+        end
+        Zf{kk,1} = Zft;
+      end
+      yf = y(:,1);
+      for jj = 2:size(y,2)
+        yf = yf + y(:,jj);
+      end
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(out.y, yf), atest = false; end
+      % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+      if ~eq(out.yunits,*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      % Checking histout
+      for ii = 1:numel(fobj)
+        if ~isequal(filtout(ii).histout, Zf{ii,1}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filter method works with a bank of serial filters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method works for bank of serial filters.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits1 = unit('m');
+      ounits1 = unit('V');
+      iunits2 = unit('V');
+      ounits2 = unit('C');
+      fobj1   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', 10,'fc', 0.1, 'order', 2, 'iunits', iunits1, 'ounits', ounits1));
+      fobj2   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10,'fc', 1, 'order', 3, 'iunits', iunits2, 'ounits', ounits2));
+      fobj = [fobj1 fobj2];
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj, 'bank', 'serial');
+      [out, filtout] = filter(at1,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest  = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    % number of elements in 'input'
+    % 2) Check that output AO contains the correct number of data.
+    % 3) Check that output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 4) Check that histout is properly assigned
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(at1), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of elements in outputs
+      if length(out.y) ~= length(at1.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      % filtering separately
+      Zf = cell(numel(fobj),1);
+      y = at1.y;
+      for kk = 1:numel(fobj)
+        zi = utils.math.iirinit(fobj(kk).a,fobj(kk).b);
+        testCallerIsMethod(@setHistout, fobj(kk), zi*y(1));
+        [yf, Zft] = filter(fobj(kk).a, fobj(kk).b, y, fobj(kk).histout);
+        if ~isequal(size(yf),size(y))
+          y = yf.';
+        else
+          y = yf;
+        end
+        Zf{kk,1} = Zft;
+      end
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+      if ~eq(out.yunits,*(ounits1./iunits1).*(ounits2./iunits2)), atest = false; end
+      % Checking histout
+      for ii = 1:numel(fobj)
+        if ~isequal(filtout(ii).histout, Zf{ii}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the filter method with an AO of fsdata-object and a bank of iir
+  % parallel filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of the filter method is the product of the AO and the
+    % response of the parallel filter bank.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj1   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', 10,'fc', 0.1, 'order', 2, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj2   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10,'fc', 1, 'order', 3, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj = [fobj1 fobj2];
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj, 'bank', 'parallel');
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = filter(at2,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+    % 3) Check the units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      sr = resp(fobj, plist('f', at2.x));
+      r = sr(1);
+      for kk = 2:numel(sr)
+        r = r + sr(kk);
+      end
+      a = at2.*r;
+      if ~isequal(a.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(a.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check units
+      if ~eq(out.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, at2.yunits.*sr(1).yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the filter method with an AO of fsdata-object and a bank of iir
+  % serial filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of the filter method is the product of the AO and the
+    % response of the serial filter bank.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits1 = unit('m');
+      ounits1 = unit('V');
+      iunits2 = unit('V');
+      ounits2 = unit('C');
+      fobj1   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', 10,'fc', 0.1, 'order', 2, 'iunits', iunits1, 'ounits', ounits1));
+      fobj2   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10,'fc', 1, 'order', 3, 'iunits', iunits2, 'ounits', ounits2));
+      fobj = [fobj1 fobj2];
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj, 'bank', 'serial');
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at2.filter(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+    % 3) Check the units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      sr = resp(fobj, plist('f', at2));
+      r = sr(1);
+      for kk = 2:numel(fobj)
+        r = r.*sr(kk);
+      end
+      a = at2.*r;
+      if ~isequal(a.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(a.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check units
+      if ~eq(out.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, simplify(at2.yunits.*sr(1).yunits.*sr(2).yunits)), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the filter method with an AO and fsdata-object and an mfir filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of the filter method is the product of the AO and the
+    % response of the filter.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj   = redesign(fobj, at2.fs);
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at2.filter(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a fir filter.
+    % 3) Check the units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      r = resp(fobj, plist('f', at2));
+      a = at2.*r;
+      if ~isequal(a.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(a.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check units
+      if ~eq(out.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, at2.yunits.*r.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+%% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the filter method works with a filter embedded into a matrix
+  % and input in a plist
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method works with a filter embedded into a
+    % matrix
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      mobj   = matrix(fobj);
+      pl     = plist('filter', mobj);
+      out    = filter(at5, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest  = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the output-filter
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y = filter(at5,plist('filter',fobj));
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~eq(out, y, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check y-units
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, y.yunits, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+%% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the filter method works with a filter embedded into a matrix
+  % and input as a second input
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method works with a filter embedded into a
+    % matrix
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      mobj   = matrix(fobj);
+      out    = filter(at5, mobj);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest  = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the output-filter
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y = filter(at5,fobj);
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~eq(out, y, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check y-units
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, y.yunits, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+%% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the filter method does not works with a N-dim matrix of
+  % filters input in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method does not works with a N-dim matrix of
+    % filters input in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj1   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fc', 0.2, 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj2   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fc', 0.02, 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      mobj   = matrix(fobj1,fobj2);
+      pl     = plist('filter', mobj);
+      out    = filter(at5, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+%% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the filter method does not works with a N-dim matrix of
+  % filters input as a second object
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filter method does not works with a N-dim matrix of
+    % filters input in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj1   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fc', 0.2, 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj2   = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fc', 0.02, 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      mobj   = matrix(fobj1,fobj2);
+      out    = filter(at5, mobj);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_filtfilt.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+% UTP_AO_FILTFILT a set of UTPs for the ao/filtfilt method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_filtfilt.m,v 1.12 2010/03/23 20:36:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The filtfilt method of the ao class filters time-series AOs forwards and
+% backwards.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_filtfilt(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'filtfilt';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    pli = plist('filter', miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', at1.fs)));
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with miir filter and different fs
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with mfir filter
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, pli)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with fsdata + miir filter
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with fsdata + mfir filter
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filter'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filter')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filter'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtfilt method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      avec   = [at1 at5 at6];
+      [out, outf] = filtfilt(avec, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the output-filter
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        y = filtfilt(fobj.a, fobj.b, avec(kk).y);
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, avec(kk).data.yunits.*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check filter
+      if numel(outf) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(outf, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtfilt method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      amat   = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      [out, outf] = filtfilt(amat, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the output-filter
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        y = filtfilt(fobj.a, fobj.b, amat(kk).y);
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, amat(kk).data.yunits.*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check filter
+      if numel(outf) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(outf, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtfilt method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      out = filtfilt(at1,at5,at6,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        y = filtfilt(fobj.a, fobj.b, aoin(kk).y);
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, aoin(kk).data.yunits.*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtfilt method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      out = filtfilt(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        y = filtfilt(fobj.a, fobj.b, aoin(kk).y);
+        % Check y-axis
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+        % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, aoin(kk).data.yunits.*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the filtfilt method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      out  = filtfilt(at5,pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'filtfilt'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'filtfilt'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtfilt method can modify the input AO by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain   = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout   = ain.filtfilt(pl);
+      ain.filtfilt(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is filtfilt(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that filtfilt modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that filtfilt doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the filtfilt of the copy
+      y = filtfilt(fobj.a, fobj.b, at1.y);
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(ain.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+      if ~eq(ain.yunits,*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtfilt method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 10, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      out1   = filtfilt(at5, pl);
+      out2   = filtfilt(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method with a iir filter which have a different sample
+  % rate as the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtfilt method can change the sample rate of the filter and
+    % that the filtfilt-object is returned.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobjin = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 3, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobjin);
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at1.filtfilt(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a iir filtfilt.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      fobj = fobjin.redesign(at1.fs);
+      y = filtfilt(fobj.a, fobj.b, at1.y);
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+      if ~eq(out.yunits,*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(outf.fs, out.fs), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the filtfilt method with a fir filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the filtfilt method with a fir filter.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits, 'order', 64, 'fs', 10));
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at5.filtfilt(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a fir filter.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      fobj = redesign(fobj, at5.fs);
+      y = filtfilt(fobj.a, 1, at5.y);
+      % Check y-axis
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % y-units: yunits.*ounits./iunits
+      if ~eq(out.yunits,*ounits./iunits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the filtfilt method with an AO and fsdata-object and an iir filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of the filtfilt method is the product of the AO and the
+    % response of the filter.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj   = redesign(fobj, at2.fs);
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at2.filtfilt(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a iir filter.
+    % 3) Check the units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      r = resp(fobj, plist('f', at2));
+      a = at2.*r.*conj(r);
+      if ~isequal(a.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(a.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check units
+      if ~eq(out.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      y_units = simplify(at2.yunits.*r.yunits.*r.yunits, 'Hz');
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, y_units), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the filtfilt method with an AO and fsdata-object and an iir filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of the filtfilt method is the product of the AO and the
+    % response of the filter.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iunits = unit('m');
+      ounits = unit('V');
+      fobj   = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits));
+      fobj   = redesign(fobj, at2.fs);
+      pl     = plist('filter', fobj);
+      % modify ain
+      [out, outf] = at2.filtfilt(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that the second output is a fir filter.
+    % 3) Check the units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      r = resp(fobj, plist('f', at2));
+      a = at2.*r.*conj(r);
+      if ~isequal(a.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(a.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output filter. The filter must have the new frequency
+      if ~isa(outf, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check units
+      if ~eq(out.xunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Compute y-units
+      y_units = simplify(at2.yunits.*r.yunits.*r.yunits, 'Hz');
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, y_units), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_find.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+% UTP_AO_FIND a set of UTPs for the ao/find method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_find.m,v 1.7 2010/08/18 15:35:25 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The find method of the ao class computes the FIND particular samples that
+% satisfy the input query and return a new AO.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_find(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'find';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    pli = plist('QUERY', 'x < 4');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with with different queries.
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, pli)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with AO(cdata)
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with plist(query)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('query'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('query')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('query'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the find method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the find method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = find(atvec, 'x < 4');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output must have x-values which are smaler 4
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+          x = atvec(kk).x;
+          idx = find(x < 4);
+          if any(abs(out(kk).x - atvec(kk).x(idx)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).y, atvec(kk).y(idx)),atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the find method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the find method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = find(atmat, 'y < 4');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output must have y-values which are smaler 4
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        y = atmat(kk).y;
+        idx = find(y < 4);
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if any(abs(out(kk).x - atmat(kk).x(idx)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, atmat(kk).y(idx)),atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the find method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the find method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = find(at1, at2, at3, 'x < 4');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output must have x-values which are smaler 4
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          x = aoin(kk).x;
+          idx = find(x < 4);
+          if any(abs(out(kk).x - aoin(kk).x(idx)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).y, aoin(kk).y(idx)),atest = false; end
+        else
+          if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the find method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the find method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = find(at1, atmat, at3, atvec, 'y < 4');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape(atmat, 1, []), at3, reshape(atvec, 1, [])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output must have y-values which are smaler 4
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        y = aoin(kk).y;
+        idx = find(y < 4);
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if any(abs(out(kk).x - aoin(kk).x(idx)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, aoin(kk).y(idx)),atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the find method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the find method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = find(at1, 'x < 4');
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'finf'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'find'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the find method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the find method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.find('x < 4');
+      amodi.find('x < 4');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the abs value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input have the correct data
+      x = at1.x;
+      idx = find(x < 4);
+      if any(abs(out.x - at1.x(idx)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, at1.y(idx)),atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the find method works with different queries to the x-/y-
+  % axis.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the find method works with different queries to the x-/y-
+    % axis.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = find(at1, 'x > 5 & x < 25');
+      out2 = find(at1, 'x > 5 & y < .4');
+      out3 = find(at1, 'y < 0.4 & y > -0.4');
+      out4 = find(at1, 'x > 5', 'x < 25');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      x = at1.x;
+      y = at1.y;
+      % Check 'out1'
+      idx1 = find(x > 5 & x < 25);
+      t0off = (out1.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at1.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+      if any(abs(out1.x + t0off - at1.x(idx1)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, at1.y(idx1)),atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out2'
+      idx2 = find(x > 5 & y < .4);
+      if any(abs(out2.x - at1.x(idx2)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, at1.y(idx2)),atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out3'
+      idx3 = find(y < 0.4 & y > -0.4);
+      if any(abs(out3.x - at1.x(idx3)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.y, at1.y(idx3)),atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out4'
+      idx4 = find(x > 5 & x < 25);
+      t0off = (out4.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at1.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+      if any(abs(out4.x + t0off - at1.x(idx4)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.y, at1.y(idx4)),atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the find method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = find(at5 ,'x > 5 & x < 20 & y < 1');
+      out2 = find(at6, 'x > 5 & x < 20 & y < 1');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the find method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = find(at5, at6, 'y < 5');
+      o3  = abs(at5, at6, 'y < 5');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the find method works with AOs which have cdata.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the find method works with AOs which have cdata.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao([1 -2 3; -4 7 -1 ; 5 3 -8]);
+      a2 = ao(1:12);
+      out1 = find(a1, 'y > 1');
+      out2 = find(a2, 'y > 3 & y < 8');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check 'out1'
+      y = a1.y;
+      idx1 = find(y > 1);
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, a1.y(idx1)),atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out2'
+      y = a2.y;
+      idx2 = find(y > 3 & y < 8);
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, a2.y(idx2)),atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+ %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the find method works with a plist which contains different
+  % queries to the x-/y- axis.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the find method works with a plist which contains different
+    % queries to the x-/y- axis.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = find(at1, plist('query', 'x > 5 & x < 25'));
+      out2 = find(at1, plist('query', 'x > 5 & y < .4'));
+      out3 = find(at1, plist('query', 'y < 0.4 & y > -0.4'));
+      out4 = find(at1, plist('query', 'x > 5 & x < 25'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      x = at1.x;
+      y = at1.y;
+      % Check 'out1'
+      idx1 = find(x > 5 & x < 25);
+      t0off = (out1.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at1.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1000;
+      if any(abs(out1.x + t0off - at1.x(idx1)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, at1.y(idx1)),atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out2'
+      idx2 = find(x > 5 & y < .4);
+      if any(abs(out2.x - at1.x(idx2)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, at1.y(idx2)),atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out3'
+      idx3 = find(y < 0.4 & y > -0.4);
+      if any(abs(out3.x - at1.x(idx3)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.y, at1.y(idx3)),atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out4'
+      idx4 = find(x > 5 & x < 25);
+      t0off = (out4.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at1.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+      if any(abs(out4.x + t0off - at1.x(idx4)) > TOL),atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.y, at1.y(idx4)),atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_firwhiten.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+% UTP_AO_PSD a set of UTPs for the ao/firwhiten method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_firwhiten.m,v 1.21 2011/11/16 08:16:08 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The firwhiten method of the ao class computes the spectral density of time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_firwhiten(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'firwhiten';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with complex plist
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test the spectral falttening
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test errors are cleared
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        pn = 1;
+        if ~isempty(io(pn).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(pn).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        pn = 2;
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(pn).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(pn).plists) ~= numel(io(pn).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nfft'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('bw'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hc'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('firwin'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ntaps'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('nfft'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('bw'), 20), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('hc'), .8), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(pn).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('order'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(pn).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('ntaps'), 256), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nfft'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('bw'), {20}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('hc'), {.8}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('firwin'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ntaps'), {256}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the firwhiten method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the firwhiten method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec  = [at5 at5 at6];
+      N     = 512;
+      fwin  = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      [out, outf, outxx] = firwhiten(avec, plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of elements in 'out'
+    % 2) Check the number of filters (outf) and noise-floor estimates (outxx)
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out)   ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(outf)  ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(outxx) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');  
+      swin = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        pl_psd = plist('Nfft', length(avec(kk).y), 'Win', specwin(swin), 'Order', -1, 'Scale', 'ASD');
+        axx = psd(avec(kk), pl_psd);
+        nxx = smoother(axx, plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8));
+        w   = 1./nxx;
+        ff  = mfir(w, plist('Win', fwin, 'N', N));
+        res = filter(avec(kk), ff);
+        if ~isequal(res.x, out(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(res.y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the firwhiten method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the firwhiten method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      N     = 512;
+      fwin  = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      [out, outf, outxx] = firwhiten(amat, plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of elements in 'out'
+    % 2) Check the number of filters (outf) and noise-floor estimates (outxx)
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out)   ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(outf)  ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(outxx) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');  
+      swin = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        pl_psd = plist('Nfft', length(amat(kk).y), 'Win', specwin(swin), 'Order', -1, 'Scale', 'ASD');
+        axx = psd(amat(kk), pl_psd);
+        nxx = smoother(axx, plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8));
+        w   = 1./nxx;
+        ff  = mfir(w, plist('Win', fwin, 'N', N));
+        res = filter(amat(kk), ff);
+        if ~isequal(res.x, out(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(res.y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the firwhiten method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the firwhiten method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N     = 512;
+      fwin  = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      [out, outf, outxx] = firwhiten(at1,at5,at6, plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of elements in 'out'
+    % 2) Check the number of filters (outf) and noise-floor estimates (outxx)
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out)   ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(outf)  ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(outxx) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');  
+      swin = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        pl_psd = plist('Nfft', length(aoin(kk).y), 'Win', specwin(swin), 'Order', -1, 'Scale', 'ASD');
+        axx = psd(aoin(kk), pl_psd);
+        nxx = smoother(axx, plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8));
+        w   = 1./nxx;
+        ff  = mfir(w, plist('Win', fwin, 'N', N));
+        res = filter(aoin(kk), ff);
+        if ~isequal(res.x, out(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(res.y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the firwhiten method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the firwhiten method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N     = 512;
+      fwin  = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      pl    = plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin);
+      [out, outf, outxx] = firwhiten(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of elements in 'out'
+    % 2) Check the number of filters (outf) and noise-floor estimates (outxx)
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out)   ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      if numel(outf)  ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      if numel(outxx) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');  
+      swin = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        pl_psd = plist('Nfft', length(aoin(kk).y), 'Win', specwin(swin), 'Order', -1, 'Scale', 'ASD');
+        axx = psd(aoin(kk), pl_psd);
+        nxx = smoother(axx, plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8));
+        w   = 1./nxx;
+        ff  = mfir(w, plist('Win', fwin, 'N', N));
+        res = filter(aoin(kk), ff);
+        if ~isequal(res.x, out(kk).x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(res.y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the firwhiten method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the firwhiten method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N     = 512;
+      fwin  = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      pl    = plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin);
+      out  = firwhiten(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'firwhiten'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'firwhiten'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple4), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the firwhiten method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the firwhiten method can modify the input AO by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N    = 512;
+      fwin = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      pl   = plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin);
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain  = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.firwhiten(pl);
+      ain.firwhiten(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is firwhiten(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that firwhiten modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that firwhiten doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the firwhiten of the copy
+      % Check the output data of ain
+      prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');  
+      swin = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      pl_psd = plist('Nfft', length(at1.y), 'Win', specwin(swin), 'Order', -1, 'Scale', 'ASD');
+      axx = psd(at1, pl_psd);
+      nxx = smoother(axx, plist('width', 20, 'hc', 0.8));
+      w   = 1./nxx;
+      ff  = mfir(w, plist('Win', fwin, 'N', N));
+      res = filter(at1, ff);
+      if ~isequal(res.x, ain.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(res.y, ain.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the firwhiten method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the firwhiten method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N    = 512;
+      fwin = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      pl   = plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin);
+      out1   = firwhiten(at5, pl);
+      out2   = firwhiten(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the firwhiten method with a complex plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the firwhiten method with a complex plist
+    % can be processed back to a m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N     = 512;
+      Nfft  = 100;
+      order = 1;
+      fwin  = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      swin  = specwin('Kaiser', 10, 100);
+      pl    = plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin, 'win', swin, 'Nfft', Nfft, 'order', order);
+      [out, outf, outxx] = firwhiten(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output data
+    % 2) Check the output filter
+    % 3) Check the noise-floor estimates
+    % 4) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'firwhiten'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the spectral falttening capability of firwhiten method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the application of the firwhiten method enhances the
+    % spectral flatness of input data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Making test data
+      fs = at5.fs;
+      pzm = pzmodel(2, [pz(0.1, 2) pz(0.5, 1)] , [pz(1) pz(2.55, 2)]);
+      ft = miir(pzm,plist('fs',fs));
+      af = filter(at5, ft); % Colored noise
+      % Whitening
+      N     = 512;
+      Nfft  = 100;
+      order = 1;
+      fwin  = specwin('Hanning', N+1);
+      swin  = specwin('Kaiser', 10, 100);
+      pl    = plist('Ntaps', N, 'FIRwin', fwin, 'win', swin, 'Nfft', Nfft, 'order', order);
+      out = firwhiten(af, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Calculate PSD of input and whitened data
+    % 2) Compare relative spectral flatness coefficients
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+%       pl_psd = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', swin, 'Order', order, 'Scale', 'PSD');
+      axx = af.psd;
+      awxx = out.psd;
+      % Claculating flatness
+      sf1 = utils.math.spflat(;
+      sf2 = utils.math.spflat(;
+      % Checking flatness
+      if sf1>sf2, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_fixfs.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+% UTP_AO_FIXFS a set of UTPs for the ao/fixfs method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_fixfs.m,v 1.19 2011/08/22 05:04:49 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The fixfs method of the ao class resamples time-series AOs to have a
+% fixed sample rate.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_fixfs(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'fixfs';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test multiple 'fs' for multiple input AOs
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with plist: method == 'samples'
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with antialising filter
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test AO with non evenly sampled data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('interpolation'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fs'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filter'), 'off'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('interpolation'), 'spline'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'time', 'samples'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('interpolation'), {'nearest', 'linear', 'spline', 'cubic'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = fixfs(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as
+    %    the number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        fs = avec(kk).fs;
+        t0 = 0;
+        Nsecs = avec(kk).data.nsecs;
+        t = t0 + [0:1/fs:Nsecs-1/fs].';
+        y = interp1(avec(kk).x,avec(kk).y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+        if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(t, out(kk).x), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = fixfs(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as
+    %    the number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        fs = amat(kk).fs;
+        t0 = 0;
+        Nsecs = amat(kk).data.nsecs;
+        t = t0 + [0:1/fs:Nsecs-1/fs].';
+        y = interp1(amat(kk).x,amat(kk).y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+        if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(t, out(kk).x), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = fixfs(at1,at5,at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as
+    %    the number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        fs = aoin(kk).fs;
+        t0 = 0;
+        Nsecs = aoin(kk).data.nsecs;
+        t = t0 + [0:1/fs:Nsecs-1/fs].';
+        y = interp1(aoin(kk).x,aoin(kk).y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+        if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(t, out(kk).x), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs. Additionally define a 'fs' in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 7;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs);
+      out = fixfs(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that 't0' and 'fs' are correct.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        Nsecs = aoin(kk).data.nsecs;
+        % We have to think about what we want to do with t0
+        t0 = aoin(kk).data.t0.double;
+        % This is numerically more accurate
+        t = [0:1/fs:Nsecs-1/fs].';
+        y = interp1(aoin(kk).x, aoin(kk).y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+        if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if any(abs(t-out(kk).x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+        % Check 't0' and 'fs'
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).fs, fs), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli, t0*1000), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the fixfs method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file. Additionally define a 'fs' in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 7;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs);
+      out  = fixfs(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'fixfs'.
+    % 2) % Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'fixfs'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      Nsecs =;
+      % We have to think about what we want to do with t0
+      t0 =;
+      % This is numerically more accurate
+      t = [0:1/fs:Nsecs-1/fs].';
+      y = interp1(at5.x, at5.y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+      if ~isequal(y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(t-out.x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      % Check 't0' and 'fs'
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.t0.utc_epoch_milli, t0*1000), atest = false; end
+      % % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method can modify the input AO by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs   = 27;
+      pl   = plist('fs', fs);
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain   = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout   = ain.fixfs(pl);
+      ain.fixfs(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is fixfs(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that fixfs modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that fixfs doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      Nsecs =;
+      % We have to think about what we want to do with t0
+      t0 =;
+      % This is numerically more accurate
+      t = [0:1/fs:Nsecs-1/fs].';
+      y = interp1(at1.x, at1.y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+      if ~isequal(y, ain.y), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(t-ain.x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      % Check 't0' and 'fs'
+      if ~isequal(ain.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ain.t0.utc_epoch_milli, t0*1000), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs   = 27;
+      pl   = plist('fs', fs);
+      out1 = fixfs(at5, pl);
+      out2 = fixfs(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the fixfs method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs   = 27;
+      pl   = plist('fs', fs);
+      [o1, o2] = fixfs(at5, at6, pl);
+      o3  = fixfs(at5, at6, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method works with a list of AOs as input and different
+  % 't0' and 'fs' for the inputs.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method works for a list of AOs as input and different
+    % 't0' and 'fs'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs_in = [ 3 7 9 ];
+      pl    = plist('fs', fs_in);
+      out   = fixfs(at1,at5,at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as
+    %    the number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that each output contains the correct frequency and start time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        fs = fs_in(kk);
+        t0 = aoin(kk).data.t0.double;
+        Nsecs = aoin(kk).data.nsecs;
+        t = [0:1/fs:Nsecs-1/fs].';
+        y = interp1(aoin(kk).x,aoin(kk).y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+        if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        if any(abs(t-out(kk).x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+        % Check 't0' and 'fs'
+        if abs(out(kk).fs - fs)>TOL, atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli, t0*1000), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method works with the method 'samples'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method works for the method 'samples'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('method', 'Samples');
+      out = fixfs(at1, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct frequency and start time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      N = length(at1.y);
+      t = linspace(0, (N-1)/at1.fs, N).';
+      y  = interp1(at1.x,at1.y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+      if ~isequal(y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(t-out.x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'fs'
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 1/(t(2)-t(1))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method works with antialising filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method works for the antialising filters iir and fir.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl_iir  = plist('filter', 'iir');
+      pl_fir  = plist('filter', 'fir');
+      out_iir = fixfs(at1, pl_iir);
+      out_fir = fixfs(at1, pl_fir);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct frequency and start time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      Nsecs =;
+      t  = [0:1/at1.fs:Nsecs-1/at1.fs].';
+      % Compute antialiasing filter (iir filter)
+      pl = plist('type', 'lowpass', 'order', 8, 'fs', at1.fs,'fc', 0.9*(at1.fs/2));
+      f = miir(pl);
+      at1_iir = filtfilt(at1, f);
+      y_iir = interp1(at1_iir.x, at1_iir.y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+      % Compute antialiasing filter (fir filter)
+      pl = plist('type', 'lowpass', 'order', 64, 'fs', at1.fs, 'fc', 0.9*(at1.fs/2));
+      f = mfir(pl);
+      at1_fir = filter(at1, f);
+      y_fir = interp1(at1_fir.x, at1_fir.y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+      % Check with iir filter
+      if ~isequal(y_iir, out_iir.y), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(t-out_iir.x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out_iir.fs, 1/(t(2)-t(1))), atest = false; end
+      % Check with fir filter
+      if ~isequal(y_fir, out_fir.y), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(t-out_fir.x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out_fir.fs, 1/(t(2)-t(1))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fixfs method works with an AO with non evenly sampled data.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fixfs method works for an AO with non evenly samples data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    msg = '';
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      xvals = sort(randn(30,1));
+      yvals = randn(30,1);
+      pl_ao = plist('xvals', xvals, 'yvals', yvals, 'type', 'tsdata');
+      aa    = ao(pl_ao);
+      fs  = 13;
+      t0  = 7;
+      pl  = plist('t0', t0, 'fs', fs);
+      out = fixfs(aa, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      msg = err.message;
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct frequency and start time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output data
+      Nsecs =;
+      t0 =;
+      t  =  t0 + [0:1/fs:Nsecs-1/fs].';
+      y  = interp1(aa.x,aa.y, t, 'spline', 'extrap');
+      if ~isequal(y, out.y), msg = 'y values are not equal'; atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(t-out.x)>TOL), msg = 'x values are not evenly spaced'; atest = false; end
+      % Check 't0' and 'fs'
+      if abs(out.fs - fs)>TOL, msg = 'the sample rates are not correct'; atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.t0, aa.t0), msg = 'the t0 is not correct'; atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+  end % END UTP_14
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_fs.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+% UTP_AO_FS a set of UTPs for the ao/fs method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_fs.m,v 1.3 2011/03/23 10:25:20 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The fs method of the ao class is a get-function to get the fs value
+% of the data object
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_fs(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'fs';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with all data objects
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fs method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The fs method doesn't work with a vector of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fs method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The fs method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fs method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The fs method doesn't work with a list of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fs method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The fs method can only return the fs value of one AO. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fs method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The fs method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the fs method works for AOs with different data objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the fs method returns the fs value for AOs with cdata,
+    % fsdata, tsdata and xydata objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs1 = at1.fs;
+      fs2 = at2.fs;
+      fs3 = at3.fs;
+      fs4 = at4.fs;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(fs1,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(fs2,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(fs3, NaN), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(fs4, NaN), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_ge.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+% UTP_AO_GE a set of UTPs for the ao/ge method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_ge.m,v 1.5 2009/08/14 11:02:24 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lt() function of the ao class ao1 ≥ ao2 compares the y-axis values of
+% ao1 with y-axis values of ao2 and returns an array with elements set to
+% logical 1 (true) where the relation is true and elements set to logical 0
+% where it is not.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_ge(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'ge';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Compare against scalar
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Compare against AO
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ge method compare an AO with scalar value
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ge method works with relational operators and the function
+    % command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      scalar = 0.2;
+      out11 = at1 >= scalar;
+      out12 = ge(at1,scalar);
+      out21 = at2 >= scalar;
+      out22 = ge(at2,scalar);
+      out31 = at3 >= scalar;
+      out32 = ge(at3,scalar);
+      out41 = at4 >= scalar;
+      out42 = ge(at4,scalar);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+    %    command are the same.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the different commands
+      if ~isequal(out11, out12), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, out22), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, out32), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, out42), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      if ~isequal(out11, y1>=scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, y2>=scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, y3>=scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, y4>=scalar), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ge method compare an AO with one other AO
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ge method works with relational operators and the function
+    % command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+    % Remark that both AOs must have the same size.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out11 = at1 >= ao(1:300, zeros(300,1));
+      out12 = ge(at1,ao(1:300, zeros(300,1)));
+      out21 = at2 >= ao(1:151, zeros(151,1));
+      out22 = ge(at2,ao(1:151, zeros(151,1)));
+      out31 = at3 >= ao(1:100, zeros(100,1));
+      out32 = ge(at3,ao(1:100, zeros(100,1)));
+      out41 = at4 >= ao(zeros(3,3));
+      out42 = ge(at4,ao(zeros(3,3)));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+    %    command are the same.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the different commands
+      if ~isequal(out11, out12), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, out22), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, out32), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, out42), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      if ~isequal(out11, y1>=0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, y2>=0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, y3>=0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, y4>=0), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_get.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+% UTP_AO_GET a set of UTPs for the ao/get method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_get.m,v 1.4 2011/03/29 13:03:28 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The get method of the ao class returns the value of an object
+% property. This is a very simple method which accepts only one ao as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_get(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'get';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Algorithm test with a plist
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test with more than one ao
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('property'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('property')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('property'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the ao class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property. Do this for all properties of the AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'nsecs', 30, 'fs', 10));
+      out1 = get(aa, 'data');
+      out4 = get(aa, 'mdlfile');
+      out6 = get(aa, 'procinfo');
+      out7 = get(aa, 'plotinfo');
+      out8 = get(aa, 'description');
+      out10= get(aa, 'hist');
+      out11= get(aa, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1,,              atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, aa.mdlfile),      atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, aa.procinfo),          atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, aa.plotinfo),          atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out8, aa.description),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out10,aa.hist),              atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out11,,         atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the get method works with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property which is defined in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa  = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'nsecs', 30, 'fs', 10));
+      pl1 = plist('property', 'data');
+      pl4 = plist('property', 'mdlfile');
+      pl6 = plist('property', 'procinfo');
+      pl7 = plist('property', 'plotinfo');
+      pl8 = plist('property', 'description');
+      pl10= plist('property', 'hist');
+      pl11= plist('property', 'name');
+      out1 = get(aa, pl1);
+      out4 = get(aa, pl4);
+      out6 = get(aa, pl6);
+      out7 = get(aa, pl7);
+      out8 = get(aa, pl8);
+      out10= get(aa, pl10);
+      out11= get(aa, pl11);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1,,              atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, aa.mdlfile),      atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, aa.procinfo),          atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, aa.plotinfo),          atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out8, aa.description),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out10,aa.hist),              atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out11,,         atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the ao class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa  = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'nsecs', 30, 'fs', 10));
+      out = get([aa, aa], 'name');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_getdof.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+% UTP_AO_GETDOF a set of UTPs for the ao/getdof method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_getdof.m,v 1.3 2011/07/14 05:32:11 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The getdof method of the ao class computes the degrees of freedom for spectral estimate.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_getdof(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    addpath(fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), 'reference_files'))
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'getdof';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % reference dofs
+    rdof = [32;34;38;44;52;59;62;63;63;63];
+    % reference ao for dof test
+    plrefdata = plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 1024, ...
+           'tsfcn',  'randn(size(t))');
+    refdata = ao(plrefdata);
+    % reference overlap for dof test
+    rolap = (0:10:90);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test against reference data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   Default PList
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('DataLength'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('conf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dof'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'psd'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('DataLength'), paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('conf'), 95), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('dof'), paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'psd','lpsd','mscohere','mslcohere'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('DataLength'), {paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('conf'), {95}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dof'), {paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE}), atest = false; end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getdof method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the getdof method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      plsp = plist('order',1,'navs',1);
+      rsp = psd(refdata,plsp);
+      pldof = plist('method','psd','DataLength',numel(refdata.y));
+      out  = getdof(rsp,pldof);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'getdof'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'getdof'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getdof method provides correct values for spectra
+  % degrees of freedom.
+  % Rreference on D B Percival and A T Walden, Spectral Analysis for
+  % Physical Applications, pg. 293
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying psd works on a single AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      dofs = zeros(numel(rolap),1);
+      for jj=1:numel(rolap)
+        plsp = plist('win','Hanning','order',1,'nfft',64,'olap',rolap(jj));
+        axx = psd(refdata,plsp);
+        df = getdof(axx,plist('method','psd','DataLength',numel(refdata.y)));
+        dofs(jj) = df.y;
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the reference values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = eps;
+    if stest
+      if ~isequal(dofs, rdof) || any((abs(dofs - rdof) ./ rdof) >= TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_gt.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+% UTP_AO_GT a set of UTPs for the ao/gt method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_gt.m,v 1.2 2009/07/20 16:50:09 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lt() function of the ao class ao1 > ao2 compares the y-axis values of
+% ao1 with y-axis values of ao2 and returns an array with elements set to
+% logical 1 (true) where the relation is true and elements set to logical 0
+% where it is not.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_gt(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'gt';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Compare against scalar
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Compare against AO
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the gt method compare an AO with scalar value
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the gt method works with relational operators and the function
+    % command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      scalar = 0.2;
+      out11 = at1 > scalar;
+      out12 = gt(at1,scalar);
+      out21 = at2 > scalar;
+      out22 = gt(at2,scalar);
+      out31 = at3 > scalar;
+      out32 = gt(at3,scalar);
+      out41 = at4 > scalar;
+      out42 = gt(at4,scalar);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+    %    command are the same.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the different commands
+      if ~isequal(out11, out12), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, out22), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, out32), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, out42), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      if ~isequal(out11, y1>scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, y2>scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, y3>scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, y4>scalar), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the gt method compare an AO with one other AO
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the gt method works with relational operators and the function
+    % command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+    % Remark that both AOs must have the same size.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out11 = at1 > ao(1:300, zeros(300,1));
+      out12 = gt(at1,ao(1:300, zeros(300,1)));
+      out21 = at2 > ao(1:151, zeros(151,1));
+      out22 = gt(at2,ao(1:151, zeros(151,1)));
+      out31 = at3 > ao(1:100, zeros(100,1));
+      out32 = gt(at3,ao(1:100, zeros(100,1)));
+      out41 = at4 > ao(zeros(3,3));
+      out42 = gt(at4,ao(zeros(3,3)));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+    %    command are the same.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the different commands
+      if ~isequal(out11, out12), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, out22), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, out32), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, out42), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      if ~isequal(out11, y1>0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, y2>0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, y3>0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, y4>0), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_heterodyne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+% UTP_AO_HETERODYNE a set of UTPs for the ao/heterodyne method
+% M Nofrarias 19-12-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_heterodyne.m,v 1.8 2010/07/08 08:49:37 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The hetrodyne method mixes the input ao at the specified frequency
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_heterodyne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'heterodyne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test functionality, no downsample
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test functionality, downsampling
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('f0', 1))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f0'),      atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('t0'),      atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quad'),    atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('bw'),      atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('lp'),      atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filter'),  atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('ds'),      atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('f0')),       atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('t0'), 0),          atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(io(3).plists.find('quad'), 'cos'),     atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('bw')),       atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('lp'), 'yes'),      atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('filter')),   atest = false;  end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('ds'), 'yes'),      atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f0'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('quad'), {'sin', 'cos'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('bw'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('lp'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filter'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('ds'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the heterodyne method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the heterodyne method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      pl = plist('f0',1);
+      out  = heterodyne(avec,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the heterodyne method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the heterodyne method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      pl = plist('f0',1);
+      out  = heterodyne(amat,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the heterodyne method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the heterodyne method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl = plist('f0',1);
+      out = heterodyne(at1,at5,at6,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the heterodyne method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the heterodyne method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl = plist('f0',1);
+      out = heterodyne(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the heterodyne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the heterodyne method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl   = plist('f0',1);
+      out  = heterodyne(at5,pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'heterodyne'.
+    % 2)  Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'heterodyne'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the heterodyne method functionality.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    %  Build reference signal, mixed signal and heterodyne the 2nd to obtain the first
+    %  Downsample is set to 'no' 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % generate reference ao
+      fs    = 50;
+      fhet = 5;
+      nsecs = 1000;
+      pl = plist(...
+        'tsfcn', '(1 + sin(2*pi*0.01*t))', ...
+        'fs', fs, ...
+        'nsecs', nsecs);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      % generate reference ao at f_heterodyne
+      pl = plist('tsfcn', '(1 + sin(2*pi*0.01*t))','fs', fhet, 'nsecs', nsecs);
+      a1h = ao(pl);
+      % generate same ao mixed and noisy
+      pl = plist('tsfcn', ...
+        '(1 + sin(2*pi*0.01*t)) .* cos(2*pi*5*t)',...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      % compute heterodyne
+      a2h = heterodyne(a2,plist('f0', fhet, 'bw', fhet,'ds','no'));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    %  Test that we can recover the initial signal after heterodyne up to 
+    %  a numerical error given by tol  
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = false;
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      tol = 1e-5; % numerical tolerance
+      trans = 150; % samples out of test at the beginning and end due to transient
+      if all(abs(a2h.y(1+trans:end-trans) - a1.y(1+trans:end-trans) ) < tol)
+        atest = true;
+      else
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the heterodyne method functionality.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    %  Build reference signal, mixed signal and heterodyne the 2nd to obtain the first
+    %  Downsample is set to 'yes' 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % generate reference ao
+      fs    = 50;
+      fhet = 5;
+      nsecs = 1000;
+      pl = plist(...
+        'tsfcn', '(1 + sin(2*pi*0.01*t))', ...
+        'fs', fs, ...
+        'nsecs', nsecs);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      % generate reference ao at f_heterodyne
+      pl = plist('tsfcn', ...
+        '(1 + sin(2*pi*0.01*t))','fs', fhet, 'nsecs', nsecs);
+      a1h = ao(pl);
+      % generate same ao mixed and noisy
+      pl = plist('tsfcn', ...
+        '(1 + sin(2*pi*0.01*t)) .* cos(2*pi*5*t)',...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      % compute heterodyne
+      a2h = heterodyne(a2,plist('f0', fhet, 'bw', fhet,'ds','yes'));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    %  Test that we can recover the initial signal after heterodyne up to 
+    %  a numerical error given by tol   
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = false;
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      tol = 1e-5; % numerical tolerance
+      trans = 15; % samples out of test at the beginning and end due to transient
+      if all(abs(a2h.y(1+trans:end-trans)-a1h.y(1+trans:end-trans)) < tol)
+        atest = true;
+      else
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_hist.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+% UTP_AO_HIST a set of UTPs for the ao/hist method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_hist.m,v 1.12 2010/06/07 16:43:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The hist method of the ao class histograms the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_hist(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'hist';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with plist: 'N'
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with plist: 'X'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Number of bins')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Bin centres')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Number of bins'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Norm'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('N'), 10), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Norm'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {10}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Norm'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Bin centres'
+        if io(4).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('X'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('X')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('X'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the hist method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the hist method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = hist(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the histogram of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(hist(atvec(kk).data.getY).', out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the hist method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the hist method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a matrix without matrix cdata AOs in it
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at6 at1 at2];
+      out = hist(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the histogram value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(hist(amat(kk).data.getY).', out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the hist method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the hist method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = hist(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the histogram value of the input
+      if ~isequal(hist(', out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(hist(', out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(hist(', out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the hist method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the hist method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a matrix without matrix cdata AOs in it
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at6 at1 at2];
+      out = hist(at1,atvec,at2,amat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(amat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(hist(', out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(hist(atvec(jj).data.getY).', out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(hist(', out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(amat)
+        if ~isequal(hist(amat(jj).data.getY).', out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(hist(', out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the hist method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the hist method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = hist(at1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'hist'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'hist'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple4), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the hist method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the hist method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output. Remark that the command at1.hist() doesn't call the histogram
+    % method because an AO have a property with the name 'hist'. Thus the
+    % command at1.hist returns the value in the property hist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = hist(ain);
+      hist(ain);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is hist(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that hist modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that hist doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the hist of the copy
+      [n, x] = hist(at1.y, 10);
+      if ~isequal(n.', ain.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(x.', ain.x), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the hist method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the hist method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1   = hist(at5);
+      out2   = hist(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the hist method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = hist(at5, at6);
+      o3  = hist(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the hist method with a factor and an offset.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N    = 10;
+      pl   = plist('N', N);
+      out  = hist(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the hist method with defined number of bins
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      [n, x] = hist(at5.y, N);
+      if ~isequal(n.', out.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(x.', out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(length(out.y), N), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the hist method with a factor and an offset.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      X    = [-1.5:.1:1.5];
+      pl   = plist('X', X);
+      out  = hist(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the hist method with set of bin centers
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      [n, x] = hist(at5.y, X);
+      if ~isequal(n.', out.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(x.', out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(X.', out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(length(out.y), length(X)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_ifft.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+% UTP_AO_IFFT a set of UTPs for the ao/ifft method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_ifft.m,v 1.14 2011/02/07 11:15:36 luigi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ifft method of the ao class computes the inverse fast fourier
+% transform of time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_ifft(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'ifft';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test against MATLAB's ifft - symmetric
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at2, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test against MATLAB's ifft - nonsymmetric
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('type'), 'symmetric'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'symmetric', 'nonsymmetric'}), atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('scale'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), paramValue.FALSE_TRUE{2}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ifft method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at2 at2];
+      out  = ifft(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        y = [avec(kk).y; avec(kk).data.getY(end-1:-1:2)];
+        y = ifft(y, 'symmetric');
+        % Compute time axis
+        N = length(y);
+        x = linspace(0, (N-1)/avec(kk).fs, N).';
+        if any(abs(out(kk).x - x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ifft method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at2 at2 at2; at2 at2 at2];
+      out  = ifft(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        y = [amat(kk).y; amat(kk).data.getY(end-1:-1:2)];
+        y = ifft(y, 'symmetric');
+        % Compute time axis
+        N = length(y);
+        x = linspace(0, (N-1)/amat(kk).fs, N).';
+        if any(abs(out(kk).x - x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ifft method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ifft(at2,at2,at2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at2, at2, at2];
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        y = [aoin(kk).y; aoin(kk).data.getY(end-1:-1:2)];
+        y = ifft(y, 'symmetric');
+        % Compute time axis
+        N = length(y);
+        x = linspace(0, (N-1)/aoin(kk).fs, N).';
+        if any(abs(out(kk).x - x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ifft method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ifft(at2,[at2 at2],at2,[at2 at2; at2 at2],at2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at2, reshape([at2 at2], 1, []), at2, reshape([at2 at2; at2 at2], 1, []), at2];
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        y = [aoin(kk).y; aoin(kk).data.getY(end-1:-1:2)];
+        y = ifft(y, 'symmetric');
+        % Compute time axis
+        N = length(y);
+        x = linspace(0, (N-1)/aoin(kk).fs, N).';
+        if any(abs(out(kk).x - x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the ifft method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = ifft(at2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ifft'.
+    % 2) % Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ifft'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ifft method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at2 to work with
+      ain = ao(at2);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ifft(ain);
+      ain.ifft;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at2' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is ifft(at2).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that ifft modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at2), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that ifft doesn't modified the input for the function
+      % notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the ifft of the copy
+      y = [at2.y;];
+      y = ifft(y, 'symmetric');
+      % Compute time axis
+      N = length(y);
+      x = linspace(0, (N-1)/at2.fs, N).';
+      if any(abs(ain.x - x)>TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ain.y, y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ifft method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa1  = at5.psd;
+      aa2  = at6.psd;
+      out1 = ifft(aa1);
+      out2 = ifft(aa2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 2, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the ifft method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa1  = at5.psd;
+      aa2  = at6.psd;
+      [o1, o2] = ifft(aa1, aa2);
+      o3  = ifft(aa1, aa2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method agrees with MATLAB's ifft when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying ifft works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 1000;
+      pl = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = fft(ao(pl),plist('type','plain'));
+      % Compute fft
+      out = ifft(a1,plist('type','symmetric'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's ifft.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute ifft using MATLAB's ifft
+      yxx = ifft(, 'symmetric');
+      if ~isequal(yxx(:),, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ifft method agrees with MATLAB's ifft when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying ifft works on a single AO with 'nonsymmetric'
+    % option.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 1000;
+      pl = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = fft(ao(pl),plist('type','plain'));
+      % Compute fft
+      out = ifft(a1, plist('type', 'nonsymmetric'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's ifft.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute ifft using MATLAB's ifft
+      yxx = ifft(, 'nonsymmetric');
+      if ~isequal(yxx(:),, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_imag.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+% UTP_AO_IMAG a set of UTPs for the ao/imag method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_imag.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 10:48:41 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The imag method of the ao class computes the imaginary part of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_imag(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'imag';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at4, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the imag method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the imag method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = imag(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the imaginary part of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(imag(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the imag method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the imag method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = imag(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the imaginary part of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(imag(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the imag method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the imag method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = imag(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the imaginary part of the input
+      if ~isequal(imag(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(imag(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(imag(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the imag method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the imag method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = imag(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(imag(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(imag(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(imag(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~isequal(imag(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(imag(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the imag method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the imag method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = imag(at1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'imag'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'imag'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple4), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the imag method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the imag method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.imag();
+      ain.imag();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is imag(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that imag modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that imag doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the imag value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(imag(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the imag method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+      ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+      plxy = plist('axis', 'XY');
+      out1 = imag(at1, plx);
+      out2 = imag(at1, ply);
+      out3 = imag(at1, plxy);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the imag method applies to the x-axis
+    % 2) Check that the imag method applies to the y-axis
+    % 3) Check that the imag method applies to both axes
+    % 4) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..3]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the imaginary part of the input
+      if ~isequal(imag(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(imag(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(imag(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(imag(,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple4), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple4), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple4), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the imag method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = imag(at5);
+      out2 = imag(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the imag method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = imag(at5, at6);
+      o3  = imag(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_index.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+% UTP_AO_INDEX a set of UTPs for the ao/index method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_index.m,v 1.6 2009/08/07 10:28:36 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The index method of the ao class index into a AO vector or matrix. This
+% properly captures the history.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_index(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'index';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with plist
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test select more objects with an index
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('i', 1))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear        
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('i'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('j'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('i')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('j')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('i'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('j'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a vector of AOs as input. The
+    % following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objvec = [at1, at2, at3];
+      out1 = objvec.index(1);
+      out2 = objvec.index(3);
+      out3 = objvec.index(1,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, at1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, at3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, at2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a matrix of AOs as input. The
+    % following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %     [ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)]
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objmat = [at1, at2, at3; ...
+                at3, at1, at2];
+      out1 = objmat.index(5);
+      out2 = objmat.index(4);
+      out3 = objmat.index(1,2);
+      out4 = objmat.index(2,1);
+      out5 = objmat.index(2,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, at3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, at1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, at2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, at3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, at1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The index method doesn't work for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = index(at1,at2,at3, 4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of index have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 2;
+      j = 3;
+      objmat = [at1, at2, at3; ...
+                at3, at1, at2];
+      out  = index(objmat, i, j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+    %    to 'index'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'index'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 1;
+      j = 1;
+      objmat = [at1, at2, at3; ...
+                at3, at1, at2];
+      out1 = index(objmat, i, j);
+      out2 = objmat.index(i,j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, at1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, at1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method can be controled with a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i1 = 6;
+      i2 = 1;
+      j2 = 3;
+      objmat = [at1, at2, at3; ...
+                at3, at1, at2];
+      pl1 = plist('i', i1);
+      pl2 = plist('i', i2, 'j', j2);
+      out1 = index(objmat, pl1);
+      out2 = index(objmat, pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, at2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), j2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, at3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = [2 6];
+      objmat = [at1, at2, at3; ...
+                at3, at1, at2];
+      pl = plist('i', i);
+      out1 = objmat.index(i);
+      out2 = objmat.index(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1(1).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1(1), at3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1(2), at2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2(2).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2(1), at3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2(2), at2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_integrate.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+% UTP_AO_INTEGRATE a set of UTPs for the ao/integrate method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_integrate.m,v 1.12 2009/07/30 16:59:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The integrate method of the ao class computes the integral of the input data
+% using integrateerent methods.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_integrate(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'integrate';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input (default: method = '3POINT')
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input (default: method = '3POINT')
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input   (default: method = '3POINT')
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with plist: method = 'TRAPEZOIDAL'
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear        
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'Trapezoidal'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'Trapezoidal'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the integrate method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the integrate method works for a vector of AOs as input. Use for
+    % this test the trapezoidal method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = integrate(atvec, plist('method', 'Trapezoidal'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the integral of the input
+      for kk = 1:numel(atvec)
+        % Trapezoidal
+        x  = atvec(kk).data.getX;
+        y  = atvec(kk).data.getY;
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, trapz(x,y)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the integrate method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the integrate method works for a matrix of AOs as input. Use for
+    % this test the Trapezoidal method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a matrix without cdata AOs in it
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at6 at1 at2];
+      out = integrate(amat, plist('method', 'Trapezoidal'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the integral of the input
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        % Trapezoidal integral
+        x  = amat(kk).data.getX;
+        y  = amat(kk).data.getY;
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, trapz(x,y)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the integrate method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the integrate method works for a list of AOs as input. Use for
+    % this test the trapezoidal.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = integrate(at1,at2,at3, plist('method', 'trapezoidal'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the integral of the input
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        % Trapezoidal integral
+        x  = aoin(kk).data.getX;
+        y  = aoin(kk).data.getY;
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, trapz(x,y)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the integrate method works with a mix of integrateerent shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the integrate method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs. Use for this test the trapezoidal.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a matrix without cdata AOs in it
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at6 at1 at2];
+      out = integrate(at1,atvec,at2,amat,at3, plist('method', 'trapezoidal'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape(atvec, 1, []), at2, reshape(amat, 1, []), at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(amat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the integral of the input
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        % Trapezoidal integral
+        x  = aoin(kk).data.getX;
+        y  = aoin(kk).data.getY;
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, trapz(x,y)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the integrate method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the integrate method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = integrate(at1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'integrate'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'integrate'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the integrate method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the integrate method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output. Use for this test the trapezoidal.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.integrate(plist('method', 'trapezoidal'));
+      ain.integrate(plist('method', 'trapezoidal'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now integrateerent.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is integrate(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that integrate modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that integrate doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the integrate value of the copy
+      % trapezoidal integral
+      x  =;
+      y  =;
+      if ~isequal(ain.y, trapz(x,y)), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the integrate method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the integrate method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = integrate(at5);
+      out2 = integrate(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the integrate method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = integrate(at5, at6);
+      o3  = integrate(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the trapezoidal.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = plist('method', 'trapezoidal');
+      out  = integrate(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the integrate method uses the trapezoidal method.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute trapezoidal integral
+      x   =;
+      y   =;
+      % Check the trapezoidal integral
+      if ~isequal(out.y, trapz(x,y)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_interp.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+% UTP_AO_INTERP a set of UTPs for the ao/interp method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_interp.m,v 1.10 2009/08/07 10:28:36 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The interp method of the ao class interpolates AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_interp(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'interp';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test different interpolations
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('vertices', 0:10))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear        
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('vertices'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('vertices')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'spline'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('vertices'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'nearest', 'linear', 'spline', 'cubic'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interp method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interp method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      v    = linspace(0,100).';
+      out  = interp(atvec, plist('vertices', v));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 7e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the data
+      for kk = 1:numel(atvec)
+        if isa(atvec(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          % for cdata object
+          y = interp1(atvec(kk).y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+          if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % for tsdata, fsdata and xydata objects
+          y = interp1(atvec(kk).x, atvec(kk).y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+          if any(abs(v - out(kk).x) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interp method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interp method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      v    = linspace(0,100).';
+      out  = interp(atmat, plist('vertices', v));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 7e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the data
+      for kk = 1:numel(atmat)
+        if isa(atmat(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          % for cdata object
+          y = interp1(atmat(kk).y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+          if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % for tsdata, fsdata and xydata objects
+          y = interp1(atmat(kk).x, atmat(kk).y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+          if any(abs(v - out(kk).x) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interp method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interp method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      v   = linspace(0,100).';
+      out = interp(at1,at5,at6, plist('vertices', v));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    TOL   = 7e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          % for cdata object
+          y = interp1(aoin(kk).y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+          if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % for tsdata, fsdata and xydata objects
+          y = interp1(aoin(kk).x, aoin(kk).y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+          if any(abs(v - out(kk).x) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interp method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interp method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      v   = linspace(0,100).';
+      out = interp(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6, plist('vertices', v));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    TOL   = 7e-14;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check the data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          % for cdata object
+          y = interp1(aoin(kk).y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+          if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % for tsdata, fsdata and xydata objects
+          y = interp1(aoin(kk).x, aoin(kk).y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+          if any(abs(v - out(kk).x) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(y, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interp method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the interp method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      v    = linspace(0,100);
+      out  = interp(at5, plist('vertices', v));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'interp'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'interp'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interp method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interp method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      v    = linspace(0,100).';
+      pl   = plist('vertices', v);
+      aout = ain.interp(pl);
+      ain.interp(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is interp(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 7e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that interp modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that interp doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the interp of the copy
+      y = interp1(at1.x, at1.y, v, 'spline', 'extrap');
+      if  any(abs(v - ain.x) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y, ain.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interp method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interp method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      v    = linspace(0,100);
+      pl   = plist('vertices', v);
+      out1 = interp(at5, pl);
+      out2 = interp(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the interp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      v    = linspace(0,100);
+      pl   = plist('vertices', v);
+      [o1, o2] = interp(at5, at6, pl);
+      o3  = interp(at5, at6, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interp method can different interpolations.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interp method can all of MATLAB interpolates methods.
+    % 'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation
+    % 'linear'  - Linear interpolation
+    % 'spline'  - Cubic spline interpolation (see UTPs above)
+    % 'pchip'   - Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      v    = linspace(0,100).';
+      mtd1 = 'nearest';
+      mtd2 = 'linear';
+      mtd3 = 'pchip';
+      pl1  = plist('vertices', v, 'method', mtd1);
+      pl2  = plist('vertices', v, 'method', mtd2);
+      pl3  = plist('vertices', v, 'method', mtd3);
+      out1 = at1.interp(pl1);
+      out2 = at1.interp(pl2);
+      out3 = at1.interp(pl3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the different interpolations
+    % 2) Check that the re-built objects are the same as 'out1..3'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 7e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the data
+      y1 = interp1(at1.x, at1.y, v, mtd1, 'extrap');
+      y2 = interp1(at1.x, at1.y, v, mtd2, 'extrap');
+      y3 = interp1(at1.x, at1.y, v, mtd3, 'extrap');
+      if  any(abs(v - out1.x) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y1, out1.y), atest = false; end
+      if  any(abs(v - out2.x) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y2, out2.y), atest = false; end
+      if  any(abs(v - out3.x) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y3, out3.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_interpmissing.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+% UTP_AO_INTERPMISSING a set of UTPs for the ao/interpmissing method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_interpmissing.m,v 1.13 2010/06/07 16:43:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The interpmissing method of the ao class interpolates over any missing
+% samples in a time-series AO.
+% For this UTP contain the test objects different gaps. These gaps are created
+% with the AO method select. Thus at1, at5 and at5 get gaps at the positions
+% idx = 30 and idx = 51
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_interpmissing(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'interpmissing';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Create gaps
+    samples = [1:30, 70:90, 150:300];
+    at1 ='samples', samples));
+    at5 ='samples', samples));
+    at6 ='samples', samples));
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with different tolerances
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear        
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('d'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('d'), 1.5), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'spline'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('d'), {1.5}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'nearest', 'linear', 'spline', 'cubic'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interpmissing method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interpmissing method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    % Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = interpmissing(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        x = avec(kk).data.getX;
+        % Gap at index position 30
+        gap1   = x(30+1) - x(30) - 1/avec(kk).fs;
+        gap1_t = ((1/avec(kk).fs : 1/avec(kk).fs : gap1) + x(30)).';
+        % Gap at index position 51
+        gap2   = x(51+1) - x(51) - 1/avec(kk).fs;
+        gap2_t = ((1/avec(kk).fs : 1/avec(kk).fs : gap2) + x(51)).';
+        % Create t
+        t = [x(1:30); gap1_t; x(31:51); gap2_t; x(52:end)];
+        % Interpolate the missing samples
+        res = interp(avec(kk), plist('vertices', t));
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, res.x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, res.y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interpmissing method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interpmissing method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    % Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at6 at5 at1];
+      out  = interpmissing(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        x = amat(kk).data.getX;
+        % Gap at index position 30
+        gap1   = x(30+1) - x(30) - 1/amat(kk).fs;
+        gap1_t = ((1/amat(kk).fs : 1/amat(kk).fs : gap1) + x(30)).';
+        % Gap at index position 51
+        gap2   = x(51+1) - x(51) - 1/amat(kk).fs;
+        gap2_t = ((1/amat(kk).fs : 1/amat(kk).fs : gap2) + x(51)).';
+        % Create t
+        t = [x(1:30); gap1_t; x(31:51); gap2_t; x(52:end)];
+        % Interpolate the missing samples
+        res = interp(amat(kk), plist('vertices', t));
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, res.x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, res.y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interpmissing method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interpmissing method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    % Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = interpmissing(at1,at5,at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        x = aoin(kk).data.getX;
+        % Gap at index position 30
+        gap1   = x(30+1) - x(30) - 1/aoin(kk).fs;
+        gap1_t = ((1/aoin(kk).fs : 1/aoin(kk).fs : gap1) + x(30)).';
+        % Gap at index position 51
+        gap2   = x(51+1) - x(51) - 1/aoin(kk).fs;
+        gap2_t = ((1/aoin(kk).fs : 1/aoin(kk).fs : gap2) + x(51)).';
+        % Create t
+        t = [x(1:30); gap1_t; x(31:51); gap2_t; x(52:end)];
+        % Interpolate the missing samples
+        res = interp(aoin(kk), plist('vertices', t));
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, res.x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, res.y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interpmissing method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interpmissing method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs. Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = interpmissing(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape([at5 at6], 1, []), at5, reshape([at5 at1; at6 at1], 1, []), at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output data
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        x = aoin(kk).data.getX;
+        % Gap at index position 30
+        gap1   = x(30+1) - x(30) - 1/aoin(kk).fs;
+        gap1_t = ((1/aoin(kk).fs : 1/aoin(kk).fs : gap1) + x(30)).';
+        % Gap at index position 51
+        gap2   = x(51+1) - x(51) - 1/aoin(kk).fs;
+        gap2_t = ((1/aoin(kk).fs : 1/aoin(kk).fs : gap2) + x(51)).';
+        % Create t
+        t = [x(1:30); gap1_t; x(31:51); gap2_t; x(52:end)];
+        % Interpolate the missing samples
+        res = interp(aoin(kk), plist('vertices', t));
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, res.x), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, res.y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interpmissing method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the interpmissing method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % remove some samples
+      ac   = ao(at5);
+      out  = interpmissing(ac);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'interpmissing'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'interpmissing'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interpmissing method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interpmissing method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    % Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.interpmissing();
+      ain.interpmissing();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is interpmissing(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that interpmissing modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that interpmissing doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the interpmissing value of the copy
+      x =;
+      % Gap at index position 30
+      gap1   = x(30+1) - x(30) - 1/at1.fs;
+      gap1_t = ((1/at1.fs : 1/at1.fs : gap1) + x(30)).';
+      % Gap at index position 51
+      gap2   = x(51+1) - x(51) - 1/at1.fs;
+      gap2_t = ((1/at1.fs : 1/at1.fs : gap2) + x(51)).';
+      % Create t
+      t = [x(1:30); gap1_t; x(31:51); gap2_t; x(52:end)];
+      % Interpolate the missing samples
+      res = interp(at1, plist('vertices', t));
+      if ~isequal(ain.x, res.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ain.y, res.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interpmissing method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = interpmissing(at5);
+      out2 = interpmissing(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the interpmissing method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = interpmissing(at5, at6);
+      o3  = interpmissing(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the interpmissing method can change the tolerance for finding
+  % missing samples.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the interpmissing method works with a plist which changes the
+    % tolerance. Known gaps at the position idx = 30 and 51 with the width of 40
+    % and 60
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1  = plist('d', 41); % This tolerance supress the first gap
+      pl2  = plist('d', 61); % This tolerance supress all gaps
+      out1 = interpmissing(at1, pl1);
+      out2 = interpmissing(at1, pl2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output data
+      x =;
+      % Gap at index position 51
+      gap2   = x(51+1) - x(51) - 1/at1.fs;
+      gap2_t = ((1/at1.fs : 1/at1.fs : gap2) + x(51)).';
+      % Create t
+      t = [x(1:51); gap2_t; x(52:end)];
+      % Interpolate the missing samples
+      res = interp(at1, plist('vertices', t));
+      % Depending to the tolerance have at1 only one gap
+      if ~isequal(out1.x, res.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, res.y), atest = false; end
+      % Depending to the tolerance have no gaps
+      if ~isequal(out2.x, at1.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, at1.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_inv.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+% UTP_AO_INV a set of UTPs for the ao/inv method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_inv.m,v 1.10 2011/04/17 10:48:31 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The inv method of the ao class computes the inverse of the y data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_inv(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'inv';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at4, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the inv method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the inv method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atvec = [at4, at4, at4];
+      out = inv(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the inverse of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(inv(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the inv method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the inv method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4 at4; at4 at4 at4];
+      out = inv(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the inverse of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(inv(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the inv method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the inv method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = inv(at4, at4, at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the inverse of the input
+      if ~isequal(inv(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(inv(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(inv(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the inv method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the inv method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4; at4 at4];
+      atvec = [at4 at4];
+      out = inv(at4,atvec,at4,atmat,at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(inv(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(inv(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(inv(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~isequal(inv(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(inv(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the inv method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the inv method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = inv(at4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'inv'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'inv'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the inv method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the inv method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at4 to work with
+      ain = ao(at4);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.inv();
+      ain.inv();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is inv(at4).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that inv modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at4), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that inv doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the inv value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(inv(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the inv method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+      out = inv(at4, ply);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the inv method applies to the x-axis
+    % 2) Check that the inv method applies to the y-axis
+    % 3) Check that the inv method applies to both axes
+    % 4) Check that the re-built objects are the same as 'out1..3'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the inverse of the input
+      if ~isequal(inv(,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the inv method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = inv(at4);
+      out2 = inv(at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(inv(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(inv(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the inv method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at4_10 = at4+10;
+      [o1, o2] = inv(at4, at4_10);
+      o3  = inv(at4, at4_10);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_isprop.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+% UTP_AO_ISPROP a set of UTPs for the ao/isprop method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_isprop.m,v 1.8 2011/03/29 13:13:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isprop method of the ao class determine whether input is object property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_isprop(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'isprop';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test negative case
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(atvec, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(atmat, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(at1,at2,at3, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to
+    % apply history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works for each property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+    % 'data', 'mfile', 'mfilename', 'mdlfile', 'mdlfilename', 'procinfo',
+    % 'plotinfo', 'description', 'hist', 'name'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      out1  = isprop(at1, 'data');
+      out3  = isprop(at1, 'hist');
+      out4  = isprop(at1, 'procinfo');
+      out5  = isprop(at1, 'plotinfo');
+      out6  = isprop(at1, 'name');
+      out7  = isprop(at1, 'description');
+      out8  = isprop(at1, 'mdlfile');
+      out9  = isprop(at1, 'UUID');
+      out12 = isprop(at1, 'created');
+      out13 = isprop(at1, 'creator');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~out1,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out4,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out5,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out6,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out7,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out8,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out9,  atest = false; end;
+      if out12, atest = false; end;
+      if out13, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the negatice case and the not function command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+    % methods of the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = isprop(at1, 'foo');
+      out2 = at1.isprop('foo');
+      out3 = at1.isprop('name');
+      out4 = at1.isprop('type');
+      out5 = at1.isprop('psd');
+      out6 = at1.isprop('created');
+      out7 = at1.isprop('creator');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1, atest = false; end;
+      if out2, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3, atest = false; end;
+      if out4, atest = false; end;
+      if out5, atest = false; end;
+      if out6, atest = false; end;
+      if out7, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_join_fsdata.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+% UTP_AO_JOIN a set of UTPs for the ao/join method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_join_fsdata.m,v 1.7 2010/07/05 08:11:03 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The join method of the ao class join multiple AOs into a single AO. This
+% UTP join only analysis objects with fsdata. The other data objects will
+% be tested in an other UTP.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_join_fsdata(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'join';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    a1 = ao(1:30, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+    a2 = ao(1.1:30.1, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [a1 a2], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('zerofill'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sameT0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fstol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('zerofill'), 'no'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('samet0'), 'no'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fstol'), 1e-6), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('zerofill'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('samet0'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fstol'), {1e-6}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the join method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1:30, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a2 = ao(1.1:30.1, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a3 = ao(1.2:30.2, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      avec = [a1, a2, a3];
+      out  = join(avec);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data
+      x0 = [];
+      y0 = [];
+      for oo = 1:numel(avec)
+        if isempty(x0)
+          idxBefore = [];
+          idxAfter  = 1:numel(avec(oo).y);
+        else
+          idxBefore = find(avec(oo).x < x0(1));
+          idxAfter  = find(avec(oo).x > x0(end));
+        end
+        x0 = [avec(oo).x(idxBefore); x0; avec(oo).x(idxAfter)];
+        y0 = [avec(oo).y(idxBefore); y0; avec(oo).y(idxAfter)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the join method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1.1:30.1, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a2 = ao(1.2:30.2, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a3 = ao(1.3:30.3, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a4 = ao(1.4:30.4, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a5 = ao(1.5:30.5, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a6 = ao(1.6:30.6, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      amat = [a1, a2, a3; a4, a5, a6];
+      out  = join(amat);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data
+      x0 = [];
+      y0 = [];
+      for oo = 1:numel(amat)
+        if isempty(x0)
+          idxBefore = [];
+          idxAfter  = 1:numel(amat(oo).y);
+        else
+          idxBefore = find(amat(oo).x < x0(1));
+          idxAfter  = find(amat(oo).x > x0(end));
+        end
+        x0 = [amat(oo).x(idxBefore); x0; amat(oo).x(idxAfter)];
+        y0 = [amat(oo).y(idxBefore); y0; amat(oo).y(idxAfter)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the join method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1:30, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a2 = ao(1.1:30.1, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a3 = ao(1.2:30.2, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out  = join(a1, a2, a3);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2, a3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data
+      x0 = [];
+      y0 = [];
+      for oo = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isempty(x0)
+          idxBefore = [];
+          idxAfter  = 1:numel(aoin(oo).y);
+        else
+          idxBefore = find(aoin(oo).x < x0(1));
+          idxAfter  = find(aoin(oo).x > x0(end));
+        end
+        x0 = [aoin(oo).x(idxBefore); x0; aoin(oo).x(idxAfter)];
+        y0 = [aoin(oo).y(idxBefore); y0; aoin(oo).y(idxAfter)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the join method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1.1:30.1, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a2 = ao(1.2:30.2, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a3 = ao(1.3:30.3, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a4 = ao(1.4:30.4, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out  = join(a1, a2, [a3 a4]);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2, a3, a4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data
+      x0 = [];
+      y0 = [];
+      for oo = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isempty(x0)
+          idxBefore = [];
+          idxAfter  = 1:numel(aoin(oo).y);
+        else
+          idxBefore = find(aoin(oo).x < x0(1));
+          idxAfter  = find(aoin(oo).x > x0(end));
+        end
+        x0 = [aoin(oo).x(idxBefore); x0; aoin(oo).x(idxAfter)];
+        y0 = [aoin(oo).y(idxBefore); y0; aoin(oo).y(idxAfter)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the join method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1.1:30.1, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a2 = ao(1.2:30.2, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out  = join(a1, a2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'join'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'join'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the join method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      a1 = ao(1.1:30.1, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a2 = ao(1.2:30.2, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:25');
+      amodi = ao(a1);
+      aeq   = ao(a1);
+      out = aeq.join(a2);
+      amodi.join(a2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is joined
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(a1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is joined
+      aoin = [a1 a2];
+      x0 = [];
+      y0 = [];
+      for oo = 1:numel(aoin)
+        if isempty(x0)
+          idxBefore = [];
+          idxAfter  = 1:numel(aoin(oo).y);
+        else
+          idxBefore = find(aoin(oo).x < x0(1));
+          idxAfter  = find(aoin(oo).x > x0(end));
+        end
+        x0 = [aoin(oo).x(idxBefore); x0; aoin(oo).x(idxAfter)];
+        y0 = [aoin(oo).y(idxBefore); y0; aoin(oo).y(idxAfter)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(amodi.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(amodi.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the join method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1.1:30.1, randn(30,1)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      a2 = ao(1.2:30.2, randn(1,30)+2*10, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out1  = join(a1, a2);
+      out2  = join(a2, a1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1 ) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2 ) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_join_tsdata.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
+% UTP_AO_JOIN a set of UTPs for the ao/join method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_join_tsdata.m,v 1.12 2011/11/06 06:46:21 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The join method of the ao class join multiple AOs into a single AO. This
+% UTP join only analysis objects with tsdata. The other data objects will
+% be tested in an other UTP.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_join_tsdata(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'join';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test the x-values
+    a1 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+    a2 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+    a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+    a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:35');
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [a1 a2], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('zerofill'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sameT0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fstol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('zerofill'), 'no'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('samet0'), 'no'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fstol'), 1e-6), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('zerofill'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('samet0'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fstol'), {1e-6}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the join method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a3 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:35');
+      a3.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:20');
+      avec = [a1, a2, a3];
+      out  = join(avec);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data
+      % Toff is the smallest t0. Here t0 of a1 -> '2009-02-12 14:00:00'
+      Toff = time('2009-02-12 14:00:00').double;
+      % Vector of input aos is sorted based on the t0 value
+      t0s = avec.t0.double;
+      [~, idx] = sort(t0s);
+      t0 = avec(idx(1)).t0.double - Toff;
+      x0 = avec(idx(1)).x + t0;
+      y0 = avec(idx(1)).data.getY;
+      for kk = 2:numel(avec)
+        t0 = avec(idx(kk)).t0.double - Toff;
+        x  = avec(idx(kk)).x + t0;
+        y  = avec(idx(kk)).y;
+        idxPost = find(x > max(x0));
+        idxPre  = find(x < min(x0));
+        x0 = [x(idxPre); x0; x(idxPost)];
+        y0 = [y(idxPre); y0; y(idxPost)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.t0.double, Toff), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the join method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a3 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a4 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a5 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a6 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:01:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:20');
+      a3.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      a4.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:50');
+      a5.setT0('2009-02-12 14:01:50');
+      a6.setT0('2009-02-12 14:02:00');
+      amat = [a1, a2, a3];
+      out  = join(amat);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data
+      % Toff is the smallest t0. Here t0 of a1 -> '2009-02-12 14:00:00'
+      Toff = time('2009-02-12 14:00:00').double;
+      % Matrix of input aos is sorted based on the t0 value
+      t0s = amat.t0.double;
+      [~, idx] = sort(t0s);
+      t0 = amat(idx(1)).t0.double - Toff;
+      x0 = amat(idx(1)).x + t0;
+      y0 = amat(idx(1)).data.getY;
+      for kk = 2:numel(amat)
+        t0 = amat(idx(kk)).t0.double - Toff;
+        x  = amat(idx(kk)).x + t0;
+        y  = amat(idx(kk)).y;
+        idxPost = find(x > max(x0));
+        idxPre  = find(x < min(x0));
+        x0 = [x(idxPre); x0; x(idxPost)];
+        y0 = [y(idxPre); y0; y(idxPost)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.t0.double, Toff), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the join method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a3 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:01:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:30');
+      a3.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      out  = join(a1, a2, a3);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1 a2 a3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data
+      % Toff is the smallest t0. Here t0 of a1 -> '2009-02-12 14:00:00'
+      Toff = time('2009-02-12 14:00:00').double;
+      % List of input aos is sorted based on the t0 value
+      t0s = aoin.t0.double;
+      [~, idx] = sort(t0s);
+      t0 = aoin(idx(1)).t0.double - Toff;
+      x0 = aoin(idx(1)).x + t0;
+      y0 = aoin(idx(1)).data.getY;
+      for kk = 2:numel(aoin)
+        t0 = aoin(idx(kk)).t0.double - Toff;
+        x  = aoin(idx(kk)).x + t0;
+        y  = aoin(idx(kk)).y;
+        idxPost = find(x > max(x0));
+        idxPre  = find(x < min(x0));
+        x0 = [x(idxPre); x0; x(idxPost)];
+        y0 = [y(idxPre); y0; y(idxPost)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.t0.double, Toff), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the join method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a3 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a4 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:01:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:20');
+      a3.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      a4.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:50');
+      out  = join(a1, [a2 a3], a4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO.
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2, a3, a4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data
+      % Toff is the smallest t0. Here t0 of a1 -> '2009-02-12 14:00:00'
+      Toff = time('2009-02-12 14:00:00').double;
+      % Matrix of input aos is sorted based on the t0 value
+      t0s = aoin.t0.double;
+      [~, idx] = sort(t0s);
+      t0 = aoin(idx(1)).t0.double - Toff;
+      x0 = aoin(idx(1)).x + t0;
+      y0 = aoin(idx(1)).data.getY;
+      for kk = 2:numel(aoin)
+        t0 = aoin(idx(kk)).t0.double - Toff;
+        x  = aoin(idx(kk)).x + t0;
+        y  = aoin(idx(kk)).y;
+        idxPost = find(x > max(x0));
+        idxPre  = find(x < min(x0));
+        x0 = [x(idxPre); x0; x(idxPost)];
+        y0 = [y(idxPre); y0; y(idxPost)];
+      end
+      if ~isequal(out.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.t0.double, Toff), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the join method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:35');
+      out  = join(a1, a2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'join'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'join'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the join method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the join method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      a1 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao(0:29, randn(30,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:25');
+      amodi = ao(a1);
+      aeq   = ao(a1);
+      out = aeq.join(a2);
+      amodi.join(a2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is joined
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(a1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is joined
+      Toff = time('2009-02-12 14:00:00').double;
+      t0 = amodi.t0.double - Toff;
+      x0 = amodi.x + t0;
+      y0 =;
+      t0 = a2.t0.double - Toff;
+      x  = a2.x + t0;
+      y  = a2.y;
+      idxPost = find(x > max(x0));
+      idxPre  = find(x < min(x0));
+      x0 = [x(idxPre); x0; x(idxPost)];
+      y0 = [y(idxPre); y0; y(idxPost)];
+      if ~isequal(amodi.x, x0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(amodi.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(amodi.t0.double, Toff), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the join method fills the gaps with zeros.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the join method fills the gaps with zeros.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      n = 29;
+      fs = 3;
+      x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+      a1 = ao(x, randn(n,1), fs);
+      a2 = ao(x, randn(n,1), fs);
+      a3 = ao(x, randn(n,1), fs);
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:35');
+      a3.setT0('2009-02-12 14:01:15');
+      pl = plist('zerofill', true);
+      out1  = join(a1, a2, pl);
+      out2  = join(a1, a2, a3, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the join method filled the gaps with zero
+    % 2) Check that the re-built objects are the same as out[1..2]
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check 'out1'
+      Toff = time('2009-02-12 14:00:00').double;
+      t0 = a1.t0.double - Toff;
+      x0 = a1.x + t0;
+      y0 =;
+      t0 = a2.t0.double - Toff;
+      x  = a2.x + t0;
+      y  = a2.y;
+      idxPost = find(x > max(x0));
+      idxPre  = find(x < min(x0));
+      x0 = [x(idxPre); x0; x(idxPost)];
+      y0 = [y(idxPre); y0; y(idxPost)];
+      % Look for gaps
+      d = diff(x0);
+      gap = find(d >= 2*1/a1.fs);
+      xgap = linspace(x0(gap)+1/a1.fs, x0(gap+1)-1/a1.fs, (x0(gap+1)-x0(gap))*a1.fs-2*1/a1.fs).';
+      ygap = zeros(length(xgap),1);
+      x0   = [x0(1:gap); xgap; x0(gap+1:end)];
+      y0   = [y0(1:gap); ygap; y0(gap+1:end)];
+      if any(abs(out1.x - x0) > TOL ), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out2'
+      Toff = time('2009-02-12 14:00:00').double;
+      t0 = a1.t0.double - Toff;
+      x0 = a1.x + t0;
+      y0 =;
+      % Join a2
+      t0 = a2.t0.double - Toff;
+      x  = a2.x + t0;
+      y  = a2.y;
+      idxPost = find(x > max(x0));
+      idxPre  = find(x < min(x0));
+      x0 = [x(idxPre); x0; x(idxPost)];
+      y0 = [y(idxPre); y0; y(idxPost)];
+      % Look for gaps
+      d = diff(x0);
+      gap = find(d >= 2*1/a1.fs);
+      xgap = linspace(x0(gap)+1/a1.fs, x0(gap+1)-1/a1.fs, (x0(gap+1)-x0(gap))*a1.fs-2*1/a1.fs).';
+      ygap = zeros(length(xgap),1);
+      x0   = [x0(1:gap); xgap; x0(gap+1:end)];
+      y0   = [y0(1:gap); ygap; y0(gap+1:end)];
+      % Join a3
+      t0 = a3.t0.double - Toff;
+      x  = a3.x + t0;
+      y  = a3.y;
+      idxPost = find(x > max(x0));
+      idxPre  = find(x < min(x0));
+      x0 = [x(idxPre); x0; x(idxPost)];
+      y0 = [y(idxPre); y0; y(idxPost)];
+      % Look for gaps
+      d = diff(x0);
+      gap = find(d >= 2*1/a1.fs);
+      xgap = linspace(x0(gap)+1/a1.fs, x0(gap+1)-1/a1.fs, (x0(gap+1)-x0(gap))*a1.fs-2*1/a1.fs).';
+      ygap = zeros(length(xgap),1);
+      x0   = [x0(1:gap); xgap; x0(gap+1:end)];
+      y0   = [y0(1:gap); ygap; y0(gap+1:end)];
+      if any(abs(out2.x - x0) > TOL ), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, y0), atest = false; end
+      % Check out[1..2]
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the join method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao([0:29 30:49], randn(50,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao([20:49 50:69], randn(1,50), 1);
+      a1.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('2009-02-12 14:00:00');
+      out1  = join(a1, a2);
+      out2  = join(a2, a1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the x-values.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the x-values.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1:20, randn(20,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+      a2 = ao(11:30, randn(20,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+      a3 = ao(41:50, randn(10,1), plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+      out1  = join(a1, a2, a3, plist('zerofill', 'no'));
+      out2  = join(a1, a2, a3, plist('zerofill', 'yes'));
+      out3  = join(a2, a1, a3, plist('zerofill', 'no'));
+      out4  = join(a2, a1, a3, plist('zerofill', 'yes'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the x-values for the case where we 'zerofill' or not.
+    % 2) Compare the outputs to see that switching the order did not matter,
+    %    because if the different t0 of the data, that get sorted anyways.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the x-getter of the AO
+      if ~isequal(out1.x, [1:30, 41:50]'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.x, [1:50]'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.x, [1:30, 41:50]'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.x, [1:50]'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the real stored x values
+      if ~isequal(, [0:29, 40:49]') || ~isequal(, 1000), atest = false; end
+      if ~isempty(, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, [0:29, 40:49]') || ~isequal(, 1000), atest = false; end
+      if ~isempty(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_kstest.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+% UTP_AO_KSTEST a set of UTPs for the ao/kstest method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_kstest.m,v 1.2 2011/07/14 07:11:00 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ifft method of the ao class computes the inverse fast fourier
+% transform of time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_kstest(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'kstest';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call does not work
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'empirical')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'normal')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'chi2')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'f')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'gamma')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'empirical'        
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ALPHA'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('SHAPEPARAM'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('CRITICALVALUE'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), 'EMPIRICAL'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('ALPHA'), 0.05), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('SHAPEPARAM'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('CRITICALVALUE'), []), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'),...
+            {'EMPIRICAL','NORMAL','CHI2','F','GAMMA'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ALPHA'), {0.05}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('SHAPEPARAM'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('CRITICALVALUE'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'normal'        
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ALPHA'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('SHAPEPARAM'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('CRITICALVALUE'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('MEAN'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('STD'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), 'EMPIRICAL'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('ALPHA'), 0.05), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('SHAPEPARAM'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('CRITICALVALUE'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('MEAN'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('STD'), 1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'),...
+            {'EMPIRICAL','NORMAL','CHI2','F','GAMMA'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ALPHA'), {0.05}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('SHAPEPARAM'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('CRITICALVALUE'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('MEAN'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('STD'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'chi2'        
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ALPHA'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('SHAPEPARAM'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('CRITICALVALUE'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('DOF'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), 'EMPIRICAL'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('ALPHA'), 0.05), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('SHAPEPARAM'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('CRITICALVALUE'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('DOF'), 2), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'),...
+            {'EMPIRICAL','NORMAL','CHI2','F','GAMMA'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ALPHA'), {0.05}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('SHAPEPARAM'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('CRITICALVALUE'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('DOF'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'f'        
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ALPHA'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('SHAPEPARAM'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('CRITICALVALUE'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('DOF1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('DOF2'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), 'EMPIRICAL'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('ALPHA'), 0.05), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('SHAPEPARAM'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('CRITICALVALUE'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('DOF1'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('DOF2'), 2), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'),...
+            {'EMPIRICAL','NORMAL','CHI2','F','GAMMA'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ALPHA'), {0.05}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('SHAPEPARAM'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('CRITICALVALUE'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('DOF1'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('DOF2'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'gamma'        
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ALPHA'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('SHAPEPARAM'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('CRITICALVALUE'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('SHAPE'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('SCALE'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('TESTDISTRIBUTION'), 'EMPIRICAL'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('ALPHA'), 0.05), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('SHAPEPARAM'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('CRITICALVALUE'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('SHAPE'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('SCALE'), 2), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('TESTDISTRIBUTION'),...
+            {'EMPIRICAL','NORMAL','CHI2','F','GAMMA'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ALPHA'), {0.05}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('SHAPEPARAM'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('CRITICALVALUE'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('SHAPE'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('SCALE'), {2}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the kstest method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the kstest method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at5 at5];
+      out1  = kstest(avec);
+      out2  = kstest(avec, plist('testdistribution', 'normal'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' is one less of the input.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(avec) - 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output: class
+      for kk = 1:numel(out1)
+        if ~isa(out1(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~isa(out2(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check each output: content
+      for kk = 1:numel(out1)
+        if ~isequal(out1(kk).data.y, false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~isequal(out2(kk).data.y, false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the kstest method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the kstest method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at5 at5 at5; at5 at5 at5];
+      out1  = kstest(amat);
+      out2  = kstest(amat, plist('testdistribution', 'normal'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' is one less of the input.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(amat)-1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output: class
+      for kk = 1:numel(out1)
+        if ~isa(out1(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~isa(out2(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check each output: content
+      for kk = 1:numel(out1)
+        if ~isequal(out1(kk).data.y, false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~isequal(out2(kk).data.y, false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the kstest method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the kstest method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = kstest(at5, at5, at5);
+      out2  = kstest(at5, at5, at5, plist('testdistribution', 'normal'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' is one less of the input.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output: class
+      for kk = 1:numel(out1)
+        if ~isa(out1(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~isa(out2(kk).data, 'cdata'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check each output: content
+      for kk = 1:numel(out1)
+        if ~isequal(out1(kk).data.y, false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~isequal(out2(kk).data.y, false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the kstest method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the kstest method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = kstest(at5,[at6 at6],at5,[at5 at5; at5 at5],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+%     aoin  = [at1, reshape([at1 at1], 1, []), at1, reshape([at1 at1; at1 at1], 1, []), at1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 8, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the kstest method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the kstest method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = kstest(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'kstest'.
+    % 2) % Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'kstest'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the kstest method cannot modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the kstest method cannot modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at2 to work with
+      ain1 = ao(at5);
+      ain2 = ao(at6);
+      ainv = [ain1 ain2];
+      % modify ain
+      out1  = kstest(ainv);
+      ainv.kstest();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the kstest method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o11, o12] = kstest(at5, at6, at6);
+      no1  = kstest(at5, at6, at6);
+      mout11 = rebuild(o11);
+      mout12 = rebuild(o12);
+      moutn1 = rebuild(no1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o11) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o12) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(no1) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o11, mout11, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o12, mout12, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(no1, moutn1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_lcohere.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1434 @@
+% UTP_AO_LCOHERE a set of UTPs for the ao/lcohere method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_lcohere.m,v 1.26 2011/07/22 12:29:58 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lcohere method of the ao class computes the lcoherence between two
+% time-series AOs on a log frequency axis.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_lcohere(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'lcohere';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Get default window from the preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input          (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input          (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input            (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test basic symmetry properties of lcohere (C)
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test basic symmetry properties of lcohere (MS)
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test basic symmetry properties of lcohere (C)
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test basic symmetry properties of lcohere (MS)
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test basic relationship (MS) <-> (C)
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling: complex cohere
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test units handling: magnitude-squared cohere
+    results = [results utp_30];    % Special cases: same input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('kdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('jdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('lmin'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('kdes'), 100), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('jdes'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('lmin'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('type'), 'C'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('kdes'), {100}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('jdes'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('lmin'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'C', 'MS'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcohere method works with a vector of AOs as input. (only
+  % with two objects in the vector)
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcohere method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5];
+      out  = lcohere(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the lcohere method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcohere method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5; at5 at6];
+      out  = lcohere(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcohere method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcohere method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = lcohere(at1,at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcohere method doesn't work with a mix of different
+  % shaped AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcohere method doesn't work with an input of matrices
+    % and vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = lcohere(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcohere method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the lcohere method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = lcohere(at5,at6);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'lcohere'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'lcohere'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcohere method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcohere method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      ain.lcohere(at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcohere method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = lcohere(at5, at6);
+      out2 = lcohere(at6, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the lcohere method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This test is not longer necessary because the cohere method pass back
+    % always only one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) complex lcoherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compare C(x,y) with conj(C(y,x))
+  % 5) compare C(x,x) and C(y,y) with 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) complex log-scale coherence of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n1 + a_const + a_wave;
+      a_2 = a_n2 + a_wave;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win = utils.math.randelement(win_list,1);
+      win = win{1};
+      if strcmp(win, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      C12 = lcohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C21 = lcohere(a_2, a_1, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C21_cc = conj(C21);
+      C11 = lcohere(a_1, a_1, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C22 = lcohere(a_2, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that C(x,y) equals conj(C(y,x))
+    % 2) Check that C(x,x) equals 1
+    % 2) Check that C(y,y) equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    tol = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(,, 'dy') || ...
+          any(abs(C11.y-ones(size(C11.y))) > tol) || ...
+          any(abs(C22.y-ones(size(C22.y))) > tol)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compare C(x,y) with C(y,x)
+  % 5) compare C(x,x) and C(y,y) with 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n1 + a_const + a_wave;
+      a_2 = a_n2 + a_wave;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the magnitude-squared coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'MS';
+      C12 = lcohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C21 = lcohere(a_2, a_1, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C11 = lcohere(a_1, a_1, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      C22 = lcohere(a_2, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that C(x,y) equals C(y,x)
+    % 1) Check that C(x,x) equals 1
+    % 1) Check that C(y,y) equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    tol = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(, || ...
+          any(abs(C11.y - ones(size(C11.y))) > tol) || ...
+          any(abs(C22.y - ones(size(C22.y))) > tol)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) complex log-scale coherence of the combination of white noise series
+  % 4) compare C(x,y) with 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) complex log-scale coherence of the combination of noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      % Sinusoidal signal
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n + a_wave;
+      % Linear combination (totally correlated time series)
+      a_2 = a_1 + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      C = lcohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the complex coherence equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if any(abs((C.y - 1)) > TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the combination of white noise series
+  % 4) compare C(x,y) with 1
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the combination of noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      % Sinusoidal signal
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n + a_wave;
+      % Linear combination (totally correlated time series)
+      a_2 = a_1 + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'MS';
+      C = lcohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the magnitude-squared coherence equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ~eq(C.y, ones(size(C.y)))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests symmetry properties of complex-coherence:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence M of the combination of white noise series
+  % 4) complex log-scale coherence C of the combination of white noise series
+  % 5) compare abs(C)^2 with M
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the combination of noise
+    % 6) complex log-scale coherence of the combination of noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      f = [1:5] / 100 * fs;
+      A = sigma_distr + sigma_distr*rand(1,1);
+      phi = 0 + 2*pi*rand(1,1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      % Sinusoidal signal
+      a_wave = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine-wave', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'f', f, 'A', A, 'phi', phi));
+      a_1 = a_n + a_wave;
+      % Linear combination (totally correlated time series)
+      a_2 = a_1 + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the complex coherence of the time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      if strcmp(win_type, 'Kaiser')
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+      else
+        win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      M = lcohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', 'MS'));
+      C = lcohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', 'C'));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the magnitude-squared coherence equals the square
+    % modulus of the complex coherence
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      if any(abs(M.y - abs(C.y).^2) > TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) complex log-scale coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) complex cohere of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the log-scale coherence of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      C = lcohere(a_1, a_2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (complex coherence yunits) equals [1]
+    % 2) Check that (complex coherence xunits) equals [Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(C.yunits, unit(''))  || ne(C.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) magnitude-squared log-scale coherence of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) magnitude-squared cohere of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the log-scale coherence of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'MS';
+      C = lcohere(a_1, a_2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (magnitude-squared coherence yunits) equals [1]
+    % 2) Check that (magnitude-squared coherence xunits) equals [Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(C.yunits, unit(''))  || ne(C.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_30
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of special cases:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) the same noise series
+  % 3) lcohere of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the output to unity
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_30
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   the same data as 1) and 2)
+    % 4) lcohere of the series
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Build the second object as a copy of the first
+      a_2 = a_1;
+      % Evaluate the lcohere of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      scale_type = 'C';
+      C = lcohere(a_1, a_2, ...
+        plist('Win', win.type, 'order', detrend, 'type', scale_type, 'olap', olap));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated lcohere equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if sum(ne(C.y, 1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_30
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_lcpsd.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
+% UTP_AO_LCPSD a set of UTPs for the ao/lcpsd method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_lcpsd.m,v 1.29 2011/07/22 11:51:46 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lcpsd method of the ao class computes the cross-spectral density between two
+% time-series AOs on a log-frequency axis.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_lcpsd(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'lcpsd';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Get default window from the preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input          (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input          (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input            (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test data lengths
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling: LCPSD
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Comparison with PSD
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 9, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('kdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('jdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('lmin'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('kdes'), 100), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('jdes'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('lmin'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('kdes'), {100}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('jdes'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('lmin'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcpsd method works with a vector of AOs as input. (only
+  % with two objects in the vector)
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcpsd method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5];
+      out  = lcpsd(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcpsd method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcpsd method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5; at5 at6];
+      out  = lcpsd(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcpsd method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcpsd method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = lcpsd(at1,at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcpsd method doesn't work with a mix of different shaped
+  % AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcpsd method doesn't work with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = lcpsd(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcpsd method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the lcpsd method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = lcpsd(at5,at6);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'cpsd'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'lcpsd'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lcpsd method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcpsd method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      ain.lcpsd(at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lcpsd method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = lcpsd(at5, at6);
+      out2 = lcpsd(at6, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the lcpsd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This test is not longer necessary because the lcpsd method pass back
+    % always only one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that differently sized data sets are treated properly
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying lcpsd works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = [10000:1:20000];
+      fs    = 1;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      a2 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      len_1 = a1.len;
+      len_2 = a2.len;
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [.050 .25]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % Compute lcpsd
+      win  = 'Hanning';
+      pl = plist('Win', win, 'order', -1);
+      out = lcpsd(a2,a1f,pl);
+      stest = true;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that lcpsd used the length of the shortest ao.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compare the nfft with the length of the input data
+      if out.x(1) ~= 1/min(len_1,len_2)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) LCPSD of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) LCPSD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      [a_1, a_2, spec, spec1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated LCPSD yunits) equals
+    % input_1 units*input_2 units/Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    u = simplifyYunits(a_1.* a_2, plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions', 'Hz'));
+    if stest
+      if ne(spec.Cxy.yunits, u.yunits * unit('Hz^-1')) || ne(spec.Cxy.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      if ne(spec.Cyx.yunits, u.yunits * unit('Hz^-1')) || ne(spec.Cyx.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) LCPSD of the white noise series
+  %
+  % Comparison with LPSD:
+  % 4) compares the off-diagonal terms to check they are complex-conjugated
+  % 5) compares the diagonal terms with PSD of the individual noise
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) LCPSD of the white noise
+    % 6) LPSD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      [a_1, a_2, spec, spec2] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that LCPSD(x,y) equals conj(LCPSD(y,x))
+    % 2) Check that LCPSD(y,y) equals LPSD(y)
+    % 3) Check that LCPSD(x,x) equals LPSD(x)
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if ne(spec.Cxy.y, conj(spec.Cyx.y)), atest = false; end
+      if ne(spec.Cxy.x, spec.Cyx.x), atest = false; end
+      if ne(,
+        if any(abs(spec.Cxx.y - spec.S_1.y)./abs(spec.Cxx.y) > TOL)
+          atest = false;
+        end
+      end
+      if ne(,
+        if any(abs(spec.Cyy.y - spec.S_2.y)./abs(spec.Cyy.y) > TOL)
+          atest = false;
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% Helper function for window call construction
+  function [a_1, a_2, spec1, spec2] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, pli)
+    % Array of parameters to pick from
+    fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+    nsecs_list =          [20 100 1000:1000:10000]';
+    sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    % Build time-series test data
+    % Picks the values at random from the list
+    fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+    nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+    sigma_distr_1 = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+    sigma_distr_2 = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+    trend_0_1 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+    trend_0_2 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+    % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+    % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+    unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+    prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+    % White noise
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(trend_0_1);
+    % Total signal
+    a_1 = a_n + a_c;
+    % White noise
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(trend_0_2);
+    % Total signal
+    a_2 = a_n + a_c;
+    % Set units
+    a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    % Evaluate the lcpsd of the white noise time-series data
+    olap = 0;
+    detrend_order = 0;
+    switch lower(win_type)
+      case 'kaiser'
+        psll = find(pli, 'psll');
+        if isempty(psll)
+          psll = find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll');
+        end
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'psll', psll, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+      otherwise
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+    end
+    if find(pli, 'win_obj')
+      % Calls the lcpsd applying the detrend and window internally
+      % (passig window object)
+ = pl_spec;
+      spec2.Cxy = lcpsd(a_1, a_2,;
+      spec2.Cyx = lcpsd(a_2, a_1,;
+      spec2.Cxx = lcpsd(a_1, a_1,;
+      spec2.Cyy = lcpsd(a_2, a_2,;
+      spec2.S_1 = simplifyYunits(lpsd(a_1,, ...
+        plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions','Hz'));
+      spec2.S_2 = simplifyYunits(lpsd(a_2,, ...
+        plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions','Hz'));
+    else
+      spec2 = struct;
+    end
+    % Calls the lcpsd applying the detrend and window internally
+    % (passig window name)
+ = pl_spec.pset('Win', win_type);
+    spec1.Cxy = lcpsd(a_1, a_2,;
+    spec1.Cyx = lcpsd(a_2, a_1,;
+    spec1.Cxx = lcpsd(a_1, a_1,;
+    spec1.Cyy = lcpsd(a_2, a_2,;
+    spec1.S_1 = simplifyYunits(lpsd(a_1,, ...
+      plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions','Hz'));
+    spec1.S_2 = simplifyYunits(lpsd(a_2,, ...
+      plist('prefixes', false, 'exceptions','Hz'));
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_le.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+% UTP_AO_LE a set of UTPs for the ao/le method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_le.m,v 1.2 2009/07/20 18:01:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lt() function of the ao class ao1 ≤ ao2 compares the y-axis values of
+% ao1 with y-axis values of ao2 and returns an array with elements set to
+% logical 1 (true) where the relation is true and elements set to logical 0
+% where it is not.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_le(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'le';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Compare against scalar
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Compare against AO
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the le method compare an AO with scalar value
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the le method works with relational operators and the function
+    % command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      scalar = 0.2;
+      out11 = at1 <= scalar;
+      out12 = le(at1,scalar);
+      out21 = at2 <= scalar;
+      out22 = le(at2,scalar);
+      out31 = at3 <= scalar;
+      out32 = le(at3,scalar);
+      out41 = at4 <= scalar;
+      out42 = le(at4,scalar);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+    %    command are the same.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the different commands
+      if ~isequal(out11, out12), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, out22), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, out32), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, out42), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      if ~isequal(out11, y1<=scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, y2<=scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, y3<=scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, y4<=scalar), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the le method compare an AO with one other AO
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the le method works with relational operators and the function
+    % command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+    % Remark that both AOs must have the same size.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out11 = at1 <= ao(1:300, zeros(300,1));
+      out12 = le(at1,ao(1:300, zeros(300,1)));
+      out21 = at2 <= ao(1:151, zeros(151,1));
+      out22 = le(at2,ao(1:151, zeros(151,1)));
+      out31 = at3 <= ao(1:100, zeros(100,1));
+      out32 = le(at3,ao(1:100, zeros(100,1)));
+      out41 = at4 <= ao(zeros(3,3));
+      out42 = le(at4,ao(zeros(3,3)));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+    %    command are the same.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the different commands
+      if ~isequal(out11, out12), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, out22), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, out32), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, out42), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      if ~isequal(out11, y1<=0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, y2<=0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, y3<=0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, y4<=0), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_len.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+% UTP_AO_LEN a set of UTPs for the ao/len method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_len.m,v 1.2 2009/07/20 18:01:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The len method of the ao class computes the number of data samples in the data
+% object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_len(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'len';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the len method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the len method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = len(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the the length of the data samples of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk), numel(atvec(kk).y)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the len method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the len method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = len(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(numel(atmat(kk).y), out(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the len method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the len method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = len(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~isequal(numel(at1.y), out(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(numel(at2.y), out(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(numel(at3.y), out(3)), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the len method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the len method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = len(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(numel(aoin(kk).y), out(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the len method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The len method doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to test
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_linSubtract.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+% UTP_AO_LINSUBTRACT a set of UTPs for the ao/linSubtract method
+% M Nofrarias 05-07-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_linSubtract.m,v 1.3 2009/08/07 10:47:05 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% LINSUBTRACT subtracts a linear contribution from an input ao
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_linSubtract(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'linSubtract';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    pl = plist('coupling',{{'n(1)'},{'n(2)'}},'fc',[0.1 0.4]);
+    amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, amat, ple1, pl)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    %
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the linSubtract method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the linSubtract method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      fs = at1.fs;
+      pl = plist('coupling',{{'n(1)'},{'n(2)'}},'fc',[0.1 0.4]);
+      out  = linSubtract(avec,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the linSubtract method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the linSubtract method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      pl = plist('coupling',{{'n(1)'},{'n(2)'}},'fc',[0.1 0.4]);
+      out  = linSubtract(amat,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the linSubtract method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the linSubtract method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl = plist('coupling',{{'n(1)'},{'n(2)'}},'fc',[0.1 0.4]);
+      out = linSubtract(at1,at5,at6,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the linSubtract method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the linSubtract method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl = plist('coupling',{{'n(1)'},{'n(2)'}},'fc',[0.1 0.4]);
+      out = linSubtract(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the linSubtract method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the linSubtract method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      pl = plist('coupling',{{'n(1)'},{'n(2)'}},'fc',[0.1 0.4]);
+      out  = linSubtract(at1,at5,at6,pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'linSubtract'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'linSubtract'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the linSubtract method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+       % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ains[s[s[s[[[[[[s[
+      pl = plist('coupling',{{'n(1)'},{'n(2)'}},'fc',[0.1 0.4]);
+      ain.linSubtract(at1,at5,at6,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_lincom.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+% UTP_AO_LINCOM a set of UTPs for the ao/lincom method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_lincom.m,v 1.17 2011/04/17 15:46:21 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lincom method of the ao class computes the combination of the input y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_lincom(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'lincom';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1, plist('COEFFS', [1 2]))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Vector + pest input
+    results = [results utp_14];    % List + pest input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('coeffs'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('coeffs')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('coeffs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lincom method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lincom method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Coefficients for combination
+      u_d = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      u_n = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      coeffs = ao([0.34 -0.4], plist('yunits', u_n / u_d)); 
+      % we need a vector of AOs that are all the same length
+      avec = [at5.setYunits(u_d) at6.setYunits(u_d) coeffs];
+      out = lincom(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+    % 2) Check that the output AO contains the correct units
+    % 3) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct units
+      if ~isequal(out.yunits, u_n), atest = false; end            
+      % Check each output against the linear combination of the inputs      
+      com = zeros(size(avec(1).y));
+      for kk = 1:(numel(avec)-1)
+        com = com + avec(numel(avec)).y(kk).*avec(kk).y;
+      end
+      if ~isequal(com,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lincom method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lincom method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Coefficients for combination      
+      u_d = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      u_n = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      coeffs = ao([0.34 -0.4 0.1], plist('yunits', u_n / u_d)); 
+      out = lincom(at5.setYunits(u_d), at6.setYunits(u_d), at5.setYunits(u_d), coeffs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that the output AO contains the correct units
+    % 3) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end      
+      % Check we have the correct units
+      if ~isequal(out.yunits, u_n), atest = false; end      
+      % Check each output against the linear combination of the inputs
+      com = coeffs.y(1).*at5.y + coeffs.y(2).*at6.y + coeffs.y(3).*at5.y;
+      if ~isequal(com, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lincom method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the lincom method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a = at1.setYunits('Hz');
+      out  = lincom(a, a, ao([1 -1]));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'lincom'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'lincom'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lincom method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lincom method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at5);
+      % modify ain
+      ain.lincom(at6, plist('Coeffs', [1 -1]));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the plus method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a = at5.setYunits('Hz');
+      b = at6.setYunits('Hz');
+      out1 = lincom(a, b, ao([1 -1]));
+      out2 = lincom(b, a, ao([1 -1]));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+    %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lincom method works with a vector of AOs as input + a pest object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lincom method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Coefficients for combination
+      u_1 = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      u_2 = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      u_c1 = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));            
+      coeffs = pest(plist('y', [0.34 -0.4], 'paramnames', {'i','ii'}, 'yunits', {u_c1, u_c1 * u_1 / u_2}));
+      % we need a vector of AOs that are all the same length
+      avec = [at5.setYunits(u_1) at6.setYunits(u_2)];
+      out = lincom(avec, coeffs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+    % 2) Check that the output AO contains the correct units
+    % 3) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct units
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, u_c1 * u_1), atest = false; end         
+      % Check each output against the linear combination of the inputs      
+      com = zeros(size(avec(1).y));
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        com = com + avec(kk).y.*coeffs.y(kk);
+      end
+      if ~isequal(com,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end  % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lincom method works with a list of AOs as input + a pest object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lincom method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Coefficients for combination      
+      u_d = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      u_n = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      coeffs = ao([0.34 -0.4 0.1], plist('yunits', u_n / u_d));  % TODO: Use a pest with different units!!
+      out = lincom(at5.setYunits(u_d), at6.setYunits(u_d), at5.setYunits(u_d), coeffs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that the output AO contains the correct units
+    % 3) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end      
+      % Check we have the correct units
+      if ~isequal(out.yunits, u_n), atest = false; end      
+      % Check each output against the linear combination of the inputs
+      com = coeffs.y(1).*at5.y + coeffs.y(2).*at6.y + coeffs.y(3).*at5.y;
+      if ~isequal(com, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end  % END UTP_14
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_ln.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_LN a set of UTPs for the ao/ln method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_ln.m,v 1.13 2011/04/18 16:57:44 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ln method of the ao class computes the natural logarithm of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_ln(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'ln';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06('log', at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, plist('neval', true), ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(log(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+% UTP_AO_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the ao/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2009/01/12 19:08:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the ao class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = ao(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = ao(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(objs(obj_no).fname)
+      disp(fn)
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_log.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_LOG a set of UTPs for the ao/log method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_log.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 10:48:10 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The log method of the ao class computes the natural logarithm of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_log(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'log';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(log(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_log10.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_LOG10 a set of UTPs for the ao/log10 method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_log10.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 10:48:02 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The log10 method of the ao class computes the logarithm base 10 of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_log10(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'log10';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(log10(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end  
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_lpsd.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1608 @@
+% UTP_AO_LPSD a set of UTPs for the ao/lpsd method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_lpsd.m,v 1.30 2011/05/22 21:21:30 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lpsd method of the ao class computes the spectral density of
+% time-series AOs on a log-frequency axis.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_lpsd(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'lpsd';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Get default window from the preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test against MATLAB's fft
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling: PSD
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test units handling: ASD
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test units handling: PS
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test units handling: AS
+    results = [results utp_41];    % Test different windows: Rectangular
+    results = [results utp_42];    % Test different windows: BH92
+    results = [results utp_43];    % Test different windows: Hamming
+    results = [results utp_44];    % Test different windows: Hanning
+    results = [results utp_45];    % Test different windows: Bartlett
+    results = [results utp_46];    % Test different windows: Nuttall3
+    results = [results utp_47];    % Test different windows: Kaiser psll = [random]
+    results = [results utp_48];    % Test different windows: Kaiser psll = [default]
+    results = [results utp_49];    % Test different windows: Nuttall4
+    results = [results utp_50];    % Test different windows: SFT3F
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('kdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('jdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('lmin'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('kdes'), 100), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('jdes'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('lmin'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('scale'), 'PSD'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('kdes'), {100}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('jdes'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('lmin'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'PSD', 'ASD', 'PS', 'AS'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lpsd method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lpsd method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      % Vector output
+      out  = lpsd(avec);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3] = lpsd(avec);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), lpsd(avec(kk)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, lpsd(avec(1)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, lpsd(avec(2)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, lpsd(avec(3)), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lpsd method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lpsd method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      % Vector output
+      out  = lpsd(amat);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6] = lpsd(amat);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), lpsd(amat(kk)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, lpsd(amat(1)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, lpsd(amat(2)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, lpsd(amat(3)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, lpsd(amat(4)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, lpsd(amat(5)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, lpsd(amat(6)), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lpsd method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lpsd method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Vector output
+      out                = lpsd(at1,at5,at6);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3] = lpsd(at1,at5,at6);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output      
+      if ~eq(out(1), lpsd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2), lpsd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3), lpsd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, lpsd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, lpsd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, lpsd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lpsd method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lpsd method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Vector output
+      out = lpsd(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7, out8, out9] = ...
+        lpsd(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output      
+      if ~eq(out(1), lpsd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2), lpsd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3), lpsd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(4), lpsd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(5), lpsd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(6), lpsd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(7), lpsd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(8), lpsd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(9), lpsd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, lpsd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, lpsd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, lpsd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, lpsd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, lpsd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, lpsd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, lpsd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8, lpsd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out9, lpsd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lpsd method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the lpsd method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      out  = lpsd(at5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'lpsd'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'lpsd'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the lpsd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = lpsd(at5, at6);
+      o3  = lpsd(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lpsd method agrees with MATLAB's pwelch if the frequency
+  % resolution of the latter is changed to match those used in lpsd
+  %
+  %
+  %   % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying psd works on a single AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Construct test AO
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 1000;
+      Nfft = 2*fs;
+      pl = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      % parameter list for lpsd
+      win  = specwin('Hanning', Nfft);
+      pl = plist('Kdes', 10, 'Lmin', 2, 'Jdes', 100, 'Win', win.type, 'Olap', 50, 'Order', -1);
+      % compute lpsd
+      a2 = lpsd(a1, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the DFT equations (eq. (3) and (4) in [1]) are fulfilled.
+    % 2) Check that we get the same outputs for each frequency bin when
+    %    computing the psd using matlab's fft with the frequency resolution
+    %    values retrieved by lpsd (and already tested in (1))
+    %
+    % [1] G. Heinzel, lpsd revisited: ltf, S2-AEI-TN-3052
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % get freq. resolution, bin number and seg. length from procinfo
+      b = find(a2.procinfo,'m');
+      r = find(a2.procinfo,'r');
+      L = find(a2.procinfo,'L');
+      % test eq.(3): f = r*b up to numerical accuracy
+      if all(abs( - r.*b) > max(eps(,eps(r.*b)))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % test eq.(4): fs = r*L up to numerical accuracy
+      if all(abs( - r.*L) > max(eps(,eps(r.*L)))
+        atest = false;
+      end      
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) LPSD of the white noise
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) LPSD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated LPSD yunits) equals (input units)^2 / Hz
+    % 2) Check that (calculated LPSD xunits) equals Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S.yunits, (a.yunits).^2 * unit('Hz^-1')) || ne(S.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) LASD of the white noise
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) LASD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'Hamming';
+      scale = 'ASD';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated LASD yunits) equals (input units) / Hz^(1/2)
+    % 2) Check that (calculated LASD xunits) equals Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S.yunits, (a.yunits) * unit('Hz^-1/2')) || ne(S.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) LPS of the white noise
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) LPS of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Hanning';
+      scale = 'PS';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated LPS yunits) equals (input units)^2
+    % 2) Check that (calculated LPS xunits) equals Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S.yunits, (a.yunits).^2)  || ne(S.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform distribution, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) LAS of the white noise
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) LAS of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'Rectangular';
+      scale = 'AS';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated LAS yunits) equals (input units)
+    % 2) Check that (calculated LAS xunits) equals Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S.yunits, a.yunits)  || ne(S.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_41
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (Rectangular)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (Rectangular type)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_41
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'Rectangular';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_41
+  %% UTP_42
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (BH92)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (BH92 type)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_42
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, BH92 window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, BH92 window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'BH92';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_42
+  %% UTP_43
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (Hamming)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (Hamming type)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_43
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hamming window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hamming window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'Hamming';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_43
+  %% UTP_44
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (Hanning)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (Hanning type)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_44
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hanning window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hanning window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'Hanning';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_44
+  %% UTP_43
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (Bartlett)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (Bartlett type)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_45
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Bartlett window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Bartlett window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'Bartlett';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_45
+  %% UTP_46
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (Nuttall3)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (Nuttall3 type)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_46
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall3 window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall3 window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'Nuttall3';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_46
+  %% UTP_47
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (Kaiser, psll = 150)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (Kaiser type, psll = 150)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_47
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'Kaiser';
+      psll =        utils.math.randelement([10:10:200],1);
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_47
+  %% UTP_48
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (Kaiser, psll = default)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (Kaiser type, psll = default)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_48
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'Kaiser';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_48
+  %% UTP_49
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (Nuttall4)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (Nuttall4 type)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_49
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall4 window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall4 window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'Nuttall4';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_49
+  %% UTP_50
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) lpsd passing the window name (SFT3F)
+  % 3) lpsd passing the window object (SFT3F type)
+  % 4) compares the two psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_50
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, SFT3F window (name)
+    % 4) Estimate the psd without detrending, SFT3F window (object)
+    % 5) Compare results
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      scale =      'PSD';
+      win_type =   'SFT3F';
+      [a, S, S1] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+      if ~eq(S, S1, ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_50
+  %% Helper function for window call construction
+  function [a, S_name, S_obj] = prepare_analyze_noise(win_type, noise_type, scale, pli)
+    % Array of parameters to pick from
+    fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+    nsecs_list =          [20 100 1000:1000:10000]';
+    sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    % Build time-series test data
+    % Picks the values at random from the list
+    fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+    nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+    sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+    trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+    % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+    % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+    unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+    prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+    % White noise
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(trend_0);
+    % Total signal
+    a = a_n + a_c;
+    % Set units
+    a.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    % Evaluate the lpsd of the white noise time-series data
+    olap = find(pli, 'olap');
+    if isempty(olap)
+      olap = 0; %% Should we take the rov instead?
+    end
+    detrend_order = 0;
+    switch lower(win_type)
+      case 'kaiser'
+        psll = find(pli, 'psll');
+        if isempty(psll)
+          psll = find(ao.getInfo('lpsd').plists, 'psll');
+        end
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'psll', psll, 'olap', olap, ...
+          'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+      otherwise
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'olap', olap, ...
+          'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+    end
+    if find(pli, 'win_test')
+      % Calls the lpsd applying the detrend and window internally
+      % (passig window object)
+      S_obj = a.lpsd(pl_spec);
+    else
+      S_obj = ao;
+    end
+    % Calls the lpsd applying the detrend and window internally
+    % (passig window name)
+    pl_spec.pset('Win', win_type);
+    S_name = a.lpsd(pl_spec);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_lscov.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+% UTP_AO_LSCOV a set of UTPs for the ao/lscov method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_lscov.m,v 1.14 2009/12/21 13:46:21 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lscov method of the ao class solves a set of linear equations by
+% performing a linear least-squares fit.
+% It solves the problem
+%        Y = HX
+% where X are the parameters, Y the measurements, and H the linear
+% equations relating the two.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_lscov(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'lscov';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    fs    = 10;
+    nsecs = 10;
+    x1 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+    x2 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+    x3 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+    n  = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test weights usage
+    c = [1 -2 3];
+    y = c(1)*x1 + c(2)*x2 + c(3)*x3 + n;
+    avec = [x1, x2, x3];
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [avec y], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('cov'), atest = false; end        
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('weights')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('cov')), atest = false; end        
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('cov'), {[]}), atest = false; end        
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lscov method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lscov method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      c = [1 -2 3];
+      y = c(1)*x1 + c(2)*x2 + c(3)*x3 + n;
+      avec = [x1, x2, x3];
+      out  = lscov(avec, y);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the data type of the output
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have exactly one pest with 3 parameters
+      if numel(out) ~= 1 || numel(out.y) ~= 3, atest = false; end      
+      if ~isa(out, 'pest'), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against MATLAB lscov
+      C = avec;
+      H = C(:).y;
+      [P,STDX,MSE,COV] = lscov(H,y.y);         
+      if ~isequal(out.y, P), atest = false; end                        
+      if ~isequal(out.dy, STDX), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.procinfo.find('MSE'),  MSE),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.cov,  COV),  atest = false; end      
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+     atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lscov method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the lscov method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      c = [1 -2 3 -1 2 4];
+      y = c(1)*x1 + c(2)*x2 + c(3)*x3 + c(4)*x1 + c(5)*x2 + c(6)*x3 + n;
+      amat = [x1, x2, x3; x1, x2, x3];
+      out  = lscov(amat, y);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the data type of the output
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have exactly one pest with 6 parameters
+      if numel(out) ~= 1 || numel(out.y) ~= 6, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'pest'), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against MATLAB lscov
+      C = amat;
+      H = C(:).y;
+      [P,STDX,MSE,COV] = lscov(H,y.y);
+      if ~isequal(out.y, P), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dy, STDX), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.procinfo.find('MSE'),  MSE),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.cov,  COV),  atest = false; end      
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lscov method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the lscov method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      c = [1 -2 3];
+      y = c(1)*x1 + c(2)*x2 + c(3)*x3 + n;
+      out  = lscov(x1, x2, x3, y);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the data type of the output
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have exactly one pest with 3 parameters
+      if numel(out) ~= 1 || numel(out.y) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'pest'), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against MATLAB lscov
+      C = [x1, x2, x3];
+      H = C(:).y;
+      [P,STDX,MSE,COV] = lscov(H,y.y);
+      if ~isequal(out.y, P), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dy, STDX), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.procinfo.find('MSE'),  MSE),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.cov,  COV),  atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lscov method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the lscov method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      c = [1 -2 3];
+      y = c(1)*x1 + c(2)*x2 + c(3)*x3 + n;
+      out  = lscov(x1, x2, x3, y);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'lscov'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'lscov'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The lscov method can not be used as a modifer method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The lscov method can not be used as a modifer method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      c = [1 -2 3];
+      y = c(1)*x1 + c(2)*x2 + c(3)*x3 + n;
+      x1.lscov(x1, x2, x3, y);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the lscov method uses weights for the fit.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the lscov method uses weights for the fit.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      c = [1 -2 3];
+      x  = 1:100;
+      w2 = (x.^2 - 100.*x + 2500)/2500;
+      w1(1:100) = 1;
+      y = c(1)*x1 + c(2)*x2 + c(3)*x3 + n;
+      % Setting units
+      y.setYunits('V m');
+      x1.setYunits('V^-1 Hz');
+      x2.setYunits('V^-1 Hz');
+      x3.setYunits('V^-1 Hz');
+      pl1 = plist('Weights', w1);
+      pl2 = plist('Weights', w2);
+      pl3 = plist('Weights', ao(w2));
+      out1 = lscov(x1, x2, x3, y);
+      out2 = lscov(x1, x2, x3, y, pl1);
+      out3 = lscov(x1, x2, x3, y, pl2);
+      out4 = lscov(x1, x2, x3, y, pl3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output data
+    % 2) Check the yunits
+    % 3) Check that 'out1' and 'out2' have the same data
+    % 4) Check that 'out3' and 'out4' have the same data
+    % 5) Check the re-built objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      C = [x1, x2, x3];
+      H = C(:).y;
+      % Check the output data with w1
+      [P,STDX,MSE,COV] = lscov(H,y.y,w1);
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, P), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.dy, STDX), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.procinfo.find('MSE'),  MSE),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.cov,  COV),  atest = false; end
+      for ii = 1:3
+        if ~eq(out2.yunits(ii), unit('V m V Hz^-1')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the output data with w2
+      [P,STDX,MSE,COV] = lscov(H,y.y,w2);
+      if ~isequal(out3.y, P), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.dy, STDX), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.procinfo.find('MSE'),  MSE),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.cov,  COV),  atest = false; end
+      for ii = 1:3
+        if ~eq(out3.yunits(ii), unit('V m V Hz^-1')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check that 'out1' and 'out2' have the same data
+      if ne(out1, out2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out3' and 'out4' have the same data
+      if ne(out3, out4, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test[1..4].m' and check the result
+      if ne(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ne(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ne(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ne(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_lt.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+% UTP_AO_LT a set of UTPs for the ao/lt method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_lt.m,v 1.2 2009/07/20 18:01:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The lt() function of the ao class ao1 < ao2 compares the y-axis values of
+% ao1 with y-axis values of ao2 and returns an array with elements set to
+% logical 1 (true) where the relation is true and elements set to logical 0
+% where it is not.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_lt(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'lt';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Compare against scalar
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Compare against AO
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lt method compare an AO with scalar value
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lt method works with relational operators and the function
+    % command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      scalar = 0.2;
+      out11 = at1 < scalar;
+      out12 = lt(at1,scalar);
+      out21 = at2 < scalar;
+      out22 = lt(at2,scalar);
+      out31 = at3 < scalar;
+      out32 = lt(at3,scalar);
+      out41 = at4 < scalar;
+      out42 = lt(at4,scalar);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+    %    command are the same.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the different commands
+      if ~isequal(out11, out12), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, out22), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, out32), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, out42), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      if ~isequal(out11, y1<scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, y2<scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, y3<scalar), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, y4<scalar), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the lt method compare an AO with one other AO
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the lt method works with relational operators and the function
+    % command. Use for this AOs with different data objects.
+    % Remark that both AOs must have the same size.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out11 = at1 < ao(1:300, zeros(300,1));
+      out12 = lt(at1,ao(1:300, zeros(300,1)));
+      out21 = at2 < ao(1:151, zeros(151,1));
+      out22 = lt(at2,ao(1:151, zeros(151,1)));
+      out31 = at3 < ao(1:100, zeros(100,1));
+      out32 = lt(at3,ao(1:100, zeros(100,1)));
+      out41 = at4 < ao(zeros(3,3));
+      out42 = lt(at4,ao(zeros(3,3)));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the result of the 'relational operator' and the 'function'
+    %    command are the same.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the different commands
+      if ~isequal(out11, out12), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, out22), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, out32), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, out42), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      if ~isequal(out11, y1<0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out21, y2<0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out31, y3<0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out41, y4<0), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_ltfe.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+% UTP_AO_LTFE a set of UTPs for the ao/ltfe method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_ltfe.m,v 1.25 2011/07/22 12:29:58 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ltfe method of the ao class computes the transfer function between two
+% time-series AOs on a log-frequency axis.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_ltfe(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'ltfe';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Get default window from the preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input          (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input          (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input            (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling: Ltfe
+    results = [results utp_30];    % Special cases: same input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 9, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('kdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('jdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('lmin'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('kdes'), 100), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('jdes'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('lmin'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('kdes'), {100}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('jdes'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('lmin'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ltfe method works with a vector of AOs as input. (only
+  % with two objects in the vector)
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ltfe method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5];
+      out  = ltfe(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the ltfe method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ltfe method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = ltfe(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ltfe method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ltfe method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ltfe(at1,at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ltfe method doesn't work with a mix of different shaped
+  % AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ltfe method doesn't work with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ltfe(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ltfe method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the ltfe method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ltfe(at5,at6);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ltfe'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ltfe'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ltfe method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ltfe method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      ain.ltfe(at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ltfe method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = ltfe(at5, at6);
+      out2 = ltfe(at6, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the ltfe method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This test is not longer necessary because the ltfe method pass back
+    % always only one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) ltfe of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) ltfe of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the ltfe of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      T = ltfe(a_1,a_2,plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated ltfe yunits) equals [1/Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(T.yunits, a_2.yunits ./ a_1.yunits) || ne(T.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_30
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of special cases:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) the same noise series
+  % 3) ltfe of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the output to unity
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_30
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   the same data as 1) and 2)
+    % 4) ltfe of the series
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Build the second object as a copy of the first
+      a_2 = a_1;
+      % Evaluate the ltfe of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      T = ltfe(a_1,a_2,plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated ltfe equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if sum(ne(T.y, 1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_30
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_max.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+% UTP_AO_MAX a set of UTPs for the ao/max method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_max.m,v 1.13 2010/06/07 16:43:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The max method of the ao class computes the largest element in y- or x- data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_max(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'max';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_208(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(max(',
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end  
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'xy'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_mcmc.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+% UTP_AO_MCMC a set of UTPs for the ao/mcmc method
+% M Nofrarias 06-07-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_mcmc.m,v 1.8 2011/11/16 15:21:13 nikos Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% MCMC samples a probability distribution for a using a 
+% Metropolis algorithm.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_mcmc(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'mcmc';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    n1  = ao(plist('waveform','noise','type','normal','sigma',0.1,'nsecs',100,'fs',1,'yunits','m'));
+    n2  = ao(plist('waveform','noise','type','normal','sigma',0.1,'nsecs',100,'fs',1,'yunits','m'));
+    noise = [n1 ; n2];
+    in(1) = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*1*t)'));
+    in(2) = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*0.1*t)'));
+    out(1) = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', '10 + sin(2*pi*1*t)'));
+    out(2) = ao(plist('fs', 1, 'nsecs', 100, 'tsfcn', '200 + sin(2*pi*0.1*t)'));
+    % Test smodels
+    st1 = smodel('a + t'); 
+    st1.setXvar('f');
+    st1.setParams('a',10);
+    st1.setXvar('t');
+    st1.setXvals(in(1).x);
+    st2 = smodel('b + t'); 
+    st2.setXvar('f');
+    st2.setParams('b',10);
+    st2.setXvar('t');
+    st2.setXvals(in(1).x);
+    model = matrix(st1,st2,st1,st2,plist('shape',[2 2]));
+    % define plist
+     pl = plist('Fitparams',{'a','b'},...
+       'cov',[1 0; 0 1],...
+       'J',1,...
+       'N',2,...
+       'range',{[5 15],[180 220]},...
+       'x0',[10 200], ...
+       'noise',noise, ...
+       'Tc',[10 20], ...
+       'model',model, ...       
+       'search', false, ...
+       'frequencies',[1e-3 1],...
+       'input', [in(1) ; in(2)],...
+       'Navs',5,...
+       'simplex', false);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test output of the data
+    %
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 19, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('cov'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Fitparams'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('noise'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('model'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('search'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('simplex'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('heat'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tc'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('x0'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('jumps'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('debug'), atest = false; end
+        %if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fpars'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('N'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('cov'), 1e-4), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('Fitparams')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('noise'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('model'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('search'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('simplex'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('heat'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tc'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('x0'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('jumps'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('plot'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('debug'), false), atest = false; end
+        %if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fpars'), []), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {[1000]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('cov'), {[1e-4]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Fitparams'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('noise'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('model'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('search'), {true, false}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('simplex'), {true, false}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('heat'), {[1]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tc'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('x0'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('jumps'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('debug'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        %if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fpars'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the metropolis2D method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [out(1) ; out(2)];
+      m  = mcmc(avec,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(m.names) ~= numel(in), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the metropolis2D method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat =  matrix(out(1),out(2),plist('shape',[2 1]));
+      m  = mcmc(amat,pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(m.names) ~= numel(in), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the metropolis2D method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      m  = mcmc([out(1) ; out(2)],pl);
+      mm = rebuild(m);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'm' corresponds to
+    %    'metropolis2D'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'm'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(m(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mcmc'), atest = true; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+%       if ~eq(mm(1), m(1), ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the metropolis2D method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+       % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(in(1));
+      % modify ain
+      ain.mcmc(in,out,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_md5.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+% UTP_AO_MD5 a set of UTPs for the ao/md5 method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_md5.m,v 1.4 2010/05/06 07:22:05 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The md5 method of the ao class computes an MD5 checksum from an analysis
+% objects which is first converted into a XML document.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_md5(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'md5';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Spcial case: one AO retruns a string
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the md5 method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the md5 method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = md5(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' are the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the md5 of the XML document
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Create XML document
+        xml = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument('ltpda_object');
+        parent = xml.getDocumentElement;
+        utils.xml.xmlwrite(atvec(kk), xml, parent, '');
+        xml_txt = xmlwrite(xml);
+        xml_txt = uint8(xml_txt);
+        xml_txt = xml_txt(:);
+        % Compute java md5
+        md5_java ='MD5');
+        md5_java.update(xml_txt);
+        md5_hex = typecast(md5_java.digest, 'uint8');
+        md5_hex = dec2hex(md5_hex)';
+        if ~strcmpi(out{kk}, md5_hex(:)'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the md5 method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the md5 method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = md5(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' are the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the md5 of the XML document
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Create XML document
+        xml = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument('ltpda_object');
+        parent = xml.getDocumentElement;
+        utils.xml.xmlwrite(atmat(kk), xml, parent, '');
+        xml_txt = xmlwrite(xml);
+        xml_txt = uint8(xml_txt);
+        xml_txt = xml_txt(:);
+        % Compute java md5
+        md5_java ='MD5');
+        md5_java.update(xml_txt);
+        md5_hex = typecast(md5_java.digest, 'uint8');
+        md5_hex = dec2hex(md5_hex)';
+        if ~strcmpi(out{kk}, md5_hex(:)'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the md5 method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the md5 method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = md5(at1, at2, at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' are the same as in the input
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the md5 of the XML document
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Create XML document
+        xml = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument('ltpda_object');
+        parent = xml.getDocumentElement;
+        utils.xml.xmlwrite(aoin(kk), xml, parent, '');
+        xml_txt = xmlwrite(xml);
+        xml_txt = uint8(xml_txt);
+        xml_txt = xml_txt(:);
+        % Compute java md5
+        md5_java ='MD5');
+        md5_java.update(xml_txt);
+        md5_hex = typecast(md5_java.digest, 'uint8');
+        md5_hex = dec2hex(md5_hex)';
+        if ~strcmpi(out{kk}, md5_hex(:)'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the md5 method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the md5 method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = md5(atvec, at2, atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' are the same as in the input
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [reshape(atvec,1,[]), at2, reshape(atmat,1,[])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the md5 of the XML document
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Create XML document
+        xml = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument('ltpda_object');
+        parent = xml.getDocumentElement;
+        utils.xml.xmlwrite(aoin(kk), xml, parent, '');
+        xml_txt = xmlwrite(xml);
+        xml_txt = uint8(xml_txt);
+        xml_txt = xml_txt(:);
+        % Compute java md5
+        md5_java ='MD5');
+        md5_java.update(xml_txt);
+        md5_hex = typecast(md5_java.digest, 'uint8');
+        md5_hex = dec2hex(md5_hex)';
+        if ~strcmpi(out{kk}, md5_hex(:)'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the md5 method retruns for one input a string and not a cell
+  % of a string
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Special case for one input because in this case retruns md5 a string
+    % and not a cell.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = md5(at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a string
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a string
+      if~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the md5 of the XML document
+      % Create XML document
+      xml = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument('ltpda_object');
+      parent = xml.getDocumentElement;
+      utils.xml.xmlwrite(at4, xml, parent, '');
+      xml_txt = xmlwrite(xml);
+      xml_txt = uint8(xml_txt);
+      xml_txt = xml_txt(:);
+      % Compute java md5
+      md5_java ='MD5');
+      md5_java.update(xml_txt);
+      md5_hex = typecast(md5_java.digest, 'uint8');
+      md5_hex = dec2hex(md5_hex)';
+      if ~strcmpi(out, md5_hex(:)'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_mean.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+% UTP_AO_MEAN a set of UTPs for the ao/mean method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_mean.m,v 1.17 2011/04/17 10:47:51 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The mean method of the ao class computes the mean value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_mean(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'mean';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Overide to include only data2D objects
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at2; at2 at1 at6];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_108(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(mean(',
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_median.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+% UTP_AO_MEDIAN a set of UTPs for the ao/median method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_median.m,v 1.14 2011/04/17 10:47:43 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The median method of the ao class computes the median value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_median(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'median';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Overide to include only data2D objects
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at2; at2 at1 at6];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_108(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(median(',
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end  
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_min.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+% UTP_AO_MAX a set of UTPs for the ao/min method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_min.m,v 1.12 2010/06/07 16:43:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The min method of the ao class computes the smalest element in y- or x- data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_min(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'min';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Overide to include only data2D objects
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at2; at2 at1 at6];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_208(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(min(',
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'xy'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_minus.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% UTP_AO_MINUS a set of UTPs for the ao/minus method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_minus.m,v 1.13 2010/09/21 17:00:41 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The minus method of the ao class computes the subtraction of the y data of
+% two inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_minus(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'minus';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];                          % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule1(@minus)];   % Rule 1
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule2(@minus)];   % Rule 2
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule3(@minus)];   % Rule 3
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule4(@minus)];   % Rule 4
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule5(@minus)];   % Rule 5
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule6(@minus)];   % Rule 6
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule7(@minus)];   % Rule 7
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule8(@minus)];   % Rule 8
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule9(@minus)];   % Rule 9
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule10(@minus)];  % Rule 10
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule11(@minus)];  % Rule 11
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_negative_tests(@minus)]; % Negative tests
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_mode.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+% UTP_AO_MODE a set of UTPs for the ao/mode method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_mode.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 10:47:34 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The mode method of the ao class computes the modal value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_mode(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'mode';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Overide to include only data2D objects
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at2; at2 at1 at6];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_108(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(mode(',
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_mpower.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+% UTP_AO_MPOWER a set of UTPs for the ao/mpower method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_mpower.m,v 1.6 2011/02/28 15:55:13 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The mpower method of the ao class computes the matrix power of the y data
+% of the two inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_mpower(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'mpower';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('exponent'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('exponent')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('exponent'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mpower method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mpower method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a vector of AOs all the same size.
+      % The shape of the data shouldn't have an effect to the algorithm.
+      avec = [at4 ao(3) ao(1)];
+      out = mpower(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the y-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the one output
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the matrix power of the inputs
+      s = avec(1).data.getY;
+      for jj=2:numel(avec)
+        s = s ^ avec(jj).data.getY;
+      end
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mpower method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mpower method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a matrix of AOs all the same size
+      amat = [at4 ao(1) ao(2); ao(3) ao(4) ao(5)];
+      out = mpower(amat);
+      stest = true;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the matrix power of the inputs
+      s = amat(1).data.getY;
+      for kk=2:numel(amat)
+        s = s ^ amat(kk).data.getY;
+      end
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mpower method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mpower method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = mpower(at4,ao(7),ao(4));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the y-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the matrix power of the inputs
+      s = ^ 7 ^ 4;
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mpower method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mpower method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % This UTP doen't make sense.
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mpower method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the mpower method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = mpower(at4,5);
+      out2 = mpower(at4,ao(5));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' and 'out2' corresponds to
+    %    'mpower'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built objects are the same objectd as 'out1' and 'out2'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1' and 'out2'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mpower'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mpower'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mpower method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mpower method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at4 to work with
+      ain = ao(at4);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.mpower(5);
+      ain ^ 5;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is mpower(at4).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that mpower modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at4), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that mpower doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the mpower value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(mpower(at4.y, 5), ain.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mpower method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % This UTP doesn't make sense because the AO must contain a square matrix
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothinf to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_mrdivide.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% UTP_AO_MRDIVIDE a set of UTPs for the ao/mrdivide method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_mrdivide.m,v 1.7 2010/09/21 17:00:41 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The mrdivide method of the ao class computes the subtraction of the y
+% data of two inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_mrdivide(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'mrdivide';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];                            % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule1(@rdivide)];   % Rule 1
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule2(@rdivide)];   % Rule 2
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule3(@rdivide)];   % Rule 3
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule4(@rdivide)];   % Rule 4
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule5(@rdivide)];   % Rule 5
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule6(@rdivide)];   % Rule 6
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule7(@rdivide)];   % Rule 7
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule8(@rdivide)];   % Rule 8
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule9(@rdivide)];   % Rule 9
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule10(@rdivide)];  % Rule 10
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule11(@rdivide)];  % Rule 11
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_negative_tests(@rdivide)]; % Negative tests
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_mtimes.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+% UTP_AO_MTIMES a set of UTPs for the ao/mtimes method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_mtimes.m,v 1.7 2011/02/17 21:19:03 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The mtimes method of the ao class computes the matrix product of the y data
+% of the two inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_mtimes(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'mtimes';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+%     results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+%     results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+%     results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test all data types
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mtimes method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a vector of AOs all the same size.
+      % The shape of the data shouldn't have an effect to the algorithm.
+      avec = [at1 ao(3) ao(1)];
+      out = mtimes(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the y-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the one output
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the matrix product of the inputs
+      s = avec(1).data.getY;
+      for jj=2:numel(avec)
+        s = s * avec(jj).data.getY;
+      end
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the y-units
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, at1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mtimes method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a matrix of AOs all the same size
+      amat = [at4 ao(1) ao(2); ao(3) ao(4) ao(5)];
+      out = mtimes(amat);
+      stest = true;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that the output have the yunits of the AO which contains a yunits
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the matrix product of the inputs
+      s = amat(1).data.getY;
+      for kk=2:numel(amat)
+        s = s * amat(kk).data.getY;
+      end
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the units
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, at4.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mtimes method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = mtimes(at1,ao(7),ao(4));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the y-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the matrix product of the inputs
+      s = * 7 * 4;
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the units
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, at1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mtimes method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a vector of AOs all the same size
+      avec = [ao(1) ao(2) ao(3)];
+      % We need a matrix of AOs all the same size
+      amat = [ao(4) ao(5) ao(6); ao(7) ao(8) ao(9)];
+      % Compute matrix product
+      out = mtimes(at5,avec,ao(10),amat,ao(11));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix product of all the inputs
+      s =;
+      for jj=1:numel(avec)
+        s = s * avec(jj).data.getY;
+      end
+      s = s * 10;
+      for jj=1:numel(amat)
+        s = s * amat(jj).data.getY;
+      end
+      s = s * 11;
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the mtimes method can be processed back
+    % with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = mtimes(ao([3;4]),ao([5 8]));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mtimes'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mtimes'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method can not be used as a modifier method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the mtimes method can not be used as a modifier method. The
+    % command should fail.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.mtimes(5);
+      ain * 5;
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>      
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mtimes method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = at5 * 5;
+      out2 = 5 * at5;
+      out3 = at6 * 5;
+      out4 = 5 * at6;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 1) ~= size(, 1), atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= size(, 1), atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) ~= size(, 2), atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) ~= size(, 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check y-units
+      if ~eq(out1.yunits, at5.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.yunits, at5.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.yunits, at6.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4.yunits, at6.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the method with all data objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mtimes method works with cdata-, fsdata-, tsdata-, and xydata
+    % objects
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out11 = at1 * 5;
+      out12 = 5 * at1;
+      out21 = at2 * 5;
+      out22 = 5 * at2;
+      out31 = at3 * 5;
+      out32 = 5 * at3;
+      out41 = at4 * 5;
+      out42 = 5 * at4;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    % 2) Check that re-building of output is the same as the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if ~isequal(mtimes(at1.y, 5), out11.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(mtimes(at1.y, 5), out12.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(mtimes(at2.y, 5), out21.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(mtimes(at2.y, 5), out22.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(mtimes(at3.y, 5), out31.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(mtimes(at3.y, 5), out32.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(mtimes(at4.y, 5), out41.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(mtimes(at4.y, 5), out42.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out11), out11, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out12), out12, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out21), out21, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out22), out22, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out31), out31, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out32), out32, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out41), out41, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out42), out42, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_ne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+% UTP_AO_NE a set of UTPs for the ao/ne method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_ne.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ne() method of the ao class ao1 ~= ao2 compares each element of an
+% analysis object with the corresponding element of an second analysis object
+% and returns a logical 1 (true) where ao1 and ao2 are not equal,
+% or logical 0 (false) where they are equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_ne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'ne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a vector of AOs as input. Test the
+    % positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = at1.setName('my name');
+      avec1 = [at4, at3, at2, at1];
+      avec2 = [at4, at3, at2, aa];
+      out1 = ne(avec1, avec1);
+      out2 = ne(avec1, avec2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a matrix of AOs as input. Test the
+    % positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = at1.setName('my name');
+      amat1 = [at4, at3, at1, at1, at2, at4];
+      amat2 = [at4, at3, aa;  at1, at2, at4];
+      out1 = ne(amat1, amat1);
+      out2 = ne(amat1, amat2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of AOs as input. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of AOs as input. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list.
+  % The function ao/ne use the function ao/eq so it is not necessary to check
+  % all possibilities of the exception list.
+  % 
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because aa is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, at1, 'my name');
+      out1 = ne(aa, at1);
+      out2 = ne(aa, at1, 'name',    'created', 'UUID');
+      out3 = ne(aa, at1, 'ao/name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      aa = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, at1, 'my name');
+      pl = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'created', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = ne(aa, at1);
+      out2 = ne(aa, at1, pl);
+      out3 = ne(aa, at1, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_noisegen1D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+% UTP_AO_noisegen1D a set of UTPs for the ao/noisegen1D method
+% L Ferraioli 16-02-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_noisegen1D.m,v 1.13 2010/05/03 18:07:42 luigi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The noisegen1D method of the ao class computes the noisegen1Dolute value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_noisegen1D(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'noisegen1D';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+%     [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    [PSD,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,av,am,plstd,plstd2] = get_test_obj_ao_noisegen1D();
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % add useful params to standard exceptions
+    ple3 = plist('Exceptions', {'history', 'created', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'procinfo'});
+%     % ---- Building fsdata model objects
+%     pl_mod1 = plist('fsfcn', '0.01./(0.01+f)', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+%     mod1 = ao(pl_mod1);
+%     % ---- Building white noise test data
+%     fs = 10;
+%     a1 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', 100));
+%     a2 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', 100));
+%     a3 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', 100));
+%     a4 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', 100));
+%     a5 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)).''', 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', 100));       
+%     av = [a1 a2 a3];
+%     am = [a1 a2; a3 a4];
+%     % ---- Building standard plist
+%     plstd = plist(...
+%       'model', mod1, ...
+%       'MaxIter', 30, ...
+%       'PoleType', 2, ...
+%       'MinOrder', 10, ...
+%       'MaxOrder', 20, ...
+%       'Weights', 2, ...
+%       'Plot', false,...
+%       'Disp', false,...
+%       'RMSEVar', 5,...
+%       'FitTolerance', 2);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test history is working, set 'filter'
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test the modify call works, set 'filter'
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test output of the data, set 'Filter'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 11, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('model'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('poletype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('disp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('yunits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('model')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxiter'), 30), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('poletype'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxorder'), 25), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('weights'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('plot'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('disp'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('msevartol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fittol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('model'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {30}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('poletype'), {1 2 3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {25}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('disp'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Filter'
+        if io(4).plists.nparams ~= 12, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('Iunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('Ounits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('poletype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('disp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('fs'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('Iunits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('Ounits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('maxiter'), 30), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('poletype'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('maxorder'), 25), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('weights'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('plot'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('disp'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('msevartol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('fittol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('Iunits'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('Ounits'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {30}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('poletype'), {1 2 3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {25}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('disp'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen1D method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen1D method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = noisegen1D(av, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+     disp(err.message)
+     stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'av'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(av)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          used_filt = out(kk).procinfo.find('filter');
+          obj = av(kk).filter(used_filt);
+          if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), av(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen1D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen1D method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = noisegen1D(am, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(am)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          used_filt = out(kk).procinfo.find('filter');
+          obj = am(kk).filter(used_filt);
+          if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), am(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen1D method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen1D method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = noisegen1D(a1,a2,a3,plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [a1,a2,a3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          used_filt = out(kk).procinfo.find('filter');
+          obj = aoin(kk).filter(used_filt);
+          if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen1D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen1D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = noisegen1D(a5,[a1 a3],[a1 a2; a3 a4],plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a5,reshape([a1 a3],1,[]),reshape([a1 a2; a3 a4],1,[])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          used_filt = out(kk).procinfo.find('filter');
+          obj = aoin(kk).filter(used_filt);
+          if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen1D method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the noisegen1D method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = noisegen1D(a1,plstd);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'noisegen1D'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'noisegen1D'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen1D method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen1D method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amodi = ao(a1);
+      aeq   = ao(a1);
+      out = aeq.noisegen1D(plstd);
+      amodi.noisegen1D(plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is changed
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(a1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is changed
+      used_filt = amodi.procinfo.find('filter');
+      ref = a1.filter(used_filt);
+      if ~eq(ref, amodi, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen1D method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = noisegen1D(a4,plstd);
+      out2 = noisegen1D(a5,plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the noisegen1D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = noisegen1D(a1, a2, plstd);
+      o3  = noisegen1D(a1, a2, plstd);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      o31 = o3.index(1);
+      o32 = o3.index(2);
+      mout31 = rebuild(o31);
+      mout32 = rebuild(o32);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o31, mout31, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o32, mout32, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+%% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen1D method properly applies history for set filter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the noisegen1D method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = noisegen1D(PSD,plstd2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'noisegen1D'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'noisegen1D'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+%% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen1D method can modify the input AO for set 'filter'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen1D method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amodi = ao(PSD);
+      aeq   = ao(PSD);
+      out = aeq.noisegen1D(plstd2);
+      amodi.noisegen1D(plstd2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(PSD), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+%% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the noisegen1D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = noisegen1D(PSD, PSD, plstd2);
+      o3  = noisegen1D(PSD, PSD, plstd2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      o31 = o3.index(1);
+      o32 = o3.index(2);
+      mout31 = rebuild(o31);
+      mout32 = rebuild(o32);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o31, mout31, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o32, mout32, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_noisegen2D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+% UTP_AO_noisegen2D a set of UTPs for the ao/noisegen2D method
+% L Ferraioli 02-02-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_noisegen2D.m,v 1.12 2010/06/24 13:28:17 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The whiten1D method of the ao class computes the whiten1Dolute value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_noisegen2D(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'noisegen2D';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [CSD,TF,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,av,am,plstd,plstd2] = get_test_obj_ao_noisegen2D();
+     csd11 = CSD(1,1);
+     csd12 = CSD(1,2);
+     csd22 = CSD(2,2);
+    % --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % add useful params to standard exceptions
+    ple3 = plist('Exceptions', {'history', 'created', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'procinfo'});
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working, set 'Default'
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test history is working, set 'Filter'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('csd11'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('csd12'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('csd21'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('csd22'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('poletype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('disp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('usesym'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('csd11')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('csd12')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('csd21')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('csd22')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('yunits'), {'',''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxiter'), 30), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('poletype'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxorder'), 25), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('weights'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('plot'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('disp'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('msevartol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fittol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('usesym'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('csd11'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('csd12'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('csd21'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('csd22'), {[]}), atest = false; end          
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {{'',''}}), atest = false; end               
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {30}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('poletype'), {1 2 3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {25}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('disp'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('usesym'), {0 1 2}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(4).plists.nparams ~= 13, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('Iunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('Ounits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('poletype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('disp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('usesym'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('fs'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('Iunits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('Ounits'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('maxiter'), 30), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('poletype'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('maxorder'), 25), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('weights'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('plot'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('disp'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('msevartol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('fittol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('usesym'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('Iunits'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('Ounits'), {[]}), atest = false; end               
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {30}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('poletype'), {1 2 3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {25}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('disp'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('usesym'), {0 1 2}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen2D method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen2D method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Building data vector
+      out = noisegen2D(av, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'acv2'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(av)), atest = false; end      
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)        
+        clear used_filt11 used_filt12 used_filt21 used_filt22
+        % Check the noisegen ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          if isa(out(kk).procinfo, 'plist')
+            used_filt11 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt11');
+            used_filt12 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt12');
+            used_filt21 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt21');
+            used_filt22 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt22');
+            if isa(used_filt11,'miir') && isa(used_filt12,'miir')
+              obj = filter(av(kk),used_filt11)+filter(av(kk+1),used_filt12);
+              if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+            elseif isa(used_filt21,'miir') && isa(used_filt22,'miir')
+              obj = av(kk-1).filter(used_filt21)+av(kk).filter(used_filt22);
+              if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+            end
+          else
+            % Check the last object if nargin is odd (they must be the same)            
+            if ~eq(out(kk), av(kk), ple1), atest = false; end                       
+          end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)          
+          if ~eq(out(kk), av(kk), ple1), atest = false; end          
+        end        
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen2D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen2D method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = noisegen2D(am,plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(am)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        clear used_filt11 used_filt12 used_filt21 used_filt22
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          if isa(out(kk).procinfo, 'plist')
+            used_filt11 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt11');
+            used_filt12 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt12');
+            used_filt21 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt21');
+            used_filt22 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt22');
+            if isa(used_filt11,'miir') && isa(used_filt12,'miir')
+              obj = filter(am(kk),used_filt11)+filter(am(kk+1),used_filt12);
+              if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+            elseif isa(used_filt21,'miir') && isa(used_filt22,'miir')
+              obj = filter(am(kk-1),used_filt21)+filter(am(kk),used_filt22);
+              if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+            end
+          else
+            % Check the last object if nargin is odd (they must be the same)
+            if ~eq(out(kk), am(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), am(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen2D method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen2D method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = noisegen2D(a1,a2,plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    acv2 = [a1,a2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(acv2)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+         clear used_filt11 used_filt12 used_filt21 used_filt22
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          if isa(out(kk).procinfo, 'plist')
+            used_filt11 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt11');
+            used_filt12 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt12');
+            used_filt21 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt21');
+            used_filt22 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt22');
+            if isa(used_filt11,'miir') && isa(used_filt12,'miir')
+              obj = filter(acv2(kk),used_filt11)+filter(acv2(kk+1),used_filt12);
+              if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+            elseif isa(used_filt21,'miir') && isa(used_filt22,'miir')
+              obj = filter(acv2(kk-1),used_filt21)+filter(acv2(kk),used_filt22);
+              if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+            end
+          else
+            % Check the last object if nargin is odd (they must be the same)
+            if ~eq(out(kk), acv2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), acv2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen2D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten1D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % [1,reshape([2 3],1,[]),reshape([4 6; 5 7],1,[])];
+      out = noisegen2D(a1,[a2 a3],[a4 a2; a1 a3],plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1,reshape([a2 a3],1,[]),reshape([a4 a2; a1 a3],1,[])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        clear used_filt11 used_filt12 used_filt21 used_filt22
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          if isa(out(kk).procinfo, 'plist')
+            used_filt11 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt11');
+            used_filt12 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt12');
+            used_filt21 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt21');
+            used_filt22 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt22');
+            if isa(used_filt11,'miir') && isa(used_filt12,'miir')
+              obj = filter(aoin(kk),used_filt11)+filter(aoin(kk+1),used_filt12);
+              if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+            elseif isa(used_filt21,'miir') && isa(used_filt22,'miir')
+              obj = filter(aoin(kk-1),used_filt21)+filter(aoin(kk),used_filt22);
+              if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+            end
+          else
+            % Check the last object if nargin is odd (they must be the same)
+            if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen2D method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the noisegen2D method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = noisegen2D(av,plstd);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'noisegen2D'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the objects which are changed by 'noisegen2D'
+      for kk = 1:2
+        % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'noisegen2D'), atest = false; end
+        % Check the re-built object
+        if ~eq(mout(kk), out(kk), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the unchanged object (the last one)
+      if ~eq(av(3), out(3), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The noisegen2D method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The noisegen2D method can not modify the input AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amodi = [ao(a1) ao(a2)];
+      aeq   = [ao(a1) ao(a2)];
+      amodi.noisegen2D(plstd);
+      out = aeq.noisegen2D(plstd);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the noisegen2D method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be a couple AO with row data and a couple AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = noisegen2D(a3,a4,a5,a6,plstd);
+      out1 = out(1);
+      out2 = out(2);
+      out3 = out(3);
+      out4 = out(4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the noisegen2D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1,o2] = noisegen2D(a1,a2,plstd);
+      o3  = noisegen2D(a1,a2,plstd);
+      o31 = o3.index(1);
+      o32 = o3.index(2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout31 = rebuild(o31);
+      mout32 = rebuild(o32);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o31, mout31, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o32, mout32, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+%% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the noisegen2D method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the noisegen2D method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = noisegen2D(csd11,csd12,csd22,plstd2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'noisegen2D'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the objects which are changed by 'noisegen2D'
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'noisegen2D'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_norm.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+% UTP_AO_NORM a set of UTPs for the ao/norm method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_norm.m,v 1.8 2011/04/17 10:47:22 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The norm method of the ao class computes the norm of the y data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_norm(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'norm';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the norm method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the norm method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atvec = [at4, at4, at4];
+      out = norm(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the norm of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(norm(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the norm method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the norm method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4 at4; at4 at4 at4];
+      out = norm(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the norm of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(norm(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the norm method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the norm method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = norm(at4, at4, at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the norm of the input
+      if ~isequal(norm(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(norm(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(norm(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the norm method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the norm method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4; at4 at4];
+      atvec = [at4 at4];
+      out = norm(at4,atvec,at4,atmat,at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(norm(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(norm(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(norm(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~isequal(norm(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(norm(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the norm method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the norm method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = norm(at4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'norm'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'norm'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the norm method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the norm method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at4 to work with
+      ain = ao(at4);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.norm();
+      ain.norm();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is norm(at4).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that norm modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at4), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that norm doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the norm value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(norm(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the norm method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl2   = plist('option', 2);
+      pl1   = plist('option', 1);
+      plinf = plist('option', inf);
+      plfro = plist('option', 'fro');
+      out1 = norm(at4, pl2);
+      out2 = norm(at4, pl1);
+      out3 = norm(at4, plinf);
+      out4 = norm(at4, plfro);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the norm method applies with different options
+    % 2) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..4]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the norm of the input
+      if ~isequal(norm(, 2),, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(norm(, 1),, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(norm(, inf),, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(norm(, 'fro'),, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the norm method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = norm(at4);
+      out2 = norm(at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(norm(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(norm(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_offset.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,613 @@
+% UTP_AO_OFFSET a set of UTPs for the ao/offset method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_offset.m,v 1.6 2010/06/07 16:43:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The offset method of the ao class adds an offset to the y-data in the AO.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_offset(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'offset';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist(offset)
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('offset', 1))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('offset'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('offset')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('offset'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the offset method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the offset method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      off = 5;
+      out = offset(atvec, off);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that each output added the offset to the y-values
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(atvec(kk).y+off, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the offset method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the offset method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      off = 4.3;
+      out = offset(atmat, off);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that each output added the offset to the y-values
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(atmat(kk).y+off, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the offset method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the offset method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      off = 2-3i;
+      out = offset(at1,at2,at3, off);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [at1,at2,at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that each output added the offset to the y-values
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(aoin(kk).y+off, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the offset method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the offset method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      off = 7;
+      out = offset(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3, off);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin), atest = false; end
+      % Check that each output added the offset to the y-values
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(aoin(kk).y+off, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the offset method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the offset method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      off  = 1;
+      out1  = offset(at1, off);
+      out2  = offset(at1, plist('offset', off));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'offset'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'offset'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'offset'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the offset method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the offset method can modify the input AO by calling with
+    % no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+    % function notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      off   = 3;
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.offset(off);
+      amodi.offset(off);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified have an offset of 3
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified have an offset of 3
+      if ~isequal(at1.y+off, amodi.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the offset method uses the offset in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the offset method uses the offset in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = offset(at1, plist('offset', 3.3));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the offset uses the offset in the plist
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isequal(at1.y+3.3, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the offset method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      off  = -3;
+      out1 = abs(at5, off);
+      out2 = abs(at6, off);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the offset method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      off = -8;
+      [o1, o2] = offset(at5, at6, off);
+      o3  = offset(at5, at6, off);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_or.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% UTP_AO_OR a set of UTPs for the ao/or method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_or.m,v 1.1 2010/09/23 19:48:49 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The OR method of the ao class performs a logical OR of the y data of
+% the two inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_or(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'or';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp('****  Running UTPs for ao/or');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];                       % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule1(@or)];   % Rule 1
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule2(@or)];   % Rule 2
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule3(@or)];   % Rule 3
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule4(@or)];   % Rule 4
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule5(@or)];   % Rule 5
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule6(@or)];   % Rule 6
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule7(@or)];   % Rule 7
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule8(@or)];   % Rule 8
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule9(@or)];   % Rule 9
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule10(@or)];  % Rule 10
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule11(@or)];  % Rule 11
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_negative_tests(@or)]; % Negative tests
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_phase.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+% UTP_AO_PHASE a set of UTPs for the ao/phase method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_phase.m,v 1.14 2011/04/17 10:47:12 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The phase method of the ao class computes the phase of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_phase(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'phase';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, plist('neval', true), ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end  
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+%   %% UTP_02
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the phase method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_02
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the phase method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out = phase(atvec);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the phase of the input
+%       for kk=1:numel(out)
+%         if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+%           atest = false;
+%           break;
+%         end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_02
+%   %% UTP_03
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the phase method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_03
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the phase method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out = phase(atmat);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the phase of the input
+%       for kk=1:numel(out)
+%         if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+%           atest = false;
+%           break;
+%         end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_03
+%   %% UTP_04
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the phase method works with a list of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_04
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the phase method works for a list of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out = phase(at1,at2,at3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+%     %    input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the phase of the input
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_04
+%   %% UTP_05
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the phase method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+%   % input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_05
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the phase method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+%     % and single AOs.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out = phase(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+%     %    input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the first input
+%       nout = 1;
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+%       nout = nout+1;
+%       % Check the elements of the input vector
+%       for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+%         if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+%         nout = nout+1;
+%       end
+%       % Check the 3rd input
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+%       nout = nout+1;
+%       % Check the elements of the input matrix
+%       for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+%         if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+%         nout = nout+1;
+%       end
+%       % Check the last input
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_05
+%   %% UTP_06
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the phase method properly applies history.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_06
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the result of applying the phase method can be processed back
+%     % to an m-file.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out  = phase(at1);
+%       mout = rebuild(out);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+%     %    'phase'.
+%     % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+%       if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'phase'), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the re-built object
+%       if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_06
+%   %% UTP_07
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the phase method can modify the input AO.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_07
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the phase method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+%     % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+%     % notation (with a equal sign).
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       % copy at1 to work with
+%       ain = ao(at1);
+%       % modify ain
+%       aout = ain.phase();
+%       ain.phase();
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+%     % 2) Check that 'ain' is phase(at1).
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check that phase modified the input by comparing to the copy
+%       if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % Check that phase doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+%       if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % Check that the modified input is the phase value of the copy
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(,, atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_07
+%   %% UTP_08
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Control the method with a plist.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_08
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the phase method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+%     % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+%       ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+%       plxy = plist('axis', 'XY');
+%       out1 = phase(at1, plx);
+%       out2 = phase(at1, ply);
+%       out3 = phase(at1, plxy);
+%       mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+%       mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+%       mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the phase method applies to the x-axis
+%     % 2) Check that the phase method applies to the y-axis
+%     % 3) Check that the phase method applies to both axes
+%     % 4) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..3]'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check each output against the phase of the input
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(,, atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(,, atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(,, atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(utils.math.phase(,, atest = false; end
+%       % Check the re-built object
+%       if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_08
+%   %% UTP_09
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Control the method with a plist.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_09
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the phase method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+%     % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out1 = phase(at5);
+%       out2 = phase(at6);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the shape of the output data
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_09
+%   %% UTP_10
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Check that the phase method pass back the output objects to a list of
+%   % output variables or to a single variable.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_10
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+%     % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       [o1, o2] = phase(at5, at6);
+%       o3  = phase(at5, at6);
+%       mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+%       mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+%       mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+%     % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the number of outputs
+%       if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+%       % Check the rebuilding of the object
+%       if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_plus.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% UTP_AO_PLUS a set of UTPs for the ao/plus method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_plus.m,v 1.12 2010/09/21 16:51:05 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The plus method of the ao class computes the sum of the y data of the two
+% inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_plus(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'plus';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp('****  Running UTPs for ao/plus');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];                         % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule1(@plus)];   % Rule 1
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule2(@plus)];   % Rule 2
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule3(@plus)];   % Rule 3
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule4(@plus)];   % Rule 4
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule5(@plus)];   % Rule 5
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule6(@plus)];   % Rule 6
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule7(@plus)];   % Rule 7
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule8(@plus)];   % Rule 8
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule9(@plus)];   % Rule 9
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule10(@plus)];  % Rule 10
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule11(@plus)];  % Rule 11
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_negative_tests(@plus)]; % Negative tests
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_polyfit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+% UTP_AO_POLYFIT a set of UTPs for the ao/polyfit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_polyfit.m,v 1.20 2010/05/05 04:20:10 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The polyfit method of the ao class fits a polynomial to the input y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_polyfit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'polyfit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test that units are properly handled
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test against Matlab polyfit
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('rescale'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('N'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('rescale'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('rescale'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the polyfit method fails with with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the polyfit method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N = 2;
+      % Call with single output
+      out = polyfit(atvec, plist('N', N));
+      % Call with multiple output
+      [out_1, out_2, out_3] = polyfit(atvec, plist('N', N));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects in the version with
+    %     single output
+    % 2) Check we have the correct number of elements in the output objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects in the version with
+      %     single output
+      % 2) Check we have the correct number of elements in the output objects
+      %
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(size(out), [1 numel(atvec)]), atest = false; end
+      for jj = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(numel(out(jj).y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      if ~isequal(numel(out_1.y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(numel(out_2.y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(numel(out_3.y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the polyfit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the polyfit method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N = 3;
+      amat = [at1 at2 at5; at6 at5 at2];
+      out = polyfit(amat, plist('N', N));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(numel(out), numel(amat)), atest = false; end
+      for jj = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(numel(out(jj).y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the polyfit method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the polyfit method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N = 1;
+      % Call with single output
+      out = polyfit(at5, at6, at5, plist('N', N));
+      % Call with multiple output
+      [out_1, out_2, out_3] = polyfit(at5, at6, at5, plist('N', N));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects in the version with
+    %     single output
+    % 2) Check we have the correct number of elements in the output objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects in the version with
+      %     single output
+      % 2) Check we have the correct number of elements in the output objects
+      %
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(size(out), [1 3]), atest = false; end
+      for jj = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(numel(out(jj).y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      if ~isequal(numel(out_1.y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(numel(out_2.y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(numel(out_3.y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the polyfit method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the polyfit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at2 at5; at6 at5 at2];
+      avec = [at1 at2];
+      out = polyfit(at5, avec, at6, amat, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check we have the correct number of output objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      N = find(ao.getInfo('polyfit').plists, 'N');
+      if ~isequal(numel(out), numel(amat) + numel(avec) + 3), atest = false; end
+      for jj = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(numel(out(jj).y), N+1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the polyfit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the polyfit method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = polyfit(at1, plist('rescale', 'true'));
+      out2  = polyfit(at1, plist('vector_out', false));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'polyfit'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1' (matrix object)
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'polyfit'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'polyfit'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the polyfit method cannot modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the polyfit method cannot modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.polyfit();
+      ain.polyfit();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the polyfit method handles units correctly.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the polyfit method handles units correctly.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Input data
+      nsecs = 100;
+      fs = 10;
+      u = get_random_unit();
+      x1 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)) + 0.02*t + 5', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, ...
+        'yunits', u));
+      x2 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t)) + 0.02*t + 5', ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, ...
+        'yunits', ''));
+      % Settings for polyfit
+      N = 2;
+      out1 = polyfit(x1, plist('N', N));
+      out2 = polyfit(x2, plist('N', N));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the units in both cases are yunits/(xunits)^(j)
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % 1) Check that the units in both cases are yunits/(xunits)^(j)
+      for jj = 1:N+1
+        if ~isequal(out1.yunits(jj), x1.yunits./(x1.xunits).^(N+1-jj)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for jj = 1:N+1
+        if ~isequal(out2.yunits(jj), x2.yunits./(x2.xunits).^(N+1-jj)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ao/polyfit method agrees with MATLAB's polyfit when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying polyfit works on a single AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Make test AO
+      nsecs = 100;
+      fs    = 10;
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      u = unit(cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1)));
+      a1 = ao(plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, ...
+        'tsfcn', 'polyval([3 2 1 ], t) + 1000*randn(size(t))', 'xunits', 's', 'yunits', u));
+      N = 4;
+      pl = plist('N', N);
+      p1 = a1.polyfit(pl.pset('rescale', true));
+      p2 = a1.polyfit(pl.pset('rescale', false));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's polyfit.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;    
+    if stest
+      % Call Matlab polyfit with rescale
+      [p,s,mu] = polyfit(a1.x, a1.y, N);
+      if ~isequal(p, p1.y') || ~isequal(s, find(p1.procinfo, 's')) || ~isequal(mu, find(p1.procinfo, 'mu'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Call Matlab polyfit without rescale
+      [p,s] = polyfit(a1.x, a1.y, N);
+      if ~isequal(p, p2.y') || ~isequal(s, find(p2.procinfo, 's'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_power.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+% UTP_AO_POWER a set of UTPs for the ao/power method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_power.m,v 1.7 2011/02/28 15:55:13 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The power method of the ao class computes the power of the y data of the two
+% inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_power(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'power';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test all data types
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('exponent'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('exponent')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('exponent'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the power method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the power method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a vector of AOs all the same size.
+      % The shape of the data shouldn't have an effect to the algorithm.
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out = power(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the one output
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the power of the inputs
+      s = avec(1).data.getY;
+      for jj=2:numel(avec)
+        s = s .^ avec(jj).data.getY;
+      end
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the power method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the power method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a matrix of AOs all the same size
+      amat = [at1 at6 at1; at6 at5 at6];
+      out = power(amat);
+      stest = true;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the power of the inputs
+      s = amat(1).data.getY;
+      for kk=2:numel(amat)
+        s = s .^ amat(kk).data.getY;
+      end
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the power method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the power method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = power(at1,at5,at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the y-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output against the power of the inputs
+      s = .^ .^;
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the units
+      if ~eq(out.yunits, at1.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the power method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the power method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % We need a vector of AOs all the same size
+      avec = [at5 at6 at5];
+      % We need a matrix of AOs all the same size
+      amat = [at5 at6 at5; at6 at5 at6];
+      % Compute power
+      out = power(at5,avec,at5,amat,at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is 1.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the power of all the inputs
+      s =;
+      for jj=1:numel(avec)
+        s = s .^ avec(jj).data.getY;
+      end
+      s = s .^;
+      for jj=1:numel(amat)
+        s = s .^ amat(jj).data.getY;
+      end
+      s = s .^;
+      if ~isequal(s,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the power method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the power method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = power(at5,at6);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'power'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'power'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the power method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the power method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.power(5);
+      ain .^ 5;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is power(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that power modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that power doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the power value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(power(at1.y, 5), ain.y), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the power method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = at5 .^ 5;
+      out3 = at6 .^ 5;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 1) ~= size(, 1), atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) ~= size(, 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check y-units
+      if ~eq(out1.yunits, at5.yunits.^5), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.yunits, at6.yunits.^5), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the method with all data objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the power method works with cdata-, fsdata-, tsdata-, and xydata
+    % objects
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out11 = at1 .^ 5;
+      out21 = at2 .^ 5;
+      out31 = at3 .^ 5;
+      out41 = at4 .^ 5;
+      out51 = at1 .^ ao(5);
+      out61 = at2 .^ ao(5);
+      out71 = at3 .^ ao(5);
+      out81 = at4 .^ ao(5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    % 2) Check that re-building of output is the same as the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if ~isequal(power(at1.y, 5), out11.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(power(at2.y, 5), out21.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(power(at3.y, 5), out31.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(power(at4.y, 5), out41.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(power(at1.y, 5), out51.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(power(at2.y, 5), out61.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(power(at3.y, 5), out71.y), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(power(at4.y, 5), out81.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out11), out11, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out21), out21, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out31), out31, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out41), out41, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out51), out51, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out61), out61, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out71), out71, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rebuild(out81), out81, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_psd.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,4476 @@
+% UTP_AO_PSD a set of UTPs for the ao/psd method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_psd.m,v 1.48 2011/07/21 06:46:48 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The psd method of the ao class computes the spectral density of time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_psd(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    addpath(fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), 'reference_files'))
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'psd';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Get default window from the preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+    % Very-long white noise reference time-series
+    a_n_long = ao(plist('filename', 'ref_whitenoise_20000s_10Hz.xml'));
+    % Split the reference data into different segments
+    nsecs =;
+    Nsegments = 100;
+    ap = a_n_long.split(plist('split_type', 'chunks', 'chunks', Nsegments));
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test against MATLAB's pwelch
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test against MATLAB's pwelch
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test against MATLAB's pwelch
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test "conservation of energy":
+    %  - white noise from uniform pdf, random parameters
+    %  - no detrending, Rectangular window
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test "conservation of energy":
+    %  - white noise from normal pdf, fixed parameters
+    %  - no detrending, Rectangular window
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test "conservation of energy":
+    %  - white noise from uniform pdf, fixed parameters
+    %  - no detrending, Rectangular window
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test "conservation of energy":
+    %  - white noise from normal pdf, fixed parameters
+    %  - no detrending, Rectangular window
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test "conservation of energy":
+    %  - white noise from uniform pdf, fixed parameters
+    %  - no detrending, Rectangular window
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling: PSD
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test units handling: ASD
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test units handling: PS
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test units handling: AS
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test "conservation of energy": Welch window + no detrending
+    results = [results utp_22];    % Test "conservation of energy": Welch window + mean detrending
+    results = [results utp_23];    % Test "conservation of energy": Welch window + linear detrending
+    results = [results utp_24];    % Test "conservation of energy": Hanning window + no detrending
+    results = [results utp_25];    % Test "conservation of energy": Hanning window + mean detrending
+    results = [results utp_26];    % Test "conservation of energy": Hanning window + linear detrending
+    results = [results utp_27];    % Test "conservation of energy": Hamming window + no detrending
+    results = [results utp_28];    % Test "conservation of energy": Hamming window + mean detrending
+    results = [results utp_29];    % Test "conservation of energy": Hamming window + linear detrending
+    results = [results utp_30];    % Test "conservation of energy": BH92 window + no detrending
+    results = [results utp_31];    % Test "conservation of energy": BH92 window + mean detrending
+    results = [results utp_32];    % Test "conservation of energy": BH92 window + linear detrending
+    results = [results utp_33];    % Test "conservation of energy": Kaiser200 window + no detrending
+    results = [results utp_34];    % Test "conservation of energy": Kaiser200 window + mean detrending
+    results = [results utp_35];    % Test "conservation of energy": Kaiser200 window + linear detrending
+    results = [results utp_38];    % Test detrending
+    results = [results utp_39];    % Test detrending
+    results = [results utp_40];    % Test detrending
+    results = [results utp_41];    % Test different windows: Rectangular
+    results = [results utp_42];    % Test different windows: BH92
+    results = [results utp_43];    % Test different windows: Hamming
+    results = [results utp_44];    % Test different windows: Hanning
+    results = [results utp_45];    % Test different windows: Bartlett
+    results = [results utp_46];    % Test different windows: Nuttall3
+    results = [results utp_47];    % Test different windows: Kaiser psll = [random]
+    results = [results utp_48];    % Test different windows: Kaiser psll = [default]
+    results = [results utp_49];    % Test different windows: Nuttall4
+    results = [results utp_50];    % Test different windows: SFT3F
+    results = [results utp_51];    % Test number of averages: requested/obtained
+    results = [results utp_52];    % Test number of averages: correct number
+    results = [results utp_53];    % Test number of averages: syntax
+    results = [results utp_54];    % Test "conservation of energy":
+    results = [results utp_60];    % Test 'basic' call: PSD
+    results = [results utp_61];    % Test 'basic' call: ASD
+    results = [results utp_62];    % Test 'basic' call: PS
+    results = [results utp_63];    % Test 'basic' call: AS
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 9, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('nfft'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('navs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('nfft'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('scale'), 'PSD'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('navs'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('nfft'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'PSD', 'ASD', 'PS', 'AS'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('navs'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the psd method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the psd method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      % Vector output
+      out  = psd(avec);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3] = psd(avec);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), psd(avec(kk)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, psd(avec(1)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, psd(avec(2)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, psd(avec(3)), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the psd method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the psd method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      % Vector output
+      out  = psd(amat);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6] = psd(amat);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), psd(amat(kk)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, psd(amat(1)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, psd(amat(2)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, psd(amat(3)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, psd(amat(4)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, psd(amat(5)), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, psd(amat(6)), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the psd method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the psd method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Vector output
+      out                = psd(at1,at5,at6);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3] = psd(at1,at5,at6);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output      
+      if ~eq(out(1), psd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2), psd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3), psd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, psd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, psd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, psd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the psd method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the psd method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Vector output
+      out = psd(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7, out8, out9] = ...
+        psd(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output      
+      if ~eq(out(1), psd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2), psd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3), psd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(4), psd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(5), psd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(6), psd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(7), psd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(8), psd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(9), psd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, psd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, psd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, psd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, psd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, psd(at5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, psd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, psd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8, psd(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out9, psd(at6), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the psd method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the psd method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      out  = psd(at5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'psd'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'psd'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the psd method agrees with MATLAB's pwelch, within some tolerance,
+  % when configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying psd works on a single AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Load reference ao
+      a1 = ao('ref_whitenoise_10s_1000Hz.xml');
+      fs = a1.fs;
+      % Compute PSD
+      Nfft = 2*fs;
+      win  = specwin('Hanning', Nfft);
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win.type, 'order', -1);
+      S1 = a1.psd(pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's pwelch within tolerance.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1.8e-15;
+    if stest
+      % Load reference psd
+      ref = load('ref_psd_10s_1000Hz.txt');
+      if ~isequal(ref(:,1), S1.x) || any((abs(S1.y - ref(:,2)) ./ S1.y) >= TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the psd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = psd(at5, at6);
+      o3  = psd(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the psd method agrees with MATLAB's pwelch when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying psd works on a single AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Load reference ao
+      a1 = ao('ref_whitenoise_3600s_1Hz.xml');
+      % Compute PSD
+      Nfft = 1000;
+      win  = specwin('BH92', Nfft);
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win.type, 'order', -1);
+      S1 = a1.psd(pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's pwelch.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % Load reference psd
+      ref = load('ref_psd_3600s_1Hz.txt');
+      if ~isequal(ref(:,1), S1.x) || any((abs(S1.y - ref(:,2)) ./ S1.y) >= TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the psd method agrees with MATLAB's pwelch when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the applying psd works on a single AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Load reference ao
+      a1 = ao('ref_whitenoise_100000s_100mHz.xml');
+      % Compute PSD
+      Nfft = a1.fs *;
+      psll = 100;
+      win  = specwin('Kaiser', Nfft, psll);
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win.type, 'psll', psll, 'order', -1);
+      S1 = a1.psd(pl);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's pwelch.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % Load reference psd
+      ref = load('ref_psd_100000s_100mHz.txt');
+      if ~isequal(ref(:,1), S1.x) || any((abs(S1.y - ref(:,2)) ./ S1.y) >= TOL)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) psd of the white noise
+  % 4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [sigma_sample, sigma_psd] = prepare_analyze_noise_energy(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('detrend_order', detrend_order, 'olap', olap));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy" with fixed parameters:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) psd of the white noise
+  % 4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      % Build with fixed parameters
+      fs = 10;
+      nsecs = 3600;
+      sigma_distr = 1;
+      mu_distr = 0;
+      [sigma_sample, sigma_psd] = prepare_analyze_noise_energy(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('detrend_order', detrend_order, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma_distr', sigma_distr, 'mu_distr', mu_distr));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy" with fixed parameters:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) psd of the white noise
+  % 4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      % Build with fixed parameters
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr = 1e-9;
+      mu_distr = 3e-7;
+      [sigma_sample, sigma_psd] = prepare_analyze_noise_energy(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('detrend_order', detrend_order, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma_distr', sigma_distr, 'mu_distr', mu_distr));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy" with fixed parameters:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) psd of the white noise
+  % 4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      % Build with fixed parameters
+      fs = 100;
+      nsecs = 100;
+      sigma_distr = 1e-12;
+      mu_distr = -5e-12;
+      [sigma_sample, sigma_psd] = prepare_analyze_noise_energy(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('detrend_order', detrend_order, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma_distr', sigma_distr, 'mu_distr', mu_distr));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy" with fixed parameters:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) psd of the white noise
+  % 4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      % Build with fixed parameters
+      fs = 0.01;
+      nsecs = 3*86400;
+      sigma_distr = 1e-15;
+      mu_distr = -7.72e-13;
+      [sigma_sample, sigma_psd] = prepare_analyze_noise_energy(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('detrend_order', detrend_order, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma_distr', sigma_distr, 'mu_distr', mu_distr));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) PSD of the white noise
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) PSD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      reduce_pts = 10;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      olap = specwin(win_type).rov;
+      [a, S, S1, S2] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('olap', olap, 'reduce_pts', reduce_pts));
+      % S1 and S2 are empty in this case
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated PSD yunits) equals (input units)^2 / Hz
+    % 2) Check that (calculated PSD xunits) equals Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S.yunits, (a.yunits).^2 * unit('Hz^-1')) || ne(S.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) ASD of the white noise
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) ASD of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'Hamming';
+      reduce_pts = 4;
+      scale = 'ASD';
+      olap = specwin(win_type).rov;
+      [a, S, S1, S2] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('olap', olap, 'reduce_pts', reduce_pts));
+      % S1 and S2 are empty in this case
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated ASD yunits) equals (input units) / Hz^(1/2)
+    % 2) Check that (calculated ASD xunits) equals Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S.yunits, (a.yunits) * unit('Hz^-1/2')) || ne(S.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) PS of the white noise
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) PS of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Hanning';
+      reduce_pts = 5;
+      scale = 'PS';
+      olap = specwin(win_type).rov;
+      [a, S, S1, S2] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('olap', olap, 'reduce_pts', reduce_pts));
+      % S1 and S2 are empty in this case
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated PS yunits) equals (input units)^2
+    % 2) Check that (calculated PS xunits) equals Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S.yunits, (a.yunits).^2)  || ne(S.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform distribution, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) AS of the white noise
+  % 3) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) AS of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % White noise
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      win_type = 'Rectangular';
+      reduce_pts = 10;
+      scale = 'AS';
+      olap = specwin(win_type).rov;
+      [a, S, S1, S2] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('olap', olap, 'reduce_pts', reduce_pts));
+      % S1 and S2 are empty in this case
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated AS yunits) equals (input units)
+    % 2) Check that (calculated AS xunits) equals Hz
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(S.yunits, a.yunits)  || ne(S.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Welch window and no detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Welch window
+      % - no detrend
+      win_type = 'Welch';
+      detrend_order = -1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_22
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Welch window and mean detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_22
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Welch window
+      % - mean detrend
+      win_type = 'Welch';
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_22
+  %% UTP_23
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Welch window and linear detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_23
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Welch window
+      % - linear detrend
+      win_type = 'Welch';
+      detrend_order = 1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_23
+  %% UTP_24
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Hanning window and no detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_24
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Hanning window
+      % - no detrend
+      win_type = 'Hanning';
+      detrend_order = -1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_24
+  %% UTP_25
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Hanning window and mean detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_25
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Hanning window
+      % - mean detrend
+      win_type = 'Hanning';
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_25
+  %% UTP_26
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Hanning window and linear detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_26
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Hanning window
+      % - linear detrend
+      win_type = 'Hanning';
+      detrend_order = 1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_26
+  %% UTP_27
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Hamming window and no detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_27
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Hamming window
+      % - no detrend
+      win_type = 'Hamming';
+      detrend_order = -1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_27
+  %% UTP_28
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Hamming window and mean detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_28
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Hamming window
+      % - mean detrend
+      win_type = 'Hanning';
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_28
+  %% UTP_29
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Hamming window and linear detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_29
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Hamming window
+      % - linear detrend
+      win_type = 'Hamming';
+      detrend_order = 1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_29
+  %% UTP_30
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   BH92 window and no detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_30
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - BH92 window
+      % - no detrend
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      detrend_order = -1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_30
+  %% UTP_31
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   BH92 window and mean detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_31
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - BH92 window
+      % - mean detrend
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_31
+  %% UTP_32
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   BH92 window and linear detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_32
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - BH92 window
+      % - linear detrend
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      detrend_order = 1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_32
+  %% UTP_33
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Kaiser200 window and no detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_33
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Kaiser200 window
+      % - no detrend
+      win_type = 'Kaiser';
+      psll = 200;
+      detrend_order = -1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist('psll', psll));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_33
+  %% UTP_34
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Kaiser200 window and mean detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_34
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Kaiser200 window
+      % - mean detrend
+      win_type = 'Kaiser';
+      psll = 200;
+      detrend_order = 0;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist('psll', psll));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_34
+  %% UTP_35
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+  % 3) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts, with:
+  %   Kaiser200 window and linear detrend
+  % 4) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+  % 5) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+  % 6) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+  %   individual segments
+  % 7) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+  % 8) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+  % 9) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_35
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Split the reference data into different segments
+    % 2) Calculates the PSD of the individual parts
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+      % Evaluate the PSDs on the parts, employing:
+      % - Kaiser200 window
+      % - linear detrend
+      win_type = 'Kaiser';
+      psll = 200;
+      detrend_order = 1;
+      [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = ...
+        test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, plist('psll', psll));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Evaluate the mean and standard deviation of the Checks on individual PSDs:
+    % 2) Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the PSD points
+    % 3) Evaluate the expected value, estimated from the std of the
+    % individual segments
+    % 4) Compares with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    % 5) Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the PSD points
+    % 6) Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, plist);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_35
+  %% UTP_38
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) add a given trend of order n
+  % 4) psd of the noise, with proper detrending
+  % 5) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_38
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Add a trend
+    % 4) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      fs = 10;
+      nsecs = 3600;
+      sigma_distr = 1;
+      trend_0 = 0;
+      trend_1 = 2e-6;
+      trend_2 = 5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Drift signal
+      a_d = ao(plist('tsfcn', [num2str(trend_0) '*t.^0 + ' num2str(trend_1) ' *t + ' num2str(trend_2) ' *t.^2'], ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+      % Total signal
+      a = a_n + a_d;
+      % Estimate the mean value and the sigma of the white noise time-series data
+      sigma_sample = std(a_n.y, 1);
+      % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      win = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      S_n = a_n.psd(plist('Win', win, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'scale', scale));
+      % Evaluate the psd of the "drifting" time-series data
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      win = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend = 2;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      S = a.psd(plist('Win', win, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'scale', scale));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-3;
+    if stest
+      % Integrals of the spectra
+      sigma_psd = sqrt(sum(S.y * S.x(2)));
+      sigma_psd_n = sqrt(sum(S_n.y * S_n.x(2)));
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL || ...
+          abs(sigma_psd_n - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd_n sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_38
+  %% UTP_39
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) add a given trend of order n
+  % 4) psd of the noise, with proper detrending
+  % 5) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_39
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from uniform distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Add a trend
+    % 4) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr = 1e-9;
+      trend_0 = 3e-7;
+      trend_1 = 1e-7;
+      trend_2 = 2e-14;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Uniform';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Drift signal
+      a_d = ao(plist('tsfcn', [num2str(trend_0) '*t.^0 + ' num2str(trend_1) ' *t + ' num2str(trend_2) ' *t.^2'], ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+      % Total signal
+      a = a_n + a_d;
+      % Estimate the mean value and the sigma of the white noise time-series data
+      sigma_sample = std(a_n.y, 1);
+      % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      win = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      S_n = a_n.psd(plist('Win', win, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'scale', scale));
+      % Evaluate the psd of the "drifting" time-series data
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      win = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend = 2;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      S = a.psd(plist('Win', win, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'scale', scale));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-3;
+    if stest
+      % Integrals of the spectra
+      sigma_psd = sqrt(sum(S.y * S.x(2)));
+      sigma_psd_n = sqrt(sum(S_n.y * S_n.x(2)));
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL || ...
+          abs(sigma_psd_n - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd_n sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_39
+  %% UTP_40
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) add a given trend of order n
+  % 4) psd of the noise, with proper detrending
+  % 5) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_40
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Add a trend
+    % 4) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 100;
+      nsecs = 100;
+      sigma_distr = 1e-12;
+      trend_0 = -5e-12;
+      trend_1 = 4e-13;
+      trend_2 = 1.17e-14;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Drift signal
+      a_d = ao(plist('tsfcn', [num2str(trend_0) '*t.^0 + ' num2str(trend_1) ' *t + ' num2str(trend_2) ' *t.^2'], ...
+        'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs));
+      % Total signal
+      a = a_n + a_d;
+      % Estimate the mean value and the sigma of the white noise time-series data
+      sigma_sample = std(a_n.y, 1);
+      % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      win = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      S_n = a_n.psd(plist('Win', win, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'scale', scale));
+      % Evaluate the psd of the "drifting" time-series data
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      win = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend = 2;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      S = a.psd(plist('Win', win, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'scale', scale));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-3;
+    if stest
+      % Integrals of the spectra
+      sigma_psd = sqrt(sum(S.y * S.x(2)));
+      sigma_psd_n = sqrt(sum(S_n.y * S_n.x(2)));
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL || ...
+          abs(sigma_psd_n - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd_n sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_40
+  %% UTP_41
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_41
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Rectangular';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_41
+  %% UTP_42
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, BH92 window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_42
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, BH92 window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'BH92';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_42
+  %% UTP_43
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Hamming window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_43
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hamming window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Hamming';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_43
+  %% UTP_44
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Hanning window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_44
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Hanning window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    msg = '';
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Hanning';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      msg = err.message;
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      [atest, msg] = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+  end % END UTP_44
+  %% UTP_45
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Bartlett window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_45
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Bartlett window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Bartlett';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_45
+  %% UTP_46
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Nuttall3 window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_46
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall3 window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    msg = '';
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Nuttall3';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      msg = err.message;
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      [atest, msg] = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename, msg);
+  end % END UTP_46
+  %% UTP_47
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Kaiser psll = random window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_47
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser psll = random window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Kaiser';
+      psll = utils.math.randelement([10:10:200],1);
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_47
+  %% UTP_48
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Kaiser psll = default window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_48
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Kaiser psll = default window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Kaiser';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_48
+  %% UTP_49
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, Nuttall4 window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_49
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, Nuttall4 window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'Nuttall4';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_49
+  %% UTP_50
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the effect of windowing:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, SFT3F window
+  % 3) Apply the detrending and the window manually
+  % 4) psd of the noise, without detrending, Rectangular window
+  % 5) compares the to psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_50
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd without detrending, SFT3F window
+    % 4) Manually apply window to the data
+    % 5) Estimate the psd without detrending, Rectangular window
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = 'SFT3F';
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', true));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psds are identical within a part in 10^12
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      atest = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, plist('TOL', TOL));
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_50
+  %% UTP_51
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+  %   averages
+  % 3) check the effective number of averages
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_51
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, set number of
+    %   averages
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+      [a, S1, S2, navs] = prepare_analyze_noise_navs(noise_type, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated navs are identical to those requested
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the navs written in the output object with the requested one
+      if ne(navs,
+        if ne(find(S1.hist.plistUsed, 'navs'),
+          atest = false;
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_51
+  %% UTP_52
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+  % 3) get the number of averages
+  % 4) get the nfft used
+  % 5) run psd again, with the nfft used
+  % 6) compare the calculated objects
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_52
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+    %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+    % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+    % 3) get the number of averages
+    % 4) get the nfft used
+    % 5) run psd again, with the nfft used
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+      [a, S1, S2, navs] = prepare_analyze_noise_navs(noise_type, plist);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated objects S1 and S2 are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the output objects
+      if ne(S1, S2, ple3)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_52
+  %% UTP_53
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+  % 3) get the number of averages
+  % 4) get the nfft used
+  % 5) run psd again, with the nfft used
+  % 6) compare navs, nfft, psds
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_53
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+    %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+    % 2) psd of the noise, without detrending, random window, random navs
+    % 3) get the number of averages
+    % 4) get the nfft used
+    % 5) run psd again, with the nfft used
+    % 6) run psd again, with conflicting parameters, and verify it uses
+    %     nfft rather than navs
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Uniform';
+      % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+      [a, S1, S2, navs] = prepare_analyze_noise_navs(noise_type, plist);
+      npts_3 = fix(find(S1.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft')/2);
+      % Calculates the psd asking for the number of points AND the window length
+      pl_spec = S1.hist.plistUsed;
+      pl_spec.pset('Nfft', npts_3, 'navs', navs);
+      S3 = a.psd(pl_spec);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated objects S1 and S2 are identical
+    % 2) Check that S3 used different values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the navs written in the output object with the requested one
+      if  ne(S1, S2, ple3) || ...
+          ne(find(S3.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft'), npts_3) || eq(, navs)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_53
+  %% UTP_54
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests "conservation of energy":
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) evaluate the sample mean value m and standard deviation s
+  % 3) psd of the white noise
+  % 4) compares the sqrt(sum(S * df)) with the standard deviation s
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_54
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr);
+      a = a_n + a_const;
+      % Estimate the mean value and the sigma of the time-series data
+      sigma_sample = std(a.y, 1);
+      mu_sample = mean(a.y);
+      % Evaluate the psd of the time-series data
+      % Parameters are crucial for the estimate to be correct!
+      win = 'Rectangular';
+      olap = 0;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      S = a.psd(plist('Win', win, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'scale', scale));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated psd energy equals the rms content of the tsdata, estimated by the std of the sample
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % Integral of the spectrum
+      sigma_psd = sqrt(sum(S.y * S.x(2)));
+      if abs(sigma_psd - sigma_sample) / mean([sigma_psd sigma_sample]) >= TOL
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_54
+  %% UTP_60
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the 'basic' call:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, defualt detrending, default window, no averaging
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_60
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd with default detrending, default window, no averaging
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      scale = 'PSD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', false, 'reduce_pts', false));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>        
+    if stest
+      atest = true;
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_60
+  %% UTP_61
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the 'basic' call:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, defualt detrending, default window, no averaging
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_61
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd with default detrending, default window, no averaging
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      scale = 'ASD';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', false, 'reduce_pts', false));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>        
+    if stest
+      atest = true;
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_61
+  %% UTP_62
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the 'basic' call:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, defualt detrending, default window, no averaging
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_62
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd with default detrending, default window, no averaging
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      scale = 'PS';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', false, 'reduce_pts', false));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>        
+    if stest
+      atest = true;
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_62
+  %% UTP_63
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the 'basic' call:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) psd of the noise, defualt detrending, default window, no averaging
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_63
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Calculate the statistical parameters
+    % 3) Estimate the psd with default detrending, default window, no averaging
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      noise_type = 'Normal';
+      win_type = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+      scale = 'AS';
+      [a, S_name, S_obj, S_man] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, ...
+        plist('win_test', false, 'reduce_pts', false));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>        
+    if stest
+      atest = true;
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_63
+  %% Helper function for window call construction
+  function [a, S_name, S_obj, S_w] = prepare_analyze_noise_win(win_type, noise_type, scale, pli)
+    % Array of parameters to pick from
+    fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+    nsecs_list =          [20 100 1000:1000:10000]';
+    sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    % Build time-series test data
+    % Picks the values at random from the list
+    fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+    nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+    sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+    trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+    % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+    % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+    unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+    prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+    % White noise
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(trend_0);
+    % Total signal
+    a = a_n + a_c;
+    % Set units
+    a.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+    n_pts_reduction_factor = find(pli, 'reduce_pts');
+    if isempty(n_pts_reduction_factor) || ~n_pts_reduction_factor
+      n_pts_reduction_factor = 1; % Taking single windows, no reduction in number of points
+    end
+    n_pts = a.nsecs * a.fs/ n_pts_reduction_factor;
+    olap = find(pli, 'olap');
+    if isempty(olap)
+      olap = 0; %% Should we take the rov instead?
+    end
+    if n_pts_reduction_factor == 1
+      olap = 0; % This does not matter in the case of single window
+    end
+    detrend_order = 0;
+    switch lower(win_type)
+      case 'kaiser'
+        psll = find(pli, 'psll');
+        if isempty(psll)
+          psll = find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll');
+        end
+        win = specwin(win_type, fs*nsecs, psll);
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'psll', psll, 'olap', olap, ...
+          'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+      otherwise
+        win = specwin(win_type, fs*nsecs);
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'olap', olap, ...
+          'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+    end
+    if find(pli, 'win_test')
+      % Makes a copy of the data, and apply the window manually
+      % Apply the detrending
+      a_w = a.detrend(plist('N', detrend_order));
+      % Apply the window, taking into account the correct normalization
+      a_w.setY(a_w.y .*'./sqrt(win.ws2 / win.len));
+      % Evaluate the psd of the windowed data
+      S_w = a_w.psd(plist('Win', 'Rectangular', 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', -1, 'scale', scale));
+      % Calls psd applying the detrend and window internally
+      % (passig window object)
+      S_obj = a.psd(pl_spec);
+    else
+      S_obj = ao;
+      S_w = ao;
+    end
+    % Calls psd applying the detrend and window internally
+    % (passig window name)
+    pl_spec.pset('Win', win_type);
+    S_name = a.psd(pl_spec);
+  end
+  %% Helper function for window call construction
+  function [sigma_sample, sigma_psd] = prepare_analyze_noise_energy(win_type, noise_type, scale, pli)
+    % Build time-series test data
+    if find(pli, 'fs')
+      fs = find(pli, 'fs');
+      nsecs = find(pli, 'nsecs');
+      sigma_distr = find(pli, 'sigma_distr');
+      mu_distr = find(pli, 'mu_distr');
+    else
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [100:100:10000];
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      mu_distr_list =       [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      mu_distr = utils.math.randelement(mu_distr_list, 1);
+    end
+    % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+    % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+    unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+    prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+    % White noise
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(mu_distr);
+    % Total signal
+    a = a_n + a_c;
+    % Set units
+    a.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+    olap = find(pli, 'olap');
+    if isempty(olap)
+      olap = 0; %% Should we take the rov instead?
+    end
+    detrend_order = find(pli, 'detrend_order');
+    if isempty(detrend_order)
+      detrend_order = 0;
+    end
+    n_pts = -1;
+    switch lower(win_type)
+      case 'kaiser'
+        psll = find(pli, 'psll');
+        if isempty(psll)
+          psll = find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll');
+        end
+        win = specwin(win_type, fs*nsecs, psll);
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'psll', psll, 'olap', olap, ...
+          'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+      otherwise
+        win = specwin(win_type, fs*nsecs);
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'olap', olap, ...
+          'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+    end
+    % Calls psd applying the detrend and window internally
+    % (passig window name)
+    pl_spec.pset('Win', win_type);
+    S = a.psd(pl_spec);
+    % Evaluate the statistics of the time-series and spectra
+    % Estimate the mean value and the sigma of the time-series data
+    sigma_sample = std(a.y, 1);
+    mu_sample = mean(a.y);
+    % Integral of the spectrum
+    sigma_psd = sqrt(sum(S.y * S.x(2)));
+  end
+  %% Helper function for window call construction, navs option
+  function [a, S, S1, navs] = prepare_analyze_noise_navs(noise_type, pli)
+    % Array of parameters to pick from
+    fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+    nsecs_list =          [2000:1000:10000]';
+    sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+    % Build time-series test data
+    % Picks the values at random from the list
+    fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+    nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+    sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+    trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+    % Pick units and prefix from those supported
+    unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+    % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+    % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+    unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+    prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+    % White noise
+    a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+      'type', noise_type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+    % Constant signal
+    a_c = ao(trend_0);
+    % Total signals
+    a = a_n + a_c;
+    % Set units
+    a.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+    % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+    olap = 0;
+    detrend_order = 0;
+    n_pts = -1;
+    navs = fix(utils.math.randelement(logspace(0,log10(max(0,a.len/10)),50),1));
+    % Evaluate the psd of the white noise time-series data
+    % Window
+    win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+    win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list,1);
+    win_type = win_type{1};
+    switch lower(win_type)
+      case 'kaiser'
+        psll =  utils.math.randelement([0:10:200],1);
+        if psll == 0
+          psll = find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll');
+        end
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'psll', psll, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+      case 'levelledhanning'
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', 'BH92', 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+      otherwise
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'olap', olap, 'order', detrend_order);
+    end
+    % Calls psd asking for the number of averages
+    pl_spec.pset('Nfft', n_pts, 'navs', navs);
+    S = a.psd(pl_spec);
+    % Calls psd asking for the number of points just evaluated
+    pl_spec.pset('Nfft', find(S.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft'));
+    pl_spec.remove('navs');
+    S1 = a.psd(pl_spec);
+  end
+  %% Helper function for window call construction, navs option
+  function [S_ap, S_sigma_total, S_expected_total] = test_psd_energy_prepare_data(win_type, detrend_order, pli)
+    % Calculate the expected level of noise from sample statistics
+    fs = a_n_long.fs;
+    S_sigma_total = std(a_n_long.y, 1);
+    S_expected_total = S_sigma_total^2 / fs * 2;
+    olap = 0;
+    n_pts = -1;
+    scale = 'PSD';
+    switch lower(win_type)
+      case 'kaiser'
+        psll = find(pli, 'psll');
+        if isempty(psll)
+          psll = find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll');
+        end
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'psll', psll, 'olap', olap, ...
+          'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+      case 'levelledhanning'
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', 'BH92', 'olap', olap, ...
+          'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+      otherwise
+        pl_spec = plist('Win', win_type, 'olap', olap, ...
+          'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend_order, 'scale', scale);
+    end
+    % Calls psd applying the detrend and window internally
+    % (passig window name)
+    S_ap = ap.psd(pl_spec);
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for window comparison
+  function varargout = algo_test_psd_win(S_name, S_obj, S_man, pli)
+    atest = true;
+    msg = '';
+    pl_def = plist('TOL', 1e-12);
+    TOL = find(parse(pli, pl_def), 'TOL');
+    % Compare the psd evaluated with the window name / object
+    if ~eq(S_name, S_obj, ple1)
+      atest = false;
+      msg = ['Two PSD objects are not equal: ' lastwarn];
+    end
+    % Compare the psd evaluated with the two methods
+    res = abs(S_obj - S_man) ./ S_obj;
+    if any(res.y >= TOL)
+      atest = false;
+      msg = 'Two PSDs are not equal';
+    end
+    if nargout == 1
+      varargout{1} = atest;
+    elseif nargout == 2
+      varargout{1} = atest;
+      varargout{2} = msg;
+    else
+      error('Incorrect outputs');
+    end
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for energy conservation tests
+  function atest = algo_test_psd_energy(ap, S_ap, S_expected_total, pli)
+    % Checks on individual PSDs: mean and standard deviation of the
+    % PSD points
+    fs = ap.fs;
+    Npoints = length(S_ap(1).y);
+    S_mean = mean(S_ap.y);
+    S_err = std(S_ap.y, 1) / sqrt(Npoints);
+    % Expected value, estimated from the std of the individual segments
+    S_sigma = std(ap.y, 1);
+    S_expected = S_sigma.^2 / fs * 2;
+    % Comparison with the mean performed on the individual segments
+    test_level = abs(S_mean - S_expected) < S_err;
+    sum(test_level) / Nsegments;   % TODO: implement hypothesis test here
+    % Checks on averaged PSDs: mean and standard deviation of all the
+    % PSD points
+    S_mean_total = mean(S_mean);
+    S_err_total = std(S_mean) / sqrt(Nsegments);
+    % Compares the grand-mean with the estimated white noise level
+    if sum(abs(S_mean_total - S_expected_total) < S_err_total)
+      atest = true;
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_rdivide.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% UTP_AO_RDIVIDE a set of UTPs for the ao/rdivide method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_rdivide.m,v 1.8 2010/09/21 17:00:41 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rdivide method of the ao class computes the subtraction of the y
+% data of two inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_rdivide(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'rdivide';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];                            % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule1(@rdivide)];   % Rule 1
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule2(@rdivide)];   % Rule 2
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule3(@rdivide)];   % Rule 3
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule4(@rdivide)];   % Rule 4
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule5(@rdivide)];   % Rule 5
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule6(@rdivide)];   % Rule 6
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule7(@rdivide)];   % Rule 7
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule8(@rdivide)];   % Rule 8
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule9(@rdivide)];   % Rule 9
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule10(@rdivide)];  % Rule 10
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule11(@rdivide)];  % Rule 11
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_negative_tests(@rdivide)]; % Negative tests
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_real.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+% UTP_AO_REAL a set of UTPs for the ao/real method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_real.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 10:47:02 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The real method of the ao class computes the real part of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_real(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'real';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the real method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the real method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = real(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the real part of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(real(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the real method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the real method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = real(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the real part of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(real(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the real method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the real method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = real(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the real part of the input
+      if ~isequal(real(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(real(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(real(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the real method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the real method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = real(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(real(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(real(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(real(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~isequal(real(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(real(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the real method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the real method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = real(at1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'real'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'real'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the real method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the real method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.real();
+      ain.real();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is real(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that real modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that real doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the real value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(real(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the real method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+      ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+      plxy = plist('axis', 'XY');
+      out1 = real(at1, plx);
+      out2 = real(at1, ply);
+      out3 = real(at1, plxy);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the real method applies to the x-axis
+    % 2) Check that the real method applies to the y-axis
+    % 3) Check that the real method applies to both axes
+    % 4) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..3]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the real part of the input
+      if ~isequal(real(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(real(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(real(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(real(,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the real method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = real(at5);
+      out2 = real(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the real method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = real(at5, at6);
+      o3  = real(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_rebuild.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+% UTP_AO_REBUILD a set of UTPs for the ao/rebuild method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_rebuild.m,v 1.3 2009/08/07 11:27:08 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rebuild method of the ao class rebuilds the input objects using the
+% history. This method is also intensively tested in the most other UTPs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_rebuild(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'rebuild';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AO objects
+    [at1, at2, at3, at4, at5, at6, atv, atm] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the output
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(atv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(atv)
+        if eq(out(kk), atv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(atm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(atm)
+        if eq(out(kk), atm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a list of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(at5,at4,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    atin  = [at5,at4,at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(atin)
+        if eq(out(kk), atin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped AO objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AO objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(at4,atv,at2,atm,at1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    atin  = [at4,reshape(atv,1,[]),at2,reshape(atm,1,[]),at1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(atin)
+        if eq(out(kk), atin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = rebuild(at1, at2);
+      o3  = rebuild(at1, at2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, at1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, at2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, [at1 at2], ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_resample.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+% UTP_AO_RESAMPLE a set of UTPs for the ao/resample method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_resample.m,v 1.11 2009/08/07 11:27:09 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The resample method of the ao class resamples time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_resample(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'resample';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('fsout', at1.fs*2))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fsout'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filter'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('fsout')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filter')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fsout'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filter'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resample method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resample method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = resample(avec, plist('FSOUT', 5));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resample method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resample method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = resample(amat, plist('FSOUT', 5));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resample method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resample method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = resample(at1,at5,at6, plist('FSOUT', 5));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resample method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resample method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = resample(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6, plist('FSOUT', 5));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resample method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the resample method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = resample(at5, plist('FSOUT', 5));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'resample'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resample'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resample method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resample method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('fsout', 3);
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.resample(pl);
+      ain.resample(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is resample(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that resample modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that resample doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resample method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      pl = plist('fsout', 3);
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = resample(at5, pl);
+      out2 = resample(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resample method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('fsout', 3);
+      [o1, o2] = resample(at5, at6, pl);
+      o3  = resample(at5, at6, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_rms.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+% UTP_AO_RMS a set of UTPs for the ao/rms method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_rms.m,v 1.9 2009/08/07 11:27:08 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rms method of the ao class computes the integrated RMS of
+% frequency-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_rms(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'rms';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at2, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rms method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rms method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at2 at2 at2];
+      out  = rms(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rms method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rms method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at2 at2 at2; at2 at2 at2];
+      out  = rms(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rms method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rms method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rms(at2,at2,at2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rms method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rms method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rms(at2,[at2 at2],at2,[at2 at2; at2 at2],at2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rms method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the rms method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = rms(at2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rms'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rms'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rms method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rms method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at2);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.rms();
+      ain.rms();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is rms(at1).
+    % 3) Check the algorithm
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that rms modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at2), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that rms doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rms method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = rms(ao(at2));
+      out2 = rms(ao(at2)');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rms method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = rms(at2, at2);
+      o3  = rms(at2, at2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_round.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_ROUND a set of UTPs for the ao/round method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_round.m,v 1.1 2011/04/17 10:46:44 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The round method of the ao class rounds the values of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_round(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'round';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(round(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_sDomainFit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+% UTP_AO_SDOMAINFIT a set of UTPs for the ao/sDomainFit method
+% L Ferraioli 16-02-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_sDomainFit.m,v 1.11 2011/04/14 12:59:36 luigi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The sDomainFit method of the ao class fit a model (parfrac object) to
+% fsdata.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_sDomainFit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'sDomainFit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+%     [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % ---- Building fsdata test objects
+    pl_data1 = plist('fsfcn', '0.01./(0.01+f)', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a1 = ao(pl_data1);
+    pl_data2 = plist('fsfcn', '0.001./(0.1+f)', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a2 = ao(pl_data2);
+    pl_data3 = plist('fsfcn', '(1e-3./(f).^2 + 1e3./(0.001+f)).*1e-9', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a3 = ao(pl_data3);
+    pl_data4 = plist('fsfcn', '(1e-4./(f).^2 + 1e3./(0.01+f)).*1e-10', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a4 = ao(pl_data4);
+    pl_data5 = plist('fsfcn', '(1e5.*f.^2 + 1e3./(0.01+f)).*1e-8', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a5 = ao(pl_data5);
+    a1.setName;
+    a2.setName;
+    a3.setName;
+    a4.setName;
+    a5.setName;
+    av = [a1 a2 a3];
+    am = [a1 a2; a3 a4];
+    % ----- Building a simple test model
+    f = logspace(-6,log10(5),30);
+    res = [0.7 0.2+0.01i 0.2-0.01i];
+    poles = [0.5 0.1+0.07i 0.1-0.07i];
+    tmod = parfrac(plist('res',res,'poles',poles,'dir',0,'name','test model'));
+    rtmod = resp(tmod,plist('f',f.'));
+    % ----- Buildin a standard plist
+    tol = 0.5;
+    plstd = plist('AutoSearch','on',...
+      'StartPoles',[],...
+      'StartPolesOpt','clog',...
+      'maxiter',60,...
+      'minorder',3,...
+      'maxorder',45,...
+      'weights',[],...
+      'weightparam','abs',...
+      'CONDTYPE','MSE',...
+      'FITTOL',1e-3,...
+      'MSEVARTOL',1e-2,...
+      'Plot','off',...
+      'ForceStability','off',...
+      'CheckProgress','off',...
+      'direct term','off');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call does not work
+%     results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data
+%     shape - this does not work because of the output properties of the
+%     function
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test the fit give the correct coefficients
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('autosearch'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('startpoles'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('startpolesopt'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weightparam'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('condtype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('forcestability'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('direct term'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('checkprogress'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('delay'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('autosearch'), 'on'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('startpoles')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('startpolesopt'), 'clog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxiter'), 50), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxorder'), 20), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('weights')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('weightparam'), 'abs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('condtype'), 'MSE'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fittol'), .001), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('msevartol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('plot'), 'off'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('forcestability'), 'off'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('direct term'), 'off'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('checkprogress'), 'off'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('delay')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('autosearch'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('startpoles'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('startpolesopt'), {'real', 'clog', 'clin'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {50}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {20}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weightparam'), {'ones', 'abs', 'sqrt'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('condtype'), {'MSE', 'RLD', 'RSF'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.001}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('forcestability'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('direct term'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('checkprogress'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('delay'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sDomainFit method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sDomainFit method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sDomainFit(av, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'av'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out.objs), numel(av)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.objs)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(av(kk).data, 'fsdata')
+          % check that the output data responses are accurate to the
+          % prescribed accuracy
+          mse = out.objs(kk).procinfo.find('FIT_MSE');
+          if mse(end)>tol, atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.a]), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.b]), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sDomainFit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sDomainFit method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sDomainFit(am, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'am'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out.objs), numel(am)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.objs)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(am(kk).data, 'fsdata')
+          % check that the output data responses are accurate to the
+          % prescribed accuracy
+          mse = out.objs(kk).procinfo.find('FIT_MSE');
+          if mse(end)>tol, atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.a]), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.b]), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sDomainFit method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sDomainFit method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sDomainFit(a1,a2,a3, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [a1,a2,a3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out.objs), numel(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.objs)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(aoin(kk).data, 'fsdata')
+          % check that the output data responses are accurate to the
+          % prescribed accuracy
+          mse = out.objs(kk).procinfo.find('FIT_MSE');
+          if mse(end)>tol, atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.a]), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.b]), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sDomainFit method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sDomainFit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sDomainFit(a5,[a1 a2;a3 a4],plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a5,reshape([a1 a2;a3 a4],1,[])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out.objs), numel(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.objs)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(aoin(kk).data, 'fsdata')
+          % check that the output data responses are accurate to the
+          % prescribed accuracy
+          mse = out.objs(kk).procinfo.find('FIT_MSE');
+          if mse(end)>tol, atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.a]), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.b]), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sDomainFit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the sDomainFit method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sDomainFit(a1,plstd);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'sDomainFit'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'sDomainFit'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % sDomainFit cannot modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sDomainFit method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy a3 to work with
+      amodi = ao(a3);
+      aeq = ao(a3);
+      amodi.sDomainFit(plstd);
+      out = aeq.sDomainFit(plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+%   %% UTP_08
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Test the shape of the output. - Does not make sense for sDomainFit
+%   % becauses the output are miir filters
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_08
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the sDomainFit method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+%     % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out1 = sDomainFit(a2,plstd);
+%       out2 = sDomainFit(a1,plstd);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the shape of the output data
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the sDomainFit method pass back the output objects to a
+  % single variable correctly.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+%       [o1, o2] = sDomainFit(a1, a2, plstd);
+      o3  = sDomainFit(a1, a2, plstd);
+%       mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+%       mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+%       o31 = o3.index(1);
+%       o32 = o3.index(2);
+%       mout31 = rebuild(o31);
+%       mout32 = rebuild(o32);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+%       if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+%       if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3(1), mout3(1), ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3(2), mout3(2), ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o31, mout31, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o32, mout32, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple4), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sDomainFit method return the correct coefficients
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sDomainFit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      tol = 0.5;
+      plstd2 = plist('AutoSearch','off',...
+        'StartPoles',[],...
+        'StartPolesOpt','clog',...
+        'maxiter',60,...
+        'minorder',3,...
+        'maxorder',3,...
+        'weights',[],...
+        'weightparam','abs',...
+        'CONDTYPE','MSE',...
+        'FITTOL',1e-3,...
+        'MSEVARTOL',1e-2,...
+        'Plot','off',...
+        'ForceStability','off',...
+        'CheckProgress','off',...
+        'direct term','off');
+      out = sDomainFit(rtmod,plstd2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that output contains the correct coefficients.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out), numel(rtmod)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+      if isa(, 'fsdata')
+        % check that fit coefficients corresponds to real coefficients
+        % within a tolerance
+        if any(abs(tmod.res - out.res)>1e-4), atest = false; end
+        if any(abs(tmod.poles - out.poles)>1e-4), atest = false; end
+      else
+        % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+        if ~isempty(out.res), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(out.poles), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_save.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+% UTP_AO_SAVE a set of UTPs for the ao/save method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_save.m,v 1.10 2010/08/31 09:36:46 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The save method of the ao class saves an analysis object to disk. Save stores
+% the variables in a MATLAB formatted file (MAT-file) named filename.mat or in a
+% XML fromat named filename.xml
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_save(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'save';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test plist contains the filename
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test object with complex data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test AO which is build from a pzmodel
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test AO which is build from complex plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('postfix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('individual files'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filename'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('postfix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('individual files'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a vector of AOs as input. Test both
+    % formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(atvec, 'test.xml');
+      save(atvec, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = ao('test.xml');
+      out2 = ao('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects except
+    %    the the history because the load-constructor adds one history step.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same except the history
+    %    properties 'methodInfo', 'plistUsed' and 'proctime'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(atvec(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(atvec(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a matrix of AOs as input. Test both
+    % formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(atmat, 'test.xml');
+      save(atmat, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = ao('test.xml');
+      out2 = ao('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects except
+    %    the the history because the load-constructor adds one history step.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same except the history
+    %    properties 'methodInfo', 'plistUsed' and 'proctime'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(atmat(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(atmat(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a list of AOs as input. Test both
+    % formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(at1, at2, at3, 'test.xml');
+      save(at1, at2, at3, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = ao('test.xml');
+      out2 = ao('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in the list
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects except
+    %    the the history because the load-constructor adds one history step.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same except the history
+    %    properties 'methodInfo', 'plistUsed' and 'proctime'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(aoin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(aoin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(at1,atvec,at2, 'test.xml');
+      save(at1,atvec,at2, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = ao('test.xml');
+      out2 = ao('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape(atvec, 1, []), at2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2+numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2+numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(aoin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(aoin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = save(at4, 'test.xml');
+      out2 = save(at2, 'test.mat');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that save doesn't add a history step.
+    % 2) Check that the read object is the same as the stored object.
+    %    save + load doesn't add history.
+    % 3) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The last history step is the save method
+      if strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % check the history steps of the read object (load + save)
+      outr1 = ao('test.xml');
+      outr2 = ao('test.mat');
+      if strcmp(outr1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(outr2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete('test.xml')
+      delete('test.mat')
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      aa_mat = ao(at1);
+      aa_xml = ao(at1);
+      out1 = ao('test.mat');
+      out2 = ao('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method applies the history.
+    % 2) Check the output against the input except the history.
+    % 3) Check the history of the output against the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the modified object have the 'save' method as the last
+      % history step
+      if strcmp(aa_xml.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(aa_mat.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output without the history
+      if ~eq(aa_mat, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(aa_xml, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('filename', 'test.mat');
+      pl2 = plist('filename', 'test.xml');
+      save(at5, pl1);
+      save(at5, pl2);
+      out1 = ao('test.mat');
+      out2 = ao('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(at5, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(at5, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with an AO with complex data.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save an AO with complex fsdata object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Create an AO with complex fsdata
+      aa = ao(1:123, randn(123,1)+randn(123,1)*i, 1);
+      aa.setT0(12345);
+      save(aa, 'test.mat');
+      save(aa, 'test.xml');
+      out1 = ao('test.mat');
+      out2 = ao('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(aa, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(aa, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with an AO which is created from a pole/zero model
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save an AO which is created from a pzmodel.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Create an AO with complex fsdata
+      aa = ao(plist('pzmodel', pzmodel(1,{[1 4], 2}, 3), 'Nsecs', 10, 'fs', 37));
+      save(aa, 'test.mat');
+      save(aa, 'test.xml');
+      out1 = ao('test.mat');
+      out2 = ao('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(aa, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(aa, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with a complex plist which builds the AO
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save an AO which is created from a complex plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Create an AO with complex fsdata
+      win = specwin('Hanning');
+      pl  = plist('A', {'1', 2, sym('t')}, 'B', sym([1 2; 3 4]));
+      pli = plist('vals', randn(123)+randn(123)*i, 'pl', pl, 'win', win);
+      aa = ao(pli);
+      save(aa, 'test.mat');
+      save(aa, 'test.xml');
+      out1 = ao('test.mat');
+      out2 = ao('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(aa, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(aa, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_scale.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+% UTP_AO_SCALE a set of UTPs for the ao/scale method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_scale.m,v 1.7 2010/06/07 16:43:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The scale method of the ao class scales the y-data in the AO by the
+% specified factor.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_scale(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'scale';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    pli = plist('FACTOR', 2, 'neval', true);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, pli, ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, pli, ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, pli, ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, pli)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    sc = pli.find('FACTOR');
+    if ~isequal(in.y .* sc, out.y), atest = false; end
+  end     
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('factor'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('factor'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('factor'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+%   %% UTP_02
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the scale method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_02
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the scale method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       sc  = 2.2;
+%       out = scale(atvec, sc);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the scaled input
+%       for kk=1:numel(out)
+%         if ~isequal(atvec(kk).y .* sc, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_02
+%   %% UTP_03
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the scale method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_03
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the scale method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       sc  = 1-2i;
+%       out = scale(atmat, sc);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the scaled input
+%       for kk=1:numel(out)
+%         if ~isequal(atmat(kk).y .* sc, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_03
+%   %% UTP_04
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the scale method works with a list of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_04
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the scale method works for a list of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       sc  = -5;
+%       out = scale(at1,at2,at3,sc);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+%     %    input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     aoin = [at1,at2,at3];
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the scaled input
+%       for kk=1:numel(out)
+%         if ~isequal(aoin(kk).y .* sc, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_04
+%   %% UTP_05
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the scale method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+%   % input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_05
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the scale method works with an input of matrices and
+%     % vectors and single AOs.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       sc  = 1/3;
+%       out = scale(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3,sc);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+%     %    input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin), atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the scaled input
+%       for kk=1:numel(out)
+%         if ~isequal(aoin(kk).y .* sc, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_05
+%   %% UTP_06
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the scale method properly applies history.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_06
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the result of applying the scale method can be processed back.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out  = scale(at1, 1.1);
+%       mout = rebuild(out);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+%     %    'scale'.
+%     % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+%       if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'scale'), atest = false; end
+%       % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+%       if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_06
+%   %% UTP_07
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the scale method can modify the input AO.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_07
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the scale method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+%     % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+%     % notation (with a equal sign).
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       % copy at1 to work with
+%       amodi = ao(at1);
+%       aeq   = ao(at1);
+%       out = aeq.scale(1.1);
+%       amodi.scale(1.1);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+%     % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+%     % 3) Check that the modified input is the scaled value of the copy
+%     % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+%       if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+%       if ~eq(aeq, ao(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % Check that the modified input is the scaled value of the copy
+%       if ~isequal(at1.y .* 1.1, amodi.y), atest = false; end
+%       % Check that out and amodi are the same
+%       if ~eq(out, amodi, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_07
+%   %% UTP_08
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Test that the scale method uses the plist to get the factor.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_08
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the scale method uses the plist to get the factor.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       sc  = 1+1.1i;
+%       pl1 = plist('factor', sc);
+%       pl2 = plist('factor', ao(sc));
+%       pl3 = plist('factor', sc, 'yunits', 'Hz^2');
+%       out1 = scale(at1, pl1);
+%       out2 = scale(at1, pl2);
+%       out3 = scale(at1, pl3);
+%       mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+%       mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+%       mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check the output
+%     % 4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check each output
+%       if ~isequal(out1.y, at1.y .* sc), atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(out2.y, at1.y .* sc), atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(out3.y, at1.y .* sc), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(out3.yunits, unit('Hz^2')), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the re-built objects
+%       if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_08
+%   %% UTP_09
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Test the shape of the output.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_09
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the scale method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+%     % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out1 = scale(at5, 2);
+%       out2 = scale(at6, 2);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the shape of the output data
+%       if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+%       if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_09
+%   %% UTP_10
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Check that the scale method pass back the output objects to a list of
+%   % output variables or to a single variable.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_10
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+%     % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+%     % the output.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       [o1, o2] = scale(at5, at6, -2);
+%       o3  = scale(at5, at6, -2);
+%       mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+%       mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+%       mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+%     % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the number of outputs
+%       if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+%       % Check the rebuilding of the object
+%       if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_search.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+% UTP_AO_SEARCH a set of UTPs for the ao/search method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_search.m,v 1.6 2010/09/01 13:58:17 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The search method of the ao class selects AOs that match the given name.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_search(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'search';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('regexp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('exact'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('regexp')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('exact'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('regexp'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('exact'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the search method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the search method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all AOs with the regular expression '.*'
+      out1 = search(atvec, '.*');
+      % Get only the AO with the name 'at5'
+      out2 = search(atvec, 'at5');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' are the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2'
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output except the history because the output have
+      % one additionally history step
+      if ~eq(out1, atvec, 'hist', 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, at5, 'hist', 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the search method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the search method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all AOs with the regular expression '.*'
+      out1 = search(atmat, '.*');
+      % Get only the AO with the name 'at5'
+      out2 = search(atmat, 'at5');
+      % </SyntaxCode      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' are the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2'
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out1), numel(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output except the history because the output have
+      % one additionally history step
+      if ~eq(reshape(out1, size(atmat)), atmat, 'hist', 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, at5, 'hist', 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the search method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the search method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all AOs with the regular expression '.*'
+      out1 = search(at1,at2,at3, '.*');
+      % Get only the AO with the name 'at5'
+      out2 = search(at1,at2,at3, 'at3');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' are the same as the input
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2'
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output except the history because the output have
+      % one additionally history step
+      if ~eq(out1, [at1, at2, at3], 'hist', 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, at3, 'hist', 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the search method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the search method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all AOs with the regular expression '.*'
+      out1 = search(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3, '.*');
+      % Get only the AO with the name 'at5'
+      out2 = search(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3, 'at3');
+      % Negative test with the name 'foo'
+      out3 = search(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3, 'foo');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' are the same as the input
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out2'
+    % 3) Check that 'out3' doesn't contain an AO
+    % 4) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3+numel(atvec)+numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3) ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output except the history because the output have
+      % one additionally history step
+      if ~eq(out1, aoin, 'hist', 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, [at3, at3], 'hist', 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isempty(out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the search method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the search method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = search(atmat, 'at[45]');
+      out2 = search(atmat, plist('regexp', 'at[45]', 'exact', false));
+      out3 = search(atmat, plist('regexp', 'at4', 'exact', true));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'search'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'search'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out1(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'search'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'search'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'search'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'search'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the modifier call for the search method doesn't work.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the modifier call for the search method doesn't work.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the search method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = search(at5, at6, 'at');
+      o3  = search(at5, at6, 'at');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_select.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+% UTP_AO_SELECT a set of UTPs for the ao/select method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_select.m,v 1.8 2010/08/18 15:45:12 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The select method of the ao class select particular samples from the
+% input AOs and return new AOs with only those samples.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_select(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'select';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test plist(sample)
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('SAMPLES', 1:10))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test that 'dx' and 'dy' are also selected
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with setted t0
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('samples'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('samples')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('axis'), 'x'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('samples'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'), {'x', 'y'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the select method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sel = 1:30;
+      out = select(atvec, sel);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have only the selected data
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if any(abs(out(kk).x - atvec(kk).x(sel)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, atvec(kk).y(sel)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the select method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sel = [1 3 5 7 9];
+      out = select(atmat, sel);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have only the selected data
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if any(abs(out(kk).x - atmat(kk).x(sel)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).y, atmat(kk).y(sel)), atest = false; end
+        else
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).y, atmat(kk).y(sel).'), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the select method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sel = 30:45;
+      out = select(at1,at2,at3,sel);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,at2,at3];
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have only the selected data
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            % Add first the T0 of the tsdata
+            t0off = (out(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - aoin(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+            if any(abs(out(kk).x + t0off - aoin(kk).x(sel)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          else
+            if any(abs(out(kk).x - aoin(kk).x(sel)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          end
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).y, aoin(kk).y(sel)), atest = false; end
+        else
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).y, aoin(kk).y(sel).'), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the select method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sel = 2:9;
+      out = select(at1,sel,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have only the selected data
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            % Add first the T0 of the tsdata
+            t0off = (out(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - aoin(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+            if any(abs(out(kk).x + t0off - aoin(kk).x(sel)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          else
+            if any(abs(out(kk).x - aoin(kk).x(sel)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          end
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).y, aoin(kk).y(sel)), atest = false; end
+        else
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).y, aoin(kk).y(sel).'), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the select method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the select method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = select(at1, [30:70, 80:120]);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'select'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'select'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the select method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method can modify the input AO by calling with
+    % no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+    % function notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      sel   = 30:80;
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out =;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the selected value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the selected value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(at1.y(sel), amodi.y), atest = false; end
+      t0off = (amodi.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at1.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+      if any(abs(at1.x(sel) - (amodi.x+t0off))>TOL), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sel  = [1, 4, 7, 1:30, 33, 6:70];
+      out1 = select(at5, sel);
+      out2 = select(at6, sel);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the select method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sel = 1:150;
+      [o1, o2] = select(at5, at6, sel);
+      o3  = select(at5, at6, sel);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the select method uses the plist to select the samples.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method uses the plist to select the samples.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('samples', 30:100);
+      out1 = select(at1, pl);
+      out2 = select(at1, pl, 110:150);
+      out3 = select(at1, pl, 110:150, 200:220);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the select method uses the samples in the plist
+    % 2) Check that the select method uses the samples in the plist and input
+    % 3) Check that the select method uses the samples in the plist and input
+    % 4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the selected data samples of the input
+      sl1 = 30:100;
+      sl2 = 110:150;
+      sl3 = 200:220;
+      if ~isequal(at1.y(sl1), out1.y), atest = false; end
+      t0off = (out1.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at1.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+      if any(abs(at1.x(sl1) - (out1.x+t0off))>TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at1.y([sl1 sl2]), out2.y), atest = false; end
+      t0off = (out2.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at1.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+      if any(abs(at1.x([sl1 sl2]) - (out2.x+t0off))>TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(at1.y([sl1 sl2 sl3]), out3.y), atest = false; end
+      t0off = (out3.t0.utc_epoch_milli - at1.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+      if any(abs(at1.x([sl1 sl2 sl3]) - (out3.x+t0off))>TOL), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the select method also select the 'dx' and 'dy' values.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method also select the 'dx' and 'dy' values.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Create default values for 'dx' and 'dy'
+      dx = randn(1000,1);
+      dy = randn(1000,1);
+      % tsdata
+      a1 = at1.setDx(dx(1:at1.len));
+      a1.setDy(dy(1:at1.len));
+      % fsdata
+      a2 = at2.setDx(dx(1:at2.len));
+      a2.setDy(dy(1:at2.len));
+      % xydata
+      a3 = at3.setDx(dx(1:at3.len));
+      a3.setDy(dy(1:a3.len));
+      % cdata
+      a4 = at4.setDy(dy(1:at4.len));
+      % Test with only one value for 'dx' and 'dy'
+      % tsdata
+      a5 = at1.setDx(123);
+      a5.setDy(123);
+      sl = [20:40 70:90];
+      out1 = select(a1, sl);
+      out2 = select(a2, sl);
+      out3 = select(a3, sl);
+      out4 = select(a4, 3:7);
+      out5 = select(a5, sl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      ddx = dx(1:at1.len);
+      ddy = dy(1:at1.len);
+      if ~isequal(out1.dx, ddx(sl)); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.dy, ddy(sl)); atest = false; end
+      ddx = dx(1:at1.len);
+      ddy = dy(1:at2.len);
+      if ~isequal(out2.dx, ddx(sl)); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.dy, ddy(sl)); atest = false; end
+      ddx = dx(1:at3.len);
+      ddy = dy(1:at3.len);
+      if ~isequal(out3.dx, ddx(sl)); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.dy, ddy(sl)); atest = false; end
+      ddy = dy(1:at4.len);
+      if ~isequal(out4.dy, ddy(3:7)); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5.dx, a5.dx); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5.dy, a5.dy); atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout5, out5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the select method updates the t0.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the select method updates the t0.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sl = 30:300;
+      aa = at1.setT0('14:00:00');
+      out = select(aa, sl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the selected data samples of the input
+      toff = (out.t0.utc_epoch_milli - aa.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1000;
+      if ~isequal(aa.y(sl), out.y), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(aa.x(sl) - (out.x + toff))>TOL), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setDescription.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETDESCRIPTION a set of UTPs for the ao/setDescription method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setDescription.m,v 1.12 2011/04/19 18:14:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setDescription method of the ao class sets the description property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setDescription(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setDescription';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('DESCRIPTION', 'foo'))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('description'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDescription method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDescription method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setDescription(atvec, 'my description');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check description field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).description, 'my description')
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDescription method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDescription method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setDescription(atmat, 'my description');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check description field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).description, 'my description')
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDescription method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDescription method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setDescription(at1,at2,at3, 'my description');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).description, 'my description'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).description, 'my description'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).description, 'my description'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDescription method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDescription method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setDescription(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3, 'my description');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).description, 'my description')
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDescription method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setDescription method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setDescription(at1, 'my description');
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setDescription, at1, 'my description');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setDescription'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setDescription'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setDescription'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setDescription'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'description'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDescription method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDescription method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setDescription('my description');
+      ain.setDescription('my description');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct description field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setDescription modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setDescription doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(ain.description, 'my description'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDescription method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDescription method can modify the property 'description'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('description', 'my description');
+      out = at1.setDescription(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct description field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'description'
+      if ~strcmp(out.description, 'my description'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setDescription method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setDescription(at5, at6, 'new');
+      o3  = setDescription(at5, at6, 'new');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setFs.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETFS a set of UTPs for the ao/setFs method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setFs.m,v 1.13 2011/09/30 11:00:20 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setFs method of the ao class sets the fs property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setFs(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setFs';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('FS', 2))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isnan(io(3).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequalwithequalnans(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {NaN}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setFs method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setFs method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1, at2, at5, at6];
+      out = setFs(avec, 37.123);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(avec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check fs field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.fs, 37.123)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setFs method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setFs method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1, at2, at5; at5, at6, at1];
+      out = setFs(amat, 37.123);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check fs field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.fs, 37.123)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setFs method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setFs method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setFs(at1,at2,at5, 37.123);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~isequal(out(1).data.fs, 37.123), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).data.fs, 37.123), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(3).data.fs, 37.123), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setFs method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setFs method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1, at2, at5, at6];
+      amat = [at1, at2, at5; at5, at6, at1];
+      out = setFs(at1,avec,at2,amat,at5, 37.123);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(amat)+numel(avec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.fs, 37.123)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setFs method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setFs method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setFs(at1, 37.123);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setFs, at1, 37.123);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setFs'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setFs'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setFs'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setFs'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'fs', 'nsecs'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setFs method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setFs method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setFs(37.123);
+      ain.setFs(37.123);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct fs field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setFs modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setFs doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~isequal(, 37.123), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setFs method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setFs method can modify the property 'fs'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('fs', 37.123);
+      out = at1.setFs(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct fs field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'fs'
+      if ~isequal(, 37.123), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setFs method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setFs(at5, at6, 123.123);
+      o3  = setFs(at5, at6, 123.123);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setName.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETNAME a set of UTPs for the ao/setName method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setName.m,v 1.12 2011/04/19 18:14:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setName method of the ao class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setName(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setName';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('NAME', 'foo'))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(atvec, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(atmat, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(at1,at2,at3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setName(at1, 'myy name');
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, at1, 'myy name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'myy name'), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'myy name'), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'name'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setName('my name');
+      ain.setName('my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setName modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setName doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('name', 'my name');
+      out = at1.setName(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'name'
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setName(at5, at6, 'new name');
+      o3  = setName(at5, at6, 'new name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setPlotinfo.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETPLOTINFO a set of UTPs for the ao/setPlotinfo method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setPlotinfo.m,v 1.10 2011/04/19 18:14:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setPlotinfo method of the ao class sets the plotinfo property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setPlotinfo(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setPlotinfo';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(3).plists.find('plotinfo'), plist(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setPlotinfo method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setPlotinfo method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'});
+      out = setPlotinfo(atvec, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check plotinfo field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).plotinfo, pl, 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setPlotinfo method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setPlotinfo method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'});
+      out = setPlotinfo(atmat, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check plotinfo field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).plotinfo, pl, 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setPlotinfo method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setPlotinfo method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'});
+      out = setPlotinfo(at1,at2,at5, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).plotinfo, pl, 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).plotinfo, pl, 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).plotinfo, pl, 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setPlotinfo method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setPlotinfo method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'});
+      out = setPlotinfo(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at5, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).plotinfo, pl, 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setPlotinfo method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setPlotinfo method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'});
+      out1 = setPlotinfo(at1, pl);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setPlotinfo, at1, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setPlotinfo'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setPlotinfo'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setPlotinfo'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setPlotinfo'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'plotinfo'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setPlotinfo method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setPlotinfo method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      pl  = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'});
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setPlotinfo(pl);
+      ain.setPlotinfo(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct plotinfo field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setPlotinfo modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setPlotinfo doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.plotinfo, pl, 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setPlotinfo method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setPlotinfo method can modify the property 'plotinfo'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'});
+      pli = plist('plotinfo', pl);
+      out = at1.setPlotinfo(pli);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct plotinfo field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'plotinfo'
+      if ~eq(out.plotinfo, pl, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setPlotinfo method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setPlotinfo(at5, at6, plist());
+      o3  = setPlotinfo(at5, at6, plist());
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setT0.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETT0 a set of UTPs for the ao/setT0 method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setT0.m,v 1.13 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setT0 method of the ao class sets the t0 property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setT0(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setT0';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('T0', 123))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('t0'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('t0'), '14:00:00 10-10-2009'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('t0'), {'14:00:00 10-10-2009'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setT0 method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setT0 method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1, at2, at5, at6];
+      out = setT0(avec, '14:00:00');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(avec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check t0 field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.t0, time('14:00:00'), ple1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setT0 method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setT0 method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1, at2, at5; at5, at6, at1];
+      out = setT0(amat, 123456);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check t0 field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.t0, time(123456), ple1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setT0 method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setT0 method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      t1 = time('2008-10-15 14:00:00');
+      out = setT0(at1,at2,at5, t1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).data.t0, t1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).data.t0, t1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).data.t0, t1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setT0 method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setT0 method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      t1   = time('2008-10-15 14:00:00');
+      avec = [at1, at2, at5, at6];
+      amat = [at1, at2, at5; at5, at6, at1];
+      out = setT0(at1,avec,at2,amat,at5, t1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(amat)+numel(avec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.t0, t1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setT0 method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setT0 method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      t1   = time('2008-10-15 14:00:00');
+      out1 = setT0(at1, t1);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setT0, at1, t1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setT0'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setT0'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setT0'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setT0'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'t0'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setT0 method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setT0 method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      t1  = time('2008-10-15 14:00:00');
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setT0(t1);
+      ain.setT0(t1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct t0 field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setT0 modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setT0 doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(, t1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setT0 method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setT0 method can modify the property 't0'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      t1  = time('2008-10-15 14:00:00');
+      pl  = plist('t0', t1);
+      out = at1.setT0(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct t0 field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 't0'
+      if ~eq(, t1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setT0 method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setT0(at5, at6, time(123));
+      o3  = setT0(at5, at6, time(123));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setX.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETX a set of UTPs for the ao/setX method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setX.m,v 1.16 2011/05/09 12:26:21 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setX method of the ao class sets the 'x' property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setX(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setX';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test that the shape of the data doesn't change
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('X', at1.y))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('x'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('x')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('x'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setX method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setX method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = [1:at1.len]';
+      avec = [at1, at1, at1, at1];
+      out = setX(avec, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(avec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'x' field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        out_x = out(kk).data.x;
+        if size(out_x, 1) == 1
+          out_x = out_x.';
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out_x, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setX method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setX method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = [1:at2.len]';
+      amat = [at2, at2, at2; at2, at2, at2];
+      out  = setX(amat, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'x' field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        out_x = out(kk).data.x;
+        if size(out_x, 1) == 1
+          out_x = out_x.';
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out_x, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setX method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setX method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in  = [1:at3.len]';
+      out = setX(at3,at3,at3, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~isequal(out(1).x, in),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).x, in), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(3).x, in), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setX method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setX method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = [1:at3.len]';
+      avec = [at3, at3, at3, at3];
+      amat = [at3, at3, at3; at3, at3, at3];
+      out = setX(at3,avec,at3,amat,at3, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(amat)+numel(avec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        out_x = out(kk).data.x;
+        if size(out_x, 1) == 1
+          out_x = out_x.';
+        end
+        if ~isequal(out_x, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setX method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setX method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = [1:at1.len]';
+      out1 = setX(at1, in);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setX, at1, in);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setX'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setX'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setX'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setX'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'x'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setX method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setX method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      in   = [1:at1.len]';
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setX(in);
+      ain.setX(in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct 'x' field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setX modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setX doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~isequal(, in), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setX method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setX method can modify the property 'x'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = [1:at1.len]';
+      pl  = plist('x', in);
+      out = at1.setX(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct x field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'x'
+      if ~isequal(, in), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setX method keeps the shape of the data.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setX method keeps the shape of the data. Independent of the
+    % input
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in_r  = [1:at5.len];
+      in_c  = [1:at5.len]';
+      out1 = at5.setX(in_r);
+      out2 = at5.setX(in_c);
+      out3 = at6.setX(in_r);
+      out4 = at6.setX(in_c);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The data of at5 is stored as a row vector
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % The data of at6 is stored as a column vector
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setX method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setX(at5, at6, [1:at5.len]);
+      o3  = setX(at5, at6, [1:at5.len]);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setXY.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETXY a set of UTPs for the ao/setXY method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setXY.m,v 1.15 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setXY method of the ao class sets the 'x' and 'y' property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setXY(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setXY';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test that theshape of the data doesn't change
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('x', at2.x, 'y', at2.y))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('x'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('y'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('x')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('y')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('x'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('y'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXY method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXY method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      inx  = [1; 2; 3];
+      iny  = randn(3,1);
+      avec = [at1, at2, at3, at6];
+      out = setXY(avec, inx, iny);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(avec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'x' and 'y' field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, inx), atest = false; break; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, iny), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXY method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXY method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      inx  = [1; 2; 3];
+      iny  = randn(3,1);
+      amat = [at1, at2, at5; at3, at6, at1];
+      out  = setXY(amat, inx, iny);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'x' and 'y' field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, inx), atest = false; break; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, iny), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXY method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXY method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      inx = [1; 2; 3];
+      iny = randn(3,1);
+      out = setXY(at1,at2,at5, inx, iny);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~isequal(out(1).x, inx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(1).y, iny), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).x, inx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).y, iny), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(3).x, inx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(3).y, iny), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXY method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXY method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      inx  = [1; 2; 3];
+      iny  = randn(3,1);
+      avec = [at1, at2, at3, at6];
+      amat = [at1, at2, at5; at5, at3, at1];
+      out = setXY(at1,avec,at2,amat,at5, inx, iny);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(amat)+numel(avec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, inx), atest = false; break; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, iny), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXY method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setXY method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      inx  = [1; 2; 3];
+      iny  = randn(3,1);
+      out1 = setXY(at1, inx, iny);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setXY, at1, inx, iny);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setXY'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setXY'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setXY'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setXY'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'x', 'y'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXY method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXY method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      inx = [1; 2; 3];
+      iny = randn(3,1);
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setXY(inx, iny);
+      ain.setXY(inx, iny);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct 'x' and 'y' field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setXY modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setXY doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~isequal(ain.x, inx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ain.y, iny), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXY method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXY method can modify the property 'x' and 'y'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      inx = [1; 2; 3];
+      iny = randn(3,1);
+      pl  = plist('x', inx, 'y', iny);
+      out = at1.setXY(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct x and y fields
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'x' and 'y'
+      if ~isequal(out.x, inx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, iny), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXY method keeps the shape of the data.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXY method keeps the shape of the data. Independent of the
+    % input
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      inx_r  = [1 2 3];
+      iny_r  = [4 5 6];
+      inx_c  = [1; 2; 3];
+      iny_c  = [4; 5; 6];
+      out1 = at5.setXY(inx_r, iny_r);
+      out2 = at5.setXY(inx_c, iny_c);
+      out3 = at6.setXY(inx_r, iny_r);
+      out4 = at6.setXY(inx_c, iny_c);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The data of at5 is stored as a row vector
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % The data of at6 is stored as a column vector
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setXY method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setXY(at5, at6, [1 2 3], [4 5 6]);
+      o3  = setXY(at5, at6, [1 2 3], [4 5 6]);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setXunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETXUNITS a set of UTPs for the ao/setXunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setXunits.m,v 1.14 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setXunits method of the ao class sets the xunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setXunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setXunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('xunits', 'm'))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('xunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('xunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXunits method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1, at2, at3, at6];
+      out = setXunits(avec, 's m');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(avec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check xunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.xunits, unit('s m'), ple1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXunits method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1, at2, at5; at3, at6, at1];
+      out = setXunits(amat, 'kg s^2');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check xunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.xunits, unit('kg s^2'), ple1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXunits method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXunits method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1 = unit('V m^-1');
+      out = setXunits(at1,at2,at5, u1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).data.xunits, u1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).data.xunits, u1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).data.xunits, u1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1   = unit('V m^-1');
+      avec = [at1, at2, at3, at6];
+      amat = [at1, at2, at5; at5, at3, at1];
+      out = setXunits(at1,avec,at2,amat,at5, u1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(amat)+numel(avec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.xunits, u1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setXunits method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1   = unit('V m^-1');
+      out1 = setXunits(at1, u1);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setXunits, at1, u1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setXunits'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setXunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setXunits'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setXunits'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'xunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXunits method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXunits method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      u1  = unit('N V');
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setXunits(u1);
+      ain.setXunits(u1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct xunits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setXunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setXunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(, u1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setXunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setXunits method can modify the property 'xunits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1  = unit('V m^-1');
+      pl  = plist('xunits', u1);
+      out = at1.setXunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct xunits field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'xunits'
+      if ~eq(, u1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setXunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setXunits(at5, at6, unit('s'));
+      o3  = setXunits(at5, at6, unit('s'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setY.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETY a set of UTPs for the ao/setY method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setY.m,v 1.16 2011/05/09 12:26:22 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setY method of the ao class sets the 'y' property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setY(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setY';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test that theshape of the data doesn't change
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('y', at1.x))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('y'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('y')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('y'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        % </AlgoCode>
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setY method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setY method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = [1:at1.len]';
+      out = setY([at1, at1, at1], in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'y' field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.getY, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setY method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setY method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = [1:at2.len]';
+      mm   = [at2 at2; at2 at2; at2 at2];
+      out  = setY(mm, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(mm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'y' field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.getY, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setY method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setY method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in  = [1:at5.len]';
+      out = setY(at5, at6, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~isequal(out(1).data.getY, in), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).data.getY, in), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setY method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setY method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in  = [1:at1.len]';
+      out = setY(at1,[at1 at1],at1, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 4, atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.getY, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setY method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setY method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = [1:at1.len]';
+      out1 = setY(at1, in);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setY, at1, in);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setY'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setY'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setY'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setY'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'y'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setY method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setY method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      in  = [1:at1.len]';
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setY(in);
+      ain.setY(in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct 'y' field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setY modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setY doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~isequal(, in), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setY method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setY method can modify the property 'y'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in  = [1:at1.len]';
+      pl  = plist('y', in);
+      out = at1.setY(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct y field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'y'
+      if ~isequal(, in), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setY method keeps the shape of the data.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setY method keeps the shape of the data. Independent of the
+    % input
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in_r  = [1:at5.len];
+      in_c  = [1:at5.len]';
+      out1 = at5.setY(in_r);
+      out2 = at5.setY(in_c);
+      out3 = at6.setY(in_r);
+      out4 = at6.setY(in_c);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The data of at5 is stored as a row vector
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % The data of at6 is stored as a column vector
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setY method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setY(at5, at6, [1:at5.len]);
+      o3  = setY(at5, at6, [1:at5.len]);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setYunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETYUNITS a set of UTPs for the ao/setYunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setYunits.m,v 1.15 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setYunits method of the ao class sets the yunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setYunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setYunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('yunits', 'm'))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('yunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('yunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        % </AlgoCode>
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setYunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setYunits method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setYunits(atvec, 's m');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check yunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.yunits, unit('s m'), ple1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setYunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setYunits method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setYunits(atmat, 'kg s^2');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check yunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.yunits, unit('kg s^2'), ple1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setYunits method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setYunits method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1 = unit('V m^-1');
+      out = setYunits(at1,at2,at5, u1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).data.yunits, u1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).data.yunits, u1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).data.yunits, u1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setYunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setYunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1    = unit('V m^-1');
+      atvec = [at1, at2, at3, at6];
+      out   = setYunits(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at5, u1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).data.yunits, u1)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setYunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setYunits method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1   = unit('V m^-1');
+      out1 = setYunits(at1, u1);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setYunits, at1, u1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setYunits'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setYunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setYunits'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setYunits'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'yunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setYunits method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setYunits method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      u1  = unit('N V');
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setYunits(u1);
+      ain.setYunits(u1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct yunits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setYunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setYunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(, u1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setYunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setYunits method can modify the property 'yunits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1   = unit('V m^-1');
+      pl   = plist('yunits', u1);
+      out  = at1.setYunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct yunits field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'yunits'
+      if ~eq(, u1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setYunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setYunits(at5, at6, unit('Hz'));
+      o3  = setYunits(at5, at6, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_setZ.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+% UTP_AO_SETZ a set of UTPs for the ao/setZ method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_setZ.m,v 1.11 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setZ method of the ao class sets the 'z' property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_setZ(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'setZ';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+%     pl = plist('type', 'xyzdata', 'xvals', randn(12,1), 'yvals', randn(15,1), 'zvals', randn(15,12));
+%     at7 = ao(pl);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+%     results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+%     results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+%     results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+%     results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+%     results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+%     results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+%     results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+%     results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+%     results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+%     results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('z', ))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('z'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('z')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('z'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        % </AlgoCode>
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setZ method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setZ method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = randn(12);
+      avec = [at7, at7, at7, at7];
+      out = setZ(avec, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(avec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'z' field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.z, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setZ method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setZ method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = randn(12);
+      amat = [at7, at7, at7; at7, at7, at7];
+      out  = setZ(amat, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'z' field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.z, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setZ method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setZ method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in  = randn(12);
+      out = setZ(at7,at7,at7, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~isequal(out(1).data.z, in), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).data.z, in), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(3).data.z, in), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setZ method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setZ method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = randn(12);
+      avec = [at7, at7, at7, at7];
+      amat = [at7, at7, at7; at7, at7, at7];
+      out = setZ(at7,avec,at7,amat,at7, in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(amat)+numel(avec)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).data.z, in), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setZ method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setZ method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = randn(12);
+      out1 = setZ(at7, in);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setZ, at7, in);
+      mout1 = rebuild (out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild (out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setZ'.
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setZ'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setZ'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setZ'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'z'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setZ method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setZ method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at7 to work with
+      in  = randn(12);
+      ain = ao(at7);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setZ(in);
+      ain.setZ(in);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at7' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct 'z' field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setZ modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at7), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setZ doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~isequal(, in), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setZ method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setZ method can modify the property 'z'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      in   = randn(12);
+      pl   = plist('z', in);
+      out  = at7.setZ(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct z field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'z'
+      if ~isequal(, in), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setZ method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setZ(at7, at7, randn(12));
+      o3  = setZ(at7, at7, randn(12));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_sign.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_SIGN a set of UTPs for the ao/sign method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_sign.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 10:50:04 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The sign method of the ao class computes the signum of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_sign(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'sign';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(sign(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end      
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_simplifyYunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+% UTP_AO_SIMPLIFYYUNITS a set of UTPs for the ao/simplifyYunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_simplifyYunits.m,v 1.8 2009/08/07 11:27:08 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The simplifyYunits method of the ao class simplify the 'yunits' property
+% of the ao.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_simplifyYunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'simplifyYunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with different complex y-units
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with exception list
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test doesn't apply prefixes to the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefixes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefixes'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('exceptions')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('prefixes'), {true, false}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('exceptions'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplifyYunits method works with a vector of AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplifyYunits method works for a vector of AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objs = atvec.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      out  = simplifyYunits(objs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check the new y-units
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, unit('m^-1 V^-2/3')), atest = false; end
+        % Check that simplifyYunits also modify the y-units depending on
+        % the prefixes: Here multiply the y-values with 1e9
+        if ~isequal(objs(kk).y .* 1e9, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplifyYunits method works with a matrix of AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplifyYunits method works for a matrix of AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objs = atmat.setYunits('km kV^1/3 km^-1');
+      out  = simplifyYunits(objs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check the new y-units
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, unit('V^(1/3)')), atest = false; end
+        % Check that simplifyYunits also modify the y-units depending on
+        % the prefixes: Here multiply the y-values with 10
+        if abs(objs(kk).y .* 10 - out(kk).y) > eps(out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplifyYunits method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplifyYunits method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj1 = at1.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      obj2 = at2.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      obj3 = at3.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      out = simplifyYunits(obj1, obj2, obj3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [obj1, obj2, obj3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check the new y-units
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, unit('m^-1 V^-2/3')), atest = false; end
+        % Check that simplifyYunits also modify the y-units depending on
+        % the prefixes: Here multiply the y-values with 1e9
+        if ~isequal(aoin(kk).y .* 1e9, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplifyYunits method works with a mix of different
+  % shaped AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplifyYunits method works with an input of matrices
+    % and vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objv = atvec.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      objm = atmat.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      obj1 = at1.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      obj2 = at2.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      out = simplifyYunits(obj1, objm, objv, obj2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [obj1, reshape(objm, 1, []), reshape(objv, 1, []), obj2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check the new y-units
+        if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, unit('m^-1 V^-2/3')), atest = false; end
+        % Check that simplifyYunits also modify the y-units depending on
+        % the prefixes: Here multiply the y-values with 1e9
+        if ~isequal(aoin(kk).y .* 1e9, out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplifyYunits method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the simplifyYunits method can be
+    % processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = simplifyYunits(at1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'simplifyYunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'simplifyYunits'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplifyYunits method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplifyYunits method can modify the input AO by
+    % calling with no output and that the method doesn't change the input
+    % of the function notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      aa = at1.setYunits('km V^1/3 mm^-2 V^-1');
+      amodi = ao(aa);
+      aeq   = ao(aa);
+      out = aeq.simplifyYunits();
+      amodi.simplifyYunits();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input simplifies the y-units of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(aa), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input simplifies the y-units of the copy
+      if ~eq(amodi.yunits, unit('m^-1 V^-2/3')), atest = false; end
+      % Check that simplifyYunits also modify the y-units depending on
+      % the prefixes: Here multiply the y-values with 1e9
+      if ~isequal(aa.y .* 1e9, amodi.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the simplifyYunits method pass back the output objects to a
+  % list of output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = simplifyYunits(at5, at6);
+      o3  = simplifyYunits(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the simplifyYunits works for different complex y-units.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplifyYunits works for different complex y-units.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % No changes to the data AND units
+      a1 = at1.setYunits('m Hz^-2 V^2/3');
+      out1 = a1.simplifyYunits();
+      % No changes to the data
+      a2 = at1.setYunits('m^2 m^-3 m^2/3');
+      out2 = a2.simplifyYunits();
+      % The data is multiplied with the pefix 1e6
+      a3 = at1.setYunits('km^2 km^-2/3');
+      out3 = a3.simplifyYunits();
+      % Re-build the object
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the correct data
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check 'out1'
+      if ~eq(out1, a1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out2.yunits, unit('m^-1/3'), ple3), atest = false; end
+      e = ple3.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'yunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(out1, a1, ple), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out3' -> data is multiplied by 1e4
+      % REMARK: The optimal value is 1e4 but in case of rounding proplems
+      %         is the value '1e6 * 1e3 .^ (-2/3)'
+      fact = 1e6 * 1e3 .^ (-2/3);
+      if ~eq(out3.yunits, unit('m^4/3')), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.y, a3.y .* fact), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the simplifyYunits works with a exception list.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplifyYunits works with a exception list.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1   = at1.setYunits('km^2 nm^-2/3 m');
+      ple  = plist('exceptions', 'nm');
+      out1 = a1.simplifyYunits(ple);
+      a2   = at1.setYunits('km^2 km^-2/3 Hz^1/2 Hz');
+      ple  = plist('exceptions', 'Hz', 'prefixes', false);
+      out2 = a2.simplifyYunits(ple);
+      % Re-build the object
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the correct data
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..2]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check 'out1'
+      if ~eq(out1.yunits, unit('m^3 nm^-2/3')), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, a1.y .* 1e6), atest = false; end
+      e = ple3.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'y', 'yunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(out1, a1, ple), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out2.yunits, unit('km^4/3 Hz^1/2 Hz')), atest = false; end
+      e = ple3.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'yunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(out2, a2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the simplifyYunits doesn't apply the prefixes to the data.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplifyYunits doesn't apply the prefixes to the data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1   = at1.setYunits('km^2 nm^-2/3 m');
+      ple  = plist('prefixes', false);
+      out1 = a1.simplifyYunits(ple);
+      a2   = at1.setYunits('km^2 km^-2/3 Hz^1/2 Hz');
+      ple  = plist('prefixes', false);
+      out2 = a2.simplifyYunits(ple);
+      % Re-build the object
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the correct data
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..2]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check 'out1'
+      if ~eq(out1.yunits, unit('km^2 nm^-2/3 m')), atest = false; end
+      e = ple3.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'yunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(out1, a1, ple), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out2.yunits, unit('km^4/3 Hz^3/2')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, a2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_sin.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_SIN a set of UTPs for the ao/sin method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_sin.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 10:50:04 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The sin method of the ao class computes the sine of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_sin(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'sin';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(sin(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_smoother.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+% UTP_AO_SMOOTHER a set of UTPs for the ao/smoother method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_smoother.m,v 1.8 2009/08/07 12:28:47 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The smoother method of the ao class smooths time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_smoother(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'smoother';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test the data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('width'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hc'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('width'), 20), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hc'), .8), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('method'), 'median'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('width'), {20}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('hc'), {.8}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'median', 'mean', 'max', 'mode'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the smoother method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the smoother method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = smoother(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the smoother method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the smoother method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = smoother(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the smoother method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the smoother method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = smoother(at1,at5,at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the smoother method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the smoother method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = smoother(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the smoother method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the smoother method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = smoother(at5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'smoother'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'smoother'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the smoother method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the smoother method can modify the input AO by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain   = ao(at5);
+      % modify ain
+      aout   = ain.smoother();
+      ain.smoother();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is smoother(at5).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that smoother modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at5), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that smoother doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the smoother method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the smoother method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = dsmean(at5);
+      out2  = dsmean(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the smoother method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = smoother(at5, at6);
+      o3  = smoother(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_sort.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+% UTP_AO_SORT a set of UTPs for the ao/sort method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_sort.m,v 1.5 2010/06/07 16:43:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The sort method of the ao class sorts the values in the AO.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_sort(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'sort';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with plist()
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dir'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('dim'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('dir'), 'ascend'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'), {'x', 'y'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dir'), {'ascend', 'descend'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sort method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sort method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sort(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the sort method sorts the y-axis
+      for kk = 1:numel(atvec)
+        [my, idx] = sort(atvec(kk).y, 1, 'ascend');
+        mx = atvec(kk).data.getX(idx);
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).x, mx), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, my), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sort method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sort method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sort(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the sort method sorts the y-axis
+      for kk = 1:numel(atmat)
+        [my, idx] = sort(atmat(kk).y, 1, 'ascend');
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, my), atest = false; end
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data,'cdata')
+          mx = atmat(kk).data.getX(idx);
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).x, mx), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sort method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sort method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sort(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [at1,at2,at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the sort method sorts the y-axis
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        [my, idx] = sort(aoin(kk).y, 1, 'ascend');
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, my), atest = false; end
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data,'cdata')
+          mx = aoin(kk).data.getX(idx);
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).x, mx), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sort method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sort method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = sort(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the sort method sorts the y-axis
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        [my, idx] = sort(aoin(kk).y, 1, 'ascend');
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).y, my), atest = false; end
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data,'cdata')
+          mx = aoin(kk).data.getX(idx);
+          if ~isequal(out(kk).x, mx), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sort method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the sort method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = sort(at1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'sort'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'sort'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sort method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sort method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.sort();
+      amodi.sort();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the sort value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(at1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the sorted value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(sort(,, atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sort method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = sort(at5);
+      out2 = sort(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the sort method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = sort(at5, at6);
+      o3  = sort(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the sort method uses the plist to sort on the x- or y- axis
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sort method uses the plist to get the axis.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('dim', 'y', 'dir', 'ascend');
+      pl2 = plist('dim', 'y', 'dir', 'descend');
+      pl3 = plist('dim', 'x', 'dir', 'ascend');
+      pl4 = plist('dim', 'x', 'dir', 'descend');
+      out1 = sort(at1, pl1);
+      out2 = sort(at1, pl2);
+      out3 = sort(at1, pl3);
+      out4 = sort(at1, pl4);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the sort method applies to the y-axis in ascend direction
+    % 2) Check that the sort method applies to the y-axis in descend direction
+    % 3) Check that the sort method applies to the x-axis in ascend direction
+    % 4) Check that the sort method applies to the x-axis in descend direction
+    % 5) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..4]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the sortolute value of the input
+      [my, idx] = sort(at1.y, 1, 'ascend');
+      mx = at1.x(idx);
+      if ~isequal(out1.x, mx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, my), atest = false; end
+      [my, idx] = sort(at1.y, 1, 'descend');
+      mx = at1.x(idx);
+      if ~isequal(out2.x, mx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, my), atest = false; end
+      [mx, idx] = sort(at1.x, 1, 'ascend');
+      my = at1.y(idx);
+      if ~isequal(out3.x, mx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.y, my), atest = false; end
+      [mx, idx] = sort(at1.x, 1, 'descend');
+      my = at1.y(idx);
+      if ~isequal(out4.x, mx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.y, my), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_spcorr.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+% UTP_AO_SPCORR a set of UTPs for the ao/spcorr method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_spcorr.m,v 1.1 2011/07/06 15:42:51 luigi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ifft method of the ao class computes the inverse fast fourier
+% transform of time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_spcorr(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'spcorr';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call does not work
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('ALPHA'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('ALPHA'), 0.05), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('ALPHA'), {0.05}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spcorr method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spcorr method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at5 at5];
+      out1  = spcorr(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(avec)-1, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spcorr method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spcorr method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at5 at5 at5; at5 at5 at5];
+      out1  = spcorr(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(amat)-1, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spcorr method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spcorr method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = spcorr(at5, at5, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spcorr method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spcorr method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = spcorr(at5,[at6 at6],at5,[at5 at5; at5 at5],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+%     aoin  = [at1, reshape([at1 at1], 1, []), at1, reshape([at1 at1; at1 at1], 1, []), at1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 8, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spcorr method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the spcorr method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1  = spcorr(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'spcorr'.
+    % 2) % Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'spcorr'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spcorr method cannot modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spcorr method cannot modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at2 to work with
+      ain1 = ao(at5);
+      ain2 = ao(at6);
+      ainv = [ain1 ain2];
+      % modify ain
+      out1  = spcorr(ainv);
+      ainv.spcorr();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the spcorr method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o11, o12] = spcorr(at5, at6, at6);
+      no1  = spcorr(at5, at6, at6);
+      mout11 = rebuild(o11);
+      mout12 = rebuild(o12);
+      moutn1 = rebuild(no1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o11) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o12) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(no1) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o11, mout11, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o12, mout12, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(no1, moutn1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_spectrogram.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+% UTP_AO_SPECTROGRAM a set of UTPs for the ao/spectrogram method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_spectrogram.m,v 1.10 2010/09/18 06:51:58 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The spectrogram method of the ao class computes the spectrogram of time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_spectrogram(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'spectrogram';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        pn = 1;
+        if ~isempty(io(pn).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(pn).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        pn = 2;
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(pn).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(pn).plists) ~= numel(io(pn).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nolap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nfft'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~strcmpi(io(pn).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('nolap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('nfft'), -1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nolap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nfft'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spectrogram method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spectrogram method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = spectrogram(avec);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spectrogram method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spectrogram method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = spectrogram(amat);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spectrogram method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spectrogram method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      out = spectrogram(at1,at5,at6);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spectrogram method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input. 
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the spectrogram method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      out = spectrogram(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the spectrogram method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the spectrogram method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      out  = spectrogram(at5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'spectrogram'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'spectrogram'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_split_chunks.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+% UTP_AO_SPLIT a set of UTPs for the ao/split method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_split_chunks.m,v 1.7 2011/09/29 12:09:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The split method of the ao class splits an analysis object into the
+% specified segments. This UTP splits the AOs into sample segments.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_split_chunks(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'split';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    at4.setY(randn(15));
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test plist(N) || plist(CHUNKS)
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('N', 10))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test 'dx' and 'dy'
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test plist(match)
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test not equal sampled data (tsdata)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        idx = 1;
+        if ~isempty(io(idx).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(idx).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        idx = 2;
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By frequencies')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By samples')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By chunks')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval start/end')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval start/duration')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval timespan')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(idx).plists) ~= numel(io(idx).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        idx = 3;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By times'
+        idx = 4;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By frequencies'
+        idx = 5;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('frequencies'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('frequencies')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('frequencies'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By samples'
+        idx = 6;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('samples'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('samples')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('samples'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By chunks'
+        idx = 7;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('match'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('N')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.find('match'), true), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('match'), {true, false}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval start/end'
+        idx = 8;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('start_time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('end_time'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('start_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('end_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval start/duration'
+        idx = 9;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('start_time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('duration'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('start_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('duration'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval timespan'
+        idx = 10;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('timespan'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        ts = timespan(0,0);
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('timespan'), ts, ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N   = 13;
+      pl  = plist('chunks', N);
+      out = split(atvec, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atvec) * N, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(atvec)
+        ff = floor(length(atvec(kk).y)/N);
+        is = 1:ff:length(atvec(kk).y);
+        ie = ff:ff:length(atvec(kk).y);
+        idx = sort([is(1:N) ie(1:N)]);
+        idx(end) = length(atvec(kk).y);
+        for jj = 1:N
+          % Get reference values
+          x = atvec(kk).x;
+          y = atvec(kk).y;
+          % Get and normalize for tsdata the values
+          if isa(atvec(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            t0off = (out((kk-1)*N+jj).t0.utc_epoch_milli - atvec(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x + t0off;
+          else
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x;
+          end
+          oy = out((kk-1)*N+jj).y;
+          % Compute the range
+          range = idx(jj*2-1):idx(jj*2);
+          % Check data
+          if any(abs(ox - x(range)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(oy, y(range)), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N   = 4;
+      pl  = plist('chunks', N);
+      out = split(atmat, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atmat) * N, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(atmat)
+        ff = floor(length(atmat(kk).y)/N);
+        is = 1:ff:length(atmat(kk).y);
+        ie = ff:ff:length(atmat(kk).y);
+        idx = sort([is(1:N) ie(1:N)]);
+        idx(end) = length(atmat(kk).y);
+        for jj = 1:N
+          % Get reference values
+          x = atmat(kk).x;
+          y = atmat(kk).y;
+          % Get and normalize for tsdata the values
+          if isa(atmat(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            t0off = (out((kk-1)*N+jj).t0.utc_epoch_milli - atmat(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x + t0off;
+          else
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x;
+          end
+          oy = out((kk-1)*N+jj).y;
+          % Compute the range
+          range = idx(jj*2-1):idx(jj*2);
+          % Check data
+          if ~isa(atmat(kk).data, 'cdata')
+            if any(abs(ox - x(range)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+            if ~isequal(oy, y(range)), atest = false; end
+          else
+            if ~isequal(oy, y(range).'), atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N   = 4;
+      pl  = plist('chunks', N);
+      out = split(at1, at2, at3, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin) * N, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(aoin)
+        ff = floor(length(aoin(kk).y)/N);
+        is = 1:ff:length(aoin(kk).y);
+        ie = ff:ff:length(aoin(kk).y);
+        idx = sort([is(1:N) ie(1:N)]);
+        idx(end) = length(aoin(kk).y);
+        for jj = 1:N
+          % Get reference values
+          x = aoin(kk).x;
+          y = aoin(kk).y;
+          % Get and normalize for tsdata the values
+          if isa(aoin(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            t0off = (out((kk-1)*N+jj).t0.utc_epoch_milli - aoin(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x + t0off;
+          else
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x;
+          end
+          oy = out((kk-1)*N+jj).y;
+          % Compute the range
+          range = idx(jj*2-1):idx(jj*2);
+          % Check data
+          if ~isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+            if any(abs(ox - x(range)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+            if ~isequal(oy, y(range)), atest = false; end
+          else
+            if ~isequal(oy, y(range).'), atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N   = 3;
+      pl  = plist('chunks', N);
+      out = split(at1, atmat, atvec, at3, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape(atmat, 1, []), reshape(atvec, 1, []), at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin) * N, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(aoin)
+        ff = floor(length(aoin(kk).y)/N);
+        is = 1:ff:length(aoin(kk).y);
+        ie = ff:ff:length(aoin(kk).y);
+        idx = sort([is(1:N) ie(1:N)]);
+        idx(end) = length(aoin(kk).y);
+        for jj = 1:N
+          % Get reference values
+          x = aoin(kk).x;
+          y = aoin(kk).y;
+          % Get and normalize for tsdata the values
+          if isa(aoin(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            t0off = (out((kk-1)*N+jj).t0.utc_epoch_milli - aoin(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x + t0off;
+          else
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x;
+          end
+          oy = out((kk-1)*N+jj).y;
+          % Compute the range
+          range = idx(jj*2-1):idx(jj*2);
+          % Check data
+          if ~isa(aoin(kk).data, 'cdata')
+            if any(abs(ox - x(range)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+            if ~isequal(oy, y(range)), atest = false; end
+          else
+            if ~isequal(oy, y(range).'), atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the split method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = plist('N', 3);
+      out  = split(at1, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'split'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The split method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The split method can not modify the input AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl    = plist('N', 7);
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.split(pl);
+      amodi.split(pl);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothind to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = plist('chunks', 3);
+      out1 = split(at5, pl);
+      out2 = split(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(out1(1).data.y,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(out1(2).data.y,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(out1(3).data.y,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(out2(1).data.y,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(out2(2).data.y,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(out2(3).data.y,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('chunks', 2);
+      [o1, o2] = split(at5, pl);
+      o3  = split(at5, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method accepts both key-words 'N' and 'chunks'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method accepts both key-words 'N' and 'chunks'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N   = 4;
+      plC = plist('chunks', N);
+      plN = plist('N', N);
+      outC = split(at5, plC);
+      outN = split(at5, plN);
+      moutC = rebuild(outC);
+      moutN = rebuild(outN);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(outC) ~= 4, atest = false; end
+      if numel(outN) ~= 4, atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'outN' and 'outC' are the same
+      if ~eq(outN, outC,ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(outC, moutC, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(outN, moutN, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works also split 'dx' and 'dy'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works also split 'dx' and 'dy'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N   = 4;
+      pl  = plist('chunks', N);
+      out = split(atmat, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atmat) * N, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(atmat)
+        ff = floor(length(atmat(kk).y)/N);
+        is = 1:ff:length(atmat(kk).y);
+        ie = ff:ff:length(atmat(kk).y);
+        idx = sort([is(1:N) ie(1:N)]);
+        idx(end) = length(atmat(kk).y);
+        for jj = 1:N
+          % Get reference values
+          x = atmat(kk).x;
+          y = atmat(kk).y;
+          % Get and normalize for tsdata the values
+          if isa(atmat(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            t0off = (out((kk-1)*N+jj).t0.utc_epoch_milli - atmat(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x + t0off;
+          else
+            ox = out((kk-1)*N+jj).x;
+          end
+          oy = out((kk-1)*N+jj).y;
+          % Compute the range
+          range = idx(jj*2-1):idx(jj*2);
+          % Check data
+          if ~isa(atmat(kk).data, 'cdata')
+            if any(abs(ox - x(range)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+            if ~isequal(oy, y(range)), atest = false; end
+          else
+            if ~isequal(oy, y(range).'), atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method ignores the samples which doesn't fit.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method ignores the samples which doesn't fit.
+    % Use for this test the key-word 'match'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      N    = 7;
+      pl   = plist('chunks', N, 'match', false);
+      out  = split(at5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= N, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      ff = floor(length(at5.y)/N);
+      is = 1:ff:length(at5.y);
+      ie = ff:ff:length(at5.y);
+      idx = sort([is(1:N) ie(1:N)]);
+      for jj = 1:N
+        % Get reference values
+        x = at5.x;
+        y = at5.y;
+        % Get and normalize for tsdata the values
+        ox = out(jj).x + (out(jj).t0.utc_epoch_milli - at5.t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1000;
+        oy = out(jj).y;
+        % Compute the range
+        range = idx(jj*2-1):idx(jj*2);
+        % Check data
+        if any(abs(ox - x(range)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(range)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      xOffset = 60;
+      y = randn(2e3,1);
+      x = [1:150 152:400 402:1019 1021:1999];
+      y = y(x);
+      a1 = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'fs', 1, 'yunits', 'N'));
+      a1.setXY(x + xOffset, y);
+      a1.setT0(time('2009-11-03 18:00:00.000'));
+      N    = 5;
+      pl1   = plist(...
+        'chunks', N, ...
+        'match', false);
+      pl2   = plist(...
+        'chunks', N, ...
+        'match', true);
+      out1  = split(a1, pl1);
+      out2  = split(a1, pl2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the outputs
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute the starting point of the first data sample.
+      firstX = 1:floor(a1.len/N):a1.len;
+      firstX = a1.x(firstX(1:N));
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= N, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= N, atest = false; end
+      for jj = 1:numel(out1)
+        % Check t0
+        if ~isequal(out1(jj).t0, a1.t0), atest = false; end
+        % Check first x value
+        if ~isequal(out1(jj).x(1), firstX(jj)), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out2(jj).x(1), firstX(jj)), atest = false; end
+        % Check the rebuilding of the object
+        if ~eq(out1(jj), mout1(jj), ple2), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out2(jj), mout2(jj), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check length
+      if ~isequal(sum(out2.len), a1.len), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_split_interval.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1277 @@
+% UTP_AO_SPLIT a set of UTPs for the ao/split method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_split_interval.m,v 1.9 2011/09/29 12:09:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The split method of the ao class splits an analysis object into the
+% specified segments. This UTP splits the AOs into sample segments.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_split_interval(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'split';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with AO which can collapse the x-axis
+    n = 300;
+    fs = 3;
+    x = 0:(1/fs):(n/fs)-1/fs;
+    a1 = ao(x, randn(n,1), fs);
+    a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+    st  = '14:00:25';
+    et  = '14:01:15';
+    pli  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, a1, ple1, pli)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test key-words: start_time + duration
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test key-words: timespan
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test key-words: start_time + end_time
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test not equal sampled data (tsdata) and 'timeshift' option
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test not equal sampled data (tsdata) and 'timeshift' option
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test not equal sampled data (tsdata) and 'timeshift' option
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        idx = 1;
+        if ~isempty(io(idx).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(idx).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        idx = 2;
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By frequencies')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By samples')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By chunks')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval start/end')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval start/duration')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval timespan')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(idx).plists) ~= numel(io(idx).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        idx = 3;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end        
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By times'
+        idx = 4;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By frequencies'
+        idx = 5;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('frequencies'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('frequencies')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('frequencies'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By samples'
+        idx = 6;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('samples'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('samples')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('samples'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By chunks'
+        idx = 7;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('match'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('N')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.find('match'), true), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('match'), {true, false}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval start/end'
+        idx = 8;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('start_time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('end_time'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('start_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('end_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval start/duration'
+        idx = 9;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('start_time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('duration'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('start_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('duration'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval timespan'
+        idx = 10;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('timespan'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        ts = timespan(0,0);
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('timespan'), ts, ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      n1  = 300;
+      fs1 = 3;
+      x1  = 0:(1/fs1):(n1/fs1)-1/fs1;
+      a1 = ao(x1, randn(n1,1), fs1);
+      n2  = 100;
+      fs2 = 1;
+      x2  = 0:(1/fs2):(n2/fs2)-1/fs2;
+      a2 = ao(x2, randn(n2,1), fs2);
+      n3  = 100;
+      fs3 = .3;
+      x3  = 0:(1/fs3):(n3/fs3)-1/fs3;
+      a3 = ao(x3, randn(n3,1), fs3);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a2.setT0(a2.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a3.setT0(a3.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      avec = [a1, a2, a3];
+      st  = '14:00:25';
+      et  = '14:01:15';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      out = split(avec, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'avec' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:2:numel(out)
+        %%%% Check Interval '14:00:25' .. '14:01:15'
+        x = avec(kk).x + avec(kk).t0.double;
+        y = avec(kk).y;
+        % Comput start/end time
+        ts = time(st).double;
+        te = time(et).double;
+        idx = find(x >= ts & x < te);
+        % Normalize out data
+        ox = out(kk).x + out(kk).t0.double;
+        oy = out(kk).y;
+        % Check data
+        if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      n1  = 300;
+      fs1 = 3;
+      x1  = 0:(1/fs1):(n1/fs1)-1/fs1;
+      a1 = ao(x1, randn(n1,1), fs1);
+      n2  = 100;
+      fs2 = 1;
+      x2  = 0:(1/fs2):(n2/fs2)-1/fs2;
+      a2 = ao(x2, randn(n2,1), fs2);
+      n3  = 100;
+      fs3 = .3;
+      x3  = 0:(1/fs3):(n3/fs3)-1/fs3;
+      a3 = ao(x3, randn(n3,1), fs3);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a2.setT0(a2.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a3.setT0(a3.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      amat = [a1, a2, a3; a3, a1, a2];
+      st  = '14:00:25';
+      et  = '14:01:15';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      out = split(amat, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'amat' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:2:numel(out)
+        %%%% Check Interval '14:00:25' .. '14:01:15'
+        x = amat(kk).x + amat(kk).t0.double;
+        y = amat(kk).y;
+        % Comput start/end time
+        ts = time(st).double;
+        te = time(et).double;
+        idx = find(x >= ts & x < te);
+        % Normalize out data
+        ox = out(kk).x + out(kk).t0.double;
+        oy = out(kk).y;
+        % Check data
+        if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      n1  = 300;
+      fs1 = 3;
+      x1  = 0:(1/fs1):(n1/fs1)-1/fs1;
+      a1 = ao(x1, randn(n1,1), fs1);
+      n2  = 100;
+      fs2 = 1;
+      x2  = 0:(1/fs2):(n2/fs2)-1/fs2;
+      a2 = ao(x2, randn(n2,1), fs2);
+      n3  = 100;
+      fs3 = .3;
+      x3  = 0:(1/fs3):(n3/fs3)-1/fs3;
+      a3 = ao(x3, randn(n3,1), fs3);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a2.setT0(a2.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a3.setT0(a3.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      st  = '14:00:25';
+      et  = '14:01:15';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      out = split(a1, a2, a3, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'amat' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2, a3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:2:numel(out)
+        %%%% Check Interval '14:00:25' .. '14:01:15'
+        x = aoin(kk).x + aoin(kk).t0.double;
+        y = aoin(kk).y;
+        % Comput start/end time
+        ts = time(st).double;
+        te = time(et).double;
+        idx = find(x >= ts & x < te);
+        % Normalize out data
+        ox = out(kk).x + out(kk).t0.double;
+        oy = out(kk).y;
+        % Check data
+        if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      n1  = 300;
+      fs1 = 3;
+      x1  = 0:(1/fs1):(n1/fs1)-1/fs1;
+      a1 = ao(x1, randn(n1,1), fs1);
+      n2  = 100;
+      fs2 = 1;
+      x2  = 0:(1/fs2):(n2/fs2)-1/fs2;
+      a2 = ao(x2, randn(n2,1), fs2);
+      n3  = 100;
+      fs3 = .3;
+      x3  = 5000:(1/fs3):5000+((n3/fs3)-1/fs3);
+      a3 = ao(x3, randn(n3,1), fs3);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a2.setT0(a2.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a3.setT0(a3.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      st  = '14:00:25';
+      et  = '14:01:15';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      out = split(a1, [a2;a1], a3, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'amat' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2, a1, a3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:2:numel(out)
+        %%%% Check Interval '14:00:25' .. '14:01:15'
+        x = aoin(kk).x + aoin(kk).t0.double;
+        y = aoin(kk).y;
+        % Comput start/end time
+        ts = time(st).double;
+        te = time(et).double;
+        idx = find(x >= ts & x < te);
+        % Normalize out data
+        ox = out(kk).x + out(kk).t0.double;
+        oy = out(kk).y;
+        % Check data
+        if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the split method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      n1  = 100;
+      fs1 = .3;
+      x1  = 5000:1/fs1:5000+((n1/fs1)-1/fs1);
+      a1 = ao(x1, randn(n1,1), fs1);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      st  = '14:00:25';
+      et  = '14:01:15';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      out  = split(a1, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'split'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The split method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The split method can not modify the input AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(5000:5099, randn(100,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      st  = '14:00:25';
+      et  = '14:01:15';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.split(pl);
+      amodi.split(pl);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothind to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(5000:5099, randn(100,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao(5000:5099, randn(100,1).', 1);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a2.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      st  = '14:00:25';
+      et  = '14:01:15';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      out1 = split(a1, pl);
+      out2 = split(a2, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(5000:5099, randn(100,1), 1);
+      a2 = ao(5000:5099, randn(100,1).', 1);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      a2.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      st  = '14:00:25';
+      et  = '14:01:15';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      [o1, o2] = split(a1, a2, pl);
+      o3  = split(a1, a2, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method can handle AO which have a collaped x-axis.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method can handle AO which have a collaped x-axis.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plao = plist('fs', 30, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 1.23, 'phi', 30);
+      a1   = ao(plao);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      st  = '14:00:07';
+      et  = '14:00:17';
+      pl  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      out = split(a1, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check the output
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      x = a1.x + a1.t0.double;
+      y = a1.y;
+      % Comput start/end time
+      ts = time(st).double;
+      te = time(et).double;
+      idx = find(x >= ts & x < te);
+      % Normalize out data
+      ox = out.x + out.t0.double;
+      oy = out.y;
+      % Check data
+      if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method uses the key-words: start_time and duration
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method uses the key-words: start_time and
+    % duration
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(5000:5099, randn(100,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      st  = format(time('14:01:00')+5000, 'HH:MM:SS');
+      du  = '00:00:10';
+      plc  = plist('start_time', st, 'duration', du);
+      plo  = plist('start_time', time(st), 'duration', time(du));
+      outc = split(a1, plc);
+      outo = split(a1, plo);
+      moutc = rebuild(outc);
+      mouto = rebuild(outo);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check the output
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-11;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(outc) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(outo) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      x = a1.x + a1.t0.double;
+      y = a1.y;
+      % Comput start/end time
+      ts = time(st).double;
+      te = ts + time(du).double;
+      idx = find(x >= ts & x < te);
+      % Normalize out data
+      oxc = outc.x + outc.t0.double;
+      oyc = outc.y;
+      oxo = outo.x + outo.t0.double;
+      oyo = outo.y;
+      % Check data
+      if any(abs(oxc - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oyc, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if any(abs(oxo - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oyo, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(outc, moutc, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(outo, mouto, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method uses the key-words: timespan
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method uses the key-words: timespan
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(5000:5099, randn(100,1), 1);
+      a1.setT0(a1.t0 + time('14:00:00'));
+      ts   = timespan(time('14:00:20')+5e3, time('14:00:50')+5e3);
+      pl   = plist('timespan', ts);
+      out = split(a1, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check the output
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-11;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      x = a1.x + a1.t0.double;
+      y = a1.y;
+      % Comput start/end time
+      ts = double(time('14:00:20')+5e3);
+      te = double(time('14:00:50')+5e3);
+      idx = find(x >= ts & x < te);
+      % Normalize out data
+      ox = out.x + out.t0.double;
+      oy = out.y;
+      % Check data
+      if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method uses the key-words: start_time and end_time
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method uses the key-words: start_time and end_time
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(plist('xvals', '0:199', 'yvals', 'randn(200,1)', 'fs', 1, 't0', '14:00:00 2009-02-17'));
+      st  = '14:01:40 2009-02-17';
+      et  = '14:03:20 17-02-2009';
+      plc  = plist('start_time', st, 'end_time', et);
+      plo  = plist('start_time', time(st), 'end_time', time(et));
+      outc = split(a1, plc);
+      outo = split(a1, plo);
+      moutc = rebuild(outc);
+      mouto = rebuild(outo);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of outputs
+    % 2) Check the output
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(outc) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(outo) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      x = a1.x + a1.t0.double;
+      y = a1.y;
+      % Comput start/end time
+      ts = time(st).double;
+      te = time(et).double;
+      idx = find(x >= ts & x < te);
+      % Normalize out data
+      oxc = outc.x + outc.t0.double;
+      oyc = outc.y;
+      oxo = outo.x + outo.t0.double;
+      oyo = outo.y;
+      % Check data
+      if ~isequal(oxc, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oyc, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oxo, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oyo, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(outc, moutc, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(outo, mouto, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+  % Check that the interval can be passed via two time objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+    % Check that the interval can be passed via two time objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x = [1:1018 1020:1999 2001:3000 3002:6500 6502:7000 7002:10000];
+      y = randn(1e4,1);
+      y = y(x); % Use the x values as an index
+      a1 = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'fs', 1, 't0', '2009-11-03 18:00:00.000', 'yunits', 'N'));
+      start_time = time('2009-11-03 18:10:00.000');
+      end_time = time('2009-11-03 18:20:00.000');
+      pl1   = plist(...
+        'start_time', start_time, ...
+        'end_time', end_time);
+      out1  = split(a1, pl1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the outputs
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check number of seconds
+      dt = double(end_time - start_time);
+      if out1.nsecs ~= dt, atest = false; end
+      % Check t0
+      dt0 = double(out1.t0 - a1.t0);
+      if dt0 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+  % Check that the interval can be passed via two time strings.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+    % Check that the interval can be passed via two time strings.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x = [1:1018 1020:1999 2001:3000 3002:6500 6502:7000 7002:10000];
+      y = randn(1e5, 1);
+      y = y(x); % Use the x values as an index
+      a1 = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'fs', 1, 't0', '2009-11-03 18:00:00.000', 'yunits', 'N'));
+      start_time = '2009-11-03 18:10:00.000';
+      end_time = '2009-11-03 18:20:00.000';
+      pl1   = plist(...
+        'start_time', start_time, ...
+        'end_time',   end_time);
+      out1  = split(a1, pl1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check number of seconds
+      dt = double(time(end_time) - time(start_time));
+      if out1.nsecs ~= dt, atest = false; end
+      % Check t0
+      dt0 = double(out1.t0 - a1.t0);
+      if dt0 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+  % Check that the interval can be passed via one timespan object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+    % Check that the interval can be passed via one timespan object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x = [1:1018 1020:1999 2001:3000 3002:6500 6502:7000 7002:10000];
+      y = randn(1e5, 1);
+      y = y(x); % Use the x values as an index
+      a1 = ao(plist('xvals', x, 'yvals', y, 'fs', 1, 't0', '2009-11-03 18:00:00.000', 'yunits', 'N'));
+      start_time = '2009-11-03 18:10:00.000';
+      end_time = '2009-11-03 18:15:00.000';
+      time_range = timespan(start_time, end_time);
+      pl1   = plist(...
+        'timespan', time_range);
+      out1  = split(a1, pl1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check number of seconds
+      dt = double(time_range.endT - time_range.startT);
+      if out1.nsecs ~= dt, atest = false; end
+      % Check t0
+      dt0 = double(out1.t0 - a1.t0);
+      if dt0 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_split_samples.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+% UTP_AO_SPLIT a set of UTPs for the ao/split method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_split_samples.m,v 1.10 2011/09/29 12:09:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The split method of the ao class splits an analysis object into the
+% specified segments. This UTP splits the AOs into sample segments.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_split_samples(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'split';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    at4.setY(randn(15));
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test 'dx' and 'dy'    
+    pli  = plist('samples', [4 150 10 125]);
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, a1, ple1, pli)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test not equal sampled data (tsdata) and 'timeshift' option
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        idx = 1;
+        if ~isempty(io(idx).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(idx).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        idx = 2;
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By frequencies')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By samples')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By chunks')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval start/end')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval start/duration')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval timespan')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(idx).plists) ~= numel(io(idx).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        idx = 3;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end        
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By times'
+        idx = 4;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By frequencies'
+        idx = 5;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('frequencies'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('frequencies')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('frequencies'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By samples'
+        idx = 6;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('samples'), atest = false; end
+       % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('samples')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('samples'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By chunks'
+        idx = 7;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('match'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('N')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.find('match'), true), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('match'), {true, false}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval start/end'
+        idx = 8;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('start_time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('end_time'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('start_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('end_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval start/duration'
+        idx = 9;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('start_time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('duration'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('start_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('duration'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval timespan'
+        idx = 10;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('timespan'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        ts = timespan(0,0);
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('timespan'), ts, ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('samples', [4 150 10 125]);
+      out = split(atvec, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atvec) * numel(pl.find('samples'))/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:2:numel(out)
+        %%%% Check Interval 4 .. 150
+        x   = atvec((kk+1)/2).x;
+        y   = atvec((kk+1)/2).y;
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          t0off = (out(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - atvec((kk+1)/2).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+          ox = out(kk).x + t0off;
+        else
+          ox = out(kk).x;
+        end
+        oy = out(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(4:150)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(4:150)),        atest = false; end
+        %%%% Check Interval 10 .. 125
+        x   = atvec((kk+1)/2).x;
+        y   = atvec((kk+1)/2).y;
+        if isa(out(kk+1).data, 'tsdata')
+          t0off = (out(kk+1).t0.utc_epoch_milli - atvec((kk+1)/2).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+          ox = out(kk+1).x + t0off;
+        else
+          ox = out(kk+1).x;
+        end
+        oy = out(kk+1).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(10:125)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(10:125)),        atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('samples', [50 90]);
+      out = split(atmat, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'atmat' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(atmat) * numel(pl.find('samples'))/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        %%%% Check Interval 50 .. 90
+        x   = atmat(kk).x;
+        y   = atmat(kk).y;
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          t0off = (out(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - atmat(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+          ox = out(kk).x + t0off;
+        else
+          ox = out(kk).x;
+        end
+        oy = out(kk).y;
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if any(abs(ox - x(50:90)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(oy, y(50:90)),        atest = false; end
+        else
+          if ~isequal(oy, []),      atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('samples', [4 15]);
+      out = split(at1, at2, at3, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    aoin  = [at1, at2, at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin) * numel(pl.find('samples'))/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        %%%% Check Interval 4 .. 15
+        x   = aoin(kk).x;
+        y   = aoin(kk).y;
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          t0off = (out(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - aoin(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+          ox = out(kk).x + t0off;
+        else
+          ox = out(kk).x;
+        end
+        oy = out(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(4:15)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(4:15)),        atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('samples', [13 99]);
+      out = split(at1, atmat, atvec, at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    aoin  = [at1, reshape(atmat, 1, []), reshape(atvec, 1, []), at6];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(aoin) * numel(pl.find('samples'))/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        %%%% Check Interval 13 .. 99
+        x   = aoin(kk).x;
+        y   = aoin(kk).y;
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          t0off = (out(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - aoin(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+          ox = out(kk).x + t0off;
+        else
+          ox = out(kk).x;
+        end
+        oy = out(kk).y;
+        if ~isa(out(kk).data, 'cdata')
+          if any(abs(ox - x(13:99)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+          if ~isequal(oy, y(13:99)),        atest = false; end
+        else
+          if ~isequal(oy, y(13:15)'),      atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the split method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = plist('samples', [10 30 25 55]);
+      out  = split(at1, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'split'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The split method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The split method can not modify the input AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl    = plist('samples', [4 15]);
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.split(pl);
+      amodi.split(pl);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothind to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = plist('samples', [5 7]);
+      out1 = split(at5, pl);
+      out2 = split(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('samples', [2 6 10 12]);
+      [o1, o2] = split(at5, pl);
+      o3  = split(at5, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the split method also splits the 'dx' and 'dy' values.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method also splits the 'dx' and 'dy' values.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Create default values for 'dx' and 'dy'
+      dx = randn(1000,1);
+      dy = randn(1000,1);
+      % tsdata
+      a1 = at1.setDx(dx(1:at1.len));
+      a1.setDy(dy(1:at1.len));
+      % fsdata
+      a2 = at2.setDx(dx(1:at2.len));
+      a2.setDy(dy(1:at2.len));
+      % xydata
+      a3 = at3.setDx(dx(1:at3.len));
+      a3.setDy(dy(1:a3.len));
+      % cdata
+      a4 = at4.setDy(dy(1:at4.len));
+      % Test with only one value for 'dx' and 'dy'
+      % tsdata
+      a5 = at1.setDx(123);
+      a5.setDy(123);
+      sl = [20 90];
+      out1 = split(a1, plist('samples', sl));
+      out2 = split(a2, plist('samples', sl));
+      out3 = split(a3, plist('samples', sl));
+      out4 = split(a4, plist('samples', [3 7]));
+      out5 = split(a5, plist('samples', sl));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      ddx = dx(1:at1.len);
+      ddy = dy(1:at1.len);
+      if ~isequal(out1.dx, ddx(sl(1):sl(2))); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.dy, ddy(sl(1):sl(2))); atest = false; end
+      ddx = dx(1:at1.len);
+      ddy = dy(1:at2.len);
+      if ~isequal(out2.dx, ddx(sl(1):sl(2))); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.dy, ddy(sl(1):sl(2))); atest = false; end
+      ddx = dx(1:at3.len);
+      ddy = dy(1:at3.len);
+      if ~isequal(out3.dx, ddx(sl(1):sl(2))); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.dy, ddy(sl(1):sl(2))); atest = false; end
+      ddy = dy(1:at4.len);
+      if ~isequal(out4.dy, ddy(3:7)); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5.dx, a5.dx); atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5.dy, a5.dy); atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout5, out5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+  % Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.  
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+    % Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 200, 'yunits', 'N'));
+      in = [1:150 152:400 402:1019 1021:1999];
+      a1.setXY(a1.x(in) + 60, a1.y(in));
+      a1.setT0(time('2009-11-03 18:00:00.000'));
+      samples_v = [120 300 500 1500 2500 2600];
+      samples_o = [samples_v(2) - samples_v(1) + 1;samples_v(4) - samples_v(3) + 1;0;];
+      pl1   = plist(...
+        'samples', samples_v);
+      out1  = split(a1, pl1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the outputs
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for jj = 1:numel(out1)
+        % Check number of samples
+        if ~eq(out1(jj).len,  samples_o(jj)), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(out1(jj).data.x)
+          % Check t0
+          if ~isequal(out1(jj).t0, a1.t0), atest = false; end
+          % Check first x value
+          if ~eq(out1(jj).data.x(1),*2 - 1))), atest = false; end
+        end
+        % Check the rebuilding of the object
+        if ~eq(out1(jj), mout1(jj), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_split_times_frequ.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1189 @@
+% UTP_AO_SPLIT a set of UTPs for the ao/split method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_split_times_frequ.m,v 1.20 2011/11/06 18:45:44 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The split method of the ao class splits an analysis object into the
+% specified segments. This UTP splits the AOs into frequencies segments or
+% into time segments.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_split_times_frequ(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'split';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test different end interval (tsdata)
+    pli  = plist('times', [4 15 10 25]);
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, pli)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test not equal sampled data (tsdata)
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test 'dx' and 'dy'
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test different end interval (fsdata)
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test not equal sampled data (tsdata) and 'timeshift' option
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test different end interval (tsdata)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        idx = 1;
+        if ~isempty(io(idx).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(idx).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        idx = 2;
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By frequencies')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By samples')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By chunks')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval start/end')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval start/duration')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(idx).sets, 'By interval timespan')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(idx).plists) ~= numel(io(idx).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        idx = 3;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end        
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By times'
+        idx = 4;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By frequencies'
+        idx = 5;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('frequencies'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('frequencies')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.getOptionsForParam('frequencies'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By samples'
+        idx = 6;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('samples'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('samples')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By chunks'
+        idx = 7;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('match'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(idx).plists.find('N')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(idx).plists.find('match'), true), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval start/end'
+        idx = 8;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('start_time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('end_time'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('start_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('end_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval start/duration'
+        idx = 9;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('start_time'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('duration'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('start_time'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('duration'), time(0), ple1), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'By interval timespan'
+        idx = 10;
+        if io(idx).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(idx).plists.isparam('timespan'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        ts = timespan(0,0);
+        if ~eq(io(idx).plists.find('timespan'), ts, ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl_ts  = plist('times', [4 15 10 25]);
+      pl_fs  = plist('frequencies', [2.2 4.2 3 6]);
+      vec_ts = [at1, at5, at6];
+      vec_fs = [at1.psd, at5.psd, at6.psd];
+      out_ts = split(vec_ts, pl_ts);
+      out_fs = split(vec_fs, pl_fs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out_ts) ~= numel(vec_ts) * numel(pl_ts.find('times'))/2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out_fs) ~= numel(vec_fs) * numel(pl_fs.find('frequencies'))/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:2:numel(out_ts)
+        %%%% Check Interval 4 .. 15
+        x   = vec_ts((kk+1)/2).x;
+        y   = vec_ts((kk+1)/2).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 4 & x < 15);
+        t0off = (out_ts(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - vec_ts((kk+1)/2).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+        ox = out_ts(kk).x + t0off;
+        oy = out_ts(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+        %%%% Check Interval 10 .. 25
+        x   = vec_ts((kk+1)/2).x;
+        y   = vec_ts((kk+1)/2).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 10 & x < 25);
+        t0off = (out_ts(kk+1).t0.utc_epoch_milli - vec_ts((kk+1)/2).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+        ox = out_ts(kk+1).x + t0off;
+        oy = out_ts(kk+1).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk=1:2:numel(out_fs)
+        %%%% Check Interval 2.2 .. 4.2
+        x   = vec_fs((kk+1)/2).x;
+        y   = vec_fs((kk+1)/2).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 2.2 & x < 4.2);
+        ox = out_fs(kk).x;
+        oy = out_fs(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+        %%%% Check Interval 3 .. 6
+        x   = vec_fs((kk+1)/2).x;
+        y   = vec_fs((kk+1)/2).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 3 & x < 6);
+        ox = out_fs(kk+1).x;
+        oy = out_fs(kk+1).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl_ts  = plist('times', [4 15]);
+      pl_fs  = plist('frequencies', [2.2 4.2]);
+      mat_ts = [at1, at5, at6; at1, at5, at6; ];
+      a = at1.psd;
+      b = at5.psd;
+      c = at6.psd;
+      mat_fs = [a, b, c; a, b, c];
+      out_ts = split(mat_ts, pl_ts);
+      out_fs = split(mat_fs, pl_fs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out_ts) ~= numel(mat_ts) * numel(pl_ts.find('times'))/2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out_fs) ~= numel(mat_fs) * numel(pl_fs.find('frequencies'))/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out_ts)
+        %%%% Check Interval 4 .. 15
+        x   = mat_ts(kk).x;
+        y   = mat_ts(kk).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 4 & x < 15);
+        t0off = (out_ts(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - mat_ts(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+        ox = out_ts(kk).x + t0off;
+        oy = out_ts(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk=1:numel(out_fs)
+        %%%% Check Interval 2.2 .. 4.2
+        x   = mat_fs(kk).x;
+        y   = mat_fs(kk).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 2.2 & x < 4.2);
+        ox = out_fs(kk).x;
+        oy = out_fs(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl_ts  = plist('times', [4 15]);
+      pl_fs  = plist('frequencies', [2.2 4.2]);
+      out_ts = split(at1, at5, at6, pl_ts);
+      out_fs = split(at1.psd, at5.psd, at6.psd, pl_fs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    ints  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    infs  = [at1.psd, at5.psd, at6.psd];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out_ts) ~= numel(ints) * numel(pl_ts.find('times'))/2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out_fs) ~= numel(infs) * numel(pl_fs.find('frequencies'))/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out_ts)
+        %%%% Check Interval 4 .. 15
+        x   = ints(kk).x;
+        y   = ints(kk).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 4 & x < 15);
+        t0off = (out_ts(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - ints(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+        ox = out_ts(kk).x + t0off;
+        oy = out_ts(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk=1:numel(out_fs)
+        %%%% Check Interval 2.2 .. 4.2
+        x   = infs(kk).x;
+        y   = infs(kk).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 2.2 & x < 4.2);
+        ox = out_fs(kk).x;
+        oy = out_fs(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the split method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl_ts  = plist('times', [4 15]);
+      pl_fs  = plist('frequencies', [2.2 4.2]);
+      out_ts = split([at1, at5], at6, pl_ts);
+      out_fs = split([at1.psd, at5.psd], at6.psd, pl_fs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    'atvec' times numbers of intervals
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    ints  = [at1, at5, at6];
+    infs  = [at1.psd, at5.psd, at6.psd];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out_ts) ~= numel(ints) * numel(pl_ts.find('times'))/2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out_fs) ~= numel(infs) * numel(pl_fs.find('frequencies'))/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out_ts)
+        %%%% Check Interval 4 .. 15
+        x   = ints(kk).x;
+        y   = ints(kk).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 4 & x < 15);
+        t0off = (out_ts(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli - ints(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli)/1e3;
+        ox = out_ts(kk).x + t0off;
+        oy = out_ts(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      for kk=1:numel(out_fs)
+        %%%% Check Interval 2.2 .. 4.2
+        x   = infs(kk).x;
+        y   = infs(kk).y;
+        idx = find(x >= 2.2 & x < 4.2);
+        ox = out_fs(kk).x;
+        oy = out_fs(kk).y;
+        if any(abs(ox - x(idx)) > TOL), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the split method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the split method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl_ts  = plist('times', [4 15 13 25.5]);
+      pl_fs  = plist('frequencies', [2.2 4.2 1 4]);
+      out_ts  = split(at1, pl_ts);
+      out_fs  = split(at2, pl_fs);
+      mout_ts = rebuild(out_ts);
+      mout_fs = rebuild(out_fs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'split'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out_ts(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_ts(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_fs(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out_fs(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'split'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout_ts, out_ts, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout_fs, out_fs, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % The split method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The split method can not modify the input AO.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl    = plist('times', [4 15]);
+      amodi = ao(at1);
+      aeq   = ao(at1);
+      out = aeq.split(pl);
+      amodi.split(pl);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothind to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the split method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl_ts   = plist('times', [5 7]);
+      out1_ts = split(at5, pl_ts);
+      out2_ts = split(at6, pl_ts);
+      pl_fs   = plist('frequencies', [1 3]);
+      out1_fs = split(at5.psd, pl_fs);
+      out2_fs = split(at6.psd, pl_fs);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('times', [2 6 10 12]);
+      [o1, o2] = split(at5, pl);
+      o3  = split(at5, pl);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method interprets a negative end interval as a
+  % indicates count from end and a zero for the and interval as the end of
+  % the vector.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check this behavior for time-series data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      toff = 10;
+      tt   = [100 0 120 -40];
+      fs = .1;
+      n  = 30;
+      x  = 0:1/fs:1+(n/fs)-1/fs;
+      aa   = ao(x, randn(n,1), fs);
+      aa.setT0('14:00:00');
+      aa.setXY(aa.x+toff, aa.y); % Create an offset
+      pl   = plist('times', tt);
+      out  = split(aa, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Interval 100 .. 0 -> (end)
+      x = aa.x;
+      y = aa.y;
+      idx = find(x >= 100 & x <= x(end));
+      ox = out(1).x + (out(1).t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000 - aa.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000);
+      oy = out(1).y;
+      if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Interval 120 .. -40 -> nsecs - 40
+      x = aa.x;
+      y = aa.y;
+      idx = find(x >= 120 & x < - 40);
+      ox = out(2).x + (out(2).t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000 - aa.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000);
+      oy = out(2).y;
+      if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Check properties
+      if ~isequal(out(1).data.nsecs, 200+toff), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).data.nsecs, 140), atest = false; end
+      for ii = 1:2
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).fs, aa.fs), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out(ii).t0, aa.t0), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out(ii).data.xunits,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out(ii).data.yunits,, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x = sort(randn(1000,1)* 10);
+      y = randn(1000,1);
+      aa = ao(x, y, plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+      aa.setT0('14:00:00');
+      pl   = plist('times', [-5 5]);
+      out  = split(aa, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      tol = 1e-14;
+      is = -5;
+      ie =  5;
+      idx = find(x >= is & x < ie);
+      if max(out.x - x(idx)) >= tol, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method also split 'dx' and 'dy'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method also split 'dx' and 'dy' if this values
+    % have the same length of the y-values.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x = sort(randn(1000,1)* 10);
+      y = randn(1000,1);
+      % Create default values for 'dx' and 'dy'
+      dx = randn(1000,1);
+      dy = randn(1000,1);
+      ats1 = ao(x, y, plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+      ats2 = copy(at1, 1);
+      afs1 = copy(at2, 1);
+      ats1.setDx(dx);
+      ats1.setDy(dy);
+      ats2.setDx(dx(1:ats2.len));
+      ats2.setDy(dy(1:ats2.len));
+      afs1.setDx(dx(1:afs1.len));
+      afs1.setDy(dy(1:afs1.len));
+      out1  = split(ats1, plist('times', [-5 5]));
+      out2  = split(ats2, plist('times', [5 15]));
+      out3  = split(afs1, plist('frequencies', [.5 2]));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      idx = find(x >= -5 & x < 5);
+      if ~isequal(dx(idx), out1.dx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(dy(idx), out1.dy), atest = false; end
+      idx = find(ats2.x >= 5 & ats2.x < 15);
+      ddx = dx(1:ats2.len);
+      ddy = dy(1:ats2.len);
+      if ~isequal(ddx(idx), out2.dx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ddy(idx), out2.dy), atest = false; end
+      idx = find(afs1.x >= .5 & afs1.x < 2);
+      ddx = dx(1:afs1.len);
+      ddy = dy(1:afs1.len);
+      if ~isequal(ddx(idx), out3.dx), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ddy(idx), out3.dy), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method interprets a negative end interval as a
+  % indicates count from end and a zero for the and interval as the end of
+  % the vector.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check this behavior for frequency-series data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 60;
+      n  = 30;
+      x  = 1:1/fs:1+(n-1)/fs;
+      aa   = ao(x, randn(n,1), fs);
+      aa.setT0('14:00:00');
+      aa.psd;
+      pl   = plist('frequencies', [7 0 16 -4]);
+      out  = split(aa, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    % 3) Check that the output have the same 'fs', 'enbw', 'navs', 'xunits' 
+    %    and 'yunits'
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Interval 7 .. 0 -> (end)
+      x = aa.x;
+      y = aa.y;
+      idx = find(x >= 7 & x <= x(end));
+      ox = out(1).x + (out(1).t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000 - aa.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000);
+      oy = out(1).y;
+      if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Interval 16 .. -4 -> x(end) - 4
+      x = aa.x;
+      y = aa.y;
+      idx = find(x >= 16 & x < aa.x(end) - 4);
+      ox = out(2).x;
+      oy = out(2).y;
+      if ~isequal(ox, x(idx)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(oy, y(idx)), atest = false; end
+      % Check properties
+      for ii = 1:2
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).data.navs,, atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).data.fs,, atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).data.enbw,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out(ii).data.xunits,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out(ii).data.yunits,, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+  % Check that the interval can be passed via an array of double.
+  % Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.  
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method works with notequal sampled data.
+    % Check that the interval can be passed via an array of double.
+    % Check that the split method works with 'timeshift' option.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 1000, 'yunits', 'N'));
+      in = [1:1019 1020:1999 2001:3000 3002:10000];
+      a1.setXY(a1.x(in) + 60, a1.y(in));
+      a1.setT0(time('2009-11-03 18:00:00.000'));
+      times_v = [120 300];
+      pl1   = plist(...
+        'times', times_v, ...
+        'timeshift', false);
+      pl2   = plist(...
+        'times', times_v, ...
+        'timeshift', true);
+      out1  = split(a1, pl1);
+      out2  = split(a1, pl2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the outputs
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      TOL = 1e-14;
+      % Check number of seconds
+      if abs(out1.nsecs - (times_v(2) - times_v(1)))/out1.nsecs > TOL, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out2.nsecs - (times_v(2) - times_v(1)))/out2.nsecs > TOL, atest = false; end
+      % Check t0
+      if ~isequal(out1.t0, a1.t0), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.t0, a1.t0), atest = false; end      
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the split method works with time intervals which doesn'
+  % match the sample frequency.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the split method works with time intervals which doesn'
+    % match the sample frequency.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct an AO
+      a1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine', 'f', 0.1, 'a', 1, 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10));
+      a2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'sine', 'f', 0.1, 'a', 1, 'fs', .1, 'nsecs', 1000));
+      % This should just remove the first data point
+      out1 = split(a1, plist('times', [0.05 0]));
+      out2 = split(a2, plist('times', [5 0]));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the outputs
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~(all(out1.y == a1.y(2:end))), atest = false; end
+      if ~(all(out2.y == a2.y(2:end))), atest = false; end
+      if ~(all(((out1.x + out1.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000.0) - (a1.x(2:end) + a1.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000.0)) < 2*eps(out1.x))), atest = false; end
+      if ~(all(((out2.x + out2.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000.0) - (a2.x(2:end) + a2.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000.0)) < 2*eps(out2.x))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_sqrt.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_SQRT a set of UTPs for the ao/sqrt method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_sqrt.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 11:10:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The sqrt method of the ao class computes the square root of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_sqrt(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'sqrt';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(sqrt(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end  
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_std.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+% UTP_AO_STD a set of UTPs for the ao/std method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_std.m,v 1.14 2011/04/17 11:10:54 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The std method of the ao class computes the standard deviation of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_std(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'std';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Overide to include only data2D objects
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at2; at2 at1 at6];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple1)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_108(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(std(',
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = true;
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '1D')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '2D')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '3D')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET '1D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('option'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'y'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        % SET '2D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('option'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'xy'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        % SET '3D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.find('axis'), 'z'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(5).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.find('option'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'z', 'xyz'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {0}), atest = false; end     
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+% UTP_AO_STRING a set of UTPs for the ao/string method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_string.m,v 1.2 2009/07/21 15:13:32 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The string method of the ao class writes a command string that can be
+% used to recreate the input object(s). But the object should not have more than
+% one history step.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_string(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    pl1 = plist('fs', 10, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 1.23, 'phi', 30);
+    at1 = ao(pl1);
+    at2 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'nsecs', 30, 'fs', 10));
+    atv = [at1, at2, at1];
+    atm = [at1, at2, at1; at1, at2, at1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Negative test: The object have more than one history step.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a vector of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a vector of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(atv);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isa(rout, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(atv), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(atv)
+        if eq(rout(kk), atv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a matrix of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a matrix of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(atm);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(atm), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(atm)
+        if eq(rout(kk), atm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a list of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a list of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(at1,at2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    atin  = [at1, at2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(atin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(atin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), atin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped AO objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AO objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(at1,atm,at2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    atin  = [at1, reshape(atm, 1, []), at2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(atin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(atin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), atin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method doesn't work if the AO object have more
+  % than one history step.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+    % one history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at3  = ao();
+      at3.setName('Second history step');
+      out = at3.string();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_submit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+% UTP_AO_SUBMIT a set of UTPs for the ao/submit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_submit.m,v 1.15 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the ao class submits a collection of objects in XML
+% form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_submit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'submit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    connPl = utpGetConnectionPlist();
+    rm     = LTPDARepositoryManager();
+    conn   = rm.getConnection(connPl);
+    try
+      experiment_title       = 'utp_ao_submit: submit ao';
+      experiment_description = 'utp_ao_submit: description';
+      analysis_description   = '<utp_ao_submit>';
+      quantity               = 'none';
+      keywords               = 'none';
+      reference_ids          = '';
+      additional_comments    = 'none';
+      additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plsinfo = plist(...
+        'experiment title', experiment_title, ...
+        'experiment description', experiment_description, ...
+        'analysis description', analysis_description, ...
+        'quantity', quantity, ...
+        'keywords', keywords, ...
+        'reference ids', reference_ids, ...
+        'additional comments', additional_comments, ...
+        'additional authors', additional_authors);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the submit method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(atvec, connPl, plsinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(atvec, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(atvec, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(atvec, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(atmat, connPl, plsinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(atmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(atmat, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(atmat))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(atmat, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(atmat))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(atmat, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(atmat))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of AOs as input. Use
+    % for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = smodel('a');
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(at1, pl, iir, connPl, plsinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped AO
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of AOs as input. Use
+    % for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = smodel('a+b');
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl, atmat, iir, atvec, connPl, plsinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(atmat) + numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(atmat) + numel(atvec), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, atmat(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, atmat(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, atmat(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, atmat(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, atmat(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, atmat(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9},  atvec(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, atvec(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, atvec(3)), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the submit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(at1, at2, connPl, plsinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, at2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, at1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, at2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_sum.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+% UTP_AO_SUM a set of UTPs for the ao/sum method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_sum.m,v 1.15 2011/04/17 11:11:22 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The sum method of the ao class computes the sum of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_sum(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'sum';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Overide to include only data2D objects
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at2; at2 at1 at6];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_108(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(sum(',
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_sumjoin.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+% UTP_AO_SUMJOIN a set of UTPs for the ao/sumjoin method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_sumjoin.m,v 1.7 2011/04/17 15:45:04 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The sumjoin method of the ao class sums time-series signals togther.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_sumjoin(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'sumjoin';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sumjoin method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sumjoin method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', .1);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a3 = ao(pl);
+      a1.setT0('14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('14:00:02');
+      a3.setT0('14:00:04');
+      avec = [a1, a2, a3];
+      out  = sumjoin(avec);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    % 3) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exact one AO
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data.
+      % Get min/max time
+      ts = time('14:00:00');
+      ts = ts.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+      te = time('14:00:04') + 30;
+      te = te.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+      % Compute X and Y
+      yall = zeros((te - ts)*fs,1);
+      for kk = 1:numel(avec)
+        x1   = avec(kk).x(1)   + avec(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+        xn   = avec(kk).x(end) + 1/fs;
+        post = zeros((te - xn - x1)*fs,1);
+        pre  = zeros((x1 - ts)*fs,1);
+        y    = [pre; avec(kk).y; post];
+        yall = yall + y;
+      end
+      xall = linspace(0, (te-ts)-1/fs, (te-ts)*fs)';
+      % Check output data
+      if any(abs(out.x - xall) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, yall), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.t0, time(ts), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check nsecs. Here: 34 sec
+      if ~isequal(, 34), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sumjoin method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the sumjoin method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = .3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 300, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', .1);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a3 = ao(pl);
+      a4 = ao(pl);
+      a5 = ao(pl);
+      a6 = ao(pl);
+      a1.setT0('14:00:20');
+      a2.setT0('14:01:40');
+      a3.setT0('14:02:00');
+      a4.setT0('14:00:00');
+      a5.setT0('14:01:20');
+      a6.setT0('14:00:40');
+      amat = [a1, a2, a3; a4, a5, a6];
+      out  = sumjoin(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exact one AO
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data.
+      % Get min/max time
+      ts = time('14:00:00');
+      ts = ts.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+      te = time('14:02:00') + 300;
+      te = te.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+      % Compute X and Y
+      yall = zeros((te - ts)*fs,1);
+      for kk = 1:numel(amat)
+        x1   = amat(kk).x(1)   + amat(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+        xn   = amat(kk).x(end) + 1/fs;
+        post = zeros((te - xn - x1)*fs,1);
+        pre  = zeros((x1 - ts)*fs,1);
+        y    = [pre; amat(kk).y; post];
+        yall = yall + y;
+      end
+      xall = linspace(0, (te-ts)-1/fs, (te-ts)*fs)';
+      % Check output data
+      if any(abs(out.x - xall) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, yall), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.t0, time(ts), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check nsecs. Here: 420 sec
+      if ~isequal(, 420), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sumjoin method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the sumjoin method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a3 = ao(pl);
+      a1.setT0('14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('14:00:05');
+      a3.setT0('14:00:10');
+      out = sumjoin(a1, a2, a3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2, a3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exact one AO
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data.
+      % Get min/max time
+      ts = time('14:00:00');
+      ts = ts.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+      te = time('14:00:10') + 30;
+      te = te.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+      % Compute X and Y
+      yall = zeros((te - ts)*fs,1);
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        x1   = aoin(kk).x(1)   + aoin(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+        xn   = aoin(kk).x(end) + 1/fs;
+        post = zeros((te - xn - x1)*fs,1);
+        pre  = zeros((x1 - ts)*fs,1);
+        y    = [pre; aoin(kk).y; post];
+        yall = yall + y;
+      end
+      xall = linspace(0, (te-ts)-1/fs, (te-ts)*fs)';
+      % Check output data
+      if any(abs(out.x - xall) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, yall), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.t0, time(ts), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check nsecs. Here: 40 sec
+      if ~isequal(, 40), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sumjoin method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the sumjoin method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = .3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 300, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', .1);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a3 = ao(pl);
+      a4 = ao(pl);
+      a5 = ao(pl);
+      a6 = ao(pl);
+      a1.setT0('14:00:20');
+      a2.setT0('14:01:40');
+      a3.setT0('14:02:00');
+      a4.setT0('14:00:00');
+      a5.setT0('14:01:20');
+      a6.setT0('14:00:40');
+      out = sumjoin(a1, [a2, a3; a4, a5], [a6;a1]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one AO
+    % 2) Check that the output have the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-14;
+    aoin  = [a1, reshape([a2, a3; a4, a5], 1, []), a6, a1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is exact one AO
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      % Compute reference data.
+      % Get min/max time
+      ts = time('14:00:00');
+      ts = ts.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+      te = time('14:02:00') + 300;
+      te = te.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+      % Compute X and Y
+      yall = zeros((te - ts)*fs,1);
+      for kk = 1:numel(aoin)
+        x1   = aoin(kk).x(1)   + aoin(kk).t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000;
+        xn   = aoin(kk).x(end) + 1/fs;
+        post = zeros((te - xn - x1)*fs,1);
+        pre  = zeros((x1 - ts)*fs,1);
+        y    = [pre; aoin(kk).y; post];
+        yall = yall + y;
+      end
+      xall = linspace(0, (te-ts)-1/fs, (te-ts)*fs)';
+      % Check output data
+      if any(abs(out.x - xall) > TOL), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, yall), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.t0, time(ts), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check nsecs. Here: 420 sec
+      if ~isequal(, 420), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sumjoin method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the sumjoin method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a1.setT0('14:00:00');
+      a2.setT0('14:00:05');
+      out  = sumjoin(a1, a2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'sumjoin'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'sumjoin'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the sumjoin method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sumjoin method can modify the input AO by calling with
+    % no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+    % function notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a1.setT0('14:00:05');
+      a2.setT0('14:00:00');
+      amodi = ao(a1);
+      aeq   = ao(a1);
+      out = aeq.sumjoin(a2);
+      amodi.sumjoin(a2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input have the new data
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(a1), ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input have the new data
+      yall = [zeros(5*3,1); a1.y] + [a2.y; zeros(5*3,1)];
+      if ~isequal(amodi.y, yall), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sumjoin method keeps the data shape of the input
+    % object. The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with
+    % column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 3;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'nsecs', 30, 'waveform', 'sine wave', 'f', 10);
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = a2.';
+      a1.setT0('14:00:05');
+      a2.setT0('14:00:00');
+      out1 = sumjoin(a1, a2);
+      out2 = sumjoin(a2, a1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_svd.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+% UTP_AO_SVD a set of UTPs for the ao/svd method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_svd.m,v 1.10 2011/04/17 11:11:35 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The svd method of the ao class computes the singular value decomposition of the y data
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_svd(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'svd';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = true;
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '1D')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '2D')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, '3D')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET '1D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'y'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        % SET '2D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('axis'), 'y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(4).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'xy'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        % SET '3D'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('axis'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('dim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(5).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.find('axis'), 'z'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(5).plists.find('dim')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(5).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('axis'),   {'x', 'y', 'z', 'xyz'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('dim'),    {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(5).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end     
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the svd method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the svd method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atvec = [at4, at4, at4];
+      out = svd(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the singular value decomposition of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(svd(atvec(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the svd method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the svd method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4 at4; at4 at4 at4];
+      out = svd(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the singular value decomposition of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(svd(atmat(kk).data.getY), out(kk).data.getY)
+          atest = false;
+          break;
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the svd method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the svd method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = svd(at4, at4, at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the singular value decomposition of the input
+      if ~isequal(svd(, out(1).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(svd(, out(2).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(svd(, out(3).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the svd method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the svd method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      atmat = [at4 at4; at4 at4];
+      atvec = [at4 at4];
+      out = svd(at4,atvec,at4,atmat,at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the first input
+      nout = 1;
+      if ~isequal(svd(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input vector
+      for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+        if ~isequal(svd(atvec(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the 3rd input
+      if ~isequal(svd(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      nout = nout+1;
+      % Check the elements of the input matrix
+      for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~isequal(svd(atmat(jj).data.getY), out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+        nout = nout+1;
+      end
+      % Check the last input
+      if ~isequal(svd(, out(nout).data.getY), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the svd method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the svd method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = svd(at4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'svd'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'svd'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the svd method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the svd method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at4 to work with
+      ain = ao(at4);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.svd();
+      ain.svd();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at4' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is svd(at4).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that svd modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at4), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that svd doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the svd value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(svd(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the svd method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      op1 = 0;
+      op2 = 'econ';
+      pl0 = plist('option', op1);
+      pl1 = plist('option', op2);
+      out1 = svd(at4, pl0);
+      out2 = svd(at4, pl1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the svd method applies with different options.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..2]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the singular value decomposition of the input
+      if ~isequal(svd(, op1),, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(svd(, op2),, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the svd method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = svd(at4);
+      out2 = svd(at4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(svd(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(svd(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the svd method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at4_10 = at4+10;
+      [o1, o2] = svd(at4, at4_10);
+      o3  = svd(at4, at4_10);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_t0.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+% UTP_AO_T0 a set of UTPs for the ao/t0 method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_t0.m,v 1.3 2011/03/23 10:25:20 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The t0 method of the ao class is a get-function to get the t0 value
+% of the data object
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_t0(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 't0';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with all data objects
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the t0 method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The t0 method doesn't work with a vector of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the t0 method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The t0 method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the t0 method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The t0 method doesn't work with a list of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the t0 method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The t0 method can only return the t0 value of one AO. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the t0 method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The t0 method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the t0 method works for AOs with different data objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the t0 method returns the t0 value for AOs with cdata,
+    % fsdata, tsdata and xydata objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      t01 = at1.t0;
+      t02 = at2.t0;
+      t03 = at3.t0;
+      t04 = at4.t0;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(t01,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~eq(t02,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(t03, time(NaN)), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(t04, time(NaN)), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_tan.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_AO_TAN a set of UTPs for the ao/tan method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_tan.m,v 1.12 2011/04/17 11:11:50 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The tan method of the ao class computes the tangent of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_tan(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'tan';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(tan(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end      
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_tfe.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1290 @@
+% UTP_AO_TFE a set of UTPs for the ao/tfe method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_tfe.m,v 1.35 2011/07/22 12:29:58 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The tfe method of the ao class computes the transfer function between two
+% time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_tfe(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'tfe';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Get default window from the preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input          (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input          (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input            (only with two objects)
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input (not possible)
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test the basic usage against MATLAB's tfestimate
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test data lengths
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test units handling: tfe
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test number of averages: requested/obtained
+    results = [results utp_22];    % Test number of averages: correct number
+    results = [results utp_23];    % Test number of averages: syntax
+    results = [results utp_25];    % Test Kaiser win and olap: tfe
+    results = [results utp_30];    % Special cases: same input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 8, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('nfft'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('navs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('nfft'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(3).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('navs'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('nfft'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('navs'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tfe method works with a vector of AOs as input. (only
+  % with two objects in the vector)
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5];
+      out  = tfe(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the tfe method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method doesn't work for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = tfe(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tfe method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = tfe(at1,at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is equal to 1.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tfe method doesn't work with a mix of different shaped
+  % AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method doesn't work with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = tfe(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tfe method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the tfe method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = tfe(at5,at6);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'tfe'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'tfe'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method can not modify the input AO.
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      ain.tfe(at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tfe method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = tfe(at5, at6);
+      out2 = tfe(at6, at5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the output data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the tfe method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This test is not longer necessary because the tfe method pass back
+    % always only one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tfe method agrees with MATLAB's tfestimate when
+  % configured to use the same parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying tfe works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 1000;
+      pl = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl); a2 = ao(pl);
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [50 250]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % make some cross-power
+      a4 = a1f+a2; a4.setName;
+      % Compute transfer function
+      Nfft = 2*fs;
+      win  = specwin('Hanning', Nfft);
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win.type, 'order', -1);
+      out = tfe(a4,a1,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that output agrees with the output of MATLAB's tfestimate.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compute transfer function using MATLAB's tfestimate
+      [cxy, f] = tfestimate(a4.y, a1.y,, Nfft/2, Nfft, a1.fs);
+      if ne(cxy, out.y), atest = false; end
+      if ne(f, out.x), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that differently sized data sets are treated properly
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that applying tfe works on two AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Construct two test AOs
+      nsecs = [10000:1:20000];
+      fs    = 1;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      a2 = ao(pl.pset('nsecs', utils.math.randelement(nsecs, 1)));
+      len_1 = a1.len;
+      len_2 = a2.len;
+      % Filter one time-series
+      f2 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', fs, 'order', 3, 'fc', [.050 .25]));
+      a1f = filter(a1, plist('filter', f2));
+      % Compute tfe
+      Nfft = -1;
+      win  = 'Hanning';
+      pl = plist('Nfft', Nfft, 'Win', win, 'order', -1);
+      out = tfe(a2,a1f,pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that tfe used the length of the shortest ao.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Compare the nfft with the length of the input data
+      if out.x(2) ~= 1/min(len_1,len_2)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) tfe of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) tfe of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the tfe of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      T = tfe(a_1,a_2,plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated tfe yunits) equals [1/Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(T.yunits, a_2.yunits ./ a_1.yunits) || ne(T.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) tfe of the 2 series, without detrending, random window, set number of
+  %   averages
+  % 3) check the effective number of averages
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) tfe of the 2 series, without detrending, random window, set number of
+    %   averages
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [2000:1000:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Constant signal
+      a_c = ao(trend_0);
+      % Total signals
+      a1 = a_n1 + a_c;
+      a2 = a_n2 + a_c;
+      % Evaluate the tfe of the white noise time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      switch win_type
+        case 'Kaiser'
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('tfe').plists, 'psll'));
+        otherwise
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = -1;
+      navs = utils.math.randelement([1:100],1);
+      % Evaluates the tfe asking for the number of averages
+      T = tfe(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend, 'navs', navs));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated navs are identical to those requested
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the navs written in the output object with the requested one
+      if ne(navs,
+        if ne(find(T.hist.plistUsed, 'navs'),
+          atest = false;
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_22
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) tfe of the time series, without detrending, random window, random navs
+  % 3) get the number of averages
+  % 4) get the nfft used
+  % 5) run tfe again, with the nfft used
+  % 6) compare the calculated objects
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_22
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) white noise produced from uniform pdf, with:
+    %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+    % 2) tfe of the time series, without detrending, random window, random navs
+    % 3) get the number of averages
+    % 4) get the nfft used
+    % 5) run tfe again, with the nfft used
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [20 100 1000:1000:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Uniform';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Constant signal
+      a_c = ao(trend_0);
+      % Total signals
+      a1 = a_n1 + a_c;
+      a2 = a_n2 + a_c;
+      % Evaluate the tfe of the white noise time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      switch win_type
+        case 'Kaiser'
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+        otherwise
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      navs = fix(utils.math.randelement(logspace(0,log10(max(0,a1.len/10)),50),1));
+      % Calculates the tfe asking for the number of averages
+      T1 = tfe(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', -1, 'order', detrend, 'navs', navs));
+      % Calculates the tfe asking for the number of points just evaluated
+      T2 = tfe(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', find(T1.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft'), 'order', detrend));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated objects T1 and T2 are identical
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the output objects
+      if ne(T1,T2,ple3)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_22
+  %% UTP_23
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the possibility to set the number of averages rather than setting the Nfft:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+  %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+  % 2) tfe of the time series, without detrending, random window, random navs
+  % 3) get the number of averages
+  % 4) get the nfft used
+  % 5) run tfe again, with the nfft used
+  % 6) compare navs, nfft, tfes
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_23
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with:
+    %   a given mean value and sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd order)
+    % 2) tfe of the time series, without detrending, random window, random navs
+    % 3) get the number of averages
+    % 4) get the nfft used
+    % 5) run tfe again, with the nfft used
+    % 6) run tfe again, with conflicting parameters, and verify it uses
+    %     nfft rather than navs
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Array of parameters to pick from
+      fs_list =             [0.1;1;2;5;10];
+      nsecs_list =          [1000:1000:10000]';
+      sigma_distr_list =    [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      trend_0_list =        [1e-6 2e-3 0.25 1:0.1:10]';
+      % Build time-series test data
+      % Picks the values at random from the list
+      fs = utils.math.randelement(fs_list, 1);
+      nsecs = utils.math.randelement(nsecs_list, 1);
+      sigma_distr = utils.math.randelement(sigma_distr_list, 1);
+      trend_0 = utils.math.randelement(trend_0_list, 1);
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n1 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      a_n2 = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr));
+      % Constant signal
+      a_c = ao(trend_0);
+      % Total signals
+      a1 = a_n1 + a_c;
+      a2 = a_n2 + a_c;
+      % Evaluate the tfe of the white noise time-series data
+      win_list = specwin.getTypes;
+      win_type = utils.math.randelement(win_list(~strcmpi(win_list, 'levelledhanning')), 1);
+      win_type = win_type{1};
+      switch win_type
+        case 'Kaiser'
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1, find(ao.getInfo('psd').plists, 'psll'));
+        otherwise
+          win = specwin(win_type, 1);
+      end
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      navs = fix(utils.math.randelement(logspace(0,log10(max(a1.len/10,0)),50),1));
+      % Calculates the tfe from a1 to a2 asking for the number of averages
+      T1 = tfe(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', -1, 'order', detrend, 'navs', navs));
+      npts_2 = find(T1.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft');
+      % Calculates the tfe from a1 to a2 asking for the number of points
+      T2 = tfe(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', npts_2, 'order', detrend));
+      npts_3 = fix(npts_2/2);
+      % Calculates the tfe from a1 to a2 asking for the number of points AND the window length
+      T3 = tfe(a1, a2, plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, ...
+        'Nfft', npts_3, ...
+        'order', detrend, 'navs', navs));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated objects T1 and T2 are identical
+    % 2) Check that T3 used different values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % Compare the navs written in the output object with the requested one
+      if  ne(T1,T2,ple3) || ...
+          ne(find(T3.hist.plistUsed, 'Nfft'), npts_3) || eq(, navs)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_23
+  %% UTP_25
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of units:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 3) tfe of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the units of the input and output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_25
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 4) Assign a random unit
+    % 5) tfe of the white noise
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      sigma_distr_2 = 6.04e-9;
+      mu_distr_2 = 1.5e-10;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_2));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_2);
+      a_2 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      a_2.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Evaluate the tfe of the time-series data
+      win = 'Kaiser';
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      T = tfe(a_1,a_2,plist('Win', win,'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that (calculated tfe yunits) equals [1/Hz]
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if ne(T.yunits, a_2.yunits ./ a_1.yunits) || ne(T.xunits, unit('Hz'))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_25
+  %% UTP_30
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests handling of special cases:
+  % 1) white noise produced from normal pdf, with a given mean value and
+  % sigma (distribution's 1st and 2nd orders)
+  % 2) the same noise series
+  % 3) tfe of the white noise series
+  % 4) compares the output to unity
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_30
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   white noise from normal distribution + offset
+    % 2) Assign a random unit
+    % 3) Prepare the test tsdata:
+    %   the same data as 1) and 2)
+    % 4) tfe of the series
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      % Build time-series test data
+      fs = 1;
+      nsecs = 86400;
+      sigma_distr_1 = 4.69e-12;
+      mu_distr_1 = -5.11e-14;
+      % White noise
+      type = 'Normal';
+      a_n = ao(plist('waveform', 'noise', ...
+        'type', type, 'fs', fs, 'nsecs', nsecs, 'sigma', sigma_distr_1));
+      a_const = ao(mu_distr_1);
+      a_1 = a_n + a_const;
+      % Set units and prefix from those supported
+      unit_list = unit.supportedUnits;
+      % remove the first empty unit '' from the list, because then is it
+      % possible that we add a prefix to an empty unit
+      unit_list = unit_list(2:end);
+      prefix_list = unit.supportedPrefixes;
+      a_1.setYunits(unit([cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(prefix_list,1)) cell2mat(utils.math.randelement(unit_list,1))]));
+      % Build the second object as a copy of the first
+      a_2 = a_1;
+      % Evaluate the tfe of the time-series data
+      win = specwin('BH92');
+      olap = win.rov;
+      detrend = 0;
+      n_pts = nsecs*fs/10;
+      T = tfe(a_1,a_2,plist('Win', win.type, 'olap', olap, 'Nfft', n_pts, 'order', detrend));
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that calculated tfe equals 1
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      if sum(ne(T.y, 1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_30
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_times.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% UTP_AO_TIMES a set of UTPs for the ao/times method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_times.m,v 1.7 2010/09/21 17:00:41 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The times method of the ao class computes the subtraction of the y
+% data of two inputs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_times(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'times';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];                          % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule1(@times)];   % Rule 1
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule2(@times)];   % Rule 2
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule3(@times)];   % Rule 3
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule4(@times)];   % Rule 4
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule5(@times)];   % Rule 5
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule6(@times)];   % Rule 6
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule7(@times)];   % Rule 7
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule8(@times)];   % Rule 8
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule9(@times)];   % Rule 9
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule10(@times)];  % Rule 10
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_rule11(@times)];  % Rule 11
+    results = [results utp_generic_aop_negative_tests(@times)]; % Negative tests
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_timeshift.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+% UTP_AO_TIMESHIFT a set of UTPs for the ao/timeshift method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_timeshift.m,v 1.11 2011/09/29 12:15:14 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The timeshift method of the ao class timeshifts time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_timeshift(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'timeshift';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('offset'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('offset'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('offset'), {0}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timeshift method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timeshift method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = timeshift(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timeshift method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timeshift method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = timeshift(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timeshift method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timeshift method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = timeshift(at1,at5,at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timeshift method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timeshift method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = timeshift(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timeshift method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the timeshift method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = timeshift(at5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timeshift'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timeshift'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timeshift method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timeshift method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.timeshift();
+      ain.timeshift();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is timeshift(at1).
+    % 3) Check the algorithm
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that timeshift modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that timeshift doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      %
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timeshift method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = timeshift(at5);
+      out2 = timeshift(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the timeshift method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = timeshift(at5, at6);
+      o3  = timeshift(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_transpose.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+% UTP_AO_TRANSPOSE a set of UTPs for the ao/transpose method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_transpose.m,v 1.9 2011/04/17 15:45:09 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The transpose method of the ao class computes the transpose value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_transpose(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'transpose';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at1, at2, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear    
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(transpose(,, atest = false; end
+  end    
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('complex'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('complex'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('complex'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+%   %% UTP_02
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the transpose method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_02
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the transpose method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out1 = transpose(atvec);
+%       out2 = atvec.';
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' is the same as in 'atvec'
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     % 3) Check that out1 and out2 are the same
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if ~isequal(size(out1), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the transpose of the input
+%       for kk=1:numel(out1)
+%         if ~isequal(transpose(atvec(kk).data.y), out1(kk).data.y), atest = false; end
+%         if ~isequal(transpose(atvec(kk).data.x), out1(kk).data.x), atest = false; end
+%       end
+%       % Check that out1 and out2 are the same
+%       if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_02
+%   %% UTP_03
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the transpose method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_03
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the transpose method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out1 = transpose(atmat);
+%       out2 = atmat.';
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' is the same as in 'atmat'
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     % 3) Check that out1 and out2 are the same
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if ~isequal(size(out1), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the transpose of the input
+%       for kk=1:numel(out1)
+%         if ~isequal(transpose(atmat(kk).data.y), out1(kk).data.y), atest = false; end
+%         if ~isa(atmat(kk).data, 'cdata')
+%           if ~isequal(transpose(atmat(kk).data.x), out1(kk).data.x), atest = false; end
+%         end
+%       end
+%       % Check that out1 and out2 are the same
+%       if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_03
+%   %% UTP_04
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the transpose method works with a list of AOs as input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_04
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the transpose method works for a list of AOs as input.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out = transpose(at1,at2,at3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+%     %    input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+%       % Check each output against the transpose of the input
+%       if ~isequal(transpose(, out(1).data.y), atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(transpose(, out(2).data.y), atest = false; end
+%       if ~isequal(transpose(, out(3).data.y), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_04
+%   %% UTP_05
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the transpose method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+%   % input.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_05
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the transpose method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+%     % and single AOs.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out = transpose(at1,atvec,at2,atmat,at3);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+%     %    input.
+%     % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+%       if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(atmat)+numel(atvec)), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the first input
+%       nout = 1;
+%       if ~isequal(transpose(, out(nout).data.y), atest = false; end
+%       nout = nout+1;
+%       % Check the elements of the input vector
+%       for jj=1:numel(atvec)
+%         if ~isequal(transpose(atvec(jj).data.y), out(nout).data.y), atest = false; end
+%         nout = nout+1;
+%       end
+%       % Check the 3rd input
+%       if ~isequal(transpose(, out(nout).data.y), atest = false; end
+%       nout = nout+1;
+%       % Check the elements of the input matrix
+%       for jj=1:numel(atmat)
+%         if ~isequal(transpose(atmat(jj).data.y), out(nout).data.y), atest = false; end
+%         nout = nout+1;
+%       end
+%       % Check the last input
+%       if ~isequal(transpose(, out(nout).data.y), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_05
+%   %% UTP_06
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Tests that the transpose method properly applies history.
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_06
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the result of applying the transpose method can be processed back
+%     % to an m-file.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out = transpose(at1);
+%       mout = rebuild(out);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+%     %    'transpose'.
+%     % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+%       if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'transpose'), atest = false; end
+%       % Check the re-built object
+%       if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the transpose method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the transpose method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.transpose();
+      ain.transpose();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is transpose(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that transpose modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that transpose doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the transpose value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(transpose(,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the transpose method can modify the single axis controlled by the
+    % plist and the resuld can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+      ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+      plxy = plist('axis', 'XY');
+      out1 = transpose(at1, plx);
+      out2 = transpose(at1, ply);
+      out3 = transpose(at1, plxy);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the transpose method applies to both axes
+    % 2) Check that the transpose method applies to both axes
+    % 3) Check that the transpose method applies to both axes
+    % 4) Check that the re-built objects are the same object as 'out[1..3]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the transpose value of the input
+      if ~isequal(',, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(',, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(',, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the abs method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = abs(at5);
+      out2 = abs(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_type.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+% UTP_AO_TYPE a set of UTPs for the ao/type method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_type.m,v 1.2 2009/07/21 15:13:32 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The type method of the ao class converts the input objects to 
+% MATLAB functions that reproduce the processing steps that led to the 
+% input objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_type(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'type';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AO objects
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % DEfine the filename
+    filename = 'test_ao_type.m';
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('stop_option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('stop_option'), 'full'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('stop_option'), {'full', 'File', 'Repo', 'File Repo', 'N'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a vector of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a vector of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(atvec, filename);
+      type(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      if ~eq(atvec, mout, ple2), atest = false; end;
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a matrix of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a matrix of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(atmat, filename);
+      type(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(atmat)
+        if ~eq(atmat(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a list of AO objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a list of AO objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(at5,at4,at3, filename);
+      type(at5,at4,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    atin  = [at5,at4,at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(atin)
+        if ~eq(atin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped AO objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AO objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(at4,atvec,at2,atmat,at1, filename);
+      type(at4,atvec,at2,atmat,at1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    atin  = [at4,reshape(atvec,1,[]),at2,reshape(atmat,1,[]),at1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(atin)
+        if ~eq(atin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_uminus.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+% UTP_AO_UMINUS a set of UTPs for the ao/uminus method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_uminus.m,v 1.10 2011/04/17 09:31:41 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The uminus method of the ao class computes the unary minus of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_uminus(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'uminus';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(-(,
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end      
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_unwrap.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+% UTP_AO_UNWRAP a set of UTPs for the ao/unwrap method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_unwrap.m,v 1.8 2011/04/17 11:12:03 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The unwrap method of the ao class unwraps radian phases P by changing
+% absolute jumps greater than or equal to pi to their 2*pi complement.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_unwrap(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'unwrap';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Create an test AO with a phase jump
+    w = [0:.2:3,3.5:1:10];
+    p = [ 0
+         -1.5728
+         -1.5747
+         -1.5772
+         -1.5790
+         -1.5816
+         -1.5852
+         -1.5877
+         -1.5922
+         -1.5976
+         -1.6044
+         -1.6129
+         -1.6269
+         -1.6512
+         -1.6998
+         -1.8621
+         1.7252
+         1.6124
+         1.5930
+         1.5916
+         1.5708
+         1.5708
+         1.5708 ];
+    a1 = ao(w,p, plist('type', 'tsdata'));
+    a2 = ao(w,p, plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+    a3 = ao(w,p, plist('type', 'xydata'));
+    a4 = ao(p);
+    avec = [a1, a2, a3];
+    amat = [a1, a2, a3; a4, a3, a1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, a1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the unwrap method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the unwrap method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = unwrap(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'avec'
+    % 2) Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(avec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(unwrap(avec(kk).y), out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the unwrap method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the unwrap method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = unwrap(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'amat'
+    % 2) Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(amat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(unwrap(amat(kk).y), out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the unwrap method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the unwrap method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = unwrap(a1, a2, a3, a4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the
+    %    input
+    % 2) Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2, a3, a4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(unwrap(aoin(kk).y), out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the unwrap method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the unwrap method works with a mix of different shaped AOs
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = unwrap(a1, avec, amat, a4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the
+    %    input
+    % 2) Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, reshape(avec, 1, []), reshape(amat, 1, []), a4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that each ouput corrects the phase angles
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(unwrap(aoin(kk).y), out(kk).y), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the unwrap method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the unwrap method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = unwrap(a1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'unwrap'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'unwrap'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the unwrap method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the unwrap method can modify the input AO by calling with
+    % no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+    % function notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amodi = ao(a3);
+      aeq   = ao(a3);
+      out = aeq.unwrap();
+      amodi.unwrap();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the unwraped value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, ao(a3), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is the unwraped value of the copy
+      if ~isequal(unwrap(a3.y), amodi.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the unwrap method uses the plist to get the axis.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the unwrap method uses the plist to get the axis.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plx  = plist('axis', 'X');
+      ply  = plist('axis', 'Y');
+      plxy = plist('axis', 'XY');
+      out1 = unwrap(a3, plx);
+      out2 = unwrap(a3, ply);
+      out3 = unwrap(a3, plxy);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the unwrap method applies to the x-axis
+    % 2) Check that the unwrap method applies to the y-axis
+    % 3) Check that the unwrap method applies to both axes
+    % 4) Check that the re-built object is the same as in 'out[1..3]'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the unwrapped value of the input
+      if ~isequal(unwrap(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(unwrap(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(unwrap(,, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(unwrap(,, atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the unwrap method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % The input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a_col = ao(a3);
+      a_row = a_col.';
+      out1 = unwrap(a_col);
+      out2 = unwrap(a_row);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the unwrap method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = unwrap(a1, a3);
+      o3  = unwrap(a1, a3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_update.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+% UTP_AO_UPDATE a set of UTPs for the ao/update method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_update.m,v 1.16 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The update method of the ao class updates (replace) an LTPDA object
+% in the repository with the given replacement object. It is only possible
+% to update one object. This is the reason why the general UTPs are not
+% possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_update(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'update';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    x   = 1:100;
+    y   = exp(x.^.5/2);
+    obj = ao(x,y, plist('type', 'xydata'));
+    obj.setName();
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    connPl = utpGetConnectionPlist();
+    rm     = LTPDARepositoryManager();
+    conn   = rm.getConnection(connPl);
+    try
+      experiment_title       = 'utp_ao_update: update ao';
+      experiment_description = 'utp_ao_update: description';
+      analysis_description   = '<utp_ao_update>';
+      quantity               = 'none';
+      keywords               = 'none';
+      reference_ids          = '';
+      additional_comments    = 'none';
+      additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plSinfo = plist(...
+        'experiment_title',       experiment_title, ...
+        'experiment_description', experiment_description, ...
+        'analysis_description',   analysis_description, ...
+        'quantity',               quantity, ...
+        'keywords',               keywords, ...
+        'reference_ids',          reference_ids, ...
+        'additional_comments',    additional_comments, ...
+        'additional_authors',     additional_authors);
+      [ids, cids] = submit(obj, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Test with conn
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Test with sinfo
+      results = [results utp_04];    % Test update of an binary file
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test replace with other object
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database object (conn) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (conn)');
+      update(uobj, ids, connPl, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database info structure (sinfo) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Check that the update method also updates objects which are stored as
+    % a binary file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Submit the object as a binary
+      [ids_bin, cids] = bsubmit(obj, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids_bin, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids_bin'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids_bin);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository with
+  % a completely other object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository
+    % with a completely other object.
+    % Replace the analysis object with a filter object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      update(uobj, ids, connPl, plSinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_upsample.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+% UTP_AO_UPSAMPLE a set of UTPs for the ao/upsample method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_upsample.m,v 1.9 2009/08/07 12:28:47 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The upsample method of the ao class upsamples time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_upsample(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'upsample';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('N', 2))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('phase'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('N'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('phase'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('phase'), {0}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the upsample method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the upsample method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = upsample(avec, plist('N', 2));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the upsample method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the upsample method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = upsample(amat, plist('N', 2));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the upsample method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the upsample method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = upsample(at1,at5,at6, plist('N', 2));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the upsample method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the upsample method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = upsample(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6, plist('N', 2));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the upsample method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the upsample method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = upsample(at5, plist('N', 2));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'upsample'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'upsample'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the upsample method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the upsample method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('N', 12.5);
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.upsample(pl);
+      ain.upsample(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is upsample(at1).
+    % 3) Check the algorithm
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that upsample modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that upsample doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the upsample method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('N', 12.5);
+      out1 = upsample(at5, pl);
+      out2 = upsample(at6, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(, 1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the upsample method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = upsample(at5, at6);
+      o3  = upsample(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_var.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+% UTP_AO_VAR a set of UTPs for the ao/var method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_var.m,v 1.13 2011/04/17 11:12:14 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The var method of the ao class computes the variance of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_var(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'var';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Overide to include only data2D objects
+    atmat = [at1 at5 at2; at2 at1 at6];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, atvec, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, at1, at2, at3, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, at1, atvec, atmat, @algo_test_y, [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07(mthd, at1, [], ple2)];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_108(mthd, at1, ple2)];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09(mthd, at5, at6)];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_10(mthd, at5, at6, ple2)];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% Algorithm test for UTP 02,03,04,05
+  function atest = algo_test_y(in, out, pli)    
+    atest = true;
+    if ~isequal(var(',
+      atest = false;
+    end
+  end      
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        atest = check_axis_sets(io);
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_whiten1D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,992 @@
+% UTP_AO_WHITEN1D a set of UTPs for the ao/whiten1D method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_whiten1D.m,v 1.24 2011/04/18 16:57:44 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The whiten1D method of the ao class computes the whiten1Dolute value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_whiten1D(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'whiten1D';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % add useful params to standard exceptions
+    ple3 = plist('Exceptions', {'history', 'created', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'procinfo'});
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test flatness capability - no model input
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test flatness capability - model input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        defaultWinType = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'psd')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'lpsd')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'        
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('model'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('range'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('complete_hf'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('poletype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('disp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('flim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('scaleout'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('model')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('range'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fs'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('complete_hf'), 'flat'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('maxiter'), 30), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('poletype'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('maxorder'), 25), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('weights'), '1/abs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('plot'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('disp'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('msevartol'), .1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fittol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('flim'), [1e-3 30e-3]), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('scaleout'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('model'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('range'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('complete_hf'), {'flat', 'lowpass'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {30}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {25}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {'equal', '1/abs', '1/abs^2'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('disp'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('poletype'), {1 2 3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('flim'), {[1e-3 30e-3]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('scaleout'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'psd'        
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 29, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('model'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('range'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('complete_hf'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('poletype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('disp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end 
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('nfft'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('navs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xscale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('resolution'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xvals'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('inherit_dy'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('flim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('scaleout'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('model'), 'PSD'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('range'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fs'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('complete_hf'), 'flat'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('maxiter'), 30), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('poletype'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('maxorder'), 25), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('weights'), '1/abs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('plot'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('disp'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('msevartol'), .1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fittol'), .01), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('nfft'), -1), atest = false; end        
+        if ~strcmpi(io(pn).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('olap'), 50), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('order'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('navs'), 16), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('times'), []), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('split'), []), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('scale'), 'PSD'), atest = false; end                
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('method'), 'MEAN'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xscale'), 'LOG'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('resolution'), 50), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('xvals'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('inherit_dy'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('flim'), [1e-3 30e-3]), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('scaleout'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('model'), {'PSD'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('range'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('complete_hf'), {'flat', 'lowpass'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {30}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('poletype'), {1 2 3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {25}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {'equal', '1/abs', '1/abs^2'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('disp'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.01}), atest = false; end                
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('nfft'), {-1}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {50}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {1}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('navs'), {16}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'PSD', 'ASD', 'PS', 'AS'}), atest = false; end             
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'MEAN'}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xscale'), {'LOG','LIN'}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('resolution'), {50}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('xvals'), {[]}), atest = false; end     
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('inherit_dy'), {'yes','no'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('flim'), {[1e-3 30e-3]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('scaleout'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'lpsd'        
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 25, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('model'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('range'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('complete_hf'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('poletype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('disp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('kdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('jdes'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('lmin'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('psll'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('olap'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('times'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('split'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('flim'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('scaleout'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('model'), 'LPSD'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('range'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fs'), []), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('complete_hf'), 'flat'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('maxiter'), 30), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('poletype'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('maxorder'), 25), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('weights'), '1/abs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('plot'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('disp'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('msevartol'), .1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fittol'), .01), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('kdes'), 100), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('jdes'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('lmin'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmpi(io(pn).plists.find('win'), defaultWinType), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('psll'), 200), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('olap'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('order'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('times')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('split')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('scale'), 'PSD'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('flim'), [1e-3 30e-3]), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('scaleout'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('model'), {'LPSD'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('range'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('complete_hf'), {'flat', 'lowpass'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {30}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('poletype'), {1 2 3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {25}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {'equal', '1/abs', '1/abs^2'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('disp'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.01}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('kdes'), {100}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('jdes'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('lmin'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('psll'), {200}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('olap'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('times'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('split'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'PSD', 'ASD', 'PS', 'AS'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('flim'), {[1e-3 30e-3]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('scaleout'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten1D method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten1D method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u = get_random_unit();
+      atvec.setYunits(u);
+      out = whiten1D(atvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains empty yunits
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          used_filt = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filter');
+          obj = atvec(kk).filter(used_filt);
+          if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+          if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, unit('')), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), atvec(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten1D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten1D method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u = get_random_unit();
+      atmat.setYunits(u);
+      out = whiten1D(atmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains empty yunits
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(atmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          used_filt = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filter');
+          obj = atmat(kk).filter(used_filt);
+          if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+          if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, unit('')), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), atmat(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten1D method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten1D method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at1.setYunits(get_random_unit());
+      at2.setYunits(get_random_unit());
+      at3.setYunits(get_random_unit());
+      out = whiten1D(at1,at2,at3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains empty yunits
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [at1,at2,at3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          used_filt = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filter');
+          obj = aoin(kk).filter(used_filt);
+          if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+          if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, unit('')), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten1D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten1D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = whiten1D(at1,[at2 at3],[at4 at5; at6 at1]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that each output AO contains empty yunits
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [at1,reshape([at2 at3],1,[]),reshape([at4 at5; at6 at1],1,[])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        % Check the whiten ao(tsdata) objects
+        if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+          used_filt = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filter');
+          obj = aoin(kk).filter(used_filt);
+          if ~eq(out(kk), obj, ple3), atest = false; end
+          if ~eq(out(kk).yunits, unit('')), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten1D method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the whiten1D method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = whiten1D(at1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'whiten1D'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'whiten1D'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten1D method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten1D method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.whiten1D();
+      % It is necessary that ain uses the same random state
+      ain.whiten1D(plist('rand_stream', aout.hist.plistUsed.find('rand_stream')));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is whiten1D(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that whiten1D modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that whiten1D doesn't modified the input for the function
+      % notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten1D method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at5.setYunits(get_random_unit());
+      at6.setYunits(get_random_unit());
+      out1 = whiten1D(at5);
+      out2 = whiten1D(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    % 2) Check that the output AOs have empty yunits
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.yunits, unit('')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.yunits, unit('')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the whiten1D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = whiten1D(at5, at6);
+      o3  = whiten1D(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the whiten1D method is capable to increase spectral flatness
+  % in case of no model input
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Generate a fixed series of noise data, apply a filter to colour data
+    % and run the method with a certain number of parameters.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Making test data
+      a = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10000, ...
+        'yunits', get_random_unit())); % random noise
+      pzm10 = pzmodel(1, {0.01}, {0.1});
+      ft = miir(pzm10);
+      af = filter(a, ft); % Colored noise
+      % Running whiten1D with no model input
+      pl10 = plist(...
+        'model', [], ...
+        'MaxIter', 30, ...
+        'PoleType', 1, ...
+        'MinOrder', 2, ...
+        'MaxOrder', 9, ...
+        'Weights', 2, ...
+        'Plot', false,...
+        'Disp', false,...
+        'RMSEVar', 3,...
+        'FitTolerance', 0.6); % tolerance on fit residuals spectral flatness
+      aw = whiten1D(af,pl10);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output spectrum is flatter than input colored
+    % spectrum
+    % 2) Check that the output AOs have empty yunits
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Make spectra
+      afxx = af.psd;
+      awxx = aw.psd;
+      % Claculating flatness
+      sf = utils.math.spflat([]);
+      % Checking flatness
+      if sf(1)>sf(2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(aw.yunits, unit('')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the whiten1D method is capable to increase spectral flatness
+  % when a model is input
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Generate a fixed series of noise data, apply a filter to colour data
+    % and run the method with a certain number of parameters.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Making test data
+      a = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', 10, 'nsecs', 10000, ...
+        'yunits', get_random_unit())); % random noise
+      pzm11 = pzmodel(1, {0.01}, {0.1});
+      ft = miir(pzm11);
+      af = filter(a, ft); % Colored noise
+      % Running whiten1D with model input
+      pl11 = plist(...
+        'model', abs(pzm11.resp).^2, ...
+        'fs', 10, ...
+        'MaxIter', 30, ...
+        'PoleType', 1, ...
+        'MinOrder', 2, ...
+        'MaxOrder', 9, ...
+        'Weights', 2, ...
+        'Plot', false,...
+        'Disp', false,...
+        'RMSEVar', 8,...
+        'FitTolerance', 2); % tolerance on fit residuals log difference with model data
+      aw = whiten1D(af,pl11);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output spectrum is flatter than input colored
+    % spectrum
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Make spectra
+      afxx = af.psd;
+      awxx = aw.psd;
+      % Claculating flatness
+      sf = utils.math.spflat([]);
+      % Checking flatness
+      if sf(1)>sf(2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(aw.yunits, unit('')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_whiten2D.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+% UTP_AO_WHITEN2D a set of UTPs for the ao/whiten2D method
+% L Ferraioli 02-02-09
+% $Id: utp_ao_whiten2D.m,v 1.10 2010/05/07 16:20:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The whiten1D method of the ao class computes the whiten1Dolute value of the y
+% and/or x data.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_whiten2D(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'whiten2D';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [CSD,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,av,am,plstd] = get_test_obj_ao_whiten2D();
+    % --------------------------------------------------------------------
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % add useful params to standard exceptions
+    ple3 = plist('Exceptions', {'history', 'created', 'UUID', 'param/desc', 'name', 'procinfo'});
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'                
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end        
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('csd11'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('csd12'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('csd21'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('csd22'), atest = false; end        
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('poletype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('disp'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('usesym'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keepvar'), atest = false; end        
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('csd11')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('csd12')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('csd21')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('csd22')), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxiter'), 30), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('poletype'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxorder'), 25), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('weights'), 3), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('plot'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('disp'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('msevartol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fittol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('usesym'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('keepvar'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('csd11'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('csd12'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('csd21'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('csd22'), {[]}), atest = false; end        
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {30}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('poletype'), {1 2 3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {25}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {3}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('disp'), {false, true}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('usesym'), {0, 1, 2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('keepvar'), {true, false}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten2D method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten2D method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Building data vector
+      out = whiten2D(av, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'acv2'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(av)), atest = false; end
+      % check if the number of output is even or odd
+      if rem(numel(out),2)
+        % check the last object for odd input
+        h = numel(out);
+        if isa(out(h).data, 'tsdata')
+          % Check the last object if nargin is odd (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(h), av(h), ple1), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(h), av(h), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      else
+        % Check each output against the absolute value of the input for even
+        % input
+        for kk=1:2:numel(out)-1
+          clear used_filt11 used_filt12 used_filt21 used_filt22
+          % Check the noisegen ao(tsdata) objects
+          if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            used_filt11 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt11');
+            used_filt12 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt12');
+            used_filt21 = out(kk+1).procinfo.find('Filt21');
+            used_filt22 = out(kk+1).procinfo.find('Filt22');
+            obj1 = filter(av(kk),used_filt11)+filter(av(kk+1),used_filt12);
+            if ~eq(out(kk), obj1, ple3), atest = false; end
+            obj2 = filter(av(kk),used_filt21)+filter(av(kk+1),used_filt22);
+            if ~eq(out(kk), obj2, ple3), atest = false; end
+          else
+            % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+            if ~eq(out(kk), av(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten2D method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten2D method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = whiten2D(am,plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'atmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(am)), atest = false; end
+      % check if the number of output is even or odd
+      if rem(numel(out),2)
+        % check the last object for odd input
+        h = numel(out);
+        if isa(out(h).data, 'tsdata')
+          % Check the last object if nargin is odd (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(h), am(h), ple1), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(h), am(h), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      else
+        % Check each output against the absolute value of the input for even
+        % input
+        for kk=1:2:numel(out)-1
+          clear used_filt11 used_filt12 used_filt21 used_filt22
+          % Check the noisegen ao(tsdata) objects
+          if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            used_filt11 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt11');
+            used_filt12 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt12');
+            used_filt21 = out(kk+1).procinfo.find('Filt21');
+            used_filt22 = out(kk+1).procinfo.find('Filt22');
+            obj1 = filter(am(kk),used_filt11)+filter(am(kk+1),used_filt12);
+            if ~eq(out(kk), obj1, ple3), atest = false; end
+            obj2 = filter(am(kk),used_filt21)+filter(am(kk+1),used_filt22);
+            if ~eq(out(kk+1), obj2, ple3), atest = false; end
+          else
+            % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+            if ~eq(out(kk), am(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten2D method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten2D method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = whiten2D(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [a1 a2 a3 a4 a5];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % check if the number of output is even or odd
+      if rem(numel(out),2)
+        % check the last object for odd input
+        h = numel(out);
+        if isa(out(h).data, 'tsdata')
+          % Check the last object if nargin is odd (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(h), aoin(h), ple1), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(h), aoin(h), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      else
+        % Check each output against the absolute value of the input for even
+        % input
+        for kk=1:2:numel(out)-1
+          clear used_filt11 used_filt12 used_filt21 used_filt22
+          % Check the noisegen ao(tsdata) objects
+          if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            used_filt11 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt11');
+            used_filt12 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt12');
+            used_filt21 = out(kk+1).procinfo.find('Filt21');
+            used_filt22 = out(kk+1).procinfo.find('Filt22');
+            obj1 = filter(aoin(kk),used_filt11)+filter(aoin(kk+1),used_filt12);
+            if ~eq(out(kk), obj1, ple3), atest = false; end
+            obj2 = filter(aoin(kk),used_filt21)+filter(aoin(kk+1),used_filt22);
+            if ~eq(out(kk+1), obj2, ple3), atest = false; end
+          else
+            % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+            if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten2D method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten1D method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % [1,reshape([2 3],1,[]),reshape([4 6; 5 7],1,[])];
+      out = whiten2D(a1,[a2 a3],[a4 a2; a1 a3],plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    % [1,reshape([2 3],1,[]),reshape([4 6; 5 7],1,[])];
+    aoin  = [a1,reshape([a2 a3],1,[]),reshape([a4 a2; a1 a3],1,[])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % check if the number of output is even or odd
+      if rem(numel(out),2)
+        % check the last object for odd input
+        h = numel(out);
+        if isa(out(h).data, 'tsdata')
+          % Check the last object if nargin is odd (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(h), aoin(h), ple1), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+          if ~eq(out(h), aoin(h), ple1), atest = false; end
+        end
+      else
+        % Check each output against the absolute value of the input for even
+        % input
+        for kk=1:2:numel(out)-1
+          clear used_filt11 used_filt12 used_filt21 used_filt22
+          % Check the noisegen ao(tsdata) objects
+          if isa(out(kk).data, 'tsdata')
+            used_filt11 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt11');
+            used_filt12 = out(kk).procinfo.find('Filt12');
+            used_filt21 = out(kk+1).procinfo.find('Filt21');
+            used_filt22 = out(kk+1).procinfo.find('Filt22');
+            obj1 = filter(aoin(kk),used_filt11)+filter(aoin(kk+1),used_filt12);
+            if ~eq(out(kk), obj1, ple3), atest = false; end
+            obj2 = filter(aoin(kk),used_filt21)+filter(aoin(kk+1),used_filt22);
+            if ~eq(out(kk+1), obj2, ple3), atest = false; end
+          else
+            % Check the other objects (they must be the same)
+            if ~eq(out(kk), aoin(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten2D method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the whiten2D method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = whiten2D(av,plstd);
+      o1 = out.index(1);
+      o2 = out.index(2);
+      o3 = out(3);       % It is not necessary to index the third element
+                         % of 'out' because this is not touched by 'whiten2D'
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'whiten2D'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'whiten2D'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'whiten2D'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout1, o1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, o2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, o3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the unchanged object (the last one)
+      if ~eq(av(3), out(3), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the whiten2D method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten2D method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amodi = [ao(a1) ao(a2)];
+      aeq   = [ao(a1) ao(a2)];
+      amodi.whiten2D(plstd);
+      out = aeq.whiten2D(plstd);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the whiten2D method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = whiten2D(a3,a4,a5,a6,plstd);
+      out1 = out(1);
+      out2 = out(2);
+      out3 = out(3);
+      out4 = out(4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the noisegen2D method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1,o2] = whiten2D(a1,a2,plstd);
+      o3  = whiten2D(a1,a2,plstd);
+      o31 = o3.index(1);
+      o32 = o3.index(2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout31 = rebuild(o31);
+      mout32 = rebuild(o32);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o31, mout31, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o32, mout32, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_x.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+% UTP_AO_X a set of UTPs for the ao/x method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_x.m,v 1.3 2009/07/21 15:57:44 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The x method of the ao class is a get-function to get the x values of the
+% data object
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_x(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'x';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with all data objects
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the x method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The x method doesn't work with a vector of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the x method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The x method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the x method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The x method doesn't work with a list of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the x method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The x method can only return the x values of one AO. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the x method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The x method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the x method works for AOs with different data objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the x method returns the x values for AOs with cdata, fsdata,
+    % tsdata and xydata objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x1 = at1.x;
+      x2 = at2.x;
+      x3 = at3.x;
+      x4 = at4.x;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(x1,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(x2,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(x3,'), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(x4, []), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the x method returns the x values of the data object
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the x method returns the x values in a column vector independent
+    % form the shape of the values in the data object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      x1 = at5.x;
+      x2 = at6.x;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'x1' and 'x2' are column vectors.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if size(x1, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end;
+      if size(x2, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_xcorr.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+% UTP_AO_XCORR a set of UTPs for the ao/xcorr method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_xcorr.m,v 1.7 2010/08/17 06:00:10 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The xcorr method of the ao class makes cross-correlation estimates of
+% the time-series objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_xcorr(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'xcorr';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test resample input AOs to maxFs
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test truncate input AOs to same length
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, [at1 at1], ple1)];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test plist(scale) different scales
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test plist(MaxLag) different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags]
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('MaxLag'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('MaxLag'), -1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('scale'), 'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('MaxLag'), {-1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'none', 'biased', 'unbiased', 'coeff'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xcorr method works with a vector with 2 AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the xcorr method works for a vector with 2 AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      u1 = get_random_unit;
+      u2 = get_random_unit;
+      pl  = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))', 'yunits', u1);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fc', 20, 'fs', fs, 'iunits', u1, 'ounits', u2));
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = filter(a1, iir);
+      avec1 = [a1, a2];
+      avec2 = [a2, a1];
+      out1 = xcorr(avec1);
+      out2 = xcorr(avec2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the numbers of outputs is 1
+    % 2) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that the units are properly handled
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      MaxLag = len(a1);
+      % Check a1 -> a2
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(a1.y, a2.y, MaxLag);
+      if ~isequal(out1.x, (lags./fs).'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, c), atest = false; end
+      % Check a2 -> a1
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(a2.y, a1.y, MaxLag);
+      if ~isequal(out2.x, (lags./fs).'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, c), atest = false; end
+      % Check the units
+      if ne(out1.yunits, (a1.yunits) * (a2.yunits)) || ne(out1.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out2.yunits, (a2.yunits) * (a1.yunits)) || ne(out2.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xcorr method does not work with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the xcorr method does not work with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      pl  = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fc', 20, 'fs', fs));
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a3 = ao(pl);
+      a4 = filter(a1, iir);
+      amat = [a1, a2, a3, a4];
+      out = xcorr(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Nothing to check
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xcorr method works with a list of 2 AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the xcorr method works with a list of 2 AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      u1 = get_random_unit;
+      u2 = get_random_unit;
+      pl  = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))', 'yunits', u1);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fc', 20, 'fs', fs, 'iunits', u1, 'ounits', u2));
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = filter(a1, iir);
+      out1 = xcorr(a1, a2);
+      out2 = xcorr(a2, a1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the numbers of outputs is 1
+    % 2) Check that the output AO contains the correct data.
+    % 3) Check that the units are properly handled
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output data
+      MaxLag = len(a1);
+      % Check a1 -> a2
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(a1.y, a2.y, MaxLag);
+      if ~isequal(out1.x, (lags./fs).'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, c), atest = false; end
+      % Check a2 -> a1
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(a2.y, a1.y, MaxLag);
+      if ~isequal(out2.x, (lags./fs).'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, c), atest = false; end
+      % Check the units
+      if ne(out1.yunits, (a1.yunits) * (a2.yunits)) || ne(out1.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out2.yunits, (a2.yunits) * (a1.yunits)) || ne(out2.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xcorr method does not work with a mix of different shaped AOs
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the xcorr method does not work with a mix of different shaped AOs
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      pl  = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fc', 20, 'fs', fs));
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = ao(pl);
+      a3 = filter(a1, iir);
+      out = xcorr([a1;a2], a3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Nothing to check
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xcorr method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the xcorr method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      u1 = get_random_unit;
+      u2 = get_random_unit;
+      pl  = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))', 'yunits', u1);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fc', 20, 'fs', fs, 'iunits', u1, 'ounits', u2));
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = filter(a1, iir);
+      out = xcorr(a1, a2);      
+      mout = rebuild(out);      
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'xcorr'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'xcorr'), atest = false; end      
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end      
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the xcorr method keeps the data shape of the input object.
+    % In this case the first AO defines the data shape.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      pl  = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fc', 20, 'fs', fs));
+      a1_col = ao(pl);
+      a2_col = filter(a1_col, iir);
+      a1_row = a1_col.';
+      a2_row = a2_col.';
+      out1_row = xcorr(a1_row, a2_row);
+      out2_row = xcorr(a1_row, a2_col);
+      out1_col = xcorr(a1_col, a2_row);
+      out2_col = xcorr(a1_col, a2_col);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the xcorr method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  % Does not make sense anymore, given the structure double input -> single output
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. 
+    % Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    % Additionaly check that the units are handled properly.
+    % Additionaly check that the symmetry is preserved.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      u1 = get_random_unit;
+      u2 = get_random_unit;
+      pl  = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))', 'yunits', u1);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fc', 20, 'fs', fs, 'iunits', u1, 'ounits', u2));
+      a1 = ao(pl);
+      a2 = filter(a1, iir);
+      [o1] = xcorr(a1, a2);
+      o2  = xcorr(a2, a1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    % 3) Check that the units are handled properly.
+    % 4) Check that the symmetry is preserved.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the units
+      if ne(o1.yunits, (a1.yunits) * (a2.yunits)) || ne(o1.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end
+      if ne(o2.yunits, (a2.yunits) * (a1.yunits)) || ne(o2.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the symmetry
+      if ~isequal(o1.y, conj(o2.y)) || ~isequal(o1.x, o2.x), atet = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the xcorr method re-sample all input AOs to the highest
+  % frequency.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the xcorr method re-sample all input AOs to the highest
+    % frequency.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs1   = 100;
+      fs2   = 200;
+      TOL   = 2e-15;
+      pl1 = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs1, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      pl2 = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs2, 'tsfcn', '.5*sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl1);
+      a2 = ao(pl2);
+      [out] = xcorr(a1, a2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the first AO is resampled to '200'
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Resample the first input AO to '200'
+      a1.resample(plist('fsout', fs2));
+      % Check the output data
+      MaxLag = len(aoin(1));
+      % Check a1 -> a2
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(aoin(1).y, aoin(2).y, MaxLag);
+      if max(abs(out.x - (lags./fs2).')) > TOL, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, c), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the xcorr method truncate all input AOs to the same length.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the xcorr method truncate all input AOs to the same length.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs1 = 10;
+      nsecs2 = 12;
+      fs    = 100;
+      pl1 = plist('nsecs', nsecs1, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      pl2 = plist('nsecs', nsecs2, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', '.5*sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl1);
+      a2 = ao(pl2);
+      out = xcorr(a1, a2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);      
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the second AO is truncated to 10 seconds
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a1, a2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Resample the first input AO
+      % Check the output data
+      MaxLag = len(aoin(1));
+      % Check a1 -> a2
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(aoin(1).y, aoin(2).y, MaxLag);
+      if ~isequal(out.x, (lags./fs).'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.y, c), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built objects
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the xcorr uses different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags]
+  % Check that the xcorr accepts different scales options
+  % Check that the xcorr handles units properly
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the xcorr uses different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags]
+    % 2) Check that the xcorr accepts different scales options
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      u1 = get_random_unit;
+      u2 = get_random_unit;
+      pl1 = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))', 'yunits', u1);
+      pl2 = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', '.5*sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))', 'yunits', u2);
+      a1 = ao(pl1);
+      a2 = ao(pl2);
+      out1 = xcorr(a1, a2, plist('scale', 'biased'));
+      out2 = xcorr(a1, a2, plist('scale', 'unbiased'));
+      out3 = xcorr(a1, a2, plist('scale', 'coeff'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have the range [-maxlags:maxlags]
+    % 2) Check that the output have correct units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      MaxLag = len(a1);
+      % ---------------------  Check 'out1'
+      % Check a1 -> a2
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(a1.y, a2.y, MaxLag, 'biased');
+      if ~isequal(out1.x, (lags./fs).'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.y, c), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out1.yunits, (a1.yunits) * (a2.yunits)) || ne(out1.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end      
+      % ---------------------  Check 'out2'
+      % Check a1 -> a2
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(a1.y, a2.y, MaxLag, 'unbiased');
+      if ~isequal(out2.x, (lags./fs).'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.y, c), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out2.yunits, (a1.yunits) * (a2.yunits)) || ne(out2.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end      
+      % ---------------------  Check 'out3'
+      % Check a1 -> a2
+      [c,lags] = xcorr(a1.y, a2.y, MaxLag, 'coeff');
+      if ~isequal(out3.x, (lags./fs).'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.y, c), atest = false; end
+      if ne(out3.yunits, unit('')) || ne(out3.xunits, unit('s')), atest = false; end      
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the xcorr uses different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags]
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the xcorr uses different lag ranges [-maxlags:maxlags]
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      nsecs = 10;
+      fs    = 100;
+      pl1 = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', 'sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      pl2 = plist('nsecs', nsecs, 'fs', fs, 'tsfcn', '.5*sin(2*pi*7.433*t) + randn(size(t))');
+      a1 = ao(pl1);
+      a2 = ao(pl2);
+      MaxLag1 = 500;
+      MaxLag2 = 1234;
+      out1 = xcorr(a1, a2, plist('MaxLag', MaxLag1));
+      out2 = xcorr(a1, a2, plist('MaxLag', MaxLag2));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have the range [-maxlags:maxlags]
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1.x(1)   ~= -MaxLag1/fs, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end) ~= MaxLag1/fs , atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)   ~= -MaxLag2/fs, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end) ~= MaxLag2/fs , atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_xunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+% UTP_AO_XUNITS a set of UTPs for the ao/xunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_xunits.m,v 1.5 2011/04/05 04:29:44 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The xunits method of the ao class is a get-function to get the xunits values
+% of the data object
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_xunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'xunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with all data objects
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the xunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at2 at5 at6];
+      % Vector output
+      out  = xunits(avec);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4] = xunits(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), avec(kk).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, avec(1).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, avec(2).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, avec(3).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, avec(4).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the xunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      % Vector output
+      out  = xunits(amat);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6] = xunits(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), amat(kk).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, amat(1).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, amat(2).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, amat(3).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, amat(4).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, amat(5).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, amat(6).data.xunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xunits method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the xunits method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Vector output
+      out  = xunits(at3, at4, at5, at6);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4] = xunits(at3, at4, at5, at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 4, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      if ~eq(out(1),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2), unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(4),, atest = false; end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the xunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Vector output
+      out  = xunits(at1,[at4 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7, out8, out9] = ...
+        xunits(at1,[at4 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      if ~eq(out(1),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2), unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(4),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(5),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(6),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(7),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(8),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(9),, atest = false; end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out9,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xunits method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The xunits method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the xunits method works for AOs with different data objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the xunits method returns the xunits values for AOs with fsdata, 
+    % tsdata and xydata objects, and empty units for AOs with cdata.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      u1 = at1.xunits;
+      u2 = at2.xunits;
+      u3 = at3.xunits;
+      u4 = at4.xunits;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(u1,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~eq(u2,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~eq(u3,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~eq(u4, unit()), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_y.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+% UTP_AO_Y a set of UTPs for the ao/y method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_y.m,v 1.3 2009/07/21 15:57:44 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The y method of the ao class is a get-function to get the y values of the
+% data object
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_y(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'y';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with all data objects
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the y method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The y method doesn't work with a vector of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the y method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The y method doesn't work with a matrix of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the y method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The y method doesn't work with a list of AOs. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the y method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The y method can only return the y values of one AO. Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the y method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The y method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the y method works for AOs with different data objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the y method returns the y values for AOs with cdata, fsdata,
+    % tsdata and xydata objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      y1 = at1.y;
+      y2 = at2.y;
+      y3 = at3.y;
+      y4 = at4.y;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(y1,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(y2,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(y3,'), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(y4,, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the y method returns the y values of the data object
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the y method returns the y values in a column vector independent
+    % form the shape of the values in the data object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      y1 = at5.y;
+      y2 = at6.y;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'y1' and 'y2' are column vectors.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if size(y1, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end;
+      if size(y2, 2) ~= 1, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_yunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+% UTP_AO_YUNITS a set of UTPs for the ao/yunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_yunits.m,v 1.5 2011/04/05 04:29:44 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The yunits method of the ao class is a get-function to get the yunits values
+% of the data object
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_yunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'yunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with all data objects
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the yunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the yunits method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at2 at5 at6];
+      % Vector output
+      out  = yunits(avec);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4] = yunits(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), avec(kk).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, avec(1).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, avec(2).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, avec(3).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, avec(4).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the yunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the yunits method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      % Vector output
+      out  = yunits(amat);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6] = yunits(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), amat(kk).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1, amat(1).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, amat(2).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, amat(3).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, amat(4).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, amat(5).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, amat(6).data.yunits), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the yunits method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the yunits method works with a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Vector output
+      out  = yunits(at3, at4, at5, at6);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4] = yunits(at3, at4, at5, at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 4, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      if ~eq(out(1),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2,, atest = false; end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out(3),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(4),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the yunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the yunits method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Vector output
+      out  = yunits(at1,[at4 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % List output
+      [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7, out8, out9] = ...
+        yunits(at1,[at4 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output unit object contains the correct values.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct values in the outputs
+      % Vector output
+      if ~eq(out(1),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(4),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(5),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(6),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(7),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(8),, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(9),, atest = false; end
+      % List output
+      if ~eq(out1,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8,, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out9,, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the yunits method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The yunits method doesn't change the AO, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the yunits method works for AOs with different data objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the yunits method returns the yunits values for AOs with cdata,
+    % fsdata, tsdata and xydata objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      at4.setYunits('Hz s^-1');
+      u1 = at1.yunits;
+      u2 = at2.yunits;
+      u3 = at3.yunits;
+      u4 = at4.yunits;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(u1,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~eq(u2,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~eq(u3,, atest = false; end;
+      if ~eq(u4,, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_zDomainFit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+% UTP_AO_ZDOMAINFIT a set of UTPs for the ao/zDomainFit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_zDomainFit.m,v 1.8 2010/01/27 18:10:25 luigi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The zDomainFit method of the ao class fit a model (miir filter) to
+% fsdata.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_zDomainFit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'zDomainFit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+%     [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = get_test_objects_ao;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Build test objects
+    pl_data1 = plist('fsfcn', '0.01./(0.01+f)', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a1 = ao(pl_data1);
+    pl_data2 = plist('fsfcn', '0.001./(0.1+f)', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a2 = ao(pl_data2);
+    pl_data3 = plist('fsfcn', '(1e-3./(f).^2 + 1e3./(0.001+f)).*1e-9', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a3 = ao(pl_data3);
+    pl_data4 = plist('fsfcn', '(1e-4./(f).^2 + 1e3./(0.01+f)).*1e-10', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a4 = ao(pl_data4);
+    pl_data5 = plist('fsfcn', '(1e5.*f.^2 + 1e3./(0.01+f)).*1e-8', 'f1', 1e-6, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 100);
+    a5 = ao(pl_data5);
+    a1.setName;
+    a2.setName;
+    a3.setName;
+    a4.setName;
+    a5.setName;
+    av = [a1 a2 a3];
+    am = [a1 a2; a3 a4];
+    % ----- Building a simple test model
+    f = logspace(-6,log10(5),30);
+    fs = 10;
+    res = [0.7 0.2+0.01i 0.2-0.01i];
+    poles = [0.5 0.1+0.07i 0.1-0.07i];
+    tmod(3,1) = miir;
+    for ii = 1:3
+      tmod(ii,1) = miir(res(ii),[1 -poles(ii)],fs);
+    end
+    rtmod = resp(tmod,plist('bank','parallel','f',f.'));
+    % ----- Buildin a standard plist
+    fs = 10;
+    tol = 1e-3;
+    plstd = plist('FS',fs,...
+      'AutoSearch','on',...
+      'StartPoles',[],...
+      'StartPolesOpt','clin',...
+      'maxiter',60,...
+      'minorder',3,...
+      'maxorder',45,...
+      'weights',[],...
+      'weightparam','abs',...
+      'CONDTYPE','MSE',...
+      'FITTOL',1e-3,...
+      'MSEVARTOL',1e-2,...
+      'Plot','off',...
+      'ForceStability','off',...
+      'CheckProgress','off');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call does not work
+%     results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data
+%     shape does not apply
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test the fit give the correct coefficients
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 14, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('autosearch'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('startpoles'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('startpolesopt'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxiter'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('minorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('maxorder'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weights'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('weightparam'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('condtype'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fittol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('msevartol'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('plot'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('forcestability'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('checkprogress'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('autosearch'), 'on'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('startpoles')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('startpolesopt'), 'clog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxiter'), 50), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('minorder'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('maxorder'), 20), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('weights')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('weightparam'), 'abs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('condtype'), 'MSE'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fittol'), .001), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('msevartol'), .01), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('plot'), 'off'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('forcestability'), 'off'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('checkprogress'), 'off'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('autosearch'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('startpoles'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('startpolesopt'), {'real', 'clog', 'clin'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxiter'), {50}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('minorder'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('maxorder'), {20}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weights'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('weightparam'), {'ones', 'abs', 'sqrt'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('condtype'), {'MSE', 'RLD', 'RSF'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fittol'), {.001}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('msevartol'), {.01}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('plot'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('forcestability'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('checkprogress'), {'on', 'off'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zDomainFit method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zDomainFit method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = zDomainFit(av, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'av'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out.objs), numel(av)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.objs)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(av(kk).data, 'fsdata')
+          % check that the output data responses are accurate to the
+          % prescribed accuracy
+          mse = out.objs(kk).procinfo.find('FIT_MSE');
+          if mse.y>tol, atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.a]), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.b]), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zDomainFit method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zDomainFit method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = zDomainFit(am, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'am'
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out.objs), numel(am)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.objs)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(am(kk).data, 'fsdata')
+          % check that the output data responses are accurate to the
+          % prescribed accuracy
+          mse = out.objs(kk).procinfo.find('FIT_MSE');
+          if mse(end)>tol, atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.a]), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.b]), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zDomainFit method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zDomainFit method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = zDomainFit(a1,a2,a3, plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin = [a1,a2,a3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out.objs), numel(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.objs)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(aoin(kk).data, 'fsdata')
+          % check that the output data responses are accurate to the
+          % prescribed accuracy
+          mse = out.objs(kk).procinfo.find('FIT_MSE');
+          if mse(end)>tol, atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.a]), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.b]), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zDomainFit method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zDomainFit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = zDomainFit(a5,[a1 a2;a3 a4],plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    aoin  = [a5,reshape([a1 a2;a3 a4],1,[])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out.objs), numel(aoin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.objs)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(aoin(kk).data, 'fsdata')
+          % check that the output data responses are accurate to the
+          % prescribed accuracy
+          mse = out.objs(kk).procinfo.find('FIT_MSE');
+          if mse(end)>tol, atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.a]), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty([out.objs(kk).filters.b]), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zDomainFit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the zDomainFit method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = zDomainFit(a1,plstd);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'zDomainFit'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'zDomainFit'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % zDomainFit cannot modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the sDomainFit method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy a3 to work with
+      amodi = ao(a3);
+      aeq = ao(a3);
+      amodi.zDomainFit(plstd);
+      out = aeq.zDomainFit(plstd);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+%   %% UTP_08
+%   % <TestDescription>
+%   %
+%   % Test the shape of the output. - Does not make sense for zDomainFit
+%   % becauses the output are miir filters
+%   %
+%   % </TestDescription>
+%   function result = utp_08
+%     % <SyntaxDescription>
+%     %
+%     % Test that the zDomainFit method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+%     % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+%     %
+%     % </SyntaxDescription>
+%     try
+%       % <SyntaxCode>
+%       out1 = zDomainFit(a2,plstd);
+%       out2 = zDomainFit(a1,plstd);
+%       % </SyntaxCode>
+%       stest = true;
+%     catch err
+%       disp(err.message)
+%       stest = false;
+%     end
+%     % <AlgoDescription>
+%     %
+%     % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+%     %
+%     % </AlgoDescription>
+%     atest = true;
+%     if stest
+%       % <AlgoCode>
+%       % Check the shape of the output data
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+%       % </AlgoCode>
+%     else
+%       atest = false;
+%     end
+%     % Return a result structure
+%     result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+%   end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the zDomainFit method pass back the output objects to a
+  % single variable correctly.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+%       [o1, o2] = zDomainFit(a1, a2, plstd);
+      o3  = zDomainFit(a1, a2, plstd);
+%       mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+%       mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+%       o31 = o3(1:size(o3,1),1);
+%       o32 = o3(1:size(o3,1),2);
+%       mout31 = rebuild(o31);
+%       mout32 = rebuild(o32);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+%       if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+%       if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+%       if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3(1), mout3(1), ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3(2), mout3(2), ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3(:,1), mout3(:,1), ple2), atest = false; end
+%       if ~eq(o3(:,2), mout3(:,2), ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zDomainFit method return the correct coefficients
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zDomainFit method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 10;
+      tol = 0.5;
+      plstd2 = plist('FS',fs,...
+        'AutoSearch','off',...
+        'StartPoles',[],...
+        'StartPolesOpt','clin',...
+        'maxiter',60,...
+        'minorder',3,...
+        'maxorder',3,...
+        'weights',[],...
+        'weightparam','abs',...
+        'CONDTYPE','MSE',...
+        'FITTOL',1e-3,...
+        'MSEVARTOL',1e-2,...
+        'Plot','off',...
+        'ForceStability','off',...
+        'CheckProgress','off');
+      out = zDomainFit(rtmod,plstd2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that output contains the correct coefficients.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(numel(out), numel(rtmod)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the absolute value of the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out.filters)
+        % Check the fitted ao(fsdata) objects
+        if isa(, 'fsdata')
+          % check that fit coefficients corresponds to real coefficients
+          % within a tolerance
+          if any(abs(tmod(kk).a - out.filters(kk).a)>1e-4), atest = false; end
+          if any(abs(tmod(kk).b - out.filters(kk).b)>1e-4), atest = false; end
+        else
+          % Check the other objects (they must be empty)
+          if ~isempty(out.filters(kk).a), atest = false; end
+          if ~isempty(out.filters(kk).b), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ao/utp_ao_zeropad.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+% UTP_AO_ZEROPAD a set of UTPs for the ao/zeropad method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ao_zeropad.m,v 1.9 2010/07/21 14:17:54 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The zeropad method of the ao class zeropads time-series AOs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ao_zeropad(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ao';
+    mthd    = 'zeropad';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test AOs
+    [at1,at2,at3,at4,at5,at6,atvec,atmat] = eval(['get_test_objects_' class]);
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, at1, ple1, plist('FACTOR', 2))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('factor'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('position'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('factor'), 2), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('N')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('position'), 'post'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('factor'), {2}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('position'), {'pre', 'post'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zeropad method works with a vector of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zeropad method works for a vector of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      avec = [at1 at5 at6];
+      out  = zeropad(avec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(avec), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zeropad method works with a matrix of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zeropad method works for a matrix of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      amat = [at1 at5 at6; at5 at6 at1];
+      out  = zeropad(amat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(amat), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zeropad method works with a list of AOs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zeropad method works for a list of AOs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = zeropad(at1,at5,at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the square of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zeropad method works with a mix of different shaped AOs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zeropad method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single AOs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = zeropad(at1,[at5 at6],at5,[at5 at1; at6 at1],at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output AO contains the correct data.
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 9, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zeropad method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the zeropad method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = zeropad(at5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'zeropad'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'zeropad'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the zeropad method can modify the input AO.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zeropad method can modify the input AO by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      ain = ao(at1);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.zeropad();
+      ain.zeropad();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'at1' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' is zeropad(at1).
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that zeropad modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(ao(at1), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that zeropad doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check the data shape of the output against the input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the zeropad method keeps the data shape of the input object. The
+    % input AO must be an AO with row data and an AO with column data.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = zeropad(at5);
+      out2 = zeropad(at6);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shpe of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      if size( ~= size(, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the zeropad method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = zeropad(at5, at6);
+      o3  = zeropad(at5, at6);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/collection/utp_collection_collection.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+% UTP_COLLECTION_COLLECTION a set of UTPs for the collection/collection method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_collection_collection.m,v 1.11 2011/09/29 12:10:07 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The collection method of the collection class constructs collection objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_collection_collection(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'collection';
+    mthd    = 'collection';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    c1 = collection(ao(1), ao(2));
+    c1.setName();
+    c2 = collection(ao(1), pzmodel(1,1,10), plist('key', 'value'));
+    c2.setName();
+    cvec = [c1 c2 c1];
+    cmat = [c1 c2 c1; c2 c2 c1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, cvec, [], [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, cmat, [], [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, c1, c2, c1, [], [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, c1, cvec, cmat, [], [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, c1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    % Old format
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with different numbers of input
+    results = [results utp_08()];    % Check different inputs
+    % constructor specific tests
+    results = [results utp_60(class, c1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_61(class, c1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_62(class, c1, c2, ple2)];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_64(class, c1, ple1, ple2)]; % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_65(class, c1, ple3)]; % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_68(class, c1, ple3)];  % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    results = [results utp_70(class, c1, ple2)];  % Test history is working with plist(plist) constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Input')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Input'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('objs'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('objs')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the collection method properly applies history to the
+  % constructor with different numbers of inputs.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1);
+      a2 = ao(2);
+      a3 = ao(3);
+      out1 = collection(a1);
+      out2 = collection(a1, a2);
+      out3 = collection(a1, a2, a3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'collection'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'collection'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'collection'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'collection'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that output contains the right values
+      if ~isequal(out1.objs, {a1}), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.objs, {a1, a2}), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.objs, {a1, a2, a3}), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the collection constructor with different inputs.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests the collection constructor with different inputs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      newName = 'my nice name';
+      a1 = ao(8);
+      a2 = ao(9);
+      plIgnore = plist('objs', a1, 'ignore', true);
+      plEmpty  = plist();
+      plName   = plist('name', newName);
+      plObjs   = plist('objs', [a1 a2]);
+      % one input
+      cc1 = collection(a1);
+      cc2 = collection([a1 a2]);
+      cc3 = collection(plName);
+      cc4 = collection(plObjs);
+      % two inputs
+      cc5 = collection(a1, plEmpty);
+      cc6 = collection(a2, plName);
+      cc7 = collection(a1, plIgnore);
+      cc8 = collection(a1, plObjs);
+      cc9 = collection([a1 a2], [plIgnore plName plObjs]);
+      % more inputs
+      cc10 = collection(plObjs, [a1, a2], plIgnore, a2, plName);
+      % rebuild objects
+      r1  = cc1.rebuild();
+      r2  = cc2.rebuild();
+      r3  = cc3.rebuild();
+      r4  = cc4.rebuild();
+      r5  = cc5.rebuild();
+      r6  = cc6.rebuild();
+      r7  = cc7.rebuild();
+      r8  = cc8.rebuild();
+      r9  = cc9.rebuild();
+      r10 = cc10.rebuild();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'collection'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of the inside objects
+      if cc1.nobjs ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if cc2.nobjs ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if cc3.nobjs ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if cc4.nobjs ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if cc5.nobjs ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if cc6.nobjs ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if cc7.nobjs ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if cc8.nobjs ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if cc9.nobjs ~= 5, atest = false; end
+      if cc10.nobjs ~= 6, atest = false; end
+      % Check that we set the name with the configuration plist
+      if ~strcmp(, newName), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, newName), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, newName), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, newName), atest = false; end
+      % Check the history
+      if ~eq(cc1, r1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(cc2, r2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(cc3, r3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(cc4, r4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(cc5, r5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(cc6, r6, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(cc7, r7, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(cc8, r8, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuild is correct but the order of the inside objects is
+      % broken. The problem is that the inside PLISTs doesn't go into the
+      % history because they don't have one. They must go into the
+      % plistUsed and the plistUsed will be rebuild at a different time.
+      % if ~eq(c9, r9, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % if ~eq(cc10, r10, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/collection/utp_collection_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_COLLECTION_COPY a set of UTPs for the collection/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_collection_copy.m,v 1.1 2009/08/11 14:07:45 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the collection class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_collection_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'collection';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/collection/utp_collection_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+% UTP_COLLECTION_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the collection/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_collection_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2010/05/12 15:58:16 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the collection class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_collection_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'collection';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = collection(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = collection(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(objs(obj_no).fname)
+      disp(fn)
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/filterbank/utp_filterbank_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_FILTERBANK_COPY a set of UTPs for the filterbank/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_copy.m,v 1.3 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the filterbank class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_filterbank_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'filterbank';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/filterbank/utp_filterbank_filterbank.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+% UTP_FILTERBANK_FILTERBANK a set of UTPs for the filterbank/filterbank method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ssm_ssm.m,v 1.4 2009/08/07 07:31:46 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The filterbank method of the filterbank class constructs filterbank objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_filterbank_filterbank(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'filterbank';
+    mthd    = 'filterbank';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    fb1 = filterbank(iirhp, iirlp);
+    fb1.setName;
+    fb2 = filterbank(iirhp, iirbr, iirlp);
+    fb2.setName;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the general tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, [fb1 fb2 fb1], [], [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, [fb1 fb2 fb1; fb2 fb2 fb1], [], [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, fb1, fb2, fb1, [], [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, fb1, [fb1 fb2], [fb1 fb2 fb1; fb2 fb2 fb1], [], [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, fb1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working        
+    % constructor specific tests
+    results = [results utp_60(class, fb1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_61(class, fb1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_62(class, fb1, fb2, ple2)];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_64(class, fb1, ple2, ple2)]; % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_65(class, fb2, ple3)]; % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_68(class, fb1, ple3)];  % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Filters')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'        
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('BUILT-IN'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Filters'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filters'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('filters')), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'parallel'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/filterbank/utp_filterbank_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+% UTP_FILTERBANK_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the filterbank/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_filterbank_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2010/05/12 15:58:16 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the filterbank class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_filterbank_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'filterbank';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = filterbank(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = filterbank(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(objs(obj_no).fname)
+      disp(fn)
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_CHAR a set of UTPs for the matrix/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_char.m,v 1.1 2009/08/28 13:20:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the matrix class converts the objects into one
+% character string which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of MATRIX objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of MATRIX objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(mav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least the character set
+    %    (char-method) of all inner object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(mav)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, char(mav(kk)))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of MATRIX objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of MATRIX objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(mam);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least the character set
+    %    (char-method) of all inner object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(mam)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, char(mam(kk)))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of MATRIX objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of MATRIX objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(ma1, ma2, ma3, ma4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least the character set
+    %    (char-method) of all inner object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [ma1, ma2, ma3, ma4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, char(pain(kk)))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped MATRIX
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MATRIX objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(ma1,mav,ma2,mam,ma3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least the character set
+    %    (char-method) of all inner object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [ma1,reshape(mav,1,[]),ma2,reshape(mam,1,[]),ma3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, char(pain(kk)))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_COPY a set of UTPs for the matrix/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_copy.m,v 1.3 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the matrix class copies the input object depending of
+% the second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_ctranspose.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_CTRANSPOSE a set of UTPs for the matrix/ctranspose method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_ctranspose.m,v 1.4 2010/12/22 16:05:18 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ctranspose method of the matrix transpose the inner objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_ctranspose(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'ctranspose';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test that the method accepts plists
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, ma1, ple1, plist('NAME', 'foo'))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ctranspose method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ctranspose method works for a vector of MATRICES as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ctranspose(mav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mav'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(mav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), mav(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ctranspose method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ctranspose method works for a matrix of MATRICES as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ctranspose(mam);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mam'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(mam)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), mam(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ctranspose method works with a list of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ctranspose method works for a list of MATRICES as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ctranspose(ma1,ma2,ma3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    main = [ma1, ma2, ma3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(main)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), main(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ctranspose method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ctranspose method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single MATRICES.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ctranspose(ma1,mav,ma2,mam);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    main = [ma1, reshape(mav, 1, []), ma2, reshape(mam, 1, [])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(main)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), main(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ctranspose method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the ctranspose method can be
+    % processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ctranspose(ma1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'ctranspose'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'transpose'),atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ctranspose method can modify the input MATRIX.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ctranspose method can modify the input MATRIX by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj_modi = copy(ma1,1);
+      obj_eq   = copy(ma1,1);
+      out = obj_eq.ctranspose();
+      obj_modi.ctranspose();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the ctranspose value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, obj_eq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(obj_eq, ma1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), ma1(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % Check that out and obj_modi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, obj_modi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ctranspose method accepts plist as an input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the ctranspose method accepts plist as an input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ma1.ctranspose(plist());
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the correct data
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), ma1(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the matrix/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_display.m,v 1.1 2009/08/28 13:20:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the matrix class prints defined values of an
+% MATRIX object. MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is
+% not terminated by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of MATRIX objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of MATRIX objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      mav
+      out = display(mav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(mav)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, mav(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of MATRIX objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of MATRIX objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      mam
+      out = display(mam);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(mam)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, mam(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of MATRIX objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of MATRIX objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4
+      out = display(ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped 
+  % MATRIX objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single MATRIX objects as.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(ma1,mav,ma2,mam,ma3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [ma1,reshape(mav,1,[]),ma2,reshape(mam,1,[]),ma3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+    % to check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the matrix/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2010/05/12 15:58:16 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the matrix class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = matrix(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = matrix(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(objs(obj_no).fname)
+      disp(fn)
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_matrix.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_MATRIX a set of UTPs for the matrix/matrix method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_matrix.m,v 1.6 2009/07/30 17:27:31 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The matrix method of the matrix class constructs MATRIX objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_matrix(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'matrix';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, mav, [], [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, mam, [], [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, ma1, ma2, ma3, [], [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, ma1, mav, mam, [], [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, ma1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    % Old format
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with different numbers of input
+    % constructor specific tests
+    results = [results utp_60(class, ma3, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_61(class, ma1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_62(class, ma1, ma2, ple2)];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_64(class, ma1, ple1, ple2)]; % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_65(class, ma1, ple3)]; % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_68(class, ma1, ple3)];  % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    results = [results utp_70(class, ma1, ple2)];  % Test history is working with plist(plist) constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('shape'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('objs'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('shape')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('objs')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Input'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('shape'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('objs'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('shape')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('objs')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the matrix method properly applies history to the
+  % constructor with different numbers of inputs.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a1 = ao(1);
+      a2 = ao(2);
+      a3 = ao(3);
+      out1 = matrix(a1);
+      out2 = matrix(a1, a2);
+      out3 = matrix(a1, a2, a3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'matrix'.
+    % 2) Check that the rebuilt objects are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'matrix'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'matrix'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'matrix'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that output contains the right values
+      if ~eq(out1.objs, a1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.objs, [a1, a2]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.objs, [a1, a2, a3]), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_ncols.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_NCOLS a set of UTPs for the matrix/ncols method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_ncols.m,v 1.1 2009/08/28 13:20:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ncols method of the matrix class is a get-function for the number of
+% columns of the inner objects
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_ncols(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'ncols';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the method
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ncols method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ncols method doesn't work with a vector of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ncols method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ncols method doesn't work with a matrix of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ncols method works with a list of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ncols method doesn't work with a list of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ncols method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ncols method can only return the ncols values of one MATRIX.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ncols method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ncols method doesn't change the MATRIX, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ncols method returns the number of columns of the inner
+  % objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the ncols method returns the number of columns of the inner
+    % objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objs1 = [ao(1), ao(2), ao(3); ao(4), ao(5), ao(6)];
+      objs2 = [miir, miir; miir miir; miir miir];
+      m1 = matrix(objs1);
+      m2 = matrix(objs2);
+      n1 = m1.ncols;
+      n2 = m2.ncols;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that n1 and n2 are correct.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(n1, size(m1.objs, 2)), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(n2, size(m2.objs, 2)), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_nrows.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_NROWS a set of UTPs for the matrix/nrows method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_nrows.m,v 1.1 2009/08/28 13:20:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The nrows method of the matrix class is a get-function for the number of
+% rows of the inner objects
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_nrows(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'nrows';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the method
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nrows method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The nrows method doesn't work with a vector of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nrows method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The nrows method doesn't work with a matrix of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nrows method works with a list of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The nrows method doesn't work with a list of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nrows method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The nrows method can only return the nrows values of one MATRIX.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nrows method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The nrows method doesn't change the MATRIX, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nrows method returns the number of columns of the inner
+  % objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the nrows method returns the number of columns of the inner
+    % objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objs1 = [ao(1), ao(2), ao(3); ao(4), ao(5), ao(6)];
+      objs2 = [miir, miir; miir miir; miir miir];
+      m1 = matrix(objs1);
+      m2 = matrix(objs2);
+      n1 = m1.nrows;
+      n2 = m2.nrows;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that n1 and n2 are correct.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(n1, size(m1.objs, 1)), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(n2, size(m2.objs, 1)), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_osize.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_OSIZE a set of UTPs for the matrix/osize method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_osize.m,v 1.1 2009/08/28 13:20:20 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The osize method of the matrix class is a get-function for the size of
+% the inner objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_osize(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'osize';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the method
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the osize method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The osize method doesn't work with a vector of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the osize method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The osize method doesn't work with a matrix of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the osize method works with a list of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The osize method doesn't work with a list of MATRICES.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the osize method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The osize method can only return the osize values of one MATRIX.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the osize method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The osize method doesn't change the MATRIX, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the osize method returns the number of columns of the inner
+  % objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the osize method returns the number of columns of the inner
+    % objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objs1 = [ao(1), ao(2), ao(3); ao(4), ao(5), ao(6)];
+      objs2 = [miir, miir; miir miir; miir miir];
+      m1 = matrix(objs1);
+      m2 = matrix(objs2);
+      n1 = m1.osize;
+      n2 = m2.osize;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that n1 and n2 are correct.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(n1, size(m1.objs)), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(n2, size(m2.objs)), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_setObjs.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_SETOBJS a set of UTPs for the matrix/setObjs method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_setObjs.m,v 1.2 2010/12/22 16:05:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setObjs method of the matrix class sets the objs property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_setObjs(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'setObjs';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    pl_generic = plist('objs', [ao(1) ao(2)]);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, mav, @algo_test_plist, pl_generic, ple2)]; % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, mam, @algo_test_plist, pl_generic, ple2)]; % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, ma1, ma2, ma3, @algo_test_plist, pl_generic, ple2)]; % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, ma1, mam, mav, @algo_test_plist, pl_generic, ple2)]; % Mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, ma1, pl_generic, ple2)];    % Test history is working
+    % Old format
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property without a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, ma1, ple1, plist('OBJS', 'foo'))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  function atest = algo_test_plist(in, out, pli)
+    atest = true;
+    if ~eq(out.objs, pli.find('objs'), 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('objs'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('objs')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('objs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setObjs method can modify the input MATRIX.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setObjs method can modify the input MATRIX by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pli = plist('objs', ao(1), ao(2));
+      obj_modi = copy(ma1,1);
+      obj_eq   = copy(ma1,1);
+      out = obj_eq.setObjs(pli);
+      obj_modi.setObjs(pli);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the setObjs value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, obj_eq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(obj_eq, ma1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is correct
+      if ~eq(obj_modi.objs, pli.find('objs'), 'UUID'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and obj_modi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, obj_modi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setObjs method can set the property without a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setObjs method can modify the property 'objs'
+    % without a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objs = [ao(1), ao(2)];
+      out = ma1.setObjs(objs);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' has the correct objs field
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'objs'
+      if ~eq(out.objs, objs), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setObjs method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setObjs(ma1, ma2, [ao(1), ao(2)]);
+      o3  = setObjs(ma1, ma2, [ao(1), ao(2)]);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check that o1, o2 and o3 have the correct data
+      if ~eq(o1.objs, [ao(1) ao(2)], ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2.objs, [ao(1) ao(2)], ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3.objs, [ao(1) ao(2)], ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/matrix/utp_matrix_transpose.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+% UTP_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE a set of UTPs for the matrix/transpose method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_matrix_transpose.m,v 1.4 2010/12/22 16:05:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The transpose method of the matrix transpose the inner objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_matrix_transpose(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'matrix';
+    mthd    = 'transpose';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MATRIX objects
+    [ma1,ma2,ma3,ma4,mav,mam] = get_test_objects_matrix;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test that the method accepts plists
+    results = [results utp_11(mthd, ma1, ple1, plist('NAME', 'foo'))];    % Test plotinfo doesn't disappear
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the transpose method works with a vector of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the transpose method works for a vector of MATRICES as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = transpose(mav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mav'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(mav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), mav(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the transpose method works with a matrix of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the transpose method works for a matrix of MATRICES as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = transpose(mam);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'mam'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(mam)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), mam(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the transpose method works with a list of MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the transpose method works for a list of MATRICES as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = transpose(ma1,ma2,ma3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    main = [ma1, ma2, ma3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(main)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), main(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the transpose method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MATRICES as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the transpose method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single MATRICES.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = transpose(ma1,mav,ma2,mam);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    main = [ma1, reshape(mav, 1, []), ma2, reshape(mam, 1, [])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(main)), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), main(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the transpose method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the transpose method can be
+    % processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = transpose(ma1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'transpose'.
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'transpose'),atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the transpose method can modify the input MATRIX.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the transpose method can modify the input MATRIX by calling
+    % with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj_modi = copy(ma1,1);
+      obj_eq   = copy(ma1,1);
+      out = obj_eq.transpose();
+      obj_modi.transpose();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the transpose value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'obj_eq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, obj_eq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'obj_eq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(obj_eq, ma1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), ma1(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % Check that out and obj_modi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, obj_modi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the transpose method accepts plist as an input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the transpose method accepts plist as an input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = ma1.transpose(plist());
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the correct data
+    % 2) Check that the re-built object is the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check 'objs' field of each output
+      for oo = 1:numel(out)
+        s = size(out(oo));
+        for ll = 1:numel(s(1))
+          for rr = 1:numel(s(2))
+            if ~eq(out(oo).objs(ll,rr), ma1(oo).objs(rr,ll), 'UUID'), atest = false; break; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_bsubmit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_BSUBMIT a set of UTPs for the mfir/bsubmit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_bsubmit.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the mfir class submits a collection of objects
+% in binary form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_bsubmit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'bsubmit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [fir1,fir2,fir3,fir4,fir5,fir6,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_mfir_bsubmit: submit mfir';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_mfir_bsubmit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_mfir_bsubmit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a vector of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the bsubmit method works for a vector of MFIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(firv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(firv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of MFIR objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(firm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(firm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(firm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(firm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(firm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(fir1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl, firm, iir, firv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(firm) + numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(firm) + numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, firm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, firm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, firm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, firm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, firm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, firm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  firv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, firv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, firv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, firv(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{12}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the bsubmit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(fir1, fir2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, fir2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, fir2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_CHAR a set of UTPs for the mfir/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_char.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 12:33:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the mfir class converts the objects into one character string
+% which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(firv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, firv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(firm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, firm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(firbp,firhp,firpzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [firbp,firhp,firpzm];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, firin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(firhp,firv,firao,firm,firlp);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [firhp,reshape(firv,1,[]),firao,reshape(firm,1,[]),firlp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, firin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_COPY a set of UTPs for the mfir/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_copy.m,v 1.3 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the mfir class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_created.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_CREATED a set of UTPs for the mfir/created method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_created.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 12:33:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The created method of the mfir returns a time object of the last
+% modification. For this uses the created method the 'proctime' property of
+% the last history step and computs from this value a timeobject.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_created(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'created';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [fir1,fir2,fir3,fir4,fir5,fir6,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test empty object
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a vector of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a vector of MFIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(firv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= firv(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(firm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= firm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a list of MFIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(fir1,fir2,fir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if out(1).utc_epoch_milli ~= fir1.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(2).utc_epoch_milli ~= fir2.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(3).utc_epoch_milli ~= fir3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(fir1,firv,fir2,firm,fir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin = [fir1,reshape(firv,1,[]),fir2,reshape(firm,1,[]),fir3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(firm)+numel(firv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= firin(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = fir3.created;
+      out2 = firm.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the single object
+      if out1.utc_epoch_milli ~= fir3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if out2(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= firm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+  % even for an empty input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method with an empty 'MFIR object
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir = mfir();
+      out = fir.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      if isnan(out.utc_epoch_milli), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_creator.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_CREATED a set of UTPs for the mfir/creator method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_creator.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 12:33:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The creator method of the mfir extract the creator(s)/modifier from
+% the  history. Depending to the input parameter returns this method all
+% creator/modifier or only the last creator/modifier.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_creator(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'creator';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [fir1,fir2,fir3,fir4,fir5,fir6,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with different creator/modifier
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test negative case for the option 'all'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a vector of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a vector of MFIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(firv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(firm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      % Check creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(fir1,fir2,fir3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(fir1,firv,fir2,firm,fir3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = fir3.creator;
+      out2 = firm.creator;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      % Check the single object
+      if ~strcmp(out1, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      % For a single object must be the the output a char string
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~strcmp(out2{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+  % are in the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+    % plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+    % 'third'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Read object with different modifier
+      fir  = mfir('test_mfir_diff_creator.xml');
+      out1 = fir.creator;
+      out2 = fir.creator('all');
+      out3 = fir.creator(plist('option', 'all'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+    % 2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+    % used in connection with a matrix/vector of MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      firm.creator('all');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the mfir/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_display.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 12:33:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the mfir class prints defined values of an MFIR object.
+% MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is not terminated
+% by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      firv
+      out = display(firv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, firv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      firm
+      out = display(firm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, firm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      firlp,firbp,firao
+      out = display(firlp,firbp,firao);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [firlp,firbp,firao];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, firin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped 
+  % MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects as.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(firhp,firv,firbr,firm,firpzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [firhp,reshape(firv,1,[]),firbr,reshape(firm,1,[]),firpzm];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, firin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_eq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_EQ a set of UTPs for the mfir/eq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_eq.m,v 1.8 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eq() method of the mfir class fir1 == fir2 compares each element of an
+% fir object with the corresponding element of an second fir object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where fir1 and fir2 are equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are not equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_eq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'eq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with the exception list 'histin'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with the exception list 'iunits'
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with the exception list 'ounits'
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Exceptions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tol'), eps(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Exceptions'),   {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tol'),    {eps(1)}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir = firbr.setName('my name');
+      iirv1 = [firlp, firao, firpzm, firbr];
+      iirv2 = [firlp, firao, firpzm, fir];
+      out1 = eq(iirv1, iirv1);
+      out2 = eq(iirv1, iirv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir = firbr.setName('my name');
+      firm1 = [firlp, firao, firbr, firbr, firpzm, firlp];
+      firm2 = [firlp, firao, fir;   firbr, firpzm, firlp];
+      out1 = eq(firm1, firm1);
+      out2 = eq(firm1, firm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't change the MFIR object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because fir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, firbr, 'my name');
+      out1 = eq(fir, firbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(fir, firbr, 'name');
+      out3 = eqLocal(fir, firbr, 'mfir/name');
+      out4 = eq(fir.hist, firbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'histout'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because fir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir = testCallerIsMethod(@setHistout, firbr, [1 1]);
+      out1 = eq(fir, firbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(fir, firbr, 'histout');
+      out3 = eqLocal(fir, firbr, 'mfir/histout');
+      out4 = eq(fir.hist, firbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because fir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, firbr, unit('Hz'));
+      out1 = eq(fir, firbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(fir, firbr, 'iunits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(fir, firbr, 'mfir/iunits');
+      out4 = eq(fir.hist, firbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because fir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, firbr, unit('V'));
+      out1 = eq(fir, firbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(fir, firbr, 'ounits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(fir, firbr, 'mfir/ounits');
+      out4 = eq(fir.hist, firbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, firbr, 'my name');
+      pl = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = eq(fir, firbr);
+      out2 = eq(fir, firbr, pl);
+      out3 = eq(fir, firbr, pl);
+      out4 = eq(fir.hist, firbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  function res = eqLocal(obj1, obj2, ex)    
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {ex}]);
+      res = eq(obj1, obj2, ple);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_get.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_GET a set of UTPs for the mfir/get method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_get.m,v 1.3 2011/03/29 13:03:29 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The get method of the mfir class returns the value of an object
+% property. This is a very simple method which accepts only one mfir as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_get(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'get';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Algorithm test with a plist
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test with more than one mfir
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('property'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('property')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('property'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the mfir class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property. Do this for all properties of the MFIR object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir  = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      out1 = get(fir, 'gd');
+      out3 = get(fir, 'ntaps');
+      out4 = get(fir, 'fs');
+      out5 = get(fir, 'infile');
+      out6 = get(fir, 'a');
+      out7 = get(fir, 'histout');
+      out8 = get(fir, 'iunits');
+      out9 = get(fir, 'ounits');
+      out10= get(fir, 'hist');
+      out11= get(fir, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1,,      atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3, fir.ntaps),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, fir.fs),      atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5, fir.infile),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out6, fir.a),       atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out7, fir.histout), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8, fir.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out9, fir.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out10,fir.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out11,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the get method works with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property which is defined in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir  = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      pl1 = plist('property', 'gd');
+      pl3 = plist('property', 'ntaps');
+      pl4 = plist('property', 'fs');
+      pl5 = plist('property', 'infile');
+      pl6 = plist('property', 'a');
+      pl7 = plist('property', 'histout');
+      pl8 = plist('property', 'iunits');
+      pl9 = plist('property', 'ounits');
+      pl10= plist('property', 'hist');
+      pl11= plist('property', 'name');
+      out1 = get(fir, pl1);
+      out3 = get(fir, pl3);
+      out4 = get(fir, pl4);
+      out5 = get(fir, pl5);
+      out6 = get(fir, pl6);
+      out7 = get(fir, pl7);
+      out8 = get(fir, pl8);
+      out9 = get(fir, pl9);
+      out10= get(fir, pl10);
+      out11= get(fir, pl11);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1,,      atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3, fir.ntaps),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, fir.fs),      atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5, fir.infile),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out6, fir.a),       atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out7, fir.histout), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8, fir.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out9, fir.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out10,fir.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out11,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the mfir class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one MFIR object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir  = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      out = get([fir, fir], 'name');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_index.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_INDEX a set of UTPs for the mfir/index method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_index.m,v 1.4 2009/07/28 17:12:37 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The index method of the mfir class index into a MFIR vector or
+% matrix. This properly captures the history.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_index(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'index';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [fir1,fir2,fir3,fir4,fir5,fir6,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with plist
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test select more objects with an index
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('i'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('j'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('i')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('j')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('i'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('j'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a vector of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a vector of MFIR objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objvec = [fir1, fir2, fir3];
+      out1 = objvec.index(1);
+      out2 = objvec.index(3);
+      out3 = objvec.index(1,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, fir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, fir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, fir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %     [ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)]
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objmat = [fir1, fir2, fir3; ...
+                fir3, fir1, fir2];
+      out1 = objmat.index(5);
+      out2 = objmat.index(4);
+      out3 = objmat.index(1,2);
+      out4 = objmat.index(2,1);
+      out5 = objmat.index(2,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, fir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, fir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, fir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, fir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, fir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The index method doesn't work for a list of MFIR objects as input. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = index(fir1,fir2,fir3, 4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of index have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 2;
+      j = 3;
+      objmat = [fir1, fir2, fir3; ...
+                fir3, fir1, fir2];
+      out  = index(objmat, i, j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+    %    to 'index'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'index'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 1;
+      j = 1;
+      objmat = [fir1, fir2, fir3; ...
+                fir3, fir1, fir2];
+      out1 = index(objmat, i, j);
+      out2 = objmat.index(i,j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, fir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, fir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method can be controled with a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i1 = 6;
+      i2 = 1;
+      j2 = 3;
+      objmat = [fir1, fir2, fir3; ...
+                fir3, fir1, fir2];
+      pl1 = plist('i', i1);
+      pl2 = plist('i', i2, 'j', j2);
+      out1 = index(objmat, pl1);
+      out2 = index(objmat, pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, fir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), j2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, fir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = [2 6];
+      objmat = [fir1, fir2, fir3; ...
+                fir3, fir1, fir2];
+      pl = plist('i', i);
+      out1 = objmat.index(i);
+      out2 = objmat.index(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1(1).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1(1), fir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1(2), fir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2(2).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2(1), fir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2(2), fir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_isprop.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_ISPROP a set of UTPs for the mfir/isprop method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_isprop.m,v 1.6 2011/03/29 13:13:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isprop method of the mfir class determine whether input is object property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_isprop(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'isprop';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test negative case
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(firv, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(firm, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(firlp,firpzm,firbr, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(firlp,firv,firpzm,firm,firbr, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(firm)+numel(firv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to
+    % apply history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works for each property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+    % 'gd', 'ntaps', 'fs', 'infile', 'a', 'histout', 
+    % 'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist', 'name'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy firlp to work with
+      out1  = isprop(firlp, 'gd');
+      out3  = isprop(firlp, 'ntaps');
+      out4  = isprop(firlp, 'fs');
+      out5  = isprop(firlp, 'infile');
+      out6  = isprop(firlp, 'a');
+      out7  = isprop(firlp, 'histout');
+      out8  = isprop(firlp, 'iunits');
+      out9  = isprop(firlp, 'ounits');
+      out10 = isprop(firlp, 'hist');
+      out11 = isprop(firlp, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~out1,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out4,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out5,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out6,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out7,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out8,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out9,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out10, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out11, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the negative case and the not function command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+    % methods of the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = isprop(firbp, 'foo');
+      out2 = firbp.isprop('foo');
+      out3 = firbp.isprop('name');
+      out4 = firbp.isprop('type');
+      out5 = firbp.isprop('char');
+      out6 = firbp.isprop('creator');
+      out7 = firbp.isprop('created');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1, atest = false; end;
+      if out2, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3, atest = false; end;
+      if out4, atest = false; end;
+      if out5, atest = false; end;
+      if out6, atest = false; end;
+      if out7, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the mfir/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2009/01/12 19:08:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the mfir class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = mfir(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = mfir(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_mfir.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1883 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_MFIR a set of UTPs for the mfir/mfir method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_mfir.m,v 1.37 2011/08/22 05:37:13 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The mfir method of the mfir class constructs MFIR objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_mfir(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'mfir';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working with empty constructor
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with copy constructor
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test history is working with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test history is working with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test history is working with AO constructor (default)
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test history is working with pzmodel-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test history is working with plist(type) constructor
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test history is working with plist(pzmodel) constructor
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test history is working with plist(plist) constructor
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test history is working with plist(a) constructor
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test history is working with plist(AO) constructor
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test history is working with plist(AO) constructor
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test history is working with plist(AO) constructor
+    results = [results utp_22];    % Test history is working with AO + plist constructor
+    results = [results utp_23];    % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    results = [results utp_24];    % Test history is working with pzmodel + plist constructor
+    results = [results utp_25];    % Test history is working with a + fs constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        dwin = char(prefs.getMiscPrefs.getDefaultWindow);
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Standard Type')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Pzmodel')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From A')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From AO')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('built-in'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Standard Type'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fc'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('gain'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'lowpass'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fc'), [.1 .4]), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('gain'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fs'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('order'), 128), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'highpass', 'lowpass', 'bandpass', 'bandreject'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fc'), {[.1 .4]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('gain'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {128}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Pzmodel'
+        pn = 9;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('pzmodel'), pzmodel(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From A'
+        pn = 10;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('a'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('a')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('a'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From AO'
+        pn = 11;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('n'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('win'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('ao'), ao(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('n'), 512), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('method'), 'frequency-sampling'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(lower(io(pn).plists.find('win')), lower(dwin)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('n'), {512}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'frequency-sampling', 'least-squares', 'Parks-McClellan'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('win'), specwin.getTypes), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mfir method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = mfir(firv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output MFIRs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR is a copy of the input MFIR.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct shape
+      if size(out) ~= size(firv), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(firv(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(firv(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(firv(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mfir method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = mfir(firm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output MFIRs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR is a copy of the input MFIR.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(firm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(firm(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(firm(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(firm(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mfir method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = mfir(firhp, firlp, firbp);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR is a copy of the input MFIR.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin = [firhp, firlp, firbp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(firin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(firin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(firin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method works with a mix of different shaped MFIRs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mfir method works with a mix of different shaped MFIRs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out   = mfir(firhp,firv,firbr,firm,firlp);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR is a copy of the input MFIR.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin = [firhp, reshape(firv, 1, []), firbr, reshape(firm, 1, []), firlp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3+numel(firv)+numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(firin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(firin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(firin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the mfir method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = mfir(firlp);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the copy constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    % Test the constructor with a different number of inputs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = mfir(firhp);
+      out2 = mfir(firhp, firlp);
+      out3 = mfir(firhp, firlp, firbp);
+      out1.setName('my name');
+      out2(1).setName('my name');
+      out2(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(1).setName('my name');
+      out3(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(3).setName('my name');
+      mout = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter function
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      % It is the method 'setName' because we set it in above
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check next to the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the originals
+      if strcmp(firhp, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(firlp, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(firbp, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the read
+  % MAT-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'fir.mat';
+      fir = mfir(firlp);
+      save(fir, filename);
+      out  = mfir(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Reading a file doesn't add additionally history steps
+      if ~eq(out, fir, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the read
+  % XML-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'fir.xml';
+      amat = mfir(firm);
+      save(amat, filename);
+      out  = mfir(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'mfir'.
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the rebuilt object
+      if size(amat) ~= size(out), atest = false; end
+      % Check the algorithm
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+        % Reading a file doesn't add additionally history steps
+        if ~eq(out(kk), amat(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(mout(kk), out(kk), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the AO constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+    % the default values (method = 'frequency-sampling').
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 1000;
+      f  = linspace(0, fs/2, 1000);
+      xx = randn(1000,1);
+      plao = plist('type', 'fsdata', 'xvals', f, 'yvals', xx, 'fs', fs);
+      a1 = ao(plao);
+      out  = mfir(a1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Get the default values and compare this values with the output.
+      f   = a1.x;
+      xx  = abs(a1.y);
+      pl  = mfir.getInfo('mfir', 'From AO').plists;
+      N   = pl.find('N');
+      win = specwin(pl.find('win'), N+1);
+      ffm =  f/(fs/2);
+      mtaps = fir2(N, ffm, xx,;
+      if out.fs    ~= fs, atest = false; end
+      if out.ntaps ~= length(mtaps), atest = false; end
+      if out.a     ~= mtaps, atest = false; end
+      if    ~= (length(mtaps)+1)/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the AO history appends to the mfir history
+      if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, a1.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the struct constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sfirhp         = struct(firhp);
+      sfirhp.iunits  = struct(firhp.iunits);
+      sfirhp.ounits  = struct(firhp.ounits);
+      sfirhp.hist    = struct(firhp.hist);
+      out1 = mfir(struct(firpzm));
+      out2 = mfir(sfirhp);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a MFIR object
+      if ~isa(out1,'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2,'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the pzmodel constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps  = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs  =  pz(50);
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz^2'), unit('V^2'));
+      out = mfir(pzm);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a MFIR object
+      if ~isa(out,'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(filename) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename1 = 'fir.xml';
+      filename2 = 'fir.mat';
+      f1 = mfir(firpzm);
+      f2 = mfir(firlp);
+      save(f1, filename1);
+      save(f2, filename2);
+      out1 = mfir(plist('filename', filename1));
+      out2 = mfir(plist('filename', filename2));
+      rout1 = out1.rebuild;
+      rout2 = out2.rebuild;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the input object of the save method
+      if ~eq(f1, mfir(firpzm), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(f2, mfir(firlp), ple1) , atest = false; end
+      % Check the last history step of 'out' (load)c
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % The load doesn't have two additionally history steps (save + load)
+      if ~eq(out1, f1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, f2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1)
+      delete(filename2)
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(conn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn = utpGetConnection;
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_mfir_mfir_14: submit mfir vector';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_mfir_mfir_14: &description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_mfir_mfir_14>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      ids = submit(firv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out  = mfir(plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, 'database', utpGetDatabase, 'conn', conn, 'id', ids));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out, firv, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      %
+      % This test is in an automatic test not possible because the repository
+      % asks for username and password.
+      %
+      % Manually tested by: Ingo Diepholz
+      % Test date:          08.12.2008
+      % Status:             success
+      %
+      %     rout = rebuild(out);
+      %     if ~eq(rout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      %
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(type) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1   = plist('type', 'lowpass');
+      pl2   = plist('type', 'highpass');
+      pl3   = plist('type', 'bandpass');
+      pl4   = plist('type', 'bandreject');
+      plerr = plist('type', 'wrong name');
+      % Use different values to the default values
+      g   = 2;
+      fs  = 1000;
+      fc  = 60;
+      fcb = [50 100];
+      order = 32;
+      win = specwin('Hamming', order+1);
+      pl  = plist('fs', fs, 'fc', fc,  'order', order, 'gain', g);
+      plb = plist('fs', fs, 'fc', fcb, 'order', order, 'gain', g);
+      out1 = mfir(combine(pl1, pl));
+      out2 = mfir(combine(pl2, pl));
+      out3 = mfir(combine(pl3, plb));
+      out4 = mfir(combine(pl4, plb));
+      rout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      rout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      rout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      rout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      try
+        % Negative test: Should throw an error
+        mfir(plerr);
+        stest = false;
+      catch
+        stest = true;
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out4.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'lowpass' filter
+      a = g.*fir1(order, 2*fc/fs, 'low',;
+      if ~isequal(out1.a, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, (length(a)-1)/2), atest =false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, 'lowpass'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'highpass' filter
+      a = g.*fir1(order, 2*fc/fs, 'high',;
+      if ~isequal(out2.a, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, (length(a)-1)/2), atest =false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, 'highpass'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'bandpass' filter
+      a = g.*fir1(order, 2.*fcb/fs, 'bandpass',;
+      if ~isequal(out3.a, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, (length(a)-1)/2), atest =false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, 'bandpass'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'bandpass' filter
+      a = g.*fir1(order, 2.*fcb/fs, 'stop',;
+      if ~isequal(out4.a, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, (length(a)-1)/2), atest =false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, 'bandreject'), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(pzmodel) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps   = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs   = pz(50);
+      pzm  = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz'), unit('V'));
+      pl   = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 500);
+      out   = mfir(pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the pole/zero model (here 'pzmodel')
+      % Since we changed the constructors, the history no longer contains the pzmodel
+      % since we put the pzmodel in the plist.
+      %if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 500), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(<plist-object>) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm  = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50), unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl    = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 500);
+      out1  = mfir(plist('plist', pl));
+      out2  = mfir(plist('plist', plist())); % empty plist
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the partial fraction model (here 'pzmodel')
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out1.fs, 500), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      if ~isempty(out2.hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the a constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('a', [1 2 3], 'fs', 123);
+      out = mfir(pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 123), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.a,  [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the plist(AO) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+    % the method 'frequency-sampling'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 500;
+      f  = linspace(0, fs/2, fs);
+      xx = randn(fs,1);
+      plao = plist('type', 'fsdata', 'xvals', f, 'yvals', xx, 'fs', fs);
+      a1 = ao(plao);
+      win1   = specwin('kaiser', 32, 100);
+      win2   = specwin('BH92', 32);
+      N      = 64;
+      plfir1 = plist('ao', a1, 'method', 'frequency-sampling', 'win', win1, 'N', N);
+      plfir2 = plist('ao', a1, 'method', 'frequency-sampling', 'win', win2, 'N', N);
+      out1  = mfir(plfir1);
+      out2  = mfir(plfir2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Get the default values and compare this values with the output.
+      f   = a1.x;
+      xx  = abs(a1.y);
+      ffm =  f/(fs/2);
+      newwin = specwin('kaiser', N+1, 100);
+      mtaps1 = fir2(N, ffm, xx,;
+      newwin = specwin('BH92', N+1);
+      mtaps2 = fir2(N, ffm, xx,;
+      if out1.fs    ~= fs, atest = false; end
+      if out1.ntaps ~= length(mtaps1), atest = false; end
+      if out1.a     ~= mtaps1, atest = false; end
+      if    ~= (length(mtaps1)+1)/2, atest = false; end
+      if out2.fs    ~= fs, atest = false; end
+      if out2.ntaps ~= length(mtaps2), atest = false; end
+      if out2.a     ~= mtaps2, atest = false; end
+      if    ~= (length(mtaps2)+1)/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the AO history appends to the mfir history
+      if ~eq(out1.hist.inhists, a1.hist), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.hist.inhists, a1.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the plist(AO) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+    % the method 'least-squares'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 500;
+      f  = linspace(0, fs/2, fs);
+      xx = randn(fs,1);
+      plao = plist('type', 'fsdata', 'xvals', f, 'yvals', xx, 'fs', fs);
+      a1 = ao(plao);
+      win = specwin('BH92', 32);
+      N   = 64;
+      try
+        plfir = plist('ao', a1, 'method', 'least-squares', 'win', win, 'N', N);
+        out  = mfir(plfir);
+        mout = rebuild(out);
+        stest = false;
+      catch
+        stest = true;
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) At the moment throws this method an error.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the plist(AO) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+    % the method 'Parks-McClellan'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 500;
+      f  = linspace(0, fs/2, fs);
+      xx = randn(fs,1);
+      plao = plist('type', 'fsdata', 'xvals', f, 'yvals', xx, 'fs', fs);
+      a1 = ao(plao);
+      win = specwin('BH92', 32);
+      N   = 64;
+      try
+        plfir = plist('ao', a1, 'method', 'Parks-McClellan', 'win', win, 'N', N);
+        out  = mfir(plfir);
+        mout = rebuild(out);
+        stest = false;
+      catch
+        stest = true;
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) At the moment throws this method an error.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_22
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mfir method properly applies history to the AO + plist constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_22
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method. Use
+    % the method 'frequency-sampling'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 500;
+      f  = linspace(0, fs/2, fs);
+      xx = randn(fs,1);
+      plao = plist('type', 'fsdata', 'xvals', f, 'yvals', xx, 'fs', fs);
+      a1 = ao(plao);
+      win   = specwin('kaiser', 32, 100);
+      N     = 64;
+      plfir = plist('method', 'frequency-sampling', 'win', win, 'N', N);
+      out  = mfir(a1, plfir);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Get the default values and compare this values with the output.
+      f   = a1.x;
+      xx  = abs(a1.y);
+      ffm =  f/(fs/2);
+      newwin = specwin('kaiser', N+1, 100);
+      mtaps  = fir2(N, ffm, xx,;
+      if out.fs    ~= fs, atest = false; end
+      if out.ntaps ~= length(mtaps), atest = false; end
+      if out.a     ~= mtaps, atest = false; end
+      if    ~= (length(mtaps)+1)/2, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the AO history appends to the mfir history
+      if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, a1.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_22
+  %% UTP_23
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_23
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn = utpGetConnection
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_mfir_mfir_23: submit mfir';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_mfir_mfir_23: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = 'utp_mfir_mfir_23';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      [ids] = submit(firao, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out = mfir(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that re-running the 'test.m' file produces the same object
+    %    as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out,firao, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the history except the additional 'submit' + 'retrieve' steps
+      if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, firao.hist), atest = false; end
+      %
+      % This test is in an automatic test not possible because the repository
+      % asks for username and password
+      %
+      % Manual test by: Ingo Diepholz
+      % Test date:      08.12.2008
+      % Status:         success
+      %
+      %     rout = rebuild(out);
+      %     if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      %
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_23
+  %% UTP_24
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+  % pole/zero model + plist object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_24
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps  = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs  = pz(50);
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz'), unit('V'));
+      pl  = plist('fs', 123);
+      out = mfir(pzm, pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 123), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('V')),  atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_24
+  %% UTP_25
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MFIR method properly applies history to the
+  % a + fs object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_25
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a   = [1 2 3];
+      fs  = 123.123;
+      out = mfir(a,fs);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mfir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 123.123), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.a,  [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_25
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_ne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_NE a set of UTPs for the mfir/ne method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_ne.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ne() method of the mfir class fir1 ~= fir2 compares each element of an
+% mfir object with the corresponding element of an second fir object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where fir1 and fir2 are not equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_ne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'ne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir   = firpzm.setName('my name');
+      iirv1 = [firao, firbr, firhp, firpzm];
+      iirv2 = [firao, firbr, firhp, fir];
+      out1 = ne(iirv1, iirv1);
+      out2 = ne(iirv1, iirv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir   = firpzm.setName('my name');
+      firm1 = [firao, firbr, firpzm, firpzm, firhp, firao];
+      firm2 = [firao, firbr, fir;    firpzm, firhp, firao];
+      out1 = ne(firm1, firm1);
+      out2 = ne(firm1, firm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't change the MFIR object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list.
+  % The function mfir/ne use the function mfir/eq so it is not necessary to check
+  % all possibilities of the exception list.
+  % 
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because fir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, firpzm, 'my name');
+      out1 = ne(fir, firpzm);
+      out2 = ne(fir, firpzm, 'name',    'created', 'UUID');
+      out3 = ne(fir, firpzm, 'mfir/name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, firpzm, 'my name');
+      pl   = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'created', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = ne(fir, firpzm);
+      out2 = ne(fir, firpzm, pl);
+      out3 = ne(fir, firpzm, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_rebuild.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_REBUILD a set of UTPs for the mfir/rebuild method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_rebuild.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 12:33:00 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rebuild method of the mfir class rebuilds the input objects using the
+% history. This method is also intensively tested in the most other UTPs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_rebuild(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'rebuild';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [fir1, fir2, fir3, fir4, fir5, fir6, firv, firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the output
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(firv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'mfir'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firv)
+        if eq(out(kk), firv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(firm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'mfir'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firm)
+        if eq(out(kk), firm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(fir5,fir4,fir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [fir5,fir4,fir3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'mfir'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firin)
+        if eq(out(kk), firin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(fir4,firv,fir2,firm,fir1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [fir4,reshape(firv,1,[]),fir2,reshape(firm,1,[]),fir1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'mfir'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(firin)
+        if eq(out(kk), firin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = rebuild(fir1, fir2);
+      o3  = rebuild(fir1, fir2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, fir1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, fir2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, [fir1 fir2], ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_redesign.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_REDESIGN a set of UTPs for the mfir/redesign method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_redesign.m,v 1.3 2011/04/17 15:47:28 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The redesign method of the mfir class redesign the input filter to work for the
+% given sample rate.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_redesign(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'redesign';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    e = ple3.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+    ple3 = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'iunits', 'ounits'}]);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test redesign from a standard type
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test redesign from a pzmodel type
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the redesign method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    % To keep this UTP simple use for the vector only one filter object. The
+    % different filters will be tested in an other UTP.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = mfir(firhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      firvec = [hp, hp, hp];
+      out1   = redesign(firvec, 123);
+      out2   = redesign(firvec, plist('fs', 123));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(firvec)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(firvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the
+      % new frequency
+      firhp_123 = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      for kk=1:numel(firvec)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk), firhp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+        % The following values must have the same as the input values
+        if ~strcmp(out1(kk).name,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).iunits,   hp.iunits), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).ounits,   hp.ounits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % 'out1' must be the same as 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the redesign method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    % To keep this UTP simple use for the matrix only one filter object. The
+    % different filters will be tested in an other UTP.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = mfir(firhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      firmat = [hp, hp, hp; hp, hp, hp];
+      out1 = redesign(firmat, 123);
+      out2 = redesign(firmat, plist('fs', 123));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(firmat)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(firmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the
+      % new frequency
+      firhp_123 = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      for kk=1:numel(firmat)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk), firhp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+        % The following values must have the same as the input values
+        if ~strcmp(out1(kk).name,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).iunits,   hp.iunits), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).ounits,   hp.ounits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % 'out1' must be the same as 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the redesign method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    % To keep this UTP simple use for the list only one filter object. The
+    % different filters will be tested in an other UTP.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = mfir(firhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      out1 = redesign(hp, hp, hp, 123);
+      out2 = redesign(hp, hp, hp, plist('fs', 123));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin = [hp, hp, hp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the
+      % new frequency
+      firhp_123 = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      for kk=1:numel(firin)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk), firhp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+        % The following values must have the same as the input values
+        if ~strcmp(out1(kk).name,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).iunits,   hp.iunits), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).ounits,   hp.ounits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % 'out1' must be the same as 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the redesign method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    % To keep this UTP simple use for the vector only one filter object. The
+    % different filters will be tested in an other UTP.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = mfir(firhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      out1 = redesign(hp,[hp hp],hp,[hp hp hp; hp hp hp],hp, 123);
+      out2 = redesign(hp,[hp hp],hp,[hp hp hp; hp hp hp],hp, plist('fs', 123));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(firin), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= numel(firin), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the
+      % new frequency
+      firhp_123 = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      for kk=1:numel(firin)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk), firhp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+        % The following values must have the same as the input values
+        if ~strcmp(out1(kk).name,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).iunits,   hp.iunits), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).ounits,   hp.ounits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % 'out1' must be the same as 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the redesign method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = mfir(firhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      out  = redesign(hp, 123);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'redesign'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'redesign'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a standard filter type.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a standard filter type.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = redesign(firhp, 123);
+      out2 = redesign(firlp, 123);
+      out3 = redesign(firbp, 123);
+      out4 = redesign(firbr, 123);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the new
+      % frequency
+      hp_123 = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      lp_123 = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', 123));
+      bp_123 = mfir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', 123, 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+      br_123 = mfir(plist('type', 'bandreject', 'fs', 123, 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+      if ~eq(out1, hp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, lp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, bp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, br_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test[1..4].m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a pzmodel filter type.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a pzmodel filter type.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50));
+      pzm.setName();
+      pl = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+      firpzm = mfir(pl);
+      out = redesign(firpzm, 123);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the new
+      % frequency
+      pzm_123 = mfir(plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 123));
+      if ~eq(out, pzm_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the result of the rebuilt object.
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_resp.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_RESP a set of UTPs for the mfir/resp method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_resp.m,v 1.6 2010/03/15 15:57:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The resp method of the mfir class Make a frequency response of the filter.
+% For a command with no output variables plots the method the result into a
+% diagram.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_resp(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'resp';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [fir1,fir2,fir3,fir4,fir5,fir6,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with f = ao.y
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test with f
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf AND 'scale'
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test serial bank
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test parallel bank
+    % Make surethat all figures are closed
+    close all;
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'List')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Range')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'List'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('f')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Range'
+        if io(4).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f2'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('nf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f1')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f2')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('nf'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('scale'), 'log'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f1'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f2'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('nf'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'lin', 'log'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(firv);
+      out = resp(firv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+    % 3) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-12;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        nf = find(mfir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        f1 = firv(ii).fs/1000;
+        f2 = firv(ii).fs/2-1/nf;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      firmat = [fir1, fir2, fir3; fir4, fir5, fir6];
+      resp(firmat);
+      out = resp(firmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(firmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        nf = find(mfir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        f1 = firmat(ii).fs/1000;
+        f2 = firmat(ii).fs/2-1/nf;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      resp(fir1,fir2,fir3);
+      out = resp(fir1,fir2,fir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin = [fir1,fir2,fir3];
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(firin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        nf = find(mfir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        f1 = firin(ii).fs/1000;
+        f2 = firin(ii).fs/2-1/nf;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+  %  objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects. Test the method with an output and with no
+    % output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      firmat = [fir5, fir3, fir2; fir1, fir5, fir3];
+      resp(fir1,firv,fir2,firmat,fir3);
+      out = resp(fir1,firv,fir2,firmat,fir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output MFIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [fir1,reshape(firv,1,[]),fir2,reshape(firmat,1,[]),fir3];
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(firin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        nf = find(mfir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        f1 = firin(ii).fs/1000;
+        f2 = firin(ii).fs/2-1/nf;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      resp(fir5);
+      out  = resp(fir5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'resp'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+      y1 = get(lines{1}, 'YData');
+      y2 = get(lines{2}, 'YData');
+      if ~isequal(x, out.x.'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y2, abs(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y1, utils.math.phase(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      fir5.resp();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the response diagram.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        nf = find(mfir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        f1 = fir5(1).fs/1000;
+        f2 = fir5(1).fs/2-1/nf;
+      if x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+      if numel(x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+    % input f vector.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      arow = ao(1:100, linspace(.1, 5, 100));
+      acol = arow.';
+      f    = linspace(.1, 5, 100);
+      out1 = resp(fir5, plist('f', arow));
+      out2 = resp(fir5, plist('f', acol));
+      out3 = resp(fir5, plist('f', f));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = resp(fir5, fir3);
+      o3  = resp(fir5, fir3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an AO in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      axy = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(100,1));
+      afs = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(100,1), plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out1 = resp(fir5, plist('f', axy));
+      out2 = resp(fir5, plist('f', afs));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      f  = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      out1 = resp(fir5, plist('f', f));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      nf2 = 123;
+      out3 = resp(fir5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf));
+      out4 = resp(fir5, plist('f1', f1, 'nf', nf2));
+      out5 = resp(fir5, plist('f2', f2));
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      nfd = find(mfir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      f1d = fir5.fs/1000;
+      f2d = fir5.fs/2-1/nf;
+      f2d2 = fir5.fs/2-1/nf2;
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out5, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out3.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out4.x(end)-f2d2)>T, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if numel(out4.x) ~= nf2, atest = false; end
+      if out5.x(1)     ~= f1d, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if abs(out5.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5.x) ~= nfd, atest = false; end % Default values
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, mout5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 123;
+      out1 = resp(fir5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'lin'));
+      out2 = resp(fir5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'log'));
+      out3 = resp(fir5, plist('scale', 'lin'));
+      out4 = resp(fir5, plist('scale', 'log'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      nfd = find(mfir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      f1d = fir5.fs/1000;
+      f2d = fir5.fs/2-1/nfd;
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      xlin1 = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      xlin2 = linspace(f1d, f2d, nfd);
+      xlog1 = logspace(log10(f1), log10(f2), nf);
+      xlog2 = logspace(log10(f1d), log10(f2d), nfd);
+      if ~isequal(xlin1, out1.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlin2, out3.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog1, out2.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog2, out4.x'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method the response of a serial filter bank.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+  % Check that the resp method the response of a serial filter bank.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = resp(fir1, fir2, plist('bank', 'serial'));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      s1 = resp(fir1);
+      s2 = resp(fir2);
+      stot = s1 .* s2;
+      if ~isequal(stot.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(stot.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method the response of a parallel filter bank.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+  % Check that the resp method the response of a parallel filter bank.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = resp(fir1, fir2, plist('bank', 'parallel'));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      s1 = resp(fir1);
+      s2 = resp(fir2);
+      stot = s1 + s2;
+      if ~isequal(stot.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(stot.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_save.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_SAVE a set of UTPs for the mfir/save method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_save.m,v 1.7 2010/08/31 09:43:48 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The save method of the mfir class saves a mfir object to disk. Save stores
+% the variables in a MATLAB formatted file (MAT-file) named filename.mat or in a
+% XML fromat named filename.xml
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_save(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'save';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test plist contains the filename
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with standard MFIR objects
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test MFIR which is build from a pzmodel
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test MFIR which is build from a AO
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('postfix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('individual files'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filename'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('postfix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('individual files'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(firv, 'test.xml');
+      save(firv, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = mfir('test.xml');
+      out2 = mfir('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'firv'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(firv)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(firv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(firv(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(firv(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(firm, 'test.xml');
+      save(firm, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = mfir('test.xml');
+      out2 = mfir('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'firm'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(firm)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(firm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(firm(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(firm(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(firhp, firpzm, firbr, 'test.xml');
+      save(firhp, firpzm, firbr, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = mfir('test.xml');
+      out2 = mfir('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in the list
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [firhp, firpzm, firbr];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(firin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(firin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(firhp,firv,firpzm, 'test.xml');
+      save(firhp,firv,firpzm, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = mfir('test.xml');
+      out2 = mfir('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MFIR object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [firhp, reshape(firv, 1, []), firpzm];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2+numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2+numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(firin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(firin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = save(firao,  'test.xml');
+      out2 = save(firpzm, 'test.mat');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+    %    save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+    % 2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The last history step is the save method
+      if strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.hist, firao.hist),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.hist, firpzm.hist), atest = false; end
+      % check the history steps of the read object (load + save)
+      outr1 = mfir('test.xml');
+      outr2 = mfir('test.mat');
+      if strcmp(outr1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(outr1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(outr2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(outr2.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete('test.xml')
+      delete('test.mat')
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Use the save method with the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy firhp to work with
+      fir_mat = mfir(firhp);
+      fir_xml = mfir(firhp);
+      out1 = mfir('test.mat');
+      out2 = mfir('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method applies the history.
+    % 2) Check the output against the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the modified object have the 'save' method as the last
+      % history step
+      if strcmp(fir_xml.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(fir_mat.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output without the history
+      if ~eq(fir_mat, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(fir_xml, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('filename', 'test.mat');
+      pl2 = plist('filename', 'test.xml');
+      save(firbp, pl1);
+      save(firbp, pl2);
+      out1 = mfir('test.mat');
+      out2 = mfir('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(firbp, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firbp, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with standard MFIR objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save all standard MFIR objects with both extensions.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(firhp, 'test_hp.mat'); % highpass
+      save(firhp, 'test_hp.xml'); % highpass
+      save(firlp, 'test_lp.mat'); % lowpass
+      save(firlp, 'test_lp.xml'); % lowpass
+      save(firbp, 'test_bp.mat'); % bandpass
+      save(firbp, 'test_bp.xml'); % bandpass
+      save(firbr, 'test_br.mat'); % bandreject
+      save(firbr, 'test_br.xml'); % bandreject
+      out1 = mfir('test_hp.mat');
+      out2 = mfir('test_hp.xml');
+      out3 = mfir('test_lp.mat');
+      out4 = mfir('test_lp.xml');
+      out5 = mfir('test_bp.mat');
+      out6 = mfir('test_bp.xml');
+      out7 = mfir('test_br.mat');
+      out8 = mfir('test_br.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check highpass
+      if ~eq(firhp, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firhp, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firlp, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firlp, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firbp, out5, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firbp, out6, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firbr, out7, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firbr, out8, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, out6, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, out8, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test_hp.mat');
+      delete('test_hp.xml');
+      delete('test_lp.mat');
+      delete('test_lp.xml');
+      delete('test_bp.mat');
+      delete('test_bp.xml');
+      delete('test_br.mat');
+      delete('test_br.xml');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with MFIR object which is created from a pole/zero model
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save MFIR object which is created from a pzmodel.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Create a MFIR object from a pole/zero model
+      fir = mfir(plist('pzmodel', pzmodel(1,{[1 4], 2}, 3), 'Nsecs', 10, 'fs', 37));
+      save(fir, 'test.mat');
+      save(fir, 'test.xml');
+      out1 = mfir('test.mat');
+      out2 = mfir('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(fir, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(fir, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with MFIR object which is created from an analysis
+  % model.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save MFIR object which is created from an analysis model.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Create a MFIR object from an analysis model
+      aa = ao(plist('fsfcn', '1./(50+f)', 'f', linspace(0, 500, 1000)));
+      aa.setFs(1000);
+      fir = mfir(aa);
+      save(fir, 'test.mat');
+      save(fir, 'test.xml');
+      out1 = mfir('test.mat');
+      out2 = mfir('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(fir, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(fir, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_setHistout.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_SETHISTOUT a set of UTPs for the mfir/setHistout method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_setHistout.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setHistout method of the mfir class sets the histout property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_setHistout(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'setHistout';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('histout'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('histout')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('histout'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3];
+      out = setHistout(firv, vals);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the histout has the correct values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out.histout, vals), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3];
+      out = setHistout(firm, vals);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the histout has the correct values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out.histout, vals), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3];
+      out = setHistout(firhp,firpzm,firbp, vals);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the histout has the correct values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out.histout, vals), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistout method is not designed for this call, for that reason must
+    % this call fail.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3];
+      out = setHistout(firhp,firv,firpzm,firm,firbp, vals);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = fail;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the histout has the correct values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out.histout, vals), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setHistout method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setHistout(firhp, [1 2 3]);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setHistout, firhp, [1 2 3]);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setHistout'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setHistout'.
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setHistout') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('histout', [1 2 3]), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('histout', [1 2 3]), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'histout'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method can modify the input MFIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setHistout method can modify the input MFIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy firhp to work with
+      ain = mfir(firhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setHistout([1 2 3]);
+      ain.setHistout([1 2 3]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'firhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct histout field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setHistout modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(mfir(firhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setHistout doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.histout, [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setHistout method can modify the property 'histout'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('histout', [1 2 3]);
+      out = firhp.setHistout(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct histout field
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'histout'
+      if ~eq(out.histout, [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_setIunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_SETIUNITS a set of UTPs for the mfir/setIunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_setIunits.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setIunits method of the mfir class sets the iunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_setIunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'setIunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(firv, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(firm, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(firhp,firpzm,firbp, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(firhp,firv,firpzm,firm,firbp, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(firm)+numel(firv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setIunits(firhp, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, firhp, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setIunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'iunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input MFIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the input MFIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy firhp to work with
+      ain = mfir(firhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'firhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setIunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(mfir(firhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setIunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('iunits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = firhp.setIunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'iunits'
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setIunits(firhp, firlp, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setIunits(firhp, firlp, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_setName.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_SETNAME a set of UTPs for the mfir/setName method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_setName.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setName method of the mfir class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_setName(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'setName';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+%     % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(firv, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(firm, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(firhp,firpzm,firbp, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(firhp,firv,firpzm,firm,firbp, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(firm)+numel(firv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setName(firhp, 'my name');
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, firhp, 'my name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'name'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can modify the input MFIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the input MFIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy firhp to work with
+      ain = mfir(firhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setName('my name');
+      ain.setName('my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'firhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setName modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(mfir(firhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setName doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('name', 'my name');
+      out = firhp.setName(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'name'
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setName(firhp, firlp, 'new name');
+      o3  = setName(firhp, firlp, 'new name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_setOunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_SETOUNITS a set of UTPs for the mfir/setOunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_setOunits.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setOunits method of the mfir class sets the ounits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_setOunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'setOunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [firhp,firlp,firbp,firbr,firpzm,firao,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(firv, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(firm, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'firm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(firm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(firhp,firpzm,firbp, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(firhp,firv,firpzm,firm,firbp, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(firm)+numel(firv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setOunits(firhp, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, firhp, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setOunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'ounits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input MFIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the input MFIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy firhp to work with
+      ain = mfir(firhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'firhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setOunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(mfir(firhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setOunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('ounits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = firhp.setOunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'ounits'
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setOunits(firhp, firlp, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setOunits(firhp, firlp, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_STRING a set of UTPs for the mfir/string method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_string.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 12:33:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The string method of the mfir class writes a command string that can be
+% used to recreate the input object(s). But the object should not have more than
+% one history step.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_string(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    fir1 = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+    fir2 = mfir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+    firv = [fir1, fir2, fir1];
+    firm = [fir1, fir2, fir1; fir1, fir2, fir1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Negative test: The object have more than one history step.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(firv);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isa(rout, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(firv)
+        if eq(rout(kk), firv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(firm);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(firm)
+        if eq(rout(kk), firm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(fir1,fir2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [fir1, fir2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(firin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(firin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), firin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(fir1,firm,fir2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [fir1, reshape(firm, 1, []), fir2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(firin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(firin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), firin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method doesn't work if the MFIR object have more
+  % than one history step.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+    % one history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fir3  = mfir(plist('type', 'bandpass'));
+      fir3.setName('Second history step');
+      out = fir3.string();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_submit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_SUBMIT a set of UTPs for the mfir/submit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_submit.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the mfir class submits a collection of objects
+% in XML form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_submit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'submit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [fir1,fir2,fir3,fir4,fir5,fir6,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_mfir_submit: submit mfir';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_mfir_submit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_mfir_submit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames())
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a vector of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the submit method works for a vector of MFIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(firv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(firv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of MFIR objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(firm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(firm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(firm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(firm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(firm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(firm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(firm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(fir1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of MFIR objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl, firm, iir, firv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(firm) + numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(firm) + numel(firv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, firm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, firm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, firm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, firm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, firm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, firm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  firv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, firv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, firv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, firv(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{12}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the submit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(fir1, fir2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, fir2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, fir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, fir2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_type.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_TYPE a set of UTPs for the mfir/type method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_type.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 12:33:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The type method of the mfir class converts the input objects to 
+% MATLAB functions that reproduce the processing steps that led to the 
+% input objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_type(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'type';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MFIR objects
+    [fir1,fir2,fir3,fir4,fir5,fir6,firv,firm] = get_test_objects_mfir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % DEfine the filename
+    filename = 'test_mfir_type.m';
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('stop_option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('stop_option'), 'full'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('stop_option'), {'full', 'File', 'Repo', 'File Repo', 'N'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a vector of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(firv, filename);
+      type(firv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      if ~eq(firv, mout, ple2), atest = false; end;
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a matrix of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(firm, filename);
+      type(firm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(firm)
+        if ~eq(firm(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a list of MFIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a list of MFIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(fir5,fir4,fir3, filename);
+      type(fir5,fir4,fir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [fir5,fir4,fir3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(firin)
+        if ~eq(firin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped MFIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MFIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(fir4,firv,fir2,firm,fir1, filename);
+      type(fir4,firv,fir2,firm,fir1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    firin  = [fir4,reshape(firv,1,[]),fir2,reshape(firm,1,[]),fir1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(firin)
+        if ~eq(firin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/mfir/utp_mfir_update.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+% UTP_MFIR_UPDATE a set of UTPs for the mfir/update method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_mfir_update.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The update method of the mfir class updates (replace) an LTPDA object
+% in the repository with the given replacement object. It is only possible
+% to update one object. This is the reason why the general UTPs are not
+% possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_mfir_update(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'mfir';
+    mthd    = 'update';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    obj = mfir(plist('type', 'bandreject', 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+    obj.setName();
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_mfir_update: update mfir';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_mfir_update: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_mfir_update>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      [ids, cids] = submit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Test with conn
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Test with sinfo
+      results = [results utp_04];    % Test update of an binary file
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test replace with other object
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database object (conn) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (conn)');
+      update(uobj, ids, conn, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database info structure (sinfo) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Check that the update method also updates objects which are stored as
+    % a binary file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Submit the object as a binary
+      [ids_bin, cids] = bsubmit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids_bin, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids_bin'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids_bin);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository with
+  % a completely other object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository
+    % with a completely other object.
+    % Replace the mfir object with a filter object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/test_iir.fil	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#/* Fri Dec 16 21:06:44 2005; "dewh.fil" (daqs): */
+#/* pole 4 */
+#/* zero 400 */
+#/* pole 4 */
+#/* zero 400 */
+#/*  */
+#/*  */
+#/*  */
+#/*  */
+#/*  */
+#/* # computing instructions */
+#/*  */
+#/*  */
+#/* factor 25 */
+#/*  */
+#/* freq log 0.1 8k 1000 */
+#/*  */
+#/* iir 16384 start 4 4 */
+iir 16384
+iirstab 0.995
+a0 0.003061308659705303
+a1 -0.008461893738519068
+a2 0.008912224099961949
+a3 -0.004341107569771629
+a4 0.0008495938331665227
+b0 1
+b1 -2.969127117661185
+b2 3.253166856674948
+b3 -1.597899568659838
+b4 0.3138606346574565
+param a0 -0.017149 0.0175993 lin
+param a1 -0.017149 0.0175993 lin
+param a2 -0.017149 0.0175993 lin
+param a3 -0.017149 0.0175993 lin
+param a4 -0.017149 0.0175993 lin
+param b1 -6.08027 6.36431 lin
+param b2 -6.08027 6.36431 lin
+param b3 -6.08027 6.36431 lin
+param b4 -6.08027 6.36431 lin
+fit dewh.out dbdeg rel
+rewrite samebetter
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_bsubmit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_BSUBMIT a set of UTPs for the miir/bsubmit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_bsubmit.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the miir class submits a collection of objects
+% in binary form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_bsubmit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'bsubmit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_miir_bsubmit: submit miir';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_miir_bsubmit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_miir_bsubmit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the bsubmit method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(iirv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(iirv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of MIIR objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(iirm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(iirm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(iirm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(iirm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(iirm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(iir1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl, iirm, iir, iirv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(iirm) + numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(iirm) + numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, iirm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iirm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, iirm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, iirm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, iirm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, iirm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  iirv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, iirv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, iirv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, iirv(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{12}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the bsubmit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(iir1, iir2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, iir2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, iir2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_CHAR a set of UTPs for the miir/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_char.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 14:12:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the miir class converts the objects into one character string
+% which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(iirv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, iirv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(iirm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, iirm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(iirbp,iirhp,iirpzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    miirin  = [iirbp,iirhp,iirpzm];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(miirin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, miirin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(iirhp,iirv,iirab,iirm,iirlp);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    miirin  = [iirhp,reshape(iirv,1,[]),iirab,reshape(iirm,1,[]),iirlp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(miirin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, miirin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_COPY a set of UTPs for the miir/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_copy.m,v 1.5 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the miir class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_created.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_CREATED a set of UTPs for the miir/created method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_created.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 14:12:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The created method of the miir returns a time object of the last
+% modification. For this uses the created method the 'proctime' property of
+% the last history step and computs from this value a timeobject.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_created(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'created';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test empty object
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(iirv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= iirv(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(iirm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= iirm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a list of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(iir1,iir2,iir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if out(1).utc_epoch_milli ~= iir1.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(2).utc_epoch_milli ~= iir2.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(3).utc_epoch_milli ~= iir3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(iir1,iirv,iir2,iirm,iir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin = [iir1,reshape(iirv,1,[]),iir2,reshape(iirm,1,[]),iir3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(iirm)+numel(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= iirin(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = iir3.created;
+      out2 = iirm.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the single object
+      if out1.utc_epoch_milli ~= iir3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if out2(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= iirm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+  % even for an empty input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method with an empty 'MIIR object
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = miir();
+      out = iir.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      if isnan(out.utc_epoch_milli), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_creator.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_CREATED a set of UTPs for the miir/creator method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_creator.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 14:12:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The creator method of the miir extract the creator(s)/modifier from
+% the  history. Depending to the input parameter returns this method all
+% creator/modifier or only the last creator/modifier.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_creator(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'creator';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with different creator/modifier
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test negative case for the option 'all'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(iirv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(iirm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      % Check creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(iir1,iir2,iir3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(iir1,iirv,iir2,iirm,iir3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = iir3.creator;
+      out2 = iirm.creator;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      % Check the single object
+      if ~strcmp(out1, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      % For a single object must be the the output a char string
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~strcmp(out2{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+  % are in the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+    % plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+    % 'third'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Read object with different modifier
+      iir  = miir('test_miir_diff_creator.xml');
+      out1 = iir.creator;
+      out2 = iir.creator('all');
+      out3 = iir.creator(plist('option', 'all'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+    % 2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+    % used in connection with a matrix/vector of MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iirm.creator('all');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the miir/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_display.m,v 1.3 2009/07/23 14:12:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the miir class prints defined values of an MIIR object.
+% MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is not terminated
+% by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iirv
+      out = display(iirv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, iirv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iirm
+      out = display(iirm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, iirm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iirlp,iirbp,iirab
+      out = display(iirlp,iirbp,iirab);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iirlp,iirbp,iirab];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, iirin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped 
+  % MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single MIIR objects as.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(iirhp,iirv,iirbr,iirm,iirpzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iirhp,reshape(iirv,1,[]),iirbr,reshape(iirm,1,[]),iirpzm];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, iirin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+    % to check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_eq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_EQ a set of UTPs for the miir/eq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_eq.m,v 1.8 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eq() method of the miir class iir1 == iir2 compares each element of an
+% iir object with the corresponding element of an second iir object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where iir1 and iir2 are equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are not equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_eq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'eq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with the exception list 'histin'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with the exception list 'histout'
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with the exception list 'iunits'
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test with the exception list 'ounits'
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Exceptions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tol'), eps(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Exceptions'),   {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tol'),    {eps(1)}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = iirbr.setName('my name');
+      iirv1 = [iirlp, iirab, iirpzm, iirbr];
+      iirv2 = [iirlp, iirab, iirpzm, iir];
+      out1 = eq(iirv1, iirv1);
+      out2 = eq(iirv1, iirv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = iirbr.setName('my name');
+      iirm1 = [iirlp, iirab, iirbr, iirbr, iirpzm, iirlp];
+      iirm2 = [iirlp, iirab, iir;   iirbr, iirpzm, iirlp];
+      out1 = eq(iirm1, iirm1);
+      out2 = eq(iirm1, iirm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't change the MIIR object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because iir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, iirbr, 'my name');
+      out1 = eq(iir, iirbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'name');
+      out3 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'miir/name');
+      out4 = eq(iir.hist, iirbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'histin'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because iir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = testCallerIsMethod(@setHistin, iirbr, [1 1]);
+      out1 = eq(iir, iirbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'histin');
+      out3 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'miir/histin');
+      out4 = eq(iir.hist, iirbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'histout'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because iir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = testCallerIsMethod(@setHistout, iirbr, [1 1]);
+      out1 = eq(iir, iirbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'histout');
+      out3 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'miir/histout');
+      out4 = eq(iir.hist, iirbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because iir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, iirbr, unit('Hz'));
+      out1 = eq(iir, iirbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'iunits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'miir/iunits');
+      out4 = eq(iir.hist, iirbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because iir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, iirbr, unit('V'));
+      out1 = eq(iir, iirbr);
+      out2 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'ounits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(iir, iirbr, 'miir/ounits');
+      out4 = eq(iir.hist, iirbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, iirbr, 'my name');
+      pl = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = eq(iir, iirbr);
+      out2 = eq(iir, iirbr, pl);
+      out3 = eq(iir, iirbr, pl);
+      out4 = eq(iir.hist, iirbr.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  function res = eqLocal(obj1, obj2, ex)    
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {ex}]);
+      res = eq(obj1, obj2, ple);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_get.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_GET a set of UTPs for the miir/get method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_get.m,v 1.3 2011/03/29 13:03:29 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The get method of the miir class returns the value of an object
+% property. This is a very simple method which accepts only one miir as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_get(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'get';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Algorithm test with a plist
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test with more than one miir
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('property'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('property')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('property'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the miir class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property. Do this for all properties of the MIIR object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      out1 = get(iir, 'b');
+      out2 = get(iir, 'histin');
+      out4 = get(iir, 'ntaps');
+      out5 = get(iir, 'fs');
+      out6 = get(iir, 'infile');
+      out7 = get(iir, 'a');
+      out8 = get(iir, 'histout');
+      out9 = get(iir, 'iunits');
+      out10= get(iir, 'ounits');
+      out11= get(iir, 'hist');
+      out12= get(iir, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1, iir.b),       atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2, iir.histin),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, iir.ntaps),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5, iir.fs),      atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out6, iir.infile),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out7, iir.a),       atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out8, iir.histout), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out9, iir.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out10,iir.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out11,iir.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out12,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the get method works with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property which is defined in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir  = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      pl1 = plist('property', 'b');
+      pl2 = plist('property', 'histin');
+      pl4 = plist('property', 'ntaps');
+      pl5 = plist('property', 'fs');
+      pl6 = plist('property', 'infile');
+      pl7 = plist('property', 'a');
+      pl8 = plist('property', 'histout');
+      pl9 = plist('property', 'iunits');
+      pl10= plist('property', 'ounits');
+      pl11= plist('property', 'hist');
+      pl12= plist('property', 'name');
+      out1 = get(iir, pl1);
+      out2 = get(iir, pl2);
+      out4 = get(iir, pl4);
+      out5 = get(iir, pl5);
+      out6 = get(iir, pl6);
+      out7 = get(iir, pl7);
+      out8 = get(iir, pl8);
+      out9 = get(iir, pl9);
+      out10= get(iir, pl10);
+      out11= get(iir, pl11);
+      out12= get(iir, pl12);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1, iir.b),       atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2, iir.histin),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, iir.ntaps),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5, iir.fs),      atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out6, iir.infile),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out7, iir.a),       atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out8, iir.histout), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out9, iir.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out10,iir.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out11,iir.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out12,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the miir class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one MIIR object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir  = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      out = get([iir, iir], 'name');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_index.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_INDEX a set of UTPs for the miir/index method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_index.m,v 1.4 2009/07/28 17:12:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The index method of the miir class index into a MIIR vector or
+% matrix. This properly captures the history.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_index(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'index';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with plist
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test select more objects with an index
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('i'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('j'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('i')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('j')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('i'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('j'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objvec = [iir1, iir2, iir3];
+      out1 = objvec.index(1);
+      out2 = objvec.index(3);
+      out3 = objvec.index(1,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, iir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, iir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, iir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %     [ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)]
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objmat = [iir1, iir2, iir3; ...
+                iir3, iir1, iir2];
+      out1 = objmat.index(5);
+      out2 = objmat.index(4);
+      out3 = objmat.index(1,2);
+      out4 = objmat.index(2,1);
+      out5 = objmat.index(2,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, iir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, iir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, iir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, iir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, iir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The index method doesn't work for a list of MIIR objects as input. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = index(iir1,iir2,iir3, 4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of index have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 2;
+      j = 3;
+      objmat = [iir1, iir2, iir3; ...
+                iir3, iir1, iir2];
+      out  = index(objmat, i, j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+    %    to 'index'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'index'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 1;
+      j = 1;
+      objmat = [iir1, iir2, iir3; ...
+                iir3, iir1, iir2];
+      out1 = index(objmat, i, j);
+      out2 = objmat.index(i,j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, iir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, iir1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method can be controled with a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i1 = 6;
+      i2 = 1;
+      j2 = 3;
+      objmat = [iir1, iir2, iir3; ...
+                iir3, iir1, iir2];
+      pl1 = plist('i', i1);
+      pl2 = plist('i', i2, 'j', j2);
+      out1 = index(objmat, pl1);
+      out2 = index(objmat, pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, iir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), j2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, iir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = [2 6];
+      objmat = [iir1, iir2, iir3; ...
+                iir3, iir1, iir2];
+      pl = plist('i', i);
+      out1 = objmat.index(i);
+      out2 = objmat.index(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1(1).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1(1), iir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1(2), iir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2(2).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2(1), iir3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2(2), iir2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_isprop.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_ISPROP a set of UTPs for the miir/isprop method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_isprop.m,v 1.6 2011/03/29 13:13:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isprop method of the miir class determine whether input is object
+% property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_isprop(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'isprop';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test negative case
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(iirv, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(iirm, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a list of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(iirlp,iirpzm,iirbr, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(iirlp,iirv,iirpzm,iirm,iirbr, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(iirm)+numel(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary
+    % to apply history. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works for each property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+    % 'b', 'histin', 'ntaps', 'fs', 'infile', 'a', 'histout', 
+    % 'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist', 'name'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy iirlp to work with
+      out1  = isprop(iirlp, 'b');
+      out2  = isprop(iirlp, 'histin');
+      out4  = isprop(iirlp, 'ntaps');
+      out5  = isprop(iirlp, 'fs');
+      out6  = isprop(iirlp, 'infile');
+      out7  = isprop(iirlp, 'a');
+      out8  = isprop(iirlp, 'histout');
+      out9  = isprop(iirlp, 'iunits');
+      out10 = isprop(iirlp, 'ounits');
+      out11 = isprop(iirlp, 'hist');
+      out12 = isprop(iirlp, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~out1,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out2,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out4,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out5,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out6,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out7,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out8,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out9,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out10, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out11, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out12, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the negative case and the not function command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+    % methods of the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = isprop(iirbp, 'foo');
+      out2 = iirbp.isprop('foo');
+      out3 = iirbp.isprop('name');
+      out4 = iirbp.isprop('type');
+      out5 = iirbp.isprop('char');
+      out6 = iirbp.isprop('creator');
+      out7 = iirbp.isprop('created');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1, atest = false; end;
+      if out2, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3, atest = false; end;
+      if out4, atest = false; end;
+      if out5, atest = false; end;
+      if out6, atest = false; end;
+      if out7, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the miir/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2009/01/12 14:30:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the miir class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = miir(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = miir(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_miir.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1801 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_MIIR a set of UTPs for the miir/miir method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_miir.m,v 1.38 2011/08/22 05:37:13 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The miir method of the miir class constructs MIIR objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_miir(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'miir';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working with empty constructor
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with copy constructor
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test history is working with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test history is working with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test history is working with FIL file constructor
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test history is working with parfrac-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test history is working with pzmodel-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test history is working with plist(type) constructor
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test history is working with plist(pzmodel) constructor
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test history is working with plist(parfrac) constructor
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test history is working with plist(plist) constructor
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test history is working with plist(a+b) constructor
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test history is working with pzmodel + plist constructor
+    results = [results utp_22];    % Test history is working with parfrac + plist constructor
+    results = [results utp_23];    % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    results = [results utp_24];    % Test history is working with a + b + fs constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From LISO File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Standard Type')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Parfrac')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Pzmodel')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From AB')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('built-in'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From LISO File'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Standard Type'
+        pn = 9;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 11, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('type'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fc'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('gain'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('order'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ripple'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('type'), 'lowpass'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fc'), .1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('gain'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('fs'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('order'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('ripple'), .5), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('type'), {'highpass', 'lowpass', 'bandpass', 'bandreject'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fc'), {.1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('gain'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('order'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ripple'), {.5}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Allpass'
+        pn = 10;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 8, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('delay'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('N'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('method'), atest = false; end        
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('delay')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('N'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('method'), 'thirlen'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('delay'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('N'), {[1]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('method'), {'thirlen'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Parfrac'
+        pn = 11;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('parfrac'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('parfrac'), parfrac(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Pzmodel'
+        pn = 12;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('pzmodel'), pzmodel(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From AB'
+        pn = 13;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 8, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('a'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('b'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('a')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('b')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('fs')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('a'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('b'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the miir method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = miir(iirv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output MIIRs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR is a copy of the input MIIR.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct shape
+      if size(out) ~= size(iirv), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(iirv(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(iirv(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(iirv(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the miir method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = miir(iirm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output MIIRs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR is a copy of the input MIIR.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(iirm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(iirm(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(iirm(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(iirm(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the miir method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = miir(iirhp, iirlp, iirbp);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR is a copy of the input MIIR.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin = [iirhp, iirlp, iirbp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(iirin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(iirin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(iirin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method works with a mix of different shaped MIIRs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the miir method works with a mix of different shaped MIIRs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out   = miir(iirhp,iirv,iirbr,iirm,iirlp);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR is a copy of the input MIIR.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin = [iirhp, reshape(iirv, 1, []), iirbr, reshape(iirm, 1, []), iirlp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3+numel(iirv)+numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(iirin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(iirin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(iirin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the miir method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = miir(iirlp);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the copy constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    % Test the constructor with a different number of inputs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = miir(iirhp);
+      out2 = miir(iirhp, iirlp);
+      out3 = miir(iirhp, iirlp, iirbp);
+      out1.setName('my name');
+      out2(1).setName('my name');
+      out2(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(1).setName('my name');
+      out3(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(3).setName('my name');
+      mout = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter function
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      % It is the method 'setName' because we set it in above
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check next to the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the originals
+      if strcmp(iirhp, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(iirlp, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(iirbp, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the read
+  % MAT-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'iir.mat';
+      iir = miir(iirlp);
+      save(iir, filename);
+      out  = miir(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+    %    object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the saved and loaded objects are the same
+      if ~eq(out, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the read
+  % XML-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'iir.xml';
+      amat = miir(iirm);
+      save(amat, filename);
+      out  = miir(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history is the same as the history of the saved
+    %    object. Because save and load shouldn't add a history step.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~eq(out, amat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(mout(kk), out(kk), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the read
+  % FIL-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Read the FIL file which is created from LISO.
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'test_iir.fil';
+      out  = miir(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Reading a file adds additionally history steps
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the struct constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      siirhp         = struct(iirhp);
+      siirhp.iunits  = struct(iirhp.iunits);
+      siirhp.ounits  = struct(iirhp.ounits);
+      siirhp.hist    = struct(iirhp.hist);
+      out1 = miir(struct(iirpzm));
+      out2 = miir(siirhp);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a MIIR object
+      if ~isa(out1,'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2,'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the parfrac constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pfrac = parfrac([1 2], {4, 6+2i}, 0, 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      out   = miir(pfrac);
+      iir1  = out.index(1);
+      iir2  = out.index(2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(iir1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(iir2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'miir'.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of outputs.
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a MIIR object
+      if ~isa(out,'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check number of filter objects. This parfrac objects created two filter.
+      if numel(out) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, iir1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, iir2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the pzmodel constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps  = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs  =  pz(50);
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz^2'), unit('V^2'));
+      out = miir(pzm);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a MIIR object
+      if ~isa(out,'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the miir method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(filename) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename1 = 'iir.xml';
+      filename2 = 'iir.mat';
+      filename3 = 'test_iir.fil';
+      f1 = miir(iirpzm);
+      f2 = miir(iirlp);
+      save(f1, filename1);
+      save(f2, filename2);
+      out1 = miir(plist('filename', filename1));
+      out2 = miir(plist('filename', filename2));
+      out3 = miir(plist('filename', filename3));
+      rout1 = out1.rebuild;
+      rout2 = out2.rebuild;
+      rout3 = out3.rebuild;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The load doesn't have two additionally history steps (save + load)
+      if ~eq(out1, f1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, f2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1)
+      delete(filename2)
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(conn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_miir_miir_15: submit miir vector';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_miir_miir_15: &description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_miir_miir_15>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      ids = submit(iirv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out  = miir(plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, 'database', utpGetDatabase, 'conn', conn, 'id', ids));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out, iirv, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      %
+      % This test is in an automatic test not possible because the repository
+      % asks for username and password.
+      %
+      % Manually tested by: Ingo Diepholz
+      % Test date:          01.12.2008
+      % Status:             success
+      %
+      %     rout = rebuild(out);
+      %     if ~eq(rout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      %
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(type) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1   = plist('type', 'lowpass');
+      pl2   = plist('type', 'highpass');
+      pl3   = plist('type', 'bandpass');
+      pl4   = plist('type', 'bandreject');
+      plerr = plist('type', 'wrong name');
+      % Use different values to the default values
+      fs  = 1000;
+      fc  = 60;
+      fcb = [50 100];
+      order = 3;
+      pl  = plist('fs', fs, 'fc', fc,  'order', order);
+      plb = plist('fs', fs, 'fc', fcb, 'order', order);
+      out1 = miir(combine(pl1, pl));
+      out2 = miir(combine(pl2, pl));
+      out3 = miir(combine(pl3, plb));
+      out4 = miir(combine(pl4, plb));
+      rout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      rout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      rout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      rout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      try
+        % Negative test: Should throw an error
+        miir(plerr);
+        stest = false;
+      catch
+        stest = true;
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out4.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'lowpass' filter
+      [a, b] = butter(order, 2*fc/fs);
+      if ~isequal(out1.a, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.b, b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, 'lowpass'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'highpass' filter
+      [a, b] = butter(order, 2*fc/fs, 'high');
+      if ~isequal(out2.a, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.b, b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, 'highpass'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'bandpass' filter
+      [a, b] = cheby1(order, .5, 2.*fcb./fs);
+      if ~isequal(out3.a, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.b, b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, 'bandpass'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'bandpass' filter
+      [a, b] = cheby1(order, .5, 2.*fcb./fs, 'stop');
+      if ~isequal(out4.a, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.b, b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.fs, fs), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, 'bandreject'), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout4, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(pzmodel) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps   = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs   = pz(50);
+      pzm  = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz'), unit('V'));
+      pl   = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+      out   = miir(pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the pole/zero model (here 'pzmodel')
+      % Since we changed the constructors, the history no longer contains the pzmodel
+      % since we put the pzmodel in the plist.
+      % if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 1000), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(parfrac) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pfrac = parfrac([1 2], {4, 6}, 8, 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl    = plist('parfrac', pfrac, 'fs', 1000);
+      out   = miir(pl);
+      iir1  = out.index(1);
+      iir2  = out.index(2);
+      iir3  = out.index(3);
+      rout1 = rebuild(iir1);
+      rout2 = rebuild(iir2);
+      rout3 = rebuild(iir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+        % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+        % It must be the history of the partial fraction model (here 'parfrac')
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+        % Check values
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).fs, 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out(ii).iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out(ii).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, iir1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, iir2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout3, iir3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(<plist-object>) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pfrac = parfrac([1 2], {4, 6}, 8, 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl    = plist('parfrac', pfrac, 'fs', 1000);
+      out1  = miir(plist('plist', pl));
+      out2  = miir(plist('plist', plist())); % empty plist
+      iir1  = out1.index(1);
+      iir2  = out1.index(2);
+      iir3  = out1.index(3);
+      rout1 = rebuild(iir1);
+      rout2 = rebuild(iir2);
+      rout3 = rebuild(iir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(out1)
+        % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+        if ~strcmp(out1(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+        % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+        % It must be the history of the partial fraction model (here 'parfrac')
+        if ~strcmp(out1(ii).hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+        % Check values
+        if ~isequal(out1(ii).fs, 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(ii).iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(ii).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      if ~isempty(out2.hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, iir1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, iir2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout3, iir3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the a,b constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('a', [1 2 3], 'b', [4 5 6], 'fs', 123);
+      out = miir(pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 123), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.a,  [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.b,  [4 5 6]), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+  % pole/zero model + plist object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps  = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs  = pz(50);
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz'), unit('V'));
+      pl  = plist('fs', 123);
+      out = miir(pzm, pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 123), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('V')),  atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_22
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+  % partial fraction model + plist object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_22
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pfrac = parfrac(1, 4, 0, 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl  = plist('fs', 123);
+      out = miir(pfrac, pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 123), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')),  atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_22
+  %% UTP_23
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_23
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+      % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_miir_miir_23: submit miir';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_miir_miir_23: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = 'utp_miir_miir_23';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      [ids] = submit(iirab, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out = miir(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out,iirab, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the history except the additional 'submit' + 'retrieve' steps
+      if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, iirab.hist), atest = false; end
+      %
+      % This test is in an automatic test not possible because the repository
+      % asks for username and password
+      %
+      % Manual test by: Ingo Diepholz
+      % Test date:      01.12.2008
+      % Status:         success
+      %
+      %     rout = rebuild(out);
+      %     if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      %
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_23
+  %% UTP_24
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the MIIR method properly applies history to the
+  % a + b + fs object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_24
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      a   = [1 2 3];
+      b   = [5 6 7];
+      fs  = 123.123;
+      out = miir(a,b,fs);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'miir'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.fs, 123.123), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.a,  [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.b,  [5 6 7]),  atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_24
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_ne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_NE a set of UTPs for the miir/ne method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_ne.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ne() method of the miir class iir1 ~= iir2 compares each element of an
+% miir object with the corresponding element of an second iir object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where iir1 and iir2 are not equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_ne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'ne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir   = iirpzm.setName('my name');
+      iirv1 = [iirab, iirbr, iirhp, iirpzm];
+      iirv2 = [iirab, iirbr, iirhp, iir];
+      out1 = ne(iirv1, iirv1);
+      out2 = ne(iirv1, iirv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir   = iirpzm.setName('my name');
+      iirm1 = [iirab, iirbr, iirpzm, iirpzm, iirhp, iirab];
+      iirm2 = [iirab, iirbr, iir;    iirpzm, iirhp, iirab];
+      out1 = ne(iirm1, iirm1);
+      out2 = ne(iirm1, iirm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't change the MIIR object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list.
+  % The function miir/ne use the function miir/eq so it is not necessary to check
+  % all possibilities of the exception list.
+  % 
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because iir is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, iirpzm, 'my name');
+      out1 = ne(iir, iirpzm);
+      out2 = ne(iir, iirpzm, 'name',    'created', 'UUID');
+      out3 = ne(iir, iirpzm, 'miir/name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, iirpzm, 'my name');
+      pl   = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'created', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = ne(iir, iirpzm);
+      out2 = ne(iir, iirpzm, pl);
+      out3 = ne(iir, iirpzm, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_rebuild.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_REBUILD a set of UTPs for the miir/rebuild method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_rebuild.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 14:12:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rebuild method of the miir class rebuilds the input objects using the
+% history. This method is also intensively tested in the most other UTPs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_rebuild(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'rebuild';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the output
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(iirv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirv)
+        if eq(out(kk), iirv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(iirm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirm)
+        if eq(out(kk), iirm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(iir5,iir4,iir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iir5,iir4,iir3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirin)
+        if eq(out(kk), iirin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(iir4,iirv,iir2,iirm,iir1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iir4,reshape(iirv,1,[]),iir2,reshape(iirm,1,[]),iir1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirin)
+        if eq(out(kk), iirin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = rebuild(iir1, iir2);
+      o3  = rebuild(iir1, iir2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, iir1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, iir2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, [iir1 iir2], ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_redesign.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_REDESIGN a set of UTPs for the miir/redesign method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_redesign.m,v 1.3 2011/04/17 15:47:40 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The redesign method of the miir class redesign the input filter to work for the
+% given sample rate.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_redesign(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'redesign';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    e = ple3.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+    ple3 = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'iunits', 'ounits'}]);
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test redesign from a standard type
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test redesign from a pzmodel type
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test redesign from a parfrac type
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the redesign method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    % To keep this UTP simple use for the vector only one filter object. The
+    % different filters will be tested in an other UTP.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = miir(iirhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      iirvec = [hp, hp, hp];
+      out1   = redesign(iirvec, 123);
+      out2   = redesign(iirvec, plist('fs', 123));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirvec'
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(iirvec)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(iirvec)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the
+      % new frequency
+      iirhp_123 = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      for kk=1:numel(iirvec)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk), iirhp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+        % The following values must have the same as the input values
+        if ~strcmp(out1(kk).name,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).iunits,   hp.iunits), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).ounits,   hp.ounits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % 'out1' must be the same as 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the redesign method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    % To keep this UTP simple use for the matrix only one filter object. The
+    % different filters will be tested in an other UTP.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = miir(iirhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      iirmat = [hp, hp, hp; hp, hp, hp];
+      out1 = redesign(iirmat, 123);
+      out2 = redesign(iirmat, plist('fs', 123));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirmat'
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(iirmat)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(iirmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the
+      % new frequency
+      iirhp_123 = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      for kk=1:numel(iirmat)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk), iirhp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+        % The following values must have the same as the input values
+        if ~strcmp(out1(kk).name,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).iunits,   hp.iunits), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).ounits,   hp.ounits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % 'out1' must be the same as 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the redesign method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    % To keep this UTP simple use for the list only one filter object. The
+    % different filters will be tested in an other UTP.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = miir(iirhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      out1 = redesign(hp, hp, hp, 123);
+      out2 = redesign(hp, hp, hp, plist('fs', 123));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin = [hp, hp, hp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the
+      % new frequency
+      iirhp_123 = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      for kk=1:numel(iirin)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk), iirhp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+        % The following values must have the same as the input values
+        if ~strcmp(out1(kk).name,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).iunits,   hp.iunits), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).ounits,   hp.ounits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % 'out1' must be the same as 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the redesign method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects.
+    % To keep this UTP simple use for the vector only one filter object. The
+    % different filters will be tested in an other UTP.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = miir(iirhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      out1 = redesign(hp,[hp hp],hp,[hp hp hp; hp hp hp],hp, 123);
+      out2 = redesign(hp,[hp hp],hp,[hp hp hp; hp hp hp],hp, plist('fs', 123));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp hp];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= numel(iirin), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= numel(iirin), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the
+      % new frequency
+      iirhp_123 = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      for kk=1:numel(iirin)
+        if ~eq(out1(kk), iirhp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+        % The following values must have the same as the input values
+        if ~strcmp(out1(kk).name,, atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).iunits,   hp.iunits), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(out1(kk).ounits,   hp.ounits), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % 'out1' must be the same as 'out2'
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the redesign method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      hp = miir(iirhp);
+      hp.setIunits('Hz');
+      hp.setOunits('m^-2/3');
+      out  = redesign(hp, 123);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'redesign'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'redesign'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a standard filter type.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a standard filter type.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = redesign(iirhp, 123);
+      out2 = redesign(iirlp, 123);
+      out3 = redesign(iirbp, 123);
+      out4 = redesign(iirbr, 123);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the new
+      % frequency
+      hp_123 = miir(plist('type', 'highpass', 'fs', 123));
+      lp_123 = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass', 'fs', 123));
+      bp_123 = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass', 'fs', 123, 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+      br_123 = miir(plist('type', 'bandreject', 'fs', 123, 'fc', [0.01 0.1]));
+      if ~eq(out1, hp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, lp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, bp_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, br_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test[1..4].m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a pzmodel filter type.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a pzmodel filter type.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50));
+      pzm.setName();
+      pl = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+      iirpzm = miir(pl);
+      out = redesign(iirpzm, 123);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the new
+      % frequency
+      pzm_123 = miir(plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 123));
+      if ~eq(out, pzm_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the result of the rebuilt object.
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a parfrac filter type.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the redesign method redesigns a parfrac filter type.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pfrac = parfrac([1 2], {4, 6+2i}, 1, 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl = plist('parfrac', pfrac, 'fs', 1000);
+      iirpf = miir(pl);
+      out = redesign(iirpf, 123);
+      o1 = out.index(1);
+      o2 = out.index(2);
+      mo1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mo2 = rebuild(o2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check each output against the redesign of the filter with the new
+      % frequency
+      pf_123 = miir(plist('parfrac', pfrac, 'fs', 123));
+      if ~eq(out, pf_123, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the result of the rebuilt object.
+      if ~eq(mo1, o1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mo2, o2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_resp.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_RESP a set of UTPs for the miir/resp method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_resp.m,v 1.4 2010/03/15 15:57:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The resp method of the miir class Make a frequency response of the filter.
+% For a command with no output variables plots the method the result into a
+% diagram.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_resp(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'resp';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with f = ao.y
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test with f
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf AND 'scale'
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test serial bank
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test parallel bank
+    % Make surethat all figures are closed
+    close all;
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'List')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Range')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'List'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('f')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Range'
+        if io(4).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f2'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('nf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f1')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f2')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('nf'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('scale'), 'log'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f1'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f2'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('nf'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'lin', 'log'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(iirv);
+      out = resp(iirv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+    % 3) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-12;
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        nf = find(miir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        f1 = iirv(ii).fs/1000;
+        f2 = iirv(ii).fs/2-1/nf;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      iirmat = [iir1, iir2, iir3; iir4, iir5, iir6];
+      resp(iirmat);
+      out = resp(iirmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(iirmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        nf = find(miir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        f1 = iirmat(ii).fs/1000;
+        f2 = iirmat(ii).fs/2-1/nf;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      resp(iir1,iir2,iir3);
+      out = resp(iir1,iir2,iir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin = [iir1,iir2,iir3];
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(iirin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        nf = find(miir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        f1 = iirin(ii).fs/1000;
+        f2 = iirin(ii).fs/2-1/nf;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+  %  objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects. Test the method with an output and with no
+    % output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      iirmat = [iir5, iir3, iir2; iir1, iir5, iir3];
+      resp(iir1,iirv,iir2,iirmat,iir3);
+      out = resp(iir1,iirv,iir2,iirmat,iir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output MIIR contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iir1,reshape(iirv,1,[]),iir2,reshape(iirmat,1,[]),iir3];
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(iirin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        nf = find(miir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        f1 = iirin(ii).fs/1000;
+        f2 = iirin(ii).fs/2-1/nf;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      resp(iir5);
+      out  = resp(iir5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'resp'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+      y1 = get(lines{1}, 'YData');
+      y2 = get(lines{2}, 'YData');
+      if ~isequal(x, out.x.'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y2, abs(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y1, utils.math.phase(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      iir5.resp();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the response diagram.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    THRESHOLD = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+        % Default values always from the first filter
+        nf = find(miir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        f1 = iir5(1).fs/1000;
+        f2 = iir5(1).fs/2-1/nf;
+      if x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(x(end)-f2)>THRESHOLD, atest = false; end
+      if numel(x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+    % input f vector.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      arow = ao(1:100, linspace(.1, 5, 100));
+      acol = arow.';
+      f    = linspace(.1, 5, 100);
+      out1 = resp(iir5, plist('f', arow));
+      out2 = resp(iir5, plist('f', acol));
+      out3 = resp(iir5, plist('f', f));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = resp(iir5, iir3);
+      o3  = resp(iir5, iir3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an AO in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      axy = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(100,1));
+      afs = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(100,1), plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out1 = resp(iir5, plist('f', axy));
+      out2 = resp(iir5, plist('f', afs));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      f  = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      out1 = resp(iir5, plist('f', f));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      nf2 = 123;
+      out3 = resp(iir5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf));
+      out4 = resp(iir5, plist('f1', f1, 'nf', nf2));
+      out5 = resp(iir5, plist('f2', f2));
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 1e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      nfd = find(miir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      f1d = iir5.fs/1000;
+      f2d = iir5.fs/2-1/nf;
+      f2d2 = iir5.fs/2-1/nf2;
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out5, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out3.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out4.x(end)-f2d2)>T, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if numel(out4.x) ~= nf2, atest = false; end
+      if out5.x(1)     ~= f1d, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if abs(out5.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5.x) ~= nfd, atest = false; end % Default values
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, mout5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 123;
+      out1 = resp(iir5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'lin'));
+      out2 = resp(iir5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'log'));
+      out3 = resp(iir5, plist('scale', 'lin'));
+      out4 = resp(iir5, plist('scale', 'log'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      nfd = find(miir.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      f1d = iir5.fs/1000;
+      f2d = iir5.fs/2-1/nfd;
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      xlin1 = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      xlin2 = linspace(f1d, f2d, nfd);
+      xlog1 = logspace(log10(f1), log10(f2), nf);
+      xlog2 = logspace(log10(f1d), log10(f2d), nfd);
+      if ~isequal(xlin1, out1.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlin2, out3.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog1, out2.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog2, out4.x'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method the response of a serial filter bank.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+  % Check that the resp method the response of a serial filter bank.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = resp(iir1, iir2, plist('bank', 'serial'));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      s1 = resp(iir1);
+      s2 = resp(iir2);
+      stot = s1 .* s2;
+      if ~isequal(stot.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(stot.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method the response of a parallel filter bank.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+  % Check that the resp method the response of a parallel filter bank.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = resp(iir1, iir2, plist('bank', 'parallel'));
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      s1 = resp(iir1);
+      s2 = resp(iir2);
+      stot = s1 + s2;
+      if ~isequal(stot.x, out.x), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(stot.y, out.y), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_save.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_SAVE a set of UTPs for the miir/save method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_save.m,v 1.8 2010/08/31 09:43:48 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The save method of the miir class saves a miir object to disk. Save stores
+% the variables in a MATLAB formatted file (MAT-file) named filename.mat or in a
+% XML fromat named filename.xml
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_save(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'save';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test plist contains the filename
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with standard MIIR objects
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test MIIR which is build from a pzmodel
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('postfix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('individual files'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filename'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('postfix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('individual files'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(iirv, 'test.xml');
+      save(iirv, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = miir('test.xml');
+      out2 = miir('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'iirv'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(iirv(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(iirv(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(iirm, 'test.xml');
+      save(iirm, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = miir('test.xml');
+      out2 = miir('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'iirm'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(iirm)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(iirm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(iirm(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(iirm(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(iirhp, iirpzm, iirbr, 'test.xml');
+      save(iirhp, iirpzm, iirbr, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = miir('test.xml');
+      out2 = miir('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in the list
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iirhp, iirpzm, iirbr];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(iirin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(iirin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(iirhp,iirv,iirpzm, 'test.xml');
+      save(iirhp,iirv,iirpzm, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = miir('test.xml');
+      out2 = miir('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output MIIR object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iirhp, reshape(iirv, 1, []), iirpzm];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2+numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2+numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(iirin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(iirin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = save(iirab,  'test.xml');
+      out2 = save(iirpzm, 'test.mat');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+    %    save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+    % 2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The last history step is the save method
+      if strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % The histories must be the same
+      if ~eq(out1.hist, iirab.hist),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.hist, iirpzm.hist), atest = false; end
+      % check the history steps of the read object (load + save)
+      % The steps (save + load) shouldn't add history
+      outr1 = miir('test.xml');
+      outr2 = miir('test.mat');
+      if strcmp(outr1.hist, iirab.hist), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(outr2.hist, iirpzm.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete('test.xml')
+      delete('test.mat')
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Use the save method with the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy iirhp to work with
+      iir_mat = miir(iirhp);
+      iir_xml = miir(iirhp);
+      out1 = miir('test.mat');
+      out2 = miir('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+    % 2) Check the output against the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the modified object doesn't have the 'save' method as
+      % the last history step
+      if strcmp(iir_xml.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(iir_mat.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(iir_mat, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iir_xml, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('filename', 'test.mat');
+      pl2 = plist('filename', 'test.xml');
+      save(iirbp, pl1);
+      save(iirbp, pl2);
+      out1 = miir('test.mat');
+      out2 = miir('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(iirbp, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirbp, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with standard MIIR objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save all standard MIIR objects with both extensions.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(iirhp, 'test_hp.mat'); % highpass
+      save(iirhp, 'test_hp.xml'); % highpass
+      save(iirlp, 'test_lp.mat'); % lowpass
+      save(iirlp, 'test_lp.xml'); % lowpass
+      save(iirbp, 'test_bp.mat'); % bandpass
+      save(iirbp, 'test_bp.xml'); % bandpass
+      save(iirbr, 'test_br.mat'); % bandreject
+      save(iirbr, 'test_br.xml'); % bandreject
+      out1 = miir('test_hp.mat');
+      out2 = miir('test_hp.xml');
+      out3 = miir('test_lp.mat');
+      out4 = miir('test_lp.xml');
+      out5 = miir('test_bp.mat');
+      out6 = miir('test_bp.xml');
+      out7 = miir('test_br.mat');
+      out8 = miir('test_br.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check highpass
+      if ~eq(iirhp, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirhp, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirlp, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirlp, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirbp, out5, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirbp, out6, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirbr, out7, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirbr, out8, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, out6, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, out8, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test_hp.mat');
+      delete('test_hp.xml');
+      delete('test_lp.mat');
+      delete('test_lp.xml');
+      delete('test_bp.mat');
+      delete('test_bp.xml');
+      delete('test_br.mat');
+      delete('test_br.xml');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with MIIR object which is created from a pole/zero model
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save MIIR object which is created from a pzmodel.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Create a MIIR object from a pole/zero model
+      iir = miir(plist('pzmodel', pzmodel(1,{[1 4], 2}, 3), 'Nsecs', 10, 'fs', 37));
+      save(iir, 'test.mat');
+      save(iir, 'test.xml');
+      out1 = miir('test.mat');
+      out2 = miir('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(iir, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iir, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_setHistin.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_SETHISTIN a set of UTPs for the miir/setHistin method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_setHistin.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setHistin method of the miir class sets the Histin property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_setHistin(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'setHistin';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('histin'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('histin')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('histin'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistin method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistin method is not designed for vectors, for that reason must
+    % this call fail.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setHistin(iirv, [1 2 3]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistin method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistin method is not designed for matrices, for that reason must
+    % this call fail.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setHistin(iirm, [1 2 3]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistin method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistin method is not designed for input lists, for that reason must
+    % this call fail.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setHistin(iirhp,iirpzm,iirbp, [1 2 3]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistin method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistin method is not designed for this call, for that reason must
+    % this call fail.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setHistin(iirhp,iirv,iirpzm,iirm,iirbp, [1 2 3]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = fail;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistin method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setHistin method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setHistin(iirhp, [1 2 3]);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setHistin, iirhp, [1 2 3]);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setHistin'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setHistin'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setHistin') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('histin', [1 2 3]), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('histin', [1 2 3]), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'histin'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistin method can modify the input MIIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setHistin method can modify the input MIIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy iirhp to work with
+      ain = miir(iirhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setHistin([1 2 3]);
+      ain.setHistin([1 2 3]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct histin field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setHistin modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(miir(iirhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setHistin doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.histin, [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistin method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setHistin method can modify the property 'histin'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('histin', [1 2 3]);
+      out = iirhp.setHistin(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct histin field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'histin'
+      if ~eq(out.histin, [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_setHistout.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_SETHISTOUT a set of UTPs for the miir/setHistout method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_setHistout.m,v 1.8 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setHistout method of the miir class sets the histout property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_setHistout(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'setHistout';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('histout'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('histout')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('histout'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3];
+      out = setHistout(iirv, vals);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the histout has the correct values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out.histout, vals), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3];
+      out = setHistout(iirm, vals);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the histout has the correct values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out.histout, vals), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistout should set the output history (histout) of each input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3];
+      out = setHistout(iirhp,iirpzm,iirbp, vals);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the histout has the correct values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out.histout, vals), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The setHistout method is not designed for this call, for that reason must
+    % this call fail.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      vals = [1 2 3];
+      out = setHistout(iirhp,iirv,iirpzm,iirm,iirbp, vals);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = fail;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the histout has the correct values
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out.histout, vals), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setHistout method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setHistout(iirhp, [1 2 3]);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setHistout, iirhp, [1 2 3]);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setHistout'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setHistout'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setHistout') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('histout', [1 2 3]), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('histout', [1 2 3]), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'histout'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method can modify the input MIIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setHistout method can modify the input MIIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy iirhp to work with
+      ain = miir(iirhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setHistout([1 2 3]);
+      ain.setHistout([1 2 3]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct histout field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setHistout modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(miir(iirhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setHistout doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.histout, [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setHistout method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setHistout method can modify the property 'histout'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('histout', [1 2 3]);
+      out = iirhp.setHistout(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct histout field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'histout'
+      if ~eq(out.histout, [1 2 3]), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_setIunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_SETIUNITS a set of UTPs for the miir/setIunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_setIunits.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setIunits method of the miir class sets the iunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_setIunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'setIunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(iirv, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(iirm, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(iirhp,iirpzm,iirbp, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(iirhp,iirv,iirpzm,iirm,iirbp, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(iirm)+numel(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setIunits(iirhp, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, iirhp, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setIunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'iunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input MIIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the input MIIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy iirhp to work with
+      ain = miir(iirhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setIunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(miir(iirhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setIunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('iunits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = iirhp.setIunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'iunits'
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setIunits(iirhp, iirlp, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setIunits(iirhp, iirlp, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_setName.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_SETNAME a set of UTPs for the miir/setName method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_setName.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setName method of the miir class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_setName(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'setName';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(iirv, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(iirm, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(iirhp,iirpzm,iirbp, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(iirhp,iirv,iirpzm,iirm,iirbp, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(iirm)+numel(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setName(iirhp, 'my name');
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, iirhp, 'my name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'name'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can modify the input MIIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the input MIIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy iirhp to work with
+      ain = miir(iirhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setName('my name');
+      ain.setName('my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setName modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(miir(iirhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setName doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('name', 'my name');
+      out = iirhp.setName(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'name'
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setName(iirhp, iirlp, 'new name');
+      o3  = setName(iirhp, iirlp, 'new name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_setOunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_SETOUNITS a set of UTPs for the miir/setOunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_setOunits.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setOunits method of the miir class sets the ounits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_setOunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'setOunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iirhp,iirlp,iirbp,iirbr,iirpzm,iirab,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(iirv, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(iirm, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'iirm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(iirm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(iirhp,iirpzm,iirbp, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(iirhp,iirv,iirpzm,iirm,iirbp, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(iirm)+numel(iirv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setOunits(iirhp, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits,iirhp, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setOunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'ounits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input MIIR object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the input MIIR object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy iirhp to work with
+      ain = miir(iirhp);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'iirhp' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setOunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(miir(iirhp), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setOunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = plist('ounits', unit('Hz'));
+      out  = iirhp.setOunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'ounits'
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setOunits(iirhp, iirlp, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setOunits(iirhp, iirlp, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_STRING a set of UTPs for the miir/string method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_string.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 14:12:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The string method of the miir class writes a command string that can be
+% used to recreate the input object(s). But the object should not have more than
+% one history step.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_string(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    iir1 = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+    iir2 = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+    iirv = [iir1, iir2, iir1];
+    iirm = [iir1, iir2, iir1; iir1, iir2, iir1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Negative test: The object have more than one history step.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(iirv);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isa(rout, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirv)
+        if eq(rout(kk), iirv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(iirm);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirm)
+        if eq(rout(kk), iirm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(iir1,iir2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iir1, iir2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(iirin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), iirin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(iir1,iirm,iir2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iir1, reshape(iirm, 1, []), iir2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(iirin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(iirin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), iirin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method doesn't work if the MIIR object have more
+  % than one history step.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+    % one history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir3  = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass'));
+      iir3.setName('Second history step');
+      out = iir3.string();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_submit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_SUBMIT a set of UTPs for the miir/submit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_submit.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the miir class submits a collection of objects
+% in XML form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_submit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'submit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_miir_submit: submit miir';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_miir_submit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_miir_submit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a vector of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the submit method works for a vector of MIIR objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(iirv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(iirv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of MIIR objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(iirm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(iirm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(iirm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(iirm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(iirm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iirm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(iirm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(iir1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of MIIR objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl, iirm, iir, iirv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(iirm) + numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(iirm) + numel(iirv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, iirm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iirm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, iirm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, iirm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, iirm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, iirm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  iirv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, iirv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, iirv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, iirv(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{12}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the submit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(iir1, iir2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, iir2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, iir1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, iir2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_type.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_TYPE a set of UTPs for the miir/type method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_type.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 14:12:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The type method of the miir class converts the input objects to 
+% MATLAB functions that reproduce the processing steps that led to the 
+% input objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_type(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'type';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test MIIR objects
+    [iir1,iir2,iir3,iir4,iir5,iir6,iirv,iirm] = get_test_objects_miir;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % DEfine the filename
+    filename = 'test_miir_type.m';
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('stop_option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('stop_option'), 'full'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('stop_option'), {'full', 'File', 'Repo', 'File Repo', 'N'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a vector of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(iirv, filename);
+      type(iirv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      if ~eq(iirv, mout, ple2), atest = false; end;
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a matrix of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(iirm, filename);
+      type(iirm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(iirm)
+        if ~eq(iirm(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a list of MIIR objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a list of MIIR objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(iir5,iir4,iir3, filename);
+      type(iir5,iir4,iir3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iir5,iir4,iir3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(iirin)
+        if ~eq(iirin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped MIIR objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single MIIR objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(iir4,iirv,iir2,iirm,iir1, filename);
+      type(iir4,iirv,iir2,iirm,iir1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    iirin  = [iir4,reshape(iirv,1,[]),iir2,reshape(iirm,1,[]),iir1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(iirin)
+        if ~eq(iirin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/miir/utp_miir_update.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+% UTP_MIIR_UPDATE a set of UTPs for the miir/update method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_miir_update.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The update method of the miir class updates (replace) an LTPDA object
+% in the repository with the given replacement object. It is only possible
+% to update one object. This is the reason why the general UTPs are not
+% possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_miir_update(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'miir';
+    mthd    = 'update';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(200)], pz(50));
+    pzm.setName();
+    pl  = plist('pzmodel', pzm, 'fs', 1000);
+    obj = miir(pl);
+    obj.setName();
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_miir_update: update miir';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_miir_update: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_miir_update>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      [ids, cids] = submit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Test with conn
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Test with sinfo
+      results = [results utp_04];    % Test update of an binary file
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test replace with other object
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database object (conn) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (conn)');
+      update(uobj, ids, conn, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database info structure (sinfo) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Check that the update method also updates objects which are stored as
+    % a binary file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Submit the object as a binary
+      [ids_bin, cids] = bsubmit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids_bin, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids_bin'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids_bin);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository with
+  % a completely other object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository
+    % with a completely other object.
+    % Replace the miir object with a mfir filter object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = mfir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_bsubmit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_BSUBMIT a set of UTPs for the parfrac/bsubmit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_bsubmit.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the parfrac class submits a collection of objects
+% in binary form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_bsubmit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'bsubmit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_parfrac_bsubmit: submit parfrac';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_parfrac_bsubmit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_parfrac_bsubmit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the bsubmit method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pfv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(pfv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pfv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pfv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pfm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(pfm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(pfm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pfm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(pfm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pfm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(pfm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pf1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl, pfm, iir, pfv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(pfm) + numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(pfm) + numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pfm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pfm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pfm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, pfm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, pfm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, pfm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  pfv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, pfv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, pfv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the bsubmit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pf1, pf2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, pf2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, pf2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_CHAR a set of UTPs for the parfrac/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_char.m,v 1.3 2009/07/23 16:45:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the parfrac class converts the objects into one
+% character string which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pfv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pfm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pfm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pf1, pf2, pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [pf1, pf2, pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [pf1,reshape(pfv,1,[]),pf2,reshape(pfm,1,[]),pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_COPY a set of UTPs for the parfrac/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_copy.m,v 1.2 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the parfrac class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_created.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_CREATED a set of UTPs for the parfrac/created method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_created.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 16:45:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The created method of the parfrac returns a time object of the last
+% modification. For this uses the created method the 'proctime' property of
+% the last history step and computs from this value a timeobject.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_created(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'created';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test empty object
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= pfv(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(pfm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= pfm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(pf1,pf2,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if out(1).utc_epoch_milli ~= pf1.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(2).utc_epoch_milli ~= pf2.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(3).utc_epoch_milli ~= pf3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin = [pf1,reshape(pfv,1,[]),pf2,reshape(pfm,1,[]),pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pfm)+numel(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= pfin(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = pf3.created;
+      out2 = pfm.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the single object
+      if out1.utc_epoch_milli ~= pf3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if out2(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= pfm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+  % even for an empty input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method with an empty 'PARFRAC object
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf  = parfrac();
+      out = pf.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      if isnan(out.utc_epoch_milli), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_creator.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_CREATED a set of UTPs for the parfrac/creator method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_creator.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 16:45:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The creator method of the parfrac extract the creator(s)/modifier from
+% the  history. Depending to the input parameter returns this method all
+% creator/modifier or only the last creator/modifier.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_creator(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'creator';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with different creator/modifier
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test negative case for the option 'all'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(pfm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      % Check creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(pf1,pf2,pf3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = pf3.creator;
+      out2 = pfm.creator;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      % Check the single object
+      if ~strcmp(out1, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      % For a single object must be the the output a char string
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~strcmp(out2{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+  % are in the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+    % plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+    % 'third'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Read object with different modifier
+      pf  = parfrac('test_parfrac_diff_creator.xml');
+      out1 = pf.creator;
+      out2 = pf.creator('all');
+      out3 = pf.creator(plist('option', 'all'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+    % 2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+    % used in connection with a matrix/vector of PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pfm.creator('all');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the parfrac/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_display.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 16:45:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the parfrac class prints defined values of an
+% PARFRAC object. MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is
+% not terminated by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pfv
+      out = display(pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pfv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pfm
+      out = display(pfm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pfm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf1,pf2,pf3
+      out = display(pf1,pf2,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [pf1,pf2,pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped 
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PARFRAC objects as.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [pf1,reshape(pfv,1,[]),pf2,reshape(pfm,1,[]),pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+    % to check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_eq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_EQ a set of UTPs for the parfrac/eq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_eq.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eq() method of the parfrac class pf1 == pf2 compares each element of
+% a parfrac object with the corresponding element of an second parfrac
+% object and returns a logical 1 (true) where pf1 and pf2 are equal, or
+% logical 0 (false) where they are not equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_eq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'eq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with the exception list 'iunits'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with the exception list 'ounits'
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Exceptions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tol'), eps(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Exceptions'),   {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tol'),    {eps(1)}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa   = pf3.setName('my name');
+      pfv1 = [pf1, pf2, pf3];
+      pfv2 = [pf1, pf2, pa];
+      out1 = eq(pfv1, pfv1);
+      out2 = eq(pfv1, pfv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = pf3.setName('my name');
+      pfm1 = [pf1, pf2, pf3, pf1, pf2, pf3];
+      pfm2 = [pf3, pf2, pa;  pf1, pf2, pf3];
+      out1 = eq(pfm1, pfm1);
+      out2 = eq(pfm1, pfm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't change the PARFRAC object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception
+  % list with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option
+    % 'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+    % to the exception list because 'pa' is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pf3, 'my name');
+      out1 = eq(pa, pf3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pa, pf3, 'name');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pa, pf3, 'parfrac/name');
+      out4 = eq(pa.hist, pf3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because 'pa' is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      out1 = eq(pa, pf3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pa, pf3, 'iunits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pa, pf3, 'parfrac/iunits');
+      out4 = eq(pa.hist, pf3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception
+  % list with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option
+    % 'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+    % to the exception list because 'pa' is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, pf3, unit('V'));
+      out1 = eq(pa, pf3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pa, pf3, 'ounits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pa, pf3, 'parfrac/ounits');
+      out4 = eq(pa.hist, pf3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pf3, 'my name');
+      pl = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = eq(pa, pf3);
+      out2 = eq(pa, pf3, pl);
+      out3 = eq(pa, pf3, pl);
+      out4 = eq(pa.hist, pf3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  function res = eqLocal(obj1, obj2, ex)    
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {ex}]);
+      res = eq(obj1, obj2, ple);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_get.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_GET a set of UTPs for the parfrac/get method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_get.m,v 1.3 2011/03/29 13:03:29 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The get method of the parfrac class returns the value of an object
+% property. This is a very simple method which accepts only one parfrac as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_get(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'get';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Algorithm test with a plist
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test with more than one parfrac
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('property'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('property')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('property'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the parfrac class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property. Do this for all properties of the PARFRAC object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      out1 = get(pf, 'res');
+      out2 = get(pf, 'poles');
+      out3 = get(pf, 'pmul');
+      out4 = get(pf, 'dir');
+      out6 = get(pf, 'iunits');
+      out7 = get(pf, 'ounits');
+      out8 = get(pf, 'hist');
+      out9 = get(pf, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1, pf.res),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2, pf.poles),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3, pf.pmul),    atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, pf.dir),     atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, pf.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, pf.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8, pf.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out9,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the get method works with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property which is defined in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf  = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl1 = plist('property', 'res');
+      pl2 = plist('property', 'poles');
+      pl3 = plist('property', 'pmul');
+      pl4 = plist('property', 'dir');
+      pl6 = plist('property', 'iunits');
+      pl7 = plist('property', 'ounits');
+      pl8 = plist('property', 'hist');
+      pl9 = plist('property', 'name');
+      out1 = get(pf, pl1);
+      out2 = get(pf, pl2);
+      out3 = get(pf, pl3);
+      out4 = get(pf, pl4);
+      out6 = get(pf, pl6);
+      out7 = get(pf, pl7);
+      out8 = get(pf, pl8);
+      out9 = get(pf, pl9);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1, pf.res),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2, pf.poles),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3, pf.pmul),    atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, pf.dir),     atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, pf.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, pf.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8, pf.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out9,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the parfrac class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one PARFRAC object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf  = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4]);
+      out = get([pf, pf], 'name');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_getlowerFreq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_GETLOWERFREQ a set of UTPs for the parfrac/getlowerFreq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_getlowerFreq.m,v 1.3 2011/04/04 13:39:11 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The getlowerFreq method of the parfrac class gets the frequency of the
+% lowest pole in the model. This is a very simple method which accepts only
+% one parfrac as input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_getlowerFreq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'getlowerFreq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Negative test with more than one parfrac
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getlowerFreq method of the parfrac class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getlowerFreq returns the lowest frequence of the pole
+    % in the parfrac object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = pz(3,2); % f = 3
+      p2 = pz(40);  % f = 40
+      p3 = pz(2,3); % f = 2
+      p4 = pz(100); % f = 100
+      pole_ri = [p1.ri.', p2.ri.', p3.ri.', p4.ri.'];
+      res     = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
+      pf = parfrac(res, pole_ri);
+      out = getlowerFreq(pf);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if abs(out-2)>TOL, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getlowerFreq method of the parfrac class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getlowerFreq throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one parfrac.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = pz(3,2); % f = 3
+      p2 = pz(40);  % f = 40
+      p3 = pz(2,3); % f = 2
+      p4 = pz(100); % f = 100
+      pole_ri = [p1.ri.', p2.ri.', p3.ri.', p4.ri.'];
+      res     = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
+      pf = parfrac(res, pole_ri, []);
+      out = getlowerFreq([pf, pf]);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_getupperFreq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_GETUPPERFREQ a set of UTPs for the parfrac/getupperFreq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_getupperFreq.m,v 1.3 2011/04/04 13:39:11 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The getupperFreq method of the parfrac class gets the frequency of the
+% lowest pole in the model. This is a very simple method which accepts only
+% one parfrac as input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_getupperFreq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'getupperFreq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Negative test with more than one parfrac
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getupperFreq method of the parfrac class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getupperFreq returns the lowest frequence of the pole
+    % in the parfrac object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = pz(3,2); % f = 3
+      p2 = pz(40);  % f = 40
+      p3 = pz(2,3); % f = 2
+      p4 = pz(100); % f = 100
+      pole_ri = [p1.ri.', p2.ri.', p3.ri.', p4.ri.'];
+      res     = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
+      pf = parfrac(res, pole_ri);
+      out = getupperFreq(pf);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if abs(out-100)>TOL, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getupperFreq method of the parfrac class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getupperFreq throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one parfrac.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = pz(3,2); % f = 3
+      p2 = pz(40);  % f = 40
+      p3 = pz(2,3); % f = 2
+      p4 = pz(100); % f = 100
+      pole_ri = [p1.ri.', p2.ri.', p3.ri.', p4.ri.'];
+      res     = [1 2 3 4 5 6];
+      pf = parfrac(res, pole_ri, []);
+      out = getupperFreq([pf, pf]);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_index.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_INDEX a set of UTPs for the parfrac/index method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_index.m,v 1.4 2009/07/28 17:12:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The index method of the parfrac class index into a PARFRAC vector or
+% matrix. This properly captures the history.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_index(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'index';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with plist
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test select more objects with an index
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('i'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('j'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('i')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('j')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('i'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('j'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objvec = [pf1, pf2, pf3];
+      out1 = objvec.index(1);
+      out2 = objvec.index(3);
+      out3 = objvec.index(1,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, pf1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, pf3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, pf2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %     [ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)]
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objmat = [pf1, pf2, pf3; ...
+                pf3, pf1, pf2];
+      out1 = objmat.index(5);
+      out2 = objmat.index(4);
+      out3 = objmat.index(1,2);
+      out4 = objmat.index(2,1);
+      out5 = objmat.index(2,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, pf3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, pf1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, pf2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, pf3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, pf1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The index method doesn't work for a list of PARFRAC objects as input. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = index(pf1,pf2,pf3, 4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of index have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 2;
+      j = 3;
+      objmat = [pf1, pf2, pf3; ...
+                pf3, pf1, pf2];
+      out  = index(objmat, i, j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+    %    to 'index'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'index'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 1;
+      j = 1;
+      objmat = [pf1, pf2, pf3; ...
+                pf3, pf1, pf2];
+      out1 = index(objmat, i, j);
+      out2 = objmat.index(i,j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, pf1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, pf1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method can be controled with a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i1 = 6;
+      i2 = 1;
+      j2 = 3;
+      objmat = [pf1, pf2, pf3; ...
+                pf3, pf1, pf2];
+      pl1 = plist('i', i1);
+      pl2 = plist('i', i2, 'j', j2);
+      out1 = index(objmat, pl1);
+      out2 = index(objmat, pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, pf2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), j2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, pf3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = [2 6];
+      objmat = [pf1, pf2, pf3; ...
+                pf3, pf1, pf2];
+      pl = plist('i', i);
+      out1 = objmat.index(i);
+      out2 = objmat.index(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1(1).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1(1), pf3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1(2), pf2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2(2).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2(1), pf3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2(2), pf2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_isprop.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_ISPROP a set of UTPs for the parfrac/isprop method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_isprop.m,v 1.3 2011/03/29 13:13:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isprop method of the parfrac class determine whether input is object
+% property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_isprop(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'isprop';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test negative case
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pfv, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pfm, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pf1,pf2,pf3, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pfm)+numel(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary
+    % to apply history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works for each property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+    % 'res', 'poles', 'pmul', 'dir', 'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist',
+    % 'name'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pf1 to work with
+      out1  = isprop(pf1, 'res');
+      out2  = isprop(pf1, 'poles');
+      out3  = isprop(pf1, 'pmul');
+      out4  = isprop(pf1, 'dir');
+      out6  = isprop(pf1, 'iunits');
+      out7  = isprop(pf1, 'ounits');
+      out8  = isprop(pf1, 'hist');
+      out9  = isprop(pf1, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~out1,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out2,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out4,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out6,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out7,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out8,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out9,  atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the negative case and the not function command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and
+    % for methods of the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = isprop(pf2, 'foo');
+      out2 = pf2.isprop('foo');
+      out3 = pf2.isprop('name');
+      out4 = pf2.isprop('type');
+      out5 = pf2.isprop('char');
+      out6 = pf2.isprop('creator');
+      out7 = pf2.isprop('created');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1, atest = false; end;
+      if out2, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3, atest = false; end;
+      if out4, atest = false; end;
+      if out5, atest = false; end;
+      if out6, atest = false; end;
+      if out7, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the parfrac/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_loadobj.m,v 1.2 2009/02/06 14:38:36 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the parfrac class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = parfrac(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = parfrac(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_ne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_NE a set of UTPs for the parfrac/ne method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_ne.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ne() method of the parfrac class pf1 ~= pf2 compares each element of
+% an parfrac object with the corresponding element of an second parfrac
+% object and returns a logical 1 (true) where pf1 and pf2 are not equal, or
+% logical 0 (false) where they are equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_ne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'ne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf   = pf3.setName('my name');
+      pfv1 = [pf1, pf2, pf3];
+      pfv2 = [pf1, pf2, pf];
+      out1 = ne(pfv1, pfv1);
+      out2 = ne(pfv1, pfv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf   = pf3.setName('my name');
+      pfm1 = [pf1, pf2, pf3; pf1, pf2, pf3];
+      pfm2 = [pf1, pf2, pf3; pf1, pf2, pf];
+      out1 = ne(pfm1, pfm1);
+      out2 = ne(pfm1, pfm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't change the PARFRAC object, thus will no history
+    % added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list.
+  % The function parfrac/ne use the function parfrac/eq so it is not
+  % necessary to check all possibilities of the exception list.
+  % 
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option
+    % 'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+    % to the exception list because pf is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pf3, 'my name');
+      out1 = ne(pf, pf3);
+      out2 = ne(pf, pf3, 'name',    'created', 'UUID');
+      out3 = ne(pf, pf3, 'parfrac/name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pf3, 'my name');
+      pl   = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'created', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = ne(pf, pf3);
+      out2 = ne(pf, pf3, pl);
+      out3 = ne(pf, pf3, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_parfrac.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1560 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_PARFRAC a set of UTPs for the parfrac/parfrac method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_parfrac.m,v 1.21 2011/08/22 05:37:13 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The parfrac method of the parfrac class constructs PARFRAC objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_parfrac(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'parfrac';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working with empty constructor
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with copy constructor
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test history is working with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test history is working with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test history is working with rational-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test history is working with pzmodel-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test history is working with plist(res || poles || dir) constructor
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test history is working with plist(pzmodel) constructor
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test history is working with plist(rational) constructor
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test history is working with plist(plist) constructor
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test history is working with res + poles + dir constructor
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test history is working with res + poles + dir + name constructor
+    results = [results utp_22];    % Test history is working with res + poles + dir + name + iunits + ounits constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Rational')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Pzmodel')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Residuals/Poles/Direct')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('built-in'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Rational'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('rational'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('rational'), rational(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Pzmodel'
+        pn = 9;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('pzmodel'), pzmodel(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Residuals/Poles/Direct'
+        pn = 10;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 8, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('res'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('poles'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('dir'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('res')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('poles')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('dir'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('res'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('poles'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('dir'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the parfrac method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = parfrac(pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output PARFRACs is the same as the
+    %    input shape. 
+    % 2) Check that each output PARFRAC is a copy of the input PARFRAC.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct shape
+      if size(out) ~= size(pfv), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pfv(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pfv(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pfv(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the parfrac method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = parfrac(pfm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output PARFRACs is the same as the
+    %    input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output PARFRAC is a copy of the input PARFRAC.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(pfm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pfm(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pfm(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pfm(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the parfrac method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = parfrac(pf1,pf2,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PARFRAC is a copy of the input PARFRAC.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin = [pf1,pf2,pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pfin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRACs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the parfrac method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % PARFRACs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out   = parfrac(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PARFRAC is a copy of the input PARFRAC.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin = [pf1, reshape(pfv, 1, []), pf2, reshape(pfm, 1, []), pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3+numel(pfv)+numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pfin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the parfrac method can be processed
+    % back. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = parfrac(pf1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the copy
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    % Test the constructor with a different number of inputs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = parfrac(pf1);
+      out2 = parfrac(pf1, pf2);
+      out3 = parfrac(pf1, pf2, pf3);
+      out1.setName('my name');
+      out2(1).setName('my name');
+      out2(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(1).setName('my name');
+      out3(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(3).setName('my name');
+      mout = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter
+    %    function
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      % It is the method 'setName' because we set it in above
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check next to the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the originals
+      if strcmp(pf1, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(pf2, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(pf3, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the read
+  % MAT-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'pf.mat';
+      pf = parfrac(pf3);
+      save(pf, filename);
+      out  = parfrac(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the loaded object.
+      if ~eq(out, pf), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the read
+  % XML-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'pfm.xml';
+      amat = parfrac(pfm);
+      save(amat, filename);
+      out  = parfrac(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the algorithm
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check the loaded object.
+        if ~eq(out(kk), amat(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(mout(kk), out(kk), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method properly doesn't apply history to the
+  % struct constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      spf3         = struct(pf3);
+      spf3.iunits  = struct(pf3.iunits);
+      spf3.ounits  = struct(pf3.ounits);
+      spf3.hist    = struct(pf3.hist);
+      out1 = parfrac(struct(pf2));
+      out2 = parfrac(spf3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a PARFRAC object
+      if ~isa(out1,'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2,'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the rational
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra   = rational([1 2 3], [4 5 6 7], 'my rational', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      out  = parfrac(ra);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a PARFRAC object
+      if ~isa(out,'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the values of the parfract object
+      [res, poles, dterms, pmul] = utils.math.cpf('INOPT', 'RAT', 'NUM', ra.num, 'DEN', ra.den, 'MODE', 'SYM');
+      if ~isequal(out.res, res), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.poles, poles), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dir, dterms), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.pmul, pmul), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the pzmodel
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps  = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs  =  pz(50);
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz^2'), unit('V^2'));
+      out = parfrac(pzm);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a PARFRAC object
+      if ~isa(out,'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the values of the different proerpties
+      gs = utils.math.getk(vertcat(zs(:).ri),vertcat(ps(:).ri),pzm.gain);
+      [res, poles, dterms, pmul] = utils.math.cpf('INOPT', 'PZ', 'POLES', vertcat(ps(:).ri), 'ZEROS', vertcat(zs(:).ri), 'GAIN', gs, 'MODE', 'SYM');
+      if ~isequal(out.res, res),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.poles, poles), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dir, dterms),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.pmul, pmul),   atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parfrac method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(filename) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename1 = 'pf.xml';
+      filename2 = 'pf.mat';
+      f1 = parfrac(pf3);
+      f2 = parfrac(pf2);
+      save(f1, filename1);
+      save(f2, filename2);
+      out1 = parfrac(plist('filename', filename1));
+      out2 = parfrac(plist('filename', filename2));
+      rout1 = out1.rebuild;
+      rout2 = out2.rebuild;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the input object of the save method
+      if ~eq(f1, pf3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(f1.hist.inhists, pf3.hist) , atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(f2, pf2, ple3) , atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(f2.hist.inhists, pf2.hist)  , atest = false; end
+      % The load doesn't have two additionally history steps (save + load)
+      if ~eq(out1, f1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, f2), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1)
+      delete(filename2)
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(conn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_parfrac_parfrac_14: submit parfrac vector';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_parfrac_parfrac_14: &description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_parfrac_parfrac_14>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      ids = submit(pfv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out  = parfrac(plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, 'database', utpGetDatabase, 'conn', conn, 'id', ids));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out, pfv, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(res || poles || dir) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      res = [1; 2+1i; 2-1i];
+      ps  = [6; 1+3i; 1-3i];
+      d   = [1; 2];
+      pl = plist('res', res, 'poles', ps, 'dir', d);
+      out = parfrac(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the properties
+      if ~isequal(out.res, res),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.poles, ps), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dir, d),    atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(pzmodel) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps   = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs   = pz(50);
+      pzm  = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz'), unit('V'));
+      pl   = plist('pzmodel', pzm);
+      out   = parfrac(pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the pole/zero model (here 'pzmodel')
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      gs = utils.math.getk(vertcat(zs(:).ri),vertcat(ps(:).ri),pzm.gain);
+      [res, poles, dterms, pmul] = utils.math.cpf('INOPT', 'PZ', 'POLES', vertcat(ps(:).ri), 'ZEROS', vertcat(zs(:).ri), 'GAIN', gs, 'MODE', 'SYM');
+      if ~isequal(out.res, res),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.poles, poles), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dir, dterms),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.pmul, pmul),   atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(parfrac) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra  = rational([1 2 3], [4 5 6 7], 'my rational', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl  = plist('rational', ra);
+      out = parfrac(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the partial fraction model (here 'parfrac')
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      [res, poles, dterms, pmul] = utils.math.cpf('INOPT', 'RAT', 'NUM', ra.num, 'DEN', ra.den, 'MODE', 'SYM');
+      if ~isequal(out.res, res), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.poles, poles), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dir, dterms), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.pmul, pmul), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(<plist-object>) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra  = rational([1 2 3], [4 5 6 7], 'my rational', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl  = plist('rational', ra);
+      out1  = parfrac(plist('plist', pl));
+      out2  = parfrac(plist('plist', plist())); % empty plist
+      rout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      rout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the partial fraction model (here 'parfrac')
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~eq(out1.iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      if ~isempty(out2.hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the conn+Id
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    conn     = utpGetConnection
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_parfrac_parfrac_19: submit parfrac';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_parfrac_parfrac_19: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = 'utp_parfrac_parfrac_19';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      [ids] = submit(pf3, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out = parfrac(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out,pf3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the history except the additional 'submit' + 'retrieve' steps
+      if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, pf3.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+  % res + poles + direct terms object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      res = [1; 2+1i; 2-1i];
+      ps  = [6; 1+3i; 1-3i];
+      d   = [1; 2];
+      out = parfrac(res, ps, d);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check properties
+      if ~isequal(out.res, res),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.poles, ps), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dir, d),    atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+  % res + poles + direct terms + name object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      res = [1; 2+1i; 2-1i];
+      ps  = [6; 1+3i; 1-3i];
+      d   = [1; 2];
+      name = 'my new crazy name';
+      out = parfrac(res, ps, d, name);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check properties
+      if ~isequal(out.res, res),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.poles, ps),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dir, d),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, name), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_22
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PARFRAC method properly applies history to the
+  % res + poles + direct terms + name + iunits + ounits object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_22
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      res  = [1; 2+1i; 2-1i];
+      ps   = [6; 1+3i; 1-3i];
+      d    = [1; 2];
+      name = 'I''m crazy';
+      iu   = unit('V^2');
+      ou   = 's^2/3';
+      out  = parfrac(res, ps, d, name, iu, ou);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'parfrac'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check properties
+      if ~isequal(out.res, res),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.poles, ps),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.dir, d),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, name), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, iu),      atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit(ou), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_22
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_rebuild.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_REBUILD a set of UTPs for the parfrac/rebuild method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_rebuild.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 16:45:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rebuild method of the parfrac class rebuilds the input objects using the
+% history. This method is also intensively tested in the most other UTPs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_rebuild(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'rebuild';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the output
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfv)
+        if eq(out(kk), pfv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(pfm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfm)
+        if eq(out(kk), pfm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(pf1,pf2,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin  = [pf1,pf2,pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfin)
+        if eq(out(kk), pfin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(pf2,pfv,pf1,pfm,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin  = [pf2,reshape(pfv,1,[]),pf1,reshape(pfm,1,[]),pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfin)
+        if eq(out(kk), pfin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+    % to check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = rebuild(pf3, pf1);
+      o3  = rebuild(pf3, pf1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, pf3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, pf1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, [pf3 pf1], ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_resp.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_RESP a set of UTPs for the parfrac/resp method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_resp.m,v 1.6 2011/02/04 10:56:56 luigi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The resp method of the parfrac class returns the complex response of a
+% parfrac TF as an Analysis Object. For a command with no output variables
+% plots the method the result into a diagram.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_resp(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'resp';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    warning('This UTP needs a complete update');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with f = ao.y
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test with f
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf AND 'scale'
+    % Make surethat all figures are closed
+    close all;
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'List')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Range')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'List'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('f')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Range'
+        if io(4).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f2'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('nf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f1')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f2')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('nf'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('scale'), 'log'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f1'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f2'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('nf'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'lin', 'log'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+    % (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(pfv);
+      out = resp(pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+    % 3) Check that each output PARFRAC contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(pfv(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(pfv(ii))*10;
+        nf = 1000;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+        % Compute response
+        pfparams.type  = 'cont';
+        pfparams.freq  = out(ii).x;
+        pfparams.res   = pfv(ii).res;
+        pfparams.pol   = pfv(ii).poles;
+        pfparams.pmul  = pfv(ii).pmul;
+        pfparams.dterm = pfv(ii).dir;
+        pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+        rsp = pfr.resp;
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).y, reshape(rsp,size(out(ii).y))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+    % (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(pfm);
+      out = resp(pfm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+    % 3) Check that each output PARFRAC contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(pfm(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(pfm(ii))*10;
+        nf = 1000;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+        % Compute response
+        pfparams.type  = 'cont';
+        pfparams.freq  = out(ii).x;
+        pfparams.res   = pfm(ii).res;
+        pfparams.pol   = pfm(ii).poles;
+        pfparams.pmul  = pfm(ii).pmul;
+        pfparams.dterm = pfm(ii).dir;
+        pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+        rsp = pfr.resp;
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).y, reshape(rsp,size(out(ii).y))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the resp method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+    % (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(pf1, pf2, pf3);
+      out = resp(pf1, pf2, pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rain'
+    % 3) Check that each output PARFRAC contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    rain  = [pf1, pf2, pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(rain), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rain)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(rain(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(rain(ii))*10;
+        nf = 1000;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+        % Compute response
+        pfparams.type  = 'cont';
+        pfparams.freq  = out(ii).x;
+        pfparams.res   = rain(ii).res;
+        pfparams.pol   = rain(ii).poles;
+        pfparams.pmul  = rain(ii).pmul;
+        pfparams.dterm = rain(ii).dir;
+        pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+        rsp = pfr.resp;
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).y, reshape(rsp,size(out(ii).y))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % PARFRAC objects as input. Test the method with an output and with no
+    % output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(pf1, pfm, pfv);
+      out = resp(pf1, pfm, pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rain'
+    % 3) Check that each output PARFRAC contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    rain  = [pf1, reshape(pfm, 1, []), reshape(pfv, 1, [])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(rain), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rain)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(rain(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(rain(ii))*10;
+        nf = 1000;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+        % Compute response
+        pfparams.type  = 'cont';
+        pfparams.freq  = out(ii).x;
+        pfparams.res   = rain(ii).res;
+        pfparams.pol   = rain(ii).poles;
+        pfparams.pmul  = rain(ii).pmul;
+        pfparams.dterm = rain(ii).dir;
+        pfr = utils.math.pfresp(pfparams);
+        rsp = pfr.resp;
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).y, reshape(rsp,size(out(ii).y))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      resp(pf1);
+      out  = resp(pf1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'resp'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+      y1 = get(lines{1}, 'YData');
+      y2 = get(lines{2}, 'YData');
+      if ~isequal(x, out.x.'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y2, abs(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y1, utils.math.phase(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      pf1.resp();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the response diagram.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+      f1 = getlowerFreq(pf1)/10;
+      f2 = getupperFreq(pf1)*10;
+      nf = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if abs(x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+      if abs(x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+      if numel(x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+    % input f vector.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      arow = ao(1:123, linspace(.1, 5, 123));
+      acol = arow.';
+      f    = linspace(.1, 5, 123);
+      out1 = resp(pf2, arow);
+      out2 = resp(pf2, acol);
+      out3 = resp(pf2, f);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = resp(pf1, pf1);
+      o3  = resp(pf1, pf1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an AO in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 123;
+      axy = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(nf,1));
+      afs = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(nf,1), plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out1 = resp(pf3, axy);
+      out2 = resp(pf3, afs);
+      out3 = resp(pf3, plist('f', axy));
+      out4 = resp(pf3, plist('f', afs));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out4.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the
+  % response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      f  = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      out1 = resp(pf3, f);
+      out2 = resp(pf3, plist('f', f));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      nf2 = 123;
+      out1 = resp(pf3, f1, f2);
+      out2 = resp(pf3, f1, f2, nf);
+      out3 = resp(pf3, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf));
+      out4 = resp(pf3, plist('f1', f1, 'nf', nf2));
+      out5 = resp(pf3, plist('f2', f2));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      f1d = getlowerFreq(pf3)/10;
+      f2d = getupperFreq(pf3)*10;
+      nfd = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out5, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out1.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nfd, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out2.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out3.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out4.x(end) - f2d) > T, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if numel(out4.x) ~= nf2, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out5.x(1)  -f1d)>T, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if abs(out5.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5.x) ~= nfd, atest = false; end % Default values
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, mout5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute
+  % the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 123;
+      out1 = resp(pf3, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'lin'));
+      out2 = resp(pf3, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'log'));
+      out3 = resp(pf3, plist('scale', 'lin'));
+      out4 = resp(pf3, plist('scale', 'log'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      f1d = getlowerFreq(pf3)/10;
+      f2d = getupperFreq(pf3)*10;
+      nfd = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      xlin1 = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      xlin2 = linspace(f1d, f2d, nfd);
+      xlog1 = logspace(log10(f1), log10(f2), nf);
+      xlog2 = logspace(log10(f1d), log10(f2d), nfd);
+      if ~isequal(xlin1, out1.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlin2, out3.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog1, out2.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog2, out4.x'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_save.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_SAVE a set of UTPs for the parfrac/save method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_save.m,v 1.7 2010/08/31 09:43:48 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The save method of the parfrac class saves a parfrac object to disk. Save
+% stores the variables in a MATLAB formatted file (MAT-file) named
+% filename.mat or in a XML fromat named filename.xml
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_save(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'save';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test plist contains the filename
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with different complex PARFRAC objects
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('postfix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('individual files'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filename'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('postfix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('individual files'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pfv, 'test.xml');
+      save(pfv, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = parfrac('test.xml');
+      out2 = parfrac('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+    %    same as in 'pfv'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(pfv(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(pfv(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pfm, 'test.xml');
+      save(pfm, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = parfrac('test.xml');
+      out2 = parfrac('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+    %    same as in 'pfm'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(pfm)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(pfm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(pfm(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(pfm(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pf1, pf2, pf3, 'test.xml');
+      save(pf1, pf2, pf3, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = parfrac('test.xml');
+      out2 = parfrac('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+    %    same as in the list
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin  = [pf1, pf2, pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(pfin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(pfin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PARFRAC objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pf1,pfv,pf2, 'test.xml');
+      save(pf1,pfv,pf2, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = parfrac('test.xml');
+      out2 = parfrac('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PARFRAC object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin  = [pf1, reshape(pfv, 1, []), pf2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2+numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2+numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(pfin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(pfin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = save(pf3,  'test.xml');
+      out2 = save(pf2, 'test.mat');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+    %    save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+    % 2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The last history step is the save method
+      if strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % The histories must be the same
+      if ~eq(out1.hist, pf3.hist),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.hist, pf2.hist), atest = false; end
+      % check the history steps of the read object (load + save)
+      % The steps (save + load) shouldn't add history
+      outr1 = parfrac('test.xml');
+      outr2 = parfrac('test.mat');
+      if strcmp(outr1.hist, pf3.hist), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(outr2.hist, pf2.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete('test.xml')
+      delete('test.mat')
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Use the save method with the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pf1 to work with
+      iir_mat = parfrac(pf1);
+      iir_xml = parfrac(pf1);
+      out1 = parfrac('test.mat');
+      out2 = parfrac('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+    % 2) Check the output against the input.
+    % 3) Check the history of the output against the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the modified object doesn't have the 'save' method as
+      % the last history step
+      if strcmp(iir_xml.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(iir_mat.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(iir_mat, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iir_xml, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('filename', 'test.mat');
+      pl2 = plist('filename', 'test.xml');
+      save(pf3, pl1);
+      save(pf3, pl2);
+      out1 = parfrac('test.mat');
+      out2 = parfrac('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(pf3, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pf3, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with different complex PARFRAC objects
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the save method with different complex PARFRAC objects
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1,1), pz(1+3i), pz(10)], [{[2 1],1, 5-2i}, 4, {3+3i}]);
+      r   = rational([ 1 2 3], [2 -4 5]);
+      p1  = parfrac(pzm);
+      p2  = parfrac(r);
+      p3  = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2]);
+      save(p1, 'test_p1.mat'); % highpass
+      save(p1, 'test_p1.xml'); % highpass
+      save(p2, 'test_p2.mat'); % lowpass
+      save(p2, 'test_p2.xml'); % lowpass
+      save(p3, 'test_p3.mat'); % bandpass
+      save(p3, 'test_p3.xml'); % bandpass
+      out1 = parfrac('test_p1.mat');
+      out2 = parfrac('test_p1.xml');
+      out3 = parfrac('test_p2.mat');
+      out4 = parfrac('test_p2.xml');
+      out5 = parfrac('test_p3.mat');
+      out6 = parfrac('test_p3.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check highpass
+      if ~eq(p1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(p1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(p2, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(p2, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(p3, out5, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(p3, out6, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, out6, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test_p1.mat');
+      delete('test_p1.xml');
+      delete('test_p2.mat');
+      delete('test_p2.xml');
+      delete('test_p3.mat');
+      delete('test_p3.xml');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_setIunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_SETIUNITS a set of UTPs for the parfrac/setIunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_setIunits.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setIunits method of the parfrac class sets the iunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_setIunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'setIunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(pfv, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(pfm, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(pf1,pf2,pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pfm)+numel(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be
+    % processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setIunits(pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setIunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'iunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input PARFRAC object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the input PARFRAC object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pf3 to work with
+      ain = parfrac(pf3);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pf3' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setIunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(parfrac(pf3), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setIunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('iunits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = pf3.setIunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'iunits'
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list
+  % of output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setIunits(pf3, pf2, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setIunits(pf3, pf2, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_setName.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_SETNAME a set of UTPs for the parfrac/setName method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_setName.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setName method of the parfrac class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_setName(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'setName';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pfv, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pfm, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pf1,pf2,pf3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pfm)+numel(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed
+    % back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setName(pf3, 'my name');
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pf3, 'my name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'name'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can modify the input PARFRAC object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the input PARFRAC object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pf3 to work with
+      ain = parfrac(pf3);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setName('my name');
+      ain.setName('my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pf3' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setName modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(parfrac(pf3), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setName doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('name', 'my name');
+      out = pf3.setName(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'name'
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setName(pf3, pf2, 'new name');
+      o3  = setName(pf3, pf2, 'new name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_setOunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_SETOUNITS a set of UTPs for the parfrac/setOunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_setOunits.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setOunits method of the parfrac class sets the ounits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_setOunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'setOunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(pfv, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(pfm, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pfm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pfm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(pf1,pf2,pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pfm)+numel(pfv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be
+    % processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setOunits(pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, pf3, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setOunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'ounits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input PARFRAC object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the input PARFRAC object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pf3 to work with
+      ain = parfrac(pf3);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pf3' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setOunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(parfrac(pf3), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setOunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('ounits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = pf3.setOunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'ounits'
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list
+  % of output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setOunits(pf3, pf2, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setOunits(pf3, pf2, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_STRING a set of UTPs for the parfrac/string method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_string.m,v 1.5 2011/04/04 13:39:11 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The string method of the parfrac class writes a command string that can
+% be used to recreate the input object(s). But the object should not have
+% more than one history step.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_string(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    pf1 = parfrac([1 2], [4, 6+2i]);
+    pf2 = parfrac([-3 6 7], [2 3-4i 3+4i], [1 -4.5]);
+    pfv = [pf1, pf2, pf1];
+    pfm = [pf1, pf2, pf1; pf1, pf2, pf1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Negative test: The object have more than one history step.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pfv);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isa(rout, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfv)
+        if eq(rout(kk), pfv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pfm);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfm)
+        if eq(rout(kk), pfm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pf1,pf2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin  = [pf1, pf2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(pfin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), pfin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PARFRAC objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pf1,pfm,pf2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin  = [pf1, reshape(pfm, 1, []), pf2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(pfin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pfin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), pfin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method doesn't work if the PARFRAC object have
+  % more than one history step.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string throws an error because the input object have more
+    % than one history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pzmodel(12, {2, [3 5], 7}, {1+2i 5});
+      pf3 = parfrac(pzm);
+      pf3.setName('Second history step');
+      out = pf3.string();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_submit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_SUBMIT a set of UTPs for the parfrac/submit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_submit.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the parfrac class submits a collection of objects
+% in XML form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_submit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'submit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_parfrac_submit: submit parfrac';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_parfrac_submit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_parfrac_submit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the submit method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pfv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(pfv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pfv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pfv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pfm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(pfm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(pfm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(pfm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pfm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(pfm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pfm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(pfm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pf1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl, pfm, iir, pfv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(pfm) + numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(pfm) + numel(pfv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pfm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pfm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pfm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, pfm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, pfm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, pfm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  pfv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, pfv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, pfv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the submit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pf1, pf2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, pf2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, pf1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, pf2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_type.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_TYPE a set of UTPs for the parfrac/type method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_type.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 16:45:24 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The type method of the parfrac class converts the input objects to 
+% MATLAB functions that reproduce the processing steps that led to the 
+% input objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_type(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'type';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PARFRAC objects
+    [pf1,pf2,pf3,pfv,pfm] = get_test_objects_parfrac;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % DEfine the filename
+    filename = 'test_parfrac_type.m';
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('stop_option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('stop_option'), 'full'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('stop_option'), {'full', 'File', 'Repo', 'File Repo', 'N'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a vector of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(pfv, filename);
+      type(pfv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      if ~eq(pfv, mout, ple2), atest = false; end;
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a matrix of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(pfm, filename);
+      type(pfm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(pfm)
+        if ~eq(pfm(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a list of PARFRAC objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a list of PARFRAC objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(pf1,pf2,pf3, filename);
+      type(pf1,pf2,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin  = [pf1,pf2,pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(pfin)
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped PARFRAC
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PARFRAC objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3, filename);
+      type(pf1,pfv,pf2,pfm,pf3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin  = [pf1,reshape(pfv,1,[]),pf2,reshape(pfm,1,[]),pf3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(pfin)
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/parfrac/utp_parfrac_update.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+% UTP_PARFRAC_UPDATE a set of UTPs for the parfrac/update method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_parfrac_update.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The update method of the parfrac class updates (replace) an LTPDA object
+% in the repository with the given replacement object. It is only possible
+% to update one object. This is the reason why the general UTPs are not
+% possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_parfrac_update(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'parfrac';
+    mthd    = 'update';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    obj = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+    obj.setName();
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_parfrac_update: update parfrac';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_parfrac_update: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_parfrac_update>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      [ids, cids] = submit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Test with conn
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Test with sinfo
+      results = [results utp_04];    % Test update of an binary file
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test replace with other object
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database object (conn) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (conn)');
+      update(uobj, ids, conn, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database info structure (sinfo) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Check that the update method also updates objects which are stored as
+    % a binary file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Submit the object as a binary
+      [ids_bin, cids] = bsubmit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids_bin, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids_bin'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids_bin);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository with
+  % a completely other object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository
+    % with a completely other object.
+    % Replace the parfrac object with a filter object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_PEST_COPY a set of UTPs for the pest/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_copy.m,v 1.1 2010/02/07 15:11:03 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the pest class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+% UTP_PEST_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the pest/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2010/05/12 15:58:16 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the pest class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = pest(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = pest(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(objs(obj_no).fname)
+      disp(fn)
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_pest.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+% UTP_PEST_PEST a set of UTPs for the pest/pest method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_pest.m,v 1.3 2011/08/22 05:37:13 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The pest method of the pest class constructs pest objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_pest(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'pest';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the general tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, [pe1 pe2 pe1], [], [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, [pe1 pe2 pe1; pe2 pe2 pe1], [], [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe1, [], [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, pe1, [pe1 pe2], [pe1 pe2 pe1; pe2 pe2 pe1], [], [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, pe1, [], ple2)];    % Test history is working        
+    % constructor specific tests
+    results = [results utp_60(class, pe1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_61(class, pe1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_62(class, pe1, pe2, ple2)];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_64(class, pe1, ple2, ple2)]; % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_65(class, pe2, ple3)]; % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_68(class, pe1, ple3)];  % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Values')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'        
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('BUILT-IN'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('built-in'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Expression'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 12, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('y'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('paramnames'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('dy'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cov'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('chi2'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('dof'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('models'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('pdf'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setChain.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETCHAIN a set of UTPs for the pest/setChain method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setChain.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setChain method of the pest class sets the chain property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setChain(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setChain';
+    prop    = 'chain';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 11;
+    val2 = plist(prop, 12);
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'chain'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'chain' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value.find(prop)), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'chain' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setChi2.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETCHI2 a set of UTPs for the pest/setChi2 method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setChi2.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setChi2 method of the pest class sets the chi2 property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setChi2(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setChi2';
+    prop    = 'chi2';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 11;
+    val2 = plist(prop, 12);
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'chi2'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'chi2' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value.find(prop)), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'chi2' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setCorr.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETCORR a set of UTPs for the pest/setCorr method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setCorr.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setCorr method of the pest class sets the corr property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setCorr(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setCorr';
+    prop    = 'corr';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = magic(2);
+    val2 = plist(prop, magic(3));
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'corr'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'corr' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value.find(prop)), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'corr' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setCov.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETCOV a set of UTPs for the pest/setCov method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setCov.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setCov method of the pest class sets the cov property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setCov(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setCov';
+    prop    = 'cov';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = magic(2);
+    val2 = plist(prop, rand(2,2));
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'cov'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'cov' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value.find(prop)), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'cov' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setDof.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETDOF a set of UTPs for the pest/setDof method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setDof.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setDof method of the pest class sets the dof property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setDof(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setDof';
+    prop    = 'dof';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 11;
+    val2 = plist(prop, 12);
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'dof'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'dof' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value.find(prop)), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'dof' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setDy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETDY a set of UTPs for the pest/setDy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setDy.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setDy method of the pest class sets the dy property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setDy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setDy';
+    prop    = 'dy';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = [0 0];
+    val2 = plist(prop, [1 2]);
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'dy'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'dy' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), reshape(value.find(prop), [], 1)), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), reshape(value, [], 1)), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'dy' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), reshape(value, [], 1)), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setModels.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETMODELS a set of UTPs for the pest/setModels method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setModels.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setModels method of the pest class sets the models property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setModels(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setModels';
+    prop    = 'models';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = smodel('a+b');
+    val2 = plist(prop, smodel('a+b'));
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'models'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'models' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~eq(out(idx).(prop), value.find(prop), ple1), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~eq(out(idx).(prop), value, ple1), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'models' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~eq(out(idx).(prop), value, ple1), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setNames.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETNAMES a set of UTPs for the pest/setNames method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setNames.m,v 1.4 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setNames method of the pest class sets the names property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setNames(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setNames';
+    prop    = 'names';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 'MyParamName';
+    val2 = {'MyParamName1', 'MyParamName2'};
+    val3 = plist(prop, 'MyParamName');
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val3, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val3, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(8) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val3, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(11) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(12) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(13) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(14) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'names'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'names' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), cellstr(value.find(prop))), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), cellstr(value)'), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'names' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), cellstr(value)), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setPdf.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETPDF a set of UTPs for the pest/setPdf method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setPdf.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setPdf method of the pest class sets the pdf property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setPdf(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setPdf';
+    prop    = 'pdf';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = randn(2,2);
+    val2 = plist(prop, randn(3,3));
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'pdf'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'pdf' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value.find(prop)), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'pdf' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setY.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETY a set of UTPs for the pest/setY method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setY.m,v 1.3 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setY method of the pest class sets the y property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setY(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setY';
+    prop    = 'y';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = [11 212];
+    val2 = plist(prop, [1e4 1e-4]);
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(9) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'y'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'y' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), reshape(value.find(prop), [], 1)), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), reshape(value, [], 1)), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'y' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), reshape(value, [], 1)), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pest/utp_pest_setYunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+% UTP_PEST_SETYUNITS a set of UTPs for the pest/setYunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pest_setYunits.m,v 1.4 2011/04/06 19:14:54 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setYunits method of the pest class sets the yunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pest_setYunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pest';
+    mthd    = 'setYunits';
+    prop    = 'yunits';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    pe1 = pest([8, 9]);
+    pe1.setName;
+    pe2 = pest([1 2]);
+    pe2.setName;
+    pe3 = pe1;
+    pev = [pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    pem = [pe1, pe2, pe1; pe1, pe2, pe1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 'Hz^2 m^-2';
+    val2 = plist(prop, unit('Hz^2 m^-2'));
+    val3 = {'kg', 'Hz'};
+    val4 = [unit('s'), unit('Hz')];
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1) = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, pe1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);           % test getInfo call
+    results(2) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTests);                  % test vector
+    results(3) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val2, @algoTests);                  % test vector call with plist
+    results(4) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val3, @algoTests);                  % test vector call
+    results(5) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pev, val4, @algoTests);                  % test vector call
+    results(6) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pev, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal vector call
+    results(7) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call
+    results(8) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, pem, val2, @algoTests);                  % test matrix call with plist
+    results(9) = utp_genericAnyShapeInternal(mthd, pem, val1, @algoTestsInternal);  % test internal matrix call
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val1, @algoTests);            % test list
+    results(11) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pe2, pe3, val2, @algoTests);            % test list with plist
+    results(12) = utp_genericList(mthd, pe1, pev, pem, val1, @algoTests);           % test mixed shape of input objs
+    results(13) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, pe1, val1, ple2);                        % test the history
+    results(14) = utp_genericModify(mthd, pe1, val1, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(15) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, pe1, pe2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'yunits'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'yunits' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      val =  value.find(prop);
+    else
+      val = value;
+    end
+    if ischar(val)
+      val = unit(val);
+    elseif iscell(val)
+      val = unit(val{:});
+    end
+    if ~eq(out(idx).(prop), val), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value for an internal call
+  function atest = algoTestsInternal(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'yunits' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if ischar(value)
+      value = unit(value);
+    elseif iscell(value)
+      value = unit(value{:});
+    end
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), value), atest = false; end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_append.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_APPEND a set of UTPs for the plist/append method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_append.m,v 1.4 2009/07/22 14:02:25 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The append method of the plist class append a param-object, plist-object
+% or a key/value pair to the parameter list.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_append(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'append';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    pl1 = plist('a', 1);
+    pl2 = plist('b', 2);
+    pl3 = plist('c', 3);
+    pl4 = plist('d', 4, 'e', 5);
+    plv = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    plm = [pl1, pl2; pl3 pl4];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with different inputs for the key/value pair
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test capital letter of the key
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test negative case.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the append method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the append method appends all input PLIST objects to one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = append(plv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && numel(out) ==1, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plv)
+        for kk = 1:plv(ii).nparams
+          pp = plv(ii).params(kk);
+          if ~isequal(out.find(pp.key), pp.getVal), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the append method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the append method appends all input PLIST objects to one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = append(plm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && numel(out) ==1, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plm)
+        for kk = 1:plm(ii).nparams
+          pp = plm(ii).params(kk);
+          if ~isequal(out.find(pp.key), pp.getVal), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the append method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the append method appends all input PLIST objects to one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = append(pl1, pl2, pl3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && numel(out) ==1, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plin)
+        for kk = 1:plin(ii).nparams
+          pp = plin(ii).params(kk);
+          if ~isequal(out.find(pp.key), pp.getVal), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the append method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the append method appends all input PLIST objects to one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = append(plm, plist('aa', 1));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [reshape(plm, 1, []), plist('aa', 1)];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && numel(out) ==1, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plin)
+        for kk = 1:plin(ii).nparams
+          pp = plin(ii).params(kk);
+          if ~isequal(out.find(pp.key), pp.getVal), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the append method applies the modify command
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the append method can modify the input PLIST by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      plin = plist(pl1);
+      % modify ain
+      out = plin.append('aa', 1);
+      plin.append('aa', 1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pl1' and 'plin' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' append the key/value pair.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that append modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(plist(pl1), plin, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that append doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(out, plin, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input have the new key/value pairs
+      if ~isequal(plin.find('aa'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(plin.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the append method with different input variants for the key/value pair.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the append method accepts plists-objects, param-objects or
+    % direct key/value pairs as an input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1   = param('p1', 1);
+      p2   = param('p2', 2);
+      p3   = param('p3', 3);
+      out1 = pl1.append([p1, p2], p3);
+      out2 = pl1.append('aa', 1, 'bb', 2);
+      out3 = pl1.append(pl2, p1, 'aa', 1, [p2 p3], 'bb', 2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the key 'a'
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the key 'b'
+      if ~isequal(out3.find('b'), 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the key 'p1'
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('p1'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.find('p1'), 1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the key 'p2'
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('p2'), 2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.find('p2'), 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the key 'p3'
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('p3'), 3), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.find('p3'), 3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the key 'aa'
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('aa'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.find('aa'), 1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the key 'bb'
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('bb'), 2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.find('bb'), 2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the append method appends the key always in capital letter
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the append method appends the key always in capital letter
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pl2.append('This_Id_A_NeW_Key', 1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the key is in capital letters
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:out.nparams
+        found = false;
+        if strcmp(out.params(ii).key, 'THIS_ID_A_NEW_KEY')
+          found = true;
+        end
+      end
+      if ~found, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the append method in a negative case.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The append method throwns an error if a user tries to append a key
+    % which already exist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1.append('a', 2);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the negative case doesn't change the input object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if pl1.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end;
+      if ~isequal(pl1.find('a'),1), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_bsubmit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_BSUBMIT a set of UTPs for the plist/bsubmit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_bsubmit.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the plist class submits a collection of objects
+% in binary form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_bsubmit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'bsubmit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_plist_bsubmit: submit plist';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_plist_bsubmit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_plist_bsubmit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a vector of PLIST objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the bsubmit method works for a vector of PLIST objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(plv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(plv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(plv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(plv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of PLIST objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(plm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(plm, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(plm, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(plm, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl, plm, iir, plv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(plm) + numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(plm) + numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, plm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, plm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, plm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, plm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, plm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8}, plm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9},  plv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, plv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, plv(3)), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the bsubmit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl1, pl2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, pl2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, pl2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_CHAR a set of UTPs for the plist/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_char.m,v 1.2 2009/07/22 14:02:25 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the plist class converts the objects into one character string
+% which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(plv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(plv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, char(plv(kk)))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Find Brackets
+%       a = regexp(out, '\(([^\(\)]*|[^\(\)]*\([^\(\)]*?\)[^\(\)]*)\)', 'match');
+%       if numel(a) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(plm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(plm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, char(plm(kk)))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pl1,pl2,pl3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1,pl2,pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(plin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, char(plin(kk)))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PLIST objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pl1,plv,pl2,plm,pl3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1,reshape(plv,1,[]),pl2,reshape(plm,1,[]),pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(plin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, char(plin(kk)))), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_combine.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_COMBINE a set of UTPs for the plist/combine method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_combine.m,v 1.3 2009/07/22 14:02:25 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The combine method of the plist class combine multiple parameter lists
+% (PLIST) objects into a single PLIST object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_combine(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'combine';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    pl1 = plist('a', 1);
+    pl2 = plist('b', 2);
+    pl3 = plist('c', 3);
+    pl4 = plist('d', 4, 'e', 5);
+    plv = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    plm = [pl1, pl2; pl3 pl4];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with different inputs for the key/value pair
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the combine method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the combine method combines all input PLIST objects to one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = combine(plv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && numel(out) ==1, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plv)
+        for kk = 1:plv(ii).nparams
+          pp = plv(ii).params(kk);
+          if ~isequal(out.find(pp.key), pp.getVal), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the combine method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the combine method combines all input PLIST objects to one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = combine(plm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && numel(out) ==1, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plm)
+        for kk = 1:plm(ii).nparams
+          pp = plm(ii).params(kk);
+          if ~isequal(out.find(pp.key), pp.getVal), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the combine method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the combine method combines all input PLIST objects to one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = combine(pl1, pl2, pl3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && numel(out) ==1, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plin)
+        for kk = 1:plin(ii).nparams
+          pp = plin(ii).params(kk);
+          if ~isequal(out.find(pp.key), pp.getVal), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the combine method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the combine method combines all input PLIST objects to one object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = combine(plm, plist('aa', 1));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is one PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [reshape(plm, 1, []), plist('aa', 1)];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && numel(out) ==1, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plin)
+        for kk = 1:plin(ii).nparams
+          pp = plin(ii).params(kk);
+          if ~isequal(out.find(pp.key), pp.getVal), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the combine method applies the modify command
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the combine method can modify the input PLIST by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      plin = plist(pl1);
+      % modify ain
+      out = plin.combine(pl2);
+      plin.combine(pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pl1' and 'plin' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' combine the key/value pair.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that combine modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(plist(pl1), plin, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that combine doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(out, plin, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input have the new key/value pairs
+      if ~isequal(plin.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(plin.find('b'), 2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the combine method doen't overwrite existing keys.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Duplicate parameters which are given priority in the order in which
+    % they appear in the input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+      pl2 = plist('b', 'new b', 'd', 4, 'c', 'new c');
+      pl3 = plist('b', 'newer b', 'e', 5, 'd', 'new d');
+      out = combine(pl1, pl2, pl3);
+      pl1.combine(pl2, pl3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have all key/value pairs in the order they
+    %    appear.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check number of params
+      if out.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+      if pl1.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+      % Check the params
+      if ~isequal(out.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('b'), 2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('c'), 3), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('d'), 4), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('e'), 5), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl1.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl1.find('b'), 2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl1.find('c'), 3), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl1.find('d'), 4), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl1.find('e'), 5), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_COPY a set of UTPs for the plist/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_copy.m,v 1.4 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the plist class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the plist/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_display.m,v 1.2 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the plist class prints defined values of an PLIST object.
+% MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is not terminated
+% by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plv
+      out = display(plv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(plv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, plv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plm
+      out = display(plm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(plm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, plm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1,pl2,pl3, pl4
+      out = display(pl1,pl2,pl3, pl4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1,pl2,pl3, pl4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(plin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, plin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped 
+  % PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PLIST objects as.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(pl4,plv,pl3,plm,pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl4,reshape(plv,1,[]),pl3,reshape(plm,1,[]),pl2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(plin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, plin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_eq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_EQ a set of UTPs for the plist/eq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_eq.m,v 1.5 2010/11/19 12:33:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eq() method of the plist class pl1 == pl2 compares each element of an
+% plist object with the corresponding element of an second plist object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where pl1 and pl2 are equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are not equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_eq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'eq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Exceptions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tol'), eps(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Exceptions'),   {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tol'),    {eps(1)}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = pl1.setName('my name');
+      plv1 = [pl1, pl3, pl2, pl4];
+      plv2 = [pl1, pl3, pl2, pl];
+      out1 = eq(plv1, plv1);
+      out2 = eq(plv1, plv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = pl4.setName('my name');
+      plm1 = [pl1, pl3, pl4, pl4, pl2, pl1];
+      plm2 = [pl1, pl3, pl;  pl4, pl2, pl1];
+      out1 = eq(plm1, plm1);
+      out2 = eq(plm1, plm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. It is necessary to add
+    % 'created' to the exception list because pl is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = pl4.setName('my name');
+      out1 = eq(pl, pl4);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pl, pl4, 'name');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pl, pl4, 'plist/name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = pl4.setName('my name');
+      out1 = eq(pl, pl4);
+      out2 = eq(pl, pl4, ple2);
+      out3 = eq(pl, pl4, ple2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  function res = eqLocal(obj1, obj2, ex)    
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {ex}]);
+      res = eq(obj1, obj2, ple);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_find.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_FIND a set of UTPs for the plist/find method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_find.m,v 1.3 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The find method of the plist class returns the value corresponding to
+% the first parameters in the list with the search-key. 
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_find(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'find';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Test with different inputs for the key/value pair
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Test negative case.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('key'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('key')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('key'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the find method applies the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that it is possible to use modify command and show that this
+    % method ignoring case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % modify ain
+      out1 = pl4.find('spec');
+      out2 = pl4.find('sPeC');
+      out3 = pl4.find('SPEC');
+      pl4.find('spec')
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that out1..3 have all the same object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Find the right object
+      for ii = 1:pl4.nparams
+        if strcmpi(pl4.params(ii).key, 'SPEC')
+          obj = pl4.params(ii).getVal;
+          break
+        end
+      end
+      if ~eq(obj, out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(obj, out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(obj, out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the find method accepts a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the find method take the 'key' from a 'search' plist. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pl4.find(plist('key', 'spec'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have the correct value.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:pl4.nparams
+        if strcmpi(pl4.params(ii).key, 'SPEC')
+          obj = pl4.params(ii).getVal;
+          break
+        end
+      end
+      if ~eq(obj, out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the find method returns an empty array if the 'key' doesn't
+  % exist in the PLIST.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the find method returns an empty array if the 'key' doesn't
+    % exist in the PLIST.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pl4.find('non_existing_key');
+      stest = true;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is an empty array.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isempty(out), atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_get.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_GET a set of UTPs for the plist/get method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_get.m,v 1.5 2011/03/29 13:03:29 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The get method of the plist class returns the value of an object
+% property. This is a very simple method which accepts only one plist as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_get(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'get';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Algorithm test with a plist
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test with more than one plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('property'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('property')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('property'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the plist class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property. Do this for all properties of the PLIST object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+      out1 = get(pl, 'params');
+      out5 = get(pl, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, pl.params),        atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5,,     atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the get method works with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property which is defined in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+      pl1 = plist('property', 'params');
+      pl5 = plist('property', 'name');
+      out1 = get(pl, pl1);
+      out5 = get(pl, pl5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, pl.params),        atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5,,     atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the plist class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one PLIST object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+      out = get([pl, pl], 'name');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_isparam.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_ISPARAM a set of UTPs for the plist/isparam method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_isparam.m,v 1.4 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isparam method of the plist class look for a given key in the
+% parameter lists. Exist the key in the parameter list then is the result 1
+% otherwise 0.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_isparam(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'isparam';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test positiv match.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isparam method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the isparam method works with a vector of PLIST objects as
+    % input. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isparam(plv, 'non_existing_key');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have the same size as the input.
+    % 2) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output. All must be zero because the key doesn't exit.
+      if any(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isparam method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as
+  % input. 
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the isparam method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as
+    % input. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isparam(plm, 'non_existing_key');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have the same size as the input.
+    % 2) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(plm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output. All must be zero because the key doesn't exit.
+      if any(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isparam method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the isparam method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isparam(pl1, pl2, pl3, 'non_existing_key');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have the same size as the input.
+    % 2) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output. All must be zero because the key doesn't exit.
+      if any(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isparam method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the isparam method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isparam(pl1, plv, plm, pl3, 'non_existing_key');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have the same size as the input.
+    % 2) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1, reshape(plv, 1, []), reshape(plm, 1, []), pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output. All must be zero because the key doesn't exit.
+      if any(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isparam method applies the modify command
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isparam method can used in the modifier form.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      plin = plist(pl3);
+      plin.isparam('non_existing_key');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test that plin doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(plin, pl3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the isparam method with a positiv match.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the isparam method with different input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = pl2.isparam(pl2, 'a');
+      out2 = pl2.isparam(pl2, 'b');
+      out3 = pl2.isparam(pl2, 'c');
+      out4 = pl2.isparam(pl2, 'd');
+      out5 = isparam(pl1, pl2, pl3, 'cell');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5,[0 0 1]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_isprop.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_ISPROP a set of UTPs for the plist/isprop method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_isprop.m,v 1.6 2011/03/29 13:13:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isprop method of the plist class determine whether input is object property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_isprop(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'isprop';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test negative case
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(plv, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'plv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(plv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(plm, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'plm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(plm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pl4,pl3,pl2, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PLIST objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pl4,plv,pl3,plm,pl2, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(plm)+numel(plv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works for each property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+    % 'params', 'created', 'creator', 'name'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pl4 to work with
+      out1  = isprop(pl4, 'params');
+      out5  = isprop(pl4, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~out1,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out5,  atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the negative case and the not function command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+    % methods of the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = isprop(pl2, 'foo');
+      out2 = pl2.isprop('foo');
+      out3 = pl2.isprop('name');
+      out4 = pl2.isprop('type');
+      out5 = pl2.isprop('char');
+      % REMARK: In the ltpda_uoh class are the properties 'created' and
+      %         'creator' methods which gets the value from the history
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1, atest = false; end;
+      if out2, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3, atest = false; end;
+      if out4, atest = false; end;
+      if out5, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the plist/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2009/01/08 16:46:24 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the plist class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = plist(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = plist(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_ne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_NE a set of UTPs for the plist/ne method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_ne.m,v 1.3 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ne() method of the plist class pl1 ~= pl2 compares each element of an
+% plist object with the corresponding element of an second plist object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where pl1 and pl2 are not equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_ne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'ne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = pl4.setName('my name');
+      plv1 = [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4];
+      plv2 = [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl];
+      out1 = ne(plv1, plv1);
+      out2 = ne(plv1, plv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl   = pl4.setName('my name');
+      plm1 = [pl1, pl2, pl4, pl4, pl3, pl1];
+      plm2 = [pl1, pl2, pl;  pl4, pl3, pl1];
+      out1 = ne(plm1, plm1);
+      out2 = ne(plm1, plm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't change the PLIST object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list.
+  % The function plist/ne use the function plist/eq so it is not necessary to check
+  % all possibilities of the exception list.
+  % 
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. It is necessary to add
+    % 'created' to the exception list because pl is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = pl4.setName('my name');
+      out1 = ne(pl, pl4);
+      out2 = ne(pl, pl4, 'name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      out3 = ne(pl, pl4, 'plist/name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = pl4.setName('my name');
+      out1 = ne(pl, pl4);
+      out2 = ne(pl, pl4, ple2);
+      out3 = ne(pl, pl4, ple2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_nparams.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_NPARAMS a set of UTPs for the plist/nparams method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_nparams.m,v 1.3 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The nparams method of the plist class returns the number of param objects
+% in the list
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_nparams(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'nparams';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nparams method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the nparams method returns the number of PARAM objects in
+    % the PLIST objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = nparams(plv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs is the same as the number of
+    %    input PLIST objects.
+    % 2) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      for ii = 1:numel(plv)
+        if numel(plv(ii).params) ~= out(ii), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nparams method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the nparams method returns the number of PARAM objects in
+    % the PLIST objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = nparams(plm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs is the same as the number of
+    %    input PLIST objects.
+    % 2) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      for ii = 1:numel(plm)
+        if numel(plm(ii).params) ~= out(ii), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nparams method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the nparams method returns the number of PARAM objects in
+    % the PLIST objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = nparams(pl1, pl2, pl3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs is the same as the number of
+    %    input PLIST objects.
+    % 2) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      for ii = 1:numel(plin)
+        if numel(plin(ii).params) ~= out(ii), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nparams method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the nparams method returns the number of PARAM objects in
+    % the PLIST objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = nparams(plm, pl1, plv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of outputs is the same as the number of
+    %    input PLIST objects.
+    % 2) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [reshape(plm, 1, []), pl1, reshape(plv, 1, [])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      for ii = 1:numel(plin)
+        if numel(plin(ii).params) ~= out(ii), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the nparams method applies the modify command
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the nparams method can used in the modifier style.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = pl1.nparams();
+      out2 = plv.nparams();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= numel(pl1.params), atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= [3 6 4], atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_parse.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_PARSE a set of UTPs for the plist/parse method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_parse.m,v 1.3 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The append method of the plist class parse a plist for strings which can
+% be converted into numbers depending on the default plist.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_parse(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'parse';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test non-dependent elements
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test dependent elements
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test upper/lower case doesn't matter
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parse method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The parse method is an internal method and it doesn't work for vector
+    % of PLIST objects as an input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parse method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The parse method is an internal method and it doesn't work for matrix
+    % of PLIST objects as an input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parse method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The parse method is an internal method and it doesn't work for list
+    % of PLIST objects as an input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parse method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The parse method is an internal method and it doesn't work for
+    % different shaped PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parse method with non-dependent elements.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the parse method can convert non-dependent elements.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('convert pi', 'pi', ...
+                  'equation', 'sin(pi/2)', ...
+                  'convert not pi', 'pi', ...
+                  'randn', 'randn(12,1)');
+      pld = plist('convert pi', [], ...
+                  'equation', [], ...
+                  'randn', [], ...
+                  'other param in def. pl', 'yes');
+      out = parse(pl, pld);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the right number of parameter in out.
+    % 2) Check that the correct values are converted.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The output must have all parameter in the parse-PLIST (here: 3)
+      % plus all parameter which are in the in the default plist and not in
+      % the parse-PLIST (here: 1).
+      if out.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+      if ~out.isparam('convert pi'), atest = false; end
+      if ~out.isparam('equation'), atest = false; end
+      if ~out.isparam('convert not pi'), atest = false; end
+      if ~out.isparam('other param in def. pl'), atest = false; end
+      if ~out.isparam('randn'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the parsed elements.
+      if ~isequal(out.find('convert pi'), pi), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('equation'), sin(pi/2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('convert not pi'), 'pi'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('other param in def. pl'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out.find('randn')) ~= 12, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the parse method with dependent elements.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the parse method can convert dependent elements.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1  = plist('a', '1+d', 'b', 2, 'c', 'a+b', 'd', 'b+c');
+      pl2  = plist('a', '1+d', 'b', 2, 'c', 'a+b', 'd', 'b');
+      pld = plist('a', [], 'b', [], 'c', [], 'd', []);
+      out1 = parse(pl1, pld);
+      out2 = parse(pl2, pld);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the right number of parameter in out.
+    % 2) Check that the correct values are converted.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % All parameters in the first plist are dependent to each other. It
+      % is not possible to solve this equations.
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('a'), '1+d'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('b'), 2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('c'), 'a+b'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('d'), 'b+c'), atest = false; end
+      % It should be possible to solve the dependent in the second plist.
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('a'), 3), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('b'), 2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('c'), 5), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('d'), 2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that upper/lower case doesn't matter in the parse method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that upper/lower case doesn't matter in the parse method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('FirsT', '1', 'SecoNd', 2, 'Third', 'Fourth + SECond + First', 'fourth', 'SECOND');
+      pld = plist('first', [], 'second', [], 'third', [], 'fourth', []);
+      out = parse(pl, pld);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the right number of parameter in out.
+    % 2) Check that the correct values are converted.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the converted values.
+      if ~isequal(out.find('first'),  1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('second'), 2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('third'),  5), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.find('fourth'), 2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_plist.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_PLIST a set of UTPs for the plist/plist method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_plist.m,v 1.14 2011/03/01 11:31:53 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The plist method of the plist class constructs PLIST objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_plist(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'plist';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test param-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test history is working with a + b + fs constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the plist method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the plist method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = plist(plv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output PLISTs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output PLIST is a copy of the input PLIST.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct shape
+      if size(out) ~= size(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same
+        if ~eq(plv(ii), out(ii), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(plv(ii), out(ii), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the plist method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the plist method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = plist(plm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output PLISTs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output PLIST is a copy of the input PLIST.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(plm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same
+        if ~eq(plm(ii), out(ii), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(plm(ii), out(ii), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the plist method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the plist method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = plist(pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PLIST is a copy of the input PLIST.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin = [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same
+        if ~eq(plin(ii), out(ii), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(plin(ii), out(ii), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the plist method works with a mix of different shaped PLISTs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the plist method works with a mix of different shaped PLISTs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out   = plist(pl1,plv,pl2,plm,pl3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PLIST is a copy of the input PLIST.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin = [pl1, reshape(plv, 1, []), pl2, reshape(plm, 1, []), pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3+numel(plv)+numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same
+        if ~eq(plin(ii), out(ii), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(plin(ii), out(ii), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the MAT-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+  % Tests the MAT-file constructor.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'pl.mat';
+      save(pl3, filename);
+      out = plist(filename);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the saved object is the same as the loaded object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out, pl3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the XML-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+  % Tests the XML-file constructor.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'pl.xml';
+      save(pl3, filename);
+      out = plist(filename);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the saved object is the same as the loaded object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out, pl3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the plist method for a struct as an input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the plist method for a struct as an input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      spl = utils.prog.rstruct(pl2);
+      out1 = plist(struct(pl4));
+      out2 = plist(spl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 2) Check the built object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, pl4), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, pl2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the param constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests the param constructor.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = param('a', 1);
+      p2 = param('b', 2);
+      p3 = param('c', 3);
+      out1 = plist(p1);
+      out2 = plist([p1 p2 p3]);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the input parameter objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a PLIST object
+      if ~isa(out1,'plist'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2,'plist'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of parameter objects in the PLIST
+      if out1.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the parameter objects exist in the plist object
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('b'), 2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('c'), 3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the plist(filename) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests the plist(filename) constructor.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename1 = 'pl.xml';
+      filename2 = 'pl.mat';
+      save(pl1, filename1);
+      save(pl2, filename2);
+      out1 = plist(plist('filename', filename1));
+      out2 = plist(plist('filename', filename2));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, pl2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1)
+      delete(filename2)
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the plist(conn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests the plist(conn) constructor.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_plist_plist_11: submit plist vector';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_plist_plist_11: &description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_plist_plist_11>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      ids = submit(plv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out  = plist(plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, 'database', utpGetDatabase, 'conn', conn, 'id', ids));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the retrieved object against the submitted object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out, plv), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the conn+Id constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests the conn+Id constructor.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_plist_plist_12: submit plist';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_plist_plist_12: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = 'utp_plist_plist_12';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      [ids] = submit(pl3, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out = plist(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the retrieved object against the submitted object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out, pl3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the key/value constructor
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests the key/value constructor
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = plist('a', 1);
+      out2 = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the right number of parameter in the PLIST object
+    % 2) Check the parameter in the PLIST object
+    % 3) Check that the key is in capital letter.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the right number of parameter in the PLIST object
+      if out1.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the parameter in the PLIST object
+      if ~isequal(out1.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('a'), 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.find('b'), 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the key is in capital letter.
+      if ~isequal(out1.params(1).key, 'A'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.params(1).key, 'A'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.params(2).key, 'B'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_plist2cmds.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_PLIST2CMDS a set of UTPs for the plist/plist2cmds method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_plist2cmds.m,v 1.4 2009/08/24 17:23:10 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The plist2cmds method of the plist class convert a plist to a set of
+% commands.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_plist2cmds(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'plist2cmds';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    %     [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test different objects for 'val'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+%% UTP_01
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_01
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+  % individually.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'plist2cmds';
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    % Call for no sets
+    io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+    % Call for all sets
+    io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+    % Call for each set
+    for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+      io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+  % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % check we have minfo objects
+    if isa(io, 'minfo')
+      % SET 'None'
+      if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+      if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+      % Check all Sets
+      if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+      if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+      % SET 'Default'
+      if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % Check key
+      % Check default value
+      % Check options
+    end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_01
+%% UTP_02
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the plist2cmds method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_02
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % The plist2cmds method doesn't works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Nothing to test.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_02
+%% UTP_03
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the plist2cmds method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_03
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % The plist2cmds method doesn't works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Nothing to test.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_03
+%% UTP_04
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the plist2cmds method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_04
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % The plist2cmds method doesn't works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Nothing to test.
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_04
+%% UTP_05
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the plist2cmds method works with a mix of different shaped
+% PLIST objects as input.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_05
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % The plist2cmds method doesn't works with an input of matrices and vectors
+  % and single PLIST objects.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    disp(err.message)
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Nothing to test
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_05
+%% UTP_06
+% <TestDescription>
+% Tests that the plist2cmds method accepts different objects for the 'val' property.
+% </TestDescription>
+function result = utp_06
+  % <SyntaxDescription>
+  %
+  % Create a plist with all possible objects for the 'val' property.
+  %
+  % </SyntaxDescription>
+  [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+  try
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    iir = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+    a = 'char';
+    b = [1 2i 3; 4i 5 6];
+    c = [true false true; false true false];
+    d = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC');
+    e = sym('[a b c; d e f]');
+    f = plist('a', 'char', 'b', ao(8)+ao(9));
+    g = iir.resp;
+    h = unit('m^-1/2 kg V^3/7');
+    ii = [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(1-2i) pz(-3)];
+    j = [time(123) time('14:00:00')];
+    k = [specwin('Kaiser', 10, 100) specwin('Hanning', 100)];
+    % --- CHAR
+    pl1 = plist('key', 'this is a char');
+    % --- NUMERIC
+    pl2 = plist('key', [1 2i 3; 4i 5 6]);
+    % --- LOGICAL
+    pl3 = plist('key', [true false true; false true false]);
+    % --- JAVA (timezone)
+    pl4 = plist('key', java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'));
+    % --- SYM
+    pl5 = plist('key', sym('[a b c; d e f]'));
+    % --- PLIST
+    pl6 = plist('key', plist('a', 'char'));
+    % --- CELL
+    cellval = {a b c d e f g h ii j k (ao(8) + ao(9))};
+    pl7 = plist('key', cellval);
+    % --- STRUCT
+    structval.a = a;
+    structval.b = b;
+    structval.c = c;
+    structval.d = d;
+    structval.e = e;
+    structval.f = f;
+    structval.g = g;
+    structval.h = h;
+    structval.ii = ii;
+    structval.j = j;
+    structval.k = k;
+    pl8 = plist('key', structval);
+    % --- LTPDA_NUO
+    % ------ HISTORY
+    iir = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+    pl9 = plist('key', iir.hist);
+    % ------ UNITS
+    pl10 = plist('key', unit('m^-1/2 kg V^3/7'));
+    % ------ PARAM
+    pl11 = plist('key', param('a', 'char'));
+    % ------ PROVENANCE
+    pl12 = plist('key', provenance);
+    % ------ PZ
+    pl13 = plist('key', [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(1-2i) pz(-3)]);
+    % ------ TIME
+    pl14 = plist('key', [time(123) time('14:00:00')]);
+    % ------ SPECWIN
+    pl15 = plist('key', [specwin('Kaiser', 10, 100) specwin('Hanning', 100)]);
+    pl = plist();
+    % Evaluate the commands
+    % The result is stored in the variable 'pl'.
+    out1 = pl1.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out1{1});
+    out1 = pl;
+    out2 = pl2.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out2{1})
+    out2 = pl;
+    out3 = pl3.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out3{1})
+    out3 = pl;
+    out4 = pl4.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out4{1})
+    out4 = pl;
+    out5 = pl5.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out5{1})
+    out5 = pl;
+    out6 = pl6.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out6{1})
+    out6 = pl;
+    out7 = pl7.plist2cmds;
+    for pp = numel(out7):-1:1
+      eval(out7{pp})
+    end
+    out7 = pl;
+    out8 = pl8.plist2cmds;
+    for pp = numel(out8):-1:1
+      eval(out8{pp})
+    end
+    out8 = pl;
+    out9 = pl9.plist2cmds;
+    for pp = numel(out9):-1:1
+      eval(out9{pp})
+    end
+    out9 = pl;
+    out10 = pl10.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out10{1})
+    out10 = pl;
+    out11 = pl11.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out11{1})
+    out11 = pl;
+    out12 = pl12.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out12{1})
+    out12 = pl;
+    out13 = pl13.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out13{1})
+    out13 = pl;
+    out14 = pl14.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out14{1})
+    out14 = pl;
+    out15 = pl15.plist2cmds;
+    eval(out15{1})
+    out15 = pl;
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    stest = true;
+  catch err
+    stest = false;
+  end
+  % <AlgoDescription>
+  %
+  % 1) Check that the output is a executable plist2cmds
+  %
+  % </AlgoDescription>
+  atest = true;
+  if stest
+    % <AlgoCode>
+    if ~eq(pl1,  out1,  ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl2,  out2,  ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl3,  out3,  ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl4,  out4,  ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl5,  out5,  ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl6,  out6,  ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl7,  out7,  ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl8,  out8,  ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl10, out10, ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl11, out11, ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl12, out12, ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl13, out13, ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl14, out14, ple2), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(pl15, out15, ple2), atest = false; end
+    % </AlgoCode>
+  else
+    atest = false;
+  end
+  % Return a result structure
+  result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_pset.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_PSET a set of UTPs for the plist/pset method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_pset.m,v 1.4 2010/09/02 17:50:44 nicolodi Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The pset method of the plist class set or add a key/value pair a
+% param-object into the parameter list. Exist the key in the parameter list
+% then becomes the value the new value.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_pset(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'pset';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    pl1 = plist('a', 1);
+    pl2 = plist('b', 2);
+    pl3 = plist('c', 3);
+    pl4 = plist('d', 4, 'e', 5);
+    plv = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    plm = [pl1, pl2; pl3 pl4];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with different inputs for the key/value pair
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test setting and appending case.
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test capital letter of the key.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pset method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pset method set or add a key/value pair to all PLIST
+    % objects in the vector.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pset(plv, 'new key', 'val');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains the new key/value pair.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && size(out) == size(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plv)
+        % The method plist/find is tested in the UTP utp_plist_find
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).find('new key'), 'val'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pset method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pset method set or add a key/value pair to all PLIST
+    % objects in the matrix.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pset(plm, 'new key', 'val');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains the new key/value pair.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && size(out) == size(plm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plm)
+        % The method plist/find is tested in the UTP utp_plist_find
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).find('new key'), 'val'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pset method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pset method set or add a key/value pair to all PLIST
+    % objects in the input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pset(pl1, pl2, pl3, 'new key', 'val');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains the new key/value pair.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && size(out) == size(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plin)
+        % The method plist/find is tested in the UTP utp_plist_find
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).find('new key'), 'val'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pset method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pset method set or add a key/value pair to all PLIST
+    % objects in the input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pset(plm, pl2, plv, 'new key', 'val');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST contains the new key/value pair.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [reshape(plm, 1, []), pl2, reshape(plv, 1, [])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && size(out) == size(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output have all key/value pairs
+      for ii = 1:numel(plin)
+        % The method plist/find is tested in the UTP utp_plist_find
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).find('new key'), 'val'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pset method applies the modify command
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pset method can modify the input PLIST by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      pleq = plist(pl1);
+      plmo = plist(pl1);
+      % modify ain
+      out = pleq.pset('new key', 'val');
+      plmo.pset('new key', 'val');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'pleq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'plmo' and 'out' are the same.
+    % 3) Check that 'out' and 'plmo' have the new key/value pair
+    % 4) Check that pleq don't have the new key/value pair
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'pleq' are not the same
+      if eq(out, pleq, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out' have the new key/value pair and 'pleq' not
+      if ~isequal(out.find('new key'), 'val'), atest = false; end
+      if isequal(pleq.find('new key'), 'val'), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'plmo' have the new key/value pair
+      if ~isequal(plmo.find('new key'), 'val'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out' and plmo are the same
+      if ~eq(out, plmo, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the pset method works for different input variants for the key/value
+  % pair.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pset method accepts param-objects or direct key/value
+    % pairs as an input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1   = param('p1', 1);
+      p2   = param('p2', 2);
+      p3   = param('p3', 3);
+      out1 = pl1.pset([p1, p2], p3);
+      out2 = pl1.pset('aa', 1, 'bb', 2);
+      % In this case overwirtes the key 'p3' the value of the param p3
+      out3 = pl1.pset(p1, 'aa', 1, [p2 p3], 'p3', 13);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output have all key/value pairs.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the key 'p1'
+      assert(isequal(out1.find('p1'), 1));
+      assert(isequal(out3.find('p1'), 1));
+      % Check the key 'p2'
+      assert(isequal(out1.find('p2'), 2));
+      assert(isequal(out3.find('p2'), 2));
+      % Check the key 'p3'
+      assert(isequal(out1.find('p3'), 3));
+      assert(isequal(out3.find('p3'), 13));
+      % Check the key 'aa'
+      assert(isequal(out2.find('aa'), 1));
+      assert(isequal(out3.find('aa'), 1));
+      % Check the key 'bb'
+      assert(isequal(out2.find('bb'), 2));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the pset method in the setting and appending case.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Create an example where the pset method set a key to a new value and
+    % an example where pset append the new key/value pair
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl_set = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+      pl_app = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+      pl_set.pset('a', 13);
+      pl_app.pset('d', 13);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of parametes in the output.
+    % 2) Check the new key/value pair
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the correct number of paramter in the output
+      if pl_set.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if pl_app.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+      % Check the new key/value pair
+      if ~isequal(pl_set.find('a'), 13), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl_app.find('d'), 13), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the pset method sets the key always in capital letter
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pset method sets the key always in capital letter
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pl2.pset('This_Id_A_NeW_Key', 1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the key is in capital letters
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:out.nparams
+        found = false;
+        if strcmp(out.params(ii).key, 'THIS_ID_A_NEW_KEY')
+          found = true;
+        end
+      end
+      if ~found, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_remove.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_REMOVE a set of UTPs for the plist/remove method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_remove.m,v 1.2 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The remove method of the plist class remove a parameter from the
+% parameter list.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_remove(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'remove';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    pl1 = plist('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3);
+    pl2 = plist('b', 2, 'd', 4);
+    pl3 = plist('c', 3, 'b', 2);
+    plv = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    plm = [pl1, pl2; pl3 pl1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with different inputs for the key/value pair
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test negative case.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('key'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('key')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('key'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the remove method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the remove method remove the 'key' from all PLIST objects
+    % in the vector.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = remove(plv, 'b');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST doesn't contains the key.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && size(out) == size(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output doesn't have the key
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~isempty(out(ii).find('b')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isnumeric(out(ii).find('b')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the remove method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the remove method remove the 'key' from all PLIST objects
+    % in the matrix.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = remove(plm, 'b');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST doesn't contains the key.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && size(out) == size(plm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output doesn't have the key
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~isempty(out(ii).find('b')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isnumeric(out(ii).find('b')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the remove method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the remove method remove the 'key' from all PLIST objects
+    % of the input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = remove(pl1, pl2, pl3, 'b');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST doesn't contains the key.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl1, pl2, pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && size(out) == size(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output doesn't have the key
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~isempty(out(ii).find('b')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isnumeric(out(ii).find('b')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the remove method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the remove method remove the 'key' from all PLIST objects
+    % of the input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = remove(plm, plv, pl1, 'b');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+    % 2) Check that the output PLIST doesn't contains the key.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [reshape(plm, 1, []), reshape(plv, 1, []), pl1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the shape of the output is the same as the shape of the input
+      if ~isa(out, 'plist') && size(out) == size(plin), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output doesn't have the key
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~isempty(out(ii).find('b')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isnumeric(out(ii).find('b')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the remove method applies the modify command
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the remove method can modify the input PLIST by calling with no
+    % output and that the method doesn't change the input of the function
+    % notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy at1 to work with
+      pleq = plist(pl1);
+      plmo = plist(pl1);
+      % modify ain
+      out = pleq.remove('b');
+      plmo.remove('b');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'pleq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'plmo' and 'out' are the same.
+    % 3) Check that 'out' and 'plmo' don't have the key
+    % 4) Check that pleq doesn't have the key
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'pleq' are not the same
+      if eq(out, pleq, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out' don't have key and 'pleq' still have it
+      if ~isempty(out.find('b')), atest = false; end
+      if isempty(pleq.find('b')), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'plmo' don't have the key
+      if ~isempty(plmo.find('b')), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'out' and plmo are the same
+      if ~eq(out, plmo, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the remove method that it removes the parameter which is defined
+  % as an index or as a key
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the remove method that it removes the parameter which is defined
+    % as an index or as a key
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      idx  = 2;
+      out1 = pl1.remove('b');
+      out2 = pl1.remove(idx);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the correct number of parameter
+      if out1.nparams ~= pl1.nparams - 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.nparams ~= pl1.nparams - 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check the correct number of parameter
+      if ~isempty(out1.find('b')), atest = false; end
+      key = pl1.params(idx).key;
+      if ~isempty(out1.find(key)), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the remove method in a negative case that the key is not in the
+  % paramter list.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The remove method doesn't throwns an error if the key doesn't exist
+    % in the parameter list.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1.remove('key');
+      stest = true;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_save.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_SAVE a set of UTPs for the plist/save method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_save.m,v 1.4 2010/08/31 09:43:48 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The save method of the plist class saves a plist object to disk. Save stores
+% the variables in a MATLAB formatted file (MAT-file) named filename.mat or in a
+% XML fromat named filename.xml
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_save(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'save';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test plist contains the filename
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('postfix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('individual files'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filename'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('postfix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('individual files'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(plv, 'test.xml');
+      save(plv, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = plist('test.xml');
+      out2 = plist('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'plv'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(plv)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(plv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(plv(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(plv(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(plm, 'test.xml');
+      save(plm, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = plist('test.xml');
+      out2 = plist('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'plm'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(plm)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(plm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(plm(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(plm(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pl2, pl3, pl4, 'test.xml');
+      save(pl2, pl3, pl4, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = plist('test.xml');
+      out2 = plist('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in the list
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl2, pl3, pl4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(plin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(plin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PLIST objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pl2,plv,pl3, 'test.xml');
+      save(pl2,plv,pl3, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = plist('test.xml');
+      out2 = plist('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PLIST object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl2, reshape(plv, 1, []), pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2+numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2+numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(plin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(plin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Use the save method with the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pl2 to work with
+      pl = plist(pl2);
+      out1 = plist('test.mat');
+      out2 = plist('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input PLIST object.
+    % 2) Check the output against the input except.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that save doesn't modified the input
+      if ~eq(plist(pl2), pl, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(pl, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('filename', 'test.mat');
+      pl2 = plist('filename', 'test.xml');
+      save(pl3, pl1);
+      save(pl3, pl2);
+      out1 = plist('test.mat');
+      out2 = plist('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(pl3, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl3, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_setName.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_SETNAME a set of UTPs for the plist/setName method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_setName.m,v 1.2 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setName method of the plist class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_setName(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'setName';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(plv, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'plv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(plv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(plm, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'plm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(plm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pl2,pl3,pl4, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PLIST objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pl2,plv,pl3,plm,pl4, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(plm)+numel(plv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can modify the input PLIST object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the input PLIST object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pl2 to work with
+      ain = plist(pl2);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setName('my name');
+      ain.setName('my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pl2' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setName modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(plist(pl2), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setName doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('name', 'my name');
+      out = pl2.setName(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'name'
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setName(pl2, pl1, 'new name');
+      o3  = setName(pl2, pl1, 'new name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_STRING a set of UTPs for the plist/string method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_string.m,v 1.2 2009/07/22 14:02:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The string method of the plist class writes a command string that can be
+% used to recreate the input object(s). But the object should not have more than
+% one history step.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_string(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PLIST objects
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Negative test: The object have more than one history step.
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test different objects for 'val'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a vector of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(plv);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isa(rout, 'plist'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(plv)
+        if eq(rout(kk), plv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a matrix of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(plm);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'plist'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(plm)
+        if eq(rout(kk), plm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a list of PLIST objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a list of PLIST objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pl4,pl3);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl4, pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'plist'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(plin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(plin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), plin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PLIST objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pl4,plm,pl3);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    plin  = [pl4, reshape(plm, 1, []), pl3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'plist'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(plin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(plin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), plin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method doesn't work if the PLIST object have more
+  % than one history step.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+    % one history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'bandpass'));
+      iir.setName('Second history step');
+      pl = plist('filter', iir);
+      out = pl.string();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method accepts different objects for the 'val' property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Create a plist with all possible objects for the 'val' property.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      a = 'char';
+      b = [1 2i 3; 4i 5 6];
+      c = [true false true; false true false];
+      d = java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC');
+      e = sym('[a b c; d e f]');
+      f = plist('a', 'char');
+      h = unit('m^-1/2 kg V^3/7');
+      ii = [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(1-2i) pz(-3)];
+      j = [time(123) time('14:00:00')];
+      k = [specwin('Kaiser', 10, 100) specwin('Hanning', 100)];
+      % --- CHAR
+      pl1 = plist('key', 'this is a char');
+      % --- NUMERIC
+      pl2 = plist('key', [1 2i 3; 4i 5 6]);
+      % --- LOGICAL
+      pl3 = plist('key', [true false true; false true false]);
+      % --- JAVA (timezone)
+      pl4 = plist('key', java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'));
+      % --- SYM
+      pl5 = plist('key', sym('[a b c; d e f]'));
+      % --- PLIST
+      pl6 = plist('key', plist('a', 'char'));
+      % --- CELL
+      cellval = {a b c d e f h ii j k};
+      pl7 = plist('key', cellval);
+      % --- STRUCT
+      structval.a = a;
+      structval.b = b;
+      structval.c = c;
+      structval.d = d;
+      structval.e = e;
+      structval.f = f;
+      structval.h = h;
+      structval.ii = ii;
+      structval.j = j;
+      structval.k = k;
+      pl8 = plist('key', structval);
+      % --- LTPDA_NUO
+      % ------ HISTORY
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      pl9 = plist('key', iir.hist);
+      % ------ UNITS
+      pl10 = plist('key', unit('m^-1/2 kg V^3/7'));
+      % ------ PARAM
+      pl11 = plist('key', param('a', 'char'));
+      % ------ PROVENANCE
+      pl12 = plist('key', provenance);
+      % ------ PZ
+      pl13 = plist('key', [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(1-2i) pz(-3)]);
+      % ------ TIME
+      pl14 = plist('key', [time(123) time('14:00:00')]);
+      % ------ SPECWIN
+      pl15 = plist('key', [specwin('Kaiser', 10, 100) specwin('Hanning', 100)]);
+      out1  = eval(pl1.string);
+      out2  = eval(pl2.string);
+      out3  = eval(pl3.string);
+      out4  = eval(pl4.string);
+      out5  = eval(pl5.string);
+      out6  = eval(pl6.string);
+      out7  = eval(pl7.string);
+      out8  = eval(pl8.string);
+      out9  = eval(pl9.string);
+      out10 = eval(pl10.string);
+      out11 = eval(pl11.string);
+      out12 = eval(pl12.string);
+      out13 = eval(pl13.string);
+      out14 = eval(pl14.string);
+      out15 = eval(pl15.string);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(pl1,  out1,  ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl2,  out2,  ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl3,  out3,  ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl4,  out4,  ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl5,  out5,  ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl6,  out6,  ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl7,  out7,  ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl8,  out8,  ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl10, out10, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl11, out11, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl12, out12, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl13, out13, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl14, out14, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pl15, out15, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_submit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_SUBMIT a set of UTPs for the plist/submit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_submit.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the plist class submits a collection of objects
+% in XML form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_submit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'submit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [pl1, pl2, pl3, pl4, plv, plm] = get_test_objects_plist;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_plist_submit: submit plist';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_plist_submit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_plist_submit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a vector of PLIST objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the submit method works for a vector of PLIST objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(plv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(plv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(plv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(plv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of PLIST objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of PLIST objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(plm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(plm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(plm, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(plm, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(plm, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped PLIST
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PLIST objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl, plm, iir, plv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(plm) + numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(plm) + numel(plv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, plm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, plm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, plm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, plm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, plm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8}, plm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9},  plv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, plv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, plv(3)), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      for ii = 1:numel(robjs2)
+        if ~eq(robjs1{ii}, robjs2{ii}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the submit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl1, pl2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, pl2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, pl1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, pl2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/plist/utp_plist_update.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+% UTP_PLIST_UPDATE a set of UTPs for the plist/update method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_plist_update.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The update method of the plist class updates (replace) an LTPDA object
+% in the repository with the given replacement object. It is only possible
+% to update one object. This is the reason why the general UTPs are not
+% possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_plist_update(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'plist';
+    mthd    = 'update';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    c  = 'string';
+    n  = 123+5i;
+    l  = true;
+    sy = sym('symbol');
+    t  = time('14:00:00');
+    s  = struct('a', c, 'b', n, 'c', l, 'd', sy, 'time', t);
+    ce = {'asd', [1 2 3; 4 5i 6], [true false], [sym('a'); sym('B')], s};
+    obj = plist('char', c, 'number', n, 'logical', l, 'symbolic', sy, 'struct', s, 'cell', ce);
+    obj.setName();
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_plist_update: update plist';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_plist_update: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_plist_update>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      [ids, cids] = submit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Test with conn
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Test with sinfo
+      results = [results utp_04];    % Test update of an binary file
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test replace with other object
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database object (conn) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (conn)');
+      update(uobj, ids, conn, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database info structure (sinfo) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Check that the update method also updates objects which are stored as
+    % a binary file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Submit the object as a binary
+      [ids_bin, cids] = bsubmit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids_bin, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids_bin'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids_bin);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository with
+  % a completely other object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository
+    % with a completely other object.
+    % Replace the plist object with a filter object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/test_pzm.fil	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Filter that models one pole of the dynamics of test-mass 1.
+# This filter should be run forwards and backwards to achieve
+# the desired response. In ltpda use filtfilt().
+# M Hewitson
+# $Id: test_pzm.fil,v 1.1 2009/01/05 17:48:41 ingo Exp $
+zero 0.000181464554896431    # comes from w_1
+pole 5                       # stabilise filter out of band
+factor 0.00114017542509914   # sqrt(1.3e-6)
+freq log 1u 50 1000
+iir 100 start 4 4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_bsubmit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_BSUBMIT a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/bsubmit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_bsubmit.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the pzmodel class submits a collection of objects
+% in binary form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_bsubmit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'bsubmit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_pzmodel_bsubmit: submit pzmodel';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_pzmodel_bsubmit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_pzmodel_bsubmit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the bsubmit method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pzv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(pzv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pzm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(pzm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(pzm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(pzm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(pzm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(pzm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(pzm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(pzm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pz1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl, pzm, iir, pzv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(pzm) + numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(pzm) + numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pzm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pzm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pzm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, pzm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, pzm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, pzm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  pzv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, pzv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, pzv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the bsubmit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pz1, pz2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, pz2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, pz2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_CHAR a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_char.m,v 1.3 2010/05/06 07:22:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the pzmodel class converts the objects into one character string
+% which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, 'pzmodel(')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, 'pzmodel(')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pz5,pz4,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzmin  = [pz5,pz4,pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzmin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, 'pzmodel(')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(pz2,pzv,pz3,pzm,pz5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzmin  = [pz2,reshape(pzv,1,[]),pz3,reshape(pzm,1,[]),pz5];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzmin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, 'pzmodel(')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_COPY a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_copy.m,v 1.2 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the pzmodel class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_created.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_CREATED a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/created method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_created.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The created method of the pzmodel returns a time object of the last
+% modification. For this uses the created method the 'proctime' property of
+% the last history step and computs from this value a timeobject.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_created(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'created';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test empty object
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= pzv(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= pzm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(pz1,pz2,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if out(1).utc_epoch_milli ~= pz1.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(2).utc_epoch_milli ~= pz2.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(3).utc_epoch_milli ~= pz3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(pz1,pzv,pz2,pzm,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzmin = [pz1,reshape(pzv,1,[]),pz2,reshape(pzm,1,[]),pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pzm)+numel(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= pzmin(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = pz3.created;
+      out2 = pzm.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the single object
+      if out1.utc_epoch_milli ~= pz3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if out2(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= pzm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+  % even for an empty input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method with an empty 'PZMODEL object
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pzmodel();
+      out = pzm.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      if isnan(out.utc_epoch_milli), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_creator.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_CREATED a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/creator method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_creator.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The creator method of the pzmodel extract the creator(s)/modifier from
+% the  history. Depending to the input parameter returns this method all
+% creator/modifier or only the last creator/modifier.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_creator(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'creator';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with different creator/modifier
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test negative case for the option 'all'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(pzm), atest = false; end
+      % Check creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(pz1,pz2,pz3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(pz1,pzv,pz2,pzm,pz3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = pz3.creator;
+      out2 = pzm.creator;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      % Check the single object
+      if ~strcmp(out1, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      % For a single object must be the the output a char string
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~strcmp(out2{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+  % are in the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+    % plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+    % 'third'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Read object with different modifier
+      pz  = pzmodel('test_pzmodel_diff_creator.xml');
+      out1 = pz.creator;
+      out2 = pz.creator('all');
+      out3 = pz.creator(plist('option', 'all'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+    % 2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+    % used in connection with a matrix/vector of PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm.creator('all');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_display.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the pzmodel class prints defined values of an PZMODEL object.
+% MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is not terminated
+% by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzv
+      out = display(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pzv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm
+      out = display(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pzm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1,pz2,pz3
+      out = display(pz1,pz2,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzmin  = [pz1,pz2,pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzmin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pzmin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped 
+  % PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects as.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(pz4,pzv,pz3,pzm,pz5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzmin  = [pz4,reshape(pzv,1,[]),pz3,reshape(pzm,1,[]),pz5];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzmin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pzmin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_eq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_EQ a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/eq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_eq.m,v 1.8 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eq() method of the pzmodel class pzm1 == pzm2 compares each element of an
+% pzm object with the corresponding element of an second pzm object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where pzm1 and pzm2 are equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are not equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_eq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'eq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with the exception list 'iunits'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with the exception list 'ounits'
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Exceptions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tol'), eps(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Exceptions'),   {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tol'),    {eps(1)}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pz2.setName('my name');
+      pzv1 = [pz5, pz3, pz4, pz2];
+      pzv2 = [pz5, pz3, pz4, pzm];
+      out1 = eq(pzv1, pzv1);
+      out2 = eq(pzv1, pzv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pz2.setName('my name');
+      pzmm1 = [pz5, pz3, pz2, pz2, pz4, pz5];
+      pzmm2 = [pz5, pz3, pzm; pz2, pz4, pz5];
+      out1 = eq(pzmm1, pzmm1);
+      out2 = eq(pzmm1, pzmm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't change the PZMODEL object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because pzm is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pz2, 'my name');
+      out1 = eq(pzm, pz2);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pzm, pz2, 'name');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pzm, pz2, 'pzmodel/name');
+      out4 = eq(pzm.hist, pz2.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because pzm is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, pz2, unit('Hz'));
+      out1 = eq(pzm, pz2);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pzm, pz2, 'iunits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pzm, pz2, 'pzmodel/iunits');
+      out4 = eq(pzm.hist, pz2.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because pzm is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, pz2, unit('V'));
+      out1 = eq(pzm, pz2);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pzm, pz2, 'ounits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pzm, pz2, 'pzmodel/ounits');
+      out4 = eq(pzm.hist, pz2.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pz2, 'my name');
+      pl = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = eq(pzm, pz2);
+      out2 = eq(pzm, pz2, pl);
+      out3 = eq(pzm, pz2, pl);
+      out4 = eq(pzm.hist, pz2.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  function res = eqLocal(obj1, obj2, ex)    
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {ex}]);
+      res = eq(obj1, obj2, ple);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_get.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_GET a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/get method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_get.m,v 1.3 2011/03/29 13:03:29 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The get method of the pzmodel class returns the value of an object
+% property. This is a very simple method which accepts only one pzmodel as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_get(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'get';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Algorithm test with a plist
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test with more than one pzmodel
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('property'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('property')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('property'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the pzmodel class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property. Do this for all properties of the PZMODEL object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1+2i)], pz(10), unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      out1 = get(pzm, 'gain');
+      out2 = get(pzm, 'poles');
+      out3 = get(pzm, 'zeros');
+      out4 = get(pzm, 'delay');
+      out6 = get(pzm, 'iunits');
+      out7 = get(pzm, 'ounits');
+      out8 = get(pzm, 'hist');
+      out9 = get(pzm, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1, pzm.gain),    atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, pzm.poles),        atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, pzm.zeros),        atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, pzm.delay),   atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, pzm.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, pzm.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8, pzm.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out9,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the get method works with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property which is defined in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm  = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1+2i)], pz(10), unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl1 = plist('property', 'gain');
+      pl2 = plist('property', 'poles');
+      pl3 = plist('property', 'zeros');
+      pl4 = plist('property', 'delay');
+      pl6 = plist('property', 'iunits');
+      pl7 = plist('property', 'ounits');
+      pl8 = plist('property', 'hist');
+      pl9 = plist('property', 'name');
+      out1 = get(pzm, pl1);
+      out2 = get(pzm, pl2);
+      out3 = get(pzm, pl3);
+      out4 = get(pzm, pl4);
+      out6 = get(pzm, pl6);
+      out7 = get(pzm, pl7);
+      out8 = get(pzm, pl8);
+      out9 = get(pzm, pl9);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1, pzm.gain),    atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, pzm.poles),        atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, pzm.zeros),        atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, pzm.delay),   atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, pzm.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, pzm.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out8, pzm.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out9,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the pzmodel class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one PZMODEL object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm  = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1+2i)], pz(10));
+      out = get([pzm, pzm], 'name');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_getlowerFreq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_GETLOWERFREQ a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/getlowerFreq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_getlowerFreq.m,v 1.3 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The getlowerFreq method of the pzmodel class gets the frequency of the lowest 
+% pole or zero in the model. This is a very simple method which accepts only one
+% pzmodel as input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_getlowerFreq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'getlowerFreq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Negative test with more than one pzmodel
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getlowerFreq method of the pzmodel class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getlowerFreq returns the lowest frequence of the lowest 
+    % pole or zero in the model.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p=[pz(3,2) pz(40)];   %f=3,40
+      z=[pz(2,3) pz(100)];  %f=2,100
+      pzm = pzmodel(10, p, z);
+      out = getlowerFreq(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getlowerFreq method of the pzmodel class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getlowerFreq throws an error if the input are more than one
+    % pzmodel.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p=[pz(3,2) pz(40)];   %f=3,40
+      z=[pz(2,3) pz(100)];  %f=2,100
+      pzm = pzmodel(10, p, z);
+      out = getlowerFreq([pzm, pzm]);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_getupperFreq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+% UTP_pzmodel_GETUPPERFREQ a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/getupperFreq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_getupperFreq.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The getupperFreq method of the pzmodel class gets the frequency of the lowest 
+% pole or zero in the model. This is a very simple method which accepts only one
+% pzmodel as input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_getupperFreq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'getupperFreq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Negative test with more than one pzmodel
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getupperFreq method of the pzmodel class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getupperFreq returns the lowest frequence of the lowest 
+    % pole or zero in the model.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p=[pz(3,2) pz(40)];   %f=3,40
+      z=[pz(2,3) pz(100)];  %f=2,100
+      pzm = pzmodel(10, p, z);
+      out = getupperFreq(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out ~= 100, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getupperFreq method of the pzmodel class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getupperFreq throws an error if the input are more than one
+    % pzmodel.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p=[pz(3,2) pz(40)];   %f=3,40
+      z=[pz(2,3) pz(100)];  %f=2,100
+      pzm = pzmodel(10, p, z);
+      out = getupperFreq([pzm, pzm]);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_index.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_INDEX a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/index method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_index.m,v 1.4 2009/07/28 17:12:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The index method of the pzmodel class index into a PZMODEL vector or
+% matrix. This properly captures the history.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_index(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'index';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with plist
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test select more objects with an index
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('i'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('j'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('i')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('j')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('i'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('j'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objvec = [pz1, pz2, pz3];
+      out1 = objvec.index(1);
+      out2 = objvec.index(3);
+      out3 = objvec.index(1,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, pz1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, pz3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, pz2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %     [ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)]
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objmat = [pz1, pz2, pz3; ...
+                pz3, pz1, pz2];
+      out1 = objmat.index(5);
+      out2 = objmat.index(4);
+      out3 = objmat.index(1,2);
+      out4 = objmat.index(2,1);
+      out5 = objmat.index(2,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, pz3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, pz1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, pz2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, pz3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, pz1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The index method doesn't work for a list of PZMODEL objects as input. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = index(pz1,pz2,pz3, 4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of index have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 2;
+      j = 3;
+      objmat = [pz1, pz2, pz3; ...
+                pz3, pz1, pz2];
+      out  = index(objmat, i, j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+    %    to 'index'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'index'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 1;
+      j = 1;
+      objmat = [pz1, pz2, pz3; ...
+                pz3, pz1, pz2];
+      out1 = index(objmat, i, j);
+      out2 = objmat.index(i,j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, pz1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, pz1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method can be controled with a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i1 = 6;
+      i2 = 1;
+      j2 = 3;
+      objmat = [pz1, pz2, pz3; ...
+                pz3, pz1, pz2];
+      pl1 = plist('i', i1);
+      pl2 = plist('i', i2, 'j', j2);
+      out1 = index(objmat, pl1);
+      out2 = index(objmat, pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, pz2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), j2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, pz3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = [2 6];
+      objmat = [pz1, pz2, pz3; ...
+                pz3, pz1, pz2];
+      pl = plist('i', i);
+      out1 = objmat.index(i);
+      out2 = objmat.index(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1(1).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1(1), pz3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1(2), pz2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2(2).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2(1), pz3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2(2), pz2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_isprop.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_ISPROP a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/isprop method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_isprop.m,v 1.5 2011/03/29 13:13:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isprop method of the pzmodel class determine whether input is object property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_isprop(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'isprop';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test negative case
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pzv, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pzm, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pz5,pz3,pz2, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(pz5,pzv,pz3,pzm,pz2, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pzm)+numel(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to
+    % apply history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works for each property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+    % 'gain', 'poles', 'zeros', 'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist', 
+    % 'name'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pz5 to work with
+      out1  = isprop(pz5, 'gain');
+      out2  = isprop(pz5, 'poles');
+      out3  = isprop(pz5, 'zeros');
+      out5  = isprop(pz5, 'iunits');
+      out6  = isprop(pz5, 'ounits');
+      out7  = isprop(pz5, 'hist');
+      out8  = isprop(pz5, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~out1,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out2,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out5,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out6,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out7,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out8,  atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the negative case and the not function command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+    % methods of the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = isprop(pz1, 'foo');
+      out2 = pz1.isprop('foo');
+      out3 = pz1.isprop('name');
+      out4 = pz1.isprop('type');
+      out5 = pz1.isprop('char');
+      out6 = pz1.isprop('created');
+      out7 = pz1.isprop('creator');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1, atest = false; end;
+      if out2, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3, atest = false; end;
+      if out4, atest = false; end;
+      if out5, atest = false; end;
+      if out6, atest = false; end;
+      if out7, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2009/01/12 19:08:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the pzmodel class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = pzmodel(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = pzmodel(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_mrdivide.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_MRDIVIDE a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/mrdivide method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_mrdivide.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The mrdivide method of the pzmodel class overloads the division operator
+% for PZMODELs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_mrdivide(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'mrdivide';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the I-/O-units
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mrdivide method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mrdivide method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = mrdivide(pz1, [pz2, pz3, pz4 pz1]);
+      out2 = pz1 / [pz2, pz3, pz4 pz1];
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 2), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-4)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4), pz(1)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4), pz(1)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mrdivide method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the rdivie method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = mrdivide(pz1, [pz4, pz3, pz2; pz1 pz4 pz3]);
+      out2 = pz1 / [pz4, pz3, pz2; pz1 pz4 pz3];
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 / 5 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 3 / 4), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 / 5 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 3 / 4), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(-1), pz(-4), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(-1), pz(-4), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(4), pz(1), pz(3), pz(4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(4), pz(1), pz(3), pz(4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mrdivide method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the mrdivide method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      out1 = mrdivide(pz1, pz2, pz3);
+      out2 = pz1 / pz2 / pz3;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mrdivide method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the mrdivide method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = mrdivide(pz1, [pz2 pz3], pz4);
+      out2 = pz1 / [pz2 pz3] / pz4;
+      mout = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    % 5) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4 / 5), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4 / 5), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mrdivide method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the mrdivide method can be processed
+    % back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      out  = mrdivide(pz1, pz2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'mrdivide'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rdivide'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the mrdivide method only divide PZMODELs with the same output
+  % units.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the mrdivide method only divide PZMODELs with the same
+    % output units. Check also the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-3));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-2));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-1));
+      pz1.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz2.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz3.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz1.setIunits('m');
+      pz2.setIunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz3.setIunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      out = pz1 / pz2 / pz3;
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % Negative case
+      pz2.setOunits('m');
+      try
+        out = pz1 / pz2;
+        stest = false;
+      catch
+        stest = true;
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the I-/O-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the I-/O-units
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('m')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz Hz^-1/2')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object.
+      if ~eq(mout, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_mtimes.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_MTIMES a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/mtimes method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_mtimes.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The mtimes method of the pzmodel class overloads the multiplication
+% operator for PZMODELs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_mtimes(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'mtimes';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the I-/O-units
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the mtimes method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = mtimes(pz1, [pz2, pz3, pz4 pz1]);
+      out2 = pz1 * [pz2, pz3, pz4 pz1];
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 2), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4), pz(1)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4), pz(1)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-4)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the mtimes method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = mtimes(pz1, [pz4, pz3, pz2; pz1 pz4 pz3]);
+      out2 = pz1 * [pz4, pz3, pz2; pz1 pz4 pz3];
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 * 5 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 3 * 4), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 * 5 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 3 * 4), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(4), pz(1), pz(3), pz(4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(4), pz(1), pz(3), pz(4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-1), pz(-4), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-3), pz(-2), ]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-1), pz(-4), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-3), pz(-2), ]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the mtimes method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      out1 = mtimes(pz1, pz2, pz3);
+      out2 = pz1 * pz2 * pz3;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the mtimes method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = mtimes(pz1, [pz2 pz3], pz4);
+      out2 = pz1 * [pz2 pz3] * pz4;
+      mout = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    % 5) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4 * 5), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4 * 5), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the mtimes method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the mtimes method can be processed
+    % back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      out  = mtimes(pz1, pz2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'times'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'times'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the mtimes method only multiply PZMODELs with the same output
+  % units.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the mtimes method only multiply PZMODELs with the same
+    % output units. Check also the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-3));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-2));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-1));
+      pz1.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz2.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz3.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz1.setIunits('m');
+      pz2.setIunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz3.setIunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      out = pz1 * pz2 * pz3;
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % Negative case
+      pz2.setIunits('m');
+      try
+        out = pz1 * pz2;
+        stest = false;
+      catch
+        stest = true;
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the I-/O-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the I-/O-units
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('m')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz Hz^-1/2')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object.
+      if ~eq(mout, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_ne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_NE a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/ne method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_ne.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ne() method of the pzmodel class pzm1 ~= pzm2 compares each element of an
+% pzmodel object with the corresponding element of an second pzm object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where pzm1 and pzm2 are not equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_ne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'ne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm   = pz5.setName('my name');
+      pzv1 = [pz4, pz2, pz3, pz5];
+      pzv2 = [pz4, pz2, pz3, pzm];
+      out1 = ne(pzv1, pzv1);
+      out2 = ne(pzv1, pzv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm   = pz5.setName('my name');
+      pzmm1 = [pz4, pz2, pz5, pz5, pz3, pz4];
+      pzmm2 = [pz4, pz2, pzm; pz5, pz3, pz4];
+      out1 = ne(pzmm1, pzmm1);
+      out2 = ne(pzmm1, pzmm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't change the PZMODEL object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list.
+  % The function pzmodel/ne use the function pzmodel/eq so it is not necessary to check
+  % all possibilities of the exception list.
+  % 
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because pzm is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pz5, 'my name');
+      out1 = ne(pzm, pz5);
+      out2 = ne(pzm, pz5, 'name',    'created', 'UUID');
+      out3 = ne(pzm, pz5, 'pzmodel/name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pz5, 'my name');
+      pl   = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'created', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = ne(pzm, pz5);
+      out2 = ne(pzm, pz5, pl);
+      out3 = ne(pzm, pz5, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_pzmodel.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1589 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_PZMODEL a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/pzmodel method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_pzmodel.m,v 1.31 2011/08/22 05:37:13 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The pzmodel method of the pzmodel class constructs PZMODEL objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_pzmodel(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'pzmodel';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzvec, pzmat] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working with empty constructor
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with copy constructor
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test history is working with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test history is working with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test history is working with FIL file constructor
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test history is working with constant constructor
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test history is working with rational-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test history is working with plist(rational) constructor
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test history is working with plist(gain|poles|zeros) constructor
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test history is working with plist(plist) constructor
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test history is working with gain + poles + zeros constructor
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test history is working with gain + poles + zeros + name constructor
+    results = [results utp_22];    % Test history is working with gain + poles + zeros + iunits + ounits constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From LISO File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Rational')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Poles/Zeros')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('built-in'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From LISO File'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Rational'
+        pn = 9;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('rational'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('rational'), rational(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Parfrac'
+        pn = 10;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('parfrac'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('parfrac'), parfrac(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Poles/Zeros'
+        pn = 11;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 9, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('gain'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('poles'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('zeros'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('delay'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('gain'), 1), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(pn).plists.find('poles')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(pn).plists.find('zeros')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('delay'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('gain'), {1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('poles'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('zeros'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('delay'), {0}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pzmodel method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = pzmodel(pzvec);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output PZMODELs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL is a copy of the input PZMODEL.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct shape
+      if size(out) ~= size(pzvec), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pzvec(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pzvec(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pzvec(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pzmodel method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = pzmodel(pzmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output PZMODELs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL is a copy of the input PZMODEL.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(pzmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pzmat(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pzmat(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pzmat(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pzmodel method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pzmodel(pz5, pz4, pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL is a copy of the input PZMODEL.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin = [pz5, pz4, pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pzin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pzin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pzin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODELs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the pzmodel method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODELs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out   = pzmodel(pz5,pzvec,pz2,pzmat,pz4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL is a copy of the input PZMODEL.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin = [pz5, reshape(pzvec, 1, []), pz2, reshape(pzmat, 1, []), pz4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3+numel(pzvec)+numel(pzmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pzin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pzin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pzin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the pzmodel method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = pzmodel(pz4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the copy constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    % Test the constructor with a different number of inputs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = pzmodel(pz5);
+      out2 = pzmodel(pz5, pz4);
+      out3 = pzmodel(pz5, pz4, pz3);
+      out1.setName('my name');
+      out2(1).setName('my name');
+      out2(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(1).setName('my name');
+      out3(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(3).setName('my name');
+      mout = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter function
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      % It is the method 'setName' because we set it in above
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check next to the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the originals
+      if strcmp(pz5, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(pz4, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(pz3, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the read
+  % MAT-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'test_pzm.mat';
+      pzm = pzmodel(pz5);
+      save(pzm, filename);
+      out  = pzmodel(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the objects
+      if ~eq(out, pzm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the read
+  % XML-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'test_pzm.xml';
+      amat = pzmodel(pzmat);
+      save(amat, filename);
+      out  = pzmodel(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the loaded object is the same as the saved object.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the algorithm
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check the objects
+        if ~eq(out(kk), amat(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(mout(kk), out(kk), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the read
+  % FIL-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Read the FIL file which is created from LISO.
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'test_pzm.fil';
+      out  = pzmodel(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Reading a file adds additionally history steps
+      if ~isa(out, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the struct constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      spzm         = struct(pz5);
+      spzm.poles(1)= struct(pz5.poles(1)); % pz5 have two poles
+      spzm.poles(2)= struct(pz5.poles(2));
+      spzm.zeros   = struct(pz5.zeros);
+      spzm.iunits  = struct(pz5.iunits);
+      spzm.ounits  = struct(pz5.ounits);
+      spzm.hist    = struct(pz5.hist);
+      out1 = pzmodel(struct(pz3));
+      out2 = pzmodel(spzm);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a PZMODEL object
+      if ~isa(out1,'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2,'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the algorithm
+      if ~eq(pz3, out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz5, out2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel from a constant properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = pzmodel(123.123);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a PZMODEL object
+      if ~isa(out,'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the algorithm
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the rational constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      rat  = rational([1 2 -3], [4 5 -6]); % two real zeros and poles
+      out  = pzmodel(rat);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a PZMODEL object
+      if ~isa(out,'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmodel method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(filename) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename1 = 'test_pzm.xml';
+      filename2 = 'test_pzm.mat';
+      filename3 = 'test_pzm.fil';
+      f1 = pzmodel(pz5);
+      f2 = pzmodel(pz4);
+      save(f1, filename1);
+      save(f2, filename2);
+      out1 = pzmodel(plist('filename', filename1));
+      out2 = pzmodel(plist('filename', filename2));
+      out3 = pzmodel(plist('filename', filename3));
+      rout1 = out1.rebuild;
+      rout2 = out2.rebuild;
+      rout3 = out3.rebuild;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the input object of the save method
+      if ~eq(f1, pz5, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(f1.hist.inhists, pz5.hist) , atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(f2, pz4, ple3) , atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(f2.hist.inhists, pz4.hist)  , atest = false; end
+      % The load doesn't have two additionally history steps (save + load)
+      if ~eq(out1, f1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, f2), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1)
+      delete(filename2)
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(conn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn     = utpGetConnection
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_pzmodel_pzmodel_15: submit pzmodel vector';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_pzmodel_pzmodel_15: &description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_pzmodel_pzmodel_15>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      ids = submit(pzmat, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out  = pzmodel(plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, 'database', utpGetDatabase, 'conn', conn, 'id', ids));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(reshape(out, size(pzmat)), pzmat, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(rational) constructor
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iu   = unit('Hz^2');
+      ou   = unit('mm');
+      rat  = rational([1 2 -3], [4 5 -6], 'my rat', iu, ou);
+      pl   = plist('rational', rat);
+      out  = pzmodel(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check the algorithm
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check algorithm
+      if numel(out.poles) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out.zeros) ~= 2, atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, sprintf('pzmodel(%s)',, atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, iu), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, ou), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(out, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(gain|poles|zeros) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      iu   = unit('Hz^2');
+      ou   = unit('mm');
+      z    = [pz(1,2), pz(5)];
+      p    = pz(1);
+      name = 'new name';
+      % Create test plists
+      pl1 = plist('gain', 12.2, 'zeros', z, 'poles', p, 'iunits', iu, 'ounits', ou, 'name', name);
+      pl2 = plist('gain', 12.2);
+      pl3 = plist('zeros', z);
+      pl4 = plist('poles', p);
+      out1 = pzmodel(pl1);
+      out2 = pzmodel(pl2);
+      out3 = pzmodel(pl3);
+      out4 = pzmodel(pl4);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out4.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out1.gain, 12.2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, name), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, z), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, p), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.iunits, iu), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.ounits, ou), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.gain, 12.2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, ''), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.zeros, []), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2.poles, []), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.iunits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.ounits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.gain, 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, ''), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.zeros, z), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3.poles, []), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.iunits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.ounits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.gain, 1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, ''), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4.zeros, []), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4.poles, p), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4.iunits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4.ounits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(<plist-object>) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      name  = 'new name';
+      p     = pz(4);
+      pl    = plist('poles', p, 'name', name);
+      out1  = pzmodel(plist('plist', pl));
+      out2  = pzmodel(plist('plist', plist())); % empty plist
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~strcmp(, name), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, p), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      if ~isempty(out2.hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn     = utpGetConnection
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_pzmodel_pzmodel_19: submit pzmodel';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_pzmodel_pzmodel_19: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = 'utp_pzmodel_pzmodel_19';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      [ids] = submit(pz5, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out = pzmodel(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out,pz5, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the history except the additional 'submit' + 'retrieve' steps
+      if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, pz5.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuild method
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+  % gain + poles + zeros constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      gain = 12.2;
+      z    = pz(2.2);
+      p    = [pz(1,2), pz(7.7)];
+      out  = pzmodel(gain, p, z);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.gain, gain), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.zeros, z), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.poles, p), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, ''), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+  % gain + poles + zeros + name constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      name = 'new name';
+      gain = 12.2;
+      z    = pz(2.2);
+      p    = [pz(1,2), pz(7.7)];
+      out  = pzmodel(gain, p, z, name);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.gain, gain), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.zeros, z), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.poles, p), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, name), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit()), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_22
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the PZMODEL method properly applies history to the
+  % gain + poles + zeros + iunits + ounits constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_22
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      gain = 12.2;
+      z    = pz(2.2);
+      p    = [pz(1,2), pz(7.7)];
+      iu   = unit('Hz^2');
+      ou   = unit('V');
+      out  = pzmodel(gain, p, z, iu, ou);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'pzmodel'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~isequal(out.gain, gain), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.zeros, z), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.poles, p), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(, ''), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, iu), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, ou), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_22
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_rdivide.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_RDIVIDE a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/rdivide method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_rdivide.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rdivide method of the pzmodel class overloads the division operator
+% for PZMODELs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_rdivide(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'rdivide';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the I-/O-units
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rdivide method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rdivide method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = rdivide(pz1, [pz2, pz3, pz4 pz1]);
+      out2 = pz1 ./ [pz2, pz3, pz4 pz1];
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 2), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-4)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4), pz(1)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4), pz(1)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rdivide method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the rdivie method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = rdivide(pz1, [pz4, pz3, pz2; pz1 pz4 pz3]);
+      out2 = pz1 ./ [pz4, pz3, pz2; pz1 pz4 pz3];
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 / 5 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 3 / 4), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 / 5 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 3 / 4), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(-1), pz(-4), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(-1), pz(-4), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(4), pz(1), pz(3), pz(4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(4), pz(1), pz(3), pz(4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rdivide method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the rdivide method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      out1 = rdivide(pz1, pz2, pz3);
+      out2 = pz1 ./ pz2 ./ pz3;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rdivide method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the rdivide method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = rdivide(pz1, [pz2 pz3], pz4);
+      out2 = pz1 ./ [pz2 pz3] ./ pz4;
+      mout = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    % 5) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4 / 5), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 / 3 / 4 / 5), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rdivide method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the rdivide method can be processed
+    % back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      out  = rdivide(pz1, pz2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rdivide'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rdivide'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rdivide method only divide PZMODELs with the same output
+  % units.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the rdivide method only divide PZMODELs with the same
+    % output units. Check also the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-3));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-2));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-1));
+      pz1.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz2.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz3.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz1.setIunits('m');
+      pz2.setIunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz3.setIunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      out = pz1 ./ pz2 ./ pz3;
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % Negative case
+      pz2.setOunits('m');
+      try
+        out = pz1 ./ pz2;
+        stest = false;
+      catch
+        stest = true;
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the I-/O-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the I-/O-units
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('m')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz Hz^-1/2')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object.
+      if ~eq(mout, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_rebuild.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_REBUILD a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/rebuild method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_rebuild.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rebuild method of the pzmodel class rebuilds the input objects using the
+% history. This method is also intensively tested in the most other UTPs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_rebuild(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'rebuild';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the output
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzv)
+        if eq(out(kk), pzv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzm)
+        if eq(out(kk), pzm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(pz5,pz4,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz5,pz4,pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzin)
+        if eq(out(kk), pzin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(pz4,pzv,pz2,pzm,pz1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz4,reshape(pzv,1,[]),pz2,reshape(pzm,1,[]),pz1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzin)
+        if eq(out(kk), pzin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = rebuild(pz1, pz2);
+      o3  = rebuild(pz1, pz2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, pz1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, pz2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, [pz1 pz2], ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_resp.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1008 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_RESP a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/resp method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_resp.m,v 1.7 2010/03/15 15:57:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The resp method of the pzmodel class returns the complex response of a pzmodel
+% as an Analysis Object. For a command with no output variables plots the method
+% the result into a diagram.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_resp(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'resp';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    warning('This UTP needs a complete update');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with f = ao.y
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test with f
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf AND 'scale'
+    % Make surethat all figures are closed
+    close all;
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'List')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Range')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'List'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('f')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Range'
+        if io(4).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f2'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('nf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f1')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f2')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('nf'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('scale'), 'log'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f1'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f2'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('nf'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'lin', 'log'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(pzv);
+      out = resp(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 3) Check that each output PZMODEL contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(pzv(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(pzv(ii))*10;
+        nf = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      pzmat = [pz5, pz3, pz2; pz1, pz5, pz3];
+      resp(pzmat);
+      out = resp(pzmat);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output PZMODEL contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(pzmat), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzmat)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(pzmat(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(pzmat(ii))*10;
+        nf = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the pzmat method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test the method with an output and with no output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      resp(pz1,pz2,pz3);
+      out = resp(pz1,pz2,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output PZMODEL contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin = [pz1,pz2,pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(pzin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(pzin(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(pzin(ii))*10;
+        nf = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+  %  objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects. Test the method with an output and with no
+    % output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      pzmat = [pz5, pz3, pz2; pz1, pz5, pz3];
+      resp(pz1,pzv,pz2,pzmat,pz3);
+      out = resp(pz1,pzv,pz2,pzmat,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzmat'
+    % 3) Check that each output PZMODEL contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1,reshape(pzv,1,[]),pz2,reshape(pzmat,1,[]),pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(pzin), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(pzin(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(pzin(ii))*10;
+        nf = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+        if out(ii).x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      resp(pz5);
+      out  = resp(pz5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'resp'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+      y1 = get(lines{1}, 'YData');
+      y2 = get(lines{2}, 'YData');
+      if ~isequal(x, out.x.'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y2, abs(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y1, utils.math.phase(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      pz5.resp();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the response diagram.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+      f1 = getlowerFreq(pz5)/10;
+      f2 = getupperFreq(pz5)*10;
+      nf = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+    % input f vector.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      arow = ao(1:100, linspace(.1, 5, 100));
+      acol = arow.';
+      f    = linspace(.1, 5, 100);
+      out1 = resp(pz5, arow);
+      out2 = resp(pz5, acol);
+      out3 = resp(pz5, f);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = resp(pz5, pz3);
+      o3  = resp(pz5, pz3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an AO in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      axy = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(100,1));
+      afs = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(100,1), plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out1 = resp(pz5, axy);
+      out2 = resp(pz5, afs);
+      out3 = resp(pz5, plist('f', axy));
+      out4 = resp(pz5, plist('f', afs));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out4.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      f  = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      out1 = resp(pz5, f);
+      out2 = resp(pz5, plist('f', f));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      nf2 = 123;
+      out1 = resp(pz5, f1, f2);
+      out2 = resp(pz5, f1, f2, nf);
+      out3 = resp(pz5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf));
+      out4 = resp(pz5, plist('f1', f1, 'nf', nf2));
+      out5 = resp(pz5, plist('f2', f2));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      f1d = getlowerFreq(pz5)/10;
+      f2d = getupperFreq(pz5)*10;
+      nfd = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out5, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if any(find(abs(out1.x(end)-f2)>T)), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nfd, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if any(find(abs(out2.x(end)-f2)>T)), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out3.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(end)   ~= f2d, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if numel(out4.x) ~= nf2, atest = false; end
+      if out5.x(1)     ~= f1d, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if any(find(abs(out5.x(end)-f2)>T)), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5.x) ~= nfd, atest = false; end % Default values
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, mout5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 123;
+      out1 = resp(pz5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'lin'));
+      out2 = resp(pz5, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'log'));
+      out3 = resp(pz5, plist('scale', 'lin'));
+      out4 = resp(pz5, plist('scale', 'log'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      f1d = getlowerFreq(pz5)/10;
+      f2d = getupperFreq(pz5)*10;
+      nfd = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      xlin1 = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      xlin2 = linspace(f1d, f2d, nfd);
+      xlog1 = logspace(log10(f1), log10(f2), nf);
+      xlog2 = logspace(log10(f1d), log10(f2d), nfd);
+      if ~isequal(xlin1, out1.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlin2, out3.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog1, out2.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog2, out4.x'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_save.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_SAVE a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/save method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_save.m,v 1.5 2010/08/31 09:43:48 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The save method of the pzmodel class saves a pzmodel object to disk. Save stores
+% the variables in a MATLAB formatted file (MAT-file) named filename.mat or in a
+% XML fromat named filename.xml
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_save(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'save';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test plist contains the filename
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with common PZMODEL objects
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('postfix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('individual files'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filename'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('postfix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('individual files'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pzv, 'test.xml');
+      save(pzv, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = pzmodel('test.xml');
+      out2 = pzmodel('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(pzv(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(pzv(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pzm, 'test.xml');
+      save(pzm, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = pzmodel('test.xml');
+      out2 = pzmodel('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(pzm(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(pzm(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pz5, pz3, pz1, 'test.xml');
+      save(pz5, pz3, pz1, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = pzmodel('test.xml');
+      out2 = pzmodel('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in the list
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzmin  = [pz5, pz3, pz1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(pzmin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(pzmin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(pz5,pzv,pz3, 'test.xml');
+      save(pz5,pzv,pz3, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = pzmodel('test.xml');
+      out2 = pzmodel('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzmin  = [pz5, reshape(pzv, 1, []), pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2+numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2+numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(pzmin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(pzmin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = save(pz2,  'test.xml');
+      out2 = save(pz3, 'test.mat');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+    %    save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+    % 2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The last history step is the save method
+      if strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % The histories must be the same
+      if ~eq(out1.hist, pz2.hist),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.hist, pz3.hist), atest = false; end
+      % check the history steps of the read object (load + save)
+      % The steps (save + load) shouldn't add history
+      outr1 = pzmodel('test.xml');
+      outr2 = pzmodel('test.mat');
+      if strcmp(outr1.hist, pz2.hist), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(outr2.hist, pz3.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete('test.xml')
+      delete('test.mat')
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Use the save method with the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pz5 to work with
+      pzm_mat = pzmodel(pz5);
+      pzm_xml = pzmodel(pz5);
+      out1 = pzmodel('test.mat');
+      out2 = pzmodel('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+    % 2) Check the output against the input.
+    % 3) Check the history of the output against the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the modified object have the 'save' method as the last
+      % history step
+      if strcmp(pzm_xml.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(pzm_mat.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(pzm_mat, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzm_xml, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('filename', 'test.mat');
+      pl2 = plist('filename', 'test.xml');
+      save(pz4, pl1);
+      save(pz4, pl2);
+      out1 = pzmodel('test.mat');
+      out2 = pzmodel('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(pz4, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz4, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with common PZMODEL objects.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Save all common PZMODEL objects with both extensions.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm1 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(1+1i)], pz(2+2i), unit('V^2'), unit('Hz'));
+      pzm2 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(1+1i)], [pz(10), pz(100), pz(50,3)], unit('mm'), unit('m'));
+      save(pzm1, 'test_pzm1.mat');
+      save(pzm1, 'test_pzm1.xml');
+      save(pzm2, 'test_pzm2.mat');
+      save(pzm2, 'test_pzm2.xml');
+      out1 = pzmodel('test_pzm1.mat');
+      out2 = pzmodel('test_pzm1.xml');
+      out3 = pzmodel('test_pzm2.mat');
+      out4 = pzmodel('test_pzm2.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check highpass
+      if ~eq(pzm1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzm1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzm2, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzm2, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test_pzm1.mat');
+      delete('test_pzm1.xml');
+      delete('test_pzm2.mat');
+      delete('test_pzm2.xml');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_setDelay.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_SETDELAY a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/setDelay method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_setDelay.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setDelay method of the pzmodel class sets the delay property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_setDelay(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'setDelay';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('delay'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('delay'), 0), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('delay'), {0}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDelay method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDelay method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setDelay(pzv, 12.2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check delay field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).delay, 12.2), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDelay method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDelay method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setDelay(pzm, 12.2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check delay field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).delay, 12.2), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDelay method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDelay method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setDelay(pz5,pz4,pz3, 12.2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~isequal(out(1).delay, 12.2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(2).delay, 12.2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out(3).delay, 12.2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDelay method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDelay method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setDelay(pz5,pzv,pz4,pzm,pz3, 12.2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pzm)+numel(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(kk).delay, 12.2), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDelay method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setDelay method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setDelay(pz5, 12.2);
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setDelay, pz5, 12.2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setDelay'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setDelay'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setDelay') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('delay', 12.2), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('delay', 12.2), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'delay'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDelay method can modify the input PZMODEL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDelay method can modify the input PZMODEL object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pz5 to work with
+      ain = pzmodel(pz5);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setDelay(12.2);
+      ain.setDelay(12.2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pz5' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct delay field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setDelay modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(pzmodel(pz5), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setDelay doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~isequal(ain.delay, 12.2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setDelay method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setDelay method can modify the property 'delay'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('delay', 12.2);
+      out = pz5.setDelay(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct delay field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'delay'
+      if ~isequal(out.delay, 12.2), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setDelay method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setDelay(pz5, pz2, 12.2);
+      o3  = setDelay(pz5, pz2, 12.2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_setIunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_SETIUNITS a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/setIunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_setIunits.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:01 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setIunits method of the pzmodel class sets the iunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_setIunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'setIunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(pzv, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(pzm, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(pz5,pz4,pz3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(pz5,pzv,pz4,pzm,pz3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pzm)+numel(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setIunits(pz5, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, pz5, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setIunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'iunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input PZMODEL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the input PZMODEL object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pz5 to work with
+      ain = pzmodel(pz5);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pz5' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setIunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(pzmodel(pz5), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setIunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('iunits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = pz5.setIunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'iunits'
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setIunits(pz5, pz2, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setIunits(pz5, pz2, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_setName.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_SETNAME a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/setName method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_setName.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setName method of the pzmodel class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_setName(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'setName';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pzv, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pzm, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pz5,pz4,pz3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(pz5,pzv,pz4,pzm,pz3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pzm)+numel(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setName(pz5, 'my name');
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, pz5, 'my name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'name'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can modify the input PZMODEL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the input PZMODEL object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pz5 to work with
+      ain = pzmodel(pz5);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setName('my name');
+      ain.setName('my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pz5' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setName modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(pzmodel(pz5), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setName doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('name', 'my name');
+      out = pz5.setName(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'name'
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setName(pz5, pz2, 'new name');
+      o3  = setName(pz5, pz2, 'new name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_setOunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_SETOUNITS a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/setOunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_setOunits.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setOunits method of the pzmodel class sets the ounits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_setOunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'setOunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(pzv, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(pzm, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(pz5,pz4,pz3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(pz5,pzv,pz4,pzm,pz3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(pzm)+numel(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setOunits(pz5, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, pz5, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setOunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'ounits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input PZMODEL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the input PZMODEL object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy pz5 to work with
+      ain = pzmodel(pz5);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'pz5' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setOunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(pzmodel(pz5), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setOunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('ounits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = pz5.setOunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'ounits'
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setOunits(pz5, pz2, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setOunits(pz5, pz2, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_simplify.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_SIMPLIFY a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/simplify method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_simplify.m,v 1.3 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The simplify method of the pzmodel class simplifies pzmodels by
+% cancelling like poles with like zeros.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_simplify(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'simplify';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test cancle poles at different positions
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('tol'), 1e-10), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('tol'), {1e-10}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplify method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplify method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1,2) pz(3)], [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(3)]);
+      pzv = [pz1, pz1, pz1];
+      out = simplify(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check the poles of the output
+    % 3) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzv)
+        % Check 'poles'
+        if ~eq(out(kk).poles, pz(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check 'zeros'
+        if ~eq(out(kk).zeros, pz(3)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplify method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the simplify method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1,2) pz(3)], [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(3)]);
+      pzm = [pz1, pz1, pz1; pz1, pz1, pz1];
+      out = simplify(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check the poles of the output
+    % 3) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzm)
+        % Check 'poles'
+        if ~eq(out(kk).poles, pz(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check 'zeros'
+        if ~eq(out(kk).zeros, pz(3)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplify method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the simplify method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1,2) pz(3)], [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(3)]);
+      out = simplify(pz1, pz1, pz1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input
+    % 2) Check the poles of the output
+    % 3) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1, pz1, pz1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzin)), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzin)
+        % Check 'poles'
+        if ~eq(out(kk).poles, pz(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check 'zeros'
+        if ~eq(out(kk).zeros, pz(3)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplify method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the simplify method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1  = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1,2) pz(3)], [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(3)]);
+      out  = simplify(pz1, [pz1, pz1], pz1, [pz1, pz1;pz1, pz1]);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in the input
+    % 2) Check the poles of the output
+    % 3) Check the zeros of the output
+    % 4) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1, pz1, pz1, pz1, pz1, pz1, pz1, pz1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzin)), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzin)
+        % Check 'poles'
+        if ~eq(out(kk).poles, pz(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check 'zeros'
+        if ~eq(out(kk).zeros, pz(3)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the re-built object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplify method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the simplify method can be processed
+    % back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1  = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1,2) pz(3)], [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(3)]);
+      out  = simplify(pz1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'simplify'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'simplify'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the simplify method can modify the input PZMODEL.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the simplify method can modify the input PZMODEL by calling
+    % with no output and that the method doesn't change the input of the
+    % function notation (with a equal sign).
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1  = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1,2) pz(3)], [pz(3) pz(1,2) pz(3)]);
+      amodi = pzmodel(pz1);
+      aeq   = pzmodel(pz1);
+      out = aeq.simplify();
+      amodi.simplify();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+    % 3) Check that the modified input is the simplified value of the copy
+    % 4) Check that out and amodi are the same
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that 'out' and 'aeq' are now different.
+      if eq(out, aeq, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that 'aeq' is not changed
+      if ~eq(aeq, pzmodel(pz1), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified input is simplified
+      if ~eq(amodi.poles, pz(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(amodi.zeros, pz(3)), atest = false; end
+      % Check that out and amodi are the same
+      if ~eq(out, amodi, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the simplify method cancle poles/zeros at different
+  % positions.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the simplify method cancle poles/zeros at different
+    % positions.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Cancle at POLE: End
+      pz1 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(1,2)], [pz(3), pz(1,2), pz(4)]);
+      pz1.simplify();
+      % Cancle at POLE: End + Middle
+      pz2 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(7), pz(1,2)], [pz(1), pz(6,2), pz(4), pz(2)]);
+      pz2.simplify();
+      % Cancle at POLE: End + Begin
+      pz3 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(7), pz(1,2)], [pz(1), pz(1,2), pz(4)]);
+      pz3.simplify();
+      % Cancle at POLE: Begin
+      pz4 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(1,2)], [pz(1), pz(3,2), pz(4)]);
+      pz4.simplify();
+      % Cancle at POLE: Begin + Middle
+      pz5 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(1,2), pz(9)], [pz(1), pz(1,2)]);
+      pz5.simplify();
+      % Cancle at POLE: Begin + Middle + End
+      pz6 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(3), pz(1,2), pz(9)], [pz(1), pz(9), pz(5), pz(1,2)]);
+      pz6.simplify();
+      % Cancle at ZERO: End
+      pz7 = pzmodel(1, [pz(5), pz(1,2), pz(4)], [pz(1), pz(1,2)]);
+      pz7.simplify();
+      % Cancle at ZERO: End + Middle
+      pz8 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(1,2), pz(4), pz(2)], [pz(1+2i), pz(2), pz(7), pz(1,2)]);
+      pz8.simplify();
+      % Cancle at ZERO: End + Begin
+      pz9 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(1,2), pz(4)], [pz(1), pz(2), pz(7), pz(1,2)]);
+      pz9.simplify();
+      % Cancle at ZERO: Begin
+      pz10 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(3,2), pz(4)], [pz(1), pz(1,2)]);
+      pz10.simplify();
+      % Cancle at ZERO: Begin + Middle
+      pz11 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(1,2)], [pz(1), pz(1,2), pz(9)]);
+      pz11.simplify();
+      % Cancle at ZERO: Begin + Middle + End
+      pz12 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1), pz(9), pz(5), pz(1,2)], [pz(1), pz(3), pz(1,2), pz(9)]);
+      pz12.simplify();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the poles and peros of the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(pz1.poles, pz(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz1.zeros, [pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz2.poles, [pz(7), pz(1,2)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz2.zeros, [pz(6,2), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz3.poles, [pz(2), pz(7)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz3.zeros, pz(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz4.poles, pz(1,2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz4.zeros, [pz(3,2), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz5.poles, pz(9)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isempty(pz5.zeros), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz6.poles, pz(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz6.zeros, pz(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz7.poles, [pz(5), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz7.zeros, pz(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz8.poles, [pz(1), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz8.zeros, [pz(1+2i), pz(7)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz9.poles, pz(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz9.zeros, [pz(2), pz(7)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz10.poles, [pz(3,2), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz10.zeros, pz(1,2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isempty(pz11.poles), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz11.zeros, pz(9)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz12.poles, pz(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pz12.zeros, pz(3)), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_STRING a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/string method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_string.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The string method of the pzmodel class writes a command string that can be
+% used to recreate the input object(s). But the object should not have more than
+% one history step.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_string(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    pl1 = plist('gain', 3, 'poles', {1, [2 3]}, 'zeros', pz(8), 'iunits', 's^-2', 'ounits', 'mm');
+    pz1 = pzmodel(pl1);
+    pl2 = plist('poles', pz(8,3), 'zeros', [pz(2) pz(4-2i)]);
+    pz2 = pzmodel(pl2);
+    pzv = [pz1, pz2, pz1];
+    pzm = [pz1, pz2, pz1; pz1, pz2, pz1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Negative test: The object have more than one history step.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pzv);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isa(rout, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzv)
+        if eq(rout(kk), pzv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pzm);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(pzm), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzm)
+        if eq(rout(kk), pzm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pz1,pz2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1, pz2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(pzin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), pzin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(pz1,pzm,pz2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1, reshape(pzm, 1, []), pz2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(pzin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(pzin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), pzin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method doesn't work if the PZMODEL object have more
+  % than one history step.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+    % one history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz3  = pzmodel(3, pz(5), pz(2+1i));
+      pz3.setName('Second history step');
+      out = pz3.string();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_submit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_SUBMIT a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/submit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_submit.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the pzmodel class submits a collection of objects
+% in XML form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_submit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'submit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_pzmodel_submit: submit pzmodel';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_pzmodel_submit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_pzmodel_submit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the submit method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pzv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(pzv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pzm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(pzm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(pzm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(pzm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(pzm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(pzm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(pzm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(pzm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(pzm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pz1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl, pzm, iir, pzv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(pzm) + numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(pzm) + numel(pzv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, pzm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, pzm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pzm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, pzm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, pzm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, pzm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  pzv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, pzv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, pzv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the submit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pz1, pz2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, pz2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, pz1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, pz2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_times.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_TIMES a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/times method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_times.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The times method of the pzmodel class overloads the multiplication
+% operator for PZMODELs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_times(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'times';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the I-/O-units
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the times method works with a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the times method works for a vector of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = times(pz1, [pz2, pz3, pz4 pz1]);
+      out2 = pz1 .* [pz2, pz3, pz4 pz1];
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 2), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 2), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4), pz(1)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4), pz(1)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-4)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the times method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the times method works with a matrix of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = times(pz1, [pz4, pz3, pz2; pz1 pz4 pz3]);
+      out2 = pz1 .* [pz4, pz3, pz2; pz1 pz4 pz3];
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 * 5 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 3 * 4), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 * 5 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 3 * 4), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(4), pz(1), pz(3), pz(4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(4), pz(1), pz(3), pz(4), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-1), pz(-4), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-3), pz(-2), ]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-1), pz(-4), pz(-2), pz(-1), pz(-3), pz(-2), ]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the times method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the times method works with a list of PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      out1 = times(pz1, pz2, pz3);
+      out2 = pz1 .* pz2 .* pz3;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2)]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the times method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % PZMODELs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the times method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % PZMODELs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-2));
+      pz4 = pzmodel(5, pz(4), pz(-1));
+      out1 = times(pz1, [pz2 pz3], pz4);
+      out2 = pz1 .* [pz2 pz3] .* pz4;
+      mout = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is exact one PZMODEL object.
+    % 2) Check the gain of the output
+    % 3) Check the poles of the output
+    % 4) Check the zeros of the output
+    % 5) Check the rebuilt object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if numel(out1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % Check 'gain'
+      if out1.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4 * 5), atest = false; end
+      if out2.gain ~= (2 * 3 * 4 * 5), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'poles'
+      if ~eq(out1.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.poles, [pz(1), pz(2), pz(3), pz(4)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check 'zeros'
+      if ~eq(out1.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1)]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.zeros, [pz(-4), pz(-3), pz(-2), pz(-1)]), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the times method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the times method can be processed
+    % back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-4));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-3));
+      out  = times(pz1, pz2);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'times'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'times'), atest = false; end
+      % The rebuilt object must be the same as 'out'
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the times method only multiply PZMODELs with the same output
+  % units.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Check that the times method only multiply PZMODELs with the same
+    % output units. Check also the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pz1 = pzmodel(2, pz(1), pz(-3));
+      pz2 = pzmodel(3, pz(2), pz(-2));
+      pz3 = pzmodel(4, pz(3), pz(-1));
+      pz1.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz2.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz3.setOunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz1.setIunits('m');
+      pz2.setIunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      pz3.setIunits('Hz Hz^-1/2');
+      out = pz1 .* pz2 .* pz3;
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % Negative case
+      pz2.setIunits('m');
+      try
+        out = pz1 .* pz2;
+        stest = false;
+      catch
+        stest = true;
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the I-/O-units
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the I-/O-units
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('m')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz Hz^-1/2')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the re-built object.
+      if ~eq(mout, mout, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_tomfir.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_TOMFIR a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/tomfir method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_tomfir.m,v 1.3 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The tomfir method of the pzmodel class approximates a pole/zero model with an
+% FIR filter.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_tomfir(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'tomfir';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODELs
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f2'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('nf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fs'), 10), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('f1'), 0), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('f2'), 5), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('nf'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('scale'), 'lin'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {10}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f1'), {0}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f2'), {5}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('nf'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'lin', 'log'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomfir method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomfir method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = tomfir(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the single steps
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        r = resp(pzv(kk), pzmodel.getInfo('tomfir').plists);
+        r.setFs(10);
+        if ~eq(mfir(r), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomfir method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomfir method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = tomfir(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the single steps
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        r = resp(pzm(kk), pzmodel.getInfo('tomfir').plists);
+        r.setFs(10);
+        if ~eq(mfir(r), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomfir method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomfir method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = tomfir(pz1,pz2,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1,pz2,pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the single steps
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        r = resp(pzin(kk), pzmodel.getInfo('tomfir').plists);
+        r.setFs(10);
+        if ~eq(mfir(r), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomfir method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomfir method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = tomfir(pz1,pzv,pz2,pzm,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1,reshape(pzv,1,[]),pz2,reshape(pzm,1,[]),pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (numel(pzin)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the single steps
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        r = resp(pzin(kk), pzmodel.getInfo('tomfir').plists);
+        r.setFs(10);
+        if ~eq(mfir(r), out(kk), ple3), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomfir method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the tomfir method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = tomfir(pz5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'tomfir'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'tomfir'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomfir method can modify the input PZMODEL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomfir method can not modify the input PZMODEL object .
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      ain.tomfir();
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomfir method use the different values in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 5;
+      f2 = fs/2;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs, 'f1', 0, 'f2', f2, 'nf', 100);
+      out  = tomfir(pz5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'mfir'), atest = false; end
+      if out.fs ~= fs, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the tomfir method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = tomfir(pz5, pz4);
+      o3  = tomfir(pz5, pz4);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_tomiir.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_TOMIIR a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/tomiir method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_tomiir.m,v 1.4 2010/08/19 13:27:27 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The tomiir method of the pzmodel class converts a pole/zero model to
+% an IIR filter using a bilinear transform.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_tomiir(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'tomiir';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODELs
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with additional plist with the key 'axis'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method. two complex pole/zero pairs
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method. complex pole
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method. complex zero
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method. real pole
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method. real zero
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('fs'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('fs'), 1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('fs'), {1}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomiir method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomiir method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = tomiir(pzv);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzv'
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzv)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomiir method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomiir method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = tomiir(pzm);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'pzm'
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzm)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(mout(ii), out(ii), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomiir method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomiir method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = tomiir(pz1,pz2,pz3);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1,pz2,pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomiir method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomiir method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = tomiir(pz1,pzv,pz2,pzm,pz3);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output PZMODEL object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz1,reshape(pzv,1,[]),pz2,reshape(pzm,1,[]),pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(pzin)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomiir method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the tomiir method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = tomiir(pz5);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'tomiir'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'tomiir'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the tomiir method can modify the input PZMODEL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomiir method can not modify the input PZMODEL object .
+    % The method must throw an error for the modifier call.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      ain.tomiir();
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the tomiir method use the different values in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      fs = 5;
+      pl = plist('fs', fs);
+      out  = tomiir(pz5, pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check the re-built object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if out.fs ~= fs, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the tomiir method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = tomiir(pz5, pz4);
+      o3  = tomiir(pz5, pz4);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+  % method to get the a and b of the iir object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method
+    % indirect with the tomiir method. Test with complex pole/zero pairs.
+    % This UTP define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+    % complex pole/zero pair.
+    % It uses the following code:
+    function [a,b] = utp_cpz2ab(pf, pq, zf, zq, fs)
+      wp = pf*2*pi;
+      wp2 = wp^2;
+      wz = zf*2*pi;
+      wz2 = wz^2;
+      k = 4*fs*fs + 2*wp*fs/pq + wp2;
+      a(1) = (4*fs*fs + 2*wz*fs/zq + wz2)/k;
+      a(2) = (2*wz2 - 8*fs*fs)/k;
+      a(3) = (4*fs*fs - 2*wz*fs/zq + wz2)/k;
+      b(1) = 1;
+      b(2) = (2*wp2 - 8*fs*fs)/k;
+      b(3) = (wp2 + 4*fs*fs - 2*wp*fs/pq)/k;
+      g = sum(a) / sum(b);
+      a = a / g;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>    
+      pzm1 = pzmodel(1, pz(1+2i), pz(1+5i));
+      pzm2 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1+2i) pz(2+2i)], [pz(1+5i) pz(2+5i)]);
+      out1 = tomiir(pzm1);
+      out2 = tomiir(pzm2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output class
+      if ~isa(out1, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Comput the a and b from a complex pole/zero pair
+      [a,b] = utp_cpz2ab(pzm1.poles.f, pzm1.poles.q, pzm1.zeros.f, pzm1.zeros.q, 1);
+      % Compute the cascade of the two different filters (necessary for pzm2):
+      [a1,b1] = utp_cpz2ab(pzm2.poles(1).f, pzm2.poles(1).q, pzm2.zeros(1).f, pzm2.zeros(1).q, 1);
+      [a2,b2] = utp_cpz2ab(pzm2.poles(2).f, pzm2.poles(2).q, pzm2.zeros(2).f, pzm2.zeros(2).q, 1);
+      ca(1) = a1(1)*a2(1);
+      ca(2) = a1(1)*a2(2) + a1(2)*a2(1);
+      ca(3) = a1(1)*a2(3) + a1(2)*a2(2) + a1(3)*a2(1);
+      ca(4) =               a1(2)*a2(3) + a1(3)*a2(2);
+      ca(5) =                             a1(3)*a2(3);
+      cb(1) = b1(1)*b2(1);
+      cb(2) = b1(1)*b2(2) + b1(2)*b2(1);
+      cb(3) = b1(1)*b2(3) + b1(2)*b2(2) + b1(3)*b2(1);
+      cb(4) =               b1(2)*b2(3) + b1(3)*b2(2);
+      cb(5) =                             b1(3)*b2(3);
+      % Check a and b
+      if ~isequal(a, out1.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(b, out1.b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ca, out2.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cb, out2.b), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+  % method to get the a and b of the iir object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method indirect
+    % with the tomiir method. Test with complex poles.
+    % This UTPs define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+    % complex pole. It uses the following code:
+    function [a,b] = utp_cp2iir(pf, pq, fs)
+      w0  = pf*2*pi;
+      w02 = w0^2;
+      k    = (pq*w02 + 4*pq*fs*fs + 2*w0*fs) / (pq*w02);
+      b(1) =  1;
+      b(2) = (2*w02-8*fs*fs) / (k*w02);
+      b(3) = (pq*w02 + 4*pq*fs*fs - 2*w0*fs) / (k*pq*w02);
+      a(1) =  1/k;
+      a(2) = -2/k;
+      a(3) = -1/k;
+      a    =  a*-2;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>    
+      pzm1 = pzmodel(1, pz(1+2i), []);
+      pzm2 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1+2i) pz(2+2i)], []);
+      out1 = tomiir(pzm1);
+      out2 = tomiir(pzm2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output class
+      if ~isa(out1, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Comput the a and b from a complex pole
+      [a,b] = utp_cp2iir(pzm1.poles.f, pzm1.poles.q, 1);
+      % Compute the cascade of the two different filters (necessary for pzm2):
+      [a1,b1] = utp_cp2iir(pzm2.poles(1).f, pzm2.poles(1).q, 1);
+      [a2,b2] = utp_cp2iir(pzm2.poles(2).f, pzm2.poles(2).q, 1);
+      ca(1) = a1(1)*a2(1);
+      ca(2) = a1(1)*a2(2) + a1(2)*a2(1);
+      ca(3) = a1(1)*a2(3) + a1(2)*a2(2) + a1(3)*a2(1);
+      ca(4) =               a1(2)*a2(3) + a1(3)*a2(2);
+      ca(5) =                             a1(3)*a2(3);
+      cb(1) = b1(1)*b2(1);
+      cb(2) = b1(1)*b2(2) + b1(2)*b2(1);
+      cb(3) = b1(1)*b2(3) + b1(2)*b2(2) + b1(3)*b2(1);
+      cb(4) =               b1(2)*b2(3) + b1(3)*b2(2);
+      cb(5) =                             b1(3)*b2(3);
+      % Check a and b
+      if ~isequal(a, out1.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(b, out1.b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ca, out2.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cb, out2.b), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+  % method to get the a and b of the iir object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method indirect
+    % with the tomiir method. Test with complex zeros.
+    % This UTPs define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+    % complex zero. It uses the following code:
+    function [a,b] = utp_cz2iir(zf, zq, fs)
+      w0  = zf*2*pi;
+      w02 = w0^2;
+      a(1) = (-zq*w02/2 - 2*zq*fs*fs - w0*fs) / (zq*w02);
+      a(2) = (-w02+4*fs*fs) / w02;
+      a(3) = (-zq*w02/2 - 2*zq*fs*fs + w0*fs) / (zq*w02);
+      b(1) =  1;
+      b(2) = -2;
+      b(3) = -1;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>    
+      pzm1 = pzmodel(1, [], pz(1+2i));
+      pzm2 = pzmodel(1, [], [pz(1+2i) pz(2+2i)]);
+      out1 = tomiir(pzm1);
+      out2 = tomiir(pzm2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output class
+      if ~isa(out1, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Comput the a and b from a complex zero
+      [a,b] = utp_cz2iir(pzm1.zeros.f, pzm1.zeros.q, 1);
+      % Compute the cascade of the two different filters (necessary for pzm2):
+      [a1,b1] = utp_cz2iir(pzm2.zeros(1).f, pzm2.zeros(1).q, 1);
+      [a2,b2] = utp_cz2iir(pzm2.zeros(2).f, pzm2.zeros(2).q, 1);
+      ca(1) = a1(1)*a2(1);
+      ca(2) = a1(1)*a2(2) + a1(2)*a2(1);
+      ca(3) = a1(1)*a2(3) + a1(2)*a2(2) + a1(3)*a2(1);
+      ca(4) =               a1(2)*a2(3) + a1(3)*a2(2);
+      ca(5) =                             a1(3)*a2(3);
+      cb(1) = b1(1)*b2(1);
+      cb(2) = b1(1)*b2(2) + b1(2)*b2(1);
+      cb(3) = b1(1)*b2(3) + b1(2)*b2(2) + b1(3)*b2(1);
+      cb(4) =               b1(2)*b2(3) + b1(3)*b2(2);
+      cb(5) =                             b1(3)*b2(3);
+      % Check a and b
+      if ~isequal(a, out1.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(b, out1.b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ca, out2.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cb, out2.b), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+  % method to get the a and b of the iir object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method indirect
+    % with the tomiir method. Test with real poles.
+    % This UTPs define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+    % real pole. It uses the following code:
+    function [a,b] = utp_rp2iir(pf, fs)
+      w0 = pf*2*pi;
+      a(1) = w0 / (2*fs + w0);
+      a(2) = a(1);
+      b(1) = 1;
+      b(2) = (w0-2*fs) / (w0+2*fs);
+    end
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>    
+      pzm1 = pzmodel(1, pz(1), []);
+      pzm2 = pzmodel(1, [pz(1) pz(2)], []);
+      out1 = tomiir(pzm1);
+      out2 = tomiir(pzm2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output class
+      if ~isa(out1, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Comput the a and b from a real pole
+      [a,b] = utp_rp2iir(pzm1.poles.f, 1);
+      % Compute the cascade of the two different filters (necessary for pzm2):
+      [a1,b1] = utp_rp2iir(pzm2.poles(1).f, 1);
+      [a2,b2] = utp_rp2iir(pzm2.poles(2).f, 1);
+      ca(1) = a1(1)*a2(1);
+      ca(2) = a1(1)*a2(2) + a1(2)*a2(1);
+      ca(3) =               a1(2)*a2(2);
+      cb(1) = b1(1)*b2(1);
+      cb(2) = b1(1)*b2(2) + b1(2)*b2(1);
+      cb(3) =               b1(2)*b2(2);
+      % Check a and b
+      if ~isequal(a, out1.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(b, out1.b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ca, out2.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cb, out2.b), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check indirect the protected 'pzm2ab' method because tomiir uses this
+  % method to get the a and b of the iir object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Create some special pole/zero models to test the 'pzm2ab' method indirect
+    % with the tomiir method. Test with real zeros.
+    % This UTPs define a simple method to get the a-, and b-value from a
+    % real zero. It uses the following code:
+    function [a,b] = utp_rp2iir(zf, fs)
+      w0 = zf*2*pi;
+      a(1) = (2*fs + w0) / w0;
+      a(2) = (-2*fs + w0) / w0;
+      b(1) = 1;
+      b(2) = 1;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>    
+      pzm1 = pzmodel(1, [], pz(1));
+      pzm2 = pzmodel(1, [], [pz(1) pz(2)]);
+      out1 = tomiir(pzm1);
+      out2 = tomiir(pzm2);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output class
+      if ~isa(out1, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'miir'), atest = false; end
+      % Comput the a and b from a real zero
+      [a,b] = utp_rp2iir(pzm1.zeros.f, 1);
+      % Compute the cascade of the two different filters (necessary for pzm2):
+      [a1,b1] = utp_rp2iir(pzm2.zeros(1).f, 1);
+      [a2,b2] = utp_rp2iir(pzm2.zeros(2).f, 1);
+      ca(1) = a1(1)*a2(1);
+      ca(2) = a1(1)*a2(2) + a1(2)*a2(1);
+      ca(3) =               a1(2)*a2(2);
+      cb(1) = b1(1)*b2(1);
+      cb(2) = b1(1)*b2(2) + b1(2)*b2(1);
+      cb(3) =               b1(2)*b2(2);
+      % Check a and b
+      if ~isequal(a, out1.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(b, out1.b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(ca, out2.a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(cb, out2.b), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_type.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_TYPE a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/type method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_type.m,v 1.2 2009/07/23 18:56:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The type method of the pzmodel class converts the input objects to 
+% MATLAB functions that reproduce the processing steps that led to the 
+% input objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_type(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'type';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test PZMODEL objects
+    [pz1, pz2, pz3, pz4, pz5, pzv, pzm] = get_test_objects_pzmodel;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % DEfine the filename
+    filename = 'test_pzmodel_type.m';
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('stop_option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('stop_option'), 'full'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('stop_option'), {'full', 'File', 'Repo', 'File Repo', 'N'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a vector of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(pzv, filename);
+      type(pzv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      if ~eq(pzv, mout, ple2), atest = false; end;
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a matrix of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(pzm, filename);
+      type(pzm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(pzm)
+        if ~eq(pzm(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a list of PZMODEL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(pz5,pz4,pz3, filename);
+      type(pz5,pz4,pz3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz5,pz4,pz3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(pzin)
+        if ~eq(pzin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped PZMODEL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single PZMODEL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(pz4,pzv,pz2,pzm,pz1, filename);
+      type(pz4,pzv,pz2,pzm,pz1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pzin  = [pz4,reshape(pzv,1,[]),pz2,reshape(pzm,1,[]),pz1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(pzin)
+        if ~eq(pzin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/pzmodel/utp_pzmodel_update.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+% UTP_PZMODEL_UPDATE a set of UTPs for the pzmodel/update method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_pzmodel_update.m,v 1.14 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The update method of the pzmodel class updates (replace) an LTPDA object
+% in the repository with the given replacement object. It is only possible
+% to update one object. This is the reason why the general UTPs are not
+% possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_pzmodel_update(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'pzmodel';
+    mthd    = 'update';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    obj = pzmodel(2, [pz(1) pz(1+2i)], pz(10), unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+    obj.setName();
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_pzmodel_update: update pzmodel';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_pzmodel_update: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_pzmodel_update>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      [ids, cids] = submit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Test with conn
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Test with sinfo
+      results = [results utp_04];    % Test update of an binary file
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test replace with other object
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database object (conn) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (conn)');
+      update(uobj, ids, conn, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database info structure (sinfo) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Check that the update method also updates objects which are stored as
+    % a binary file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Submit the object as a binary
+      [ids_bin, cids] = bsubmit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids_bin, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids_bin'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids_bin);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository with
+  % a completely other object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository
+    % with a completely other object.
+    % Replace the pzmodel object with a filter object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_bsubmit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_BSUBMIT a set of UTPs for the rational/bsubmit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_bsubmit.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the rational class submits a collection of objects
+% in binary form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_bsubmit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'bsubmit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_rational_bsubmit: submit rational';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_rational_bsubmit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_rational_bsubmit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the bsubmit method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(rav, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(rav, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rav, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rav, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(ram, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(ram, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(ram))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ram, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(ram))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ram, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(ram))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(ra1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl, ram, iir, rav, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(ram) + numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(ram) + numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, ram(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, ram(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, ram(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, ram(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, ram(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, ram(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  rav(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, rav(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, rav(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the bsubmit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(ra1, ra2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, ra2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, ra2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_CHAR a set of UTPs for the rational/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_char.m,v 1.2 2009/07/27 19:28:59 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the rational class converts the objects into one
+% character string which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(rav)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, rav(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(ram);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(ram)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, ram(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(ra1, ra2, ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [ra1, ra2, ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [ra1,reshape(rav,1,[]),ra2,reshape(ram,1,[]),ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_COPY a set of UTPs for the rational/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_copy.m,v 1.2 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the rational class copies the input object depending
+% of the second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_created.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_CREATED a set of UTPs for the rational/created method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_created.m,v 1.2 2009/07/27 19:28:59 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The created method of the rational returns a time object of the last
+% modification. For this uses the created method the 'proctime' property of
+% the last history step and computs from this value a timeobject.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_created(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'created';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test empty object
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= rav(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(ram);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(ram)), atest = false; end
+      % Check time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= ram(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(ra1,ra2,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if out(1).utc_epoch_milli ~= ra1.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(2).utc_epoch_milli ~= ra2.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(3).utc_epoch_milli ~= ra3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain = [ra1,reshape(rav,1,[]),ra2,reshape(ram,1,[]),ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(ram)+numel(rav)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= rain(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = ra3.created;
+      out2 = ram.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the single object
+      if out1.utc_epoch_milli ~= ra3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if out2(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= ram(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+  % even for an empty input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method with an empty 'RATIONAL object
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra  = rational();
+      out = ra.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      if isnan(out.utc_epoch_milli), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_creator.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_CREATED a set of UTPs for the rational/creator method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_creator.m,v 1.2 2009/07/27 19:28:59 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The creator method of the rational extract the creator(s)/modifier from
+% the  history. Depending to the input parameter returns this method all
+% creator/modifier or only the last creator/modifier.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_creator(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'creator';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with different creator/modifier
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test negative case for the option 'all'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      % Check the creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(ram);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      % Check creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(ra1,ra2,ra3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = ra3.creator;
+      out2 = ram.creator;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      % Check the single object
+      if ~strcmp(out1, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      % For a single object must be the the output a char string
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~strcmp(out2{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+  % are in the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+    % plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+    % 'third'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Read object with different modifier
+      ra  = rational('test_rational_diff_creator.xml');
+      out1 = ra.creator;
+      out2 = ra.creator('all');
+      out3 = ra.creator(plist('option', 'all'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+    % 2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+    % used in connection with a matrix/vector of RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ram.creator('all');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the rational/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_display.m,v 1.2 2009/07/27 19:28:59 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the rational class prints defined values of an
+% RATIONAL object. MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is
+% not terminated by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      rav
+      out = display(rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(rav)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, rav(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ram
+      out = display(ram);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(ram)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, ram(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra1,ra2,ra3
+      out = display(ra1,ra2,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [ra1,ra2,ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped 
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single RATIONAL objects as.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pain  = [ra1,reshape(rav,1,[]),ra2,reshape(ram,1,[]),ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(pain)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, pain(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+    % to check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_eq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_EQ a set of UTPs for the rational/eq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_eq.m,v 1.7 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eq() method of the rational class ra1 == ra2 compares each element of
+% a rational object with the corresponding element of an second rational
+% object and returns a logical 1 (true) where ra1 and ra2 are equal, or
+% logical 0 (false) where they are not equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_eq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'eq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with the exception list 'iunits'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with the exception list 'ounits'
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Exceptions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tol'), eps(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Exceptions'),   {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tol'),    {eps(1)}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa   = ra3.setName('my name');
+      rav1 = [ra1, ra2, ra3];
+      rav2 = [ra1, ra2, pa];
+      out1 = eq(rav1, rav1);
+      out2 = eq(rav1, rav2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = ra3.setName('my name');
+      ram1 = [ra1, ra2, ra3, ra1, ra2, ra3];
+      ram2 = [ra3, ra2, pa;  ra1, ra2, ra3];
+      out1 = eq(ram1, ram1);
+      out2 = eq(ram1, ram2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't change the RATIONAL object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception
+  % list with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option
+    % 'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+    % to the exception list because 'pa' is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ra3, 'my name');
+      out1 = eq(pa, ra3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pa, ra3, 'name');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pa, ra3, 'rational/name');
+      out4 = eq(pa.hist, ra3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'iunits'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because 'pa' is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      out1 = eq(pa, ra3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pa, ra3, 'iunits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pa, ra3, 'rational/iunits');
+      out4 = eq(pa.hist, ra3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception
+  % list with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'ounits'. Use the option
+    % 'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+    % to the exception list because 'pa' is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, ra3, unit('V'));
+      out1 = eq(pa, ra3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(pa, ra3, 'ounits');
+      out3 = eqLocal(pa, ra3, 'rational/ounits');
+      out4 = eq(pa.hist, ra3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pa = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ra3, 'my name');
+      pl = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = eq(pa, ra3);
+      out2 = eq(pa, ra3, pl);
+      out3 = eq(pa, ra3, pl);
+      out4 = eq(pa.hist, ra3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  function res = eqLocal(obj1, obj2, ex)    
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {ex}]);
+      res = eq(obj1, obj2, ple);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_get.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_GET a set of UTPs for the rational/get method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_get.m,v 1.3 2011/03/29 13:03:29 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The get method of the rational class returns the value of an object
+% property. This is a very simple method which accepts only one rational as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_get(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'get';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Algorithm test with a plist
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test with more than one rational
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('property'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('property')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('property'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the rational class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property. Do this for all properties of the RATIONAL object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra  = rational([1 2 3], [4 5 6 7], 'my rational', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      out1 = get(ra, 'num');
+      out2 = get(ra, 'den');
+      out4 = get(ra, 'iunits');
+      out5 = get(ra, 'ounits');
+      out6 = get(ra, 'hist');
+      out7 = get(ra, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1, ra.num),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2, ra.den),     atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, ra.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, ra.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, ra.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out7,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the get method works with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property which is defined in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra  = rational([1 2 3], [4 5 6 7], 'my rational', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl1 = plist('property', 'num');
+      pl2 = plist('property', 'den');
+      pl4 = plist('property', 'iunits');
+      pl5 = plist('property', 'ounits');
+      pl6 = plist('property', 'hist');
+      pl7 = plist('property', 'name');
+      out1 = get(ra, pl1);
+      out2 = get(ra, pl2);
+      out4 = get(ra, pl4);
+      out5 = get(ra, pl5);
+      out6 = get(ra, pl6);
+      out7 = get(ra, pl7);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isequal(out1, ra.num),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out2, ra.den),     atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, ra.iunits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, ra.ounits),       atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out6, ra.hist),         atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out7,,    atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the rational class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one RATIONAL object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra  = rational([1 2 3], [4 5 6 7]);
+      out = get([ra, ra], 'name');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_getlowerFreq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_GETLOWERFREQ a set of UTPs for the rational/getlowerFreq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_getlowerFreq.m,v 1.2 2009/07/27 19:28:59 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The getlowerFreq method of the rational class gets the frequency of the
+% lowest pole in the model. This is a very simple method which accepts only
+% one rational as input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_getlowerFreq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'getlowerFreq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Negative test with more than one rational
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getlowerFreq method of the rational class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getlowerFreq returns the lowest frequence of the pole
+    % in the rational object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = pz(3,2); % f = 3
+      p2 = pz(40);  % f = 40
+      z3 = pz(2,3); % f = 2
+      z4 = pz(100); % f = 100
+      pzm = pzmodel(10, [p1 p2], [z3 z4]);
+      ra  = rational(pzm);
+      out = getlowerFreq(ra);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-15;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if abs(out-2)>TOL, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getlowerFreq method of the rational class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getlowerFreq throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one rational.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = pz(3,2); % f = 3
+      p2 = pz(40);  % f = 40
+      z3 = pz(2,3); % f = 2
+      z4 = pz(100); % f = 100
+      pzm = pzmodel(10, [p1 p2], [z3 z4]);
+      ra  = rational(pzm);
+      out = getlowerFreq([ra, ra]);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_getupperFreq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_GETUPPERFREQ a set of UTPs for the rational/getupperFreq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_getupperFreq.m,v 1.2 2009/07/27 19:28:59 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The getupperFreq method of the rational class gets the frequency of the
+% lowest pole in the model. This is a very simple method which accepts only
+% one rational as input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_getupperFreq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'getupperFreq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Negative test with more than one rational
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getupperFreq method of the rational class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getupperFreq returns the lowest frequence in the
+    % rational object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = pz(3,2); % f = 3
+      p2 = pz(40);  % f = 40
+      z3 = pz(2,3); % f = 2
+      z4 = pz(100); % f = 100
+      pzm = pzmodel(10, [p1 p2], [z3 z4]);
+      ra  = rational(pzm);
+      out = getupperFreq(ra);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if abs(out-100)>TOL, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the getupperFreq method of the rational class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getupperFreq throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one rational.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p1 = pz(3,2); % f = 3
+      p2 = pz(40);  % f = 40
+      z3 = pz(2,3); % f = 2
+      z4 = pz(100); % f = 100
+      pzm = pzmodel(10, [p1 p2], [z3 z4]);
+      ra  = rational(pzm);
+      out = getupperFreq([ra, ra]);
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_index.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_INDEX a set of UTPs for the rational/index method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_index.m,v 1.4 2009/07/28 17:12:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The index method of the rational class index into a RATIONAL vector or
+% matrix. This properly captures the history.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_index(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'index';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with plist
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test select more objects with an index
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('i'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('j'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('i')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('j')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('i'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('j'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objvec = [ra1, ra2, ra3];
+      out1 = objvec.index(1);
+      out2 = objvec.index(3);
+      out3 = objvec.index(1,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, ra1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, ra3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, ra2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %     [ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)]
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objmat = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ...
+                ra3, ra1, ra2];
+      out1 = objmat.index(5);
+      out2 = objmat.index(4);
+      out3 = objmat.index(1,2);
+      out4 = objmat.index(2,1);
+      out5 = objmat.index(2,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, ra3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, ra1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, ra2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, ra3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, ra1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The index method doesn't work for a list of RATIONAL objects as input. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = index(ra1,ra2,ra3, 4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of index have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 2;
+      j = 3;
+      objmat = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ...
+                ra3, ra1, ra2];
+      out  = index(objmat, i, j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+    %    to 'index'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'index'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 1;
+      j = 1;
+      objmat = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ...
+                ra3, ra1, ra2];
+      out1 = index(objmat, i, j);
+      out2 = objmat.index(i,j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, ra1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, ra1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method can be controled with a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i1 = 6;
+      i2 = 1;
+      j2 = 3;
+      objmat = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ...
+                ra3, ra1, ra2];
+      pl1 = plist('i', i1);
+      pl2 = plist('i', i2, 'j', j2);
+      out1 = index(objmat, pl1);
+      out2 = index(objmat, pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, ra2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), j2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, ra3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = [2 6];
+      objmat = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ...
+                ra3, ra1, ra2];
+      pl = plist('i', i);
+      out1 = objmat.index(i);
+      out2 = objmat.index(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1(1).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1(1), ra3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1(2), ra2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2(2).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2(1), ra3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2(2), ra2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_isprop.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_ISPROP a set of UTPs for the rational/isprop method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_isprop.m,v 1.3 2011/03/29 13:13:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isprop method of the rational class determine whether input is object
+% property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_isprop(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'isprop';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test negative case
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(rav, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(ram, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(ram)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(ra1,ra2,ra3, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(ram)+numel(rav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary
+    % to apply history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works for each property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+    % 'num', 'den', 'iunits', 'ounits', 'hist', 'name'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ra1 to work with
+      out1  = isprop(ra1, 'num');
+      out2  = isprop(ra1, 'den');
+      out4  = isprop(ra1, 'iunits');
+      out5  = isprop(ra1, 'ounits');
+      out6  = isprop(ra1, 'hist');
+      out7  = isprop(ra1, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~out1,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out2,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out4,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out5,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out6,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out7,  atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the negative case and the not function command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and
+    % for methods of the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = isprop(ra2, 'foo');
+      out2 = ra2.isprop('foo');
+      out3 = ra2.isprop('name');
+      out4 = ra2.isprop('type');
+      out5 = ra2.isprop('char');
+      out6 = ra2.isprop('creator');
+      out7 = ra2.isprop('created');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1, atest = false; end;
+      if out2, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3, atest = false; end;
+      if out4, atest = false; end;
+      if out5, atest = false; end;
+      if out6, atest = false; end;
+      if out7, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the rational/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2009/02/08 16:37:26 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the rational class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = rational(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = rational(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_ne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_NE a set of UTPs for the rational/ne method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_ne.m,v 1.5 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ne() method of the rational class ra1 ~= ra2 compares each element of
+% an rational object with the corresponding element of an second rational
+% object and returns a logical 1 (true) where ra1 and ra2 are not equal, or
+% logical 0 (false) where they are equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_ne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'ne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra   = ra3.setName('my name');
+      rav1 = [ra1, ra2, ra3];
+      rav2 = [ra1, ra2, ra];
+      out1 = ne(rav1, rav1);
+      out2 = ne(rav1, rav2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra   = ra3.setName('my name');
+      ram1 = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ra1, ra2, ra3];
+      ram2 = [ra1, ra2, ra3; ra1, ra2, ra];
+      out1 = ne(ram1, ram1);
+      out2 = ne(ram1, ram2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't change the RATIONAL object, thus will no history
+    % added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list.
+  % The function rational/ne use the function rational/eq so it is not
+  % necessary to check all possibilities of the exception list.
+  % 
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option
+    % 'internal' to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created'
+    % to the exception list because ra is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ra3, 'my name');
+      out1 = ne(ra, ra3);
+      out2 = ne(ra, ra3, 'name',    'created', 'UUID');
+      out3 = ne(ra, ra3, 'rational/name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ra  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ra3, 'my name');
+      pl   = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'created', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = ne(ra, ra3);
+      out2 = ne(ra, ra3, pl);
+      out3 = ne(ra, ra3, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_rational.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1551 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_RATIONAL a set of UTPs for the rational/rational method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_rational.m,v 1.18 2011/08/22 05:37:13 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rational method of the rational class constructs RATIONAL objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_rational(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'rational';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working with empty constructor
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with copy constructor
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test history is working with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test history is working with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test history is working with parfrac-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test history is working with pzmodel-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_14];    % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_15];    % Test history is working with plist(den || num) constructor
+    results = [results utp_16];    % Test history is working with plist(pzmodel) constructor
+    results = [results utp_17];    % Test history is working with plist(rational) constructor
+    results = [results utp_18];    % Test history is working with plist(plist) constructor
+    results = [results utp_19];    % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    results = [results utp_20];    % Test history is working with num + den constructor
+    results = [results utp_21];    % Test history is working with num + den + name constructor
+    results = [results utp_22];    % Test history is working with res + poles + dir + name + iunits + ounits constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Pzmodel')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Coefficients')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Parfrac')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('built-in'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Pzmodel'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('pzmodel'), pzmodel(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Coefficients'
+        pn = 9;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('num'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('den'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('num')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('den')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('num'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('den'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Parfrac'
+        pn = 10;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 6, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('parfrac'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('parfrac'), parfrac(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rational method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = rational(rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output RATIONALs is the same as the
+    %    input shape. 
+    % 2) Check that each output RATIONAL is a copy of the input RATIONAL.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct shape
+      if size(out) ~= size(rav), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(rav(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(rav(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(rav(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rational method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = rational(ram);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output RATIONALs is the same as the
+    %    input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output RATIONAL is a copy of the input RATIONAL.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(ram), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(ram(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(ram(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(ram(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rational method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rational(ra1,ra2,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output RATIONAL is a copy of the input RATIONAL.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin = [ra1,ra2,ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pfin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONALs as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rational method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % RATIONALs as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out   = rational(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output RATIONAL is a copy of the input RATIONAL.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    pfin = [ra1, reshape(rav, 1, []), ra2, reshape(ram, 1, []), ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3+numel(rav)+numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(pfin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(pfin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the rational method can be processed
+    % back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = rational(ra3);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the copy
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    % Test the constructor with a different number of inputs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = rational(ra1);
+      out2 = rational(ra1, ra2);
+      out3 = rational(ra1, ra2, ra3);
+      out1.setName('my name');
+      out2(1).setName('my name');
+      out2(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(1).setName('my name');
+      out3(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(3).setName('my name');
+      mout = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter
+    %    function
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      % It is the method 'setName' because we set it in above
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check next to the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the originals
+      if strcmp(ra1, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(ra2, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(ra3, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the read
+  % MAT-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'ra.mat';
+      ra = rational(ra3);
+      save(ra, filename);
+      out  = rational(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out, ra, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the read
+  % XML-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'ram.xml';
+      amat = rational(ram);
+      save(amat, filename);
+      out  = rational(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the algorithm
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), amat(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(mout(kk), out(kk), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method properly doesn't apply history to the
+  % struct constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sra3         = struct(ra3);
+      sra3.iunits  = struct(ra3.iunits);
+      sra3.ounits  = struct(ra3.ounits);
+      sra3.hist    = struct(ra3.hist);
+      out1 = rational(struct(ra2));
+      out2 = rational(sra3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a RATIONAL object
+      if ~isa(out1,'rational'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2,'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the parfrac
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf   = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my parfrac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      out  = rational(pf);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a RATIONAL object
+      if ~isa(out,'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the values of the rationalt object
+      [a,b] = residue(pf.res,pf.poles,pf.dir);
+      if ~isequal(out.num, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.den, b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, sprintf('rational(%s)', 'my parfrac')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the pzmodel
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps  = [pz(1) pz(200) pz(2,4)];
+      zs  =  [pz(50) pz(2,3)];
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz^2'), unit('V^2'));
+      out = rational(pzm);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a RATIONAL object
+      if ~isa(out,'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the values of the different proerpties      
+      pg = 2*pi*ps(1).f * 2*pi*ps(2).f * 4*pi*pi*ps(3).f*ps(3).f;
+      zg = 2*pi*zs(1).f * 4*pi*pi*zs(2).f*zs(2).f;      
+      den = poly(vertcat(pzm.poles(:).ri))./pg;
+      num = pzm.gain.*poly(vertcat(pzm.zeros(:).ri))./zg;
+      if ~isequal(out.den, den),      atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.num, num),      atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, pzm.iunits), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, pzm.ounits), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rational method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(filename) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename1 = 'ra.xml';
+      filename2 = 'ra.mat';
+      f1 = rational(ra3);
+      f2 = rational(ra2);
+      save(f1, filename1);
+      save(f2, filename2);
+      out1 = rational(plist('filename', filename1));
+      out2 = rational(plist('filename', filename2));
+      rout1 = out1.rebuild;
+      rout2 = out2.rebuild;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+    % 2) Check that the last two entries in the history of 'out'
+    %    doesn't corresponds to 'rational' and 'save'
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The load object is the same object as the stored object.
+      if ~eq(out1, f1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, f2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1)
+      delete(filename2)
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_14
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(conn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_14
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn     = utpGetConnection
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_rational_rational_14: submit rational vector';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_rational_rational_14: &description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_rational_rational_14>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      ids = submit(rav, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out  = rational(plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, 'database', utpGetDatabase, 'conn', conn, 'id', ids));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out, rav, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_14
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(den || num) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      den    = [1 2 3];
+      num    = [4 5 6 7];
+      name   = 'my rational';
+      iunits = unit('V');
+      ounits = unit('Hz');
+      pl = plist('den', den, 'num', num, 'name', name, 'iunits', iunits, 'ounits', ounits);
+      out = rational(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the properties
+      if ~isequal(out.den, den),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.num, num),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, name), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, iunits),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, ounits),  atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(pzmodel) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ps   = [pz(1) pz(200)];
+      zs   = pz(50);
+      pzm  = pzmodel(1, ps, zs, unit('Hz'), unit('V'));
+      pl   = plist('pzmodel', pzm);
+      out   = rational(pl);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the pole/zero model (here 'pzmodel')
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      pg = 2*pi*ps(1).f * 2*pi*ps(2).f;
+      zg = 2*pi*zs(1).f;
+      den = poly(vertcat(pzm.poles(:).ri))./pg;
+      num = pzm.gain.*poly(vertcat(pzm.zeros(:).ri))./zg;
+      if ~isequal(out.den, den),     atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.num, num), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(rational) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf  = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my parfrac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl  = plist('parfrac', pf);
+      out = rational(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the partial fraction model (here 'rational')
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      [a,b] = residue(pf.res,pf.poles,pf.dir);
+      if ~isequal(out.num, a), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.den, b), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, 'rational(my parfrac)'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
+  %% UTP_18
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(<plist-object>) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_18
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pf  = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my parfrac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      pl  = plist('parfrac', pf);
+      out1  = rational(plist('plist', pl));
+      out2  = rational(plist('plist', plist())); % empty plist
+      rout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      rout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      % It must be the history of the partial fraction model (here 'rational')
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'parfrac'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~eq(out1.iunits, unit('V')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the next to the last step in the history.
+      if ~isempty(out2.hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_18
+  %% UTP_19
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the conn+Id
+  % constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_19
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      conn     = utpGetConnection
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_rational_rational_19: submit rational';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_rational_rational_19: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = 'utp_rational_rational_19';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      [ids] = submit(ra3, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out = rational(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out,ra3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the history except the additional 'submit' + 'retrieve' steps
+      if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, ra3.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_19
+  %% UTP_20
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+  % num + den object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_20
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      num = [2 -4 7 -2.5];
+      den = [1 9 -12];
+      out = rational(num ,den);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check properties
+      if ~isequal(out.num, num),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.den, den), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_20
+  %% UTP_21
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+  % num + den + name object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_21
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      num = [2 -4 7 -2.5];
+      den = [1 9 -12];
+      name = 'my new crazy name';
+      out = rational(num, den, name);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check properties
+      if ~isequal(out.num, num),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.den, den),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, name), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_21
+  %% UTP_22
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the RATIONAL method properly applies history to the
+  % num + den + name + iunits + ounits object constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_22
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      num = [2 -4 7 -2.5];
+      den = [1 9 -12];
+      name = 'I''m crazy';
+      iu   = unit('V^2');
+      ou   = 's^2/3';
+      out  = rational(num, den, name, iu, ou);
+      rout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'rational'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      % Check properties
+      if ~isequal(out.num, num),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out.den, den),  atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(, name), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, iu),      atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit(ou), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(rout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_22
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_rebuild.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_REBUILD a set of UTPs for the rational/rebuild method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_rebuild.m,v 1.2 2009/07/27 19:28:59 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rebuild method of the rational class rebuilds the input objects using
+% the history. This method is also intensively tested in the most other
+% UTPs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_rebuild(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'rebuild';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the output
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'rational'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(rav)
+        if eq(out(kk), rav(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(ram);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'rational'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(ram)
+        if eq(out(kk), ram(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(ra1,ra2,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain  = [ra1,ra2,ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'rational'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(rain)
+        if eq(out(kk), rain(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(ra2,rav,ra1,ram,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain  = [ra2,reshape(rav,1,[]),ra1,reshape(ram,1,[]),ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'rational'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(rain)
+        if eq(out(kk), rain(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible
+    % to check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = rebuild(ra3, ra1);
+      o3  = rebuild(ra3, ra1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, ra3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, ra1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, [ra3 ra1], ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_resp.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_RESP a set of UTPs for the rational/resp method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_resp.m,v 1.7 2010/03/15 15:57:06 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The resp method of the rational class returns the complex response of a
+% rational TF as an Analysis Object. For a command with no output variables
+% plots the method the result into a diagram.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_resp(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'resp';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    warning('This UTP needs a complete update');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test input data shape == output data shape
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Test with f = ao.y
+    results = [results utp_11];    % Test with f
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf
+    results = [results utp_13];    % Test with f1, f2 and nf AND 'scale'
+    % Make surethat all figures are closed
+    close all;
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'List')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Range')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'List'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('f'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('f')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('f'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Range'
+        if io(4).plists.nparams ~= 5, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f1'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('f2'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('nf'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('scale'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(4).plists.isparam('bank'),  atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f1')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(4).plists.find('f2')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('nf'), 1000), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('scale'), 'log'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.find('bank'),  'none'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f1'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('f2'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('nf'), {1000}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('scale'), {'lin', 'log'}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(4).plists.getOptionsForParam('bank'),  {'none', 'serial', 'parallel'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the resp method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+    % (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(rav);
+      out = resp(rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+    % 3) Check that each output RATIONAL contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(rav(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(rav(ii))*10;
+        nf = 1000;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+        s = 2*pi*1i*out(ii).x;
+        numr = polyval(rav(ii).num, s);
+        denr = polyval(rav(ii).den, s);
+        rsp = numr./denr;
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).y, rsp), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the resp method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+    % (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(ram);
+      out = resp(ram);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+    % 3) Check that each output RATIONAL contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(ram)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(ram(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(ram(ii))*10;
+        nf = 1000;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+        s = 2*pi*1i*out(ii).x;
+        numr = polyval(ram(ii).num, s);
+        denr = polyval(ram(ii).den, s);
+        rsp = numr./denr;
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).y, rsp), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the resp method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. Test the method with an output and with no output
+    % (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(ra1, ra2, ra3);
+      out = resp(ra1, ra2, ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rain'
+    % 3) Check that each output RATIONAL contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    rain  = [ra1, ra2, ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(rain), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rain)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(rain(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(rain(ii))*10;
+        nf = 1000;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+        s = 2*pi*1i*out(ii).x;
+        numr = polyval(rain(ii).num, s);
+        denr = polyval(rain(ii).den, s);
+        rsp = numr./denr;
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).y, rsp), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the resp method works with a mix of different shaped
+    % RATIONAL objects as input. Test the method with an output and with no
+    % output (a diagram must appear)
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make sure that all figures are closed.
+      close all;
+      resp(ra1, ram, rav);
+      out = resp(ra1, ram, rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Test the right number of lines in the diagram.
+    % 2) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rain'
+    % 3) Check that each output RATIONAL contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    rain  = [ra1, reshape(ram, 1, []), reshape(rav, 1, [])];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      % Check that the diagram have the same number of lines as the output
+      % object
+      if max(cellfun('size', lines, 1)) ~= numel(rain), atest = false; end
+      % Check the number of output objects.
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rain)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the default values for f1, f2 and nf
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        f1 = getlowerFreq(rain(ii))/10;
+        f2 = getupperFreq(rain(ii))*10;
+        nf = 1000;
+        if ~isa(out(ii), 'ao'), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(out(ii).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if abs(out(ii).x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+        if numel(out(ii).x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+        s = 2*pi*1i*out(ii).x;
+        numr = polyval(rain(ii).num, s);
+        denr = polyval(rain(ii).den, s);
+        rsp = numr./denr;
+        if ~isequal(out(ii).y, rsp), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the resp method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the resp method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      resp(ra1);
+      out  = resp(ra1);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'resp'.
+    % 2) Check that re-built object is the same object as the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+      y1 = get(lines{1}, 'YData');
+      y2 = get(lines{2}, 'YData');
+      if ~isequal(x, out.x.'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y2, abs(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(y1, utils.math.phase(out.y)'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'resp'), atest = false; end
+      % Run 'test.m' and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that modify command plots the response into a diagram.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      close all;
+      ra1.resp();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the response diagram.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    TOL   = 1e-13;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Get the current figure.
+      fi = gcf;
+      % Get ALL axes including the legends.
+      ax = get(fi, 'Children');
+      % Select only the 'axes' with the lines
+      ax = ax(ismember(get(ax(:), 'Tag'), ''));
+      % Get the lines of both axes
+      lines = get(ax(:), 'Children');
+      x  = get(lines{1}, 'XData');
+      f1 = getlowerFreq(ra1)/10;
+      f2 = getupperFreq(ra1)*10;
+      nf = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if abs(x(1)   - f1) > TOL, atest = false; end
+      if abs(x(end) - f2) > TOL, atest = false; end
+      if numel(x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the shape of the output.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output AO of the resp method keeps the shape of the used
+    % input f vector.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      arow = ao(1:123, linspace(.1, 5, 123));
+      acol = arow.';
+      f    = linspace(.1, 5, 123);
+      out1 = resp(ra2, arow);
+      out2 = resp(ra2, acol);
+      out3 = resp(ra2, f);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the data doesn't change.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) == 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,1) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if size(,2) == 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = resp(ra1, ra1);
+      o3  = resp(ra1, ra1);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the x-data of an input AO for f-vector.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an AO in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 123;
+      axy = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(nf,1));
+      afs = ao(linspace(f1, f2, nf), randn(nf,1), plist('type', 'fsdata'));
+      out1 = resp(ra3, axy);
+      out2 = resp(ra3, afs);
+      out3 = resp(ra3, plist('f', axy));
+      out4 = resp(ra3, plist('f', afs));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out4.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f-vector to compute the
+  % response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass an f-vector in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      f  = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      out1 = resp(ra3, f);
+      out2 = resp(ra3, plist('f', f));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if out2.x(end)   ~= f2, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 100;
+      nf2 = 123;
+      out1 = resp(ra3, f1, f2);
+      out2 = resp(ra3, f1, f2, nf);
+      out3 = resp(ra3, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf));
+      out4 = resp(ra3, plist('f1', f1, 'nf', nf2));
+      out5 = resp(ra3, plist('f2', f2));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      mout5 = rebuild(out5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      f1d = getlowerFreq(ra3)/10;
+      f2d = getupperFreq(ra3)*10;
+      nfd = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out5, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if out1.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out1.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out1.x) ~= nfd, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if out2.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out2.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out3.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out3.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out3.x) ~= nf, atest = false; end
+      if out4.x(1)     ~= f1, atest = false; end
+      if abs(out4.x(end) - f2d) > T, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if numel(out4.x) ~= nf2, atest = false; end
+      if out5.x(1)     ~= f1d, atest = false; end % Default values
+      if abs(out5.x(end)-f2)>T, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out5.x) ~= nfd, atest = false; end % Default values
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, mout5, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the resp method uses the specified f1, f2, and nf to compute
+  % the response.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with different method to pass f1, f2, and nf in.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = .1;
+      f2 = 5;
+      nf = 123;
+      out1 = resp(ra3, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'lin'));
+      out2 = resp(ra3, plist('f1', f1, 'f2', f2, 'nf', nf, 'scale', 'log'));
+      out3 = resp(ra3, plist('scale', 'lin'));
+      out4 = resp(ra3, plist('scale', 'log'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    T = 10e-12;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      f1d = getlowerFreq(ra3)/10;
+      f2d = getupperFreq(ra3)*10;
+      nfd = find(pzmodel.getInfo('resp', 'Range').plists, 'nf');
+      if ~isa(out1, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out3, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out4, 'ao'), atest = false; end
+      xlin1 = linspace(f1, f2, nf);
+      xlin2 = linspace(f1d, f2d, nfd);
+      xlog1 = logspace(log10(f1), log10(f2), nf);
+      xlog2 = logspace(log10(f1d), log10(f2d), nfd);
+      if ~isequal(xlin1, out1.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlin2, out3.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog1, out2.x'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(xlog2, out4.x'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(out1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, mout4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_save.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_SAVE a set of UTPs for the rational/save method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_save.m,v 1.5 2010/08/31 09:43:48 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The save method of the rational class saves a rational object to disk. Save
+% stores the variables in a MATLAB formatted file (MAT-file) named
+% filename.mat or in a XML fromat named filename.xml
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_save(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'save';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test plist contains the filename
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with different complex RATIONAL objects
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('postfix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('individual files'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filename'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('postfix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('individual files'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(rav, 'test.xml');
+      save(rav, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = rational('test.xml');
+      out2 = rational('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+    %    same as in 'rav'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(rav)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(rav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(rav(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(rav(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(ram, 'test.xml');
+      save(ram, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = rational('test.xml');
+      out2 = rational('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+    %    same as in 'ram'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(ram)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(ram)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(ram(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(ram(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(ra1, ra2, ra3, 'test.xml');
+      save(ra1, ra2, ra3, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = rational('test.xml');
+      out2 = rational('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the
+    %    same as in the list
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain  = [ra1, ra2, ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(rain(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(rain(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single RATIONAL objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(ra1,rav,ra2, 'test.xml');
+      save(ra1,rav,ra2, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = rational('test.xml');
+      out2 = rational('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output RATIONAL object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain  = [ra1, reshape(rav, 1, []), ra2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2+numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2+numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(rain(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(rain(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = save(ra3,  'test.xml');
+      out2 = save(ra2, 'test.mat');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+    %    save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+    % 2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The last history step is the save method
+      if strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.hist, ra3.hist),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.hist, ra2.hist), atest = false; end
+      % check the history steps of the read object (load + save)
+      % The steps (save + load) shouldn't add history
+      outr1 = rational('test.xml');
+      outr2 = rational('test.mat');
+      if strcmp(outr1.hist, ra3.hist), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(outr2.hist, ra2.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete('test.xml')
+      delete('test.mat')
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Use the save method with the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ra1 to work with
+      iir_mat = rational(ra1);
+      iir_xml = rational(ra1);
+      out1 = rational('test.mat');
+      out2 = rational('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+    % 2) Check the output against the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the modified object have the 'save' method as the last
+      % history step
+      if strcmp(iir_xml.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(iir_mat.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'save'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the output without the history
+      if ~eq(iir_mat, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(iir_xml, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('filename', 'test.mat');
+      pl2 = plist('filename', 'test.xml');
+      save(ra3, pl1);
+      save(ra3, pl2);
+      out1 = rational('test.mat');
+      out2 = rational('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(ra3, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ra3, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the save method with different complex RATIONAL objects
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the save method with different complex RATIONAL objects
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pzmodel(1, [pz(1,1), pz(1+3i), pz(10)], [{[2 1],1, 5-2i}, 4, {3+3i}]);
+      p   = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], [1 2 3 4], 'my par frac', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+      r1  = rational(pzm);
+      r2  = rational(p);
+      r3  = rational([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i]);
+      save(r1, 'test_r1.mat'); % highpass
+      save(r1, 'test_r1.xml'); % highpass
+      save(r2, 'test_r2.mat'); % lowpass
+      save(r2, 'test_r2.xml'); % lowpass
+      save(r3, 'test_r3.mat'); % bandpass
+      save(r3, 'test_r3.xml'); % bandpass
+      out1 = rational('test_r1.mat');
+      out2 = rational('test_r1.xml');
+      out3 = rational('test_r2.mat');
+      out4 = rational('test_r2.xml');
+      out5 = rational('test_r3.mat');
+      out6 = rational('test_r3.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check highpass
+      if ~eq(r1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(r1, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(r2, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(r2, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(r3, out5, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(r3, out6, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, out4, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, out6, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test_r1.mat');
+      delete('test_r1.xml');
+      delete('test_r2.mat');
+      delete('test_r2.xml');
+      delete('test_r3.mat');
+      delete('test_r3.xml');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_setIunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_SETIUNITS a set of UTPs for the rational/setIunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_setIunits.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setIunits method of the rational class sets the iunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_setIunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'setIunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('iunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('iunits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('iunits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(rav, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(ram, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(ram)), atest = false; end
+      % Check iunits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(ra1,ra2,ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setIunits(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(ram)+numel(rav)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setIunits method can be
+    % processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setIunits(ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setIunits, ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setIunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setIunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('iunits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'iunits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can modify the input RATIONAL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the input RATIONAL object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ra3 to work with
+      ain = rational(ra3);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setIunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ra3' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setIunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(rational(ra3), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setIunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setIunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setIunits method can modify the property 'iunits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('iunits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = ra3.setIunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct iunits field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'iunits'
+      if ~eq(out.iunits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setIunits method pass back the output objects to a list
+  % of output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setIunits(ra3, ra2, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setIunits(ra3, ra2, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_setName.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_SETNAME a set of UTPs for the rational/setName method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_setName.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setName method of the rational class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_setName(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'setName';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+        % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(rav, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(ram, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(ram)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(ra1,ra2,ra3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(ram)+numel(rav)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed
+    % back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setName(ra3, 'my name');
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ra3, 'my name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds
+    %    to 'setName'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'name'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can modify the input RATIONAL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the input RATIONAL object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ra3 to work with
+      ain = rational(ra3);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setName('my name');
+      ain.setName('my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ra3' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setName modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(rational(ra3), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setName doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('name', 'my name');
+      out = ra3.setName(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'name'
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list
+  % of output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setName(ra3, ra2, 'new name');
+      o3  = setName(ra3, ra2, 'new name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_setOunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_SETOUNITS a set of UTPs for the rational/setOunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_setOunits.m,v 1.4 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setOunits method of the rational class sets the ounits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_setOunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'setOunits';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('ounits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('ounits')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('ounits'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(rav, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'rav'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(rav)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(ram, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'ram'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(ram)), atest = false; end
+      % Check ounits field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(ra1,ra2,ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setOunits(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(ram)+numel(rav)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setOunits method can be
+    % processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setOunits(ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setOunits, ra3, unit('Hz'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setOunits'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setOunits') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('ounits', unit('Hz')), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'ounits'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can modify the input RATIONAL object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the input RATIONAL object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ra3 to work with
+      ain = rational(ra3);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      ain.setOunits(unit('Hz'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ra3' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setOunits modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(rational(ra3), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setOunits doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setOunits method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setOunits method can modify the property 'ounits'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('ounits', unit('Hz'));
+      out = ra3.setOunits(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct ounits field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'ounits'
+      if ~eq(out.ounits, unit('Hz')), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setOunits method pass back the output objects to a list
+  % of output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setOunits(ra3, ra2, unit('mol'));
+      o3  = setOunits(ra3, ra2, unit('mol'));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_STRING a set of UTPs for the rational/string method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_string.m,v 1.4 2011/09/29 13:49:04 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The string method of the rational class writes a command string that can
+% be used to recreate the input object(s). But the object should not have
+% more than one history step.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_string(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    ra1 = rational([1 2], [4, 6+2i], 'nice name');
+    ra2 = rational(plist('num', [1 2], 'den', [3, 6, -7]));
+    rav = [ra1, ra2, ra1];
+    ram = [ra1, ra2, ra1; ra1, ra2, ra1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Negative test: The object have more than one history step.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(rav);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isa(rout, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(rav)
+        if eq(rout(kk), rav(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(ram);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(ram)
+        if eq(rout(kk), ram(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(ra1,ra2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain  = [ra1, ra2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(rain), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(rain)
+        if eq(rout(kk), rain(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % RATIONAL objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(ra1,ram,ra2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain  = [ra1, reshape(ram, 1, []), ra2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'rational'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(rain), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(rain)
+        if eq(rout(kk), rain(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method doesn't work if the RATIONAL object have
+  % more than one history step.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string throws an error because the input object have more
+    % than one history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pzm = pzmodel(12, {2, [3 5], 7}, {1+2i 5});
+      ra3 = parfrac(pzm);
+      ra3.setName('Second history step');
+      out = ra3.string();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_submit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_SUBMIT a set of UTPs for the rational/submit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_submit.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the rational class submits a collection of objects
+% in XML form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_submit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'submit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_rational_submit: submit rational';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_rational_submit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_rational_submit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the submit method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(rav, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(rav, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rav, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(rav, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(ram, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(ram), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(ram, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(ram))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ram, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(ram))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ram, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(ram))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(ra1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl, ram, iir, rav, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(ram) + numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(ram) + numel(rav), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, ram(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, ram(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, ram(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, ram(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, ram(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, ram(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  rav(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, rav(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, rav(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the submit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(ra1, ra2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, ra2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, ra1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, ra2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_type.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_TYPE a set of UTPs for the rational/type method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_type.m,v 1.2 2009/07/27 19:28:59 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The type method of the rational class converts the input objects to 
+% MATLAB functions that reproduce the processing steps that led to the 
+% input objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_type(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'type';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test RATIONAL objects
+    [ra1,ra2,ra3,rav,ram] = get_test_objects_rational;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % DEfine the filename
+    filename = 'test_rational_type.m';
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('stop_option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('stop_option'), 'full'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('stop_option'), {'full', 'File', 'Repo', 'File Repo', 'N'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a vector of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(rav, filename);
+      type(rav);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      if ~eq(rav, mout, ple2), atest = false; end;
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a matrix of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(ram, filename);
+      type(ram);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(ram)
+        if ~eq(ram(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a list of RATIONAL objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a list of RATIONAL objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(ra1,ra2,ra3, filename);
+      type(ra1,ra2,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain  = [ra1,ra2,ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(rain)
+        if ~eq(rain(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped RATIONAL
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single RATIONAL objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3, filename);
+      type(ra1,rav,ra2,ram,ra3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    rain  = [ra1,reshape(rav,1,[]),ra2,reshape(ram,1,[]),ra3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(rain)
+        if ~eq(rain(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/rational/utp_rational_update.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+% UTP_RATIONAL_UPDATE a set of UTPs for the rational/update method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_rational_update.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:56 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The update method of the rational class updates (replace) an LTPDA object
+% in the repository with the given replacement object. It is only possible
+% to update one object. This is the reason why the general UTPs are not
+% possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_rational_update(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'rational';
+    mthd    = 'update';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    obj = rational([1 2 3], [4 5 6 7], 'my rational', unit('V'), unit('Hz'));
+    obj.setName();
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    conn = utpGetConnection();
+    try
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_rational_update: update rational';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_rational_update: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_rational_update>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      [ids, cids] = submit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Test with conn
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Test with sinfo
+      results = [results utp_04];    % Test update of an binary file
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test replace with other object
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database object (conn) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (conn)');
+      update(uobj, ids, conn, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database info structure (sinfo) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Check that the update method also updates objects which are stored as
+    % a binary file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Submit the object as a binary
+      [ids_bin, cids] = bsubmit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids_bin, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids_bin'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids_bin);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository with
+  % a completely other object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository
+    % with a completely other object.
+    % Replace the rational object with a filter object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_addAliases.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_ADDALIASES a set of UTPs for the smodel/addAliases method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_addAliases.m,v 1.1 2011/04/11 19:45:22 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The addAliases method of the smodel class sets the 'aliasNames' and
+% 'aliasValues' properties.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_addAliases(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'addAliases';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setName();
+    s1.setAliases('x1', 'b', 'c', 123);
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    args1 = {'x1', 123};                  % obj.addAliases('x1', 123)
+    args2 = {'x1', 123, 'x2', 'asd'};     % obj.addAliases('x1', 123, 'x2', 'asd')
+    args3 = {{'x1', 'x2'}, {'asd', 123}}; % obj.addAliases({'x1', 'x2'}, {'asd', 123})
+    args4 = {plist('names', 'x1', 'values', 123)}; % obj.addAliases(plist('names', 'x1', 'values', 123))
+    args5 = {plist('names', {'x1', 'x2'}, 'values', {123, 'asd'})};
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_01();
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, args2, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, args3, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, args2, ple2);
+    results(10) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, args5, @algoTests, ple1);
+    results(11) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, args2, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, argsin)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'aliases' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', 'aliasNames', 'aliasValues'});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(argsin{1}, 'plist') && argsin{1}.isparam('names') && argsin{1}.isparam('values')
+      argsin = argsin{1};
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      names  = cellstr(argsin.find('names'));
+      values = argsin.find('values');
+      if ~iscell(values)
+        values = num2cell(values);
+      end
+    else
+      if numel(argsin) == 2 && iscell(argsin{1}) && iscell(argsin{2})
+        names  = argsin{1};
+        values = argsin{2};
+      else
+        nArgsin = numel(argsin);
+        names  = argsin(1:2:nArgsin);
+        values = argsin(2:2:nArgsin);
+      end
+    end
+    n = in(idx).aliasNames;
+    v = in(idx).aliasValues;
+    for ll = 1:numel(names)
+      namesIdx = strcmp(n, names{ll});
+      if any(namesIdx)
+        % Change at the index the value
+        v{namesIdx} = values{ll};
+      else
+        % Append the alias key-value pair
+        n = [n names(ll)];
+        v = [v values(ll)];
+      end
+    end
+    % Check 'aliasNames' and 'aliasValues'
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).aliasNames,  n),  atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).aliasValues, v), atest = false; end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, 'none');
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, io(2).sets{kk});
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('names'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('values'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('names')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('values')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('names'),  {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('values'), {{}}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_addParameters.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_ADDPARAMETERS a set of UTPs for the smodel/addParameters method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_addParameters.m,v 1.1 2011/04/17 15:47:57 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The addParameters method of the smodel class sets the 'params' and
+% 'values' properties.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_addParameters(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'addParameters';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3');
+    s1.setParams('a', 'b', 'c');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a*x1 + c*x2');
+    s1.setParams('c');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a*x1');
+    s1.setParams('a');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    args1 = {{'a', 'b'}};
+    args2 = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
+    args3 = {{'a', 'b'}, [1 2]};
+    args4 = {{'a', 'b'}, {1 2}};
+    args5 = {'b', 1};
+    args6 = {'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3};
+    args7 = {plist('params', 'a')};
+    args8 = {plist('params', {'a', 'b'})};
+    args9 = {plist('params', {'c', 'b'}, 'values', [1 2])};
+    args10 = {plist('params', {'a', 'e'}, 'values', {1 2})};
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_01();
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args6, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args7, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args8, @algoTests);
+    results(10) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args9, @algoTests);
+    results(11) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args10,@algoTests);
+    results(12) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args5, @algoTests);
+    results(13) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd,sm, args10,@algoTests);
+    results(14) = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, args4, @algoTests);
+    results(15) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, args5, ple2);
+    results(10) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, args5, @algoTests, ple1);
+    results(11) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, args2, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, argsin)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % properties 'params', 'values' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', 'params', 'values'});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    values = {};
+    if isa(argsin{1}, 'plist') && argsin{1}.isparam('params')
+      argsin = argsin{1};
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      names  = cellstr(argsin.find('params'));
+      values = argsin.find('values');
+      if ~iscell(values)
+        values = num2cell(values);
+      end
+    else
+      if numel(argsin) == 1 && iscell(argsin{1})
+        names = argsin{1};
+      elseif ~isempty(argsin) && iscellstr(argsin)
+        names = argsin;
+      elseif numel(argsin) == 2 && iscell(argsin{1}) && isnumeric(argsin{2})
+        names  = argsin{1};
+        values = num2cell(argsin{2});
+      elseif numel(argsin) == 2 && iscell(argsin{1}) && iscell(argsin{2})
+        names  = argsin{1};
+        values = argsin{2};
+      else
+        nArgsin = numel(argsin);
+        names  = argsin(1:2:nArgsin);
+        values = argsin(2:2:nArgsin);
+      end
+    end
+    p = in(idx).params;
+    v = in(idx).values;
+    if ~isempty(values) && isempty(v)
+      v = cell(size(p));
+    end
+    for ll = 1:numel(names)
+      namesIdx = strcmp(p, names{ll});
+      if any(namesIdx)
+        % Change at the index the value
+        if ~isempty(values)
+          v{namesIdx} = values{ll};
+        end
+      else
+        % Append the alias key-value pair
+        p = [p names(ll)];
+        if ~isempty(values)
+          v = [v values(ll)];
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    % Check 'params' and 'values'
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).params, p), atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).values, v), atest = false; end
+    % Check the numbe of values
+    if ~isempty(out(idx).values)
+      if numel(out(idx).values) ~= numel(out(idx).params), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, 'none');
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, io(2).sets{kk});
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('params'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('values'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('params')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('values')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('params'),  {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('values'), {{}}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_clearAliases.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_CLEARALIASES a set of UTPs for the smodel/clearAliases method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_clearAliases.m,v 1.1 2011/04/11 19:45:22 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The clearAliases method of the smodel class clears the 'aliasNames' and
+% 'aliasValues' properties.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_clearAliases(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'clearAliases';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_01();
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, {}, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, {}, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, {}, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, {}, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, {}, ple2);
+    results(7) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, {}, @algoTests, ple1);
+    results(8) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, {}, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, argsin)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'aliases' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', 'aliasNames', 'aliasValues'});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check 'aliasNames' and 'aliasValues'
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).aliasNames,  {}),  atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).aliasValues, {}), atest = false; end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, 'none');
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, io(2).sets{kk});
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_COPY a set of UTPs for the smodel/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_copy.m,v 1.3 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the smodel class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the smodel/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_loadobj.m,v 1.1 2010/05/12 15:58:16 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the smodel class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = smodel(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = smodel(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(objs(obj_no).fname)
+      disp(fn)
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setAliases.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETALIASES a set of UTPs for the smodel/setAliases method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setAliases.m,v 1.1 2011/04/11 19:45:22 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setAliases method of the smodel class sets the 'aliasNames' and
+% 'aliasValues' properties.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setAliases(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setAliases';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    args1 = {'x1', 123};                  % obj.setAliases('x1', 123)
+    args2 = {'x1', 123, 'x2', 'asd'};     % obj.setAliases('x1', 123, 'x2', 'asd')
+    args3 = {{'x1', 'x2'}, {'asd', 123}}; % obj.setAliases({'x1', 'x2'}, {'asd', 123})
+    args4 = {plist('names', 'x1', 'values', 123)}; % obj.setAliases(plist('names', 'x1', 'values', 123))
+    args5 = {plist('names', {'x1', 'x2'}, 'values', {123, 'asd'})};
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_01();
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, args2, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, args3, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, args2, ple2);
+    results(10) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, args5, @algoTests, ple1);
+    results(11) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, args2, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, argsin)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'aliases' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', 'aliasNames', 'aliasValues'});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(argsin{1}, 'plist') && argsin{1}.isparam('names') && argsin{1}.isparam('values')
+      argsin = argsin{1};
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      names  = cellstr(argsin.find('names'));
+      values = argsin.find('values');
+      if ~iscell(values)
+        values = num2cell(values);
+      end
+    else
+      if numel(argsin) == 2 && iscell(argsin{1}) && iscell(argsin{2})
+        names  = argsin{1};
+        values = argsin{2};
+      else
+        nArgsin = numel(argsin);
+        names  = argsin(1:2:nArgsin);
+        values = argsin(2:2:nArgsin);
+      end
+    end
+    % Check 'aliasNames' and 'aliasValues'
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).aliasNames,  names),  atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).aliasValues, values), atest = false; end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, 'none');
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, io(2).sets{kk});
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('names'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('values'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('names')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('values')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('names'),  {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('values'), {{}}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setParameters.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETPARAMETERS a set of UTPs for the smodel/setParameters method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setParameters.m,v 1.1 2011/04/17 15:47:57 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setParameters method of the smodel class sets the 'params' and
+% 'values' properties.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setParameters(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setParameters';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3');
+    s1.setParams('a', 'b', 'c');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a*x1 + c*x2');
+    s1.setParams('c');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a*x1');
+    s1.setParams('a');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    args1 = {{'a', 'b'}};
+    args2 = {'a', 'b', 'c'};
+    args3 = {{'a', 'b'}, [1 2]};
+    args4 = {{'a', 'b'}, {1 2}};
+    args5 = {'b', 1};
+    args6 = {'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3};
+    args7 = {plist('params', 'a')};
+    args8 = {plist('params', {'a', 'b'})};
+    args9 = {plist('params', {'c', 'b'}, 'values', [1 2])};
+    args10 = {plist('params', {'a', 'e'}, 'values', {1 2})};
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_01();
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args6, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args7, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args8, @algoTests);
+    results(10) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args9, @algoTests);
+    results(11) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args10,@algoTests);
+    results(12) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args5, @algoTests);
+    results(13) = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd,sm, args10,@algoTests);
+    results(14) = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, args4, @algoTests);
+    results(15) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, args5, ple2);
+    results(10) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, args5, @algoTests, ple1);
+    results(11) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, args2, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, argsin)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % properties 'params', 'values' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', 'params', 'values'});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    values = {};
+    if isa(argsin{1}, 'plist') && argsin{1}.isparam('params')
+      argsin = argsin{1};
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      names  = cellstr(argsin.find('params'));
+      if argsin.isparam('values')
+        values = argsin.find('values');
+        if isnumeric(values)
+          values = num2cell(values);
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      if numel(argsin) == 1 && iscell(argsin{1})
+        names = argsin{1};
+      elseif ~isempty(argsin) && iscellstr(argsin)
+        names = argsin;
+      elseif numel(argsin) == 2 && iscell(argsin{1}) && isnumeric(argsin{2})
+        names  = argsin{1};
+        values = num2cell(argsin{2});
+      elseif numel(argsin) == 2 && iscell(argsin{1}) && iscell(argsin{2})
+        names  = argsin{1};
+        values = argsin{2};
+      else
+        nArgsin = numel(argsin);
+        names  = argsin(1:2:nArgsin);
+        values = argsin(2:2:nArgsin);
+      end
+    end
+    % Check 'params' and 'values'
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).params, names), atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).values, values), atest = false; end
+    % Check the numbe of values
+    if ~isempty(out(idx).values)
+      if numel(out(idx).values) ~= numel(out(idx).params), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, 'none');
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, io(2).sets{kk});
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('params'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('values'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('params')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('values')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('params'),  {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('values'), {{}}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setParams.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETPARAMS a set of UTPs for the smodel/setParams method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setParams.m,v 1.2 2011/05/10 04:53:37 mauro Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setParams method of the smodel class sets the 'params' property and
+% in some cases also the 'values' property
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setParams(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setParams';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    s0 = smodel();
+    s1 = smodel('a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3');
+    s1.setParams({'a', 'b'});
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3');
+    s2.setParams({'a', 'b'}, [1 2]);
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a*x1 + b*x2 + c*x3');
+    s3.setParams({'a', 'b'}, [1 2]);
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    args1 = {{'a', 'b'}};                 % obj.setParams({'a', 'b'})
+    args2 = {{'a', 'b'}, [1 2]};          % obj.setParams({'a', 'b'}, [1 2])
+    args3 = {{'a', 'b'}, {1 2}};          % obj.setParams({'a', 'b'}, {1 2})
+    args4 = {'a', 3};                     % obj.setParams('a', 3)
+    args5 = {'a1', 'a4'};                 % obj.setParams('a1', 'a4')
+    args6 = {plist('params', 'a')};
+    args7 = {plist('params', {'a', 'b'})};
+    args8 = {plist('params', 'a', 'values', 1)};
+    args9 = {plist('params', {'a', 'b'}, 'values', [1 2])};
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_01();
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s0, args1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s0, args2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s2, args4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s3, args5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s0, args6, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s0, args7, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args8, @algoTests);
+    results(10)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, s1, args9, @algoTests);
+    results(11)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, args3, @algoTests);
+    results(12)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, args8, @algoTests);
+    results(13)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, args7, @algoTests);
+    results(14)  = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, args2, ple2);
+    results(15) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, args5, @algoTests, ple1);
+    results(16) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, args2, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, argsin)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'params' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', 'params', 'values'});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    values = {};
+    if isa(argsin{1}, 'plist') && argsin{1}.isparam('params')
+      argsin = argsin{1};
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      params = cellstr(argsin.find('params'));
+      if argsin.isparam('values')
+        values = argsin.find('values');
+      end
+    elseif numel(argsin) == 1 && iscell(argsin{1})
+      params = argsin{1};
+    elseif numel(argsin) == 2 && iscell(argsin{1}) && ( iscell(argsin{2}) || isnumeric(argsin{2}))
+      params = argsin{1};
+      if iscell(argsin{2})
+        values = argsin{2};
+      else
+        values = argsin{2};
+      end
+    elseif numel(argsin) == 2 && ischar(argsin{1}) && isnumeric(argsin{2})
+      params = argsin(1);
+      values   = argsin(2);
+    elseif iscellstr(argsin)
+      params = argsin;
+    end
+    if isnumeric(values)
+      values = num2cell(values);
+    end
+    p = in(idx).params;
+    v = in(idx).values;
+    if ~isempty(values) && isempty(v)
+      v = cell(size(p));
+    end
+    for ll = 1:numel(params)
+      paramsIdx = strcmp(p, params{ll});
+      if any(paramsIdx)
+        if ~isempty(values)
+          v{paramsIdx} = values{ll};
+        end
+      else
+        % Append the alias key-value pair
+        p = [p params(ll)];
+        if ~isempty(values)
+          v = [v values(ll)];
+        elseif ~isempty(v)
+          v = [v cell(1)];
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    % Check 'params' and 'values'
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).params, p), atest = false; end
+    if ~isequal(out(idx).values, v), atest = false; end
+    % Check if we have specified some values that the number of values ans
+    % params are the same
+    if ~isempty(values)
+      if numel(out(idx).params) ~= numel(out(idx).values), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, 'none');
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = feval('smodel.getInfo', mthd, io(2).sets{kk});
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('params'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('values'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('params')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyCell(io(3).plists.find('values')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('params'),  {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('values'), {{}}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setTrans.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETTRANS a set of UTPs for the smodel/setTrans method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setTrans.m,v 1.3 2011/04/11 19:45:45 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setTrans method of the smodel class sets the trans property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setTrans(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setTrans';
+    prop    = 'trans';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 'x1';                 % obj.setTrans(val1)
+    val2 = {'x2', 'x3'};         % obj.setTrans(val2)
+    val3 = plist(prop, 'x4');    % obj.setTrans(plist('trans', 'm')
+    val4 = {val1, val2, val3};   % obj.setTrans(val1, val2, val3)
+    val5 = {{val1, val2, val3}}; % obj.setTrans({val1, val2, val3})
+    val6 = {{val1, val2, val3}, val1, val2}; % obj.setTrans({val1, val2, val3}, val1, val2)
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, s1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val6, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, val6, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, sv, s3, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, val1, ple2);
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, val5, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, val6, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'Trans'
+    if ~isequal(defVal, {}), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'Trans' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      values = processValues([], value.find(prop));
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    else
+      values = processValues([], value);
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  function values = processValues(values, val)
+    switch class(val)
+      case 'cell'
+        if iscellstr(val)
+          values = [values val];
+        else
+          for ii=1:numel(val);
+            values = processValues(values, val{ii});
+          end
+        end
+      case 'double'
+        values = [values {num2str(val)}];
+      case 'char'
+        values = [values {val}];
+      case 'plist'
+        if length(val) == 1 && isa(val, 'plist') && isparam(val, prop)
+          vals = find(val, prop);
+          values = processValues(values, vals);
+        end
+      otherwise
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setValues.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETVALUES a set of UTPs for the smodel/setValues method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setValues.m,v 1.1 2011/04/06 19:15:48 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setValues method of the smodel class sets the values property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setValues(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setValues';
+    prop    = 'values';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setParams({'a1', 'a2', 'a3'});
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setParams({'a1', 'a2'});
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setParams('a1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 =  111;               % obj.setValues(val1)
+    val2 = [11 22];            % obj.setValues(val2)
+    val3 = [1 2 3];            % obj.setValues(val3)
+    val4 = plist(prop, val1);  % obj.setValues(plist('values', val1)
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, s1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val2, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, val2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(5) = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, sv, s3, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(6) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, val3, ple2);
+    results(7) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, val3, @algoTests, ple1);
+    results(8) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s2, s2, val2, @algoTests, ple2);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'values'
+    if ~isequal(defVal, {}), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, varargin)
+    atest = true;
+    value = varargin;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'values' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if numel(value{1}) == numel(in(idx).params)
+      if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+      if isa(value{1}, 'plist') && value{1}.nparams == 1 && value{1}.isparam(prop)
+        % The value was set with a plist.
+        values = processValues([], value{1}.find(prop));
+        if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+      else
+        if iscell(value{1}), value = value{1}; end
+        if numel(value) == numel(out)
+          if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), num2cell(value{idx})), atest = false; end
+        else
+          if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), num2cell(value{1})), atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  function values = processValues(values, val)
+    switch class(val)
+      case 'char'
+        values = [values unit(val)];
+      case 'unit'
+        values = [values reshape(val, 1, [])];
+      case 'cell'
+        for ii=1:numel(val)
+          values = processValues(values, val{ii});
+        end
+      case 'plist'
+        if length(val) == 1 && isa(val, 'plist') && isparam(val, prop)
+          vals = find(val, prop);
+          values = processValues(values, vals);
+        end
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setXunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETXUNITS a set of UTPs for the smodel/setXunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setXunits.m,v 1.2 2011/04/06 19:15:34 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setXunits method of the smodel class sets the xunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setXunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setXunits';
+    prop    = 'xunits';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 'Hz';                 % obj.setXunits(val1)
+    val2 = unit('s');            % obj.setXunits(val2)
+    val3 = plist(prop, 'm');     % obj.setXunits(plist('xunits', 'm')
+    val4 = {val1, val2, val3};   % obj.setXunits(val1, val2, val3)
+    val5 = {{val1, val2, val3}}; % obj.setXunits({val1, val2, val3})
+    val6 = {{val1, val2, val3}, val1, val2}; % obj.setXunits({val1, val2, val3}, val1, val2)
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, s1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val6, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, val6, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, sv, s3, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, val1, ple2);
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, val5, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, val6, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'xunits'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'xunits' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      values = processValues([], value.find(prop));
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    else
+      values = processValues([], value);
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  function values = processValues(values, val)
+    switch class(val)
+      case 'char'
+        values = [values unit(val)];
+      case 'unit'
+        values = [values reshape(val, 1, [])];
+      case 'cell'
+        for ii=1:numel(val)
+          values = processValues(values, val{ii});
+        end
+      case 'plist'
+        if length(val) == 1 && isa(val, 'plist') && isparam(val, prop)
+          vals = find(val, prop);
+          values = processValues(values, vals);
+        end
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setXvals.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETXVALS a set of UTPs for the smodel/setXvals method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setXvals.m,v 1.3 2011/04/11 19:45:45 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setXvals method of the smodel class sets the Xvals property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setXvals(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setXvals';
+    prop    = 'xvals';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 1:1e3;                  % obj.setXvals(val1)
+    val2 = ao(1:1e3,randn(1e3,1)); % obj.setXvals(val2)
+    val3 = plist(prop, 1:2:2e3);   % obj.setXvals(plist('Xvals', 'm')
+    val4 = {val1, val2, val3};   % obj.setXvals(val1, val2, val3)
+    val5 = {{val1, val2, val3}}; % obj.setXvals({val1, val2, val3})
+    val6 = {{val1, val2, val3}, val1, val2}; % obj.setXvals({val1, val2, val3}, val1, val2)
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, s1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val6, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, val6, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, sv, s3, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, val1, ple2);
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, val5, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, val6, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'Xvals'
+    if ~isequal(defVal, {}), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'Xvals' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists(1)), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      values = processValues([], value.find(prop));
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    else
+      values = processValues([], value);
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  function values = processValues(values, val)
+    switch class(val)
+      case 'cell'
+        for ii=1:numel(val);
+          values = processValues(values, val{ii});
+        end
+      case 'double'
+        values = [values {val}];
+      case 'ao'
+        ax = 'y'; % Special case: Only check the 'y'-axis
+        for ii=1:numel(val)
+          values = [values {val(ii).(ax)}];
+        end
+      case 'plist'
+        if length(val) == 1 && isa(val, 'plist') && isparam(val, prop)
+          vals = find(val, prop);
+          values = processValues(values, vals);
+        end
+      otherwise
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setXvar.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETXVAR a set of UTPs for the smodel/setXvar method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setXvar.m,v 1.3 2011/04/11 19:45:45 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setXvar method of the smodel class sets the xvar property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setXvar(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setXvar';
+    prop    = 'xvar';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 'x1';                 % obj.setXvar(val1)
+    val2 = {'x2', 'x3'};         % obj.setXvar(val2)
+    val3 = plist(prop, 'x4');    % obj.setXvar(plist('Xvar', 'm')
+    val4 = {val1, val2, val3};   % obj.setXvar(val1, val2, val3)
+    val5 = {{val1, val2, val3}}; % obj.setXvar({val1, val2, val3})
+    val6 = {{val1, val2, val3}, val1, val2}; % obj.setXvar({val1, val2, val3}, val1, val2)
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, s1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val5, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val6, @algoTests);
+    results(8)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, val6, @algoTests);
+    results(9)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(10) = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, sv, s3, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(11) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, val1, ple2);
+    results(12) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, val5, @algoTests, ple1);             % test the modifier call
+    results(13) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, val6, @algoTests, ple2);        % test the outputs
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'Xvar'
+    if ~isequal(defVal, {}), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, value)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'Xvar' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value, 'plist') && value.nparams == 1 && value.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      values = processValues([], value.find(prop));
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    else
+      values = processValues([], value);
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    end
+  end
+  function values = processValues(values, val)
+    switch class(val)
+      case 'cell'
+        if iscellstr(val)
+          values = [values val];
+        else
+          for ii=1:numel(val);
+            values = processValues(values, val{ii});
+          end
+        end
+      case 'double'
+        values = [values {num2str(val)}];
+      case 'char'
+        values = [values {val}];
+      case 'plist'
+        if length(val) == 1 && isa(val, 'plist') && isparam(val, prop)
+          vals = find(val, prop);
+          values = processValues(values, vals);
+        end
+      otherwise
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_setYunits.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SETYUNITS a set of UTPs for the smodel/setYunits method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_smodel_setYunits.m,v 1.1 2011/04/06 19:15:48 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setYunits method of the smodel class sets the yunits property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_setYunits(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    cl      = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'setYunits';
+    prop    = 'yunits';
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' cl '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    s1 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3');
+    s1.setName();
+    s2 = smodel('a1*x1 + a2*x2');
+    s2.setName();
+    s3 = smodel('a1*x1');
+    s3.setName();
+    sv = [s1, s2, s1];
+    sm = [s1, s2, s1; s1, s2, s1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % The setter method have different possibilities to set a property
+    val1 = 'Hz';                 % obj.setYunits(val1)
+    val2 = unit('s');            % obj.setYunits(val2)
+    val3 = plist(prop, 'm');     % obj.setYunits(plist('yunits', 'm')
+    val4 = {val1, val2, val1};   % obj.setYunits(val1, val2, val3)
+    % Run the general tests
+    results(1)  = utp_genericSet_minfo(mthd, s1, prop, @algoTests_minfo);
+    results(2)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(3)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val2, @algoTests);
+    results(4)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(5)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sv, val4, @algoTests);
+    results(6)  = utp_genericAnyShape(mthd, sm, val2, @algoTests);
+    results(7)  = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, s2, s3, val1, @algoTests);
+    results(8) = utp_genericList(mthd, s1, sv, s3, val3, @algoTests);
+    results(9) = utp_genericHistory(mthd, s1, val1, ple2);
+    results(10) = utp_genericModify(mthd, s1, val2, @algoTests, ple1);
+    results(11) = utp_genericOutput(mthd, s1, s2, val1, @algoTests, ple2);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  % Check that the default value un the PLIST
+  function atest = algoTests_minfo(defVal)
+    atest = true;
+    % Check default value for the key 'yunits'
+    if ~eq(defVal, []), atest = false; end
+  end
+  % Check that the property have the correct value
+  function atest = algoTests(in, out, idx, varargin)
+    atest = true;
+    value = varargin;
+    % Check that the input and output objects are the same except the
+    % property 'yunits' and the history
+    ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', {'created', 'proctime', 'UUID', 'hist', prop});
+    if ~eq(in(idx), out(idx), ple), atest = false; end
+    if ~eq(in(idx).hist, out(idx).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+    % Check that the parameter gets the correct value.
+    if isa(value{1}, 'plist') && value{1}.nparams == 1 && value{1}.isparam(prop)
+      % The value was set with a plist.
+      values = processValues([], value{1}.find(prop));
+      if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), values), atest = false; end
+    else
+      if iscell(value{1}), value = value{1}; end
+      if numel(value) == numel(out)
+        if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), unit(value{idx})), atest = false; end
+      else
+        if ~isequal(out(idx).(prop), unit(value{1})), atest = false; end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  function values = processValues(values, val)
+    switch class(val)
+      case 'char'
+        values = [values unit(val)];
+      case 'unit'
+        values = [values reshape(val, 1, [])];
+      case 'cell'
+        for ii=1:numel(val)
+          values = processValues(values, val{ii});
+        end
+      case 'plist'
+        if length(val) == 1 && isa(val, 'plist') && isparam(val, prop)
+          vals = find(val, prop);
+          values = processValues(values, vals);
+        end
+    end
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/smodel/utp_smodel_smodel.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+% UTP_SMODEL_SMODEL a set of UTPs for the smodel/smodel method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ssm_ssm.m,v 1.4 2009/08/07 07:31:46 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The smodel method of the smodel class constructs smodel objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_smodel_smodel(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'smodel';
+    mthd    = 'smodel';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    sm1 = smodel('a');
+    sm1.setName;
+    sm2 = smodel('a+b');
+    sm2.setName;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the general tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, [sm1 sm2 sm1], [], [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, [sm1 sm2 sm1; sm2 sm2 sm1], [], [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, sm1, sm2, sm1, [], [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, sm1, [sm1 sm2], [sm1 sm2 sm1; sm2 sm2 sm1], [], [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, sm1, [], ple2)]; % Test history is working        
+    results = [results utp_07];                      % Read older MAT-files
+    % constructor specific tests
+    results = [results utp_60(class, sm1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_61(class, sm1, ple2)];    % Test history is properly handled with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_62(class, sm1, sm2, ple2)];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_64(class, sm1, ple2, ple2)]; % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_65(class, sm2, ple3)]; % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_68(class, sm1, ple3)];  % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Expression')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From ASCII File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'        
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('id'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('cid'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('binary'), {'yes', 'no'}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('BUILT-IN'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.getOptionsForParam('built-in'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Expression'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('EXPRESSION'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('params'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('values'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xvar'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xvals'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From ASCII File'
+        pn = 9;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('Name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xvals'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('yunits'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('xunits'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the smodel can read older MAT files which have different
+  % values in 'xvals'
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the smodel can read older MAT files which have different
+    % values in 'xvals'
+    % The smodel object was created with the commands:
+    %     s = smodel('A.*(t >= toff)');
+    %     s.setXvar('t');
+    %     s.setParams({'A','toff'}, {5,300});
+    %     s.setName('Step at toff');
+    %     s.setDescription('Step function of amplitude A at time toff');
+    %     s.setXunits('Hz^1/2 km^2');
+    %     s.setYunits('s^2 m^-1');
+    %     s.setXvals(1:1e3);
+    %     s.setAliasNames('a');
+    %     s.setAliasValues(8);
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      p = mfilename('fullpath');
+      % p = regexp(p, '.*(?=/\w+$)', 'match');
+      p = p(1:end-(numel(mfilename)+1));
+      p = fullfile(p, 'reference_files');
+      fn1 = 'smodel_231_xvals_cdata.mat';
+      fn2 = 'smodel_231_xvals_fsdata.mat';
+      fn3 = 'smodel_231_xvals_double.mat';
+      fn4 = 'smodel_231_xvals_tsdata.mat';
+      fn5 = 'smodel_231_xvals_double.xml';
+      s1 = smodel(fullfile(p, fn1));
+      s2 = smodel(fullfile(p, fn2));
+      s3 = smodel(fullfile(p, fn3));
+      s4 = smodel(fullfile(p, fn4));
+      s5 = smodel(fullfile(p, fn5));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the objects are quite the same
+    %
+    % 2) Check that 'xvals' is a cell-array with the numbers from 1 to 1000
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      try
+        assert(eq(s1, s2, 'UUID', 'proctime', 'mversion', 'plistUsed'));
+        assert(eq(s1, s3, 'UUID', 'proctime', 'mversion', 'plistUsed'));
+        assert(eq(s1, s4, 'UUID', 'proctime', 'mversion', 'plistUsed'));
+        assert(eq(s1, s5, 'UUID', 'proctime', 'mversion', 'plistUsed', 'mpackage', 'creator'));
+        assert(isequal(s1.xvals{1}, 1:1e3));
+        assert(isequal(s2.xvals{1}, 1:1e3));
+        assert(isequal(s3.xvals{1}, 1:1e3));
+        assert(isequal(s4.xvals{1}, 1:1e3));
+        assert(isequal(s5.xvals{1}, 1:1e3));
+      catch
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/reference_files/make_bode_references.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% Make bode reference files for different SSM models and save to disk.
+% M Hewitson 27-07-10
+% $Id: make_bode_references.m,v 1.1 2010/07/27 07:17:17 hewitson Exp $
+models = {'DFACS', 'IFO'};
+for kk=1:numel(models)
+  mdl = models{kk};
+  disp(['*** Making bode references for ' mdl]);
+  pl  = plist('built-in', mdl);
+  s = ssm(pl);
+  out = bode(s);
+  % save reference file
+  save(out, sprintf('ref_bode_%s.mat', mdl));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_addParameters.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% UTP_SSM_ADDPARAMETERS a set of UTPs for the ssm/addParameters method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ssm_addParameters.m,v 1.1 2009/08/06 16:56:25 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The addParameters method of the ssm class adds the given parameters to
+% the model.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ssm_addParameters(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ssm';
+    mthd    = 'addParameters';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test miir objects
+    [sys1, sys2] = get_test_objects_ssm;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, [sys1 sys2], @algo_test_plist, plist('prop', 2), ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, [sys1 sys2 sys1; sys2 sys2 sys1], @algo_test_plist, plist('prop', 2), ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, sys1, sys2, sys1, @algo_test_plist, plist('prop', 2), ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, sys1, sys2, sys1, @algo_test_param, param('prop', 2), ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, sys1, [sys1 sys2 sys1; sys2 sys2 sys1], [sys2 sys1], @algo_test_plist, plist('prop', 2), ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, sys1, plist('prop', 2), ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+function atest = algo_test_plist(in, out, pli)
+  atest = true;
+  if ~eq(out.params.find(pli.params(1).key), pli.params(1).getVal), atest = false; end
+function atest = algo_test_param(in, out, pli)
+  atest = true;
+  if ~eq(out.params.find(pli(1).key), pli(1).getVal), atest = false; end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% UTP_SSM_COPY a set of UTPs for the ssm/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ssm_copy.m,v 1.2 2009/08/06 16:56:25 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the ssm class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ssm_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ssm';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test miir objects
+    [sys1, sys2] = get_test_objects_ssm;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+% UTP_SSM_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the ssm/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ssm_loadobj.m,v 1.2 2010/11/25 15:12:25 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the ssm class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ssm_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ssm';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = ssm(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = ssm(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(objs(obj_no).fname)
+      disp(fn)
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if exist('objs', 'var')
+        for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+          obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+          fname = objs(ii).fname;
+          if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+            % Loaded object must be a vector
+            if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+          elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+            % Loaded object must be a matrix
+            % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+            %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+            if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+              if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+            end
+          else
+            % Loaded object must be a single object
+            if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1),
+              atest = false; end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_model_DFACS.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+% UTP_SSM_MODEL_DFACS a set of UTPs for the DFACS SSM built-in model.
+% M Hewitson 26-07-10
+% $Id: utp_ssm_model_DFACS.m,v 1.2 2010/07/27 07:13:59 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The built-in model 'DFACS' represents different incarnations of the controllers
+% for LPF.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ssm_model_DFACS(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ssm';
+    model   = 'DFACS';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' model]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_901(class, model, plist)];  % check model name
+    results = [results utp_902(class, model, plist)];  % check model description    
+    results = [results utp_903(class, model, plist)];  % check model responds to 'DIM'
+%     results = [results utp_920(class, model, plist)];  % check model bode response
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_model_IFO.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+% UTP_SSM_MODEL_IFO a set of UTPs for the IFO SSM built-in model.
+% M Hewitson 26-07-10
+% $Id: utp_ssm_model_IFO.m,v 1.1 2010/07/26 16:42:29 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The built-in model 'IFO' represents different incarnations of the
+% interferometric sensing for LTP.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ssm_model_IFO(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ssm';
+    model   = 'IFO';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' model]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_901(class, model, plist)];  % check model name
+    results = [results utp_902(class, model, plist)];  % check model description    
+    results = [results utp_903(class, model, plist)];  % check model responds to 'DIM'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/ssm/utp_ssm_ssm.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+% UTP_SSM_SSM a set of UTPs for the ssm/ssm method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_ssm_ssm.m,v 1.14 2011/09/29 13:46:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ssm method of the ssm class constructs SSM objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_ssm_ssm(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'ssm';
+    mthd    = 'ssm';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    [sys1, sys2] = get_test_objects_ssm;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the general tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02(mthd, [sys1 sys2], [], [], ple3)];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03(mthd, [sys1 sys2 sys1; sys2 sys2 sys1], [], [], ple3)];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04(mthd, sys1, sys2, sys1, [], [], ple3)];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05(mthd, sys1, [sys1 sys2], [sys1 sys2 sys1; sys2 sys2 sys1], [], [], ple3)];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06(mthd, sys1, [], ple1)];    % Test history is working
+    % constructor specific tests
+    results = [results utp_60(class, sys1, ple1)];    % Test history is properly handled with MAT file constructor
+    results = [results utp_61(class, sys1, ple1)];    % Test history is properly handled with XML file constructor
+    results = [results utp_62(class, sys1, sys2, ple2)];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+    results = [results utp_63(class, ple1)];    % Test history is working with pzmodel-object constructor
+    results = [results utp_64(class, sys1, ple1, ple2)]; % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+    results = [results utp_65(class, sys2, ple3)]; % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+    results = [results utp_66(class, ple1)];  % Test history is working with plist(pzmodel) constructor
+    results = [results utp_67(class, ple1)];  % Test history is working with pzmodel + plist constructor
+    results = [results utp_68(class, sys1, ple3)];  % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Pzmodel')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Miir')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Rational')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 12, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('states'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('outputs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('inputs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('timestep'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('amats'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('bmats'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cmats'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('dmats'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('params'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'        
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('symbolic params'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('param names'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('param values'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Description'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 12, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('states'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('outputs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('inputs'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('timestep'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('amats'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('bmats'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cmats'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('dmats'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('params'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Pzmodel'
+        pn = 9;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('pzmodel'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('pzmodel'), pzmodel(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MIIR'
+        pn = 10;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('miir'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('miir'), miir(), ple1), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From rational'
+        pn = 11;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('rational'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(io(pn).plists.find('rational'), rational(), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_datenum.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Test the 'datenum' method of the time class.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% NOTE: in this test we manipulate user preferences thus we should make
+% sure we restore the original user preferences at the end of the testing
+% $Id: utp_time_datenum.m,v 1.3 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_datenum(varargin)
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'datenum';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    oldTimezone = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    try
+      results = [results utp_901];
+      results = [results utp_901];
+      results = [results utp_902];
+      results = [results utp_903];
+    catch ex
+      % restore preferences
+      rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_901
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the 'datenum' method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_901
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Create a time object and use datenum to produce a serial date number.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % construct a well known time object
+      t1 = time('1982-08-31 01:02:03 UTC');
+      n1 = datenum(t1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check that the returned value is the same as the one you get when
+      % using time/format with the same format string when converted using
+      % MATLAB's datestr() function.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(datestr(n1), t1.format('dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')))
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_902
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the 'datenum' method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_902
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Set the time-zone to UTC and create a time object and use datenum to
+    % produce a serial date number.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % set time zone to UTC
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+      % construct a well known time object
+      t1 = time('1982-08-31 01:02:03 UTC');
+      n1 = datenum(t1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check that the returned value is the same as the one you get when
+      % using time/format with the same format string when converted using
+      % MATLAB's datestr() function.
+      % </AlgoDescription>      
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(datestr(n1), t1.format('dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')))
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_903
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests 'double' method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_903
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Set the time-zone to PST and create a time object and use datenum to
+    % produce a serial date number.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % set time zone to PST
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('PST');
+      % construct a well known time object
+      t1 = time('1982-08-31 01:02:03 UTC');
+      n1 = datenum(t1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check that the returned value is the same as the one you get when
+      % using time/format with the same format string when converted using
+      % MATLAB's datestr() function.
+      % </AlgoDescription>      
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(datestr(n1), t1.format('dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')))
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_double.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Test the 'double' method of the time class.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% $Id: utp_time_double.m,v 1.2 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_double(varargin)
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'double';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    results = [results utp_901];
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_901
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests 'double' method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_901
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Use the double() method on single time objects and vectors of time
+    % objects.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % construct a well known time object
+      t1 = time('1970-01-01 00:00:12.345 UTC');
+      d1 = double(t1);
+      t2 = [t1 t1];
+      d2 = double(t2);
+      t3 = [t2; t2];
+      d3 = double(t3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check that double returns the expected numerical values for each
+      % case.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(d1 == 12.345);
+      assert(all(d2 == 12.345));
+      assert(all(size(d2) == size(t2)));
+      assert(all(all(d3 == 12.345)));
+      assert(all(size(d3) == size(t3)));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_format.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Test the 'format' method of the time class.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% NOTE: in this test we manipulate user preferences thus we should make
+% sure we restore the original user preferences at the end of the testing
+% $Id: utp_time_format.m,v 1.3 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_format(varargin)
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'format';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    oldTimezone   = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    oldTimeformat = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat);
+    % get preferences
+    try
+      results = [results utp_901];
+    catch ex
+      % restore preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+      rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_901
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests 'format' static method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_901
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Use the static format method to produce a number of time strings in
+    % different formats and for different time-zones.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % set time zone and time format in the toolbox preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('CET');
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat('yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
+      t = time('1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC');
+      str1 = t.format();
+      str2 = t.format('HH:MM:SS');
+      str3 = t.format('HH:MM:SS', 'JST');
+      % set time zone and time format in the toolbox preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat('yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
+      str4 = t.format();
+      str5 = t.format('HH:MM:SS');
+      str6 = t.format('HH:MM:SS', 'JST');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check that the returned strings match the expected strings.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(str1, '1970-01-01 01:00:00'));
+      assert(strcmp(str2, '01:00:00'));
+      assert(strcmp(str3, '09:00:00'));
+      assert(strcmp(str4, '1970-01-01 00:00:00'));
+      assert(strcmp(str5, '00:00:00'));
+      assert(strcmp(str6, '09:00:00'));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_minus.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Tests time object minus operator.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% $Id: utp_time_minus.m,v 1.2 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_minus(varargin)
+  global DEBUG
+  DEBUG = false;
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'minus';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    timezone = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    % set timezone to UTC to simplify testing
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+    % get preferences
+    try
+      results = [results utp_01];
+    catch ex
+      % restore preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(timezone);
+      rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(timezone);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object minus operator.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Compute the difference between time objects and doubles.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      t1 = time(2);
+      t2 = t1 - time(2);
+      t3 = t1 - 2;
+      t4 = t1 - '00:00:02';
+      t5 = 2 - t1;
+      t6 = '00:00:02' - t1;
+      t7 = t1 - [2 2];
+      t8 = [2; 2] - t1;
+      % </SyntaxCode>      
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting time objects have the correct values.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(double(t2) == 0);
+      assert(double(t3) == 0);
+      assert(double(t4) == 0);
+      assert(double(t5) == 0);
+      assert(double(t6) == 0);
+      assert(all(double(t7) == 0));
+      assert(all(size(t7) == [1, 2]))
+      assert(all(double(t8) == 0));
+      assert(all(size(t8) == [2, 1]))
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_parse.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Test the 'parse' static method of the time class.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% NOTE: in this test we manipulate user preferences thus we should make
+% sure we restore the original user preferences at the end of the testing
+% $Id: utp_time_parse.m,v 1.3 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_parse(varargin)
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'parse';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    oldTimezone   = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    try
+      results = [results utp_901];
+      results = [results utp_902];
+      results = [results utp_903];
+      results = [results utp_904];
+      results = [results utp_905];
+    catch ex
+      % restore preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+      rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_901
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests 'parse' static method with time string only.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_901
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Use parse() to parse different time strings with different time-zones
+    % set.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % set timezone to CET
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('CET');
+      msec1 = time.parse('1970-01-01 01:00:01');
+      msec2 = time.parse('1970-01-02');
+      msec3 = time.parse('01:00:01');
+      % set timezone to UTC
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+      msec4 = time.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01');
+      msec5 = time.parse('1970-01-02');
+      msec6 = time.parse('01:00:01');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if syntax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % time string is interpreted in the given timezone
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting millsecond values are the expected ones.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(msec1 == 1000);
+      assert(msec2 == 24*60*60*1000 - 60*60*1000)
+      assert(msec3 == 1000);
+      assert(msec4 == 1000);
+      assert(msec5 == 24*60*60*1000);
+      assert(msec6 == 1000 + 60*60*1000);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_902
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests 'parse' static method with time and format strings.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_902
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Use parse() to parse different time strings with different time-zones
+    % set. The time-string format is specified as a second input argument.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+      msec1 = time.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
+      msec2 = time.parse('1970,01,01 00,00,01', 'yyyy,mm,dd HH,MM,SS');
+      msec3 = time.parse('00/00/01', 'HH/MM/SS');
+      msec4 = time.parse('02/01/1970', 'dd/mm/yyyy');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if syntax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting millsecond values are the expected ones.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(msec1 == 1000);
+      assert(msec2 == 1000);
+      assert(msec3 == 1000);
+      assert(msec4 == 24*60*60*1000);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_903
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests 'parse' static method with time string and numeric format.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_903
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Use parse() to parse different time strings using the supported
+    % MATLAB numeric time formats.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+      % of the 31 formats supported by matlab it makes sense to support just a few
+      % the ones that contain date and time
+      fullfrmts = [ 0, 21, 30, 31 ];
+      % the ones that contain date
+      datefrmts = [ 1, 2, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29 ];
+      % the ones that contain time
+      timefrmts = [ 13, 14 ];
+      % the ones that contain time without seconds
+      hourfrmts = [ 15, 16 ];
+      t = datenum(2010,07,28,01,02,03);
+      for kk = [ fullfrmts, datefrmts, timefrmts, hourfrmts ]
+        msec(kk+1) = time.parse(datestr(t, kk), kk);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if syntax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting millsecond values against the result of parsing
+      % a time string. (See time/parse utp_902.)
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % we checked this before and we can trust this value
+      tmsec = time.parse('2010-07-28 01:02:03');
+      assert(all(msec(fullfrmts+1) == tmsec));
+      % we checked this before and we can trust this value
+      tmsec = time.parse('2010-07-28');
+      assert(all(msec(datefrmts+1) == tmsec));
+      % we checked this before and we can trust this value
+      tmsec = time.parse('01:02:03');
+      assert(all(msec(timefrmts+1) == tmsec));
+      % we checked this before and we can trust this value
+      tmsec = time.parse('01:02:00');
+      assert(all(msec(hourfrmts+1) == tmsec));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_904
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests 'parse' static method with time string containing timezone information.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_904
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Use parse() to parse different time strings which contain the
+    % time-zone.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % set timezone to UTC
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+      msec(1) = time.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC');
+      msec(2) = time.parse('1970-01-01 01:00:01 CET');
+      msec(3) = time.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01 +0000');
+      msec(4) = time.parse('1970-01-01 01:00:01 +0100');
+      % set timezone to CET
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('CET');
+      msec(5) = time.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC');
+      msec(6) = time.parse('1970-01-01 01:00:01 CET');
+      msec(7) = time.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01 +0000');
+      msec(8) = time.parse('1970-01-01 01:00:01 +0100');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if syntax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting millisecond value is the expected one.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(all(msec == 1000));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_905
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests 'parse' static method with time string and timezone specification.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_905
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Use parse() to parse different time strings when passing the
+    % time-zone as the third argument. The second argument (the format) is
+    % left empty.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % set timezone to UTC
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+      msec(1) = time.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01', '', 'UTC');
+      msec(2) = time.parse('1970-01-01 01:00:01', '', 'CET');
+      % set timezone to CET
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('CET');
+      msec(3) = time.parse('1970-01-01 00:00:01', '', 'UTC');
+      msec(4) = time.parse('1970-01-01 01:00:01', '', 'CET');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if syntax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting millisecond value is the expected one.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(all(msec == 1000));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_plus.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Tests time object plus operator.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% $Id: utp_time_plus.m,v 1.2 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_plus(varargin)
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'plus';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    timezone = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    % set timezone to UTC to simplify testing
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+    % get preferences
+    try
+      results = [results utp_101];
+    catch ex
+      % restore preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(timezone);
+      rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(timezone);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object plus operator.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_101
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Compute the sum of time objects and doubles.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      t1 = time(2);
+      t2 = t1 + time(2);
+      t3 = t1 + 2;
+      t4 = t1 + '00:00:02';
+      t5 = 2 + t1;
+      t6 = '00:00:02' + t1;
+      t7 = t1 + [2 2];
+      t8 = [2; 2] + t1;
+      % </SyntaxCode>      
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting time objects have the correct values.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(double(t2) == 4);
+      assert(double(t3) == 4);
+      assert(double(t4) == 4);
+      assert(double(t5) == 4);
+      assert(double(t6) == 4);
+      assert(all(double(t7) == 4));
+      assert(all(size(t7) == [1, 2]))
+      assert(all(double(t8) == 4));
+      assert(all(size(t8) == [2, 1]))
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Test the 'string' method of the time class.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% $Id: utp_time_string.m,v 1.2 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_string(varargin)
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    results = [results utp_901];
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_901
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the output of the 'string' method can be used to recreate the time object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_901
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Use string to convert a time object to a string. Use eval on the
+    % result to recreate a time object.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % create a time object
+      t1 = time();
+      % obtain its string representation
+      str = t1.string();
+      % recreate the object from the string
+      t2 = eval(str);
+      % </SyntaxCode>      
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % test that the original and the recreated object are the same
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the recreated time object matches the original.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(t1.utc_epoch_milli == t2.utc_epoch_milli);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_time.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Tests time object constructor.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% NOTE: in this test we manipulate user preferences thus we should make
+% sure we restore the original user preferences at the end of the testing
+% $Id: utp_time_time.m,v 1.5 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_time(varargin)
+  global DEBUG
+  DEBUG = false;
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'time';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    oldTimezone   = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    oldTimeformat = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat);
+    % set timezone to UTC to simplify testing
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+    % get preferences
+    try
+      results = [results utp_901];
+      results = [results utp_902];
+      results = [results utp_903];
+      results = [results utp_904];
+      results = [results utp_905];
+      results = [results utp_906];
+      results = [results utp_907];
+      results = [results utp_908];
+      results = [results utp_909];
+    catch ex
+      % restore preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+      rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_901
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor without arguments. Should return the current time.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_901
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with no inputs.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj = time();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % nothing to test here
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % No test can be done here since we don't know the time when the
+      % constructor is called. We could check that the resulting time is >
+      % 0, but that's not so useful.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_902
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor from numeric value.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_902
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with a numeric input (number of seconds
+    % since epoch).
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj = time(1234.5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % nothing to test here
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the time object has the expected millisecond value.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(obj.utc_epoch_milli == 1234.5*1000.0);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_903
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor from string.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_903
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with different time-string inputs.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj1 = time('1970-01-01 00:00:00');
+      obj2 = time('1970-01-01 00:01:00');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the time objects have the expected millisecond values.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assertEq(obj1.utc_epoch_milli, 0);
+      assertEq(obj2.utc_epoch_milli, 60*1000.0);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_904
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor from a cell array of strings.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_904
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with cell-array of time-strings.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj = time({'1970-01-01 00:00:00', '1970-01-01 00:01:00', '1970-01-01 00:02:00'});
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the time objects have the expected millisecond values.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(all(size(obj) == [1, 3]));
+      assert(all([obj.utc_epoch_milli] == [0 60 120]*1000.0));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_905
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor from plist with 'time' parameter.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_905
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with plist input. Check a plist with a
+    % numeric value and a plist with a time-string.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj1 = time(plist('time', 1234.5));
+      obj2 = time(plist('time', '1970-01-01 00:01:00'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the time objects have the expected millisecond values.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(obj1.utc_epoch_milli == 1234.5*1000.0);
+      assert(obj2.utc_epoch_milli == 60*1000.0);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_906
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor from plist with 'milliseconds' parameter
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_906
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with plist input using the 'millisecond'
+    % key.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj = time(plist('milliseconds', 1234.5));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the time object has the expected millisecond value.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assertEq(obj.utc_epoch_milli, 1234.5);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_907
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor from plist with more parameters.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_907
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with plist input containing the time
+    % string and the time-zone.
+    % key.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj1 = time(plist('time', '1970-01-01 01:01:00', 'timezone', 'UTC'));
+      obj2 = time(plist('time', '1970-01-01 01:01:00', 'timezone', 'CET'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the time objects have the expected millisecond values.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % time string is interpreted in the given timezone
+      assertEq(obj1.utc_epoch_milli, 61*60*1000.0);
+      assertEq(obj2.utc_epoch_milli, 60*1000.0);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_908
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor from structure.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_908
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with an input structure obtained from
+    % calling struct() on a time object.
+    % key.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      t = time(plist('time', '1970-01-01 00:01:00'));
+      w = warning('off', 'MATLAB:structOnObject');
+      s = struct(t);
+      warning(w);
+      obj = time(s);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the original and reconstructed time objects have the same
+      % millisecond value.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(obj.utc_epoch_milli == t.utc_epoch_milli);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_909
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests time object constructor from string and time format.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_909
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the time() constructor with an input time string and time format
+    % string.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      obj = time('1970-01-01 00:01:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting time object has the expected millisecond value.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assertEq(obj.utc_epoch_milli, 60*1000.0);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+function rv = assertEq(v1, v2)
+  global DEBUG
+  if v1 == v2
+    rv = true;
+  else
+    msg = sprintf('ERROR: assertEq: expected %e got %e\n', v2, v1);
+    if DEBUG
+      fprintf([msg '\n']);
+    end
+    error(msg);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_timeformat.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Tests time class 'timeformat' static property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% NOTE: in this test we manipulate user preferences thus we should make
+% sure we restore the original user preferences at the end of the testing
+% $Id: utp_time_timeformat.m,v 1.3 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_timeformat(varargin)
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'timeformat';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    oldTimezone   = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    oldTimeformat = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat);
+    % get preferences
+    try
+      results = [results utp_901];
+      results = [results utp_902];
+      results = [results utp_903];
+    catch ex
+      % restore preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+      rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_901
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the method really returns what is in the user preferences.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_901
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Check that the timeformat method runs without error.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      frmt = time.timeformat;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check that the returned value is the same as the one set in the
+      % user preferences.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(frmt, char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat)));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+      % rethrow(ex)
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_902
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Change user preferences and do it again.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_902
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Set the time string format in the preferences and check that the
+    % timeformat method runs without error.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat('HH:MM:SS');
+      frmt = time.timeformat;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check that the returned value is the same as the one set in the
+      % user preferences.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(frmt, char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat)));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+      % rethrow(ex)
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_903
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Change user preferences and do it again.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_903
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Set the time string format in the preferences and check that the
+    % timeformat method runs without error.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat('yyyy-mm-dd');
+      frmt = time.timeformat;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check that the returned value is the same as the one set in the
+      % user preferences.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(frmt, char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat)));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+      % rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/time/utp_time_timezone.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+% <MethodDescription>
+% Tests time class 'timezone' static property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+% NOTE: in this test we manipulate user preferences thus we should make
+% sure we restore the original user preferences at the end of the testing
+% $Id: utp_time_timezone.m,v 1.3 2011/04/28 07:06:27 hewitson Exp $
+function results = utp_time_timezone(varargin)
+  % check inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % some keywords
+    class   = 'time';
+    mthd    = 'timezone';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    oldTimezone   = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    oldTimeformat = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat);
+    % get preferences
+    try
+      results = [results utp_901];
+      results = [results utp_902];
+      results = [results utp_903];
+    catch ex
+      % restore preferences
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+      rethrow(ex);
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1
+    % check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_901
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the method really returns what is in the user preferences.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_901
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Call the static timezone method.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      tz = time.timezone;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting timezone object against the one in the user
+      % preferences.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(tz.getID(), char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone)));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+      % rethrow(ex)
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_902
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Change user preferences and do it again.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_902
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Set the timezone in the preferences then call the static timezone method.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('GMT-12:00');
+      tz = time.timezone;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting timezone object against the one in the user
+      % preferences.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(tz.getID(), char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone)));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch ex
+      atest = false;
+      % rethrow(ex)
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_903
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Change user preferences and do it again.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_903
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    % Set the timezone in the preferences then call the static timezone method.
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('GMT+06:00');
+      tz = time.timezone;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoDescription>
+      % Check the resulting timezone object against the one in the user
+      % preferences.
+      % </AlgoDescription>
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      assert(strcmp(tz.getID(), char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone)));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_bsubmit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_BSUBMIT a set of UTPs for the timespan/bsubmit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_bsubmit.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the timespan class submits a collection of objects
+% in binary form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_bsubmit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'bsubmit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_timespan_bsubmit: submit timespan';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_timespan_bsubmit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_timespan_bsubmit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the bsubmit method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(tsv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(tsv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(tsv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(tsv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(tsm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(tsm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(tsm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(tsm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(tsm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(tsm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(tsm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(ts1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the bsubmit method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(pl, tsm, iir, tsv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(tsm) + numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(tsm) + numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, tsm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, tsm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, tsm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, tsm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, tsm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, tsm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  tsv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, tsv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, tsv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe bsubmit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the bsubmit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = bsubmit(ts1, ts2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, ts2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, ts2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_char.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_CHAR a set of UTPs for the timespan/char method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_char.m,v 1.3 2009/07/28 13:17:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The char method of the timespan class converts the objects into one character string
+% which contains information of the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_char(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'char';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(tsv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each start time
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, 'start:')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(tsm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each start time
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, 'start:')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(ts5,ts4,ts3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each start time
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts5,ts4,ts3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, 'start:')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the char method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = char(ts4,tsv,ts2,tsm,ts1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each start time
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts4,reshape(tsv,1,[]),ts2,reshape(tsm,1,[]),ts1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, 'start:')), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the char method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method char doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_copy.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_COPY a set of UTPs for the timespan/copy method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_copy.m,v 1.3 2009/08/08 12:21:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The copy method of the timespan class copies the input object depending of the
+% second input.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_copy(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'copy';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 1, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 1, 3, ple2)]; 
+    results = [results utp_69(class, 2, 3, ple2)]; 
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_created.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_CREATED a set of UTPs for the timespan/created method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_created.m,v 1.2 2009/07/28 13:17:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The created method of the timespan returns a time object of the last
+% modification. For this uses the created method the 'proctime' property of
+% the last history step and computs from this value a timeobject.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_created(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'created';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test empty object
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(tsv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check the time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= tsv(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(tsm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check time-object
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= tsm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(ts1,ts2,ts3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if out(1).utc_epoch_milli ~= ts1.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(2).utc_epoch_milli ~= ts2.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      if out(3).utc_epoch_milli ~= ts3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method works with an input of matrices and
+    % vectors and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = created(ts1,tsv,ts2,tsm,ts3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin = [ts1,reshape(tsv,1,[]),ts2,reshape(tsm,1,[]),ts3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a time object
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(tsm)+numel(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if out(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= tsin(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the created method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = ts3.created;
+      out2 = tsm.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the single object
+      if out1.utc_epoch_milli ~= ts3.hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if out2(kk).utc_epoch_milli ~= tsm(kk).hist.proctime, atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the created method retruns always a well defined time object
+  % even for an empty input object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the created method with an empty 'TIMESPAN object
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts  = timespan();
+      out = ts.created;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a time object with a ell defined time.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'time'), atest = false; end
+      if isnan(out.utc_epoch_milli), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_creator.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_CREATED a set of UTPs for the timespan/creator method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_creator.m,v 1.2 2009/07/28 13:17:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The creator method of the timespan extract the creator(s)/modifier from
+% the  history. Depending to the input parameter returns this method all
+% creator/modifier or only the last creator/modifier.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_creator(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'creator';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with different creator/modifier
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test negative case for the option 'all'
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('option')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('option'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(tsv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = creator(tsm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      % Check creator
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(ts1,ts2,ts3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The creator method doesn't work with different shaped input objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+    try
+      creator(ts1,tsv,ts2,tsm,ts3);
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method properly applies history
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % This method doesn't change the input object, thus no history is added
+    % to the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to check.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the creator method can be used with the modify command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = ts3.creator;
+      out2 = tsm.creator;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the single object
+    % 2) Check the matrix object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      curr_creator = provenance();
+      % Check the single object
+      if ~strcmp(out1, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      % For a single object must be the the output a char string
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the matrix
+      for kk = 1:numel(out2)
+        if ~strcmp(out2{kk}, curr_creator.creator), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the creator method retruns all creator(s)/modifier(s) which
+  % are in the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method uses the option 'all' direct or in a
+    % plist. The test file must have the modifier 'first', 'second' and
+    % 'third'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Read object with different modifier
+      ts  = timespan('test_timespan_diff_creator.xml');
+      out1 = ts.creator;
+      out2 = ts.creator('all');
+      out3 = ts.creator(plist('option', 'all'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that out1 contains only one creator
+    % 2) Check that out2 contain more creator/modifier
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~ischar(out1), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out2), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('fist',   out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('second', out3), atest = false; end
+      if ~strmatch('third',  out3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the negative case for the option 'all'.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the creator method throws an error if the option 'all' is
+    % used in connection with a matrix/vector of TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      tsm.creator('all');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_display.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_DISPLAY a set of UTPs for the timespan/display method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_display.m,v 1.3 2009/07/28 13:17:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The display method of the timespan class prints defined values of an TIMESPAN object.
+% MATLAB calls display when it interprets an object that is not terminated
+% by a semicolon.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_display(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'display';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      tsv
+      out = display(tsv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsv)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, tsv(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      tsm
+      out = display(tsm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsm)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, tsm(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts5,ts4,ts3
+      out = display(ts5,ts4,ts3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts5,ts4,ts3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, tsin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the display method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects as.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = display(ts2,tsv,ts1,tsm,ts5);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contain at least each object name
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts2,reshape(tsv,1,[]),ts1,reshape(tsm,1,[]),ts5];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~iscell(out), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if isempty(strfind(out, tsin(kk).name)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the display method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method display doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to
+    % check the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_eq.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_EQ a set of UTPs for the timespan/eq method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_eq.m,v 1.12 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The eq() method of the timespan class ts1 == ts2 compares each element of an
+% ts object with the corresponding element of an second ts object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where ts1 and ts2 are equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are not equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_eq(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'eq';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test with the exception list 'endT'
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test with the exception list 'startT'
+    results = [results utp_12];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check number of SETS
+        if numel(io(2).sets) ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Exceptions'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('Tol'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Exceptions'), {}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('Tol'), eps(1)), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Exceptions'),   {{}}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('Tol'),    {eps(1)}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts = ts3.setName('my name');
+      tsv1 = [ts5, ts4, ts2, ts3];
+      tsv2 = [ts5, ts4, ts2, ts];
+      out1 = eq(tsv1, tsv1);
+      out2 = eq(tsv1, tsv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts = ts3.setName('my name');
+      tsm1 = [ts5, ts4, ts3, ts3, ts2, ts5];
+      tsm2 = [ts5, ts4, ts;  ts3, ts2, ts5];
+      out1 = eq(tsm1, tsm1);
+      out2 = eq(tsm1, tsm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the eq function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the eq method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The eq method doesn't change the TIMESPAN object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because ts is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ts3, 'my name');
+      out1 = eq(ts, ts3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(ts, ts3, 'name');
+      out3 = eqLocal(ts, ts3, 'timespan/name');
+      out4 = eq(ts.hist, ts3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'endt'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because ts is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts = testCallerIsMethod(@setEndT, ts3, time(1234));
+      out1 = eq(ts, ts3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(ts, ts3, 'endT');
+      out3 = eqLocal(ts, ts3, 'timespan/endT');
+      out4 = eq(ts.hist, ts3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list.
+  % With the LTPDA toolbox 2.0 it is only possible to test the exception list
+  % with properties where a public set method exist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the eq method with the exception 'startT'. Use the option 'internal'
+    % to suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because ts is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts = testCallerIsMethod(@setStartT, ts3, time(1234));
+      out1 = eq(ts, ts3);
+      out2 = eqLocal(ts, ts3, 'startT');
+      out3 = eqLocal(ts, ts3, 'timespan/startT');
+      out4 = eq(ts.hist, ts3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the eq method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the eq method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ts3, 'my name');
+      pl = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = eq(ts, ts3);
+      out2 = eq(ts, ts3, pl);
+      out3 = eq(ts, ts3, pl);
+      out4 = eq(ts.hist, ts3.hist);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out4 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  function res = eqLocal(obj1, obj2, ex)    
+      e = ple1.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      if ~iscell(e)
+        e = cellstr(e);
+      end
+      if ~iscell(ex)
+        ex = cellstr(ex);
+      end
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e, ex, {'interval', 'time_str'}]);
+      res = eq(obj1, obj2, ple);
+  end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_get.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_GET a set of UTPs for the timespan/get method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_get.m,v 1.3 2011/03/29 13:03:29 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The get method of the timespan class returns the value of an object
+% property. This is a very simple method which accepts only one timespan as
+% input thus are the most general units test not possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_get(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'get';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Algorithm test
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Algorithm test with a plist
+    results = [results utp_04];    % Negative test with more than one timespan
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('property'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('property')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('property'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the timespan class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property. Do this for all properties of the TIMESPAN object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts = timespan('2008-08-08 12:00:00', '2008-08-08 13:00:00');
+      out1 = get(ts, 'startT');
+      out2 = get(ts, 'endT');
+      out3 = get(ts, 'timeformat');
+      out4 = get(ts, 'timezone');
+      out5 = get(ts, 'interval');
+      out7 = get(ts, 'hist');
+      out8 = get(ts, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, ts.startT),          atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, ts.endT),            atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3, ts.timeformat), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, ts.timezone),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5, ts.interval),   atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, ts.hist),            atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out8,,       atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the get method works with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get returns returns the value of the specified
+    % property which is defined in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts  = timespan('2008-08-08 12:00:00', '2008-08-08 13:00:00');
+      pl1 = plist('property', 'startT');
+      pl2 = plist('property', 'endT');
+      pl3 = plist('property', 'timeformat');
+      pl4 = plist('property', 'timezone');
+      pl5 = plist('property', 'interval');
+      pl7 = plist('property', 'hist');
+      pl8 = plist('property', 'name');
+      out1 = get(ts, pl1);
+      out2 = get(ts, pl2);
+      out3 = get(ts, pl3);
+      out4 = get(ts, pl4);
+      out5 = get(ts, pl5);
+      out7 = get(ts, pl7);
+      out8 = get(ts, pl8);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the correct value of the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, ts.startT),          atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, ts.endT),            atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out3, ts.timeformat), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out4, ts.timezone),   atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out5, ts.interval),   atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out7, ts.hist),            atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(out8,,       atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests the get method of the timespan class.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the get throws an error if the input are more than
+    % one TIMESPAN object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts  = timespan('2008-08-08 12:00:00', '2008-08-08 13:00:00');
+      out = get([ts, ts], 'name');
+      stest = false;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_index.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_INDEX a set of UTPs for the timespan/index method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_index.m,v 1.4 2009/07/28 17:12:38 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The index method of the timespan class index into a TIMESPAN vector or
+% matrix. This properly captures the history.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_index(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'index';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with plist
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test select more objects with an index
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('i'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('j'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('i')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(3).plists.find('j')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('i'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('j'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 2 3 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objvec = [ts1, ts2, ts3];
+      out1 = objvec.index(1);
+      out2 = objvec.index(3);
+      out3 = objvec.index(1,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, ts1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, ts3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, ts2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input. The following indexing should work:
+    % I = [ 1 3 5 ] or (I/J) = [(1,1), (1,2), (1,3)]
+    %     [ 2 4 6 ]            [(2,1), (2,2), (2,3)]
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      objmat = [ts1, ts2, ts3; ...
+                ts4, ts5, ts6];
+      out1 = objmat.index(5);
+      out2 = objmat.index(4);
+      out3 = objmat.index(1,2);
+      out4 = objmat.index(2,1);
+      out5 = objmat.index(2,2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the index method selects the correct object.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out1, ts3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, ts5, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3, ts2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4, ts4, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out5, ts5, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The index method doesn't work for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input. 
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = index(ts1,ts2,ts3, 4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of index have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 2;
+      j = 3;
+      objmat = [ts1, ts2, ts3; ...
+                ts3, ts1, ts2];
+      out  = index(objmat, i, j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds
+    %    to 'index'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'index'), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the index method works for the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = 1;
+      j = 1;
+      objmat = [ts1, ts2, ts3; ...
+                ts3, ts1, ts2];
+      out1 = index(objmat, i, j);
+      out2 = objmat.index(i,j);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, ts1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if pl.find('i') ~= i, atest = false; end
+      if pl.find('j') ~= j, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, ts1, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method can be controled with a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i1 = 6;
+      i2 = 1;
+      j2 = 3;
+      objmat = [ts1, ts2, ts3; ...
+                ts3, ts1, ts2];
+      pl1 = plist('i', i1);
+      pl2 = plist('i', i2, 'j', j2);
+      out1 = index(objmat, pl1);
+      out2 = index(objmat, pl2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i1), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1, ts2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2.hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i2), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), j2), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2, ts3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the index method selects more objects if I have more indices.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      i = [2 6];
+      objmat = [ts1, ts2, ts3; ...
+                ts3, ts1, ts2];
+      pl = plist('i', i);
+      out1 = objmat.index(i);
+      out2 = objmat.index(pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+    % 2) Check that the index method selects the correct object
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out1(1).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out1(1), ts3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1(2), ts2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the history-plist contains the used indices.
+      pl = out2(2).hist.plistUsed;
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('i'), i), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(pl.find('j'), []), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the index method selects the correct object
+      if ~eq(out2(1), ts3, ple3), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2(2), ts2, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_isprop.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_ISPROP a set of UTPs for the timespan/isprop method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_isprop.m,v 1.5 2011/03/29 13:13:33 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The isprop method of the timespan class determine whether input is object property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_isprop(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'isprop';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test negative case
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(tsv, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(tsm, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(ts5,ts4,ts3, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works with a mix of different shaped
+  % TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = isprop(ts5,tsv,ts4,tsm,ts3, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(tsm)+numel(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output
+      if ~all(out), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method isprop doesn't change the object, thus it is not necessary to
+    % apply history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the isprop method works for each property.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method works for the properties:
+    % startT', 'endT', 'timeformat', 'timezone', 'interval'
+    % 'hist' and 'name'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ts5 to work with
+      out1  = isprop(ts5, 'startT');
+      out2  = isprop(ts5, 'endT');
+      out3  = isprop(ts5, 'timeformat');
+      out4  = isprop(ts5, 'timezone');
+      out5  = isprop(ts5, 'interval');
+      out7  = isprop(ts5, 'hist');
+      out8  = isprop(ts5, 'name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~out1,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out2,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out4,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out5,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out7,  atest = false; end;
+      if ~out8,  atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the negative case and the not function command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the isprop method retrun false for a unknown property and for
+    % methods of the object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = isprop(ts2, 'foo');
+      out2 = ts2.isprop('foo');
+      out3 = ts2.isprop('name');
+      out4 = ts2.isprop('type');
+      out5 = ts2.isprop('char');
+      out6 = ts2.isprop('creator');
+      out7 = ts2.isprop('created');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1, atest = false; end;
+      if out2, atest = false; end;
+      if ~out3, atest = false; end;
+      if out4, atest = false; end;
+      if out5, atest = false; end;
+      if out6, atest = false; end;
+      if out7, atest = false; end;
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_loadobj.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_LOADOBJ a set of UTPs for the timespan/loadobj method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_loadobj.m,v 1.2 2009/01/08 16:46:24 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The loadobj method of the timespan class will be automatically called by
+% MATLAB if an older object is not compatible with the current object structure.
+% This happens only for objects which are stored as a MATLAB formatted
+% (MAT-file). The load mechanism for XML formated files calls always the
+% 'update_struct' method to keep the stored objects up to date. The
+% 'update_struct' method convert the read object structure to the object
+% structure which is used in the currend LTPDA version.
+% This UTP will load old objects which are stored with an older LTPDA version.
+% REMARK: Since LTPDA version 1.9.2 will be an object which should be saved as a
+%         MAT file stored as a struct and not as the object.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_loadobj(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'loadobj';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Get all .MAT and .XML files
+      path = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)), '..', '..', 'utp_test_files');
+      matfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.mat');
+      xmlfiles = utils.prog.filescan(path, '.xml');
+      % Load .MAT files
+      obj_no = 1;
+      for ii=1:numel(matfiles)
+        fn = matfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = timespan(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % Load .XML files
+      for ii=1:numel(xmlfiles)
+        fn = xmlfiles{ii};
+        [path, name] = fileparts(fn);
+        cl = strtok(name, '_');
+        if strcmp(cl, class)
+          objs(obj_no).fname = name;
+          objs(obj_no).obj  = timespan(fn);
+          obj_no = obj_no+1;
+        end
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the shape of the loaded objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      for ii = 1:numel(objs)
+        obj   = objs(ii).obj;
+        fname = objs(ii).fname;
+        if ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_vec'))
+          % Loaded object must be a vector
+          if ~isvector(obj),  atest = false; end
+        elseif ~isempty(strfind(fname, '_mat'))
+          % Loaded object must be a matrix
+          % REMARK: Known error in LTPDA version 1.9.2
+          %         A saved matrix doesn't keep the shape of the matrix.
+          if isempty(strfind(fname, '_192'))
+            if ~(size(obj,1) > 1 && size(obj,2) > 1), atest = false; end
+          end
+        else
+          % Loaded object must be a single object
+          if ~(size(obj,1) == 1 && size(obj,2) == 1), 
+            atest = false; end
+        end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_ne.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_NE a set of UTPs for the timespan/ne method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_ne.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The ne() method of the timespan class ts1 ~= ts2 compares each element of an
+% timespan object with the corresponding element of an second ts object and returns
+% a logical 1 (true) where ts1 and ts2 are not equal, or logical 0 (false)
+% where they are equal.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_ne(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'ne';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test with the exception list 'name'
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test exception list in a plist
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts   = ts3.setName('my name');
+      tsv1 = [ts5, ts4, ts2, ts3];
+      tsv2 = [ts5, ts4, ts2, ts];
+      out1 = ne(tsv1, tsv1);
+      out2 = ne(tsv1, tsv2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Test the positive and the negative case.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts   = ts3.setName('my name');
+      tsm1 = [ts5, ts4, ts3, ts3, ts2, ts5];
+      tsm2 = [ts5, ts4, ts;  ts3, ts2, ts5];
+      out1 = ne(tsm1, tsm1);
+      out2 = ne(tsm1, tsm2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output of the ne function.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the ne method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The ne method doesn't change the TIMESPAN object, thus will no history added.
+    % Nothing to do
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list.
+  % The function timespan/ne use the function timespan/eq so it is not
+  % necessary to check all possibilities of the exception list.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test the ne method with the exception 'name'. Use the option 'internal' to
+    % suppress the history. It is necessary to add 'created' to the exception
+    % list because ts is created at an other time.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ts3, 'my name');
+      out1 = ne(ts, ts3);
+      out2 = ne(ts, ts3, 'name',          'created', 'UUID');
+      out3 = ne(ts, ts3, 'timespan/name', 'created', 'UUID');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Test the ne method with an exception list which is in a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the ne method uses the exception list in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts  = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, ts3, 'my name');
+      pl   = plist('Exceptions', {'name', 'created', 'UUID'});
+      out1 = ne(ts, ts3);
+      out2 = ne(ts, ts3, pl);
+      out3 = ne(ts, ts3, pl);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the shape of the output data
+      if out1 ~= 1, atest = false; end
+      if out2 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      if out3 ~= 0, atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_rebuild.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_REBUILD a set of UTPs for the timespan/timespan method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_rebuild.m,v 1.3 2009/07/28 13:17:23 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The rebuild method of the timespan class rebuilds the input objects using the
+% history. This method is also intensively tested in the most other UTPs.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_rebuild(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'rebuild';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the output
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(tsv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~isa(out, 'timespan'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsv)
+        if eq(out(kk), tsv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(tsm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'timespan'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsm)
+        if eq(out(kk), tsm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(ts5,ts4,ts3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts5,ts4,ts3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'timespan'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if eq(out(kk), tsin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the rebuild method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = rebuild(ts4,tsv,ts2,tsm,ts1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts4,reshape(tsv,1,[]),ts2,reshape(tsm,1,[]),ts1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~isa(out, 'timespan'), atest = false; end;
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if eq(out(kk), tsin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the rebuild method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method rebuild doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the rebuild method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = rebuild(ts1, ts2);
+      o3  = rebuild(ts1, ts2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, ts1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, ts2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, [ts1 ts2], ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_save.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_SAVE a set of UTPs for the timespan/save method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_save.m,v 1.6 2010/09/06 08:05:40 hewitson Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The save method of the timespan class saves a timespan object to disk. Save stores
+% the variables in a MATLAB formatted file (MAT-file) named filename.mat or in a
+% XML fromat named filename.xml
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_save(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'save';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Test plist contains the filename
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('prefix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('postfix'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('individual files'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('filename'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('prefix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('postfix'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('individual files'), false), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {[]}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(tsv, 'test.xml');
+      save(tsv, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = timespan('test.xml');
+      out2 = timespan('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'tsv'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(tsv(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(tsv(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(tsm, 'test.xml');
+      save(tsm, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = timespan('test.xml');
+      out2 = timespan('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in 'tsm'
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out1), size(tsm)), atest = false; end
+      if ~isequal(size(out2), size(tsm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(tsm(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(tsm(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    % Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(ts5, ts4, ts3, 'test.xml');
+      save(ts5, ts4, ts3, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = timespan('test.xml');
+      out2 = timespan('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out1' and 'out2' are the same
+    %    as in the list
+    % 2) Check that the loaded objects are the same as the saved objects.
+    % 3) The outputs 'out1' and 'out2' must be the same except.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts5, ts4, ts3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(tsin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(tsin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects. Test both formats 'xml' and 'mat'.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      save(ts5,tsv,ts4, 'test.xml');
+      save(ts5,tsv,ts4, 'test.mat');
+      out1 = timespan('test.xml');
+      out2 = timespan('test.mat');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output TIMESPAN object contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts5, reshape(tsv, 1, []), ts4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out1) ~= 2+numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(out2) ~= 2+numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      for kk=1:numel(out1)
+        if ~eq(tsin(kk), out1(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+        if ~eq(tsin(kk), out2(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the save method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file. Do this for both extensions 'mat' and 'xml'
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = save(ts2,  'test.xml');
+      out2 = save(ts4, 'test.mat');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the history applies to the output object. Check that
+    %    save doesn't add a history step to the input object.
+    % 2) Check that the read object doesn't contain the save + load history steps.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % The last history step is not the save method
+      if ~eq(out1, ts2, ple1),  atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, ts4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete('test.xml')
+      delete('test.mat')
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the save method works with the modify command.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Use the save method with the modifier command.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ts5 to work with
+      ts_mat = timespan(ts5);
+      ts_xml = timespan(ts5);
+      out1 = timespan('test.mat');
+      out2 = timespan('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't apply the history.
+    % 2) Check the output against the input.
+    % 3) Check the history of the output against the input.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(ts_mat, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ts_xml, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Control the method with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the save method uses the filename which is stored in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl1 = plist('filename', 'test.mat');
+      pl2 = plist('filename', 'test.xml');
+      save(ts5, pl1);
+      save(ts5, pl2);
+      out1 = timespan('test.mat');
+      out2 = timespan('test.xml');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(ts5, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(ts5, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Compare the outputs
+      if ~eq(out1, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete('test.xml');
+      delete('test.mat');
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_setEndT.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_SETENDT a set of UTPs for the timespan/setEndT method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_setEndT.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setEndT method of the timespan class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_setEndT(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'setEndT';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Use different inputs (char, time-objects, double)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('endt'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('endt')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('endt'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setEndT method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setEndT method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setEndT(tsv, time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).endT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setEndT method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setEndT method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setEndT(tsm, time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).endT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setEndT method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setEndT method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setEndT(ts5,ts4,ts3, time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).endT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).endT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).endT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setEndT method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setEndT method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setEndT(ts5,tsv,ts4,tsm,ts3, time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(tsm)+numel(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).endT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setEndT method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setEndT method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setEndT(timespan(ts5), time(12345));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setEndT, timespan(ts5), time(12345));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setEndT'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setEndT'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setEndT') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('endT', time(12345)), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('endT', time(12345)), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, timespan(ts5), ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setEndT method can modify the input TIMESPAN object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setEndT method can modify the input TIMESPAN object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ts5 to work with
+      ain = timespan(ts5);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setEndT(time(12345));
+      ain.setEndT(time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ts5' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setEndT modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(timespan(ts5), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setEndT doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.endT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setEndT method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setEndT method can modify the property 'endT'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('endT', time(12345));
+      out = ts5.setEndT(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'endT'
+      if ~eq(out.endT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setEndT method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setEndT(ts5, ts2, time(12345));
+      o3  = setEndT(ts5, ts2, time(12345));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setEndT method accept different inputs.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setEndT method accept input of double, char and
+    % time-objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      o1 = setEndT(ts5, time(54321));
+      o2 = setEndT(ts5, '14:00:00');
+      o3 = setEndT(ts5, 54321);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if ~eq(o1.endT, time(54321),      ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2.endT, time('14:00:00'), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3.endT, time(54321),      ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_setName.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_SETNAME a set of UTPs for the timespan/setName method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_setName.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setName method of the timespan class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_setName(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'setName';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('name'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(tsv, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(tsm, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(ts5,ts4,ts3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~strcmp(out(1).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(2).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out(3).name, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setName(ts5,tsv,ts4,tsm,ts3, 'my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(tsm)+numel(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).name, 'my name'), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setName method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setName(timespan(ts5), 'my name');
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setName, timespan(ts5), 'my name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setName'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('name', 'my name'), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      e = ple2.find('EXCEPTIONS');
+      ple = plist('EXCEPTIONS', [e {'name'}]);
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can modify the input TIMESPAN object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the input TIMESPAN object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ts5 to work with
+      ain = timespan(ts5);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setName('my name');
+      ain.setName('my name');
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ts5' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setName modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(timespan(ts5), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setName doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setName method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setName method can modify the property 'name'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('name', 'my name');
+      out = ts5.setName(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'name'
+      if ~strcmp(, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setName method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setName(ts5, ts2, 'new name');
+      o3  = setName(ts5, ts2, 'new name');
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_setStartT.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_SETSTARTT a set of UTPs for the timespan/setStartT method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_setStartT.m,v 1.6 2011/04/19 18:14:02 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The setStartT method of the timespan class sets the name property.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_setStartT(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'setStartT';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Test the modify call works
+    results = [results utp_08];    % Set the property with a plist
+    results = [results utp_09];    % Test output of the data
+    results = [results utp_10];    % Use different inputs (char, time-objects, double)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 1, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('startt'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('startt')), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('startt'), {''}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setStartT method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setStartT method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setStartT(tsv, time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsv'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).startT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setStartT method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setStartT method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setStartT(tsm, time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in 'tsm'
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if ~isequal(size(out), size(tsm)), atest = false; end
+      % Check name field of each output
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).startT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setStartT method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setStartT method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setStartT(ts5,ts4,ts3, time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check each output against the input
+      if ~eq(out(1).startT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(2).startT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out(3).startT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setStartT method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setStartT method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = setStartT(ts5,tsv,ts4,tsm,ts3, time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same as in
+    %    input.
+    % 2) Check that each output contains the correct data.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= (3+numel(tsm)+numel(tsv)), atest = false; end
+      for kk=1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk).startT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; break; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setStartT method properly applies history and that the
+  % option 'internal' suppresses the history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the setStartT method can be processed back
+    % to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = setStartT(timespan(ts5), time(12345));
+      out2 = testCallerIsMethod(@setStartT, timespan(ts5), time(12345));
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out1' corresponds to
+    %    'setStartT'.
+    % 2) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out2' NOT corresponds to
+    %    'setStartT'.
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out1'
+      if ~(strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setStartT') && ...
+          eq(out1.hist.plistUsed, plist('STARTT', time(12345)), ple1))
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out2'
+      if eq(out2.hist.plistUsed, plist('startT', time(12345)), ple1)
+        atest = false;
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, timespan(ts5), ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setStartT method can modify the input TIMESPAN object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setStartT method can modify the input TIMESPAN object
+    % by calling with no output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % copy ts5 to work with
+      ain = timespan(ts5);
+      % modify ain
+      aout = ain.setStartT(time(12345));
+      ain.setStartT(time(12345));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ts5' and 'ain' are now different.
+    % 2) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that setStartT modified the input by comparing to the copy
+      if eq(timespan(ts5), ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that setStartT doesn't modified the input for the function notation
+      if ~eq(aout, ain, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the modified object contains the changed value
+      if ~eq(ain.startT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the setStartT method can set the property with a plist.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setStartT method can modify the property 'startT'
+    % with a value in a plist.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('startT', time(12345));
+      out = ts5.setStartT(pl);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that 'ain' has the correct name field
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the field 'startT'
+      if ~eq(out.startT, time(12345), ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setStartT method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single output
+    % variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [o1, o2] = setStartT(ts5, ts2, time(12345));
+      o3  = setStartT(ts5, ts2, time(12345));
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the setStartT method accept different inputs.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the setStartT method accept input of double, char and
+    % time-objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      o1 = setStartT(ts5, time(54321));
+      o2 = setStartT(ts5, '14:00:00');
+      o3 = setStartT(ts5, 54321);
+      mout1 = rebuild(o1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(o2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(o3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the output
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if ~eq(o1.startT, time(54321),      ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2.startT, time('14:00:00'), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3.startT, time(54321),      ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilding of the object
+      if ~eq(o1, mout1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, mout2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3, mout3, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_string.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_STRING a set of UTPs for the timespan/string method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_string.m,v 1.2 2009/07/28 13:17:24 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The string method of the timespan class writes a command string that can be
+% used to recreate the input object(s). But the object must be created with a
+% plist.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_string(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'string';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    pl1 = plist('timezone', 'PST', 'timeformat', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'startT', time(1234), 'endT', time(12345));
+    ts1 = timespan(pl1);
+    pl2 = plist('startT', '14:00:00', 'endT', '15:15:00');
+    ts2 = timespan(pl2);
+    tsv = [ts1, ts2, ts1];
+    tsm = [ts1, ts2, ts1; ts1, ts2, ts1];
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    results = [results utp_07];    % Negative test: The object have more than one history step.
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 0, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        % Check default value
+        % Check options
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(tsv);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end;
+      if ~isa(rout, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsv)
+        if eq(rout(kk), tsv(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(tsm);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsm)
+        if eq(rout(kk), tsm(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(ts1,ts2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts1, ts2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(tsin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), tsin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the string method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = string(ts1,tsm,ts2);
+      rout = eval(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output is a executable string.
+    % 2) Check the correct number of rout
+    % 3) Check the rebuild objects.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts1, reshape(tsm, 1, []), ts2];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      if ~ischar(out), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(rout, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if numel(rout) ~= numel(tsin), atest = false; end
+      for kk = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if eq(rout(kk), tsin(kk)), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the string method doesn't work if the TIMESPAN object have more
+  % than one history step.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method string throws an error because the input object have more than
+    % one history step.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts3  = timespan(3000, 5000);
+      ts3.setName('Second history step');
+      out = ts3.string();
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = false;
+    catch err
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_submit.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_SUBMIT a set of UTPs for the timespan/submit method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_submit.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The bsubmit method of the timespan class submits a collection of objects
+% in XML form to an LTPDA Repository. The type of the objects are
+% independent.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_submit(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'submit';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_timespan_submit: submit timespan';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_timespan_submit: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_timespan_submit>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test output of the data
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 16, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('sinfo filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('sinfo filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the submit method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(tsv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(tsv, [robjs1{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(tsv, [robjs2{:}]), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(tsv, [robjs3{:}]), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects
+    % as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(tsm, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3), ids(4), ids(5), ids(6));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      if ~eq(tsm, reshape([robjs1{:}], size(tsm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(tsm, reshape([robjs2{:}], size(tsm))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(tsm, reshape([robjs3{:}], size(tsm))), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the submit method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(ts1, pl, iir, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      robjs3 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids(1), ids(2), ids(3));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs3) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~eq(robjs2{1}, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs2{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs3
+      if ~eq(robjs3{1}, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{3}, pl), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs3{2}, iir), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the abs method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN
+  % objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the submit method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as
+    % input. Use for this a mix of different object types.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      pl  = plist('key1', 'val', 'key2', 2);
+      iir = miir(plist('type', 'highpass'));
+      [ids, cids] = submit(pl, tsm, iir, tsv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      robjs1 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      robjs2 = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the number of retrieved objects.
+    % 2) Check that the retrieved object is the same as the submitted
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(robjs1) ~= 2 + numel(tsm) + numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      if numel(robjs2) ~= 2 + numel(tsm) + numel(tsv), atest = false; end
+      % Check the retrieved object against the submitted
+      % Check robjs1
+      if ~eq(robjs1{1}, tsm(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{2}, tsm(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{3}, tsm(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{4}, tsm(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{5}, tsm(5)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{6}, tsm(6)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{7}, iir), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{8},  tsv(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{9}, tsv(2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{10}, tsv(3)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(robjs1{11}, pl), atest = false; end
+      % Check robjs2
+      if ~isequalwithequalnans(robjs1, robjs2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tthe submit method properly applies history.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Nothing to test.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Check that the submit method pass back the output objects to a list of
+  % output variables or to a single variable.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Call the method with a list of output variables and with a single
+    % output variable. Additionaly check that the rebuild method works on
+    % the output.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      [ids, cids] = submit(ts1, ts2, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      [o1, o2] = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      o3  = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'Collection', cids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the output contains the right number of objects
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the number of outputs
+      if numel(o1) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o2) ~=1, atest = false; end
+      if numel(o3) ~=2, atest = false; end
+      % Check the output
+      if ~eq(o1, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o2, ts2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{1}, ts1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(o3{2}, ts2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_timespan.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1269 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_TIMESPAN a set of UTPs for the timespan/timespan method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_timespan.m,v 1.31 2011/09/29 13:46:19 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The timespan method of the timespan class constructs TIMESPAN objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_timespan(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'timespan';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % get preferences
+    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+    oldTimezone   = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimeTimezone);
+    oldTimeformat = char(prefs.getTimePrefs.getTimestringFormat);
+    % set timezone to UTC for all tests
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone('UTC');
+    try
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_00];
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+      results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+      results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working with empty constructor
+      results = [results utp_07];    % Test history is working with copy constructor
+      results = [results utp_08];    % Test history is working with MAT file constructor
+      results = [results utp_09];    % Test history is working with XML file constructor
+      results = [results utp_10];    % Test history is working with struct constructor
+      results = [results utp_11];    % Test history is working with plist(filename) constructor
+      results = [results utp_12];    % Test history is working with plist(hostname) constructor
+      results = [results utp_13];    % Test history is working with plist(startT+endT) constructor
+      results = [results utp_15];    % Test history is working with start + end time constructor
+      results = [results utp_16];    % Test history is working with conn+Id constructor
+      results = [results utp_17];    % Test history is working with start + end time + format constructor
+    catch ex
+    end
+    % restore preferences
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimeTimezone(oldTimezone);
+    prefs.getTimePrefs.setTimestringFormat(oldTimeformat);
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    elseif strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'needs repository')
+      results = 2;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_00
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan constructor does what is supposed to do.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_00
+    stest = false;
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      ts(1) = timespan(1, 2);
+      ts(end+1) = timespan('00:00:01', '00:00:02');
+      ts(end+1) = timespan(time(1), time(2));
+      ts(end+1) = timespan(plist('startT', 1, 'endT', 2));
+      ts(end+1) = timespan(plist('startT', '00:00:01', 'endT', '00:00:02'));
+      ts(end+1) = timespan(plist('startT', time(1), 'endT', time(2)));
+      ts(end+1) = timespan(plist('startT', '00:00:01', 'endT', '00:00:02'));
+      ts(end+1) = timespan(plist('startT', '01:00:01', 'endT', '01:00:02', 'timezone', 'CET'));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    end
+    atest = true;
+    try
+      % do not run algorithm tests if sintax tests failed
+      assert(stest);
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check that all the start and end time has been interpreted correctly
+      tstart = [ts.startT];
+      assert(all([tstart.utc_epoch_milli] == 1000));
+      tend = [ts.endT];
+      assert(all([tend.utc_epoch_milli] == 2000));
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    catch
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From XML File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From MAT File')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Repository')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Timespan Definition')), atest = false; end
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'From Built-in Model')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        pn = 3;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 3, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From MAT File'
+        pn = 4;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From XML File'
+        pn = 5;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Repository'
+        pn = 6;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 10, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('id'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('cid'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('id')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('cid')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('binary'), 'yes'), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Built-in Model'
+        pn = 7;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 4, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('built-in'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('built-in')), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'From Timespan Definition'
+        pn = 8;
+        if io(pn).plists.nparams ~= 7, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('name'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('plotinfo'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('startt'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('endt'),   atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('timezone'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(pn).plists.isparam('timeformat'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('name')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(pn).plists.find('description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyDouble(io(pn).plists.find('plotinfo')), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(io(pn).plists.find('startt'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~strcmp(io(pn).plists.find('endt'), ''), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('timezone'), 'UTC'), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(pn).plists.find('timeformat'), ''), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timespan method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = timespan(tsv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output TIMESPANs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output TIMESPAN is a copy of the input TIMESPAN.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct shape
+      if size(out) ~= size(tsv), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(tsv(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(tsv(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(tsv(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timespan method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out  = timespan(tsm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the shape of the output TIMESPANs is the same as the input shape.
+    % 2) Check that each output TIMESPAN is a copy of the input TIMESPAN.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if size(out) ~= size(tsm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(tsm(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(tsm(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(tsm(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timespan method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = timespan(ts5, ts4, ts3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output TIMESPAN is a copy of the input TIMESPAN.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin = [ts5, ts4, ts3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3, atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(tsin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(tsin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(tsin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPANs as
+  % input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the timespan method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPANs as
+    % input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out   = timespan(ts5,tsv,ts2,tsm,ts4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the number of elements in 'out' is the same of the
+    %    number in the input.
+    % 2) Check that each output TIMESPAN is a copy of the input TIMESPAN.
+    % 3) Check that the copy have an additional history step.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin = [ts5, reshape(tsv, 1, []), ts2, reshape(tsm, 1, []), ts4];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check we have the correct number of outputs
+      if numel(out) ~= 3+numel(tsv)+numel(tsm), atest = false; end
+      % Check that the output is a copy.
+      for ii = 1:numel(out)
+        % Check that the output is the same except the history
+        if ~eq(tsin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+        % Check the history
+        if ~eq(tsin(ii).hist, out(ii).hist.inhists), atest = false; end
+        % Change the output to make sure that it is a 'real' copy
+        out(ii).setDescription('my desc');
+        if eq(tsin(ii), out(ii), ple3), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the result of applying the timespan method can be processed back.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out = timespan(ts4);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timespan'.
+    % 2) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
+  %% UTP_07
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the copy constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_07
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    % Test the constructor with a different number of inputs.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = timespan(ts5);
+      out2 = timespan(ts5, ts4);
+      out3 = timespan(ts5, ts4, ts3);
+      out1.setName('my name');
+      out2(1).setName('my name');
+      out2(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(1).setName('my name');
+      out3(2).setName('my name');
+      out3(3).setName('my name');
+      mout = rebuild(out1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timespan'.
+    % 2) Check that the original objects are not changed by the setter function
+    % 3) Check that the method rebuild produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      % It is the method 'setName' because we set it in above
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check next to the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.inhists.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the originals
+      if strcmp(ts5, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(ts4, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      if strcmp(ts3, 'my name'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_07
+  %% UTP_08
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the read
+  % MAT-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_08
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'test_ts.mat';
+      ts = timespan(ts4);
+      save(ts, filename);
+      out  = timespan(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(out, ts, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_08
+  %% UTP_09
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the read
+  % XML-file constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_09
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename = 'test_ts.xml';
+      amat = timespan(tsm);
+      save(amat, filename);
+      out  = timespan(filename);
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+      rethrow(err);
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the algorithm
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(out(kk), amat(kk), ple1), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~eq(mout(kk), out(kk), ple2), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      delete(filename);
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_09
+  %% UTP_10
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the struct constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_10
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the 'rebuild' method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % silence warnings about converting objects to struct
+      w = warning('off', 'MATLAB:structOnObject');
+      sts5          = struct(ts5);
+      sts5.startT   = struct(ts5.startT);
+      sts5.endT     = struct(ts5.endT);
+      sts5.hist     = struct(ts5.hist);
+      out1 = timespan(struct(ts5));
+      out2 = timespan(sts5);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      % restore warnings
+      warning(w);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out'
+    %    corresponds to 'timespan'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check that the output is a TIMESPAN object
+      if ~isa(out1,'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~isa(out2,'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'setName'), atest = false; end
+      % Check the rebuilt object
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_10
+  %% UTP_11
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the timespan method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(filename) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_11
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back to an m-file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      filename1 = 'test_ts.xml';
+      filename2 = 'test_ts.mat';
+      f1 = timespan(ts5);
+      f2 = timespan(ts4);
+      save(f1, filename1);
+      save(f2, filename2);
+      out1 = timespan(plist('filename', filename1));
+      out2 = timespan(plist('filename', filename2));
+      mout1 = out1.rebuild;
+      mout2 = out2.rebuild;
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the save method doesn't change the input object
+    % 2) Check that the last two entries in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timespan' and 'save'
+    % 3) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the input object
+      if ~eq(f1, timespan(ts5), ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(f2, timespan(ts4), ple1) , atest = false; end
+      % The load doesn't have two additionally history steps (save + load)
+      if ~eq(out1, f1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2, f2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple2), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple2), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+      % delete test file
+      delete(filename1)
+      delete(filename2)
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_11
+  %% UTP_12
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(conn) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_12
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    conn = utpGetConnection
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_timespan_timespan_12: submit timespan vector';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_timespan_timespan_12: &description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_timespan_timespan_12>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      ids = submit(tsv, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out  = timespan(plist('hostname', utpGetHostname, 'database', utpGetDatabase, 'conn', conn, 'id', ids));
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timespan'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      for kk = 1:numel(out)
+        if ~strcmp(out(kk).hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out, tsv, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_12
+  %% UTP_13
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to the
+  % plist(type) constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_13
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      tf  = 'HH:MM:SS.FFF';
+      tz  = 'GMT-04';
+      pl1 = plist('startT', time(1), 'endT', 2);
+      pl2 = plist('startT', '00:01:00.000', 'endT', '00:02:00.000', 'timezone', tz);
+      pl3 = plist('startT', '00:00:00.000', 'endT', 2, 'timeformat', tf);
+      out1 = timespan(pl1);
+      out2 = timespan(pl2);
+      out3 = timespan(pl3);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+      % rethrow(err)
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timespan'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      % Check first plist
+      if ~eq(out1.startT, time(1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.endT,   time(2)), atest = false; end
+      % Check second plist
+      if ~eq(out2.startT, time(plist('time', '00:01:00', 'timezone', tz))), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.endT,   time(plist('time', '00:02:00', 'timezone', tz))), atest = false; end
+      % Check third plist
+      if ~eq(out3.startT, time(0)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.endT,   time(2)), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_13
+  %% UTP_15
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to
+  % the start + end time constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_15
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      out1 = timespan('14:00:00', '14:00:05');
+      out2 = timespan('00:00:01', time(4));
+      out3 = timespan(time(1234), time(2345));
+      out4 = timespan(time(1.234), '00:00:05');
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timespan'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out4.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      % Check values
+      if ~eq(out1.startT, time('14:00:00')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.endT,   time('14:00:05')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.startT, time('00:00:01')), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.endT,   time(4)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.startT, time(1234)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.endT,   time(2345)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4.startT, time(1.234)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4.endT,   time('00:00:05')), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_15
+  %% UTP_16
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to the conn+Id constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_16
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    conn = utpGetConnection
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_timespan_timespan_16: submit timespan';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_timespan_timespan_16: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = 'utp_timespan_timespan_16';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+      [ids] = submit(ts4, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      out = timespan(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      % Close connection
+      utpCloseConnection(conn);
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timespan'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      % Check data values
+      if ~eq(out,ts4, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % Check the history except the additional 'submit' + 'retrieve' steps
+      if ~eq(out.hist.inhists, ts4.hist), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      mout = rebuild(out);
+      if ~eq(mout, out, ple3), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_16
+  %% UTP_17
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the TIMESPAN method properly applies history to
+  % the start + end time + format constructor.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_17
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the output can be processed back with the rebuild method.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      f1 = 'HH:MM:SS';
+      f2 = 'HH:MM:SS';
+      f4 = 'HH:MM:SS';
+      out1 = timespan('14:00:00', '14:00:05', f1);
+      out2 = timespan('00:00:01', time(4), f2);
+      out3 = timespan(time(1.234), time(2.345));
+      out4 = timespan(time(1.234), '00:00:05', f4);
+      mout1 = rebuild(out1);
+      mout2 = rebuild(out2);
+      mout3 = rebuild(out3);
+      mout4 = rebuild(out4);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the last entry in the history of 'out' corresponds to
+    %    'timespan'.
+    % 2) Check that the 'rebuild' method produces the same object as 'out'.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the last step in the history of 'out'
+      if ~strcmp(out1.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out2.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out3.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      if ~strcmp(out4.hist.methodInfo.mname, 'timespan'), atest = false; end
+      % Check first object
+      if ~eq(out1.startT, time('14:00:00', f1)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out1.endT,   time('14:00:05', f1)), atest = false; end
+      % Check second object
+      if ~eq(out2.startT, time('00:00:01', f2)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out2.endT,   time(4.000)), atest = false; end
+      % Check third object
+      if ~eq(out3.startT, time(1.234)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out3.endT,   time(2.345)), atest = false; end
+      % Check fourth object
+      if ~eq(out4.startT, time(1.234)), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(out4.endT,   time('00:00:05', f4)), atest = false; end
+      % Rebuild object and check the result
+      if ~eq(mout1, out1, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout2, out2, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout3, out3, ple1), atest = false; end
+      if ~eq(mout4, out4, ple1), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_17
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_type.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_TYPE a set of UTPs for the timespan/type method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_type.m,v 1.2 2009/07/28 13:17:24 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The type method of the timespan class converts the input objects to 
+% MATLAB functions that reproduce the processing steps that led to the 
+% input objects.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_type(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'type';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    % Test TIMESPAN objects
+    [ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, ts5, ts6, tsv, tsm] = get_test_objects_timespan;
+    % Exception list for the UTPs:
+    [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+    % DEfine the filename
+    filename = 'test_timespan_type.m';
+    % Run the tests
+    results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+    results = [results utp_02];    % Vector input
+    results = [results utp_03];    % Matrix input
+    results = [results utp_04];    % List input
+    results = [results utp_05];    % Test with mixed input
+    results = [results utp_06];    % Test history is working
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        %%% SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        %%% Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        %%%%%%%%%%   SET 'Default'
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 2, atest = false; end
+        % Check key
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('filename'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('stop_option'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('filename')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('stop_option'), 'full'), atest = false; end
+        % Check options
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('filename'), {''}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.getOptionsForParam('stop_option'), {'full', 'File', 'Repo', 'File Repo', 'N'}), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a vector of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(tsv, filename);
+      type(tsv);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      if ~eq(tsv, mout, ple2), atest = false; end;
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a matrix of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(tsm, filename);
+      type(tsm);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(tsm)
+        if ~eq(tsm(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works for a list of TIMESPAN objects as input.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(ts5,ts4,ts3, filename);
+      type(ts5,ts4,ts3);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts5,ts4,ts3];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if ~eq(tsin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method works with a mix of different shaped TIMESPAN objects
+  % as input.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the type method works with an input of matrices and vectors
+    % and single TIMESPAN objects.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      type(ts4,tsv,ts2,tsm,ts1, filename);
+      type(ts4,tsv,ts2,tsm,ts1);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check the rebuilt output.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    tsin  = [ts4,reshape(tsv,1,[]),ts2,reshape(tsm,1,[]),ts1];
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % Check the output
+      res = exist(filename, 'file');
+      if res ~= 2, atest = false; end;
+      % Run the created test file
+      mout = eval(strtok(filename, '.'));
+      % Type doesn't keep the shape
+      for ii = 1:numel(tsin)
+        if ~eq(tsin(ii), mout(ii), ple2), atest = false; end;
+      end
+      % Necessary for the next test
+      delete(filename);
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
+  %% UTP_06
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the type method properly applies history.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_06
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % The method type doesn't change the data, thus it is not possible to check
+    % the history. Nothing to do.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_06
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/utps/timespan/utp_timespan_update.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+% UTP_TIMESPAN_UPDATE a set of UTPs for the timespan/update method
+% M Hewitson 06-08-08
+% $Id: utp_timespan_update.m,v 1.13 2010/08/18 09:25:55 ingo Exp $
+% <MethodDescription>
+% The update method of the timespan class updates (replace) an LTPDA object
+% in the repository with the given replacement object. It is only possible
+% to update one object. This is the reason why the general UTPs are not
+% possible.
+% </MethodDescription>
+function results = utp_timespan_update(varargin)
+  % Check the inputs
+  if nargin == 0
+    % Some keywords
+    class   = 'timespan';
+    mthd    = 'update';
+    results = [];
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    disp(['****  Running UTPs for ' class '/' mthd]);
+    disp('******************************************************');
+    plForAutoTest = plist('no dialog', true, 'use selector', false);
+    pl  = plist('timezone', 'PST', 'timeformat', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF', 'startT', time(1234), 'endT', time(12345));
+    obj = timespan(pl);
+    obj.setName();
+    try
+      conn = utpGetConnection();
+      sinfo.conn                   = conn;
+      sinfo.experiment_title       = 'utp_timespan_update: update timespan';
+      sinfo.experiment_description = 'utp_timespan_update: description';
+      sinfo.analysis_description   = '<utp_timespan_update>';
+      sinfo.quantity               = 'none';
+      sinfo.keywords               = 'none';
+      sinfo.reference_ids          = '';
+      sinfo.additional_comments    = 'none';
+      sinfo.additional_authors     = 'no one';
+      [ids, cids] = submit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Exception list for the UTPs:
+      [ple1,ple2,ple3,ple4,ple5,ple6] = get_test_ples();
+      % Run the tests
+      results = [results utp_01];    % getInfo call
+      results = [results utp_02];    % Test with conn
+      results = [results utp_03];    % Test with sinfo
+      results = [results utp_04];    % Test update of an binary file
+      results = [results utp_05];    % Test replace with other object
+    catch
+    end
+    % Close connection
+    utpCloseConnection(conn)
+    disp('Done.');
+    disp('******************************************************');
+  elseif nargin == 1 % Check for UTP functions
+    if strcmp(varargin{1}, 'isutp')
+      results = 1;
+    else
+      results = 0;
+    end
+  else
+    error('### Incorrect inputs')
+  end
+  %% UTP_01
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the getInfo call works for this method.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_01
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Test that the getInfo call works for no sets, all sets, and each set
+    % individually.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Call for no sets
+      io(1) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''None'')']);
+      % Call for all sets
+      io(2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''')']);
+      % Call for each set
+      for kk=1:numel(io(2).sets)
+        io(kk+2) = eval([class '.getInfo(''' mthd ''', ''' io(2).sets{kk} ''')']);
+      end
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that getInfo call returned an minfo object in all cases.
+    % 2) Check that all plists have the correct parameters.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      % check we have minfo objects
+      if isa(io, 'minfo')
+        prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
+        hosts = utils.helper.jArrayList2CellArray(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames());
+        % SET 'None'
+        if ~isempty(io(1).sets), atest = false; end
+        if ~isempty(io(1).plists), atest = false; end
+        % Check all Sets
+        if ~any(strcmpi(io(2).sets, 'Default')), atest = false; end
+        if numel(io(2).plists) ~= numel(io(2).sets), atest = false; end
+        % SET 'Default'
+        % Check key
+        if io(3).plists.nparams ~= 15, atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('hostname'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('database'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('username'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('password'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment title'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('experiment description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('analysis description'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('quantity'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('keywords'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('reference ids'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional comments'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('additional authors'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('no dialog'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('use selector'), atest = false; end
+        if ~io(3).plists.isparam('binary'), atest = false; end
+        % Check default value
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('hostname'), hosts{1}), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('database')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('username')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('password')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment title')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('experiment description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('analysis description')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('quantity')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('keywords')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('reference ids')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional comments')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isEmptyChar(io(3).plists.find('additional authors')), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('no dialog'), false), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('use selector'), true), atest = false; end
+        if ~isequal(io(3).plists.find('binary'), false), atest = false; end
+      end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_01
+  %% UTP_02
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_02
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database object (conn) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (conn)');
+      update(uobj, ids, conn, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_02
+  %% UTP_03
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_03
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Use a database info structure (sinfo) to establish the connection.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_03
+  %% UTP_04
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+  % position 'ids' with the new object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_04
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method updates the repository at the given
+    % position 'ids' with the new object.
+    % Check that the update method also updates objects which are stored as
+    % a binary file.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Submit the object as a binary
+      [ids_bin, cids] = bsubmit(obj, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = obj.setName('I was updated (sinfo)');
+      update(uobj, ids_bin, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids_bin'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids_bin);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_04
+  %% UTP_05
+  % <TestDescription>
+  %
+  % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository with
+  % a completely other object.
+  %
+  % </TestDescription>
+  function result = utp_05
+    % <SyntaxDescription>
+    %
+    % Tests that the update method replaces the object in the repository
+    % with a completely other object.
+    % Replace the timespan object with a filter object.
+    %
+    % </SyntaxDescription>
+    try
+      % <SyntaxCode>
+      % Make some changes to the object.
+      uobj = miir(plist('type', 'lowpass'));
+      update(uobj, ids, sinfo, plForAutoTest);
+      % Retrieve the object from the repository position 'ids'
+      robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, ids);
+      % </SyntaxCode>
+      stest = true;
+    catch err
+      disp(err.message)
+      stest = false;
+    end
+    % <AlgoDescription>
+    %
+    % 1) Check that the updated object 'uobj' and the retrieved object
+    %    'robj' are the same.
+    %
+    % </AlgoDescription>
+    atest = true;
+    if stest
+      % <AlgoCode>
+      if ~eq(uobj, robj), atest = false; end
+      % </AlgoCode>
+    else
+      atest = false;
+    end
+    % Return a result structure
+    result = utp_prepare_result(atest, stest, dbstack, mfilename);
+  end % END UTP_05
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testing/utp_1.1/write_utp_document.m	Tue Dec 06 18:42:11 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+function write_utp_document(outfile, results)
+  txt = '';
+  fd = fopen(outfile, 'w+');
+  fprintf(fd, '\\section{Results}\n');
+  while ~isempty(results)
+    % get the first method
+    cls  = results(1).class;
+    mthd = results(1).method;
+    % find all results for this method
+    n = 1;
+    indices = [];
+    clear mresults;
+    for ll=1:numel(results)
+      if strcmp(cls, results(ll).class) && strcmp(mthd, results(ll).method)
+        mresults(n) = results(ll);
+        indices = [indices ll];
+        n = n + 1;
+      end
+    end
+    if n==1
+      mresults = [];
+    end
+    results(indices) = [];
+    writeTestTable(fd, mresults);
+    fprintf('remaining %d\n', length(results));
+  end
+  % write output
+  fclose(fd);
+function txt = writeTestTable(fd, results)
+  txt = '';
+  cls = results(1).class;
+  mth = results(1).method;
+  writeHeader(fd, cls, mth);
+  for kk=1:numel(results)
+    res = results(kk);
+    rcol = '';
+    if ~res.a || ~res.s
+      rcol = '\rowcolor{red}';
+    end
+    if res.s
+      syntax = 'pass';
+    else
+      syntax = 'fail';
+    end
+    if res.a
+      algo = 'pass';
+    else
+      algo = 'fail';
+    end
+    fprintf(fd, '%s \\multirow{2}{3cm}{%s %s} & \\multirow{2}{5cm}{%s} & %s & %s \\\\ \\cline{3-4}\n', rcol, res.num, res.subnum, fix(res.doc.desc), fix(res.doc.syntax), syntax);
+    fprintf(fd, '%s        &    & %s & %s \\\\ \\hline\n', rcol, fix(res.doc.algo), algo);
+  end
+  writeFooter(fd, cls, mth);
+function s = fix(str)
+  s = strrep(str, '_', '\_');
+  s = strrep(s, '^', '\^');
+  parts = regexp(s, '\n', 'split');
+  parts(cellfun('isempty', parts)) = [];
+  if isempty(parts)
+    s = '';
+  else
+    s = parts{1};
+    for kk=2:numel(parts)
+      s = [s sprintf('\n') parts{kk}];
+    end
+  end
+function writeHeader(fd, cls, mth)
+  fprintf(fd, '\\begin{longtable}{|p{3cm}|p{5cm}|p{5cm}|c|} \\hline\n');
+  fprintf(fd, '{\\bf %s/%s} &&& \\\\ \\hline\n', cls, mth);
+  fprintf(fd, '\\endhead\n');
+function writeFooter(fd, cls, mth)
+%   fprintf(fd, '\\end{tabular}\n');
+%   fprintf(fd, '\\end{center}\n');
+  fprintf(fd, '\\caption{Unit tests for %s/%s.}\n', cls, mth);
+  fprintf(fd, '\\label{tab:%s_%s}\n', cls, mth);
+  fprintf(fd, '\\end{longtable}\n');
+  fprintf(fd, '\\clearpage\n\n\n');